Provided by: libvuser-google-api-perl_1.0.1-1_all 

VUser::Google::ProvisioningAPI::EmailSettings - Manage user email settings in Google Apps for Your Domain.
use VUser::Google::ApiProtocol::V2_0; use VUser::Google::EmailSettings::V2_0; ## Create a new connection my $google = VUser::Google::ApiProtocol::V2_0->new( domain => '', admin => 'admin_user', password => 'admin_user password', ); my $settings = VUser::Google::EmailSettings::V2_0->new( google => $google, user => 'username', ); ## Create a new label $settings->CreateLabel('label' => 'newLabel'); ## Create a new filter $settings->CreateFilter( 'from' => '', 'label' => 'newLabel', 'shouldArchive' => 1, ); ## Create a new send-as alias $settings->CreateSendAsAlias( 'name' => 'Tech Support', 'address' => '', ); ## Update the user's web clip setting $settings->UpdateWebClip('enable' => 0); # Turn off $settings->UpdateWebClip('enable' => 1); # Turn on ## Update forwarding $settings->UpdateForwarding( 'enable' => 1, 'forwardTo' => '', 'action' => 'KEEP', ); ## Update POP3 settings $settings->UpdatePOP( 'enable' => 1, 'enableFor' => 'MAIL_FROM_NOW_ON', 'action' => 'KEEP', ); ## Update IMAP settings $settings->UpdateIMAP('enable' => 1); ## Update user's vacation message $settings->UpdateVacationResponder( 'enable' => 1, 'subject' => "I'm not here right now", 'message' => "I've lost my mind and have gone to search for it.", 'contactsOnly' => 1, ); ## Update the user's signature $settings->UpdateSignature( 'signature' => 'Joe Cool 555-5555' ); $settings->UpdateSignature('signature' => ''); # clear sig ## Update the display language $settings->UpdateLanguage('language' => 'en-US'); ## Update the user's general settings $settings->UpdateGeneral('pageSize' => 50); # You can set more than one at a time $settings->UpdateGeneral( 'arrows' => 1, 'shortcuts' => 0, );
This is the base class for the Email Settings API. It is not meant to be used directly. Instead see the sub class for each version of the email settings API.
Read-write members base_url The "base_url" for the Email settings API calls. For example, debug Turn on debugging output. google A VUser::Google::ApiProtocol object. user The user name of user to modify.
All of the calls to the Google API take a hash with the options specified by Google. The keys for the hash and what is expected are listed below. Specific versions my use different keys. In general, the keys will match the names of the attributes in the API docs. See the docs for the API version you are using for any differences. Note: Values that are "true"/"false" are set using Perl values for true and false, i.e. zero for false and anything else for true. new (%defaults) Create a new EmailSettings object. Any read-write member may be set in the call to "new()". dprint ($message) Prints $message to STDERR if "debug" is set to a true value. CreateLabel (%options) Create a new label. label The label to create in Google Mail. CreateFilter Create a new mail filter. from The email must come from this address in order to be filtered. to The email must be sent to this address in order to be filtered. subject A string the email must have in its subject line to be filtered. hasTheWord A string the email can have anywhere in it's subject or body. doesNotHaveTheWord A string that the email cannot have anywhere in its subject or body. hasAttachment A boolean representing whether or not the email contains an attachment. label The name of the label to apply if a message matches the specified filter criteria. shouldMarkAsRead Whether to automatically mark the message as read if it matches the specified filter criteria shouldArchive Whether to automatically move the message to "Archived" state if it matches the specified filter criteria. CreateSendAsAlias Create a gmail "Send-as alias." name The name that will appear in the "From" field for this user. address The email address that appears as the origination address for emails sent by this user. replyTo (Optional) If set, this address will be included as the reply-to address in emails sent using the alias. makeDefault (Optional) If set to true, this alias will be become the new default alias to send-as for this user. UpdateWebClip Update the user's "web clip" setting. enable Whether to enable showing Web clips. UpdateForwarding Update gmail forwarding settings. enable Whether to enable forwarding of incoming mail. forwardTo The email will be forwarded to this address. action What Google Mail should do with its copy of the email after forwarding it on. Allowed values: "KEEP" (in inbox), "ARCHIVE", or "DELETE" (send to trash) UpdatePOP Update the user's POP3 settings. enable Whether to enable POP3 access. enableFor Whether to enable POP3 for all mail, or mail from now on. Allowed values: "ALL_MAIL", "MAIL_FROM_NOW_ON" action What Google Mail should do with its copy of the email after it is retrieved using POP. Allowed values: "KEEP" (in inbox), "ARCHIVE", or "DELETE" (send to trash) UpdateIMAP Update the user's IMAP settings. enable Whether to enable IMAP access. UpdateVactionResponder Update the user's vacation auto-responder. enable Whether to enable the vacation responder. subject The subject line of the vacation responder autoresponse. message The message body of the vacation responder autoresponse. contactsOnly Whether to only send the autoresponse to known contacts. UpdateSignature Update the user's signature. signature The signature to be appended to outgoing messages. Set the signature to '' (the empty string) to clear the signature. UpdateLanguage Update the display language. language Google Mail's display language. This should be a language tag defined in RFC 3066. See for a list of supported languages. UpdateGeneral Update the user's general settings. pageSize The number of conversations to be shown per page. Allowed values: 25, 50, 100 shortcuts Whether to enable keyboard shortcuts. arrows Whether to display arrow-shaped personal indicators next to emails that were sent specifically to the user. snippets Whether to display snippets of messages in the inbox and when searching. unicode Whether to use UTF-8 (unicode) encoding for all outgoing messages, instead of the default text encoding.
VUser::Google::EmailSettings::V2_0, VUser::Google::ApiProtocol Google Email Settings API
Report bugs at
Randy Smith, perlstalker at vuser dot net
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.5 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. If you make useful modification, kindly consider emailing then to me for inclusion in a future version of this module.