Provided by: mcxtrace-mxplot-matplotlib_3.5+0.0~git20240801183257.cdaa431+ds5-2_amd64
mxplot-matplotlib - Plotting the results of a mcxtrace simulation using Matplotlib
mxplot-matplotlib [-h] [-t] [–html] [–format FORMAT] [–output OUTPUT] [–log] [–backend BACKEND] [simulation ...]
The front-end mxplot-matplotlib is a program that produces plots of all the monitors in a simulation, and it is thus useful to get a quick overview of the simulation results. In the simplest case, the front-end is run simply by typing mxplot-matplotlib. This will plot any simulation data stored in the current directory, which is where simulations store their results by default. If the --dir or --file options have been used, the name of the file or directory should be passed to mxplot-matplotlib, e.g. mxplot-matplotlib dir or mxplot-matplotlib file. It is also possible to plot one single text (not binary) data file from a given monitor, passing its name to mxplot-matplotlib. The -h option will list valid options. This is the Matplotlib plotting tool.
simulation file or directory to plot -h, –help show this help message and exit -t, –test mxcode data loader test run –html save plot to html using mpld3 (linux only) –format FORMAT save plot to pdf/png/eps/svg... without bringing up window –output OUTPUT save plot to given file without bringing up window. Extension (e.g. pdf/png/eps/svg) can be specified in the file name or --format –log initiate plot(s) with log of signal –backend BACKEND use non-default backend for matplotlib plot
/usr/share/mcxtrace/resources /usr/share/mcxtrace/tools/Python/mccodelib/mccode_config.json ~/.mcxtrace/mccode_config.json
Run and plot the Test_SX example (Single crystal diffraction) • mxrun Test_SX.instr -d output_dir -n 1e7 TTH=13.4 • mxplot-matplotlib output_dir
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MCXTRACE xray Ray Tracing Team. git mxPLOT-MATPLOTLIB(1)