Provided by: pgstaging_0.11-1_all bug


       pg_staging - Prepare a staging environment from http accessible backups


       pg_staging [--version] [-c configuration file] [-t tmpdir] [-d debug] [-v verbose] [-q
       quiet] <command> <dbname> [<date>]


       pg_staging is a tool to prepare and maintain a staging environment from http accessible
       backups. Its main job (see command restore) is to:

        1. create target database, named dbname_YYYYMMDD

        2. add this database to the pgbouncer setup, reload pgbouncer

        3. fetch a backup file named -I.dump

        4. prepare a filtered catalog for the given dump, depending on configuration

        5. given sql_path and a pre directory, psql -f *.sql in there

        6.  pg_restore the backup with the custom catalog to the created database

        7. if restore_vacuum is true, VACUUM ANALYZE the database

        8. given sql_path setup and a post directory, psql -f *.sql in there

        9. switch pgbouncer entry for dbname to target dbname_YYYYMMDD and reload pgbouncer

       pg_staging is able to do some more, mainly the commands given allow to give fine grain
       control over what it does rather than only providing the full restore option.


       pg_staging will use the following external tools:

       •    pgbouncer in order to maintain more than one staging database

       •    pg_restore which major version must match target database cluster

       •    scp to upload new pgbouncer.ini configuration files

       •    ssh to run the on the target host

       See next section for how to prepare those components.


       In order for pg_staging to be able to manage any target you give it, the following
       conditions have to be met:

        1. install on the target host

           Currently you have to ssh non interactively (setup a password free ssh key
           authentication) to the target host.  pg_staging will run the following command:

               ssh <host> sudo ./ <pgbouncer.xxxx.ini> <pgbouncer_port>

        2. install and open pgbouncer "trust" connection as maintenance user (dbuser) on the
           maintenance database (maintdb).

           This connection will get used to CREATE DATABASE and DROP DATABASE.


           This will show available commands and a docstring for each.

   main operation
       init <dbname>
           Prepare a cluster given a pg_dumpall -g file, see option dumpall_url.

       dump <dbname> [<filename>]
           dump given database to file, using pg_dump in custom format. The pgbouncer_port is
           used and the filename defaults to dbname.YYYYMMDD.dump. The pg_restore directory part
           is considered for finding the pg_dump binary. This command will prevent you from
           overwriting an existing dump file, see redump if you do not want this behavior.

       redump <dbname> [<filename>]
           dump even when destination filename already exists.

       restore <dbname> [<YYYYMMDD>]
           See description section, it explains the details. It may be of importance to recall
           that restore will clean up its temporary files, including the dump file itself. The
           clean up happens in case of success and in case of error. This command will source pre
           and post sql files, as per sql_path config.

       drop <dbname> [<YYYYMMDD>]

           DROP DATABASE the given database, or today’s one if none given. It won’t edit
           pgbouncer configuration accordingly though, as of version 0.5.

       switch <dbname> [<YYYYMMDD>]
           Change the canonical <dbname> entry in pgbouncer to point to given dated instance,
           default to today’s one.

       purge <dbname>
           Clean the database section by dropping out the older databases and keeping online only
           the keep_bases most recent.

       vacuumdb <dbname> [<YYYYMMDD>]
           VACUUM ANALYZE given database.

       load <dbname> <filename>

           pg_restore given dump file, this allow to skip the auto downloading part of the
           restore command.

       fetch <dbname> [<YYYYMMDD>]
           Only fetch the dump, do not restore it, do not remove it afterwards.

       presql <dbname> [<YYYYMMDD>]
           Source the sql_path/pre/*.sql files into the database by means of psql -f, in
           alphabetical order, without recursive walking into subdirs.

       postsql <dbname> [<YYYYMMDD>]
           Source the sql_path/post/*.sql files into the database by means of psql -f, in
           alphabetical order, without recursive walking into subdirs.

           Show the list of database sections parsed into the .ini file.

       backups <dbname> [<YYYYMMDD>]
           Show <dbname> available backups on the http host.

       dbsize <dbname> [<YYYMMDD>]
           Show database size of given instance, as returned by SELECT

       dbsizes --all | --match <pattern> | <dbname>
           Show database sizes of given instances. With --all show sizes of all instances of all
           configured section, with --match you can reduce the listing to regexp matching section
           names, with a <dbname> it’ll show sizes of all instances of given section.

       show <dbname> [<YYYYMMDD>] <setting>
           Show current value of <setting> for given database.

       pgbouncer <dbname>
           Show pgbouncer database listing for given dbname.

       pause <dbname> [<YYYMMDD>]
           Issue a pgbouncer pause <dbname> command.

       resume <dbname> [<YYYMMDD>]
           Issue a pgbouncer resume <dbname> command.

       londiste <dbname> [<YYYMMDD>]
           Prepare londiste configuration files in TMPDIR, then send them over to the provider
           hosts in ~pgstating/londiste and start the daemons ( and

   remote service management
       Note that all actions (start, stop, restart, status) are not available to all services
       (londiste, ticker, pgbouncer).

       start <service> <dbname> [<YYYMMDD>]
           Start remote service for given dbname, where service is one of londiste, ticker, or

       stop <service> <dbname> [<YYYMMDD>]
           Stop remote service for given dbname, where service is one of londiste, ticker, or

       restart <service> <dbname> [<YYYMMDD>]
           Restart remote service for given dbname, where service is one of londiste, ticker, or

       status <service> <dbname> [<YYYMMDD>]
           Show status remote service for given dbname, where service is one of londiste, ticker,
           or pgbouncer.

   experimental and internal
           Show tables we want to skip loading DATA for, those we are a subscriber of.

           Show the filtered out catalog we’ll give to pg_restore -L.

           Show the schema-qualified functions used by triggers, in order to be able to follow
           dependancies when filtering out a schema definition (such as pgq or londiste).


           Usage: [-c <config_filename>] command dbname <args>

             -h, --help            show this help message and exit
             --version             show pg_staging version
             -c CONFIG, --config=CONFIG
                                   configuration file, defauts to /etc/hm-
             -n, --dry-run         simulate operations, don´t do them
             -v, --verbose         be verbose and about processing progress
             -q, --quiet           be terse, almost silent
             -d, --debug           provide python stacktrace when error
             -t TMPDIR, --tmpdir=TMPDIR
                                   temp dir where to fetch dumps, /tmp


       If you start pg_staging without command, it will open up an interactive console with basic
       readline support. All previous commands are supported, except for the experimental ones,
       and the following are added.

       config <filename>
           read given filename as the current configuration file for pg_staging.

       set <section> <option> <value>
           set given option to given value for current interactive session only.

       get <section> <option>
           print current value of given option.

           switch on and off the verbosity of pg_staging.


       How we use tools. Will get expanded if questions arise.




       pg_staging is written by Dimitri Fontaine <[1]>.



[FIXME: source]                             11/24/2009                              PG_STAGING(1)