trusty (3) Jifty::Test::WWW::Mechanize.3pm.gz

Jifty::Test::WWW::Mechanize - Subclass of Test::WWW::Mechanize with extra Jifty features
new Overrides Test::WWW::Mechanize's "new" to automatically give the bot a cookie jar. request We override WWW::Mechanize's default request method so accept-encoding is not set to gzip by default. moniker_for ACTION, FIELD1 => VALUE1, FIELD2 => VALUE2 Finds the moniker of the first action of type ACTION whose "constructor" field FIELD1 is VALUE1, and so on. my $mon = $mech->moniker_for('MyApp::Action::UpdateInfo'); If there is only one action of type ACTION, be sure not to pass any more arguments to this method, or the method will return undef. NOTE that if you're using this in a series of different pages or forms, you'll need to run it again for each new form: $mech->fill_in_action_ok($mech->moniker_for('MyApp::Action::UpdateInfo'), owner_id => 'someone'); $mech->submit_html_ok(); is($mech->action_field_value($mech->moniker_for("MyApp::Action::UpdateInfo"), 'owner_id'), 'someone', "Owner was reassigned properly to owner 'someone'"); fill_in_action MONIKER, FIELD1 => VALUE1, FIELD2 => VALUE2, ... Finds the fields on the current page with the names FIELD1, FIELD2, etc in the MONIKER action, and fills them in. Returns the HTML::Form object of the form that the action is in, or undef if it can't find all the fields. fill_in_action_ok MONIKER, FIELD1 => VALUE1, FIELD2 => VALUE2, ... Finds the fields on the current page with the names FIELD1, FIELD2, etc in the MONIKER action, and fills them in. Returns the HTML::Form object of the form that the action is in, or undef if it can't find all the fields. Also, passes if it finds all of the fields and fails if any of the fields are missing. action_form MONIKER [ARGUMENTNAMES] Returns the form (as an HTML::Form object) corresponding to the given moniker (which also contains inputs for the given argumentnames), and also selects it as the current form. Returns undef if it can't be found. action_field_input MONIKER, FIELD Finds the field on the current page with the names FIELD in the action MONIKER, and returns its HTML::Form::Input, or undef if it can't be found. action_field_value MONIKER, FIELD Finds the field on the current page with the names FIELD in the action MONIKER, and returns its value, or undef if it can't be found. send_action CLASS ARGUMENT => VALUE, [ ... ] Sends a request to the server via the webservices API, and returns the Jifty::Result of the action. "CLASS" specifies the class of the action, and all parameters thereafter supply argument keys and values. The URI of the page is unchanged after this; this is accomplished by using the "back button" after making the webservice request. fragment_request PATH ARGUMENT => VALUE, [ ... ] Makes a request for the fragment at PATH, using the webservices API, and returns the string of the result. field_error_text MONIKER, FIELD Finds the error span on the current page for the name FIELD in the action MONIKER, and returns the text (tags stripped) from it. (If the field can't be found, return undef). uri WWW::Mechanize has a bug where it returns the wrong value for "uri" after redirect. This fixes that. See get_html_ok URL Calls "get" URL, followed by testing the HTML using Test::HTML::Lint. html_ok [STRING] Tests the current "content" using Test::HTML::Lint. If passed a string, tests against that instead of the current content. submit_html_ok Calls "submit", followed by testing the HTML using Test::HTML::Lint. follow_link_ok Calls "follow_link", followed by testing the HTML using Test::HTML::Lint. Warns if it cannot find the specified link (you should use "ok" on "find_link" first to check its existence). warnings_like WARNING, [REASON] Tests that the warnings generated by the server (since the last such check) match the given "WARNING", which should be a regular expression. If an array reference of regular expressions is passed as "WARNING", checks that one warning per element was received. no_warnings_ok [REASON] Checks that no warnings were generated by the server (since the last such check). session Returns the server-side Jifty::Web::Session object associated with this Mechanize object. continuation [ID] Returns the current continuation of the Mechanize object, if any. Or, given an ID, returns the continuation with that ID. current_user Returns the Jifty::CurrentUser object or descendant, if any.