Provided by: padre_1.00+dfsg-1_all
Padre::Util - Padre non-Wx Utility Functions
The "Padre::Util" package is a internal storage area for miscellaneous functions that aren't really Padre-specific that we want to throw somewhere convenient so they won't clog up task-specific packages. All functions are exportable and documented for maintenance purposes, but except for in the Padre core distribution you are discouraged in the strongest possible terms from using these functions, as they may be moved, removed or changed at any time without notice.
"slurp" my $content = Padre::Util::slurp( $file ); if ( $content ) { print $$content; } else { # Handle errors appropriately } This is a simple slurp implementation, provided as a convenience for internal Padre use when loading trivial unimportant files for which we don't need anything more robust. All file reading is done with "binmode" enabled, and data is returned by reference to avoid needless copying. Returns the content of the file as a SCALAR reference if the file exists and can be read. Returns false if loading of the file failed. This function is only expected to be used in situations where the file should almost always exist, and thus the reason why reading the file failed isn't really important. "newline_type" my $type = Padre::Util::newline_type( $string ); Returns "None" if there was not "CR" or "LF" in the file. Returns "UNIX", "Mac" or "Windows" if only the appropriate newlines were found. Returns "Mixed" if line endings are mixed. "parse_variable" my $version = Padre::Util::parse_variable($file, 'VERSION'); Parse a $file and return what $VERSION (or some other variable) is set to by the first assignment. It will return the string "undef" if it can't figure out what $VERSION is. $VERSION should be for all to see, so "our $VERSION" or plain $VERSION are okay, but "my $VERSION" is not. "parse_variable()" will try to "use version" before checking for $VERSION so the following will work. $VERSION = qv(1.2.3); Originally based on "parse_version" from ExtUtils::MakeMaker. "_T" The "_T" function is used for strings that you do not want to translate immediately, but you will be translating later (multiple times). The only reason this function needs to exist at all is so that the translation tools can identify the string it refers to as something that needs to be translated. Functionally, this function is just a direct pass-through with no effect. "share" If called without a parameter returns the share directory of Padre. If called with a parameter (e.g. "Perl6") returns the share directory of Padre::Plugin::Perl6. Uses File::ShareDir inside. "run_in_directory" Padre::Util::run_in_directory( $command, $directory ); Runs the provided "command" in the "directory". On win32 platforms, executes the command to provide *true* background process executions without window popups on each execution. on non-win32 platforms, it runs a "system" command. Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure. "run_in_directory_two" Plugin replacment for perl command qx{...} to avoid black lines in non *inux os qx{...}; run_in_directory_two( cmd => '...'); optional parameters are dir and return type run_in_directory_two(cmd => '...', dir => $dir); run_in_directory_two(cmd => '...', dir => $dir, option => type); also run_in_directory_two(cmd => '...', option => type); return type 1 default, returns a string return type 2 error only for testing nb you might need to chomp result but thats for you. return type 0 hash_ref example 1, Padre::Util::run_in_directory_two(cmd => 'svn --version --quiet'); "1.6.12 " example 2, Padre::Util::run_in_directory_two(cmd => 'svn --version --quiet', option => '0'); \ { error "", input "svn --version --quiet", output "1.6.12 " }
Copyright 2008-2013 The Padre development team as listed in This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.