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Prima::Const - predefined constants
"Prima::Const" and Prima::Classes is a minimal set of perl modules needed for the toolkit. Since the module provides bindings for the core constants, it is required to be included in every Prima-related module and program. The constants are assembled under the top-level package names, with no "Prima::" prefix. This violates the perl guidelines about package naming, however, it was considered way too inconvenient to prefix every constant with "Prima::" string. This document provides description of all core-coded constants. The constants are also described in the articles together with the corresponding methods and properties. For example, "nt" constants are also described in "Flow" in Prima::Object article.
am:: - Prima::Icon auto masking See also "autoMasking" in Prima::Image am::None - no mask update performed am::MaskColor - mask update based on Prima::Icon::maskColor property am::MaskIndex - mask update based on Prima::Icon::maskIndex property am::Auto - mask update based on corner pixel values apc:: - OS type See "get_system_info" in Prima::Application apc::Os2 apc::Win32 apc::Unix bi:: - border icons See "borderIcons" in Prima::Window bi::SystemMenu - system menu button and/or close button ( usually with icon ) is shown bi::Minimize - minimize button bi::Maximize - maximize ( and eventual restore ) bi::TitleBar - window title bi::All - all of the above bs:: - border styles See "borderStyle" in Prima::Window bs::None - no border bs::Single - thin border bs::Dialog - thick border bs::Sizeable - thick border with interactive resize capabilities ci:: - color indices See "colorIndex" in Prima::Widget ci::NormalText or ci::Fore ci::Normal or ci::Back ci::HiliteText ci::Hilite ci::DisabledText ci::Disabled ci::Light3DColor ci::Dark3DColor ci::MaxId cl:: - colors See "colorIndex" in Prima::Widget Direct color constants cl::Black cl::Blue cl::Green cl::Cyan cl::Red cl::Magenta cl::Brown cl::LightGray cl::DarkGray cl::LightBlue cl::LightGreen cl::LightCyan cl::LightRed cl::LightMagenta cl::Yellow cl::White cl::Gray Indirect color constants cl::NormalText, cl::Fore cl::Normal, cl::Back cl::HiliteText cl::Hilite cl::DisabledText cl::Disabled cl::Light3DColor cl::Dark3DColor cl::MaxSysColor Special constants See "Colors" in Prima::gp_problems cl::Set - logical all-1 color cl::Clear - logical all-0 color cl::Invalid - invalid color value cl::SysFlag - indirect color constant bit set cl::SysMask - indirect color constant bit clear mask cm:: - commands Keyboard and mouse commands See "key_down" in Prima::Widget, "mouse_down" in Prima::Widget cm::KeyDown cm::KeyUp cm::MouseDown cm::MouseUp cm::MouseClick cm::MouseWheel cm::MouseMove cm::MouseEnter cm::MouseLeave Internal commands ( used in core only or not used at all ) cm::Close cm::Create cm::Destroy cm::Hide cm::Show cm::ReceiveFocus cm::ReleaseFocus cm::Paint cm::Repaint cm::Size cm::Move cm::ColorChanged cm::ZOrderChanged cm::Enable cm::Disable cm::Activate cm::Deactivate cm::FontChanged cm::WindowState cm::Timer cm::Click cm::CalcBounds cm::Post cm::Popup cm::Execute cm::Setup cm::Hint cm::DragDrop cm::DragOver cm::EndDrag cm::Menu cm::EndModal cm::MenuCmd cm::TranslateAccel cm::DelegateKey cr:: - pointer cursor resources See "pointerType" in Prima::Widget cr::Default same pointer type as owner's cr::Arrow arrow pointer cr::Text text entry cursor-like pointer cr::Wait hourglass cr::Size general size action pointer cr::Move general move action pointer cr::SizeWest, cr::SizeW right-move action pointer cr::SizeEast, cr::SizeE left-move action pointer cr::SizeWE general horizontal-move action pointer cr::SizeNorth, cr::SizeN up-move action pointer cr::SizeSouth, cr::SizeS down-move action pointer cr::SizeNS general vertical-move action pointer cr::SizeNW up-right move action pointer cr::SizeSE down-left move action pointer cr::SizeNE up-left move action pointer cr::SizeSW down-right move action pointer cr::Invalid invalid action pointer cr::User user-defined icon dt:: - drive types See "query_drive_type" in Prima::Utils dt::None dt::Unknown dt::Floppy dt::HDD dt::Network dt::CDROM dt::Memory dt:: - Prima::Drawable::draw_text constants dt::Left - text is aligned to the left boundary dt::Right - text is aligned to the right boundary dt::Center - text is aligned horizontally in center dt::Top - text is aligned to the upper boundary dt::Bottom - text is aligned to the lower boundary dt::VCenter - text is aligned vertically in center dt::DrawMnemonic - tilde-escapement and underlining is used dt::DrawSingleChar - sets tw::BreakSingle option to Prima::Drawable::text_wrap call dt::NewLineBreak - sets tw::NewLineBreak option to Prima::Drawable::text_wrap call dt::SpaceBreak - sets tw::SpaceBreak option to Prima::Drawable::text_wrap call dt::WordBreak - sets tw::WordBreak option to Prima::Drawable::text_wrap call dt::ExpandTabs - performs tab character ( \t ) expansion dt::DrawPartial - draws the last line, if it is visible partially dt::UseExternalLeading- text lines positioned vertically with respect to the font external leading dt::UseClip - assign ::clipRect property to the boundary rectangle dt::QueryLinesDrawn - calculates and returns number of lines drawn ( contrary to dt::QueryHeight ) dt::QueryHeight - if set, calculates and returns vertical extension of the lines drawn dt::NoWordWrap - performs no word wrapping by the width of the boundaries dt::WordWrap - performs word wrapping by the width of the boundaries dt::Default - dt::NewLineBreak|dt::WordBreak|dt::ExpandTabs| dt::UseExternalLeading fdo:: - find / replace dialog options See Prima::EditDialog fdo::MatchCase fdo::WordsOnly fdo::RegularExpression fdo::BackwardSearch fdo::ReplacePrompt fds:: - find / replace dialog scope type See Prima::EditDialog fds::Cursor fds::Top fds::Bottom fe:: - file events constants See Prima::File fe::Read fe::Write fe::Exception fp:: - standard fill pattern indices See "fillPattern" in Prima::Drawable fp::Empty fp::Solid fp::Line fp::LtSlash fp::Slash fp::BkSlash fp::LtBkSlash fp::Hatch fp::XHatch fp::Interleave fp::WideDot fp::CloseDot fp::SimpleDots fp::Borland fp::Parquet fp:: - font pitches See "pitch" in Prima::Drawable fp::Default fp::Fixed fp::Variable fr:: - fetch resource constants See "fetch_resource" in Prima::Widget fr::Color fr::Font fs::String fs:: - font styles See "style" in Prima::Drawable fs::Normal fs::Bold fs::Thin fs::Italic fs::Underlined fs::StruckOut fs::Outline fw:: - font weights See "weight" in Prima::Drawable fw::UltraLight fw::ExtraLight fw::Light fw::SemiLight fw::Medium fw::SemiBold fw::Bold fw::ExtraBold fw::UltraBold gm:: - grow modes See "growMode" in Prima::Widget Basic constants gm::GrowLoX widget's left side is kept in constant distance from owner's right side gm::GrowLoY widget's bottom side is kept in constant distance from owner's top side gm::GrowHiX widget's right side is kept in constant distance from owner's right side gm::GrowHiY widget's top side is kept in constant distance from owner's top side gm::XCenter widget is kept in center on its owner's horizontal axis gm::YCenter widget is kept in center on its owner's vertical axis gm::DontCare widgets origin is maintained constant relative to the screen Derived or aliased constants gm::GrowAll gm::GrowLoX|gm::GrowLoY|gm::GrowHiX|gm::GrowHiY gm::Center gm::XCenter|gm::YCenter gm::Client gm::GrowHiX|gm::GrowHiY gm::Right gm::GrowLoX|gm::GrowHiY gm::Left gm::GrowHiY gm::Floor gm::GrowHiX gui:: - GUI types See "get_system_info" in Prima::Application gui::Default gui::PM gui::Windows gui::XLib gui::GTK2 le:: - line end styles See "lineEnd" in Prima::Drawable le::Flat le::Square le::Round lj:: - line join styles See "lineJoin" in Prima::Drawable lj::Round lj::Bevel lj::Miter lp:: - predefined line pattern styles See "linePattern" in Prima::Drawable lp::Null # "" /* */ lp::Solid # "\1" /* ___________ */ lp::Dash # "\x9\3" /* __ __ __ __ */ lp::LongDash # "\x16\6" /* _____ _____ */ lp::ShortDash # "\3\3" /* _ _ _ _ _ _ */ lp::Dot # "\1\3" /* . . . . . . */ lp::DotDot # "\1\1" /* ............ */ lp::DashDot # "\x9\6\1\3" /* _._._._._._ */ lp::DashDotDot # "\x9\3\1\3\1\3" /* _.._.._.._.. */ im:: - image types See "type" in Prima::Image. Bit depth constants im::bpp1 im::bpp4 im::bpp8 im::bpp16 im::bpp24 im::bpp32 im::bpp64 im::bpp128 Pixel format constants im::Color im::GrayScale im::RealNumber im::ComplexNumber im::TrigComplexNumber Mnemonic image types im::Mono - im::bpp1 im::BW - im::bpp1 | im::GrayScale im::16 - im::bpp4 im::Nibble - im::bpp4 im::256 - im::bpp8 im::RGB - im::bpp24 im::Triple - im::bpp24 im::Byte - gray 8-bit unsigned integer im::Short - gray 16-bit unsigned integer im::Long - gray 32-bit unsigned integer im::Float - float im::Double - double im::Complex - dual float im::DComplex - dual double im::TrigComplex - dual float im::TrigDComplex - dual double Extra formats im::fmtBGR im::fmtRGBI im::fmtIRGB im::fmtBGRI im::fmtIBGR Masks im::BPP - bit depth constants im::Category - category constants im::FMT - extra format constants ict:: - image conversion types See "conversion" in Prima::Image. ict::None - no dithering ict::Ordered - 8x8 ordered halftone dithering ict::ErrorDiffusion - error diffusion dithering with static palette ict::Optimized - error diffusion dithering with optimized palette is:: - image statistics indices See "stats" in Prima::Image. is::RangeLo - minimum pixel value is::RangeHi - maximum pixel value is::Mean - mean value is::Variance - variance is::StdDev - standard deviation is::Sum - sum of pixel values is::Sum2 - sum of squares of pixel values kb:: - keyboard virtual codes See also "KeyDown" in Prima::Widget. Modificator keys kb::ShiftL kb::ShiftR kb::CtrlL kb::CtrlR kb::AltL kb::AltR kb::MetaL kb::MetaR kb::SuperL kb::SuperR kb::HyperL kb::HyperR kb::CapsLock kb::NumLock kb::ScrollLock kb::ShiftLock Keys with character code defined kb::Backspace kb::Tab kb::Linefeed kb::Enter kb::Return kb::Escape kb::Esc kb::Space Function keys kb::F1 .. kb::F30 kb::L1 .. kb::L10 kb::R1 .. kb::R10 Other kb::Clear kb::Pause kb::SysRq kb::SysReq kb::Delete kb::Home kb::Left kb::Up kb::Right kb::Down kb::PgUp kb::Prior kb::PageUp kb::PgDn kb::Next kb::PageDown kb::End kb::Begin kb::Select kb::Print kb::PrintScr kb::Execute kb::Insert kb::Undo kb::Redo kb::Menu kb::Find kb::Cancel kb::Help kb::Break kb::BackTab Masking constants kb::CharMask - character codes kb::CodeMask - virtual key codes ( all other kb:: values ) kb::ModMask - km:: values km:: - keyboard modifiers See also "KeyDown" in Prima::Widget. km::Shift km::Ctrl km::Alt km::KeyPad km::DeadKey mt:: - modality types See "get_modal" in Prima::Window, "get_modal_window" in Prima::Window mt::None mt::Shared mt::Exclusive nt:: - notification types Used in "Prima::Component::notification_types" to describe event flow. See also "Flow" in Prima::Object. Starting point constants nt::PrivateFirst nt::CustomFirst Direction constants nt::FluxReverse nt::FluxNormal Complexity constants nt::Single nt::Multiple nt::Event Composite constants nt::Default ( PrivateFirst | Multiple | FluxReverse) nt::Property ( PrivateFirst | Single | FluxNormal ) nt::Request ( PrivateFirst | Event | FluxNormal ) nt::Notification ( CustomFirst | Multiple | FluxReverse ) nt::Action ( CustomFirst | Single | FluxReverse ) nt::Command ( CustomFirst | Event | FluxReverse ) mb:: - mouse buttons See also "MouseDown" in Prima::Widget. mb::b1 or mb::Left mb::b2 or mb::Middle mb::b3 or mb::Right mb::b4 mb::b5 mb::b6 mb::b7 mb::b8 mb:: - message box constants Message box and modal result button commands See also "modalResult" in Prima::Window, "modalResult" in Prima::Button. mb::OK, mb::Ok mb::Cancel mb::Yes mb::No mb::Abort mb::Retry mb::Ignore mb::Help Message box composite ( multi-button ) constants mb::OKCancel, mb::OkCancel mb::YesNo mb::YesNoCancel Message box icon and bell constants mb::Error mb::Warning mb::Information mb::Question rop:: - raster operation codes See "Raster operations" in Prima::Drawable rop::Blackness # = 0 rop::NotOr # = !(src | dest) rop::NotSrcAnd # &= !src rop::NotPut # = !src rop::NotDestAnd # = !dest & src rop::Invert # = !dest rop::XorPut # ^= src rop::NotAnd # = !(src & dest) rop::AndPut # &= src rop::NotXor # = !(src ^ dest) rop::NotSrcXor # alias for rop::NotXor rop::NotDestXor # alias for rop::NotXor rop::NoOper # = dest rop::NotSrcOr # |= !src rop::CopyPut # = src rop::NotDestOr # = !dest | src rop::OrPut # |= src rop::Whiteness # = 1 sbmp:: - system bitmaps indices See also Prima::StdBitmap. sbmp::Logo sbmp::CheckBoxChecked sbmp::CheckBoxCheckedPressed sbmp::CheckBoxUnchecked sbmp::CheckBoxUncheckedPressed sbmp::RadioChecked sbmp::RadioCheckedPressed sbmp::RadioUnchecked sbmp::RadioUncheckedPressed sbmp::Warning sbmp::Information sbmp::Question sbmp::OutlineCollaps sbmp::OutlineExpand sbmp::Error sbmp::SysMenu sbmp::SysMenuPressed sbmp::Max sbmp::MaxPressed sbmp::Min sbmp::MinPressed sbmp::Restore sbmp::RestorePressed sbmp::Close sbmp::ClosePressed sbmp::Hide sbmp::HidePressed sbmp::DriveUnknown sbmp::DriveFloppy sbmp::DriveHDD sbmp::DriveNetwork sbmp::DriveCDROM sbmp::DriveMemory sbmp::GlyphOK sbmp::GlyphCancel sbmp::SFolderOpened sbmp::SFolderClosed sbmp::Last sv:: - system value indices See also "get_system_value" in Prima::Application sv::YMenu - height of menu bar in top-level windows sv::YTitleBar - height of title bar in top-level windows sv::XIcon - width and height of main icon dimensions, sv::YIcon acceptable by the system sv::XSmallIcon - width and height of alternate icon dimensions, sv::YSmallIcon acceptable by the system sv::XPointer - width and height of mouse pointer icon sv::YPointer acceptable by the system sv::XScrollbar - width of the default vertical scrollbar sv::YScrollbar - height of the default horizontal scrollbar sv::XCursor - width of the system cursor sv::AutoScrollFirst - the initial and the repetitive sv::AutoScrollNext scroll timeouts sv::InsertMode - the system insert mode sv::XbsNone - widths and heights of the top-level window sv::YbsNone decorations, correspondingly, with borderStyle sv::XbsSizeable bs::None, bs::Sizeable, bs::Single, and sv::YbsSizeable bs::Dialog. sv::XbsSingle sv::YbsSingle sv::XbsDialog sv::YbsDialog sv::MousePresent - 1 if the mouse is present, 0 otherwise sv::MouseButtons - number of the mouse buttons sv::WheelPresent - 1 if the mouse wheel is present, 0 otherwise sv::SubmenuDelay - timeout ( in ms ) before a sub-menu shows on an implicit selection sv::FullDrag - 1 if the top-level windows are dragged dynamically, 0 - with marquee mode sv::DblClickDelay - mouse double-click timeout in milliseconds sv::ShapeExtension - 1 if Prima::Widget::shape functionality is supported, 0 otherwise sv::ColorPointer - 1 if system accepts color pointer icons. sv::CanUTF8_Input - 1 if system can generate key codes in unicode sv::CanUTF8_Output - 1 if system can output utf8 text ta:: - alignment constants Used in: Prima::InputLine, Prima::ImageViewer, Prima::Label, Prima::Terminals. ta::Left ta::Right ta::Center ta::Top ta::Bottom ta::Middle tw:: - text wrapping constants See "text_wrap" in Prima::Drawable tw::CalcMnemonic - calculates tilde underline position tw::CollapseTilde - removes escaping tilde from text tw::CalcTabs - wraps text with respect to tab expansion tw::ExpandTabs - expands tab characters tw::BreakSingle - determines if text is broken to single characters when text cannot be fit tw::NewLineBreak - breaks line on newline characters tw::SpaceBreak - breaks line on space or tab characters tw::ReturnChunks - returns wrapped text chunks tw::ReturnLines - returns positions and lengths of wrapped text chunks tw::WordBreak - defines if text break by width goes by the characters or by the words tw::ReturnFirstLineLength - returns length of the first wrapped line tw::Default - tw::NewLineBreak | tw::CalcTabs | tw::ExpandTabs | tw::ReturnLines | tw::WordBreak wc:: - widget classes See "widgetClass" in Prima::Widget wc::Undef wc::Button wc::CheckBox wc::Combo wc::Dialog wc::Edit wc::InputLine wc::Label wc::ListBox wc::Menu wc::Popup wc::Radio wc::ScrollBar wc::Slider wc::Widget, wc::Custom wc::Window wc::Application ws:: - window states See "windowState" in Prima::Window ws::Normal ws::Minimized ws::Maximized
Dmitry Karasik, <>.
Prima, Prima::Classes