Provided by: libcurses-ui-perl_0.9609-1_all bug


       Curses::UI::Tutorial - Tutorial for the Curses::UI framework


       The intention of this tutorial is a quick overview of Curses::UI and it's widgets. The
       target of this example is to write a simple text editor using the Curses::UI framework.

First requirements

       In order to use Curses::UI start your program with "use Curses::UI;" and, as it is always
       a good idea,
        add "use strict" and the -w switch too.  After that an instance of Curses::UI must be
       created. From now on, this instance will be called "the UI". You  also want to redirect
       STDERR to a file (e.g. perl 2> debug.out), so output that does not come from
       Curses::UI doesn't clobber your display.  You want fancy colors, so the option
       -color_support is set to a true value.

           #!/usr/bin/perl -w

           use strict;
           use Curses::UI;
           my $cui = new Curses::UI( -color_support => 1 );

Create a menu

               my @menu = (
                 { -label => 'File',
                   -submenu => [
                  { -label => 'Exit      ^Q', -value => \&exit_dialog  }

       In order to describe the structure of a menu Curses::UI uses a rather ugly construct out
       of hash and arrayrefs. See Curses::UI::Menubar for details. What you do at this point is
       to create a Menubar with just one entry and one submenu. The entry is 'File' and the
       submenu is 'Exit'.  The value of this menu item is a reference to a sub called


               sub exit_dialog()
                       my $return = $cui->dialog(
                               -message   => "Do you really want to quit?",
                               -title     => "Are you sure???",
                               -buttons   => ['yes', 'no'],


               exit(0) if $return;

       The dialog method of Curses::UI gives us an easy and convenient way to create dialogs on
       the main screen. A dialog is a way to interact with the user in order to ask him a
       question or give him important information.  This dialog is a more complex one, which asks
       the question whether or not you really want to exit. As the button for "yes" would return
       us a true value, you can easily exit on this return value.

Add the Menubar

               my $menu = $cui->add(
                       -menu => \@menu,
                       -fg  => "blue",

       To finally add the Menubar to our root object, you have to call the add method on the
       Curses UI object. You specify the internal name of the widget as the first argument, the
       widget type as the second argument (like Label, TextViewer, etc.) and the menu structure
       you created at the beginning as an array reference as third object. Because you want the
       Menubar to have a blue theme, you give him the -fg option "blue". There are a couple of
       colors you can use, see Curses::UI::Color for details.

Add a window

               my $win1 = $cui->add(
                                    'win1', 'Window',
                                    -border => 1,
                                    -y    => 1,
                                    -bfg  => 'red',

       There are only two types of object you can add to the Curses::UI root object: Menubars and
       Windows. All other widgets have to be inserted into a window. Of course you can add a
       Menubar to a window, but not vice versa ;-).  The add method always has the same two first
       arguments: the internal name and the widget type. The internal name can be used to find an
       object. The method getobj takes this name and returns us the corresponding object out of
       the hierarchy. See Curses::UI for details.  Again you want some fancy colors, so you tell
       the window to have a border, leave some space for the Menubar (-y => 1) and set the border
       foreground color to red.

Add a widget

               my $texteditor = $win1->add("text", "TextEditor",
                                        -text => "Here is some text\n"
                                               . "And some more");

       The next step is to add a useful widget to our new small Curses::UI app. Here you take a
       TextEditor widget which performs basic tasks as a text editor. You add some initial text
       to the widget to make it not seem that empty.

Making keybindings

               $cui->set_binding(sub {$menu->focus()}, "\cX");
               $cui->set_binding( \&exit_dialog , "\cQ");

       You want to be able to focus the Menubar if you finished editing in the TextEditor widget.
       Therefore you set a binding to the focus function of the menu and the key sequence Control
       (specified by \c) combined with X. Now you can easily return to the menu after editing.
       Because it is easier to have a shortcut for closing the application you add a binding for
       the sequence Control-Q to our nice exit_dialog method.

The final steps


       You want to start editing directly. Therefore you set the initial focus on the TextEditor
       by calling it's focus method directly.  The last thing you got to do is to tell Curses
       that it now contoles the program flow by starting it's MainLoop.

You're done!

       You have built a genuine Curses::UI application! Not that it is a very useful one, but who
       cares? Now try out if it works like you think it should. The complete source code of this
       application is located in the examples directory of the distribution

       Now you can enhance this application to become a full featured editor like Emacs :-)


       2003-2004 (c) by Marcus Thiesen ( All rights reserved This Tutorial is
       licensed under the same terms as perl itself.

       If you have some additions to this tutorial feel free to send me a mail.