Provided by: latexml_0.7.0-1_all bug


       "LaTeXML::Token" - representation of a token, and "LaTeXML::Tokens", representing lists of tokens.


       This module defines Tokens ("LaTeXML::Token", "LaTeXML::Tokens") that get created during tokenization and

       A "LaTeXML::Token" represents a TeX token which is a pair of a character or string and a category code.
       A "LaTeXML::Tokens" is a list of tokens (and also implements the API of a LaTeXML::Mouth so that tokens
       can be read from a list).

   Common methods
       The following methods apply to all objects.

       "@tokens = $object->unlist;"
           Return a list of the tokens making up this $object.

       "$string = $object->toString;"
           Return a string representing $object.

   Token methods
       The following methods are specific to "LaTeXML::Token".

       "$string = $token->getCSName;"
           Return the string or character part of the $token; for the special category codes, returns the
           standard string (eg. "T_BEGIN-"getCSName> returns "{").

       "$string = $token->getString;"
           Return the string or character part of the $token.

       "$code = $token->getCharcode;"
           Return the character code of the character part of the $token, or 256 if it is a control sequence.

       "$code = $token->getCatcode;"
           Return the catcode of the $token.

   Tokens methods
       The following methods are specific to "LaTeXML::Tokens".

       "$tokenscopy = $tokens->clone;"
           Return a shallow copy of the $tokens.  This is useful before reading from a "LaTeXML::Tokens".

       "$token = $tokens->readToken;"
           Returns (and remove) the next token from $tokens.  This is part of the public API of LaTeXML::Mouth
           so that a "LaTeXML::Tokens" can serve as a LaTeXML::Mouth.


       Bruce Miller <>


       Public domain software, produced as part of work done by the United States Government & not subject to
       copyright in the US.