Provided by: librun-parts-perl_0.06-1_all
Run::Parts - Offers functionality of Debian's run-parts tool in Perl.
Version 0.06
Run::Parts offers functionality of Debian's run-parts tool in Perl. run-parts runs all the executable files named within constraints described in run-parts(8) and Run::Parts::Perl, found in the given directory. Other files and directories are silently ignored. Additionally it can just print the names of the all matching files (not limited to executables, but ignores blacklisted files like e.g. backup files), but don't actually run them. This is useful when functionality or configuration is split over multiple files in one directory. A typical convention is that the directory name ends in ".d". Common examples for such splittet configuration directories: /etc/cron.d/ /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/, /etc/aptitude-robot/pkglist.d/ /etc/logrotate.d/ /etc/rsyslog.d/ Perhaps a little code snippet. use Run::Parts; my $rp = Run::Parts->new('directory'); # chooses backend automatically my $rpp = Run::Parts->new('directory', 'perl'); # pure perl backend my $rpd = Run::Parts->new('directory', 'debian'); # uses /bin/run-parts my @file_list = $rp->list; my @executables_list = $rpp->test; my $commands_output = $rpd->run; ...
Run::Parts contains two backend implementation. Run::Parts::Debian actually uses /bin/run-parts and Run::Parts::Perl is a pure Perl implementation of a basic set of run-parts' functionality. Run::Parts::Debian may or may not work with RedHat's simplified shell-script based reimplementation of Debian's run-parts. By default Run::Parts uses Run::Parts::Debian if /bin/run-parts exists, Run::Parts::Perl otherwise. But you can also choose any of the backends explicitly.
new (Constructor) Creates a new Run::Parts object. Takes one parameter, the directory on which run-parts should work. run_parts_command Returns the run-parts to run with the given command parameter list Lists all relevant files in the given directory. Equivalent to "run-parts --list". test Lists all relevant executables in the given directory. Equivalent to "run-parts --test". run Runs all relevant executables in the given directory. Equivalent to "run-parts". concat Returns the concatenated contents of all relevant files in the given directory. Equivalent to "cat `run-parts --list`".
run-parts(8), Run::Parts::Debian, Run::Parts::Perl
Axel Beckert, "<>"
Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-run-parts at", or through the web interface at <>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find a git repository of Run::Parts' code at <>.
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Copyright 2013 Axel Beckert. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See <> for more information.