Provided by: libconfig-model-dpkg-perl_2.044_all 

Config::Model::Dpkg - Edit and validate Dpkg source files
invoke editor The following command must be run in a package source directory. When run, cme will load most files from "debian" directory and launch a graphical editor: cme edit dpkg You can choose to edit only "debian/control" or "debian/copyright": cme edit dpkg-control cme edit dpkg-copyright Just check dpkg files You can also use cme to run sanity checks on the source files: cme check dpkg Fix warnings When run, cme may issue several warnings regarding the content of your file. You can choose to fix (most of) these warnings with the command: cme fix dpkg programmatic This code snippet will change the maintainer address in control file: use Config::Model ; use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy) ; my $model = Config::Model -> new ( ) ; my $inst = $model->instance (root_class_name => 'Dpkg'); $inst -> config_root ->load("control source Maintainer=foo@bedian.arg") ; $inst->write_back() ;
This module provides a configuration editor (and models) for the files of a Debian source package. (i.e. most of the files contained in the "debian" directory of a source package). This module can also be used to modify safely the content of these files from a Perl programs.
user interfaces
As mentioned in cme, several user interfaces are available: · A graphical interface is proposed by default if Config::Model::TkUI is installed. · A Fuse virtual file system with option "cme fusefs dpkg -fuse_dir <mountpoint>" if Fuse is installed (Linux only)
Migrate old package file Most of old syntax can be automatically migrated to newer parameters with cme migrate dpkg This migration can be limited to "control" or "copyright" files: cme migrate dpkg-control cme migrate dpkg-copyright Restore GPL summary to default value: cme modify dpkg-copyright 'License=~/GPL/ text~' Dump copyright file content in a format usable with "cme modify": $ cme dump dpkg-copyright Comment="Native package. This package is a spin-off from libconfig-model-perl. Upstream (who is also the debian packager) decided to create a Debian native package for the Debian specific parts of Config::Model" Files:"*" Copyright="2005-2013, Dominique Dumont <>" License short_name=LGPL-2.1+ - - License:LGPL-2.1+ text=" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. On Debian GNU/Linux systems, the complete text of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2.1'" - -
Config::Model design does not really cope well with a some detail of Debian patch header specification <> (aka DEP-3). Description and subject are both authorized, but only one of them is required and using the 2 is forbidden. So, both fields are accepted, but subject is stored as description in the configuration tree. "cme fix" or "cme edit" will write back a description field.
Dominique Dumont, (dod at debian dot org)
· cme · Config::Model ·