Provided by: freecode-submit_2.7-1_amd64 bug


       freecode-submit - submit release announcements and project metadata updates to


       freecode-submit [-q] [-V] [-n] [-N] [-d] [--showversion] [data-options] [data-options...]


       freecode-submit is a command-line tool for submitting release announcements to It is intended for batch-mode operation in project release scripts, and
       designed so that its input format can easily be generated by scripts.

       freecode-submit accepts release information from a job card (an email-message-like data
       block on standard input) or from command-line flags. Values set with command-line flags
       override those collected from the job card. The accumulated data is entered into the
       freecode database via its API.

       A few flags control the operation of freecode-submit itself.

       -q, --query
           Query the specified project. Delivers to standard output a job card describing the
           project metadata that can be edited and fed back to this tool. The data with release
           rather than project scope is for the most recent release.

       -d, --delete
           Delete the specified release rather than submitting it. With this option, all data
           other than Project and Release are ignored. Note: only works if the release has been
           submitted but not yet passed by a moderator; if the release is already posted,
           invoking this mode will throw an error.

       -n, --no-stdin
           Process command-line options only; don't read data from standard input.

       -N, --dryrun
           Generate JSON, but don't ship any modification requests to Freecode. Useful for
           debugging in combination with -V. Note, this mode may generate requests which read
           data from Freecode in order to get permalink data.

       -V, --verbose
           Enable verbose debugging of the transaction. This option is mainly for developers.

           Show the version of this program and exit.

       Release information is accepted from sources in the following order:

        1. An RFC-2822-format job card, strongly resembling an ordinary email message, on
           standard input. The message header fields each specify a particular item of release
           information; the body (if present) becomes the change announcement text. Within URL
           fields, the string ${version} will be replaced with the contents of the Version field.

        2. Command-line switches.

       Here is a table of metadata fields and their corresponding command-line switches:

       │Message fieldScopeShort switchLong switchExplanation            │
       │Project:          │ Project │ -P           │ --project          │                        │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        Name of         │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        the             │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        project         │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        (freecode       │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        shortname)      │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        to              │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        operate         │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        on. You         │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        cannot          │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        change          │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        the             │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        project-name    │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        attribute       │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        with this       │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        program;        │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        to do           │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        that, you       │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        need to         │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        use the         │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        Freecode        │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        web             │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        interface.      │
       │Summary:          │ Project │ -S           │ --summary          │                        │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        One-line        │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        summary of      │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        the project.    │
       │Description:      │ Project │ -D           │ --description      │                        │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        Multiline       │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        description     │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        of the          │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        project.        │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        (Use            │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        RFC-822-style   │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        continuation    │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        lines)          │
       │License-List:     │ Project │ -L           │ --license-list     │                        │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        Specify the     │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        licenses        │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        under which     │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        the project     │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        is issued.      │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        This may be a   │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        comma-separated │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        list.           │
       │Project-Tag-List: │ Release │ -T           │ --project-tag-list │                        │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        Tags to attach  │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        to this         │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        project. May be │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        a               │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        comma-separated │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        list.           │
       │Version:          │ Release │ -v           │ --version          │                        │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        Version string  │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        to be           │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        associated with │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        the release.    │
       │Changes:          │ Release │ -c           │ --changes          │                        │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        The Changes     │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        field. If no    │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        Changes field   │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        or option is    │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        already         │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        present, the    │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        changes text is │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        taken from the  │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        body of the     │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        RFC-822 message │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        on standard     │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        input.          │
       │Release-Tag-List: │ Release │ -t           │ --tag-list         │                        │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        Tags to attach  │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        to this         │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        release. May be │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        a               │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        comma-separated │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        list.           │
       │Hide:             │ Release │ -x           │ --hide             │                        │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        If this field   │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        is present and  │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        has the value   │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        “Y”, this       │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        release will    │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        not be visible  │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        on the project  │
       │                  │         │              │                    │        page.           │

       Additionally, you can specify tagged URL fields for the Freecode project record with
       header lines ending in "-URL:". The tag will be the header with the "-URL:" suffix
       stripped off. Some examples of how to set frequently-used URL types:

       │Message fieldTagUsage                    │
       │Website-URL:  │ Website   │ Project website home     │
       │              │           │ page.  If you specify    │
       │              │           │ this, it will be used to │
       │              │           │   activate the "More     │
       │              │           │ Information" link and    │
       │              │           │ Home icon on the project │
       │              │           │ page.                    │
       │Download-URL: │ Download  │ Preferred download URL.  │
       │              │           │ If you specify this, it  │
       │              │           │ will be used to          │
       │              │           │   activate the           │
       │              │           │ "Download" link and      │
       │              │           │ floppy-disk icon on the  │
       │              │           │ project page.            │
       │Tar/GZ-URL:   │ Tar/GZ    │ tar archive compressed   │
       │              │           │ with gzip                │
       │Tar/BZ-URL:   │ Tar/BZ    │ tar archive compressed   │
       │              │           │ with bzip                │
       │Changelog-URL │ Changelog │ project change log       │

       Note that the list of URLs you ship does not merely add to the existing list but
       overwrites it - that is how you delete old URLs which are no longer valid.

       The Summary, Description, License-List, Project-Tag-List and all URL fields, when
       specified, actually change the record for the project. Only the Tag-List, Changes,
       Version, and Hide fields are actually stored for each version.

       The following elements of Freecode project metadata cannot yet be modified using this
       tool: name, translation list, programming language list, operating system list, approved
       screenshots, and dependency records.

       Support for updating all these elements except name is planned in future releases.


       Here is an example of a release-information record that could be fed to freecode-submit on
       standard input:

           Project: doclifter
           Version: 1.1
           Hide: N

           Fixed a bug in conditional evaluation that twadmin(8) tickled.  Better
           detection of pure inclusions. Better blank-section elimination.
           Kleene star recognized as ... synonym in command synopses.  Correct
           some bugs in semantic-hint collection.  Recognize Qt manual pages and
           use their conventions.  Better lifting of mandoc-generated
           pages. Translate groff-style \[...] escapes, flag unknown ones.  Can
           now parse K&R style function prototypes as well as ANSI ones. This
           version lifts 96% of 9829 manual pages in a full Red Hat 9
           installation with Fedora updates to *validated* XML-DocBook.


       Since this program was first written, Freecode has changed its data API significantly (and
       its name, too; it used to be 'Freshmeat'). While we have attempted to maintain backward
       compatibility, the data model has changed in significant ways.

       There is no longer a Branch attribute.

       The old Release-Focus field is gone.

       The old License field is now License-List and can take a comma-separated list of licenses.

       All the old URL fields are gone. They're replaced by the general mechanism for pairing
       URLs with labels.

       Earlier versions parsed RPM specfiles. This was poor separation of function and has been
       removed. That responsibility belongs to the human or program generating the job card.


           freecode-submit expects to find your Freecode authorization tag here. The correct form
           for an entry looks like this:

               machine freecode
                    account <your_api_auth_code>
                    password none

           For security, make sure your ~/.netrc file is not world-readable; we recommend doing
           chmod 600 ~/.netrc.


       The URLs returned in a project metadata query are Freecode redirectors, not the actual
       URLS supplied by previous project updates. This is due to a limitation in the Freecode API
       which may be fixed in future versions of that API.


       0 on success, 1 on failure. In case of failure, any error message passed back by the
       Freecode API is issued to standard error.


       Eric S. Raymond <>.