Provided by: gdal-bin_3.10.0+dfsg-1_amd64 bug


       gdal_edit - Edit in place various information of an existing GDAL dataset.


          gdal_edit [--help] [--help-general] [-ro] [-a_srs <srs_def>]
                  [-a_ullr <ulx> <uly> <lrx> <lry>] [-a_ulurll <ulx> <uly> <urx> <ury> <llx> <lly>]
                  [-tr <xres> <yres>] [-unsetgt] [-unsetrpc] [-a_nodata <value>] [-unsetnodata]
                  [-a_coord_epoch <epoch>] [-unsetepoch]
                  [-unsetstats] [-stats] [-approx_stats]
                  [-setstats <min> <max> <mean> <stddev>]
                  [-scale <value>] [-offset <value>] [-units <value>]
                  [-colorinterp_<X> {red|green|blue|alpha|gray|undefined|pan|coastal|rededge|nir|swir|mwir|lwir|...}]...
                  [-gcp <pixel> <line> <easting> <northing> [<elevation>]]...
                  [-unsetmd] [-oo <NAME>=<VALUE>]... [-mo <META-TAG>=<VALUE>]...


       gdal_edit  can  be  used  to edit in place various information of an existing GDAL dataset
       (projection, geotransform, nodata, metadata).

       It works only with raster formats that support update access to existing datasets.

          Depending on the format, older values of the updated information might still  be  found
          in the file in a "ghost" state, even if no longer accessible through the GDAL API. This
          is for example the case of the GTiff -- GeoTIFF File  Format  format  (this  is  not  a
          exhaustive list).

          gdal_edit  is  a  Python  utility,  and  is  only available if GDAL Python bindings are

       --help Show this help message and exit

              Gives a brief usage message for the generic GDAL commandline options and exit.

       -ro    Open the dataset in read-only. Might be useful for  drivers  refusing  to  use  the
              dataset  in  update-mode.  In  which  case,  updated  information  will go into PAM
              .aux.xml files.

       -a_srs <srs_def>
              Defines the target coordinate system.  This coordinate system will  be  written  to
              the  dataset.   If  the  empty  string  or  None  is  specified,  then the existing
              coordinate system will be removed (for TIFF/GeoTIFF, might not  be  well  supported
              besides that).

       -a_coord_epoch <epoch>
              Assign/override  the  coordinate  epoch  of  the  dataset, as a decimal year (e.g.,

              New in version 3.9.

              Remove the coordinate epoch of the dataset.

              New in version 3.9.

       -a_ullr <ulx> <uly> <lrx> <lry>
              Assign/override the georeferenced bounds of the dataset.

       -a_ulurll <ulx> <uly> <urx> <ury> <llx> <lly>
              Assign/override  the  georeferenced  bounds  of  the  dataset  from  three  points:
              upper-left,  upper-right and lower-left. Unlike -a_ullr, this also supports rotated
              datasets (edges not parallel to coordinate system axes).

              New in version 3.1.

       -tr <xres> <yres>
              Set target resolution. The values must be expressed in georeferenced  units.   Both
              must be positive values.

              Remove the georeference information.

              Remove RPC information.

              New in version 2.4.

              Remove band statistics information.

              New in version 2.0.

       -stats Calculate and store band statistics.

              New in version 2.0.

       -setstats <min> <max> <mean> <stddev>
              Store  user-defined values for band statistics (minimum, maximum, mean and standard
              deviation). If any  of  the  values  is  set  to  None,  the  real  statistics  are
              calclulated  from  the  file  and  the  ones  set  to  None  are used from the real

              New in version 2.4.

              Calculate and store approximate band statistics.

              New in version 2.0.

       -a_nodata <value>
              Assign a specified nodata value to output bands.

              Remove existing nodata values.

              New in version 2.1.

       -scale <value>
              Assign a specified scale value to  output  bands.   If  a  single  scale  value  is
              provided  it will be set for all bands.  Alternatively one scale value per band can
              be provided, in which case the number of scale values  must  match  the  number  of
              bands.   If no scale is needed, it it recommended to set the value to 1.  Scale and
              Offset are generally used together. For example, scale and offset might be used  to
              store  elevations  in  a  unsigned  16bit integer file with a precision of 0.1, and
              starting from -100. True values would be calculated as: true_value = (pixel_value *
              scale) + offset

                 These values can be applied using -unscale during a gdal_translate run.

              New in version 2.2.

       -offset <value>
              Assign  a  specified  offset  value  to  output bands.  If a single offset value is
              provided it will be set for all bands.  Alternatively one offset value per band can
              be  provided,  in  which  case the number of offset values must match the number of
              bands.  If no offset is needed, it recommended to set the value to 0.  For more see

              New in version 2.2.

       -units <value>
              Assign a unit to output band(s).

              New in version 3.1.

              Change the color interpretation of band X (where X is a valid band number, starting
              at 1).

              New in version 2.3.

       -gcp pixel <line> <easting> <northing> [<elevation>]
              Add the indicated ground control point to the dataset.  This option may be provided
              multiple times to provide a set of GCPs.

              Remove existing metadata (in the default metadata domain).  Can  be  combined  with

              New in version 2.0.

       -mo <META-TAG>=<VALUE>
              Passes  a  metadata  key  and value to set on the output dataset if possible.  This
              metadata is  added  to  the  existing  metadata  items,  unless  -unsetmd  is  also

       -oo <NAME>=<VALUE>
              Open option (format specific).

              New in version 2.0.

       The -a_ullr, -a_ulurll, -tr and -unsetgt options are exclusive.

       The -unsetstats and either -stats or -approx_stats options are exclusive.


          gdal_edit -mo DATUM=WGS84 -mo PROJ=GEODETIC -a_ullr 7 47 8 46 test.ecw

          gdal_edit -scale 1e3 1e4 -offset 0 10 twoBand.tif


       Even Rouault <>



                                           Nov 01, 2024                              GDAL_EDIT(1)