Provided by: libsnmp-info-perl_3.11-1_all
SNMP::Info::RapidCity - SNMP Interface to the Avaya/Nortel RapidCity MIB
Eric Miller
# Let SNMP::Info determine the correct subclass for you. my $rapidcity = new SNMP::Info( AutoSpecify => 1, Debug => 1, # These arguments are passed directly to SNMP::Session DestHost => 'myswitch', Community => 'public', Version => 2 ) or die "Can't connect to DestHost.\n"; my $class = $rapidcity->class(); print "SNMP::Info determined this device to fall under subclass : $class\n";
SNMP::Info::RapidCity is a subclass of SNMP::Info that provides an interface to the "RAPID-CITY" MIB. This MIB is used across the Avaya/Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch and Ethernet Switch product lines (Formerly known as Passport, BayStack, and Accelar), as well as, the VSP 9000 and 7000 series. Use or create in a subclass of SNMP::Info. Do not use directly. Inherited Classes None. Required MIBs RAPID-CITY
These are methods that return scalar values from SNMP $rapidcity->rc_base_mac() ("rc2kChassisBaseMacAddr") $rapidcity->rc_serial() ("rcChasSerialNumber") $rapidcity->rc_ch_rev() ("rcChasHardwareRevision") $rapidcity->chassis() ("rcChasType") $rapidcity->slots() ("rcChasNumSlots") $rapidcity->rc_virt_ip() ("rcSysVirtualIpAddr") $rapidcity->rc_virt_mask() ("rcSysVirtualNetMask") $rapidcity->tftp_host() ("rcTftpHost") $rapidcity->tftp_file() ("rcTftpFile") $rapidcity->tftp_action() ("rcTftpAction") $rapidcity->tftp_result() ("rcTftpResult") Overrides $rapidcity->serial() Returns serial number of the chassis
These are methods that return tables of information in the form of a reference to a hash. $rapidcity->i_duplex() Returns reference to map of IIDs to current link duplex. $rapidcity->i_duplex_admin() Returns reference to hash of IIDs to admin duplex setting. $rapidcity->i_vlan() Returns a mapping between "ifIndex" and the PVID or default VLAN. $rapidcity->i_vlan_membership() Returns reference to hash of arrays: key = "ifIndex", value = array of VLAN IDs. These are the VLANs which are members of the egress list for the port. Example: my $interfaces = $rapidcity->interfaces(); my $vlans = $rapidcity->i_vlan_membership(); foreach my $iid (sort keys %$interfaces) { my $port = $interfaces->{$iid}; my $vlan = join(',', sort(@{$vlans->{$iid}})); print "Port: $port VLAN: $vlan\n"; } $rapidcity->v_index() Returns VLAN IDs ("rcVlanId") $rapidcity->agg_ports() Returns a HASH reference mapping from slave to master port for each member of a port bundle (MLT) on the device. Keys are ifIndex of the slave ports, Values are ifIndex of the corresponding master ports. RAPID-CITY Port Table ("rcPortTable") $rapidcity->rc_index() ("rcPortIndex") $rapidcity->rc_duplex() ("rcPortOperDuplex") $rapidcity->rc_duplex_admin() ("rcPortAdminDuplex") $rapidcity->rc_speed_admin() ("rcPortAdminSpeed") $rapidcity->rc_auto() ("rcPortAutoNegotiate") $rapidcity->rc_alias() ("rcPortName") RAPID-CITY CPU Ethernet Port Table ("rc2kCpuEthernetPortTable") $rapidcity->rc_cpu_ifindex() ("rc2kCpuEthernetPortIfIndex") $rapidcity->rc_cpu_admin() ("rc2kCpuEthernetPortAdminStatus") $rapidcity->rc_cpu_oper() ("rc2kCpuEthernetPortOperStatus") $rapidcity->rc_cpu_ip() ("rc2kCpuEthernetPortAddr") $rapidcity->rc_cpu_mask() ("rc2kCpuEthernetPortMask") $rapidcity->rc_cpu_auto() ("rc2kCpuEthernetPortAutoNegotiate") $rapidcity->rc_cpu_duplex_admin() ("rc2kCpuEthernetPortAdminDuplex") $rapidcity->rc_cpu_duplex() ("rc2kCpuEthernetPortOperDuplex") $rapidcity->rc_cpu_speed_admin() ("rc2kCpuEthernetPortAdminSpeed") $rapidcity->rc_cpu_speed_oper() ("rc2kCpuEthernetPortOperSpeed") $rapidcity->rc_cpu_mac() ("rc2kCpuEthernetPortMgmtMacAddr") RAPID-CITY VLAN Port Table ("rcVlanPortTable") $rapidcity->rc_i_vlan_if() ("rcVlanPortIndex") $rapidcity->rc_i_vlan_num() ("rcVlanPortNumVlanIds") $rapidcity->rc_i_vlan() ("rcVlanPortVlanIds") $rapidcity->rc_i_vlan_type() ("rcVlanPortType") $rapidcity->rc_i_vlan_pvid() ("rcVlanPortDefaultVlanId") $rapidcity->rc_i_vlan_tag() ("rcVlanPortPerformTagging") RAPID-CITY VLAN Table ("rcVlanTable") $rapidcity->rc_vlan_id() ("rcVlanId") $rapidcity->v_name() ("rcVlanName") $rapidcity->rc_vlan_color() ("rcVlanColor") $rapidcity->rc_vlan_if() ("rcVlanIfIndex") $rapidcity->rc_vlan_stg() ("rcVlanStgId") $rapidcity->rc_vlan_type() ("rcVlanType") $rapidcity->rc_vlan_members() ("rcVlanPortMembers") $rapidcity->rc_vlan_mac() ("rcVlanMacAddress") RAPID-CITY IP Address Table ("rcIpAddrTable") $rapidcity->rc_ip_index() ("rcIpAdEntIfIndex") $rapidcity->rc_ip_addr() ("rcIpAdEntAddr") $rapidcity->rc_ip_type() ("rcIpAdEntIfType") RAPID-CITY Chassis Fan Table ("rcChasFanTable") $rapidcity->rc_fan_op() ("rcChasFanOperStatus") RAPID-CITY Power Supply Table ("rcChasPowerSupplyTable") $rapidcity->rc_ps_op() ("rcChasPowerSupplyOperStatus") RAPID-CITY Power Supply Detail Table ("rcChasPowerSupplyDetailTable") $rapidcity->rc_ps_type() ("rcChasPowerSupplyDetailType") $rapidcity->rc_ps_serial() ("rcChasPowerSupplyDetailSerialNumber") $rapidcity->rc_ps_rev() ("rcChasPowerSupplyDetailHardwareRevision") $rapidcity->rc_ps_part() ("rcChasPowerSupplyDetailPartNumber") $rapidcity->rc_ps_detail() ("rcChasPowerSupplyDetailDescription") RAPID-CITY Card Table ("rcCardTable") $rapidcity->rc_c_type() ("rcCardType") $rapidcity->rc_c_serial() ("rcCardSerialNumber") $rapidcity->rc_c_rev() ("rcCardHardwareRevision") $rapidcity->rc_c_part() ("rcCardPartNumber") RAPID-CITY 2k Card Table ("rc2kCardTable") $rapidcity->rc2k_c_ftype() ("rc2kCardFrontType") $rapidcity->rc2k_c_fdesc() ("rc2kCardFrontDescription") $rapidcity->rc2k_c_fserial() ("rc2kCardFrontSerialNum") $rapidcity->rc2k_c_frev() ("rc2kCardFrontHwVersion") $rapidcity->rc2k_c_fpart() ("rc2kCardFrontPartNumber") $rapidcity->rc2k_c_fdate() ("rc2kCardFrontDateCode") $rapidcity->rc2k_c_fdev() ("rc2kCardFrontDeviations") $rapidcity->rc2k_c_btype() ("rc2kCardBackType") $rapidcity->rc2k_c_bdesc() ("rc2kCardBackDescription") $rapidcity->rc2k_c_bserial() ("rc2kCardBackSerialNum") $rapidcity->rc2k_c_brev() ("rc2kCardBackHwVersion") $rapidcity->rc2k_c_bpart() ("rc2kCardBackPartNumber") $rapidcity->rc2k_c_bdate() ("rc2kCardBackDateCode") $rapidcity->rc2k_c_bdev() ("rc2kCardBackDeviations") RAPID-CITY MDA Card Table ("rc2kMdaCardTable") $rapidcity->rc2k_mda_type() ("rc2kMdaCardType") $rapidcity->rc2k_mda_desc() ("rc2kMdaCardDescription") $rapidcity->rc2k_mda_serial() ("rc2kMdaCardSerialNum") $rapidcity->rc2k_mda_rev() ("rc2kMdaCardHwVersion") $rapidcity->rc2k_mda_part() ("rc2kMdaCardPartNumber") $rapidcity->rc2k_mda_date() ("rc2kMdaCardDateCode") $rapidcity->rc2k_mda_dev() ("rc2kMdaCardDeviations")
These are methods that provide SNMP set functionality for overridden methods or provide a simpler interface to complex set operations. See "SETTING DATA VIA SNMP" in SNMP::Info for general information on set operations. $rapidcity->set_i_speed_admin(speed, ifIndex) Sets port speed, must be supplied with speed and port "ifIndex". Speed choices are 'auto', '10', '100', '1000'. Example: my %if_map = reverse %{$rapidcity->interfaces()}; $rapidcity->set_i_speed_admin('auto', $if_map{'1.1'}) or die "Couldn't change port speed. ",$rapidcity->error(1); $rapidcity->set_i_duplex_admin(duplex, ifIndex) Sets port duplex, must be supplied with duplex and port "ifIndex". Speed choices are 'auto', 'half', 'full'. Example: my %if_map = reverse %{$rapidcity->interfaces()}; $rapidcity->set_i_duplex_admin('auto', $if_map{'1.1'}) or die "Couldn't change port duplex. ",$rapidcity->error(1); $rapidcity->set_i_vlan(vlan, ifIndex) Changes an access (untagged) port VLAN, must be supplied with the numeric VLAN ID and port "ifIndex". This method will modify the port's VLAN membership and PVID (default VLAN). This method should only be used on end station (non-trunk) ports. Example: my %if_map = reverse %{$rapidcity->interfaces()}; $rapidcity->set_i_vlan('2', $if_map{'1.1'}) or die "Couldn't change port VLAN. ",$rapidcity->error(1); $rapidcity->set_i_pvid(pvid, ifIndex) Sets port PVID or default VLAN, must be supplied with the numeric VLAN ID and port "ifIndex". This method only changes the PVID, to modify an access (untagged) port use set_i_vlan() instead. Example: my %if_map = reverse %{$rapidcity->interfaces()}; $rapidcity->set_i_pvid('2', $if_map{'1.1'}) or die "Couldn't change port PVID. ",$rapidcity->error(1); $rapidcity->set_add_i_vlan_tagged(vlan, ifIndex) Adds the port to the egress list of the VLAN, must be supplied with the numeric VLAN ID and port "ifIndex". Example: my %if_map = reverse %{$rapidcity->interfaces()}; $rapidcity->set_add_i_vlan_tagged('2', $if_map{'1.1'}) or die "Couldn't add port to egress list. ",$rapidcity->error(1); $rapidcity->set_remove_i_vlan_tagged(vlan, ifIndex) Removes the port from the egress list of the VLAN, must be supplied with the numeric VLAN ID and port "ifIndex". Example: my %if_map = reverse %{$rapidcity->interfaces()}; $rapidcity->set_remove_i_vlan_tagged('2', $if_map{'1.1'}) or die "Couldn't add port to egress list. ",$rapidcity->error(1); $rapidcity->set_delete_vlan(vlan) Deletes the specified VLAN from the device. $rapidcity->set_create_vlan(name, vlan) Creates the specified VLAN on the device. Note: This method only allows creation of Port type VLANs and does not allow for the setting of the Spanning Tree Group (STG) which defaults to 1.