trusty (3) SWFButton_setScalingGrid.3.gz

SWFButton_setScalingGrid - set a 9 slice scaling grid to this sprite / movieclip / button
#include <ming.h> void SWFButton_setScalingGrid ( SWFButton b, int x, int y, int w, int h );
SWFButton b Not Documented. int x Not Documented. int y Not Documented. int w Not Documented. int h Not Documented.
This function sets a 9 slice scaling grid to buttons / sprites / movieclips 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x, y, w and h define a rectangle, which is the dimension of the center slice (5) all other slices are determined out of the characters bounds and the defined rect. While slice 5 is scalde vertical and horizontal, slice 2 and 8 are only scale horizontal. Slice 4 and 6 only vertical. The 4 corner slices are not scaled (1, 3, 7, 9).