Provided by: libgenome-model-tools-music-perl_0.04-1_all bug


       PathScan - the Path-Scan significance test for mutations in groups of putative cancer genes


               use PathScan;

               my $pmobj = PathScan->new ($list_of_gene_lengths);
               my $pval = $pmobj->path_scan ($actual_hits, $background_mutation_rate);


       This package calculates the so-called path-scan statistic P-value for sets of putative cancer genes under
       the null hypothesis that somatic mutations found in data are the result of a random process characterized
       by the background mutation rate.  This test is applied to, for example, a biologically-relevant group of
       genes, say all the genes in a particular pathway, for which somatic mutation data are available.  A low
       p-value would imply that the null hypothesis should be rejected.  In other words, the result suggests
       that the mutation configuration in this pathway is probably not the result of a strictly random process.

   Nature of the Path-Scan Test
       This statistic considers individual genes in a "binary" fashion, i.e. a gene is either mutated (has one
       or more mutations) or it is not mutated.  The number of mutations in a mutated gene is not considered.
       This is the "path-scan" aspect of the test.

       Why is such information discarded?  The somatic background mutation rate is typically very small compared
       to the size of the average gene.  Consequently, the expected number of mutations in any given gene is
       very low, much less than one, in fact.  Under the null hypothesis, most genes will have no mutations.
       Genes with one (or just a few) may be interesting, but when many genes in a biologically-relevant group
       (say a pathway) have one (or just a few) mutations, that could be a sign of some underlying non-random
       process.  In other words, this test is useful in cases where many genes in a group might each contribute
       a small component (i.e. a small fitness advantage) in the context of the disease process.  What this test
       is not concerned with (and will not detect) is the case where a single, specific gene has a non-random
       association and it reflects this fact via a large number of mutations.  Other single-gene tests should
       presumably flag such cases.  The path-scan test should, therefore, be thought of as just one tool within
       a larger statistical "toolbox".

   Assumptions in the Test
       The main assumption is that a single background mutation rate applies to the set of genes of interest.
       That is, the rate does not vary among genes, among chromosomes (if more than one hosts genes of
       interest), etc.


       Coefficients are recalculated for every individual test, but it would be good for these to persist
       between tests, adding more as necessary (i.e. if a subsequent test involves more genes than the current


       Michael C. Wendl

       Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Washington University

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
       General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
       (at your option) any later version.

       This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
       the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
       License for more details.

       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write
       to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.


       The available methods are as follows.

       This is the usual object constructor, which optionally takes all the gene-length data as input.  If you
       want to use the exact probability solution or the asymptotic approximate solution, pass all lengths in a
       single list reference

               my $pmobj = PathScan->new ([3434, 54565, 6445, ...]);

       but if you want to use the convolution approximation method, divide the list of gene sizes into the
       desired number of bins and pass each of these as a reference

               my $pmobj = PathScan->new ([3434, 54565], [6445, ...]);

       In other words, the way you pass these arguments at partially determines the context in which you will
       obtain your P-value for this set of genes.  The latter choice is typically betetr, as it gives good
       accuracy and good computational efficiency.  Conversely, the exact solution is identically correct, but
       can be difficult to compute.  The asymptotic approximation is always computationally efficient, but not
       necessarily accurate for small test sets.

       This function calculates the path-scan statistic in one of the appropriate contexts (exact or convolution
       approximation, as described above).  It takes the actual number of "hits" you've observed in the data,
       i.e. the number of genes that have a mutated status.

               my $pval = $pmobj->path_scan (7);

       If you have not yet done the pre-processing with respect to the background mutation rate (see below),
       then pre-processing can be executed implicitly by passing the rate as the second argument.

               my $pval = $pmobj->path_scan (7, 0.000001);

       This function returns the cummulative distribution in the context of the convolution approximation
       truncated such that it contains only enough information to process the given number of hits.

               my $pvals_list = $pmobj->cdf_truncated ($hits);

       The list is ordered from most extreme to least extreme probability tail values, i.e. the last value in
       the list is always unity.  However, tailed p-values more extreme than that associated with the argument
       are not, in fact, calculated, but rather are replaced with the flag -1.  This saves processing time and
       also reduces the chances of numerical overflow for large pathways, as the full CDF must ultimately raise
       an "mval" (>1) to a power equal to the number of genes in the pathway.  The method assumes you have
       already done the pre-processing with respect to the background mutation rate.

       This function returns the cummulative distribution in one of the appropriate contexts (exact or
       convolution approximation, as described above).  There are no arguments,

               my $pvals_list = $pmobj->cdf;

       unless you have not yet done the pre-processing with respect to the background mutation rate (see below),
       in which case the pre-processing can be executed implicitly by passing the rate as the sole argument.

               my $pvals_list = $pmobj->cdf (0.000001);

       The list is ordered from most extreme to least extreme probability tail values, i.e. the last value in
       the list is always unity.

       This function returns the cummulative distribution based on asymptotic analysis.  There are no arguments,

               my $pvals_list = $pmobj->cdf_asymptot;

       unless you have not yet done the pre-processing with respect to the background mutation rate (see below),
       in which case the pre-processing can be executed implicitly by passing the rate as the sole argument.

               my $pvals_list = $pmobj->cdf_asymptot (0.000001);

       The list is ordered from most extreme to least extreme probability tail values, i.e. the last value in
       the list is always unity.

       Note that asymptotic analysis gives a function (the Poisson) having infinite support.  The infinite tail
       probability for all values past the most extreme physical case are all bundled into that most extreme

       This function calculates the path-scan statistic in the asymptotic (Poisson) context.  It takes the
       actual number of "hits" you've observed in the data, i.e. the number of genes that have a mutated status.

               my $pval = $pmobj->path_scan_asymptot (7);

       If you have not yet done the pre-processing with respect to the background mutation rate (see below),
       then pre-processing can be executed implicitly by passing the rate as the second argument.

               my $pval = $pmobj->path_scan_asymptot (7, 0.000001);

       You must set up the object, somewhat paradoxically, as if you will be doing the calculation in the exact
       context.  (This is a consequence of how data are stored internally within the object.)

   additional methods
       The basic functionality of this package is encompassed in the methods described above.  However, some
       lower-level functions can also sometimes be useful.


       This function returns the exact value of the probability mass for a specific number of hits.

               $pval_exact = $pmobj->p_value_exact (7);

       You must make sure to call this only if you've configured the object in the exact context (see above).


       This function returns the convolution approximated value (i.e. using the binomial binning approximation)
       of the probability mass for a specific number of hits.

               $pval_exact = $pmobj->p_value_binomial_approx (7);

       You must make sure to call this only if you've configured the object in the approximate binomial context
       (see above).  Also, you must explicitly calculate the necessary binomial coefficients beforehand (see


       This function returns the asymptotic approximated value (i.e. using the Poisson limit approximation) of
       the probability mass for a specific number of hits.

               $pval_exact = $pmobj->p_value_asymptot_approx (7);

       Somewhat paradoxically, you must make sure to call this only if you've configured the object in the exact
       context (see above).


       Stores the raw gene length data.  Use this if you did not pass these data to "new" before you call any
       calculation methods.  Works in the same way as "new", described above.  Specifically, the context is
       partially determined by whether you pass a single list (exact context or asymptotic approximation)

               $pmobj->store_genes ([3434, 54565, 6445, ...]);

       or more than one list (convolution approximate context)

               $pmobj->store_genes ([3434, 54565], [6445, ...]);


       Calculates the binomial coefficients needed in the binomial (convolution) approximate solution.


       The internal data structure is essentially the symmetric half of the appropriately-sized Pascal triangle.
       Considerable memory is saved by not storing the full triangle.


       Calculates the Bernoulli kernel probabilities for the individual genes or gene bins

               $pmobj_binom->preprocess ($background_mutation_rate);

       The data structure can be re-configured to run the test with different background mutation rates by just
       re-calling this routine with a different value

               $pmobj_binom->preprocess ($new_background_mutation_rate);


       The following examples may be helpful in using this package.  In each case, assume we have first executed
       some required preliminary code.

               #__USE THE PACKAGE
                  use PathScan;

                  my $genes_exact = [
                     4000, 4000, 4000, 4000, 4000,
                     15000, 15000, 15000, 15000, 15000,
                     35000, 35000, 35000, 35000, 35000

                  my @genes_binned = (
                     [4000, 4000, 4000, 4000, 4000],
                     [15000, 15000, 15000, 15000, 15000],
                     [35000, 35000, 35000, 35000, 35000]

   simple path-scan test
       Here, we compare the values returned by both the exact and approximate algorithms over the whole domain
       of possible hits for a case where the answers should be identical.

                  my $rho = 0.00002;

                  my $pmobj_exact = PathScan->new ($genes_exact);
                  $pmobj_exact->preprocess ($rho);

                  my $pmobj_binom = PathScan->new (@genes_binned);
                  $pmobj_binom->preprocess ($rho);

                  my $maxdiff = 0;
                  for (my $i = 0; $i <= scalar @{$genes_exact}; $i++) {
                     my $pm_pval_exact = $pmobj_exact->path_scan($i);
                     my $pm_pval_binom = $pmobj_binom->path_scan($i);
                     my $diff = abs ($pm_pval_exact - $pm_pval_binom);
                     $maxdiff = $diff if $diff > $maxdiff;
                     print "$i hits: $pm_pval_exact   $pm_pval_binom   $diff\n";
                  print "MAXIMUM DIFFERENCE IS $maxdiff\n";

   testing at different background rates
       This example shows how to run the test for a fixed number of hits, say 7 in this case, for various
       different background mutation rates.

               #__CONFIGURE OBJECT
                  my $pmobj_binom = PathScan->new (@genes_binned);

                  for (my $rho = 0.00001; $rho <= 0.0001; $rho += 0.00001) {
                     my $pm_pval_binom = $pmobj_binom->path_scan(7, $rho);
                     print "7 hits at background $rho : P = $pm_pval_binom\n";

       Note that we did not run "preprocess" explicitly, but rather let the "path_scan" method call it
       implicitly for each new value of the background mutation rate.

   computing asymptotic approximate solution
       The asymptotic (Poisson) approximate probabiltiy value is straightforward to compute.

                  my $rho = 0.00002;

               #__CONFIGURE OBJECT
                  my $pmobj_poisson = PathScan->new ($genes_exact);
                  $pmobj_poisson->preprocess ($rho);

                  my $pm_pval_poisson = $pmobj_exact->path_scan_asymptot (7);

   accessing individual probability masses
       The probability masses for specific numbers of hits can also be calculated.

                  my $rho = 0.00002;

               #__CONFIGURE OBJECT
                  my $pmobj_exact = PathScan->new ($genes_exact);
                  $pmobj_exact->preprocess ($rho);

               #__CALCULATE MASSES
                  my $total_prob = 0;
                  for (my $i = 0; $i <= scalar @{$genes_exact}; $i++) {
                     my $pval_exact = $pmobj_exact->p_value_exact ($i);
                     $total_prob += $pval_exact;
                     print "$i hits : probability mass =  $pval_exact\n";
                  print "total probability = $total_prob\n";

perl v5.14.2                                       2013-05-2Genome::Model::Tools::Music::PathScan::PathScan(3pm)