Provided by: augustus_3.5.0+dfsg-4build6_amd64
filterBam - filter BAM file for use with AUGUSTUS tools
filterBam --in in.bam --out out.bam [options]
The input file must be sorted lexicographically by 'queryname', with e.g. • Convert the file into SAM format, sort lexicographically by queryname and convert back again into BAM format. E.g. export LC_ALL=C samtools view -H file.bam > file_sorted.sam samtools view file.bam | sort -k 1 >> file_sorted.sam samtools view -bS file_sorted.sam > file_sorted.bam [be aware: 'export LC_ALL=C' might be used because sort ignores characters like ':'] Also, please bear in mind that this will require converting your BAM file into SAM. • samtools and bamtools provide facilities to do the sorting, but they are not guaranteed to work because of the problem mentioned above. • In the case of samtools, the command to sort by 'queryname' is: samtools sort -n -o file_sorted.bam file.bam For more information check the man page included in samtools distribution. • bamtools can also sort bam files: bamtools sort -byname -in file.bam -out file_sorted.bam but only provides the option to do it by queryname.
Mandatory options -i, --in=in.bam input file in BAM format -o, --out=out.bam output file in BAM format Optional options -u, --uniq keep only the best match, remove all matches, if the second best is not much worse -q f, --uniqThresh=f threshold % for uniq, second best must be lower than this fraction of best to keep the best match (default 0.96) -b, --best output all best matches that satisfy minId and minCover -e n, --minId=n minimal percentage of identity (default 92) -c n, --minCover=n minimal percentage of coverage of the query read (default 80) -n, --noIntrons do not allow longer gaps -for RNA-RNA alignments- -l n, --insertLimit=n maximum assumed size of inserts (default 10) -s n, --maxSortesTest=n test if input file is sorted by query name for this number of alignments (default 100000) -p, --paired require that paired reads are on opposite strands of same target. Requires alignment names to contain the suffixes /1,/2 or /f,/r. -w, --pairwiseAlignments use in case alignments were done in pairwise fashion -x n, --maxIntronLen=n maximal separation of paired reads (default 500000) -d file, --pairBedFile=file file name of pairedness coverage: a BED format file in which for each position the number of filtered read pairs is reported that contain the position in or between the reads -g file, --commonGeneFile=file file name in which to write cases where one read maps several different genes -t n, --threads=n use n threads for compression/decompression (default 1); available only if library SeqLib >= 1.2 is used -v, --verbose output debugging info -h, --help produce help message.
AUGUSTUS was written by M. Stanke, O. Keller, S. König, L. Gerischer and L. Romoth.
An exhaustive documentation can be found in the file /usr/share/doc/augustus/ FILTERBAM(1)