Provided by: dh-clojure_0.1.1_all bug


       dh-clojure-lein - Debhelper support for Leiningen projects


       Support for Leiningen projects consists of a Debhelper build system, available via the dh
       --buildsystem argument, and support for automatic and customizable adjustments to

       Currently under development, and should not be considered stable until (at least) the dh-
       clojure major version is no longer 0 and this notice changes.


       The build system is designed to facilitate packaging Leiningen-based Clojure projects for
       Debian, and can be activated by passing the --buildsystem=leiningen option to dh:

           dh $@ --buildsystem=leiningen

       It takes action during these debhelper stages:

           Sets up a debian/dh-clojure/tmp/maven-repo symlink pointing to /usr/share/maven-repo
           for use by lein as a :local-repo.

           Creates a debian/dh-clojure/tmp/pom.xml for use in the debian/PACKAGENAME.poms file
           (which it also creates), and it creates an unversioned symlink in target/ for the jar.

           Calls helpers from the maven-repo-helper package to install the built jars into
           /usr/share/java and poms and jar symlinks in /usr/share/maven-repo and generate the
           ${maven:Depends} substitution variable.

           Runs "lein test".

           Runs "lein clean" and cleans up after the previous steps.

   Project Adjustment (middleware)
       The Leiningen project.clj will be adjusted by a middleware injected by the buildsystem
       (see above).  By default, it will set all of the dependency versions in the project to
       "debian", excepting "org.clojure/clojure", which will be set to "1.x".

       The project adjustments may be customized by code in an optional
       debian/dh-clojure-lein.clj file.  That file may define an "dhclj-adjust-project" function
       which will receive a function that returns the leiningen project map, and must return that
       project map, after any adjusments.

       For example, this

        (defn dhclj-adjust-project [project]
          (assoc (project) :version "1.x"))

       changes the project version to "1.x", and of course "dissoc" can remove a map entry.

       Note that all definition names starting with "dhclj-" are reserved by dh-clojure-lein.

       In the project map passed to "dhclj-adjust-project" the values of the dependency-related
       entries ":dependencies", ":managed-dependencies", and ":plugins" are not dependency
       vectors (as in project.clj), but are in leiningen's dependency *map* format, which is more
       suitable for manipulation.  For example

         [[org.clojure/clojure "42.x"]]

       is represented as

         {{:group-id "org.clojure", :artifact-id "clojure"}
          {:artifact-id "clojure", :group-id "org.clojure", :version "42.x"}}

       Though in most cases, this won't be important because the following client functions
       (defined in "debian.dh-clojure-lein.client") handle the common project manipulations (see
       the EXAMPLES section below):

       (add-dep DEP-MAP DEP-SPEC)
           Adds the dependency specified by DEP-SPEC (the dependency must not be present in the
           original project).

       (del-dep DEP-MAP DEP-KEY)
           Removes the dependency specified by DEP-KEY (the dependency must be present in the
           original project).

       (set-dep DEP-MAP DEP-KEY FIELD VALUE)
           Sets the specified FIELD (":version" or ":exclusions") of the dependency specified by
           DEP-VEC to the given value (the dependency must be present in the original project).
           Setting ":exclusions" to "nil" will remove all exclusions from the dependency.

       A DEP-KEY is the subset of a lein project dependency vector that uniquely identifies a
       dependency, either a symbol like "org.clojure/tools.cli" or a a lein project dependency
       vector starting with that symbol, optionally followed by a ":classifier", and/or
       ":extension", for example "[org.clojure/tools.cli :classifier "test"]".

       A DEP_SPECs is a lein project dependency vector with the exception that it may omit the
       version, for example "[org.clojure/tools.cli "1.x"]" or "[org.clojure/tools.cli
       :classifier "test"]".

       Note that unless otherwise specified, the default value for all dependencies will be set
       to either "debian", or for "org.clojure/clojure", to "1.x".

       Some adjustments should only apply when specific profiles are active, for example,
       removing a dependency in a test profile.  The active profile(s) can be investigated via

       (active-profiles PROJECT)
           Returns a sequence of the active profiles like "(:base :system :user :provided :dev)".
           So to check whether the ":test" profile is active: "(some #{:test} (active-profiles

       Emacs clojure-mode and paredit (via elpa-clojure-mode and elpa-paredit in Debian) can be
       quite helpful if you're editing a lot of these files.  They provide automatic indentation,
       highlighting, structural editing, etc.


   Project adjustments
       See the Clojure API <>
       for documentation of specific calls like "assoc", "update", and "->".

       Change the project version:

        (defn dhclj-adjust-project [project]
          (assoc (project) :version "11.x"))

       Change the version and adjust dependencies:

        (require '[debian.dh-clojure-lein.client :as deb])

        (defn adjust-deps [deps]
          (-> deps
              (deb/add-dep '[w "1.x"])
              (deb/add-dep 'org.clojure/core.match)
              (deb/del-dep 'murphy)
              (deb/set-dep 'y :version "5.x")
              (deb/set-dep 'y :exclusions nil) ;; delete exclusions
              (deb/set-dep '[x/y :classifier "test"] :version "5.x")))

        (defn dhclj-adjust-project [project]
          (-> (project)
              (assoc :version "11.x")
              (update :dependencies adjust-deps)))


        (require '[debian.dh-clojure-lein.client :as deb])

        (defn dhclj-adjust-project [project]
          (-> (project)
              (assoc :version "11.x")
              (update :dependencies deb/add-dep '[w "1.x"])
              (update :dependencies deb/add-dep 'org.clojure/core.match)
              (update :dependencies deb/del-dep 'murphy)
              (update :dependencies deb/set-dep 'y :version "5.x")
              (update :dependencies deb/set-dep '[x/y :classifier "test"] :version "5.x")))

       Make profile-specific adjustments:

        (require '[debian.dh-clojure-lein.client :as deb])

        (defn adjust-deps [deps proj]
          (let [test? (some #{:test} (deb/active-profiles proj))
                dev? (some #{:dev} (deb/active-profiles proj))]
            (cond-> deps
              true (deb/add-dep '[w "1.x"])
              dev? (deb/add-dep 'a/b)
              test? (deb/del-dep 'murphy)
              true (deb/set-dep 'x :version "5.x")
              true (deb/set-dep '[x/y :classifier "test"] :version "5.x"))))

        (defn dhclj-adjust-project [project]
          (let [proj (project)]
            (-> (assoc proj :version "11.x")
                (update :dependencies adjust-deps proj))))


        (require '[debian.dh-clojure-lein.client
                   :refer [active-profiles add-dep set-dep]])

        (defn fix-shared [deps]
          (-> %
              (add-dep '[w "1.x"])
              (set-dep 'x :version "5.x")
              (set-dep '[x/y :classifier "test"] :version "5.x")))

        (defn adjust-deps [deps proj]
          (let [test? (some #{:test} (active-profiles proj))
                dev? (some #{:dev} (active-profiles proj)])
              test? (-> deps fix-shared (add-dep 'a/b))
              dev? (-> deps fix-shared (del-dep 'murphy))
              :else (fix-shared deps))))

        (defn dhclj-adjust-project [project]
          (let [proj (project)]
            (-> (assoc proj :version "11.x")
                (update :dependencies adjust-deps proj)))

       For debugging, you can use Clojure's existing print statements, for example:

         (prn :active (active-profiles))

       And for more readable output that can be inserted directly into the threading forms (e.g.
       "->" and "-><gt">), you can do something like this:

         (require 'clojure.pprint)

         (defn spy> [x tag]
           (binding [*out* *err*] (clojure.pprint/pprint [tag x]))

         (defn spy>> [tag x]
           (binding [*out* *err*] (clojure.pprint/pprint [tag x]))


        (defn fix-shared [deps]
          (-> %
              (add-dep '[w "1.x"])
              (spy> :after-w)
              (set-dep 'x :version "5.x")
              (spy> :after-version)
              (set-dep '[x/y :classifier "test"] :version "5.x")))




       dh-clojure(7), dh(1), lein(1), and