Provided by: libsocialtext-resting-perl_0.38-1_all 

Socialtext::Resting - module for accessing Socialtext REST APIs
use Socialtext::Resting; my $Rester = Socialtext::Resting->new( username => $opts{username}, password => $opts{password}, server => $opts{server}, ); $Rester->workspace('wikiname'); $Rester->get_page('my_page'); }
"Socialtext::Resting" is a module designed to allow remote access to the Socialtext REST APIs for use in perl programs.
new my $Rester = Socialtext::Resting->new( username => $opts{username}, password => $opts{password}, server => $opts{server}, ); or my $Rester = Socialtext::Resting->new( user_cookie => $opts{user_cookie}, server => $opts{server}, ); Creates a Socialtext::Resting object for the specified server/user/password, or server/cookie combination. accept $Rester->accept($mime_type); Sets the HTTP Accept header to ask the server for a specific representation in future requests. Standard representations: Common representations: text/x.socialtext-wiki text/html application/json get_page $Rester->workspace('wikiname'); $Rester->get_page('page_name'); Retrieves the content of the specified page. Note that the workspace method needs to be called first to specify which workspace to operate on. get_page_revision $Rester->workspace('wikiname'); $Rester->get_page_revision('page_name', 'revision_id'); Retrieves the content of the specified page revision. Note that the workspace method needs to be called first to specify which workspace to operate on. get_attachment $Rester->workspace('wikiname'); $Rester->get_attachment('attachment_id'); Retrieves the specified attachment from the workspace. Note that the workspace method needs to be called first to specify which workspace to operate on. put_workspacetag $Rester->workspace('wikiname'); $Rester->put_workspacetag('tag'); Add the specified tag to the workspace. put_pagetag $Rester->workspace('wikiname'); $Rester->put_pagetag('page_name', 'tag'); Add the specified tag to the page. delete_workspacetag $Rester->workspace('wikiname'); $Rester->delete_workspacetag('tag'); Delete the specified tag from the workspace. delete_pagetag $Rester->workspace('wikiname'); $Rester->delete_pagetag('page_name', 'tag'); Delete the specified tag from the page. post_attachment $Rester->workspace('wikiname'); $Rester->post_attachment('page_name',$id,$content,$mime_type); Attach the file to the specified page post_comment $Rester->workspace('wikiname'); $Rester->post_comment( 'page_name', "me too" ); Add a comment to a page. put_page $Rester->workspace('wikiname'); $Rester->put_page('page_name',$content); Save the content as a page in the wiki. $content can either be a string, which is treated as wikitext, or a hash with the following keys: content A string which is the page's wiki content. date RFC 2616 HTTP Date format string of the time the page was last edited from A username of the last editor of the page. If the the user does not exist it will be created, but will not be added to the workspace. delete_page $Rester->workspace('wikiname'); $Rester->delete_page('page_name'); Delete the specified page. name_to_id my $id = $Rester->name_to_id($name); my $id = Socialtext::Resting::name_to_id($name); Convert a page name into a page ID. Can be called as a method or as a function. get_pages $Rester->workspace('wikiname'); $Rester->get_pages(); List all pages in the wiki. get_page_attachments $Rester->get_page_attachments($page) List all the attachments on a page. get_sheet_cell $Rester->get_sheet_cell($page_id, $cellid) Get the value of a cell in a spreadsheet. get_revisions $Rester->get_revisions($page) List all the revisions of a page. get_taghistory $Rester->workspace('wikiname'); $Rester->get_taghistory($page) Get a history, by revision, of all tags for a page. get_workspace_tags $Rester->workspace('foo'); $Rester->get_workspace_tags() List all the tags in workspace foo. get_homepage Return the page name of the homepage of the current workspace. get_backlinks $Rester->workspace('wikiname'); $Rester->get_backlinks('page_name'); List all backlinks to the specified page get_frontlinks $Rester->workspace('wikiname'); $Rester->get_frontlinks('page_name'); List all 'frontlinks' on the specified page get_pagetags $Rester->workspace('wikiname'); $Rester->get_pagetags('page_name'); List all pagetags on the specified page get_taggedpages $Rester->worksapce('wikiname'); $Rester->get_taggedpages('tag'); List all the pages that are tagged with 'tag'. get_tag $Rester->workspace('wikiname'); $Rester->get_tag('tag'); Retrieves the specified tag from the workspace. Note that the workspace method needs to be called first to specify which workspace to operate on. get_breadcrumbs $Rester->get_breadcrumbs('workspace') Get breadcrumbs for current user in this workspace get_workspace $Rester->get_workspace(); Return the metadata about a particular workspace. get_workspaces $Rester->get_workspaces(); List all workspaces on the server get_user my $userinfo = $Rester->get_user($username); print $userinfo->{email_address}; Get information about a username create_user $Rester->create_user( { username => $username, email_address => $email, password => $password } ); Create a new user. Other parameters can be specified, see POD for Socialtext::User. username is optional and will default to the email address, as in most cases username and email_address will be the same. add_user_to_workspace $Rester->add_user_to_workspace( $workspace, { username => $user, rolename => $role, send_confirmation_invitation => 0 || 1, from_address => $from_email } ); Add a user that already exists to a workspace. rolename defaults to 'member', send_confirmation_invitation defaults to '0'. from_address must refer to a valid existing user, and is only needed if send_confirmation_invitation is set to '1'. If the user is already a member of the workspace, this will reset their role if you specify a role that's different from their current role. get_users_for_workspace my @users = $Rester->get_users_for_workspace( $workspace ); for ( @users ) { print "$_->{name}, $_->{role}, $->{is_workspace_admin}\n" } Get a list of users in a workspace, and their roles and admin status. put_persontag $Rester->put_persontag( $person, $tag ) Tag a person. get_persontags $Rester->get_persontags($person); Retrieves all tags for a person get_people $Rester->get_people(); Retrieves all people. get_person $Rester->get_person(); Retrieves a person. get_signals $Rester->get_signals(); $Rester->get_signals(group_id => 42); $Rester->get_signals(account_id => 2); Retrieves the list of signals. Optional arguments are passed as query paramaters. post_signal $Rester->post_signal('O HAI'); $Rester->post_signal('O HAI', group_id => 42); $Rester->post_signal('O HAI', group_ids => [2,3,4]); $Rester->post_signal('O HAI', account_id => 42); $Rester->post_signal('O HAI', account_ids => [2,3,4]); $Rester->post_signal('O HAI', in_reply_to => { signal_id => 142 }); Posts a signal. Optional "account_ids" and "group_ids" arguments for targeting the signal. Optional "in_reply_to_id" for specifying a signal_id this signal is in reply to. Optional "annotations" to annotate the signal. "annotations" should be an array ref containing hashrefs that have one key (the annotation type) and a value that is a hashref containing key/value pairs. post_webhook $Rester->post_webhook( %args ) Creates a webhook. Args will be encoded as JSON and put up. get_webhooks my $hooks = $Rester->get_webhooks(); Returns an arrayref containing hashrefs of each webhook on the server. delete_webhook $Rester->delete_webhook( id => $webhook_id ); Deletes the specified webhook. response my $resp = $Rester->response; Return the HTTP::Response object from the last request.
Shawn Devlin "<>" Kevin Jones "<>" Brandon Noard "<>" CONTRIBUTORS Luke Closs Jeremy Stashewsky Chris Dent Kirsten Jones Michele Berg - get_revisions()