Provided by: swayimg_3.4-1_amd64
swayimgrc - configuration file for the Swayimg viewer
The Swayimg configuration file is a text-based INI file used to override the default settings.
Swayimg searches for a config file in the following locations, in this order: - $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/swayimg/config - $HOME/.config/swayimg/config - $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/swayimg/config - /etc/xdg/swayimg/config
The structure of the INI file consists of key-value pairs for properties and sections that organize properties. The basic element contained in the INI file is the key or property. Every key has a name and a value, delimited by an equals sign (=). The name appears to the left of the equals sign. The value can contain any characters. Keys are grouped into named sections. The section name appears on a line by itself, in square brackets ([ and ]). All keys after the section declaration are associated with that section. The number sign (#) at the beginning of the line indicates a comment. Empty lines and comments are ignored. Any option can be overridden using the --config argument in the command line, for instance: `swayimg --config="general.mode=gallery"`.
General The general configuration is stored in the section [general]. mode = [viewer|gallery] Mode used at startup, viewer by default. position = [parent|X,Y] Set initial position of the window (Sway only): parent: set position from parent (currently active) window (default); X,Y: absolute coordinates of the top left corner, e.g. 100,200. size = [fullscreen|parent|image|W,H] Set initial size of the window: fullscreen: use fullscreen mode; parent: set size from parent (currently active) window (Sway only, default); image: set size from the first loaded image; W,H: absolute size of the window in pixels. sigusr1 = ACTION Set the action to be performed when the SIGUSR1 signal is triggered. Default value is reload. sigusr2 = ACTION Set the action to be performed when the SIGUSR2 signal is triggered. Default value is next_file. app_id = NAME Application ID used as window class name. Viewer Configuration is defined in the [viewer] section. window = #COLOR Window background color in RGB or RGBA format, default is #00000000. transparency = [grid|#COLOR] Background for transparent images: grid: draw chessboard (default); #COLOR: solid color in RGB or RGBA, e.g "#10ff4280". scale = MODE Default image scale, valid modes are: optimal: 100% or less to fit to window (default); width: fit image width to window width; height: fit image height to window height; fit: fit to window; fill: crop image to fill the window; real: real size (100%). fixed = [yes|no] Fix position of the image on the window surface, yes by default. antialiasing = [yes|no] Enable or disable antialising (better quality, but slow rendering), no by default. slideshow = [yes|no] Run slideshow at startup, no by default. slideshow_time = SECONDS Set slideshow image duration in seconds, default is 3. history = SIZE Number of previously viewed images to store in cache, 1 by default. preload = SIZE Number of images to preload in a separate thread, 1 by default. Gallery Configuration is defined in the [gallery] section. size = PIXELS Max size of the thumbnail in pixels, 200 by default. fill = [yes|no] Fill the entire tile with thumbnail, yes by default. cache = SIZE Max number of thumbnails in cache, 0 to unlimit, 100 by default. antialiasing = [yes|no] Use anti-aliasing for thumbnails, no by default. window = #COLOR Background color of the window, default is #00000000. background = #COLOR Background color of the tile, default is #202020ff. border = #COLOR Border color of the selected tile, default is #000000ff. shadow = #COLOR Shadow color of the selected tile, default is #000000ff. Image list The image list configuration is stored in the section [list]. order = ORDER Set order of the image list: none: unsorted, order is system depended; alpha: sorted alphabetically (default); reverse: reversed alphabetically; random: randomize list. loop = [yes|no] Looping file list mode, yes by default. recursive = [yes|no] Read directories recursively, no by default. all = [yes|no] Open all files in the same directory, yes by default. Font The font configuration is stored in the section [font]. name = NAME Set the font name used for text, default is monospace. size = SIZE Set the font size (in pt), default is 14. color = #COLOR Set text color in RGBA format, default is #ccccccff. shadow = #COLOR Draw text shadow with specified color, default is #000000a0. To disable shadow use fully transparent color #00000000. Text info: common configuration The section [info] describes how to display image meta data (file name, size, EXIF etc). show = [yes|no] Enable or disable info text at startup, yes by default. info_timeout = SECONDS Timeout of image information displayed on the screen, 0 to always show, default is 5. status_timeout = SECONDS Timeout of the status message displayed on the screen, default is 3. Text info: viewer The section [info.viewer] describes how to display image meta data (file name, size, EXIF etc) in viewer mode. Each key/value configures a set of fields and their format. top_left = LIST Set the display scheme for the upper left corner of the window. top_right = LIST Set the display scheme for the upper right corner of the window. bottom_left = LIST Set the display scheme for the lower left corner of the window. bottom_right = LIST Set the display scheme for the lower right corner of the window. LIST can contain any number of fields separated by commas. Plus at the beginning of a field name adds the field title to the display. Available fields: name File name of the currently viewed/selected image. path Path or special source string of the currently viewed/selected image. filesize File size in human readable format. format Brief image format description. imagesize Size of the image (or its current frame) in pixels. exif List of EXIF data. frame Current and total number of frames. index Current and total index of image in the image list. scale Current image scale in percent. status Status message. none Empty field (ignored). Text info: gallery The section [] describes how to display image meta data (file name, size, EXIF etc) in gallery mode, same format as for viewer mode. Key bindings The key bindings are described in sections [keys.viewer] and []. Each line associates a key with a list of actions and optional parameters. Actions are separated by semicolons. One or more key modifiers (Ctrl, Alt, Shift) can be specified in the key name. The key name can be obtained with the xkbcli tool: `xkbcli interactive-wayland`. Predefined names for mouse scroll: ScrollUp: Mouse wheel up; ScrollDown: Mouse wheel down; ScrollLeft: Mouse scroll left; ScrollRight: Mouse scroll right. Viewer mode actions none: can be used for removing built-in action; help: show/hide help; first_file: jump to the first file; last_file: jump to the last file; prev_dir: jump to previous directory; next_dir: jump to next directory; prev_file: jump to previous file; next_file: jump to next file; prev_frame: show previous frame; next_frame: show next frame; skip_file: skip the current file (remove from the image list); animation: start/stop animation; slideshow: start/stop slideshow; fullscreen: switch full screen mode; mode [MODE]: switch between viewer and gallery; step_left [PERCENT]: move viewport left, default is 10%; step_right [PERCENT]: move viewport right, default is 10%; step_up [PERCENT]: move viewport up, default is 10%; step_down [PERCENT]: move viewport down, default is 10%; zoom [SCALE]: zoom in/out/fix, SCALE is one of optimal, width, height, fit, fill, real, or percent, e.g. +10; rotate_left: rotate image anticlockwise; rotate_right: rotate image clockwise; flip_vertical: flip image vertically; flip_horizontal: flip image horizontally; reload: reset cache and reload current image; antialiasing: switch antialiasing (bicubic interpolation); info [MODE]: switch text info mode or set specified one (off/viewer/gallery); exec COMMAND: execute an external command, use % to substitute the path to the current image, %% to escape %; status TEXT: print message in the status field; exit: exit the application. Gallery mode actions none: can be used for removing built-in action; help: show/hide help; first_file: jump to the first file; last_file: jump to the last file; prev_file: select previous file; next_file: select next file; step_left: select previous image; step_right: select next image; step_up: select image above; step_down: select image below; page_up: scroll page up; page_down: scroll page down; skip_file: skip the current file (remove from the image list); fullscreen: switch full screen mode; mode: switch between viewer and gallery; reload: reset cache and reload current image; antialiasing: switch antialiasing (bicubic interpolation); info [MODE]: switch text info mode or set specified one (off/viewer/gallery); exec COMMAND: execute an external command, use % to substitute the path to the current image, %% to escape %; status TEXT: print message in the status field; exit: exit the application.
# comment [list] order = random [font] size = 16 [keys] Ctrl+Alt+e = exec echo "%" > mylist.txt See `/usr/share/swayimg/swayimgrc` for full example.
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