Provided by: latexml_0.7.0-1_all
"LaTeXML::Number" - representation of numbers, dimensions, skips and glue.
This module defines various dimension and number-like data objects "LaTeXML::Number" represents numbers, "LaTeXML::Float" represents floating-point numbers, "LaTeXML::Dimension" represents dimensions, "LaTeXML::MuDimension" represents math dimensions, "LaTeXML::Glue" represents glue (skips), "LaTeXML::MuGlue" represents math glue, "LaTeXML::Pair" represents pairs of numbers "LaTeXML::Pairlist" represents list of pairs. Common methods The following methods apply to all objects. "@tokens = $object->unlist;" Return a list of the tokens making up this $object. "$string = $object->toString;" Return a string representing $object. "$string = $object->ptValue;" Return a value representing $object without the measurement unit (pt) with limited decimal places. Numerics methods These methods apply to the various numeric objects "$n = $object->valueOf;" Return the value in scaled points (ignoring shrink and stretch, if any). "$n = $object->smaller($other);" Return $object or $other, whichever is smaller "$n = $object->larger($other);" Return $object or $other, whichever is larger "$n = $object->absolute;" Return an object representing the absolute value of the $object. "$n = $object->sign;" Return an integer: -1 for negatives, 0 for 0 and 1 for positives "$n = $object->negate;" Return an object representing the negative of the $object. "$n = $object->add($other);" Return an object representing the sum of $object and $other "$n = $object->subtract($other);" Return an object representing the difference between $object and $other "$n = $object->multiply($n);" Return an object representing the product of $object and $n (a regular number).
Bruce Miller <>
Public domain software, produced as part of work done by the United States Government & not subject to copyright in the US.