Provided by: libio-async-perl_0.61-1_all bug


       "IO::Async::Protocol" - base class for transport-based protocols


       This subclass of IO::Async:Notifier provides storage for a IO::Async::Handle object, to act as a
       transport for some protocol. It contains an instance of the transport object, which it adds as a child
       notifier, allowing a level of independence from the actual transport being used. For example, a stream
       may actually be an IO::Async::SSLStream to allow the protocol to be used over SSL.

       This class is not intended to be used directly, instead, see one of the subclasses

       IO::Async::Protocol::Stream - base class for stream-based protocols


       The following events are invoked, either using subclass methods or CODE references in parameters:

       Optional. Invoked when the transport handle becomes closed.


       The following named parameters may be passed to "new" or "configure":

       transport => IO::Async::Handle
               The "IO::Async::Handle" to delegate communications to.

       on_closed => CODE
               CODE reference for the "on_closed" event.

       When a new "transport" object is given, it will be configured by calling the "setup_transport" method,
       then added as a child notifier. If a different transport object was already configured, this will first
       be removed and deconfigured using the "teardown_transport".


   $transport = $protocol->transport
       Returns the stored transport object

   $protocol->connect( %args )
       Sets up a connection to a peer, and configures the underlying "transport" for the Protocol.

       Takes the following named arguments:

       socktype => STRING or INT
               Required. Identifies the socket type, and the type of continuation that will be used. If this
               value is "stream" or "SOCK_STREAM" then "on_stream" continuation will be used; otherwise
               "on_socket" will be used.

       on_connected => CODE
               Optional. If supplied, will be invoked once the connection has been established.

                $on_connected->( $protocol )

       transport => IO::Async::Handle
               Optional. If this is provided, it will immediately be configured as the transport (by calling
               "configure"), and the "on_connected" callback will be invoked. This is provided as a convenient

       Other arguments will be passed to the underlying "IO::Async::Loop" "connect" call.


       The following methods are delegated to the transport object



       "IO::Async::Protocol" is a base class provided so that specific subclasses of it provide more specific
       behaviour. The base class provides a number of methods that subclasses may wish to override.

       If a subclass implements any of these, be sure to invoke the superclass method at some point within the

   $protocol->setup_transport( $transport )
       Called by "configure" when a new "transport" object is given, this method should perform whatever setup
       is required to wire the new transport object into the protocol object; typically by setting up event

   $protocol->teardown_transport( $transport )
       The reverse of "setup_transport"; called by "configure" when a previously set-up transport object is
       about to be replaced.


       Paul Evans <>