Provided by: libmail-box-perl_2.110-1_all bug


       Mail::Message::Construct::Build - building a Mail::Message from components


        my $msg3 = Mail::Message->build
          (From => 'me', data => "only two\nlines\n");

        my $msg4 = Mail::Message->buildFromBody($body);


       Complex functionality on Mail::Message objects is implemented in different files which are autoloaded.
       This file implements the functionality related to building of messages from various components.


   Constructing a message
       Mail::Message->build([MESSAGE|PART|BODY], CONTENT)
           Simplified message object builder.  In case a MESSAGE or message PART is specified, a new message is
           created with the same body to start with, but new headers.  A BODY may be specified as well.
           However, there are more ways to add data simply.

           The CONTENT is a list of key-value pairs and header field objects.  The keys which start with a
           capital are used as header-lines.  Lower-cased fields are used for other purposes as listed below.
           Each field may be used more than once.  Pairs where the value is "undef" are ignored.

           If more than one "data", "file", and "attach" is specified, a multi-parted message is created.  Some
           "Content-*" fields are treated separately: to enforce the content lines of the produced message body
           after it has been created.  For instance, to explicitly state that you wish a "multipart/alternative"
           in stead of the default "multipart/mixed".  If you wish to specify the type per datum, you need to
           start playing with Mail::Message::Body objects yourself.

           This "build" method will use buildFromBody() when the body object has been constructed.  Together,
           they produce your message.

             attach  undef
             data    undef
             file    undef
             files   [ ]
             head    undef

           attach => BODY|PART|MESSAGE|ARRAY
             One attachment to the message.  Each attachment can be full MESSAGE, a PART, or a BODY.  Any
             MESSAGE will get encapsulated into a "message/rfc822" body.  You can specify many items (may be of
             different types) at once.

              attach => $folder->message(3)->decoded  # body
              attach => $folder->message(3)           # message
              attach => [ $msg1, $msg2->part(6), $msg3->body ];

           data => STRING|ARRAY-OF-LINES
             The text for one part, specified as one STRING, or an ARRAY of lines.  Each line, including the
             last, must be terminated by a newline.  This argument is passed to Mail::Message::Body::new(data)
             to construct one.

               data => [ "line 1\n", "line 2\n" ]     # array of lines
               data => <<'TEXT'                       # string
              line 1
              line 2

             Create a body where the data is read from the specified FILENAME, FILEHANDLE, or object of type
             IO::Handle.  Also this body is used to create a Mail::Message::Body.

              my $in = IO::File->new('/etc/passwd', 'r');

              file => 'picture.jpg'                   # filename
              file => \*MYINPUTFILE                   # file handle
              file => $in                             # any IO::Handle

              open my $in, '<:raw', '/etc/passwd';    # alternative for IO::File

           files => ARRAY-OF-FILE
             See option file, but then an array reference collection more of them.

           head => HEAD
             Start with a prepared header, otherwise one is created.


            my $msg = Mail::Message->build
             ( From   => ''
             , To     => Mail::Address->new('your name', '')
             , Cc     => ''
             , $other_message->get('Bcc')

             , data   => [ "This is\n", "the first part of\n", "the message\n" ]
             , file   => 'myself.gif'
             , file   => 'you.jpg'
             , attach => $signature

            my $msg = Mail::Message->build
             ( To     => 'you'
             , 'Content-Type' => 'text/html'
             , data   => "<html></html>"

       Mail::Message->buildFromBody(BODY, [HEAD], HEADERS)
           Shape a message around a BODY.  Bodies have information about their content in them, which is used to
           construct a header for the message.  You may specify a HEAD object which is pre-initialized, or one
           is created for you (also when HEAD is "undef").  Next to that, more HEADERS can be specified which
           are stored in that header.

           Header fields are added in order, and before the header lines as defined by the body are taken.  They
           may be supplied as key-value pairs or Mail::Message::Field objects.  In case of a key-value pair, the
           field's name is to be used as key and the value is a string, address (Mail::Address object), or array
           of addresses.

           A "Date", "Message-Id", and "MIME-Version" field are added unless supplied.


            my $type = Mail::Message::Field->new('Content-Type', 'text/html'
              , 'charset="us-ascii"');

            my @to   = ( Mail::Address->new('Your name', '')
                       , ''

            my $msg  = Mail::Message->buildFromBody
              ( $body
              , From => ''
              , To   => \@to
              , $type


   Building a message
       Rapid building

       Most messages you need to construct are relatively simple.  Therefore, this module provides a method to
       prepare a message with only one method call: build().

       Compared to MIME::Entity::build()

       The "build" method in MailBox is modelled after the "build" method as provided by MIMETools, but with a
       few simplifications:

       When a keys starts with a capital, than it is always a header field
       When a keys is lower-cased, it is always something else
       You use the real field-names, not abbreviations
       All field names are accepted
       You may specify field objects between key-value pairs
       A lot of facts are auto-detected, like content-type and encoding
       You can create a multipart at once

       Hum, reading the list above... what is equivalent?  MIME::Entity is not that simple after all!  Let's
       look at an example from MIME::Entity's manual page:

        ### Create the top-level, and set up the mail headers:
        $top = MIME::Entity->build(Type     => "multipart/mixed",
                                   From     => '',
                                   To       => '',
                                   Subject  => "Hello, nurse!");

        ### Attachment #1: a simple text document:

        ### Attachment #2: a GIF file:
        $top->attach(Path        => "./docs/mime-sm.gif",
                     Type        => "image/gif",
                     Encoding    => "base64");

        ### Attachment #3: text we'll create with text we have on-hand:
        $top->attach(Data => $contents);

       The MailBox equivalent could be

        my $msg = Mail::Message->build
          ( From     => ''
          , To       => ''
          , Subject  => "Hello, nurse!"

          , file     => "./testin/short.txt"
          , file     => "./docs/mime-sm.gif"
          , data     => $contents

       One of the simplifications is that MIME::Types is used to lookup the right content type and optimal
       transfer encoding.  Good values for content-disposition and such are added as well.

       build, starting with nothing

       See build().

       buildFromBody, body becomes message

       See buildFromBody().

       The Content-* fields

       The various "Content-*" fields are not as harmless as they look.  For instance, the "Content-Type" field
       will have an effect on the default transfer encoding.

       When a message is built this way:

        my $msg = Mail::Message->build
         ( 'Content-Type' => 'video/mpeg3'
         , 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => 'base64'
         , 'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment'
         , file => '/etc/passwd'

       then first a "text/plain" body is constructed (MIME::Types does not find an extension on the filename so
       defaults to "text/plain"), with no encoding.  Only when that body is ready, the new type and requested
       encodings are set.  The content of the body will get base64 encoded, because it is requested that way.

       What basically happens is this:

        my $head = ...other header lines...;
        my $body = Mail::Message::Body::Lines->new(file => '/etc/passwd');
        my $msg  = Mail::Message->buildFromBody($body, $head);

       A safer way to construct the message is:

        my $body = Mail::Message::Body::Lines->new
         ( file              => '/etc/passwd'
         , mime_type         => 'video/mpeg3'
         , transfer_encoding => 'base64'
         , disposition       => 'attachment'

        my $msg  = Mail::Message->buildFromBody
         ( $body
         , ...other header lines...

       In the latter program, you will immediately start with a body of the right type.


       Error: Only build() Mail::Message's; they are not in a folder yet
           You may wish to construct a message to be stored in a some kind of folder, but you need to do that in
           two steps.  First, create a normal Mail::Message, and then add it to the folder.  During this
           Mail::Box::addMessage() process, the message will get coerce()-d into the right message type, adding
           storage information and the like.


       This module is part of Mail-Box distribution version 2.110, built on January 05, 2014. Website:


       Copyrights 2001-2014 by [Mark Overmeer]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.

       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl
       itself.  See