Provided by: libtype-tiny-perl_0.022-1_all bug


       Type::Tiny::Manual::Libraries - how to build a type library with Type::Tiny, Type::Library
       and Type::Utils


       A type library is a collection of type constraints, optionally with coercions.

       The following is an example type library:

          package Types::Datetime;

          use Type::Library
             -declare => qw( Datetime DatetimeHash EpochHash );
          use Type::Utils -all;
          use Types::Standard -types;

          class_type Datetime, { class => "DateTime" };

          declare DatetimeHash,
             as Dict[
                year       => Int,
                month      => Optional[ Int ],
                day        => Optional[ Int ],
                hour       => Optional[ Int ],
                minute     => Optional[ Int ],
                second     => Optional[ Int ],
                nanosecond => Optional[ Int ],
                time_zone  => Optional[ Str ],

          declare EpochHash,
             as Dict[ epoch => Int ];

          coerce Datetime,
             from Int,          via { "DateTime"->from_epoch(epoch => $_) },
             from Undef,        via { "DateTime"->now },
             from DatetimeHash, via { "DateTime"->new(%$_) },
             from EpochHash,    via { "DateTime"->from_epoch(%$_) };



       Here's a line by line description of what's going on in the type library.

          package Types::Datetime;

       Type libraries are packages. It is recommended that re-usable type libraries be given a
       name in the "Types::*" namespace. For application-specific type libraries, assuming your
       application's namespace is "MyApp::*" then name the type library "MyApp::Types", or if
       more than one is needed, use the "MyApp::Types::*" namespace.

          use Type::Library
             -declare => qw( Datetime DatetimeHash EpochHash );

       The "-base" part is used to establish inheritance. It makes "Types::Datetime" a child
       class of "Type::Library".

       Declaring the types we're going to define ahead of their definition allows us to use them
       as barewords later on. (Note that in code which uses our type library, the types will
       always be available as barewords. The declaration above just allows us to use them within
       the library itself.)

          use Type::Utils -all;

       Imports some utility functions from Type::Utils. These will be useful for defining our
       types and the relationships between them.

          use Types::Standard -types;

       Here we import a standard set of type constraints from Types::Standard.  There is no need
       to do this, but it's often helpful to have a base set of types which we can define our own
       in terms of.

       Note that although we've imported the types to be able to use in our library, we haven't
       added the types to our library. We've imported "Str", but other people won't be able to
       re-import "Str" from our library. If you actually want your library to extend another
       library, do this instead:

          BEGIN { extends "Types::AnotherLibrary" };

       (Note: if your code breaks here when you upgrade from version 0.006 or below, saying that
       the 'extends' keyword has not been declared, just add '-all' after use Type::Utils.)

       OK, now we're ready to declare a few types.

          class_type Datetime, { class => "DateTime" };

       This creates a type constraint named "Datetime" which is all objects blessed into the
       DateTime package. Because this type constraint is not anonymous (it has a name), it will
       be automagically installed into the type library.

       The next two statements declare two further types constraints, using type constraints from
       the Types::Standard library. Let's look at "EpochHash" in more detail. This is a hashref
       with one key called "epoch" and a value which is an integer.

          declare EpochHash,
             as Dict[ epoch => Int ];

       "EpochHash" inherits from the "Dict" type defined in Types::Standard. It equally could
       have been defined as:

          declare EpochHash,
             as HashRef[Int],
             where { scalar(keys(%$_))==1 and exists $_->{epoch} };

       Or even:

          declare EpochHash,
             where {
                    ref($_) eq "HASH"
                and scalar(keys(%$_))==1
                and exists $_->{epoch}

       Lastly we set up coercions. It's best to define all your types before you define any

          coerce Datetime,
             from Int,          via { "DateTime"->from_epoch(epoch => $_) },
             from Undef,        via { "DateTime"->now },
             from DatetimeHash, via { "DateTime"->new(%$_) },
             from EpochHash,    via { "DateTime"->from_epoch(%$_) };

       These are simply coderefs that will be fired when you want a Datetime, but are given
       something else. For more information on coercions, see Type::Tiny::Manual::Coercions.


       It is sometimes nice to be able to emit a more useful error message than the standard:

          Value "Foo" did not pass type constraint "Bar"

       It is possible to define custom error messages for types.

          declare MediumInteger, as Integer,
             where   { $_ >= 10 and $_ < 20 },
             message {
                return Integer->get_message($_) if !Integer->check($_);
                return "$_ is too small!"       if $_ < 10;
                return "$_ is so very, very big!";

       If your type constraint can be inlined, this can not only speed up Type::Tiny's own checks
       and coercions, it may also allow your type constraint to be inlined into generated methods
       such as Moose attribute accessors.

       All of the constraints from "Types::Standard" can be inlined, as can enum, class_type,
       role_type and duck_type constraints. Union and intersection constraints can be inlined if
       their sub-constraints can be. So if you can define your own types purely in terms of these
       types, you automatically get inlining:

          declare HashLike, as union [

       However, sometimes these base types are not powerful enough and you'll need to write a
       constraint coderef:

          declare NonEmptyHash, as HashLike,
             where     { scalar values %$_ };

       ... and you've suddenly sacrificed a lot of speed.

       Inlining to the rescue! You can define an inlining coderef which will be passed two
       parameters: the constraint itself and a variable name as a string.  For example, the
       variable name might be '$_' or '$_[0]'.  Your coderef should return a Perl expression
       string, interpolating that variable name.

          declare NonEmptyHash, as HashLike,
             where     { scalar values %$_ },
             inline_as {
                my ($constraint, $varname) = @_;
                return sprintf(
                   '%s and scalar values %%{%s}',

       The Perl expression could be inlined within a function or a "if" clause or potentially
       anywhere, so it really must be an expression, not a statement.  It should not "return" or
       "exit" and probably shouldn't "die". (If you need loops and so on, you can output a "do"

       Note that if you're subtyping an existing type constraint, your "inline_as" block is also
       responsible for checking the parent type's constraint. This can be done quite easily, as
       shown in the example above.

       Note that defining a type constraint in terms of a constraint coderef and an inlining
       coderef can be a little repetitive. Sub::Quote provides an alternative that reduces
       repetition (though the inlined code might not be as compact/good/fast).

          declare NonEmptyHash, as HashLike,
             constraint => quote_sub q{ scalar values %$_ };

       Aside: it's been pointed out that "might not be as fast" above is a bit hand-wavy. When
       Type::Tiny does inlining from Sub::Quote coderefs, it needs to inline all the ancestor
       type constraints, and smush them together with "&&". This may result in duplicate checks.
       For example, if 'MyArray' inherits from 'MyRef' which inherits from 'MyDef', the inlined
       code might end up as:

          defined($_)              # check MyDef
          && ref($_)               # check MyRef
          && ref($_) eq 'ARRAY'    # check MyArray

       When just the last check would have been sufficient. A custom "inline_as" allows you finer
       control over how the type constraint is inlined.

   Parameterized Constraints
       Parameterized type constraints are those that can generate simple child type constraints
       by passing parameters to their "parameterize" method. For example, ArrayRef in

          use Types::Standard;

          my $ArrayRef         = Types::Standard::ArrayRef;
          my $Int              = Types::Standard::Int;
          my $ArrayRef_of_Ints = $ArrayRef->parameterize($Int);

       Type libraries provide some convenient sugar for this:

          use Types::Standard qw( ArrayRef Int );

          my $ArrayRef_of_Ints = ArrayRef[Int];

       Unlike Moose which has separate meta classes for parameterizable, parameterized and non-
       parameterizable type constraints, Type::Tiny handles all that in one.

       To create a parameterizable type constraint, you'll need to pass an extra named parameter
       to "declare". Let's imagine that we want to make our earlier "NonEmptyHash" constraint
       accept a parameter telling it the minimum size of the hash. For example "NonEmptyHash[4]"
       would need to contain at least four key-value pairs. Here's how you'd do it:

          declare NonEmptyHash, as HashLike,
             where     { scalar values %$_ },
             inline_as {
                my ($constraint, $varname) = @_;
                return sprintf(
                   '%s and scalar values %%{%s}',
             # Generate a new "where" coderef...
             constraint_generator => sub {
                my ($minimum) = @_;
                die "parameter must be positive" unless int($minimum) > 0;
                return sub {
                    scalar(values(%$_)) >= int($minimum);
             # Generate a new "inline_as" coderef...
             inline_generator => sub {
                my ($minimum) = @_;
                return sub {
                   my ($constraint, $varname) = @_;
                   return sprintf(
                      '%s and scalar(values(%%{%s})) >= %d',


       Some type libraries on CPAN:

       •   Types::Standard

       •   Types::Encodings

       •   Types::Path::Tiny

       •   Unexpected::Types

       •   Geo::JSON::Types

       •   Types::XSD / Types::XSD::Lite

       •   Types::Set


       Toby Inkster <>.


       This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Toby Inkster.

       This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as
       the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

