Provided by: ustreamer_5.4-1build1_amd64 bug


       ustreamer - stream MJPEG video from any V4L2 device to the network


       ustreamer [OPTIONS]


       µStreamer  (ustreamer)  is  a lightweight and very quick server to stream MJPEG video from
       any V4L2 device to the network. All new browsers have native support of this video format,
       as  well as most video players such as mplayer, VLC etc. µStreamer is a part of the Pi-KVM
       project designed to stream  VGA  and  HDMI  screencast  hardware  data  with  the  highest
       resolution and FPS possible.


       Without  arguments,  ustreamer  will  try  to open /dev/video0 with 640x480 resolution and
       start streaming on You can override this behavior using  parameters
       --device,  --host  and  --port.  For  example,  to  stream  to  the  world, run: ustreamer
       --device=/dev/video1 --host= --port=80

       Please note that since µStreamer v2.0 cross-domain requests were disabled by  default  for
       security reasons. To enable the old behavior, use the option --allow-origin=\*.

       For  example, the recommended way of running µStreamer with Auvidea B101 on a Raspberry Pi

       ustreamer \
              --format=uyvy \ # Device input format
              --encoder=m2m-image \ # Hardware encoding with V4L2 M2M intraface
              --workers=3 \ # Maximum workers for V4L2 encoder
              --persistent \ # Don´t re-initialize device on timeout (for example when HDMI cable was disconnected)
              --dv-timings \ # Use DV-timings
              --drop-same-frames=30 # Save the traffic

       Please note that to use --drop-same-frames for different browsers you need to use some specific URL /stream parameters (see URL / for details).

       You can always view the full list of options with ustreamer --help. Some features may not be available on your platform. To find out which features are enabled, use ustreamer --features.


   Capturing options
       -d /dev/path, --device /dev/path
              Path to V4L2 device. Default: /dev/video0.

       -i N, --input N
              Input channel. Default: 0.

       -r WxH, --resolution WxH
              Initial image resolution. Default: 640x480.

       -m fmt, --format fmt
              Image format.  Available: YUYV, UYVY, RGB565, RGB24, JPEG; default: YUYV.

       -a std, --tv-standard std
              Force TV standard.  Available: PAL, NTSC, SECAM; default: disabled.

       -I method, --io-method method
              Set V4L2 IO method (see kernel  documentation).  Changing  of  this  parameter  may
              increase the performance. Or not.  Available: MMAP, USERPTR; default: MMAP.

       -f N, --desired-fps N
              Desired FPS. Default: maximum possible.

       -z N, --min-frame-size N
              Drop  frames  smaller  then  this  limit. Useful if the device produces small-sized
              garbage frames. Default: 128 bytes.

       -n, --persistent
              Don't re-initialize device on timeout. Default: disabled.

       -t, --dv-timings
              Enable DV-timings querying and events processing to  automatic  resolution  change.
              Default: disabled.

       -b N, --buffers N
              The  number  of  buffers to receive data from the device. Each buffer may processed
              using an independent thread.  Default: 2 (the number of CPU  cores  (but  not  more
              than 4) + 1).

       -w N, --workers N
              The  number of worker threads but not more than buffers.  Default: 1 (the number of
              CPU cores (but not more than 4)).

       -q N, --quality N
              Set quality of JPEG encoding from 1 to  100  (best).  Default:  80.   Note:  If  HW
              encoding  is  used  (JPEG  source  format  selected),  this  parameter  attempts to
              configure the camera or capture device hardware's internal  encoder.  It  does  not
              re-encode  MJPEG  to  MJPEG  to  change  the quality level for sources that already
              output MJPEG.

       -c type, --encoder type
              Use specified encoder. It may affect the number of workers.

              CPU ─ Software MJPEG encoding (default).

              HW ─ Use pre-encoded MJPEG frames directly from camera hardware.

              M2M-VIDEO ─ GPU-accelerated MJPEG encoding.

              M2M-IMAGE ─ GPU-accelerated JPEG encoding.

              NOOP ─ Don't compress MJPEG stream (do nothing).

       -g WxH,..., --glitched-resolutions WxH,...
              It doesn't do anything. Still here for compatibility.

       -k path, --blank path
              Path to JPEG file that will be shown when the device  is  disconnected  during  the
              streaming. Default: black screen 640x480 with 'NO SIGNAL'.

       -K sec, --last-as-blank sec
              Show the last frame received from the camera after it was disconnected, but no more
              than specified time (or endlessly if 0 is specified). If the  device  has  not  yet
              been  online,  display  'NO SIGNAL' or the image specified by option --blank. Note:
              currently this option has no effect on memory sinks. Default: disabled.

       -l, --slowdown
              Slowdown capturing to 1 FPS or less when no stream or sink clients  are  connected.
              Useful to reduce CPU consumption. Default: disabled.

       --device-timeout sec
              Timeout for device querying. Default: 1.

       --device-error-delay sec
              Delay  before  trying  to  connect  to the device again after an error (timeout for
              example). Default: 1.

       --m2m-device /dev/path
              Path to V4L2 mem-to-mem encoder device. Default: auto-select.

   Image control options
              Reset all image settings below to default. Default: no change.

       --brightness N, auto, default
              Set brightness. Default: no change.

       --contrast N, default
              Set contrast. Default: no change.

       --saturation N, default
              Set saturation. Default: no change.

       --hue N, auto, default
              Set hue. Default: no change.

       --gamma N, default
              Set gamma. Default: no change.

       --sharpness N, default
              Set sharpness. Default: no change.

       --backlight-compensation N, default
              Set backlight compensation. Default: no change.

       --white-balance N, auto, default
              Set white balance. Default: no change.

       --gain N, auto, default
              Set gain. Default: no change.

       --color-effect N, default
              Set color effect. Default: no change.

       --flip-vertical 1, 0, default
              Set vertical flip. Default: no change.

       --flip-horizontal 1, 0, default
              Set horizontal flip. Default: no change.

   HTTP server options
       -s address, --host address
              Listen on Hostname or IP. Default:

       -p N, --port N
              Bind to this TCP port. Default: 8080.

       -U path, --unix path
              Bind to UNIX domain socket. Default: disabled.

       -D, --unix-rm
              Try to remove old unix socket file before binding. default: disabled.

       -M mode, --unix-mode mode
              Set UNIX socket file permissions (like 777). Default: disabled.

       -S, --systemd
              Bind to systemd  socket  for  socket  activation.  Required  WITH_SYSTEMD  feature.
              Default: disabled.

       --user name
              HTTP basic auth user. Default: disabled.

       --passwd str
              HTTP basic auth passwd. Default: empty.

       --static path
              Path to dir with static files instead of embedded root index page. Symlinks are not
              supported for security reasons. Default: disabled.

       -e N, --drop-same-frames N
              Don't send identical frames to clients, but no more than specified number.  It  can
              significantly reduce the outgoing traffic, but will increase the CPU loading. Don't
              use this option with analog signal  sources  or  webcams,  it's  useless.  Default:

       -R WxH, --fake-resolution WxH
              Override image resolution for the /state. Default: disabled.

              Set  TCP_NODELAY  flag to the client /stream socket. Only for TCP socket.  Default:

       --allow-origin str
              Set Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. Default: disabled.

       --server-timeout sec
              Timeout for client connections. Default: 10.

   JPEG sink options
       With shared memory sink you can write a stream to a file. See ustreamer-dump(1)  for  more

       --sink name
              Use the specified shared memory object to sink JPEG frames. Default: disabled.

       --sink-mode mode
              Set JPEG sink permissions (like 777). Default: 660.

              Remove shared memory on stop. Default: disabled.

       --sink-client-ttl sec
              Client TTL. Default: 10.

       --sink-timeout sec
              Timeout for lock. Default: 1.

   H264 sink options
       --h264-sink name
              Use the specified shared memory object to sink H264 frames. Default: disabled.

       --h264-sink-mode mode
              Set H264 sink permissions (like 777). Default: 660.

              Remove shared memory on stop. Default: disabled.

       --h264-sink-client-ttl sec
              Client TTL. Default: 10.

       --h264-sink-timeout sec
              Timeout for lock. Default: 1.

       --h264-bitrate kbps
              H264 bitrate in Kbps. Default: 5000.

       --h264-gop N
              Intarval between keyframes. Default: 30.

       --h264-m2m-device /dev/path
              Path to V4L2 mem-to-mem encoder device. Default: auto-select.

   Process options
              Exit  the  program  if  the parent process is dead. Required HAS_PDEATHSIG feature.
              Default: disabled.

              Exit the program if there have been no stream or sink clients or any HTTP  requests
              in the last N seconds. Default: 0 (disabled).

       --process-name-prefix str
              Set  process  name  prefix  which  will be displayed in the process list like 'str:
              ustreamer --blah-blah-blah'. Required WITH_SETPROCTITLE feature. Default: disabled.

              Send SIGUSR2 to the parent process when the stream parameters are changed. Checking
              changes   is   performed  for  the  online  flag  and  image  resolution.  Required
              WITH_SETPROCTITLE feature.

   GPIO options
       Available only if WITH_GPIO feature enabled.

       --gpio-device /dev/path
              Path to GPIO character device. Default: /dev/gpiochip0.

       --gpio-consumer-prefix str
              Consumer prefix for GPIO outputs. Default: ustreamer.

       --gpio-prog-running pin
              Set 1 on GPIO pin while µStreamer is running. Default: disabled.

       --gpio-stream-online pin
              Set 1 while streaming. Default: disabled.

       --gpio-has-http-clients pin
              Set 1 while stream has at least one client. Default: disabled.

   Logging options
       --log-level N
              Verbosity level of messages from 0 (info) to 3 (debug). Enabling debugging messages
              can  slow  down  the  program.   Available  levels:  0  (info),  1 (performance), 2
              (verbose), 3 (debug).  Default: 0.

       --perf Enable performance messages (same as --log-level=1). Default: disabled.

              Enable verbose messages and lower (same as --log-level=2). Default: disabled.

              Enable debug messages and lower (same as --log-level=3). Default: disabled.

              Force color logging. Default: colored if stderr is a TTY.

              Disable color logging. Default: ditto.

   Help options
       -h, --help
              Print this text and exit.

       -v, --version
              Print version and exit.

              Print list of supported features.




       Please file any bugs and issues at


       Maxim Devaev <>



       GNU General Public License v3.0