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SWF::Button - SWF button class
use SWF::Button; $button = new SWF::Button(); $button->setUp($shape1); $button->setDown($shape2);
Creates buttons for flash movies. Buttons are controlled by various methods for visible design and triggered actions, see below:
new SWF::Button() Creates a new Button object. $button->addShape($shape, FLAG) Adds $shape to the button. Using this method is not recommended, better use addCharacter(), see next item for details. Also unlike addCharacter() this method does not return any SWF::ButtonRecord objects $buttonrecord = $button->addCharacter($character [, $flags]) Adds character $shape to the button. Valid FLAGs are: SWFBUTTON_HIT SWFBUTTON_UP SWFBUTTON_DOWN SWFBUTTON_OVER Unlike addShape() this method returns an object of SWF::ButtonRecord class. The flag states can be combined using the binary or operator. $buttonrecord = $button->setOver($shape) Shortcut for $button->addCharacter($shape, SWFBUTTON_OVER); $buttonrecord = $button->setHit($shape) Shortcut for $button->addCharacter($shape, SWFBUTTON_HIT); $buttonrecord = $button->setUp($shape) Shortcut for $button->addCharacter($shape, SWFBUTTON_UP); $buttonrecord = $button->setDown($shape) Shortcut for $button->addCharacter($shape, SWFBUTTON_DOWN); $button->addAction($action [,FLAG]) $button->setAction($action [,FLAG]) Adds $action object (see SWF::Action). Valid FLAGs are: SWFBUTTON_MOUSEUP SWFBUTTON_MOUSEOVER SWFBUTTON_MOUSEOUT SWFBUTTON_MOUSEDOWN SWFBUTTON_DRAGOVER SWFBUTTON_DRAGOUT SWFBUTTON_MOUSEUP is the default value of FLAG. $button->setMenu(0|1) Parameter is 0 (off) or 1(on). Can be used for a slight different behavior of buttons. $soundinstance = $button->addSound($sound, $flags) Plays a prepared SWF::Sound object and returns an object of SWF::SoundInstance. Once more valid flags are: SWFBUTTON_MOUSEUP SWFBUTTON_MOUSEOVER SWFBUTTON_MOUSEOUT SWFBUTTON_MOUSEDOWN For example: $sound = new SWF::Sound("wow.mp3", SWF_SOUND_MP3_COMPRESSED ); $soundinstance = $button->addSound($sound, SWFBUTTON_MOUSEDOWN ); $button->setScalingGrid($x, $y, $w, $h) This function (available from SWF>=8) sets a 9 slice scaling grid: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X, y, w and h define a rectangle, which is the dimension of the center slice (5). All other slices are determined out of the characters bounds and the defined rect. While slice 5 is scaled vertical and horizontal, slice 2 and 8 are only scaled horizontal. Slice 4 and 6 only vertical. The 4 corner slices are not scaled (1, 3, 7, 9). $button->removeScalingGrid() Removes scaling grid rectangles.
wrapper written by Soheil Seyfaie (soheil at users dot sourceforge dot net) Peter Liscovius (peterdd at users dot sourceforge dot net) and many others.
SWF, SWF::Action, SWF::Shape, SWF::Movie, SWF::MovieClip, SWF::Constants, SWF::Sound, SWF::SoundInstance