Provided by: libtest-databaserow-perl_2.3-1_all 

Test::DatabaseRow::Result - represent the result of some db testing
use Test::More tests => 1; use Test::DatabaseRow::Result; # create a test results my $result_object = Test::DatabaseRow::Result->new( is_error => 1, diag => [ "The WHAM overheaded!" ] ); # have those results render to Test::Builder $result_object->pass_to_test_builder("fire main gun");
This module is used by Test::DatabaseRow::Object to represent the result of a test. Accessors These are the read only accessors of the object. They may be (optionally) set at object creation time by passing their name and value to the constructor. Each accessor may be queried by prefixing its name with the "has_" to determine is_error Boolean representing if this is an error or not. diag An arrayref containing diagnostic error strings that can help explain any error. Methods new(...) Simple constructor. Passing arguments to the constructor sets the values of the accessors. add_diag( @diagnostics ) Adds extra diagnostics to the "diag" array. pass_to_test_builder( $description ) Causes this test to render itself out using "Test::Builder" is_success Returns true if and only if "is_error" is false.
Bugs (and requests for new features) can be reported though the CPAN RT system: <> Alternatively, you can simply fork this project on github and send me pull requests. Please see <>
Written by Mark Fowler Copyright Mark Fowler 2011. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Test::DatabaseRow::Object, Test::DatabaseRow, Test::Builder, DBI