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SoGetPrimitiveCountAction - The SoGetPrimitiveCountAction class counts the primitives in a scene. Apply this action to a scene if you need to know the number of primitives present in a scenegraph, or parts of a scenegraph.
#include <Inventor/actions/SoGetPrimitiveCountAction.h> Inherits SoAction. Public Member Functions virtual SoType getTypeId (void) const SoGetPrimitiveCountAction (void) SoGetPrimitiveCountAction (const SbViewportRegion &vp) virtual ~SoGetPrimitiveCountAction (void) int getTriangleCount (void) const int getLineCount (void) const int getPointCount (void) const int getTextCount (void) const int getImageCount (void) const SbBool containsNoPrimitives (void) SbBool containsNonTriangleShapes (void) SbBool is3DTextCountedAsTriangles (void) void setCount3DTextAsTriangles (const SbBool flag) SbBool canApproximateCount (void) void setCanApproximate (const SbBool flag) void setDecimationValue (SoDecimationTypeElement::Type type, float percentage=1.0) SoDecimationTypeElement::Type getDecimationType (void) float getDecimationPercentage (void) void addNumTriangles (const int num) void addNumLines (const int num) void addNumPoints (const int num) void addNumText (const int num) void addNumImage (const int num) void incNumTriangles (void) void incNumLines (void) void incNumPoints (void) void incNumText (void) void incNumImage (void) Static Public Member Functions static SoType getClassTypeId (void) static void addMethod (const SoType type, SoActionMethod method) static void enableElement (const SoType type, const int stackindex) static void initClass (void) Protected Member Functions virtual const SoEnabledElementsList & getEnabledElements (void) const " virtual void beginTraversal (SoNode *node) Static Protected Member Functions static SoEnabledElementsList * getClassEnabledElements (void) static SoActionMethodList * getClassActionMethods (void) Additional Inherited Members
Detailed Description
The SoGetPrimitiveCountAction class counts the primitives in a scene. Apply this action to a scene if you need to know the number of primitives present in a scenegraph, or parts of a scenegraph. One common mistake to make when using this action is to think that it traverses just the parts currently in view, like SoGLRenderAction does. (SoGLRenderAction culls away the scenegraph parts outside the camera view volume and does not traverse those.) Like most other action classes, SoGetPrimitiveCountAction actually traverses the complete scenegraph, not just the parts currently in view. Since: Coin 1.0 TGS Inventor 2.5
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::SoGetPrimitiveCountAction (void) Constructor. SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::SoGetPrimitiveCountAction (const SbViewportRegion &vp) Constructor. Supply the current viewport region to make SCREEN_SPACE counting correct. SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::~SoGetPrimitiveCountAction (void) [virtual] The destructor.
Member Function Documentation
SoType SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::getTypeId (void) const [virtual] Returns the type identification of an action derived from a class inheriting SoAction. This is used for run-time type checking and 'downward' casting. Usage example: void bar(SoAction * action) { if (action->getTypeId() == SoGLRenderAction::getClassTypeId()) { // safe downward cast, know the type SoGLRenderAction * glrender = (SoGLRenderAction *)action; } return; // ignore if not renderaction } For application programmers wanting to extend the library with new actions: this method needs to be overridden in all subclasses. This is typically done as part of setting up the full type system for extension classes, which is usually accomplished by using the pre-defined macros available through Inventor/nodes/SoSubAction.h: SO_ACTION_SOURCE, SO_ACTION_INIT_CLASS and SO_ACTION_CONSTRUCTOR. For more information on writing Coin extensions, see the SoAction class documentation. Returns the actual type id of an object derived from a class inheriting SoAction. Needs to be overridden in all subclasses. Implements SoAction. void SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::addMethod (const SoTypetype, SoActionMethodmethod) [static] This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer. void SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::enableElement (const SoTypetype, const intstackindex) [static] This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer. const SoEnabledElementsList & SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::getEnabledElements (void) const [protected], [virtual] Returns a list of the elements used by action instances of this class upon traversal operations. Reimplemented from SoAction. int SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::getTriangleCount (void) const Returns number of triangles in graph. int SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::getLineCount (void) const Returns number of lines in graph. int SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::getPointCount (void) const Returns number of points in graph. Note that by 'point', it is meant an actual point primitive (for rendering), such as in the SoPointSet shape node, not a polygon vertice. For counting the total number of polygon vertices in a scene (sub) graph, use instead the SoCallbackAction with the appropriate callback. int SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::getTextCount (void) const Returns number of texts in the graph. int SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::getImageCount (void) const Returns the number of images in the graph. SbBool SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::containsNoPrimitives (void) Returns whether there are any primitives in graph or not. SbBool SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::containsNonTriangleShapes (void) Returns whether there are non-triangular primitives in graph. SbBool SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::is3DTextCountedAsTriangles (void) Returns whether SoText3 nodes is counted as triangles or text. See Also: is3DTextCountedAsTriangles() void SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::setCount3DTextAsTriangles (const SbBoolflag) Sets whether SoText3 nodes are counted as the triangles of the fonts in the text strings or the text itself. The default is to count as triangles. See Also: is3DTextCountedAsTriangles() SbBool SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::canApproximateCount (void) Returns whether shapes can use an approximate value when counting primitives. This is faster than doing an accurate count. The default is to not approximate. See Also: setCanApproximate() void SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::setCanApproximate (const SbBoolflag) Sets whether shapes can do an approximate count. See Also: canApproximateCount() void SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::setDecimationValue (SoDecimationTypeElement::Typetype, floatpercentage = 1.0) Set up the decimation parameters for the traversal. On-the-fly decimation is supported in Coin yet, so this call will not have any effect until this feature has been implemented. SoDecimationTypeElement::Type SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::getDecimationType (void) Returns decimation type used during the traversal count. float SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::getDecimationPercentage (void) Returns decimation percentage used during the traversal count. void SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::addNumTriangles (const intnum) Adds num triangles to total count. Used by node instances in the scene graph during traversal. void SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::addNumLines (const intnum) Adds num lines to total count. Used by node instances in the scene graph during traversal. void SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::addNumPoints (const intnum) Adds num points to total count. Used by node instances in the scene graph during traversal. void SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::addNumText (const intnum) Adds num texts to total count. Used by node instances in the scene graph during traversal. void SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::addNumImage (const intnum) Adds num texture image maps to total count. Used by node instances in the scene graph during traversal. void SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::incNumTriangles (void) Adds a single triangle to the total count. Used by node instances in the scene graph during traversal. void SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::incNumLines (void) Adds a single line to the total count. Used by node instances in the scene graph during traversal. void SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::incNumPoints (void) Adds a single point to the total count. Used by node instances in the scene graph during traversal. void SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::incNumText (void) Adds a single text to the total count. Used by node instances in the scene graph during traversal. void SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::incNumImage (void) Adds a single texture image map to the total count. Used by node instances in the scene graph during traversal. void SoGetPrimitiveCountAction::beginTraversal (SoNode *node) [protected], [virtual] This virtual method is called from SoAction::apply(), and is the entry point for the actual scenegraph traversal. It can be overridden to initialize the action at traversal start, for specific initializations in the action subclasses inheriting SoAction. Default method just calls traverse(), which any overridden implementation of the method must do too (or call SoAction::beginTraversal()) to trigger the scenegraph traversal. Reimplemented from SoAction.
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