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       SoNodekitCatalog -

       The SoNodekitCatalog class is a container for nodekit layouts.

       Nodekits store all their hierarchical layout information and part information in instances
       of this class.


       #include <Inventor/nodekits/SoNodekitCatalog.h>

   Public Member Functions
       SoNodekitCatalog (void)
       ~SoNodekitCatalog ()
       int getNumEntries (void) const
       int getPartNumber (const SbName &name) const
       const SbName & getName (int part) const
       SoType getType (int part) const
       SoType getType (const SbName &name) const
       SoType getDefaultType (int part) const
       SoType getDefaultType (const SbName &name) const
       SbBool isNullByDefault (int part) const
       SbBool isNullByDefault (const SbName &name) const
       SbBool isLeaf (int part) const
       SbBool isLeaf (const SbName &name) const
       const SbName & getParentName (int part) const
       const SbName & getParentName (const SbName &name) const
       int getParentPartNumber (int part) const
       int getParentPartNumber (const SbName &name) const
       const SbName & getRightSiblingName (int part) const
       const SbName & getRightSiblingName (const SbName &name) const
       int getRightSiblingPartNumber (int part) const
       int getRightSiblingPartNumber (const SbName &name) const
       SbBool isList (int part) const
       SbBool isList (const SbName &name) const
       SoType getListContainerType (int part) const
       SoType getListContainerType (const SbName &name) const
       const SoTypeList & getListItemTypes (int part) const
       const SoTypeList & getListItemTypes (const SbName &name) const
       SbBool isPublic (int part) const
       SbBool isPublic (const SbName &name) const
       SoNodekitCatalog * clone (SoType type) const
       SbBool addEntry (const SbName &name, SoType type, SoType defaulttype, SbBool
           isdefaultnull, const SbName &parent, const SbName &rightsibling, SbBool islist, SoType
           listcontainertype, SoType listitemtype, SbBool ispublic)
       void addListItemType (int part, SoType type)
       void addListItemType (const SbName &name, SoType type)
       void narrowTypes (const SbName &name, SoType newtype, SoType newdefaulttype)
       void setNullByDefault (const SbName &name, SbBool nullbydefault)
       SbBool recursiveSearch (int part, const SbName &name, SoTypeList *checked) const
       void printCheck (void) const

   Static Public Member Functions
       static void initClass (void)

Detailed Description

       The SoNodekitCatalog class is a container for nodekit layouts.

       Nodekits store all their hierarchical layout information and part information in instances
       of this class.

       See Also:
           SoNodeKit, SoBaseKit

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

   SoNodekitCatalog::SoNodekitCatalog (void)

   SoNodekitCatalog::~SoNodekitCatalog ()

Member Function Documentation

   void SoNodekitCatalog::initClass (void) [static]
       Initialization of static variables.

   int SoNodekitCatalog::getNumEntries (void) const
       Returns total number of entries in the catalog.

   int SoNodekitCatalog::getPartNumber (const SbName &name) const
       Returns part number in catalog with name. If no part exists with name, returns

   const SbName & SoNodekitCatalog::getName (intpart) const
       Given the part number, return name of that part.

   SoType SoNodekitCatalog::getType (intpart) const
       Given the part number, return type.

   SoType SoNodekitCatalog::getType (const SbName &name) const
       Given the part name, return type.

   SoType SoNodekitCatalog::getDefaultType (intpart) const
       Given part number, return default type of part.

   SoType SoNodekitCatalog::getDefaultType (const SbName &name) const
       Given part name, return default type of part.

   SbBool SoNodekitCatalog::isNullByDefault (intpart) const
       Returns TRUE if the part is empty by default, otherwise FALSE.

   SbBool SoNodekitCatalog::isNullByDefault (const SbName &name) const
       Returns TRUE if part name is empty by default, otherwise FALSE.

   SbBool SoNodekitCatalog::isLeaf (intpart) const
       Returns TRUE if the part is not a parent for any other parts in the nodekit catalog.

   SbBool SoNodekitCatalog::isLeaf (const SbName &name) const
       Returns TRUE if the part name is not a parent for any other parts in the nodekit catalog.

   const SbName & SoNodekitCatalog::getParentName (intpart) const
       Returns name of parent of part. If part doesn't have a parent, the empty string is

   const SbName & SoNodekitCatalog::getParentName (const SbName &name) const
       Returns name of parent of the part. If name doesn't have a parent, the empty string is

   int SoNodekitCatalog::getParentPartNumber (intpart) const
       Returns part number of given part's parent. If part doesn't have a parent,
       SO_CATALOG_NAME_NOT_FOUND is returned.

   int SoNodekitCatalog::getParentPartNumber (const SbName &name) const
       Returns part number of given part's parent. If name doesn't have a parent,
       SO_CATALOG_NAME_NOT_FOUND is returned.

   const SbName & SoNodekitCatalog::getRightSiblingName (intpart) const
       Returns name of right sibling of part. Returns the empty string if part doesn't have a
       right sibling.

   const SbName & SoNodekitCatalog::getRightSiblingName (const SbName &name) const
       Returns name of sibling of the part. Returns the empty string if name doesn't have a right

   int SoNodekitCatalog::getRightSiblingPartNumber (intpart) const
       Returns part number of given part's sibling. Returns SO_CATALOG_NAME_NOT_FOUND if part
       doesn't have a right sibling.

   int SoNodekitCatalog::getRightSiblingPartNumber (const SbName &name) const
       Returns part number of given part's right sibling. Returns SO_CATALOG_NAME_NOT_FOUND if
       part doesn't have a right sibling.

   SbBool SoNodekitCatalog::isList (intpart) const
       Returns TRUE if the given part is a list container.

   SbBool SoNodekitCatalog::isList (const SbName &name) const
       Returns TRUE if the given part is a list container.

   SoType SoNodekitCatalog::getListContainerType (intpart) const
       Returns type of list container (SoGroup, SoSeparator, SoSwitch, etc) which part is.

   SoType SoNodekitCatalog::getListContainerType (const SbName &name) const
       Returns type of list container (SoGroup, SoSeparator, SoSwitch, etc) which the named part

   const SoTypeList & SoNodekitCatalog::getListItemTypes (intpart) const
       Returns list of node types which are allowed to be children of the list container part.

   const SoTypeList & SoNodekitCatalog::getListItemTypes (const SbName &name) const
       Returns list of node types which are allowed to be children of the named list container

   SbBool SoNodekitCatalog::isPublic (intpart) const
       Returns TRUE if part is visible and publicly available for queries and modifications,
       FALSE if part is hidden.

   SbBool SoNodekitCatalog::isPublic (const SbName &name) const
       Returns TRUE if the part is visible and publicly available for queries and modifications,
       FALSE if it is hidden.

   SoNodekitCatalog * SoNodekitCatalog::clone (SoTypetype) const
       Return a clone of this catalog. type will be used to set the type and defaulttype values
       of the toplevel this entry.

   SbBool SoNodekitCatalog::addEntry (const SbName &name, SoTypetype, SoTypedefaulttype,
       SbBoolisdefaultnull, const SbName &parentname, const SbName &rightsiblingname,
       SbBoolislist, SoTypelistcontainertype, SoTypelistitemtype, SbBoolispublic)
       Add a new entry to the catalog. Returns TRUE if add was ok.

   void SoNodekitCatalog::addListItemType (intpart, SoTypetype)
       Add another allowable type for the given part. part must of course be a list container

   void SoNodekitCatalog::addListItemType (const SbName &name, SoTypetype)
       Add another allowable type for the name part. The part must of course be a list container.

   void SoNodekitCatalog::narrowTypes (const SbName &name, SoTypenewtype, SoTypenewdefaulttype)
       Set the type and default type of a part to be subtypes of the old types. Useful for
       'narrowing' the specification of a nodekit which inherits the catalog of a more generic
       nodekit superclass.

   void SoNodekitCatalog::setNullByDefault (const SbName &name, SbBoolnullbydefault)
       Change whether or not the part with the given name is created by default.

   SbBool SoNodekitCatalog::recursiveSearch (intpart, const SbName &name, SoTypeList *checked)
       Recursively search part number in catalog for the name part.

       The checked SoTypeList is just used as a placeholder to remember which nodekit class
       catalogs have already been scanned (or are being scanned) during the recursion. You should
       normally just pass in an empty list.

   void SoNodekitCatalog::printCheck (void) const
       Lists all catalog parts, which is useful for debugging.


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