Provided by: rsync_3.3.0-1_amd64 bug


       rsync-ssl - a helper script for connecting to an ssl rsync daemon


       rsync-ssl [--type=SSL_TYPE] RSYNC_ARGS

       The online version of this manpage (that includes cross-linking of topics) is available at


       The rsync-ssl script helps you to run an rsync copy to/from an rsync daemon that  requires
       ssl connections.

       The script requires that you specify an rsync-daemon arg in the style of either hostname::
       (with 2 colons) or rsync://hostname/.  The default port used for connecting  is  874  (one
       higher  than  the  normal  873)  unless overridden in the environment.  You can specify an
       overriding port via --port or by including it in the normal spot in the URL format, though
       both of those require your rsync version to be at least 3.2.0.


       If  the  first  arg  is a --type=SSL_TYPE option, the script will only use that particular
       program to open an ssl connection  instead  of  trying  to  find  an  openssl  or  stunnel
       executable  via  a simple heuristic (assuming that the RSYNC_SSL_TYPE environment variable
       is not set as well -- see below).  This option must specify one  of  openssl  or  stunnel.
       The equal sign is required for this particular option.

       All  the  other  options  are passed through to the rsync command, so consult the rsync(1)
       manpage for more information on how it works.


       The ssl helper scripts are affected by the following environment variables:

              Specifies the program type that should be used to open the ssl connection.  It must
              be  one  of  openssl  or  stunnel.  The --type=SSL_TYPE option overrides this, when

              If specified, the value is the port number that is used as  the  default  when  the
              user  does  not  specify  a  port  in their rsync command.  When not specified, the
              default port number is 874.  (Note that older rsync versions (prior to  3.2.0)  did
              not communicate an overriding port number value to the helper script.)

              If  specified,  the  value is a filename that contains a certificate to use for the

              If specified, the value is  a  filename  that  contains  a  key  for  the  provided
              certificate to use for the connection.

              If  specified,  the  value  is  a  filename  that  contains a certificate authority
              certificate that is used to validate the connection.

              Specifies the openssl executable to run when the connection type is set to openssl.
              If unspecified, the $PATH is searched for "openssl".

              Specifies  the  gnutls-cli  executable  to  run  when the connection type is set to
              gnutls.  If unspecified, the $PATH is searched for "gnutls-cli".

              Specifies the stunnel executable to run when the connection type is set to stunnel.
              If unspecified, the $PATH is searched first for "stunnel4" and then for "stunnel".


           rsync-ssl -aiv dest

           rsync-ssl --type=openssl -aiv dest

           rsync-ssl -aiv --port 9874 dest

           rsync-ssl -aiv rsync:// dest


       For help setting up an SSL/TLS supporting rsync, see the instructions in rsyncd.conf.


       rsync(1), rsyncd.conf(5)


       Note that using an stunnel connection requires at least version 4 of stunnel, which should
       be the case on modern systems.  Also, it does not  verify  a  connection  against  the  CA
       certificate  collection,  so  it  only encrypts the connection without any cert validation
       unless you have specified the certificate environment options.

       This script also supports a --type=gnutls option, but at the  time  of  this  release  the
       gnutls-cli command was dropping output, making it unusable.  If that bug has been fixed in
       your version, feel free to put gnutls into an exported RSYNC_SSL_TYPE environment variable
       to make its use the default.


       Please report bugs! See the web site at ⟨⟩.


       This manpage is current for version 3.3.0 of rsync.


       Rsync  is  distributed  under  the  GNU  General Public License.  See the file COPYING for

       A web site is available at ⟨⟩.  The site includes  an  FAQ-O-Matic
       which may cover questions unanswered by this manual page.


       This manpage was written by Wayne Davison.

       Mailing lists for support and development are available at ⟨⟩.