Provided by: libmojolicious-perl_4.63+dfsg-1_all bug


       Mojolicious::Guides::Growing - Growing


       This document explains the process of starting a Mojolicious::Lite prototype from scratch
       and growing it into a well structured Mojolicious application.


       Essentials every Mojolicious developer should know.

   Model View Controller
       MVC is a software architectural pattern for graphical user interface programming
       originating in Smalltalk-80, that separates application logic, presentation and input.

                  +------------+    +-------+    +------+
         Input -> | Controller | -> | Model | -> | View | -> Output
                  +------------+    +-------+    +------+

       A slightly modified version of the pattern moving some application logic into the
       "controller" is the foundation of pretty much every web framework these days, including

                     +----------------+     +-------+
         Request  -> |                | <-> | Model |
                     |                |     +-------+
                     |   Controller   |
                     |                |     +-------+
         Response <- |                | <-> | View  |
                     +----------------+     +-------+

       The "controller" receives a request from a user, passes incoming data to the "model" and
       retrieves data from it, which then gets turned into an actual response by the "view". But
       note that this pattern is just a guideline that most of the time results in cleaner more
       maintainable code, not a rule that should be followed at all costs.

   REpresentational State Transfer
       REST is a software architectural style for distributed hypermedia systems such as the web.
       While it can be applied to many protocols it is most commonly used with HTTP these days.
       In REST terms, when you are opening a URL like "" with your
       browser, you are basically asking the web server for the HTML "representation" of the
       "" "resource".

         +--------+                                +--------+
         |        | ->  -> |        |
         | Client |                                | Server |
         |        | <- <html>Mojo rocks!</html> <- |        |
         +--------+                                +--------+

       The fundamental idea here is that all resources are uniquely addressable with URLs and
       every resource can have different representations such as HTML, RSS or JSON. User
       interface concerns are separated from data storage concerns and all session state is kept

         +---------+                        +------------+
         |         | ->    PUT /foo      -> |            |
         |         | ->    Hello world!  -> |            |
         |         |                        |            |
         |         | <-    201 CREATED   <- |            |
         |         |                        |            |
         |         | ->    GET /foo      -> |            |
         | Browser |                        | Web Server |
         |         | <-    200 OK        <- |            |
         |         | <-    Hello world!  <- |            |
         |         |                        |            |
         |         | ->    DELETE /foo   -> |            |
         |         |                        |            |
         |         | <-    200 OK        <- |            |
         +---------+                        +------------+

       While HTTP methods such as PUT, GET and DELETE are not directly part of REST they go very
       well with it and are commonly used to manipulate "resources".

       HTTP was designed as a stateless protocol, web servers don't know anything about previous
       requests, which makes user-friendly login systems very tricky.  Sessions solve this
       problem by allowing web applications to keep stateful information across several HTTP

         GET /login?user=sri&pass=s3cret HTTP/1.1

         HTTP/1.1 200 OK
         Set-Cookie: sessionid=987654321
         Content-Length: 10
         Hello sri.

         GET /protected HTTP/1.1
         Cookie: $Version=1; sessionid=987654321

         HTTP/1.1 200 OK
         Set-Cookie: sessionid=987654321
         Content-Length: 16
         Hello again sri.

       Traditionally all session data was stored on the server-side and only session ids were
       exchanged between browser and web server in the form of cookies.

         HTTP/1.1 200 OK
         Set-Cookie: session=hmac-sha1(base64(json($session)))

       In Mojolicious however we are taking this concept one step further by storing everything
       "JSON" serialized and "Base64" encoded in "HMAC-SHA1" signed cookies, which is more
       compatible with the REST philosophy and reduces infrastructure requirements.

   Test Driven Development
       TDD is a software development process where the developer starts writing failing test
       cases that define the desired functionality and then moves on to producing code that
       passes these tests. There are many advantages such as always having good test coverage and
       code being designed for testability, which will in turn often prevent future changes from
       breaking old code. Most of Mojolicious was developed using TDD.


       One of the main differences between Mojolicious and other web frameworks is that it also
       includes Mojolicious::Lite, a micro web framework optimized for rapid prototyping.

       You likely know the feeling, you've got a really cool idea and want to try it as quickly
       as possible, that's exactly why Mojolicious::Lite applications don't need more than a
       single file.
   # Templates and even static files can be inlined

       Full Mojolicious applications on the other hand are much closer to a well organized CPAN
       distribution to maximize maintainability.

         myapp                      # Application directory
         |- script                  # Script directory
         |  +- myapp                # Application script
         |- lib                     # Library directory
         |  |-             # Application class
         |  +- MyApp                # Application namespace
         |     +-        # Controller class
         |- t                       # Test directory
         |  +- basic.t              # Random test
         |- log                     # Log directory
         |  +- development.log      # Development mode log file
         |- public                  # Static file directory (served automatically)
         |  +- index.html           # Static HTML file
         +- templates               # Template directory
            |- layouts              # Template directory for layouts
            |  +- default.html.ep   # Layout template
            +- example              # Template directory for "Example" controller
               +- welcome.html.ep   # Template for "welcome" action

       Both application skeletons can be automatically generated.

         $ mojo generate lite_app
         $ mojo generate app MyApp

       We start our new application with a single executable Perl script.

         $ mkdir myapp
         $ cd myapp
         $ touch
         $ chmod 744

       This will be the foundation for our login manager example application.

         #!/usr/bin/env perl
         use Mojolicious::Lite;

         get '/' => sub {
           my $self = shift;
           $self->render(text => 'Hello world!');


       The built-in development web server makes working on your application a lot of fun thanks
       to automatic reloading.

         $ morbo
         Server available at

       Just save your changes and they will be automatically in effect the next time you refresh
       your browser.

       In Mojolicious we consider web applications simple frontends for existing business logic,
       that means Mojolicious is by design entirely model layer agnostic and you just use
       whatever Perl modules you like most.

         $ mkdir lib
         $ touch lib/
         $ chmod 644 lib/

       Our login manager will simply use a plain old Perl module abstracting away all logic
       related to matching usernames and passwords.

         package MyUsers;

         use strict;
         use warnings;

         my $USERS = {
           sri    => 'secr3t',
           marcus => 'lulz',
           yko    => 'zeecaptain'

         sub new { bless {}, shift }

         sub check {
           my ($self, $user, $pass) = @_;

           # Success
           return 1 if $USERS->{$user} && $USERS->{$user} eq $pass;

           # Fail
           return undef;


       A simple helper can be registered with the function "helper" in Mojolicious::Lite to make
       our "model" available to all actions and templates.

         #!/usr/bin/env perl
         use Mojolicious::Lite;

         use lib 'lib';
         use MyUsers;

         # Helper to lazy initialize and store our model object
         helper users => sub { state $users = MyUsers->new };

         # /?user=sri&pass=secr3t
         any '/' => sub {
           my $self = shift;

           # Query parameters
           my $user = $self->param('user') || '';
           my $pass = $self->param('pass') || '';

           # Check password
           return $self->render(text => "Welcome $user.")
             if $self->users->check($user, $pass);

           # Failed
           $self->render(text => 'Wrong username or password.');


       The method "param" in Mojolicious::Controller is used to access query parameters, POST
       parameters, file uploads and route placeholders, all at once.

       In Mojolicious we take test driven development very serious and try to promote it wherever
       we can.

         $ mkdir t
         $ touch t/login.t
         $ chmod 644 t/login.t

       Test::Mojo is a scriptable HTTP user agent designed specifically for testing, with many
       fun state of the art features such as CSS selectors based on Mojo::DOM.

         use Test::More;
         use Test::Mojo;

         # Include application
         use FindBin;
         require "$FindBin::Bin/../";

         # Allow 302 redirect responses
         my $t = Test::Mojo->new;

         # Test if the HTML login form exists
           ->element_exists('form input[name="user"]')
           ->element_exists('form input[name="pass"]')
           ->element_exists('form input[type="submit"]');

         # Test login with valid credentials
         $t->post_ok('/' => form => {user => 'sri', pass => 'secr3t'})
           ->status_is(200)->text_like('html body' => qr/Welcome sri/);

         # Test accessing a protected page
         $t->get_ok('/protected')->status_is(200)->text_like('a' => qr/Logout/);

         # Test if HTML login form shows up again after logout
           ->element_exists('form input[name="user"]')
           ->element_exists('form input[name="pass"]')
           ->element_exists('form input[type="submit"]');


       From now on you can always check your progress by running these unit tests against your

         $ ./ test
         $ ./ test t/login.t
         $ ./ test -v t/login.t

       Or perform quick requests right from the command line.

         $ ./ get /
         Wrong username or password.

         $ ./ get -v '/?user=sri&pass=secr3t'
         GET /?user=sri&pass=secr3t HTTP/1.1
         User-Agent: Mojolicious (Perl)
         Connection: keep-alive
         Accept-Encoding: gzip
         Content-Length: 0
         Host: localhost:59472

         HTTP/1.1 200 OK
         Connection: keep-alive
         Date: Sun, 18 Jul 2010 13:09:58 GMT
         Server: Mojolicious (Perl)
         Content-Length: 12
         Content-Type: text/plain

         Welcome sri.

   State keeping
       Sessions in Mojolicious pretty much just work out of the box once you start using the
       method "session" in Mojolicious::Controller, there is no setup required, but we suggest
       setting a more secure passphrase with "secrets" in Mojolicious.

         app->secrets(['Mojolicious rocks']);

       This passphrase is used by the "HMAC-SHA1" algorithm to make signed cookies secure and can
       be changed at any time to invalidate all existing sessions.

         $self->session(user => 'sri');
         my $user = $self->session('user');

       By default all sessions expire after one hour, for more control you can use the
       "expiration" session value to set an expiration date in seconds from now.

         $self->session(expiration => 3600);

       And the whole session can be deleted by using the "expires" session value to set an
       absolute expiration date in the past.

         $self->session(expires => 1);

       For data that should only be visible on the next request, like a confirmation message
       after a 302 redirect, you can use the flash, accessible through the method "flash" in

         $self->flash(message => 'Everything is fine.');

       Just remember that all session data gets serialized with Mojo::JSON and stored in
       "HMAC-SHA1" signed cookies, which usually have a 4096 byte limit, depending on browser.

   Final prototype
       A final "" prototype passing all of the unit tests above could look like this.

         #!/usr/bin/env perl
         use Mojolicious::Lite;

         use lib 'lib';
         use MyUsers;

         # Make signed cookies secure
         app->secrets(['Mojolicious rocks']);

         helper users => sub { state $users = MyUsers->new };

         # Main login action
         any '/' => sub {
           my $self = shift;

           # Query or POST parameters
           my $user = $self->param('user') || '';
           my $pass = $self->param('pass') || '';

           # Check password and render "index.html.ep" if necessary
           return $self->render unless $self->users->check($user, $pass);

           # Store username in session
           $self->session(user => $user);

           # Store a friendly message for the next page in flash
           $self->flash(message => 'Thanks for logging in.');

           # Redirect to protected page with a 302 response
         } => 'index';

         # Make sure user is logged in for actions in this group
         group {
           under sub {
             my $self = shift;

             # Redirect to main page with a 302 response if user is not logged in
             return $self->session('user') || !$self->redirect_to('index');

           # A protected page auto rendering "protected.html.ep"
           get '/protected';

         # Logout action
         get '/logout' => sub {
           my $self = shift;

           # Expire and in turn clear session automatically
           $self->session(expires => 1);

           # Redirect to main page with a 302 response


         @@ index.html.ep
         % layout 'default';
         %= form_for index => begin
           % if (param 'user') {
             <b>Wrong name or password, please try again.</b><br>
           % }
           %= text_field 'user'
           %= password_field 'pass'
           %= submit_button 'Login'
         % end

         @@ protected.html.ep
         % layout 'default';
         % if (my $msg = flash 'message') {
           <b><%= $msg %></b><br>
         % }
         Welcome <%= session 'user' %>.<br>
         %= link_to Logout => 'logout'

         @@ layouts/default.html.ep
         <!DOCTYPE html>
           <head><title>Login Manager</title></head>
           <body><%= content %></body>

       A list of all built-in helpers can be found in Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers and


       Due to the flexibility of Mojolicious there are many variations of the actual growing
       process, but this should give you a good overview of the possibilities.

   Inflating templates
       All templates and static files inlined in the "DATA" section can be automatically turned
       into separate files in the "templates" and "public" directories.

         $ ./ inflate

       Those directories always get priority, so inflating can also be a great way to allow your
       users to customize their applications.

   Simplified application class
       This is the heart of every full Mojolicious application and always gets instantiated
       during server startup.

         $ touch lib/
         $ chmod 644 lib/

       We will start by extracting all actions from "" and turn them into simplified
       hybrid routes in the Mojolicious::Routes router, none of the actual action code needs to
       be changed.

         package MyApp;
         use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';

         use MyUsers;

         sub startup {
           my $self = shift;

           $self->secrets(['Mojolicious rocks']);
           $self->helper(users => sub { state $users = MyUsers->new });

           my $r = $self->routes;

           $r->any('/' => sub {
             my $self = shift;

             my $user = $self->param('user') || '';
             my $pass = $self->param('pass') || '';
             return $self->render unless $self->users->check($user, $pass);

             $self->session(user => $user);
             $self->flash(message => 'Thanks for logging in.');
           } => 'index');

           my $logged_in = $r->under(sub {
             my $self = shift;
             return $self->session('user') || !$self->redirect_to('index');

           $r->get('/logout' => sub {
             my $self = shift;
             $self->session(expires => 1);


       The "startup" method gets called right after instantiation and is the place where the
       whole application gets set up. Since full Mojolicious applications can use nested routes
       they have no need for "group" blocks.

   Simplified application script
       "" itself can now be turned into a simplified application script to allow running
       unit tests again.

         #!/usr/bin/env perl

         use strict;
         use warnings;

         use lib 'lib';
         use Mojolicious::Commands;

         # Start command line interface for application

   Controller class
       Hybrid routes are a nice intermediate step, but to maximize maintainability it makes sense
       to split our action code from its routing information.

         $ mkdir lib/MyApp
         $ touch lib/MyApp/
         $ chmod 644 lib/MyApp/

       Once again the actual action code does not change at all.

         package MyApp::Login;
         use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';

         sub index {
           my $self = shift;

           my $user = $self->param('user') || '';
           my $pass = $self->param('pass') || '';
           return $self->render unless $self->users->check($user, $pass);

           $self->session(user => $user);
           $self->flash(message => 'Thanks for logging in.');

         sub logged_in {
           my $self = shift;
           return $self->session('user') || !$self->redirect_to('index');

         sub logout {
           my $self = shift;
           $self->session(expires => 1);


       All Mojolicious::Controller controllers are plain old Perl classes and get instantiated on

   Application class
       The application class "lib/" can now be reduced to model and routing information.

         package MyApp;
         use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';

         use MyUsers;

         sub startup {
           my $self = shift;

           $self->secrets(['Mojolicious rocks']);
           $self->helper(users => sub { state $users = MyUsers->new });

           my $r = $self->routes;
           my $logged_in = $r->under->to('login#logged_in');


       Mojolicious::Routes allows many route variations, choose whatever you like most.

       Templates are usually bound to controllers, so they need to be moved into the appropriate

         $ mkdir templates/login
         $ mv templates/index.html.ep templates/login/index.html.ep
         $ mv templates/protected.html.ep templates/login/protected.html.ep

       Finally "" can be replaced with a proper Mojolicious script.

         $ rm
         $ mkdir script
         $ touch script/myapp
         $ chmod 744 script/myapp

       Only a few small details change, since installable scripts can't use lib without breaking
       updated dual-life modules.

         #!/usr/bin/env perl

         use strict;
         use warnings;

         use FindBin;
         BEGIN { unshift @INC, "$FindBin::Bin/../lib" }

         # Start command line interface for application
         require Mojolicious::Commands;

   Simplified tests
       Normal Mojolicious applications are a little easier to test, so "t/login.t" can be

         use Test::More;
         use Test::Mojo;

         # Load application class
         my $t = Test::Mojo->new('MyApp');

           ->element_exists('form input[name="user"]')
           ->element_exists('form input[name="pass"]')
           ->element_exists('form input[type="submit"]');

         $t->post_ok('/' => form => {user => 'sri', pass => 'secr3t'})
           ->status_is(200)->text_like('html body' => qr/Welcome sri/);

         $t->get_ok('/protected')->status_is(200)->text_like('a' => qr/Logout/);

           ->element_exists('form input[name="user"]')
           ->element_exists('form input[name="pass"]')
           ->element_exists('form input[type="submit"]');


       Test driven development takes a little getting used to, but is very well worth it!


       You can continue with Mojolicious::Guides now or take a look at the Mojolicious wiki
       <>, which contains a lot more documentation and examples
       by many different authors.


       If you have any questions the documentation might not yet answer, don't hesitate to ask on
       the mailing-list <> or the official IRC channel
       "#mojo" on "".