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       r.le.setup  - Interactive tool used to setup the sampling and analysis framework that will be used by the
       other r.le programs.


       raster, landscape structure analysis, patch index


       r.le.setup help
       r.le.setup map=name  [vect=name]   [--verbose]  [--quiet]

           Raster map to use to setup sampling

           Vector map to overlay


       r.le.setup program is used to set up the sampling and analysis framework that will be used by  the  other
       r.le programs.


       Full instructions can be found in the r.le manual (see "REFERENCES" section below).

       The  first  menu allows the user to define a rectangular sampling frame, select how sampling will be done
       (regions, sampling units, moving window), setup the limits for groups and classes, and change  the  color
       table.  Use the left mouse button to make your choice.

       Information about the structure of the landscape is obtained by overlaying a set of sampling areas on top
       of a specified part (the sampling frame of a map layer, and then calculating specific structural measures
       for the part of the map layer that corresponds to the area in each sampling area.

       To  setup  a  sampling  frame  click  on SAMPLING FRAME in the main menu.  The program will ask "Will the
       sampling frame (total area within which sampling units are distributed) be the  whole  map?  (y/n)   [y]"
       Just  hit  a  carriage  return  to accept the default, which is to use the whole map.  You do not need to
       setup a sampling frame if you want to use the whole map, as this is the default.  To  setup  a  different
       sampling  frame  type  "n"  in  response  to  this question.  Then use the mouse and a rubber band box to
       outline a rectangular sampling frame on screen.  This box will be moved to the nearest row and column  of
       the map.  You will be asked last whether you want to "Refresh the screen before choosing more setup?"  If
       you don't like the sampling frame you just setup, answer yes to this question,  then  click  on  SAMPLING
       FRAME  again  to  redo  this part of the setup.  This sampling frame will be used in all subsequent setup
       procedures unless you change it.  You can change it at any time by  simply  clicking  on  SAMPLING  FRAME

       A  sampling  area  may be one of four things.  First, it is possible to treat the entire map layer as the
       one (and only) sampling area.  Second, if the map layer  can  be  divided  into  meaningful  geographical
       regions, then it is possible to treat the regions themselves as sampling areas.  The third option is that
       the sampling areas may be sampling units of fixed shape and size (also  called  scale)  that  are  placed
       within  the  map  layer  as  a whole.  The fourth and final option is that the sampling area may be moved
       systematically across the map as a moving window.

       If regions are to be used as the sampling areas , then the user can use r.le.setup to draw regions or any
       existing  map  of  regions  can simply be used directly.  To draw regions and create a new regions map in
       r.le.setup select "REGIONS" from the first r.le.setup menu, and the user is asked to do the following:
       1.  "ENTER THE NEW REGION MAP NAME:" Only a new raster map name is acceptable. The user can type LIST  to
       find out the existing raster map names in this location and mapset.
       2.  "PLEASE OUTLINE REGION # 1" The user should move the mouse cursor into the graphic monitor window and
       use the mouse buttons as instructed:
       - Left button: where am display the current coordinates of the cursor.
       - Middle button: Mark start (next) point. to enter a vertex of the region boundary.
       - Right button: Finish region-connect to 1st point to close the  region  boundary  by  setting  the  last
       vertex to be equal to the first one.
       3. A "REGION OPTIONS:" menu is displayed and the user should use the mouse to select one of the options:
       - "DRAW MORE": repeat the above process and setup another region.
       - "START OVER": abandon the previous setup and start all over again.
       - "DONE-SAVE": save the regions outlined so far and exit this procedure.
       - "QUIT-NO SAVE": quit the procedure without saving the regions.

       Once  the  "DONE-SAVE" option is selected, the new raster map of the sampling regions is generated. It is
       displayed on the monitor window for several seconds, the monitor window is refreshed, the  main  menu  is
       displayed  again,  and  the  program is ready for other setup work.  Note that you cannot draw regions in
       areas outside the mask, if a mask is present (see r.mask command).

       The user can also use the GRASS r.digit or v.digit programs to digitize circular or polygonal regions and
       to  create a sampling regions map without using r.le.setup.  Or, as mention above, an existing raster map
       can be used as a regions map.

       If sampling units are to be used as the sampling areas (Fig. 2), then choose "SAMPLING  UNITS"  from  the
       first r.le.setup menu.  The program checks the r.le.para subdirectory for an existing "units" file from a
       previous setup session and allows the user to rename this file  (to  save  it)  before  proceeding.   The
       r.le.setup  program  will  otherwise  overwrite the "units" file.  Then the following choice is displayed
       followed by a series of other choices:
            Which do you want to do?
               (1) Use the keyboard to enter sampling unit parameters
               (2) Draw the sampling units with the mouse
                                          Enter 1 or 2:

       When sampling units are defined using the keyboard, the user inputs the shape and  size  (scale)  of  the
       sampling units by specifying dimensions in pixels using the keyboard.  When sampling units are drawn with
       the mouse, the user clicks the mouse to define the sampling units in the GRASS monitor window,  and  then
       actually  places the sampling units for each scale onto the map.  By placing the units with the mouse the
       user can directly determine the method of sampling unit distribution as well  as  the  shape,  size,  and
       number of sampling units.

       If the choice is made to define sampling units using the keyboard, the following series of questions must
       be answered:
            How many different SCALES do you want (1-15)?

       The user is asked to specify the number of scales that will be used.  The r.le programs allow the user to
       simultaneously  sample  the  same  map  with  the  same measures using sampling areas of different sizes.
       Currently there can be between 1 and 15 scales that can be sampled simultaneously. Substantial output can
       be produced if many scales are used.

       Sampling units must be placed spatially into the landscape.  There are five options for doing this :

       Random nonoverlapping
       Sampling  units are placed in the landscape by randomly choosing numbers that specify the location of the
       upper left corner of each sampling unit, subject to the constraint that  successive  sampling  units  not
       overlap other sampling units or the edge of the landscape, and that they must be entirely within the area
       defined by the mask (see r.mask command) if one exists.

       Systematic contiguous
       Sampling units are placed side by side across the rows.  The user will be able to enter a row and  column
       to  indicate  where  the upper left corner of the systematic contiguous framework should be placed.  Rows
       are numbered from the top down beginning with row 1 of the sampling frame.   Columns  are  numbered  from
       left to right, beginning with column 1 of the sampling frame.  A random starting location can be obtained
       by using a standard random number table to choose the starting row and column.   The  r.le.setup  program
       does not avoid placing the set of sampling units over areas outside the mask.  The user will have to make
       sure that sampling units do not extend outside the mask by choosing a particular starting row and  column
       or by drawing a sampling frame before placing the set of sampling units.

       Systematic noncontiguous
       The  user  must  specify the starting row and column as in #2 above and the amount of spacing (in pixels)
       between sampling units.  Horizontal and vertical spacing are identical.  Sampling units are again  placed
       side  by  side  (but spaced) across the rows.  As in #2 the program does not avoid placing sampling units
       outside the masked area; the user will have to position the set of units to avoid areas outside the mask.

       Stratified random
       The strata are rectangular areas within which single sampling units are randomly located.  The user  must
       first  specify  the  starting  row  and  column as in #2 above.  Then the user must specify the number of
       strata in the horizontal and vertical directions.   As in #2 the program does not avoid placing  sampling
       units outside the masked area; the user will have to position the set of units to avoid areas outside the

       Centered over sites
       The user must specify the name of a sitefile containing point  locations.   A  single  sampling  unit  is
       placed  with  its  center over each site in the site file.  This is a useful approach for determining the
       landscape structure around points, such as around the location of wildlife observations.

       The user is prompted to enter a ratio that defines the shape of the sampling units.  Sampling  units  may
       have  any  rectangular  shape, including square as a special case of rectangular.  Rectangular shapes are
       specified by entering the ratio of columns/rows  (horizontal  dimension/vertical  dimension)  as  a  real
       number.   For  example, to obtain a sampling unit 10 columns wide by 4 rows long specify the ratio as 2.5
            Recommended maximum SIZE is m in x cell total area.
            What size (in cells) for each sampling unit of scale n?

       The user is then given the recommended maximum possible size for a sampling unit (in pixels) and asked to
       input  the size of sampling units at each scale.  Sampling units can be of any size, but the maximum size
       is the size of the landscape as a whole.  All the sampling units, that make up a single  sampling  scale,
       are  the  same size.  After specifying the size, the program determines the nearest actual number of rows
       and columns, and hence size, that is closest to the requested size, given the shape requested earlier.
            The nearest size is x cells wide X y cells high = xy cells
            Is this size OK?  (y/n)  [y]
            Maximum NUMBER of units in scale n is p?
            What NUMBER of sampling units do you want to try to use?

       The maximum number of units that can be placed over the map, given the shape and size of  the  units,  is
       then  given.   The user can then choose the number of sampling units to be used in the map layer.  It may
       not always be possible to choose the maximum number, depending upon the shape of the sampling units.   In
       the  case  of  systematic contiguous and noncontiguous, the program will indicate how many units will fit
       across the columns and down the rows.  The user can then specify a particular layout (e.g., 6 units could
       be placed as 2 rows of 3 per row or as 3 rows of 2 per row).
            Is this set of sampling units OK?  (y/n)  [y]

       Finally,  the  set  of  sampling  units  is  displayed on the screen (e.g., Fig. 1) and the user is asked
       whether it is acceptable.  If the answer is no, then the user is asked if the screen should be  refreshed
       before  redisplaying  the  menu  for "Methods of sampling unit distribution" so that the user can try the
       sampling unit setup again.

       The choice is made to define sampling units using the mouse, then the following menu  for  use  with  the
       mouse is displayed:
            Outline the standard sampling unit of scale n.
               Left button:     Check unit size
               Middle button:   Move cursor
               Right button:    Lower right corner of unit here

       The  user  can then use the mouse and the rubber band box to outline the standard sampling unit.  Once it
       has been outlined, the number of columns and rows in the unit, the ratio of width/length and the size  of
       the unit, in cells, will be displayed.  After this first unit is outlined, then a new menu is displayed:
            Outline more sampling units of scale n?
               Left button:     Exit
               Middle button:   Check unit position
               Right button:    Lower right corner of next unit here

       The  user  can  then  place  more units identical to the standard unit by simply clicking the right mouse
       button where the lower right corner of the unit should be placed.  The rest of the rubber band box can be
       ignored  while  placing  additional  units.  The program is set up so that units cannot be placed so they
       overlap one another, so they overlap the area outside the mask, or  so  they  overlap  the  edge  of  the
       sampling  frame.  Warning messages are issued for all three of these errors and a sampling unit is simply
       not placed.

       Using this procedure a rectangular "window" or single sampling area is moved  systematically  across  the
       map  to  produce  a  new map (Fig. 2,3).  This sampling procedure can only be used with the measures that
       produce a single value or with a single class or group when  measures  produce  distributions  of  values
       (Table  1).   The  first class or group specified when defining class or group limits (section 2.3.2.) is
       used if distributional measures are chosen with the moving window sampling method.   In  this  case,  the
       user  should  manually  edit  the r.le.para/recl_tb file so that the desired group is listed as the first
       group in this file.

       Sampling begins with the upper left corner of the window  placed  over  the  upper  left  corner  of  the
       sampling  frame.   It  is  strongly recommended that the user read the section on the GRASS mask (section
       2.2.2) prior to setting up the moving window, as this mask can be used to  speed  up  the  moving  window
       operation.  The value of the chosen measure is calculated for the window area.  This value is assigned to
       the location on the new map layer corresponding to the center pixel in the window if the window  has  odd
       (e.g. 3 X 3) dimensions.  The value is assigned to the location on the new map layer corresponding to the
       first pixel below and to the right of the center if the window has even dimensions (e.g.  6  X  10).   If
       this  pixel  has the value "0," which means "no data" in GRASS, then this pixel is skipped and a value of
       "0" is assigned to the corresponding location in the new map.  The window is  then  moved  to  the  right
       (across  the  row) by one pixel, and the process is repeated.  At the end of the row, the window is moved
       down one pixel, and then back across the row.  This option produces a new map layer, whose dimensions are
       smaller  by  approximately  (m-1)/2  rows  and  columns,  where m is the number of rows or columns in the

       If the "MOVE-WINDOW" option in the main menu is selected,  first  the  program  checks  for  an  existing
       "move_wind"  file, in the r.le.para subdirectory, containing moving window specifications from a previous
       session.  The user is given the option to avoid overwriting this file by entering a new file name for the
       old  "move_wind"  file.  Users should be aware that moving window analyses are very slow, because a large
       number of sampling units are, in effect, used.  See the appendix on "Time  needed  to  complete  analyses
       with  the  r.le  programs" for some ideas about how moving window size and sampling frame area affect the
       needed time to complete the analyses.

       The r.le programs r.le.dist and r.le.patch allow  the  attribute  categories  in  the  input  map  to  be
       reclassed  into  several  attribute  groups,  and reports the analysis results by each of these attribute
       groups.  It is necessary to setup group limits for all measures that say "by gp" when  typing  "r.le.dist
       help"  or  "r.le.patch  help"  at the GRASS prompt.  The same reclassing can be done with the measurement
       indices (e.g., size), except that each "cohort" (class) of the reclassed indices is called an index class
       instead of a group.  It is also necessary to setup class limits for all measures that say "by class" when
       typing "r.le.dist help" or "r.le.patch help" at the GRASS prompt.

       Group/class limits are  setup  by  choosing  "GROUP/CLASS  LIMITS"  from  the  main  menu  upon  starting
       r.le.setup,  or  you  can create the files manually using a text editor.  The program checks for existing
       group/class limit files in subdirectory r.le.para and allows the user to  rename  these  files  prior  to
       continuing.   If  the files are not renamed the program will overwrite them.  The files are named recl_tb
       (attribute group limits), size (size class limits), shape_PA (shape index class limits for perimeter/area
       index),  shape_CPA  (shape index class limits for corrected perimeter/area index), shape_RCC (shape index
       class limits for related circumscribing circle index), and from_to (for the  r.le.dist  program  distance
       methods m7-m9).

       Attribute groups and index classes are defined in a different way.  In the r.le programs attribute groups
       are defined as in the following example:
            1, 3, 5, 7, 9 thru 21 = 1 (comment)
            31 thru 50 = 2 (comment)

       In this example, the existing categories 1, 3, 5, 7, {9, 10, ... 20, 21} are included in the new group 1,
       while  {31,  32,  33,  ..., 49, 50} are included in the new group 2.  The characters in bold are the "key
       words" that are required in the definition.  Each line is called one "reclass rule".

       The GRASS reclass convention is adopted here with a little modification (see "r.reclass" command  in  the
       GRASS  User's  Manual).   The difference is that r.le only allows one rule for each group while the GRASS
       r.reclass command allows more than one. The definition of "from" and "to" groups is simply the  extension
       of  the  GRASS  reclass  rule.   The advantage of using the GRASS reclass convention is that the user can
       generate a permanent reclassed map, using GRASS programs, directly from the r.le setup results.

       The r.le measurement index classes are defined by the lower limits of the classes, as  in  the  following
            0.0, 10.0, 50.0, 200.0, -999

       This means:
            if v >= 0.0 and v < 10.0 then  v belongs to index class 1;
            if v >= 10.0 and v < 50.0 then  v belongs to index class 2;
            if v >= 50.0 and v < 200.0 then v belongs to index class 3;
            if v >= 200.0 then v belongs to index class 4;

       where  v  is  the  calculated  index  value  and  -999  marks  the end of the index class definition. The
       measurement index can be the size index, one of the three shape indices, or one  of  the  three  distance
       indices.   The  program is currently designed to allow no more than 25 attribute groups, 25 size classes,
       25 shape index classes, and 25 distance  index  classes.   As  an  alternative,  the  user  may  want  to
       permanently group certain attributes prior to entering the r.le programs.  For example, the user may want
       to group attributes 1-10, in a map whose attributes are ages, into a single attribute representing  young
       patches.  The user can do this using the GRASS r.reclass and r.resample commands, which will create a new
       map layer that can then be analyzed directly (without setting up group limits) with the r.le programs.


       Baker, W.L. and Y. Cai. 1992. The r.le programs for multiscale analysis of landscape structure using  the
       GRASS geographical information system.  Landscape Ecology 7(4):291-302.

       The r.le manual: Quantitative analysis of landscape structures (GRASS 5; 2001)


        r.le.patch, r.le.pixel, r.le.trace


       William  L.  Baker  Department  of  Geography and Recreation University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyoming 82071

       Last changed: $Date: 2010-01-20 05:26:08 -0800 (Wed, 20 Jan 2010) $

       Full index

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