Provided by: tk-tile_0.8.2-2.2_amd64 bug


       ttk::dialog - create a dialog box


       package require ttk::dialog ?0.8?
       ttk::dialog pathname ?options...?  ttk::dialog::define dialogType ?options...?


       A  dialog  box  is a transient top-level window containing an icon, a short message, an optional, longer,
       detail message, and a row of command buttons.  When the user presses  any  of  the  buttons,  a  callback
       function is invoked and then the dialog is destroyed.

       Additional widgets may be added in the dialog client frame.


       [-title n/a] Specifies a string to use as the window manager title.  [-message n/a] Specifies the message
       to display in this dialog.  [-detail n/a] Specifies a longer auxiliary message.  [-command n/a] Specifies
       a  command  prefix  to be invoked when the user presses one of the command buttons.  The symbolic name of
       the button is passed as an additional argument to the command.  The dialog is  dismissed  after  invoking
       the  command.   [-parent n/a] Specifies a toplevel window for which the dialog is transient.  If omitted,
       the default is the nearest ancestor toplevel.  If set to the empty string,  the  dialog  will  not  be  a
       transient  window.   [-type n/a] Specifies a built-in or user-defined dialog type.  See PREDEFINED DIALOG
       TYPES, below.  [-icon n/a] Specifies one of the stock dialog icons, info, question, warning, error, auth,
       or  busy.   If  set  to  the  empty string (the default), no icon is displayed.  [-buttons n/a] A list of
       symbolic button names.  [-labels n/a] A dictionary mapping symbolic button names to textual labels.   May
       be  omitted  if  all the buttons are predefined.  [-default n/a] The symbolic name of the default button.
       [-cancel n/a] The symbolic name of the "cancel" button.  The cancel button is invoked if the user presses
       the  Escape  key and when the dialog is closed from the window manager.  If -cancel is not specified, the
       dialog ignores window manager close commands (WM_DELETE_WINDOW).


       ttk::dialog::clientframe dlg
              Returns the widget path of the client frame.  Other widgets may be added to the client frame.  The
              client frame appears between the detail message and the command buttons.


       The  -type  option,  if  present,  specifies  default values for other options.  ttk::dialog::define type
       options...  specifies a new stock  dialog  type.   The  following  stock  dialog  types  are  predefined:
       ttk::dialog::define ok \
           -icon info -buttons {ok} -default ok ttk::dialog::define okcancel \
           -icon info -buttons {ok cancel} -default ok -cancel cancel ttk::dialog::define yesno \
           -icon question -buttons {yes no} ttk::dialog::define yesnocancel \
           -icon question -buttons {yes no cancel} -cancel cancel ttk::dialog::define retrycancel \
           -icon question -buttons {retry cancel} -cancel cancel


       The following ``stock'' symbolic button names have predefined labels: yes, no, ok, cancel, and retry.

       It is not necessary to list these in the -labels dictionary.


       proc saveFileComplete {button} {
           switch -- $button {
            yes { # save file ... }      no  { exit }      cancel { # no-op }
           } }

       ttk::dialog .saveFileDialog \
           -title "Save file?" \
           -icon question \
           -message "Save file before closing?" \
           -detail "If you do not save the file, your work will be lost" \
           -buttons [list yes no cancel] \
           -labels [list yes "Save file" no "Don't save"] \
           -command saveFileComplete \


       tk_messageBox(n), wm(n), toplevel(n)