Provided by: libconfig-model-dpkg-perl_2.044_all 

Config::Model::Backend::Dpkg - Read and write config as plain file
use Config::Model; use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy); Log::Log4perl->easy_init($WARN); my $model = Config::Model->new; my $inst = $model->create_config_class( name => "WithDpkg", element => [ [qw/source new/] => { qw/type leaf value_type uniline/ }, ], read_config => [ { backend => 'plain_file', config_dir => '/tmp', }, ], ); my $inst = $model->instance(root_class_name => 'WithDpkg' ); my $root = $inst->config_root ; $root->load('source=foo new=yes' ); $inst->write_back ; Now "/tmp" directory will contain 2 files: "source" and "new" with "foo" and "yes" inside.
This module is used directly by Config::Model to read or write the content of a configuration tree written in several files. Each element of the node is written in a plain file. This module supports currently only leaf and list elements. In the case of "list" element, each line of the file is a value of the list.
new ( node => $node_obj, name => 'plain_file' ) ; Inherited from Config::Model::Backend::Any. The constructor will be called by Config::Model::AutoRead. read ( io_handle => ... ) Of all parameters passed to this read call-back, only "io_handle" is used. This parameter must be IO::File object already opened for read. It can also be undef. In this case, "read()" will return 0. When a file is read, "read()" will return 1. write ( io_handle => ... ) Of all parameters passed to this write call-back, only "io_handle" is used. This parameter must be IO::File object already opened for write. "write()" will return 1.
Dominique Dumont, (ddumont at cpan dot org)
Config::Model, Config::Model::BackendMgr, Config::Model::Backend::Any,