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       gl -  Standard OpenGL api.


       Standard OpenGL api. See

       Booleans are represented by integers 0 and 1.


         clamp() = float():


         enum() = non_neg_integer():

           See wx/include/gl.hrl

         matrix()  =  {float(),  float(),  float(),  float(), float(), float(), float(), float(),
         float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float()}:

         mem() = binary() | tuple():

           Memory block

         offset() = non_neg_integer():

           Offset in memory block


       clearIndex(C) -> ok


                 C = float()

              Specify the clear value for the color index buffers

              gl:clearIndex specifies the index used by  gl:clear/1  to  clear  the  color  index
              buffers.  C  is  not  clamped.  Rather,  C is converted to a fixed-point value with
              unspecified precision to the right of the binary point. The integer  part  of  this
              value  is  then  masked  with 2 m-1, where m is the number of bits in a color index
              stored in the frame buffer.

              See external documentation.

       clearColor(Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) -> ok


                 Red = clamp()
                 Green = clamp()
                 Blue = clamp()
                 Alpha = clamp()

              Specify clear values for the color buffers

              gl:clearColor specifies the red, green, blue, and alpha values used  by  gl:clear/1
              to  clear  the  color buffers. Values specified by gl:clearColor are clamped to the
              range [0 1].

              See external documentation.

       clear(Mask) -> ok


                 Mask = integer()

              Clear buffers to preset values

              gl:clear sets the bitplane area of the window  to  values  previously  selected  by
              gl:clearColor  ,  gl:clearDepth, and gl:clearStencil. Multiple color buffers can be
              cleared  simultaneously  by  selecting  more  than  one  buffer  at  a  time  using
              gl:drawBuffer/1 .

              The  pixel  ownership  test, the scissor test, dithering, and the buffer writemasks
              affect the operation of gl:clear. The scissor box bounds the cleared region.  Alpha
              function,  blend  function,  logical  operation,  stenciling,  texture mapping, and
              depth-buffering are ignored by gl:clear.

              gl:clear takes a  single  argument  that  is  the  bitwise  OR  of  several  values
              indicating which buffer is to be cleared.

              The values are as follows:

              ?GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT: Indicates the buffers currently enabled for color writing.

              ?GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT: Indicates the depth buffer.

              ?GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT: Indicates the stencil buffer.

              The value to which each buffer is cleared depends on the setting of the clear value
              for that buffer.

              See external documentation.

       indexMask(Mask) -> ok


                 Mask = integer()

              Control the writing of individual bits in the color index buffers

              gl:indexMask controls the writing of individual bits in the  color  index  buffers.
              The  least  significant  n  bits of Mask , where n is the number of bits in a color
              index buffer, specify a mask. Where a 1 (one) appears in the mask, it's possible to
              write  to  the  corresponding bit in the color index buffer (or buffers). Where a 0
              (zero) appears, the corresponding bit is write-protected.

              This mask is used only in color  index  mode,  and  it  affects  only  the  buffers
              currently  selected  for  writing  (see  gl:drawBuffer/1 ). Initially, all bits are
              enabled for writing.

              See external documentation.

       colorMask(Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) -> ok


                 Red = 0 | 1
                 Green = 0 | 1
                 Blue = 0 | 1
                 Alpha = 0 | 1

              Enable and disable writing of frame buffer color components

              gl:colorMask and gl:colorMaski specify whether the individual color  components  in
              the  frame  buffer  can  or  cannot  be  written. gl:colorMaski sets the mask for a
              specific draw buffer, whereas gl:colorMask sets the mask for all draw  buffers.  If
              Red  is ?GL_FALSE, for example, no change is made to the red component of any pixel
              in any of the color buffers, regardless of the drawing operation attempted.

              Changes to individual bits of components cannot be controlled. Rather, changes  are
              either enabled or disabled for entire color components.

              See external documentation.

       alphaFunc(Func, Ref) -> ok


                 Func = enum()
                 Ref = clamp()

              Specify the alpha test function

              The  alpha test discards fragments depending on the outcome of a comparison between
              an incoming fragment's alpha value and a  constant  reference  value.  gl:alphaFunc
              specifies  the  reference  value  and  the  comparison  function. The comparison is
              performed only if alpha testing is enabled. By default, it  is  not  enabled.  (See
              gl:enable/1 and gl:enable/1 of ?GL_ALPHA_TEST.)

              Func  and  Ref  specify the conditions under which the pixel is drawn. The incoming
              alpha value is compared to Ref using the function specified by Func . If the  value
              passes  the comparison, the incoming fragment is drawn if it also passes subsequent
              stencil and depth buffer tests. If the value fails the  comparison,  no  change  is
              made  to  the  frame buffer at that pixel location. The comparison functions are as

              ?GL_NEVER: Never passes.

              ?GL_LESS: Passes if the incoming alpha value is less than the reference value.

              ?GL_EQUAL: Passes if the incoming alpha value is equal to the reference value.

              ?GL_LEQUAL: Passes if the incoming alpha  value  is  less  than  or  equal  to  the
              reference value.

              ?GL_GREATER:  Passes  if  the  incoming  alpha  value is greater than the reference

              ?GL_NOTEQUAL: Passes if the incoming alpha value is  not  equal  to  the  reference

              ?GL_GEQUAL:  Passes  if  the  incoming  alpha value is greater than or equal to the
              reference value.

              ?GL_ALWAYS: Always passes (initial value).

              gl:alphaFunc operates on all pixel write operations, including those resulting from
              the  scan  conversion  of points, lines, polygons, and bitmaps, and from pixel draw
              and copy operations. gl:alphaFunc does not affect screen clear operations.

              See external documentation.

       blendFunc(Sfactor, Dfactor) -> ok


                 Sfactor = enum()
                 Dfactor = enum()

              Specify pixel arithmetic

              Pixels can be drawn using a function that blends the incoming (source) RGBA  values
              with the RGBA values that are already in the frame buffer (the destination values).
              Blending is initially disabled.  Use  gl:enable/1  and  gl:enable/1  with  argument
              ?GL_BLEND to enable and disable blending.

              gl:blendFunc  defines  the  operation  of  blending for all draw buffers when it is
              enabled. gl:blendFunci defines the operation of blending for a single  draw  buffer
              specified  by Buf when enabled for that draw buffer. Sfactor specifies which method
              is used to scale the source color components. Dfactor  specifies  which  method  is
              used  to scale the destination color components. Both parameters must be one of the
              following     symbolic     constants:     ?GL_ZERO,     ?GL_ONE,     ?GL_SRC_COLOR,
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA       ,       ?GL_DST_ALPHA,       ?GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA,
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC1_COLOR,   ?GL_SRC1_ALPHA,   and  ?GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC1_ALPHA  .  The
              possible methods are described in the following table.  Each  method  defines  four
              scale  factors,  one  each  for  red,  green,  blue, and alpha. In the table and in
              subsequent equations, first source, second source and destination color  components
              are  referred to as (R s0 G s0 B s0 A s0), (R s1 G s1 B s1 A s1) and (R d G d B d A
              d), respectively. The color specified by gl:blendColor/4 is referred to as (R c G c
              B  c  A c). They are understood to have integer values between 0 and (k R k G k B k
              A), where

              k c=2(m c)-1

              and (m R m G m B m A) is the number of red, green, blue, and alpha bitplanes.

              Source and destination scale factors are referred to as (s R s G s B s A) and (d  R
              d  G d B d A). The scale factors described in the table, denoted (f R f G f B f A),
              represent either source or destination factors. All scale  factors  have  range  [0
              1].Parameter(f R f G f B f A)
              ?GL_ZERO (0 0 0 0)
              ?GL_ONE(1 1 1 1)
              ?GL_SRC_COLOR (R s0 k/R G s0 k/G B s0 k/B A s0 k/A)
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR(1 1 1 1)-(R s0 k/R G s0 k/G B s0 k/B A s0 k/A)
              ?GL_DST_COLOR (R d k/R G d k/G B d k/B A d k/A)
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR(1 1 1 1)-(R d k/R G d k/G B d k/B A d k/A)
              ?GL_SRC_ALPHA (A s0 k/A A s0 k/A A s0 k/A A s0 k/A)
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA(1 1 1 1)-(A s0 k/A A s0 k/A A s0 k/A A s0 k/A)
              ?GL_DST_ALPHA (A d k/A A d k/A A d k/A A d k/A)
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA(1 1 1 1)-(A d k/A A d k/A A d k/A A d k/A)
              ?GL_CONSTANT_COLOR (R c G c B c A c)
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR(1 1 1 1)-(R c G c B c A c)
              ?GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA(A c A c A c A c)
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA (1 1 1 1)-(A c A c A c A c)
              ?GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE(i i i 1)
              ?GL_SRC1_COLOR (R s1 k/R G s1 k/G B s1 k/B A s1 k/A)
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC1_COLOR(1 1 1 1)-(R s1 k/R G s1 k/G B s1 k/B A s1 k/A)
              ?GL_SRC1_ALPHA (A s1 k/A A s1 k/A A s1 k/A A s1 k/A)
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC1_ALPHA(1 1 1 1)-(A s1 k/A A s1 k/A A s1 k/A A s1 k/A)

              In the table,

              i=min(A s k A-A d) k/A

              To  determine  the  blended  RGBA  values of a pixel, the system uses the following

              R d=min(k R R s s R+R d d R) G d=min(k G G s s G+G d d G) B d=min(k B B s s B+B d d
              B) A d=min(k A A s s A+A d d A)

              Despite  the  apparent precision of the above equations, blending arithmetic is not
              exactly specified, because blending operates with imprecise integer  color  values.
              However,  a  blend factor that should be equal to 1 is guaranteed not to modify its
              multiplicand, and a blend factor equal to 0 reduces  its  multiplicand  to  0.  For
              example,  when Sfactor is ?GL_SRC_ALPHA , Dfactor is ?GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, and A
              s is equal to k A, the equations reduce to simple replacement:

              R d=R s G d=G s B d=B s A d=A s

              See external documentation.

       logicOp(Opcode) -> ok


                 Opcode = enum()

              Specify a logical pixel operation for rendering

              gl:logicOp specifies a logical operation that, when enabled, is applied between the
              incoming  RGBA  color and the RGBA color at the corresponding location in the frame
              buffer.  To  enable  or  disable  the  logical  operation,  call  gl:enable/1   and
              gl:enable/1  using  the  symbolic constant ?GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP. The initial value is
              disabled.OpcodeResulting Operation
              ?GL_CLEAR 0
              ?GL_SET 1
              ?GL_COPY s
              ?GL_COPY_INVERTED ~s
              ?GL_NOOP d
              ?GL_INVERT ~d
              ?GL_AND s & d
              ?GL_NAND ~(s & d)
              ?GL_OR s | d
              ?GL_NOR ~(s | d)
              ?GL_XOR s ^ d
              ?GL_EQUIV ~(s ^ d)
              ?GL_AND_REVERSE s & ~d
              ?GL_AND_INVERTED ~s & d
              ?GL_OR_REVERSE s | ~d
              ?GL_OR_INVERTED ~s | d

              Opcode is a symbolic constant chosen from the list above. In the explanation of the
              logical  operations,  s represents the incoming color and d represents the color in
              the frame  buffer.  Standard  C-language  operators  are  used.  As  these  bitwise
              operators  suggest, the logical operation is applied independently to each bit pair
              of the source and destination colors.

              See external documentation.

       cullFace(Mode) -> ok


                 Mode = enum()

              Specify whether front- or back-facing facets can be culled

              gl:cullFace specifies whether front- or back-facing facets are culled (as specified
              by  mode)  when  facet  culling is enabled. Facet culling is initially disabled. To
              enable and disable facet culling, call the  gl:enable/1  and  gl:enable/1  commands
              with   the   argument  ?GL_CULL_FACE.  Facets  include  triangles,  quadrilaterals,
              polygons, and rectangles.

              gl:frontFace/1 specifies which of the clockwise  and  counterclockwise  facets  are
              front-facing and back-facing. See gl:frontFace/1 .

              See external documentation.

       frontFace(Mode) -> ok


                 Mode = enum()

              Define front- and back-facing polygons

              In  a  scene  composed entirely of opaque closed surfaces, back-facing polygons are
              never visible. Eliminating these invisible polygons  has  the  obvious  benefit  of
              speeding  up the rendering of the image. To enable and disable elimination of back-
              facing polygons, call gl:enable/1 and gl:enable/1 with argument ?GL_CULL_FACE.

              The projection of a polygon to window coordinates is said to have clockwise winding
              if an imaginary object following the path from its first vertex, its second vertex,
              and so on, to its last vertex, and finally back to its first  vertex,  moves  in  a
              clockwise  direction  about  the  interior of the polygon. The polygon's winding is
              said to be counterclockwise if the imaginary object following the same  path  moves
              in  a  counterclockwise  direction  about the interior of the polygon. gl:frontFace
              specifies whether  polygons  with  clockwise  winding  in  window  coordinates,  or
              counterclockwise  winding  in  window  coordinates,  are  taken to be front-facing.
              Passing ?GL_CCW to Mode selects counterclockwise polygons as  front-facing;  ?GL_CW
              selects  clockwise  polygons as front-facing. By default, counterclockwise polygons
              are taken to be front-facing.

              See external documentation.

       pointSize(Size) -> ok


                 Size = float()

              Specify the diameter of rasterized points

              gl:pointSize specifies the rasterized diameter of points. If  point  size  mode  is
              disabled  (see  gl:enable/1 with parameter ?GL_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE), this value will
              be used to rasterize points. Otherwise, the value written to the  shading  language
              built-in variable gl_PointSize will be used.

              See external documentation.

       lineWidth(Width) -> ok


                 Width = float()

              Specify the width of rasterized lines

              gl:lineWidth  specifies the rasterized width of both aliased and antialiased lines.
              Using a line width other than 1 has different effects, depending  on  whether  line
              antialiasing  is enabled. To enable and disable line antialiasing, call gl:enable/1
              and gl:enable/1 with  argument  ?GL_LINE_SMOOTH.  Line  antialiasing  is  initially

              If  line  antialiasing  is disabled, the actual width is determined by rounding the
              supplied width to the nearest integer. (If the rounding results in the value 0,  it
              is  as  if the line width were 1.) If |Δ x|>=|Δ y|, i pixels are filled
              in each column that is rasterized,  where  i  is  the  rounded  value  of  Width  .
              Otherwise, i pixels are filled in each row that is rasterized.

              If  antialiasing  is enabled, line rasterization produces a fragment for each pixel
              square that intersects the region lying within the rectangle having width equal  to
              the current line width, length equal to the actual length of the line, and centered
              on the mathematical line segment. The coverage  value  for  each  fragment  is  the
              window  coordinate  area  of  the  intersection  of the rectangular region with the
              corresponding pixel square. This value is saved and used in the final rasterization

              Not  all  widths  can  be  supported  when  line  antialiasing  is  enabled.  If an
              unsupported width is requested, the nearest supported width is used. Only  width  1
              is guaranteed to be supported; others depend on the implementation. Likewise, there
              is a range for aliased line widths as well. To query the range of supported  widths
              and   the   size  difference  between  supported  widths  within  the  range,  call
              gl:getBooleanv/1      with      arguments      ?GL_ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE       ,

              See external documentation.

       lineStipple(Factor, Pattern) -> ok


                 Factor = integer()
                 Pattern = integer()

              Specify the line stipple pattern

              Line  stippling  masks  out  certain  fragments  produced  by  rasterization; those
              fragments will not be drawn. The masking is achieved by using three parameters: the
              16-bit  line  stipple  pattern  Pattern  , the repeat count Factor , and an integer
              stipple counter s.

              Counter s is reset to 0 whenever  gl:'begin'/1  is  called  and  before  each  line
              segment  of  a  gl:'begin'/1 (?GL_LINES)/ gl:'begin'/1 sequence is generated. It is
              incremented after each fragment of a unit width aliased line segment  is  generated
              or after each i fragments of an i width line segment are generated. The i fragments
              associated with count s are masked out if

              Pattern bit (s/factor)% 16

              is 0, otherwise these fragments are sent to the frame buffer. Bit zero  of  Pattern
              is the least significant bit.

              Antialiased  lines  are treated as a sequence of 1×width rectangles for purposes of
              stippling. Whether rectangle s is rasterized or not depends on  the  fragment  rule
              described for aliased lines, counting rectangles rather than groups of fragments.

              To  enable  and  disable  line  stippling,  call  gl:enable/1  and gl:enable/1 with
              argument ?GL_LINE_STIPPLE. When enabled, the line stipple  pattern  is  applied  as
              described  above.  When  disabled, it is as if the pattern were all 1's. Initially,
              line stippling is disabled.

              See external documentation.

       polygonMode(Face, Mode) -> ok


                 Face = enum()
                 Mode = enum()

              Select a polygon rasterization mode

              gl:polygonMode controls the interpretation  of  polygons  for  rasterization.  Face
              describes  which  polygons  Mode  applies  to:  both front and back-facing polygons
              (?GL_FRONT_AND_BACK ). The polygon mode affects only  the  final  rasterization  of
              polygons.  In  particular,  a polygon's vertices are lit and the polygon is clipped
              and possibly culled before these modes are applied.

              Three modes are defined and can be specified in Mode :

              ?GL_POINT: Polygon vertices that are marked as the start of  a  boundary  edge  are
              drawn  as  points.  Point  attributes  such  as ?GL_POINT_SIZE and ?GL_POINT_SMOOTH
              control the rasterization of the points.  Polygon  rasterization  attributes  other
              than ?GL_POLYGON_MODE have no effect.

              ?GL_LINE: Boundary edges of the polygon are drawn as line segments. Line attributes
              such as ?GL_LINE_WIDTH and ?GL_LINE_SMOOTH control the rasterization of the  lines.
              Polygon rasterization attributes other than ?GL_POLYGON_MODE have no effect.

              ?GL_FILL:  The  interior  of  the  polygon  is  filled.  Polygon attributes such as
              ?GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH control the rasterization of the polygon.

              See external documentation.

       polygonOffset(Factor, Units) -> ok


                 Factor = float()
                 Units = float()

              Set the scale and units used to calculate depth values

              is  enabled,  each  fragment's  depth value will be offset after it is interpolated
              from the depth values of the appropriate vertices.  The  value  of  the  offset  is
              factor×DZ+r×units, where DZ is a measurement of the change in depth relative to the
              screen area of the polygon, and r is the  smallest  value  that  is  guaranteed  to
              produce  a resolvable offset for a given implementation. The offset is added before
              the depth test is performed and before the value is written into the depth buffer.

              gl:polygonOffset is useful for rendering hidden-line images, for applying decals to
              surfaces, and for rendering solids with highlighted edges.

              See external documentation.

       polygonStipple(Mask) -> ok


                 Mask = binary()

              Set the polygon stippling pattern

              Polygon  stippling,  like line stippling (see gl:lineStipple/2 ), masks out certain
              fragments produced by rasterization, creating a pattern. Stippling  is  independent
              of polygon antialiasing.

              Pattern  is a pointer to a 32×32 stipple pattern that is stored in memory just like
              the pixel data supplied to a gl:drawPixels/5 call with height and width both  equal
              to  32,  a  pixel format of ?GL_COLOR_INDEX, and data type of ?GL_BITMAP . That is,
              the stipple pattern is represented as a 32×32 array of 1-bit color  indices  packed
              in  unsigned  bytes.  gl:pixelStoref/2  parameters  like  ?GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES and
              ?GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST affect the assembling of the  bits  into  a  stipple  pattern.
              Pixel transfer operations (shift, offset, pixel map) are not applied to the stipple
              image, however.

              If a non-zero named buffer object is bound to  the  ?GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER  target
              (see  gl:bindBuffer/2 ) while a stipple pattern is specified, Pattern is treated as
              a byte offset into the buffer object's data store.

              To enable and disable polygon stippling,  call  gl:enable/1  and  gl:enable/1  with
              argument  ?GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE.  Polygon  stippling  is  initially disabled. If it's
              enabled, a rasterized polygon fragment with window coordinates x w and y w is  sent
              to the next stage of the GL if and only if the ( x w% 32)th bit in the ( y w% 32)th
              row of the stipple pattern is 1 (one). When polygon stippling is disabled, it is as
              if the stipple pattern consists of all 1's.

              See external documentation.

       getPolygonStipple() -> binary()

              Return the polygon stipple pattern

              gl:getPolygonStipple  returns  to  Pattern  a  32×32  polygon  stipple pattern. The
              pattern is packed into memory as if gl:readPixels/7 with both height and  width  of
              32,  type of ?GL_BITMAP, and format of ?GL_COLOR_INDEX were called, and the stipple
              pattern were stored in an internal 32×32 color index buffer. Unlike gl:readPixels/7
              ,  however, pixel transfer operations (shift, offset, pixel map) are not applied to
              the returned stipple image.

              If a non-zero named buffer object is bound to the ?GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER target (see
              gl:bindBuffer/2  ) while a polygon stipple pattern is requested, Pattern is treated
              as a byte offset into the buffer object's data store.

              See external documentation.

       edgeFlag(Flag) -> ok


                 Flag = 0 | 1

              Flag edges as either boundary or nonboundary

              Each vertex of a polygon, separate triangle, or  separate  quadrilateral  specified
              between  a  gl:'begin'/1  /  gl:'begin'/1  pair  is marked as the start of either a
              boundary or nonboundary edge. If the current edge flag is true when the  vertex  is
              specified,  the  vertex  is  marked as the start of a boundary edge. Otherwise, the
              vertex is marked as the start of a nonboundary edge. gl:edgeFlag sets the edge flag
              bit to ?GL_TRUE if Flag is ?GL_TRUE and to ?GL_FALSE otherwise.

              The  vertices of connected triangles and connected quadrilaterals are always marked
              as boundary, regardless of the value of the edge flag.

              Boundary  and  nonboundary  edge  flags  on  vertices  are  significant   only   if
              ?GL_POLYGON_MODE is set to ?GL_POINT or ?GL_LINE. See gl:polygonMode/2 .

              See external documentation.

       edgeFlagv(Flag) -> ok


                 Flag = {Flag::0 | 1}

              Equivalent to edgeFlag(Flag).

       scissor(X, Y, Width, Height) -> ok


                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Width = integer()
                 Height = integer()

              Define the scissor box

              gl:scissor  defines a rectangle, called the scissor box, in window coordinates. The
              first two arguments, X and Y , specify the lower left corner of the box. Width  and
              Height specify the width and height of the box.

              To  enable  and  disable  the  scissor  test, call gl:enable/1 and gl:enable/1 with
              argument ?GL_SCISSOR_TEST. The test  is  initially  disabled.  While  the  test  is
              enabled,  only  pixels  that  lie within the scissor box can be modified by drawing
              commands. Window coordinates have integer values at the  shared  corners  of  frame
              buffer  pixels. glScissor(0,0,1,1) allows modification of only the lower left pixel
              in the window, and glScissor(0,0,0,0) doesn't allow modification of any  pixels  in
              the window.

              When  the  scissor  test  is disabled, it is as though the scissor box includes the
              entire window.

              See external documentation.

       clipPlane(Plane, Equation) -> ok


                 Plane = enum()
                 Equation = {float(), float(), float(), float()}

              Specify a plane against which all geometry is clipped

              Geometry is always clipped against the boundaries of a six-plane frustum in x, y  ,
              and  z. gl:clipPlane allows the specification of additional planes, not necessarily
              perpendicular to the x, y, or z axis, against which all  geometry  is  clipped.  To
              determine  the  maximum number of additional clipping planes, call gl:getBooleanv/1
              with argument ?GL_MAX_CLIP_PLANES. All implementations support at  least  six  such
              clipping  planes.  Because the resulting clipping region is the intersection of the
              defined half-spaces, it is always convex.

              gl:clipPlane specifies a half-space using a  four-component  plane  equation.  When
              gl:clipPlane  is  called,  Equation  is transformed by the inverse of the modelview
              matrix and stored in the resulting  eye  coordinates.  Subsequent  changes  to  the
              modelview matrix have no effect on the stored plane-equation components. If the dot
              product of the  eye  coordinates  of  a  vertex  with  the  stored  plane  equation
              components  is  positive  or  zero,  the vertex is in with respect to that clipping
              plane. Otherwise, it is out.

              To enable and disable clipping planes, call gl:enable/1 and  gl:enable/1  with  the
              argument ?GL_CLIP_PLANEi, where i is the plane number.

              All  clipping  planes  are initially defined as (0, 0, 0, 0) in eye coordinates and
              are disabled.

              See external documentation.

       getClipPlane(Plane) -> {float(), float(), float(), float()}


                 Plane = enum()

              Return the coefficients of the specified clipping plane

              gl:getClipPlane returns in Equation the four coefficients of the plane equation for
              Plane .

              See external documentation.

       drawBuffer(Mode) -> ok


                 Mode = enum()

              Specify which color buffers are to be drawn into

              When  colors  are  written  to  the  frame  buffer, they are written into the color
              buffers specified by gl:drawBuffer. The specifications are as follows:

              ?GL_NONE: No color buffers are written.

              ?GL_FRONT_LEFT: Only the front left color buffer is written.

              ?GL_FRONT_RIGHT: Only the front right color buffer is written.

              ?GL_BACK_LEFT: Only the back left color buffer is written.

              ?GL_BACK_RIGHT: Only the back right color buffer is written.

              ?GL_FRONT: Only the front left and front right color buffers are written. If  there
              is no front right color buffer, only the front left color buffer is written.

              ?GL_BACK:  Only the back left and back right color buffers are written. If there is
              no back right color buffer, only the back left color buffer is written.

              ?GL_LEFT: Only the front left and back left color buffers are written. If there  is
              no back left color buffer, only the front left color buffer is written.

              ?GL_RIGHT:  Only the front right and back right color buffers are written. If there
              is no back right color buffer, only the front right color buffer is written.

              ?GL_FRONT_AND_BACK: All the front and back color buffers (front left, front  right,
              back  left,  back  right) are written. If there are no back color buffers, only the
              front left and front right color buffers are written. If there are no  right  color
              buffers,  only the front left and back left color buffers are written. If there are
              no right or back color buffers, only the front left color buffer is written.

              If more than one color buffer is selected for drawing,  then  blending  or  logical
              operations  are  computed  and  applied independently for each color buffer and can
              produce different results in each buffer.

              Monoscopic contexts include only left buffers, and  stereoscopic  contexts  include
              both  left and right buffers. Likewise, single-buffered contexts include only front
              buffers, and double-buffered contexts include both  front  and  back  buffers.  The
              context is selected at GL initialization.

              See external documentation.

       readBuffer(Mode) -> ok


                 Mode = enum()

              Select a color buffer source for pixels

              gl:readBuffer specifies a color buffer as the source for subsequent gl:readPixels/7
              ,   gl:copyTexImage1D/7   ,   gl:copyTexImage2D/8   ,   gl:copyTexSubImage1D/6    ,
              gl:copyTexSubImage2D/8  ,  and gl:copyTexSubImage3D/9 commands. Mode accepts one of
              twelve or  more  predefined  values.  In  a  fully  configured  system,  ?GL_FRONT,
              ?GL_LEFT,  and  ?GL_FRONT_LEFT  all name the front left buffer, ?GL_FRONT_RIGHT and
              ?GL_RIGHT name the front right buffer, and ?GL_BACK_LEFT and ?GL_BACK name the back
              left  buffer.  Further  more,  the  constants  ?GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENTi may be used to
              indicate the ith color attachment  where  i  ranges  from  zero  to  the  value  of
              ?GL_MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS minus one.

              Nonstereo  double-buffered  configurations  have  only a front left and a back left
              buffer. Single-buffered configurations have a front left and a front  right  buffer
              if  stereo,  and only a front left buffer if nonstereo. It is an error to specify a
              nonexistent buffer to gl:readBuffer .

              Mode is initially ?GL_FRONT  in  single-buffered  configurations  and  ?GL_BACK  in
              double-buffered configurations.

              See external documentation.

       enable(Cap) -> ok


                 Cap = enum()

              Enable or disable server-side GL capabilities

              gl:enable   and   gl:enable/1   enable   and   disable  various  capabilities.  Use
              gl:isEnabled/1  or  gl:getBooleanv/1  to  determine  the  current  setting  of  any
              capability.  The initial value for each capability with the exception of ?GL_DITHER
              and  ?GL_MULTISAMPLE  is  ?GL_FALSE.  The  initial   value   for   ?GL_DITHER   and
              ?GL_MULTISAMPLE is ?GL_TRUE.

              Both  gl:enable  and gl:enable/1 take a single argument, Cap , which can assume one
              of the following values:

              Some of the GL's capabilities are indexed. gl:enablei and  gl:disablei  enable  and
              disable indexed capabilities.

              ?GL_BLEND:  If enabled, blend the computed fragment color values with the values in
              the color buffers. See gl:blendFunc/2 .

              ?GL_CLIP_DISTANCEi: If enabled, clip geometry against user-defined half space i.

              ?GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP: If enabled, apply the currently selected logical  operation  to
              the computed fragment color and color buffer values. See gl:logicOp/1 .

              ?GL_CULL_FACE:  If  enabled,  cull  polygons  based  on  their  winding  in  window
              coordinates. See gl:cullFace/1 .

              ?GL_DEPTH_CLAMP: If enabled, the -w c≤ z c≤ w c plane equation is ignored  by
              view  volume  clipping  (effectively,  there is no near or far plane clipping). See
              gl:depthRange/2 .

              ?GL_DEPTH_TEST: If enabled, do depth comparisons and update the depth buffer.  Note
              that  even  if  the  depth  buffer exists and the depth mask is non-zero, the depth
              buffer is not updated if  the  depth  test  is  disabled.  See  gl:depthFunc/1  and
              gl:depthRange/2 .

              ?GL_DITHER:  If enabled, dither color components or indices before they are written
              to the color buffer.

              ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB:      If      enabled       and       the       value       of
              ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_ENCODING    for    the    framebuffer   attachment
              corresponding to the destination buffer is ?GL_SRGB, the R, G,  and  B  destination
              color  values  (after conversion from fixed-point to floating-point) are considered
              to be encoded for the sRGB color space and hence are linearized prior to their  use
              in blending.

              ?GL_LINE_SMOOTH:  If  enabled,  draw  lines with correct filtering. Otherwise, draw
              aliased lines. See gl:lineWidth/1 .

              ?GL_MULTISAMPLE: If enabled, use multiple fragment samples in computing  the  final
              color of a pixel. See gl:sampleCoverage/2 .

              ?GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL:  If  enabled,  and  if the polygon is rendered in ?GL_FILL
              mode, an offset is added to depth values of a polygon's fragments before the  depth
              comparison is performed. See gl:polygonOffset/2 .

              ?GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE:  If  enabled,  and  if the polygon is rendered in ?GL_LINE
              mode, an offset is added to depth values of a polygon's fragments before the  depth
              comparison is performed. See gl:polygonOffset/2 .

              ?GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT:  If  enabled,  an  offset  is  added to depth values of a
              polygon's fragments before the depth comparison is performed,  if  the  polygon  is
              rendered in ?GL_POINT mode. See gl:polygonOffset/2 .

              ?GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH:  If  enabled,  draw  polygons with proper filtering. Otherwise,
              draw aliased polygons. For correct antialiased polygons, an alpha buffer is  needed
              and the polygons must be sorted front to back.

              ?GL_PRIMITIVE_RESTART:  Enables  primitive  restarting.  If enabled, any one of the
              draw commands which transfers a set of generic attribute array elements to  the  GL
              will  restart  the primitive when the index of the vertex is equal to the primitive
              restart index. See gl:primitiveRestartIndex/1 .

              ?GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE: If enabled, compute a temporary coverage value  where
              each bit is determined by the alpha value at the corresponding sample location. The
              temporary coverage value is then ANDed with the fragment coverage value.

              ?GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE: If enabled, each sample alpha value  is  replaced  by  the
              maximum representable alpha value.

              ?GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE:  If  enabled,  the  fragment's  coverage  is  ANDed  with  the
              temporary coverage value. If ?GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT is set to ?GL_TRUE,  invert
              the coverage value. See gl:sampleCoverage/2 .

              ?GL_SAMPLE_SHADING:  If  enabled,  the  active fragment shader is run once for each
              covered sample, or at fraction of this rate as determined by the current  value  of
              ?GL_MIN_SAMPLE_SHADING_VALUE . See gl:minSampleShading/1 .

              ?GL_SAMPLE_MASK:  If  enabled,  the  sample  coverage mask generated for a fragment
              during rasterization will be ANDed with the value of  ?GL_SAMPLE_MASK_VALUE  before
              shading occurs. See gl:sampleMaski/2 .

              ?GL_SCISSOR_TEST:  If  enabled,  discard  fragments  that  are  outside the scissor
              rectangle. See gl:scissor/4 .

              ?GL_STENCIL_TEST: If enabled, do stencil testing and update the stencil buffer. See
              gl:stencilFunc/3 and gl:stencilOp/3 .

              ?GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_SEAMLESS:  If  enabled, cubemap textures are sampled such that
              when linearly sampling from the border between two adjacent faces, texels from both
              faces  are used to generate the final sample value. When disabled, texels from only
              a single face are used to construct the final sample value.

              ?GL_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE: If enabled and a vertex or geometry shader is active,  then
              the  derived  point  size  is  taken  from the (potentially clipped) shader builtin
              ?gl_PointSize and clamped to the implementation-dependent point size range.

              See external documentation.

       disable(Cap) -> ok


                 Cap = enum()

              See enable/1

       isEnabled(Cap) -> 0 | 1


                 Cap = enum()

              Test whether a capability is enabled

              gl:isEnabled returns ?GL_TRUE if Cap is an enabled capability and returns ?GL_FALSE
              otherwise.  Boolean  states that are indexed may be tested with gl:isEnabledi . For
              gl:isEnabledi, Index specifies the index of the capability to test. Index  must  be
              between  zero  and  the  count  of  indexed  capabilities  for  Cap . Initially all
              capabilities except ?GL_DITHER are disabled; ?GL_DITHER is initially enabled.

              The following capabilities are accepted for Cap :ConstantSee
              ?GL_BLENDgl:blendFunc/2 , gl:logicOp/1
              ?GL_DEPTH_TESTgl:depthFunc/1 , gl:depthRange/2
              ?GL_PRIMITIVE_RESTARTgl:enable/1 , gl:primitiveRestartIndex/1
              ?GL_STENCIL_TESTgl:stencilFunc/3 , gl:stencilOp/3

              See external documentation.

       enableClientState(Cap) -> ok


                 Cap = enum()

              Enable or disable client-side capability

              gl:enableClientState  and  gl:enableClientState/1  enable  or  disable   individual
              client-side  capabilities.  By  default, all client-side capabilities are disabled.
              Both gl:enableClientState and gl:enableClientState/1 take a single argument, Cap  ,
              which can assume one of the following values:

              ?GL_COLOR_ARRAY: If enabled, the color array is enabled for writing and used during
              rendering  when  gl:arrayElement/1  ,   gl:drawArrays/3   ,   gl:drawElements/4   ,
              gl:drawRangeElements/6 gl:multiDrawArrays/3 , or see glMultiDrawElements is called.
              See gl:colorPointer/4 .

              ?GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY: If enabled, the edge flag array is  enabled  for  writing  and
              used  during rendering when gl:arrayElement/1 , gl:drawArrays/3 , gl:drawElements/4
              , gl:drawRangeElements/6  gl:multiDrawArrays/3  ,  or  see  glMultiDrawElements  is
              called. See gl:edgeFlagPointer/2 .

              ?GL_FOG_COORD_ARRAY:  If  enabled,  the fog coordinate array is enabled for writing
              and  used   during   rendering   when   gl:arrayElement/1   ,   gl:drawArrays/3   ,
              gl:drawElements/4   ,   gl:drawRangeElements/6   gl:multiDrawArrays/3   ,   or  see
              glMultiDrawElements is called. See gl:fogCoordPointer/3 .

              ?GL_INDEX_ARRAY: If enabled, the index array is enabled for writing and used during
              rendering   when   gl:arrayElement/1   ,   gl:drawArrays/3  ,  gl:drawElements/4  ,
              gl:drawRangeElements/6 gl:multiDrawArrays/3 , or see glMultiDrawElements is called.
              See gl:indexPointer/3 .

              ?GL_NORMAL_ARRAY:  If  enabled,  the  normal  array is enabled for writing and used
              during rendering when gl:arrayElement/1 ,  gl:drawArrays/3  ,  gl:drawElements/4  ,
              gl:drawRangeElements/6 gl:multiDrawArrays/3 , or see glMultiDrawElements is called.
              See gl:normalPointer/3 .

              ?GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY: If enabled, the secondary color  array  is  enabled  for
              writing  and  used  during  rendering  when  gl:arrayElement/1  , gl:drawArrays/3 ,
              gl:drawElements/4  ,   gl:drawRangeElements/6   gl:multiDrawArrays/3   ,   or   see
              glMultiDrawElements is called. See gl:colorPointer/4 .

              ?GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY:  If  enabled,  the texture coordinate array is enabled for
              writing and used  during  rendering  when  gl:arrayElement/1  ,  gl:drawArrays/3  ,
              gl:drawElements/4   ,   gl:drawRangeElements/6   gl:multiDrawArrays/3   ,   or  see
              glMultiDrawElements is called. See gl:texCoordPointer/4 .

              ?GL_VERTEX_ARRAY: If enabled, the vertex array is  enabled  for  writing  and  used
              during  rendering  when  gl:arrayElement/1  , gl:drawArrays/3 , gl:drawElements/4 ,
              gl:drawRangeElements/6 gl:multiDrawArrays/3 , or see glMultiDrawElements is called.
              See gl:vertexPointer/4 .

              See external documentation.

       disableClientState(Cap) -> ok


                 Cap = enum()

              See enableClientState/1

       getBooleanv(Pname) -> [0 | 1]


                 Pname = enum()

              Return the value or values of a selected parameter

              These  four  commands  return  values  for simple state variables in GL. Pname is a
              symbolic constant indicating the state variable to be returned,  and  Params  is  a
              pointer to an array of the indicated type in which to place the returned data.

              Type conversion is performed if Params has a different type than the state variable
              value being requested. If gl:getBooleanv is called, a floating-point  (or  integer)
              value  is  converted to ?GL_FALSE if and only if it is 0.0 (or 0). Otherwise, it is
              converted to ?GL_TRUE. If gl:getIntegerv is called, boolean values are returned  as
              ?GL_TRUE  or  ?GL_FALSE,  and most floating-point values are rounded to the nearest
              integer value. Floating-point colors and normals,  however,  are  returned  with  a
              linear  mapping  that maps 1.0 to the most positive representable integer value and
              -1.0  to  the  most  negative  representable  integer  value.  If  gl:getFloatv  or
              gl:getDoublev  is called, boolean values are returned as ?GL_TRUE or ?GL_FALSE, and
              integer values are converted to floating-point values.

              The following symbolic constants are accepted by Pname :

              ?GL_ACTIVE_TEXTURE:  Params  returns  a  single   value   indicating   the   active
              multitexture unit. The initial value is ?GL_TEXTURE0. See gl:activeTexture/1 .

              ?GL_ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE:  Params returns a pair of values indicating the range
              of widths supported for aliased lines. See gl:lineWidth/1 .

              ?GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING: Params returns a single value, the  name  of  the  buffer
              object currently bound to the target ?GL_ARRAY_BUFFER. If no buffer object is bound
              to this target, 0 is returned. The initial value is 0. See gl:bindBuffer/2 .

              ?GL_BLEND: Params returns a single boolean value  indicating  whether  blending  is
              enabled. The initial value is ?GL_FALSE. See gl:blendFunc/2 .

              ?GL_BLEND_COLOR: Params returns four values, the red, green, blue, and alpha values
              which are the components of the blend color. See gl:blendColor/4 .

              ?GL_BLEND_DST_ALPHA: Params returns one value, the  symbolic  constant  identifying
              the   alpha  destination  blend  function.  The  initial  value  is  ?GL_ZERO.  See
              gl:blendFunc/2 and gl:blendFuncSeparate/4 .

              ?GL_BLEND_DST_RGB: Params returns one value, the symbolic constant identifying  the
              RGB  destination  blend function. The initial value is ?GL_ZERO. See gl:blendFunc/2
              and gl:blendFuncSeparate/4 .

              ?GL_BLEND_EQUATION_RGB: Params returns one value, a  symbolic  constant  indicating
              whether    the    RGB    blend   equation   is   ?GL_FUNC_ADD,   ?GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT,
              ?GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT , ?GL_MIN or ?GL_MAX. See gl:blendEquationSeparate/2 .

              ?GL_BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA: Params returns one value, a symbolic constant  indicating
              whether   the   Alpha   blend   equation   is   ?GL_FUNC_ADD,  ?GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT  ,
              ?GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT, ?GL_MIN or ?GL_MAX. See gl:blendEquationSeparate/2 .

              ?GL_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA: Params returns one value, the  symbolic  constant  identifying
              the  alpha  source blend function. The initial value is ?GL_ONE. See gl:blendFunc/2
              and gl:blendFuncSeparate/4 .

              ?GL_BLEND_SRC_RGB: Params returns one value, the symbolic constant identifying  the
              RGB  source  blend  function.  The initial value is ?GL_ONE. See gl:blendFunc/2 and
              gl:blendFuncSeparate/4 .

              ?GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE: Params returns four values: the red, green, blue, and  alpha
              values  used to clear the color buffers. Integer values, if requested, are linearly
              mapped from the internal floating-point representation such that  1.0  returns  the
              most  positive  representable  integer  value,  and  -1.0 returns the most negative
              representable integer value. The initial value is (0, 0, 0, 0). See gl:clearColor/4

              ?GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP:  Params  returns  a  single  boolean value indicating whether a
              fragment's RGBA color values are  merged  into  the  framebuffer  using  a  logical
              operation. The initial value is ?GL_FALSE. See gl:logicOp/1 .

              ?GL_COLOR_WRITEMASK:  Params returns four boolean values: the red, green, blue, and
              alpha write enables  for  the  color  buffers.  The  initial  value  is  (?GL_TRUE,
              ?GL_TRUE, ?GL_TRUE, ?GL_TRUE). See gl:colorMask/4 .

              ?GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS:  Params  returns  a  list  of symbolic constants of
              length  ?GL_NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS  indicating  which  compressed   texture
              formats are available. See gl:compressedTexImage2D/8 .

              ?GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS:  Params  returns one value, the flags with which the context was
              created (such as debugging functionality).

              ?GL_CULL_FACE: Params returns a single boolean  value  indicating  whether  polygon
              culling is enabled. The initial value is ?GL_FALSE. See gl:cullFace/1 .

              ?GL_CURRENT_PROGRAM:  Params returns one value, the name of the program object that
              is currently active, or 0 if no program object is active. See gl:useProgram/1 .

              ?GL_DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE: Params returns one value, the value that is  used  to  clear
              the  depth  buffer.  Integer  values,  if  requested,  are linearly mapped from the
              internal floating-point representation such that  1.0  returns  the  most  positive
              representable  integer  value,  and  -1.0  returns  the most negative representable
              integer value. The initial value is 1. See gl:clearDepth/1 .

              ?GL_DEPTH_FUNC: Params returns one value, the symbolic constant that indicates  the
              depth comparison function. The initial value is ?GL_LESS. See gl:depthFunc/1 .

              ?GL_DEPTH_RANGE: Params returns two values: the near and far mapping limits for the
              depth buffer. Integer values, if requested, are linearly mapped from  the  internal
              floating-point representation such that 1.0 returns the most positive representable
              integer value, and -1.0 returns the most negative representable integer value.  The
              initial value is (0, 1). See gl:depthRange/2 .

              ?GL_DEPTH_TEST:  Params  returns  a  single  boolean value indicating whether depth
              testing of fragments is enabled. The initial value is ?GL_FALSE. See gl:depthFunc/1
              and gl:depthRange/2 .

              ?GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK:  Params returns a single boolean value indicating if the depth
              buffer is enabled for writing. The initial value is ?GL_TRUE. See gl:depthMask/1 .

              ?GL_DITHER: Params returns a single boolean value indicating whether  dithering  of
              fragment colors and indices is enabled. The initial value is ?GL_TRUE.

              ?GL_DOUBLEBUFFER:  Params  returns a single boolean value indicating whether double
              buffering is supported.

              ?GL_DRAW_BUFFER: Params returns one value, a  symbolic  constant  indicating  which
              buffers  are being drawn to. See gl:drawBuffer/1 . The initial value is ?GL_BACK if
              there are back buffers, otherwise it is ?GL_FRONT.

              ?GL_DRAW_BUFFERi: Params returns one value, a symbolic  constant  indicating  which
              buffers  are being drawn to by the corresponding output color. See gl:drawBuffers/1
              . The initial value of ?GL_DRAW_BUFFER0 is ?GL_BACK  if  there  are  back  buffers,
              otherwise  it is ?GL_FRONT. The initial values of draw buffers for all other output
              colors is ?GL_NONE.

              ?GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING: Params returns one value, the name of the framebuffer
              object   currently  bound  to  the  ?GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER  target.  If  the  default
              framebuffer is bound, this value will be zero.  The  initial  value  is  zero.  See
              gl:bindFramebuffer/2 .

              ?GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING: Params returns one value, the name of the framebuffer
              object  currently  bound  to  the  ?GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER  target.  If  the   default
              framebuffer  is  bound,  this  value  will  be zero. The initial value is zero. See
              gl:bindFramebuffer/2 .

              ?GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING: Params returns a single value, the  name  of  the
              buffer  object currently bound to the target ?GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER. If no buffer
              object is bound to this target,  0  is  returned.  The  initial  value  is  0.  See
              gl:bindBuffer/2 .

              ?GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_DERIVATIVE_HINT:  Params returns one value, a symbolic constant
              indicating the mode of the derivative  accuracy  hint  for  fragment  shaders.  The
              initial value is ?GL_DONT_CARE. See gl:hint/2 .

              ?GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT:   Params   returns   a  single  GLenum  value
              indicating the implementation's preferred pixel data format. See gl:readPixels/7 .

              ?GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE: Params returns a single GLenum value indicating
              the implementation's preferred pixel data type. See gl:readPixels/7 .

              ?GL_LINE_SMOOTH:   Params   returns  a  single  boolean  value  indicating  whether
              antialiasing  of  lines  is  enabled.  The  initial   value   is   ?GL_FALSE.   See
              gl:lineWidth/1 .

              ?GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT:  Params returns one value, a symbolic constant indicating the
              mode of the line  antialiasing  hint.  The  initial  value  is  ?GL_DONT_CARE.  See
              gl:hint/2 .

              ?GL_LINE_WIDTH:  Params  returns  one  value,  the  line  width  as  specified with
              gl:lineWidth/1 . The initial value is 1.

              ?GL_LAYER_PROVOKING_VERTEX: Params returns one value, the implementation  dependent
              specifc  vertex  of  a primitive that is used to select the rendering layer. If the
              value returned is equivalent to ?GL_PROVOKING_VERTEX,  then  the  vertex  selection
              follows the convention specified by gl:provokingVertex/1 . If the value returned is
              equivalent to ?GL_FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION, then the selection is always taken  from
              the  first  vertex  in  the  primitive.  If  the  value  returned  is equivalent to
              ?GL_LAST_VERTEX_CONVENTION , then the selection  is  always  taken  from  the  last
              vertex   in   the   primitive.   If   the   value   returned   is   equivalent   to
              ?GL_UNDEFINED_VERTEX, then the selection is not guaranteed to  be  taken  from  any
              specific vertex in the primitive.

              ?GL_LINE_WIDTH_GRANULARITY:  Params returns one value, the width difference between
              adjacent supported widths for antialiased lines. See gl:lineWidth/1 .

              ?GL_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE: Params returns two values: the smallest and largest supported
              widths for antialiased lines. See gl:lineWidth/1 .

              ?GL_LOGIC_OP_MODE:  Params  returns  one  value, a symbolic constant indicating the
              selected logic operation mode. The initial value is ?GL_COPY. See gl:logicOp/1 .

              ?GL_MAJOR_VERSION: Params returns one value, the major version number of the OpenGL
              API supported by the current context.

              ?GL_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE:  Params returns one value, a rough estimate of the largest
              3D  texture  that  the  GL  can  handle.  The  value  must  be  at  least  64.  Use
              ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_3D to determine if a texture is too large. See gl:texImage3D/10 .

              ?GL_MAX_ARRAY_TEXTURE_LAYERS:  Params  returns  one  value. The value indicates the
              maximum number of layers allowed in an array texture, and must be at least 256. See
              gl:texImage2D/9 .

              ?GL_MAX_CLIP_DISTANCES:   Params   returns   one   value,  the  maximum  number  of
              application-defined clipping distances. The value must be at least 8.

              ?GL_MAX_COLOR_TEXTURE_SAMPLES: Params returns one  value,  the  maximum  number  of
              samples in a color multisample texture.

              ?GL_MAX_COMBINED_ATOMIC_COUNTERS: Params returns a single value, the maximum number
              of atomic counters available to all active shaders.

              ?GL_MAX_COMBINED_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS: Params returns one value, the  number
              of  words  for  fragment  shader uniform variables in all uniform blocks (including
              default). The value must be at least 1. See gl:uniform1f/2 .

              ?GL_MAX_COMBINED_GEOMETRY_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS: Params returns one value, the  number
              of  words  for  geometry  shader uniform variables in all uniform blocks (including
              default). The value must be at least 1. See gl:uniform1f/2 .

              ?GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS:  Params  returns  one  value,   the   maximum
              supported  texture  image  units  that  can be used to access texture maps from the
              vertex shader and the fragment processor combined. If both the  vertex  shader  and
              the  fragment processing stage access the same texture image unit, then that counts
              as using two texture image units against this limit. The value must be at least 48.
              See gl:activeTexture/1 .

              ?GL_MAX_COMBINED_UNIFORM_BLOCKS:  Params  returns  one value, the maximum number of
              uniform  blocks   per   program.   The   value   must   be   at   least   36.   See
              gl:uniformBlockBinding/3 .

              ?GL_MAX_COMBINED_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS: Params returns one value, the number of
              words for  vertex  shader  uniform  variables  in  all  uniform  blocks  (including
              default). The value must be at least 1. See gl:uniform1f/2 .

              ?GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE:  Params  returns  one value. The value gives a rough
              estimate of the largest cube-map texture that the GL can handle. The value must  be
              at  least  1024.  Use  ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP  to determine if a texture is too
              large. See gl:texImage2D/9 .

              ?GL_MAX_DEPTH_TEXTURE_SAMPLES: Params returns one  value,  the  maximum  number  of
              samples in a multisample depth or depth-stencil texture.

              ?GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS:  Params returns one value, the maximum number of simultaneous
              outputs that may be written in a fragment shader. The value must be at least 8. See
              gl:drawBuffers/1 .

              ?GL_MAX_DUALSOURCE_DRAW_BUFFERS:  Params  returns  one value, the maximum number of
              active draw buffers when using dual-source blending. The value must be at least  1.
              See gl:blendFunc/2 and gl:blendFuncSeparate/4 .

              ?GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES:  Params returns one value, the recommended maximum number
              of vertex array indices. See gl:drawRangeElements/6 .

              ?GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_VERTICES: Params returns one value, the recommended maximum number
              of vertex array vertices. See gl:drawRangeElements/6 .

              ?GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_ATOMIC_COUNTERS: Params returns a single value, the maximum number
              of atomic counters available to fragment shaders.

              ?GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_INPUT_COMPONENTS: Params returns one value, the maximum number  of
              components of the inputs read by the fragment shader, which must be at least 128.

              ?GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS:  Params  returns one value, the maximum number
              of individual floating-point, integer, or  boolean  values  that  can  be  held  in
              uniform  variable  storage  for a fragment shader. The value must be at least 1024.
              See gl:uniform1f/2 .

              ?GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS: Params returns one value, the maximum  number  of
              individual 4-vectors of floating-point, integer, or boolean values that can be held
              in uniform variable storage for a fragment shader. The value is equal to the  value
              of  ?GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS  divided by 4 and must be at least 256. See
              gl:uniform1f/2 .

              ?GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_BLOCKS: Params returns one value, the  maximum  number  of
              uniform   blocks  per  fragment  shader.  The  value  must  be  at  least  12.  See
              gl:uniformBlockBinding/3 .

              ?GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_ATOMIC_COUNTERS: Params returns a single value, the maximum number
              of atomic counters available to geometry shaders.

              ?GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_INPUT_COMPONENTS:  Params returns one value, the maximum number of
              components of inputs read by a geometry shader, which must be at least 64.

              ?GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS: Params returns one value, the maximum number of
              components of outputs written by a geometry shader, which must be at least 128.

              ?GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS:   Params   returns  one  value,  the  maximum
              supported texture image units that can be used to  access  texture  maps  from  the
              geometry shader. The value must be at least 16. See gl:activeTexture/1 .

              ?GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_UNIFORM_BLOCKS:  Params  returns  one value, the maximum number of
              uniform  blocks  per  geometry  shader.  The  value  must  be  at  least  12.   See
              gl:uniformBlockBinding/3 .

              ?GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS:  Params  returns one value, the maximum number
              of individual floating-point, integer, or  boolean  values  that  can  be  held  in
              uniform  variable  storage  for a geometry shader. The value must be at least 1024.
              See gl:uniform1f/2 .

              ?GL_MAX_INTEGER_SAMPLES: Params returns one value, the maximum  number  of  samples
              supported in integer format multisample buffers.

              ?GL_MIN_MAP_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT:  Params  returns  one value, the minimum alignment in
              basic  machine  units  of   pointers   returned   fromsee   glMapBuffer   and   see
              glMapBufferRange . This value must be a power of two and must be at least 64.

              ?GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET:  Params  returns  one value, the maximum texel offset
              allowed in a texture lookup, which must be at least 7.

              ?GL_MIN_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET: Params returns one value, the  minimum  texel  offset
              allowed in a texture lookup, which must be at most -8.

              ?GL_MAX_RECTANGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE:  Params  returns one value. The value gives a rough
              estimate of the largest rectangular texture that the GL can handle. The value  must
              be  at least 1024. Use ?GL_PROXY_RECTANGLE_TEXTURE to determine if a texture is too
              large. See gl:texImage2D/9 .

              ?GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE: Params  returns  one  value.  The  value  indicates  the
              maximum supported size for renderbuffers. See gl:framebufferRenderbuffer/4 .

              ?GL_MAX_SAMPLE_MASK_WORDS:  Params  returns one value, the maximum number of sample
              mask words.

              ?GL_MAX_SERVER_WAIT_TIMEOUT: Params returns one value,  the  maximum  gl:waitSync/3
              timeout interval.

              ?GL_MAX_TESS_CONTROL_ATOMIC_COUNTERS:  Params  returns  a single value, the maximum
              number of atomic counters available to tessellation control shaders.

              ?GL_MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_ATOMIC_COUNTERS: Params returns a single value, the maximum
              number of atomic counters available to tessellation evaluation shaders.

              ?GL_MAX_TEXTURE_BUFFER_SIZE:  Params returns one value. The value gives the maximum
              number of texels allowed in the texel array of a texture buffer object. Value  must
              be at least 65536.

              ?GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS:  Params  returns  one  value,  the  maximum  supported
              texture image units that can be used to  access  texture  maps  from  the  fragment
              shader. The value must be at least 16. See gl:activeTexture/1 .

              ?GL_MAX_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS:  Params returns one value, the maximum, absolute value of
              the texture level-of-detail bias. The value must be at least 2.0.

              ?GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE: Params returns one value. The value gives a rough estimate of
              the  largest texture that the GL can handle. The value must be at least 1024. Use a
              proxy texture  target  such  as  ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D  or  ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D  to
              determine if a texture is too large. See gl:texImage1D/8 and gl:texImage2D/9 .

              ?GL_MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS:  Params  returns  one value, the maximum number of
              uniform buffer binding points on the context, which must be at least 36.

              ?GL_MAX_UNIFORM_BLOCK_SIZE: Params returns one value, the  maximum  size  in  basic
              machine units of a uniform block, which must be at least 16384.

              ?GL_MAX_VARYING_COMPONENTS:  Params  returns  one  value, the number components for
              varying variables, which must be at least 60.

              ?GL_MAX_VARYING_VECTORS: Params returns one value, the number 4-vectors for varying
              variables, which is equal to the value of ?GL_MAX_VARYING_COMPONENTS and must be at
              least 15.

              ?GL_MAX_VARYING_FLOATS:  Params  returns  one  value,   the   maximum   number   of
              interpolators  available  for  processing  varying  variables  used  by  vertex and
              fragment shaders. This value represents the  number  of  individual  floating-point
              values  that  can be interpolated; varying variables declared as vectors, matrices,
              and arrays will all consume multiple interpolators. The value must be at least 32.

              ?GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATOMIC_COUNTERS: Params returns a single value, the  maximum  number
              of atomic counters available to vertex shaders.

              ?GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS: Params returns one value, the maximum number of 4-component
              generic vertex attributes accessible to a vertex shader. The value must be at least
              16. See gl:vertexAttrib1d/2 .

              ?GL_MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS: Params returns one value, the maximum supported
              texture image units that can be used to access texture maps from the vertex shader.
              The value may be at least 16. See gl:activeTexture/1 .

              ?GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS:  Params returns one value, the maximum number of
              individual floating-point, integer, or boolean values that can be held  in  uniform
              variable  storage  for  a  vertex  shader.  The  value  must  be at least 1024. See
              gl:uniform1f/2 .

              ?GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS: Params returns one value,  the  maximum  number  of
              4-vectors  that  may be held in uniform variable storage for the vertex shader. The
              value   of   ?GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS   is   equal   to    the    value    of
              ?GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS and must be at least 256.

              ?GL_MAX_VERTEX_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS:  Params  returns one value, the maximum number of
              components of output written by a vertex shader, which must be at least 64.

              ?GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_BLOCKS: Params returns one  value,  the  maximum  number  of
              uniform   blocks   per   vertex  shader.  The  value  must  be  at  least  12.  See
              gl:uniformBlockBinding/3 .

              ?GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS: Params returns two values: the maximum supported  width  and
              height  of  the viewport. These must be at least as large as the visible dimensions
              of the display being rendered to. See gl:viewport/4 .

              ?GL_MAX_VIEWPORTS: Params returns one value, the  maximum  number  of  simultaneous
              viewports   that   are   supported.   The   value   must   be   at  least  16.  See
              gl:viewportIndexedf/5 .

              ?GL_MINOR_VERSION: Params returns one value, the minor version number of the OpenGL
              API supported by the current context.

              ?GL_NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS:   Params   returns   a   single  integer  value
              indicating the number of available compressed texture formats. The minimum value is
              4. See gl:compressedTexImage2D/8 .

              ?GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS: Params returns one value, the number of extensions supported by
              the GL implementation for the current context. See gl:getString/1 .

              ?GL_NUM_PROGRAM_BINARY_FORMATS: Params returns one value,  the  number  of  program
              binary formats supported by the implementation.

              ?GL_NUM_SHADER_BINARY_FORMATS:  Params  returns  one  value,  the  number of binary
              shader formats supported by the implementation. If this value is greater than zero,
              then  the  implementation  supports loading binary shaders. If it is zero, then the
              loading of binary shaders by the implementation is not supported.

              ?GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT: Params returns one value, the byte alignment used  for  writing
              pixel data to memory. The initial value is 4. See gl:pixelStoref/2 .

              ?GL_PACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT:  Params returns one value, the image height used for writing
              pixel data to memory. The initial value is 0. See gl:pixelStoref/2 .

              ?GL_PACK_LSB_FIRST: Params  returns  a  single  boolean  value  indicating  whether
              single-bit  pixels  being  written  to  memory  are  written  first  to  the  least
              significant bit of  each  unsigned  byte.  The  initial  value  is  ?GL_FALSE.  See
              gl:pixelStoref/2 .

              ?GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH:  Params  returns  one  value,  the row length used for writing
              pixel data to memory. The initial value is 0. See gl:pixelStoref/2 .

              ?GL_PACK_SKIP_IMAGES: Params returns one value, the number of pixel images  skipped
              before  the  first  pixel  is  written  into  memory.  The  initial value is 0. See
              gl:pixelStoref/2 .

              ?GL_PACK_SKIP_PIXELS: Params returns one  value,  the  number  of  pixel  locations
              skipped  before the first pixel is written into memory. The initial value is 0. See
              gl:pixelStoref/2 .

              ?GL_PACK_SKIP_ROWS: Params returns one value, the number of rows of pixel locations
              skipped  before the first pixel is written into memory. The initial value is 0. See
              gl:pixelStoref/2 .

              ?GL_PACK_SWAP_BYTES: Params returns a single boolean value indicating  whether  the
              bytes  of  two-byte  and  four-byte pixel indices and components are swapped before
              being written to memory. The initial value is ?GL_FALSE. See gl:pixelStoref/2 .

              ?GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER_BINDING: Params returns a  single  value,  the  name  of  the
              buffer  object  currently  bound  to the target ?GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER. If no buffer
              object is bound to this target,  0  is  returned.  The  initial  value  is  0.  See
              gl:bindBuffer/2 .

              ?GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER_BINDING:  Params  returns  a  single value, the name of the
              buffer object currently bound to the target ?GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER. If  no  buffer
              object  is  bound  to  this  target,  0  is  returned.  The initial value is 0. See
              gl:bindBuffer/2 .

              ?GL_POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE: Params returns one value, the point  size  threshold
              for determining the point size. See gl:pointParameterf/2 .

              ?GL_PRIMITIVE_RESTART_INDEX:  Params  returns  one  value,  the  current  primitive
              restart index. The initial value is 0. See gl:primitiveRestartIndex/1 .

              ?GL_PROGRAM_BINARY_FORMATS:  Params  an  array  of   ?GL_NUM_PROGRAM_BINARY_FORMATS
              values, indicating the proram binary formats supported by the implementation.

              ?GL_PROGRAM_PIPELINE_BINDING:  Params  a  single  value,  the name of the currently
              bound program pipeline object, or zero if no program pipeline object is bound.  See
              gl:bindProgramPipeline/1 .

              ?GL_PROVOKING_VERTEX:  Params  returns  one value, the currently selected provoking
              vertex  convention.  The   initial   value   is   ?GL_LAST_VERTEX_CONVENTION.   See
              gl:provokingVertex/1 .

              ?GL_POINT_SIZE:   Params  returns  one  value,  the  point  size  as  specified  by
              gl:pointSize/1 . The initial value is 1.

              ?GL_POINT_SIZE_GRANULARITY: Params returns one value, the size  difference  between
              adjacent supported sizes for antialiased points. See gl:pointSize/1 .

              ?GL_POINT_SIZE_RANGE: Params returns two values: the smallest and largest supported
              sizes for antialiased points. The smallest size must be at most 1, and the  largest
              size must be at least 1. See gl:pointSize/1 .

              ?GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR:  Params  returns  one  value, the scaling factor used to
              determine the variable offset that is added to the depth  value  of  each  fragment
              generated   when   a   polygon   is   rasterized.  The  initial  value  is  0.  See
              gl:polygonOffset/2 .

              ?GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS: Params returns one value. This value is multiplied by  an
              implementation-specific  value  and  then added to the depth value of each fragment
              generated  when  a  polygon  is  rasterized.  The   initial   value   is   0.   See
              gl:polygonOffset/2 .

              ?GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL:  Params  returns a single boolean value indicating whether
              polygon offset is enabled for polygons in fill mode. The initial value is ?GL_FALSE
              . See gl:polygonOffset/2 .

              ?GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE:  Params  returns a single boolean value indicating whether
              polygon offset is enabled for polygons in line mode. The initial value is ?GL_FALSE
              . See gl:polygonOffset/2 .

              ?GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT:  Params returns a single boolean value indicating whether
              polygon offset is enabled  for  polygons  in  point  mode.  The  initial  value  is
              ?GL_FALSE . See gl:polygonOffset/2 .

              ?GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH:  Params  returns  a  single  boolean  value  indicating whether
              antialiasing  of  polygons  is  enabled.  The  initial  value  is  ?GL_FALSE.   See
              gl:polygonMode/2 .

              ?GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT:  Params  returns one value, a symbolic constant indicating
              the mode of the polygon antialiasing hint. The initial value is ?GL_DONT_CARE.  See
              gl:hint/2 .

              ?GL_READ_BUFFER:  Params  returns  one  value, a symbolic constant indicating which
              color buffer is selected for reading. The initial value is ?GL_BACK if there  is  a
              back buffer, otherwise it is ?GL_FRONT. See gl:readPixels/7 .

              ?GL_RENDERBUFFER_BINDING:   Params   returns  a  single  value,  the  name  of  the
              renderbuffer  object  currently  bound  to  the  target  ?GL_RENDERBUFFER.  If   no
              renderbuffer object is bound to this target, 0 is returned. The initial value is 0.
              See gl:bindRenderbuffer/2 .

              ?GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS: Params returns a single integer value indicating the number  of
              sample buffers associated with the framebuffer. See gl:sampleCoverage/2 .

              ?GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE:  Params  returns  a single positive floating-point value
              indicating the current sample coverage value. See gl:sampleCoverage/2 .

              ?GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT: Params returns a single boolean value indicating if the
              temporary coverage value should be inverted. See gl:sampleCoverage/2 .

              ?GL_SAMPLER_BINDING:  Params returns a single value, the name of the sampler object
              currently  bound  to  the  active  texture  unit.  The  initial  value  is  0.  See
              gl:bindSampler/2 .

              ?GL_SAMPLES:  Params  returns  a  single integer value indicating the coverage mask
              size. See gl:sampleCoverage/2 .

              ?GL_SCISSOR_BOX: Params returns four values: the x and y window coordinates of  the
              scissor  box,  followed  by  its  width  and  height.  Initially the x and y window
              coordinates are both 0 and the width and height are set to the size of the  window.
              See gl:scissor/4 .

              ?GL_SCISSOR_TEST:   Params  returns  a  single  boolean  value  indicating  whether
              scissoring is enabled. The initial value is ?GL_FALSE. See gl:scissor/4 .

              ?GL_SHADER_COMPILER: Params returns a single boolean value  indicating  whether  an
              online  shader  compiler  is  present  in  the  implementation.  All desktop OpenGL
              implementations must support online shader compilations, and therefore the value of
              ?GL_SHADER_COMPILER will always be ?GL_TRUE.

              ?GL_SMOOTH_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE:  Params  returns a pair of values indicating the range
              of widths supported for smooth (antialiased) lines. See gl:lineWidth/1 .

              ?GL_SMOOTH_LINE_WIDTH_GRANULARITY: Params returns a  single  value  indicating  the
              level of quantization applied to smooth line width parameters.

              ?GL_STENCIL_BACK_FAIL:  Params  returns  one  value, a symbolic constant indicating
              what action is taken for back-facing polygons when  the  stencil  test  fails.  The
              initial value is ?GL_KEEP. See gl:stencilOpSeparate/4 .

              ?GL_STENCIL_BACK_FUNC:  Params  returns  one  value, a symbolic constant indicating
              what function is used for back-facing polygons to  compare  the  stencil  reference
              value  with  the  stencil  buffer  value.  The  initial  value  is  ?GL_ALWAYS. See
              gl:stencilFuncSeparate/4 .

              ?GL_STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL: Params returns one  value,  a  symbolic  constant
              indicating  what  action  is  taken  for back-facing polygons when the stencil test
              passes,  but  the  depth  test  fails.  The  initial   value   is   ?GL_KEEP.   See
              gl:stencilOpSeparate/4 .

              ?GL_STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS:  Params  returns  one  value, a symbolic constant
              indicating what action is taken for back-facing  polygons  when  the  stencil  test
              passes   and   the   depth   test  passes.  The  initial  value  is  ?GL_KEEP.  See
              gl:stencilOpSeparate/4 .

              ?GL_STENCIL_BACK_REF: Params  returns  one  value,  the  reference  value  that  is
              compared  with  the  contents  of  the stencil buffer for back-facing polygons. The
              initial value is 0. See gl:stencilFuncSeparate/4 .

              ?GL_STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK: Params returns one value, the mask that  is  used  for
              back-facing  polygons  to  mask  both  the  stencil reference value and the stencil
              buffer value  before  they  are  compared.  The  initial  value  is  all  1's.  See
              gl:stencilFuncSeparate/4 .

              ?GL_STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK:  Params  returns  one  value,  the  mask  that controls
              writing of the stencil bitplanes for back-facing polygons. The initial value is all
              1's. See gl:stencilMaskSeparate/2 .

              ?GL_STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE:  Params  returns one value, the index to which the stencil
              bitplanes are cleared. The initial value is 0. See gl:clearStencil/1 .

              ?GL_STENCIL_FAIL: Params returns one value, a  symbolic  constant  indicating  what
              action  is  taken  when  the stencil test fails. The initial value is ?GL_KEEP. See
              gl:stencilOp/3 . This stencil state  only  affects  non-polygons  and  front-facing
              polygons.    Back-facing    polygons    use    separate    stencil    state.    See
              gl:stencilOpSeparate/4 .

              ?GL_STENCIL_FUNC: Params returns one value, a  symbolic  constant  indicating  what
              function  is  used  to  compare the stencil reference value with the stencil buffer
              value. The initial value is ?GL_ALWAYS. See gl:stencilFunc/3 . This  stencil  state
              only  affects  non-polygons  and  front-facing  polygons.  Back-facing polygons use
              separate stencil state. See gl:stencilFuncSeparate/4 .

              ?GL_STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL:  Params  returns  one  value,  a   symbolic   constant
              indicating  what  action  is taken when the stencil test passes, but the depth test
              fails. The initial value is ?GL_KEEP. See gl:stencilOp/3 . This stencil state  only
              affects  non-polygons  and front-facing polygons. Back-facing polygons use separate
              stencil state. See gl:stencilOpSeparate/4 .

              ?GL_STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS:  Params  returns  one  value,  a   symbolic   constant
              indicating  what  action  is  taken when the stencil test passes and the depth test
              passes. The initial value is ?GL_KEEP. See gl:stencilOp/3 . This stencil state only
              affects  non-polygons  and front-facing polygons. Back-facing polygons use separate
              stencil state. See gl:stencilOpSeparate/4 .

              ?GL_STENCIL_REF: Params returns one value, the reference  value  that  is  compared
              with   the   contents   of  the  stencil  buffer.  The  initial  value  is  0.  See
              gl:stencilFunc/3 . This stencil state only affects  non-polygons  and  front-facing
              polygons.    Back-facing    polygons    use    separate    stencil    state.    See
              gl:stencilFuncSeparate/4 .

              ?GL_STENCIL_TEST: Params returns a single boolean value indicating whether  stencil
              testing   of   fragments   is   enabled.   The  initial  value  is  ?GL_FALSE.  See
              gl:stencilFunc/3 and gl:stencilOp/3 .

              ?GL_STENCIL_VALUE_MASK: Params returns one value, the mask that  is  used  to  mask
              both  the  stencil  reference  value  and  the stencil buffer value before they are
              compared. The initial value is all 1's. See gl:stencilFunc/3 . This  stencil  state
              only  affects  non-polygons  and  front-facing  polygons.  Back-facing polygons use
              separate stencil state. See gl:stencilFuncSeparate/4 .

              ?GL_STENCIL_WRITEMASK: Params returns one value, the mask that controls writing  of
              the  stencil  bitplanes.  The initial value is all 1's. See gl:stencilMask/1 . This
              stencil state only affects  non-polygons  and  front-facing  polygons.  Back-facing
              polygons use separate stencil state. See gl:stencilMaskSeparate/2 .

              ?GL_STEREO: Params returns a single boolean value indicating whether stereo buffers
              (left and right) are supported.

              ?GL_SUBPIXEL_BITS: Params returns one value, an estimate of the number of  bits  of
              subpixel  resolution  that  are  used  to  position  rasterized  geometry in window
              coordinates. The value must be at least 4.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_1D: Params returns a single value,  the  name  of  the  texture
              currently  bound  to  the  target  ?GL_TEXTURE_1D.  The  initial  value  is  0. See
              gl:bindTexture/2 .

              ?GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_1D_ARRAY: Params returns  a  single  value,  the  name  of  the
              texture currently bound to the target ?GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY. The initial value is 0.
              See gl:bindTexture/2 .

              ?GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D: Params returns a single value,  the  name  of  the  texture
              currently  bound  to  the  target  ?GL_TEXTURE_2D.  The  initial  value  is  0. See
              gl:bindTexture/2 .

              ?GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_ARRAY: Params returns  a  single  value,  the  name  of  the
              texture currently bound to the target ?GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY. The initial value is 0.
              See gl:bindTexture/2 .

              ?GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_MULTISAMPLE: Params returns a single value, the name of  the
              texture currently bound to the target ?GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE. The initial value
              is 0. See gl:bindTexture/2 .

              ?GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY: Params returns a single value,  the  name
              of the texture currently bound to the target ?GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY . The
              initial value is 0. See gl:bindTexture/2 .

              ?GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_3D: Params returns a single value,  the  name  of  the  texture
              currently  bound  to  the  target  ?GL_TEXTURE_3D.  The  initial  value  is  0. See
              gl:bindTexture/2 .

              ?GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_BUFFER: Params returns a single value, the name of the  texture
              currently  bound  to  the  target  ?GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER.  The initial value is 0. See
              gl:bindTexture/2 .

              ?GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP: Params returns  a  single  value,  the  name  of  the
              texture currently bound to the target ?GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP. The initial value is 0.
              See gl:bindTexture/2 .

              ?GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_RECTANGLE: Params returns a  single  value,  the  name  of  the
              texture  currently  bound to the target ?GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE. The initial value is
              0. See gl:bindTexture/2 .

              ?GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_HINT: Params returns a single value indicating the mode  of
              the texture compression hint. The initial value is ?GL_DONT_CARE.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER_BINDING:  Params returns a single value, the name of the texture
              buffer object currently bound. The initial value is 0. See gl:bindBuffer/2 .

              ?GL_TIMESTAMP: Params returns a single value, the 64-bit value of  the  current  GL
              time. See gl:queryCounter/2 .

              ?GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_BINDING:  When  used  with  non-indexed  variants  of
              gl:get (such as gl:getIntegerv), Params returns a single value,  the  name  of  the
              buffer  object  currently  bound to the target ?GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER. If no
              buffer object is bound to this target,  0  is  returned.  When  used  with  indexed
              variants  of  gl:get (such as gl:getIntegeri_v), Params returns a single value, the
              name of the buffer object bound to the indexed transform feedback attribute stream.
              The initial value is 0 for all targets. See gl:bindBuffer/2 , gl:bindBufferBase/3 ,
              and gl:bindBufferRange/5 .

              ?GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_START: When used  with  indexed  variants  of  gl:get
              (such  as  gl:getInteger64i_v),  Params returns a single value, the start offset of
              the binding range for each transform feedback attribute stream. The  initial  value
              is 0 for all streams. See gl:bindBufferRange/5 .

              ?GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE: When used with indexed variants of gl:get (such
              as gl:getInteger64i_v), Params returns a single value,  the  size  of  the  binding
              range  for each transform feedback attribute stream. The initial value is 0 for all
              streams. See gl:bindBufferRange/5 .

              ?GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDING: When used with non-indexed variants of gl:get (such  as
              gl:getIntegerv),  Params  returns  a  single  value,  the name of the buffer object
              currently bound to the target ?GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER. If no buffer object is  bound  to
              this  target,  0  is  returned.  When used with indexed variants of gl:get (such as
              gl:getIntegeri_v), Params returns a single value, the name  of  the  buffer  object
              bound  to  the indexed uniform buffer binding point. The initial value is 0 for all
              targets. See gl:bindBuffer/2 , gl:bindBufferBase/3 , and gl:bindBufferRange/5 .

              ?GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT: Params returns a  single  value,  the  minimum
              required alignment for uniform buffer sizes and offset. The initial value is 1. See
              gl:uniformBlockBinding/3 .

              ?GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_SIZE: When  used  with  indexed  variants  of  gl:get  (such  as
              gl:getInteger64i_v),  Params  returns a single value, the size of the binding range
              for each indexed uniform buffer binding. The initial value is 0 for  all  bindings.
              See gl:bindBufferRange/5 .

              ?GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_START:  When  used  with  indexed  variants  of  gl:get (such as
              gl:getInteger64i_v), Params returns a single value, the start offset of the binding
              range  for  each  indexed  uniform  buffer  binding. The initial value is 0 for all
              bindings. See gl:bindBufferRange/5 .

              ?GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT: Params returns one value, the byte alignment used for reading
              pixel data from memory. The initial value is 4. See gl:pixelStoref/2 .

              ?GL_UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT:  Params  returns  one  value,  the  image  height used for
              reading pixel data from memory. The initial is 0. See gl:pixelStoref/2 .

              ?GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST: Params returns a  single  boolean  value  indicating  whether
              single-bit  pixels being read from memory are read first from the least significant
              bit of each unsigned byte. The initial value is ?GL_FALSE. See gl:pixelStoref/2 .

              ?GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH: Params returns one value, the row length  used  for  reading
              pixel data from memory. The initial value is 0. See gl:pixelStoref/2 .

              ?GL_UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES:  Params  returns  one  value,  the  number  of pixel images
              skipped before the first pixel is read from memory. The initial  value  is  0.  See
              gl:pixelStoref/2 .

              ?GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS:  Params  returns  one  value, the number of pixel locations
              skipped before the first pixel is read from memory. The initial  value  is  0.  See
              gl:pixelStoref/2 .

              ?GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS:  Params  returns  one  value,  the  number  of  rows of pixel
              locations skipped before the first pixel is read from memory. The initial value  is
              0. See gl:pixelStoref/2 .

              ?GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES: Params returns a single boolean value indicating whether the
              bytes of two-byte and four-byte pixel indices  and  components  are  swapped  after
              being read from memory. The initial value is ?GL_FALSE. See gl:pixelStoref/2 .

              ?GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE:  Params  returns  a  single boolean value indicating
              whether vertex program point size mode is enabled. If enabled, and a vertex  shader
              is  active,  then the point size is taken from the shader built-in gl_PointSize. If
              disabled, and a vertex shader is active, then the point  size  is  taken  from  the
              point state as specified by gl:pointSize/1 . The initial value is ?GL_FALSE.

              ?GL_VIEWPORT: When used with non-indexed variants of gl:get (such as gl:getIntegerv
              ), Params returns four values: the x and y  window  coordinates  of  the  viewport,
              followed by its width and height. Initially the x and y window coordinates are both
              set to 0, and the width and height are set to the width and height  of  the  window
              into which the GL will do its rendering. See gl:viewport/4 . When used with indexed
              variants of gl:get (such as gl:getIntegeri_v), Params returns four  values:  the  x
              and y window coordinates of the indexed viewport, followed by its width and height.
              Initially the x and y window coordinates are both set  to  0,  and  the  width  and
              height  are set to the width and height of the window into which the GL will do its
              rendering. See gl:viewportIndexedf/5 .

              ?GL_VIEWPORT_BOUNDS_RANGE: Params returns  two  values,  the  minimum  and  maximum
              viewport bounds range. The minimum range should be at least [-32768, 32767].

              ?GL_VIEWPORT_INDEX_PROVOKING_VERTEX:  Params  returns one value, the implementation
              dependent specifc vertex of a primitive that is used to select the viewport  index.
              If  the  value  returned  is  equivalent  to  ?GL_PROVOKING_VERTEX, then the vertex
              selection follows the convention specified by gl:provokingVertex/1 . If  the  value
              returned is equivalent to ?GL_FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION, then the selection is always
              taken from the first vertex in the primitive. If the value returned  is  equivalent
              to  ?GL_LAST_VERTEX_CONVENTION  ,  then the selection is always taken from the last
              vertex   in   the   primitive.   If   the   value   returned   is   equivalent   to
              ?GL_UNDEFINED_VERTEX,  then  the  selection  is not guaranteed to be taken from any
              specific vertex in the primitive.

              ?GL_VIEWPORT_SUBPIXEL_BITS: Params returns a single value, the number  of  bits  of
              sub-pixel  precision  which  the  GL  uses to interpret the floating point viewport
              bounds. The minimum value is 0.

              Many of the boolean parameters can also be queried more easily using gl:isEnabled/1

              See external documentation.

       getDoublev(Pname) -> [float()]


                 Pname = enum()

              See getBooleanv/1

       getFloatv(Pname) -> [float()]


                 Pname = enum()

              See getBooleanv/1

       getIntegerv(Pname) -> [integer()]


                 Pname = enum()

              See getBooleanv/1

       pushAttrib(Mask) -> ok


                 Mask = integer()

              Push and pop the server attribute stack

              gl:pushAttrib  takes  one  argument,  a  mask  that indicates which groups of state
              variables to save on the attribute stack. Symbolic constants are used to  set  bits
              in  the mask. Mask is typically constructed by specifying the bitwise-or of several
              of these constants together. The special mask ?GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS can  be  used  to
              save all stackable states.

              The  symbolic  mask  constants  and  their  associated GL state are as follows (the
              second column lists which attributes are  saved):?GL_ACCUM_BUFFER_BIT  Accumulation
              buffer clear value
              ?GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT?GL_ALPHA_TEST enable bit
               Alpha test function and reference value
              ?GL_BLEND enable bit
               Blending source and destination functions
               Constant blend color
               Blending equation
              ?GL_DITHER enable bit
              ?GL_DRAW_BUFFER setting
              ?GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP enable bit
              ?GL_INDEX_LOGIC_OP enable bit
               Logic op function
               Color mode and index mode clear values
               Color mode and index mode writemasks
              ?GL_CURRENT_BIT Current RGBA color
               Current color index
               Current normal vector
               Current texture coordinates
               Current raster position
               RGBA color associated with current raster position
               Color index associated with current raster position
               Texture coordinates associated with current raster position
              ?GL_EDGE_FLAG flag
              ?GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT?GL_DEPTH_TEST enable bit
               Depth buffer test function
               Depth buffer clear value
              ?GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK enable bit
              ?GL_ENABLE_BIT?GL_ALPHA_TEST flag
              ?GL_AUTO_NORMAL flag
              ?GL_BLEND flag
               Enable bits for the user-definable clipping planes
              ?GL_CULL_FACE flag
              ?GL_DEPTH_TEST flag
              ?GL_DITHER flag
              ?GL_FOG flag
              ?GL_LIGHTi where ?0 <= i < ?GL_MAX_LIGHTS
              ?GL_LIGHTING flag
              ?GL_LINE_SMOOTH flag
              ?GL_LINE_STIPPLE flag
              ?GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP flag
              ?GL_INDEX_LOGIC_OP flag
              ?GL_MAP1_x where x is a map type
              ?GL_MAP2_x where x is a map type
              ?GL_MULTISAMPLE flag
              ?GL_NORMALIZE flag
              ?GL_POINT_SMOOTH flag
              ?GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE flag
              ?GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL flag
              ?GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT flag
              ?GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH flag
              ?GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE flag
              ?GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE flag
              ?GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE flag
              ?GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE flag
              ?GL_SCISSOR_TEST flag
              ?GL_STENCIL_TEST flag
              ?GL_TEXTURE_1D flag
              ?GL_TEXTURE_2D flag
              ?GL_TEXTURE_3D flag
               Flags ?GL_TEXTURE_GEN_x where x is S, T, R, or Q
              ?GL_EVAL_BIT?GL_MAP1_x enable bits, where x is a map type
              ?GL_MAP2_x enable bits, where x is a map type
               1D grid endpoints and divisions
               2D grid endpoints and divisions
              ?GL_AUTO_NORMAL enable bit
              ?GL_FOG_BIT?GL_FOG enable bit
               Fog color
               Fog density
               Linear fog start
               Linear fog end
               Fog index
              ?GL_FOG_MODE value
              ?GL_POINT_SMOOTH_HINT setting
              ?GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT setting
              ?GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT setting
              ?GL_FOG_HINT setting
              ?GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT setting
              ?GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_HINT setting
              ?GL_LIGHTING_BIT?GL_COLOR_MATERIAL enable bit
              ?GL_COLOR_MATERIAL_FACE value
               Color material parameters that are tracking the current color
               Ambient scene color
              ?GL_LIGHT_MODEL_LOCAL_VIEWER value
              ?GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE setting
              ?GL_LIGHTING enable bit
               Enable bit for each light
               Ambient, diffuse, and specular intensity for each light
               Direction, position, exponent, and cutoff angle for each light
               Constant, linear, and quadratic attenuation factors for each light
               Ambient, diffuse, specular, and emissive color for each material
               Ambient, diffuse, and specular color indices for each material
               Specular exponent for each material
              ?GL_SHADE_MODEL setting
              ?GL_LINE_BIT?GL_LINE_SMOOTH flag
              ?GL_LINE_STIPPLE enable bit
               Line stipple pattern and repeat counter
               Line width
              ?GL_LIST_BIT?GL_LIST_BASE setting
              ?GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE flag
              ?GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE flag
              ?GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE flag
              ?GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE value
              ?GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT value
              ?GL_PIXEL_MODE_BIT?GL_RED_BIAS and ?GL_RED_SCALE settings
              ?GL_GREEN_BIAS and ?GL_GREEN_SCALE values
              ?GL_BLUE_BIAS and ?GL_BLUE_SCALE
              ?GL_ALPHA_BIAS and ?GL_ALPHA_SCALE
              ?GL_DEPTH_BIAS and ?GL_DEPTH_SCALE
              ?GL_INDEX_OFFSET and ?GL_INDEX_SHIFT values
              ?GL_MAP_COLOR and ?GL_MAP_STENCIL flags
              ?GL_ZOOM_X and ?GL_ZOOM_Y factors
              ?GL_READ_BUFFER setting
              ?GL_POINT_BIT?GL_POINT_SMOOTH flag
               Point size
              ?GL_POLYGON_BIT?GL_CULL_FACE enable bit
              ?GL_CULL_FACE_MODE value
              ?GL_FRONT_FACE indicator
              ?GL_POLYGON_MODE setting
              ?GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH flag
              ?GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE enable bit
              ?GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL flag
              ?GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE flag
              ?GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_POINT flag
              ?GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE_BIT Polygon stipple image
              ?GL_SCISSOR_BIT?GL_SCISSOR_TEST flag
               Scissor box
              ?GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT?GL_STENCIL_TEST enable bit
               Stencil function and reference value
               Stencil value mask
               Stencil fail, pass, and depth buffer pass actions
               Stencil buffer clear value
               Stencil buffer writemask
              ?GL_TEXTURE_BIT Enable bits for the four texture coordinates
               Border color for each texture image
               Minification function for each texture image
               Magnification function for each texture image
               Texture coordinates and wrap mode for each texture image
               Color and mode for each texture environment
               Enable bits ?GL_TEXTURE_GEN_x, x is S, T, R, and Q
              ?GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE setting for S, T, R, and Q
              gl:texGend/3 plane equations for S, T, R, and Q
               Current texture bindings (for example, ?GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D)
              ?GL_TRANSFORM_BIT Coefficients of the six clipping planes
               Enable bits for the user-definable clipping planes
              ?GL_MATRIX_MODE value
              ?GL_NORMALIZE flag
              ?GL_RESCALE_NORMAL flag
              ?GL_VIEWPORT_BIT Depth range (near and far)
               Viewport origin and extent

              gl:pushAttrib/1  restores  the  values  of  the state variables saved with the last
              gl:pushAttrib command. Those not saved are left unchanged.

              It is an error to push attributes onto a full stack or to  pop  attributes  off  an
              empty  stack.  In either case, the error flag is set and no other change is made to
              GL state.

              Initially, the attribute stack is empty.

              See external documentation.

       popAttrib() -> ok

              See pushAttrib/1

       pushClientAttrib(Mask) -> ok


                 Mask = integer()

              Push and pop the client attribute stack

              gl:pushClientAttrib takes one argument, a  mask  that  indicates  which  groups  of
              client-state  variables  to  save on the client attribute stack. Symbolic constants
              are used to set bits in the mask. Mask is typically constructed by  specifying  the
              bitwise-or   of   several   of   these   constants   together.   The  special  mask
              ?GL_CLIENT_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS can be used to save all stackable client state.

              The symbolic mask constants and their associated GL client  state  are  as  follows
              (the second column lists which attributes are saved):

              ?GL_CLIENT_PIXEL_STORE_BIT  Pixel  storage modes ?GL_CLIENT_VERTEX_ARRAY_BIT Vertex
              arrays (and enables)

              gl:pushClientAttrib/1 restores the values of the client-state variables saved  with
              the last gl:pushClientAttrib. Those not saved are left unchanged.

              It  is  an  error  to  push attributes onto a full client attribute stack or to pop
              attributes off an empty stack. In either case, the error flag is set, and no  other
              change is made to GL state.

              Initially, the client attribute stack is empty.

              See external documentation.

       popClientAttrib() -> ok

              See pushClientAttrib/1

       renderMode(Mode) -> integer()


                 Mode = enum()

              Set rasterization mode

              gl:renderMode  sets the rasterization mode. It takes one argument, Mode , which can
              assume one of three predefined values:

              ?GL_RENDER: Render mode. Primitives  are  rasterized,  producing  pixel  fragments,
              which  are  written  into  the  frame  buffer. This is the normal mode and also the
              default mode.

              ?GL_SELECT: Selection mode. No pixel fragments are produced, and no change  to  the
              frame  buffer  contents  is made. Instead, a record of the names of primitives that
              would have been drawn if the render mode had  been  ?GL_RENDER  is  returned  in  a
              select buffer, which must be created (see gl:selectBuffer/2 ) before selection mode
              is entered.

              ?GL_FEEDBACK: Feedback mode. No pixel fragments are produced, and no change to  the
              frame  buffer contents is made. Instead, the coordinates and attributes of vertices
              that would have been drawn if the render mode had been ?GL_RENDER is returned in  a
              feedback  buffer,  which must be created (see gl:feedbackBuffer/3 ) before feedback
              mode is entered.

              The return value of gl:renderMode is determined by the  render  mode  at  the  time
              gl:renderMode  is  called,  rather than by Mode . The values returned for the three
              render modes are as follows:

              ?GL_RENDER: 0.

              ?GL_SELECT: The number of hit records transferred to the select buffer.

              ?GL_FEEDBACK: The number of values  (not  vertices)  transferred  to  the  feedback

              See  the gl:selectBuffer/2 and gl:feedbackBuffer/3 reference pages for more details
              concerning selection and feedback operation.

              See external documentation.

       getError() -> enum()

              Return error information

              gl:getError returns the value of the error flag. Each detectable error is  assigned
              a  numeric  code  and symbolic name. When an error occurs, the error flag is set to
              the appropriate error code value. No other errors are recorded until gl:getError is
              called,  the  error  code  is returned, and the flag is reset to ?GL_NO_ERROR. If a
              call to gl:getError returns ?GL_NO_ERROR, there has been no detectable error  since
              the last call to gl:getError , or since the GL was initialized.

              To  allow for distributed implementations, there may be several error flags. If any
              single error flag has recorded an error, the value of that  flag  is  returned  and
              that  flag  is  reset  to ?GL_NO_ERROR when gl:getError is called. If more than one
              flag has recorded an error, gl:getError returns and clears an arbitrary error  flag
              value.  Thus,  gl:getError  should  always  be  called  in a loop, until it returns
              ?GL_NO_ERROR , if all error flags are to be reset.

              Initially, all error flags are set to ?GL_NO_ERROR.

              The following errors are currently defined:

              ?GL_NO_ERROR: No error has been recorded. The value of this  symbolic  constant  is
              guaranteed to be 0.

              ?GL_INVALID_ENUM:  An  unacceptable  value is specified for an enumerated argument.
              The offending command is ignored and has no other side effect than to set the error

              ?GL_INVALID_VALUE:  A  numeric  argument  is out of range. The offending command is
              ignored and has no other side effect than to set the error flag.

              ?GL_INVALID_OPERATION: The specified operation is not allowed in the current state.
              The offending command is ignored and has no other side effect than to set the error

              ?GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION: The framebuffer  object  is  not  complete.  The
              offending  command  is  ignored  and has no other side effect than to set the error

              ?GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: There is not enough memory left  to  execute  the  command.  The
              state  of  the GL is undefined, except for the state of the error flags, after this
              error is recorded.

              When an error flag is set,  results  of  a  GL  operation  are  undefined  only  if
              ?GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY  has  occurred.  In  all  other cases, the command generating the
              error is ignored and has no effect on the GL state or frame buffer contents. If the
              generating  command  returns a value, it returns 0. If gl:getError itself generates
              an error, it returns 0.

              See external documentation.

       getString(Name) -> string()


                 Name = enum()

              Return a string describing the current GL connection

              gl:getString returns a pointer to a static string describing  some  aspect  of  the
              current GL connection. Name can be one of the following:

              ?GL_VENDOR:  Returns  the company responsible for this GL implementation. This name
              does not change from release to release.

              ?GL_RENDERER: Returns the name of the renderer. This name is typically specific  to
              a  particular configuration of a hardware platform. It does not change from release
              to release.

              ?GL_VERSION: Returns a version or release number.

              ?GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION: Returns a version or release number for  the  shading

              gl:getStringi  returns  a pointer to a static string indexed by Index . Name can be
              one of the following:

              ?GL_EXTENSIONS: For gl:getStringi only, returns the extension string  supported  by
              the implementation at Index .

              Strings  ?GL_VENDOR  and ?GL_RENDERER together uniquely specify a platform. They do
              not change from release to release  and  should  be  used  by  platform-recognition

              The  ?GL_VERSION  and  ?GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION  strings  begin  with a version
              number. The version number uses one of these forms:


              Vendor-specific information may follow the version number. Its  format  depends  on
              the implementation, but a space always separates the version number and the vendor-
              specific information.

              All strings are null-terminated.

              See external documentation.

       finish() -> ok

              Block until all GL execution is complete

              gl:finish does not return until the effects of all previously  called  GL  commands
              are  complete.  Such  effects  include  all  changes  to  GL  state, all changes to
              connection state, and all changes to the frame buffer contents.

              See external documentation.

       flush() -> ok

              Force execution of GL commands in finite time

              Different GL  implementations  buffer  commands  in  several  different  locations,
              including network buffers and the graphics accelerator itself. gl:flush empties all
              of these buffers, causing all issued commands to be executed as quickly as they are
              accepted by the actual rendering engine. Though this execution may not be completed
              in any particular time period, it does complete in finite time.

              Because any GL program might be executed over a network, or on an accelerator  that
              buffers  commands,  all programs should call gl:flush whenever they count on having
              all of their previously issued  commands  completed.  For  example,  call  gl:flush
              before waiting for user input that depends on the generated image.

              See external documentation.

       hint(Target, Mode) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Mode = enum()

              Specify implementation-specific hints

              Certain  aspects  of  GL  behavior,  when  there is room for interpretation, can be
              controlled with hints. A hint is specified with two arguments. Target is a symbolic
              constant  indicating  the  behavior  to be controlled, and Mode is another symbolic
              constant indicating the desired behavior. The initial  value  for  each  Target  is
              ?GL_DONT_CARE . Mode can be one of the following:

              ?GL_FASTEST: The most efficient option should be chosen.

              ?GL_NICEST: The most correct, or highest quality, option should be chosen.

              ?GL_DONT_CARE: No preference.

              Though  the  implementation  aspects  that  can  be  hinted  are  well defined, the
              interpretation of the hints depends on the implementation. The  hint  aspects  that
              can be specified with Target , along with suggested semantics, are as follows:

              ?GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_DERIVATIVE_HINT:  Indicates  the  accuracy  of  the  derivative
              calculation for the GL shading language  fragment  processing  built-in  functions:
              ?dFdx , ?dFdy, and ?fwidth.

              ?GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT:  Indicates  the  sampling  quality of antialiased lines. If a
              larger filter function is applied, hinting ?GL_NICEST  can  result  in  more  pixel
              fragments being generated during rasterization.

              ?GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT:  Indicates  the  sampling quality of antialiased polygons.
              Hinting ?GL_NICEST can result  in  more  pixel  fragments  being  generated  during
              rasterization, if a larger filter function is applied.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_HINT:   Indicates   the  quality  and  performance  of  the
              compressing texture images.  Hinting  ?GL_FASTEST  indicates  that  texture  images
              should  be  compressed  as  quickly  as  possible,  while ?GL_NICEST indicates that
              texture images should be compressed with as little image quality loss as  possible.
              ?GL_NICEST   should   be   selected   if   the   texture  is  to  be  retrieved  by
              gl:getCompressedTexImage/3 for reuse.

              See external documentation.

       clearDepth(Depth) -> ok


                 Depth = clamp()

              Specify the clear value for the depth buffer

              gl:clearDepth specifies the depth value used  by  gl:clear/1  to  clear  the  depth
              buffer. Values specified by gl:clearDepth are clamped to the range [0 1].

              See external documentation.

       depthFunc(Func) -> ok


                 Func = enum()

              Specify the value used for depth buffer comparisons

              gl:depthFunc specifies the function used to compare each incoming pixel depth value
              with the depth value present in the depth buffer. The comparison is performed  only
              if depth testing is enabled. (See gl:enable/1 and gl:enable/1 of ?GL_DEPTH_TEST .)

              Func  specifies  the conditions under which the pixel will be drawn. The comparison
              functions are as follows:

              ?GL_NEVER: Never passes.

              ?GL_LESS: Passes if the incoming depth value is less than the stored depth value.

              ?GL_EQUAL: Passes if the incoming depth value is equal to the stored depth value.

              ?GL_LEQUAL: Passes if the incoming depth value is less than or equal to the  stored
              depth value.

              ?GL_GREATER:  Passes  if  the incoming depth value is greater than the stored depth

              ?GL_NOTEQUAL: Passes if the incoming depth value is not equal to the  stored  depth

              ?GL_GEQUAL:  Passes  if  the  incoming  depth value is greater than or equal to the
              stored depth value.

              ?GL_ALWAYS: Always passes.

              The initial value of Func is ?GL_LESS. Initially, depth  testing  is  disabled.  If
              depth  testing is disabled or if no depth buffer exists, it is as if the depth test
              always passes.

              See external documentation.

       depthMask(Flag) -> ok


                 Flag = 0 | 1

              Enable or disable writing into the depth buffer

              gl:depthMask specifies whether the depth buffer is enabled for writing. If Flag  is
              ?GL_FALSE,  depth  buffer writing is disabled. Otherwise, it is enabled. Initially,
              depth buffer writing is enabled.

              See external documentation.

       depthRange(Near_val, Far_val) -> ok


                 Near_val = clamp()
                 Far_val = clamp()

              Specify mapping of depth  values  from  normalized  device  coordinates  to  window

              After  clipping  and  division  by  w,  depth  coordinates  range  from  -1  to  1,
              corresponding to the near and far clipping planes. gl:depthRange specifies a linear
              mapping  of  the  normalized  depth  coordinates  in  this  range  to  window depth
              coordinates.  Regardless  of  the  actual  depth  buffer   implementation,   window
              coordinate  depth  values  are  treated as though they range from 0 through 1 (like
              color components). Thus, the values accepted by gl:depthRange are both  clamped  to
              this range before they are accepted.

              The  setting  of  (0,1)  maps the near plane to 0 and the far plane to 1. With this
              mapping, the depth buffer range is fully utilized.

              See external documentation.

       clearAccum(Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) -> ok


                 Red = float()
                 Green = float()
                 Blue = float()
                 Alpha = float()

              Specify clear values for the accumulation buffer

              gl:clearAccum specifies the red, green, blue, and alpha values used  by  gl:clear/1
              to clear the accumulation buffer.

              Values specified by gl:clearAccum are clamped to the range [-1 1].

              See external documentation.

       accum(Op, Value) -> ok


                 Op = enum()
                 Value = float()

              Operate on the accumulation buffer

              The  accumulation buffer is an extended-range color buffer. Images are not rendered
              into it. Rather, images rendered into one of the color buffers  are  added  to  the
              contents  of  the accumulation buffer after rendering. Effects such as antialiasing
              (of points, lines, and polygons), motion blur, and depth of field can be created by
              accumulating images generated with different transformation matrices.

              Each  pixel  in  the  accumulation  buffer  consists of red, green, blue, and alpha
              values. The number of bits per component in the accumulation buffer depends on  the
              implementation. You can examine this number by calling gl:getBooleanv/1 four times,
              with arguments ?GL_ACCUM_RED_BITS, ?GL_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS,  ?GL_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS,  and
              ?GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS . Regardless of the number of bits per component, the range of
              values stored by each component is [-1  1].  The  accumulation  buffer  pixels  are
              mapped one-to-one with frame buffer pixels.

              gl:accum  operates  on  the  accumulation  buffer.  The  first  argument, Op , is a
              symbolic constant  that  selects  an  accumulation  buffer  operation.  The  second
              argument,  Value  ,  is  a  floating-point value to be used in that operation. Five
              operations are specified: ?GL_ACCUM , ?GL_LOAD, ?GL_ADD, ?GL_MULT, and ?GL_RETURN.

              All accumulation buffer operations are limited to the area of the  current  scissor
              box  and  applied identically to the red, green, blue, and alpha components of each
              pixel. If a gl:accum operation results in a value outside the  range  [-1  1],  the
              contents of an accumulation buffer pixel component are undefined.

              The operations are as follows:

              ?GL_ACCUM:  Obtains  R,  G,  B, and A values from the buffer currently selected for
              reading (see gl:readBuffer/1 ). Each component value is divided by 2 n-1,  where  n
              is  the  number of bits allocated to each color component in the currently selected
              buffer. The result is  a  floating-point  value  in  the  range  [0  1],  which  is
              multiplied  by  Value  and  added  to  the  corresponding  pixel  component  in the
              accumulation buffer, thereby updating the accumulation buffer.

              ?GL_LOAD: Similar to ?GL_ACCUM, except that the current value in  the  accumulation
              buffer is not used in the calculation of the new value. That is, the R, G, B, and A
              values from the currently selected buffer are divided by 2 n-1, multiplied by Value
              ,  and  then  stored in the corresponding accumulation buffer cell, overwriting the
              current value.

              ?GL_ADD: Adds Value to each R, G, B, and A in the accumulation buffer.

              ?GL_MULT: Multiplies each R, G, B, and A in the accumulation buffer  by  Value  and
              returns the scaled component to its corresponding accumulation buffer location.

              ?GL_RETURN:  Transfers  accumulation  buffer  values to the color buffer or buffers
              currently selected for writing. Each R, G, B, and  A  component  is  multiplied  by
              Value , then multiplied by 2 n-1, clamped to the range [0 2 n-1], and stored in the
              corresponding display buffer cell. The only fragment operations that are applied to
              this transfer are pixel ownership, scissor, dithering, and color writemasks.

              To  clear  the accumulation buffer, call gl:clearAccum/4 with R, G, B, and A values
              to set it to, then call gl:clear/1 with the accumulation buffer enabled.

              See external documentation.

       matrixMode(Mode) -> ok


                 Mode = enum()

              Specify which matrix is the current matrix

              gl:matrixMode sets the current matrix mode. Mode can assume one of four values:

              ?GL_MODELVIEW: Applies subsequent matrix operations to the modelview matrix stack.

              ?GL_PROJECTION: Applies subsequent  matrix  operations  to  the  projection  matrix

              ?GL_TEXTURE: Applies subsequent matrix operations to the texture matrix stack.

              ?GL_COLOR: Applies subsequent matrix operations to the color matrix stack.

              To  find  out  which matrix stack is currently the target of all matrix operations,
              call  gl:getBooleanv/1  with  argument  ?GL_MATRIX_MODE.  The  initial   value   is

              See external documentation.

       ortho(Left, Right, Bottom, Top, Near_val, Far_val) -> ok


                 Left = float()
                 Right = float()
                 Bottom = float()
                 Top = float()
                 Near_val = float()
                 Far_val = float()

              Multiply the current matrix with an orthographic matrix

              gl:ortho  describes  a  transformation  that  produces  a  parallel projection. The
              current matrix (see gl:matrixMode/1 ) is multiplied by this matrix and  the  result
              replaces  the current matrix, as if gl:multMatrixd/1 were called with the following
              matrix as its argument:

              ((2/(right-left)) 0 0(t x) 0(2/(top-bottom)) 0(t y) 0 0(-2/(farVal-nearVal))(t z) 0
              0 0 1)

              where   t   x=-((right+left)/(right-left))   t   y=-((top+bottom)/(top-bottom))   t

              Typically, the matrix mode is ?GL_PROJECTION, and (left bottom-nearVal) and  (right
              top-nearVal)  specify  the points on the near clipping plane that are mapped to the
              lower left and upper right corners of the window, respectively, assuming  that  the
              eye  is  located  at  (0, 0, 0). -farVal specifies the location of the far clipping
              plane. Both NearVal and FarVal can be either positive or negative.

              Use gl:pushMatrix/0 and gl:pushMatrix/0 to save  and  restore  the  current  matrix

              See external documentation.

       frustum(Left, Right, Bottom, Top, Near_val, Far_val) -> ok


                 Left = float()
                 Right = float()
                 Bottom = float()
                 Top = float()
                 Near_val = float()
                 Far_val = float()

              Multiply the current matrix by a perspective matrix

              gl:frustum  describes  a perspective matrix that produces a perspective projection.
              The current matrix (see gl:matrixMode/1 ) is multiplied  by  this  matrix  and  the
              result  replaces  the  current  matrix, as if gl:multMatrixd/1 were called with the
              following matrix as its argument:

              [((2 nearVal)/(right-left)) 0 A 0 0((2 nearVal)/(top-bottom)) B 0 0 0 C D 0 0 -1 0]




              D=-((2 farVal nearVal)/(farVal-nearVal))

              Typically, the matrix mode is ?GL_PROJECTION, and (left bottom-nearVal) and  (right
              top-nearVal)  specify  the points on the near clipping plane that are mapped to the
              lower left and upper right corners of the window, assuming that the eye is  located
              at  (0,  0,  0).  -farVal  specifies  the  location of the far clipping plane. Both
              NearVal and FarVal must be positive.

              Use gl:pushMatrix/0 and gl:pushMatrix/0 to save  and  restore  the  current  matrix

              See external documentation.

       viewport(X, Y, Width, Height) -> ok


                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Width = integer()
                 Height = integer()

              Set the viewport

              gl:viewport  specifies  the affine transformation of x and y from normalized device
              coordinates  to  window  coordinates.  Let  (x  nd  y  nd)  be  normalized   device
              coordinates. Then the window coordinates (x w y w) are computed as follows:

              x w=(x nd+1) (width/2)+x

              y w=(y nd+1) (height/2)+y

              Viewport  width  and  height  are  silently  clamped to a range that depends on the
              implementation.  To  query  this  range,  call   gl:getBooleanv/1   with   argument

              See external documentation.

       pushMatrix() -> ok

              Push and pop the current matrix stack

              There  is  a stack of matrices for each of the matrix modes. In ?GL_MODELVIEW mode,
              the stack depth is at least 32. In the other modes, ?GL_COLOR, ?GL_PROJECTION , and
              ?GL_TEXTURE,  the depth is at least 2. The current matrix in any mode is the matrix
              on the top of the stack for that mode.

              gl:pushMatrix pushes the current matrix stack down by one, duplicating the  current
              matrix.  That  is,  after  a  gl:pushMatrix call, the matrix on top of the stack is
              identical to the one below it.

              gl:pushMatrix/0 pops the current matrix stack, replacing the  current  matrix  with
              the one below it on the stack.

              Initially, each of the stacks contains one matrix, an identity matrix.

              It  is  an error to push a full matrix stack or to pop a matrix stack that contains
              only a single matrix. In either case, the error flag is set and no other change  is
              made to GL state.

              See external documentation.

       popMatrix() -> ok

              See pushMatrix/0

       loadIdentity() -> ok

              Replace the current matrix with the identity matrix

              gl:loadIdentity  replaces  the  current  matrix  with  the  identity  matrix. It is
              semantically equivalent to calling gl:loadMatrixd/1 with the identity matrix

              ((1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1))

              but in some cases it is more efficient.

              See external documentation.

       loadMatrixd(M) -> ok


                 M = matrix()

              Replace the current matrix with the specified matrix

              gl:loadMatrix replaces the current matrix with the one whose elements are specified
              by  M  .  The current matrix is the projection matrix, modelview matrix, or texture
              matrix, depending on the current matrix mode (see gl:matrixMode/1 ).

              The current matrix, M, defines  a  transformation  of  coordinates.  For  instance,
              assume  M  refers to the modelview matrix. If v=(v[0] v[1] v[2] v[3]) is the set of
              object coordinates of a vertex, and M points to an array of 16 single-  or  double-
              precision  floating-point  values  m={m[0]  m[1]  ...  m[15]},  then  the modelview
              transformation M(v) does the following:

              M(v)=(m[0] m[4] m[8] m[12] m[1] m[5] m[9] m[13] m[2] m[6]  m[10]  m[14]  m[3]  m[7]
              m[11] m[15])×(v[0] v[1] v[2] v[3])

              Projection and texture transformations are similarly defined.

              See external documentation.

       loadMatrixf(M) -> ok


                 M = matrix()

              See loadMatrixd/1

       multMatrixd(M) -> ok


                 M = matrix()

              Multiply the current matrix with the specified matrix

              gl:multMatrix  multiplies  the  current matrix with the one specified using M , and
              replaces the current matrix with the product.

              The current matrix is determined by the current matrix mode (see gl:matrixMode/1 ).
              It is either the projection matrix, modelview matrix, or the texture matrix.

              See external documentation.

       multMatrixf(M) -> ok


                 M = matrix()

              See multMatrixd/1

       rotated(Angle, X, Y, Z) -> ok


                 Angle = float()
                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 Z = float()

              Multiply the current matrix by a rotation matrix

              gl:rotate  produces  a  rotation  of  Angle  degrees around the vector (x y z). The
              current matrix (see gl:matrixMode/1 ) is multiplied by a rotation matrix  with  the
              product  replacing  the current matrix, as if gl:multMatrixd/1 were called with the
              following matrix as its argument:

              (x 2(1-c)+c x y(1-c)-z s x z(1-c)+y s 0 y x(1-c)+z s y 2(1-c)+c y z(1-c)-x  s  0  x
              z(1-c)-y s y z(1-c)+x s z 2(1-c)+c 0 0 0 0 1)

              Where  c=cos(angle), s=sin(angle), and ||(x y z)||=1 (if not, the GL will normalize
              this vector).

              If the matrix mode is either ?GL_MODELVIEW or  ?GL_PROJECTION,  all  objects  drawn
              after  gl:rotate  is called are rotated. Use gl:pushMatrix/0 and gl:pushMatrix/0 to
              save and restore the unrotated coordinate system.

              See external documentation.

       rotatef(Angle, X, Y, Z) -> ok


                 Angle = float()
                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 Z = float()

              See rotated/4

       scaled(X, Y, Z) -> ok


                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 Z = float()

              Multiply the current matrix by a general scaling matrix

              gl:scale produces a nonuniform scaling along the  x,  y,  and  z  axes.  The  three
              parameters indicate the desired scale factor along each of the three axes.

              The  current  matrix (see gl:matrixMode/1 ) is multiplied by this scale matrix, and
              the product replaces the current matrix as if gl:multMatrixd/1 were called with the
              following matrix as its argument:

              (x 0 0 0 0 y 0 0 0 0 z 0 0 0 0 1)

              If  the  matrix  mode  is either ?GL_MODELVIEW or ?GL_PROJECTION, all objects drawn
              after gl:scale is called are scaled.

              Use gl:pushMatrix/0 and gl:pushMatrix/0 to save and restore the unscaled coordinate

              See external documentation.

       scalef(X, Y, Z) -> ok


                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 Z = float()

              See scaled/3

       translated(X, Y, Z) -> ok


                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 Z = float()

              Multiply the current matrix by a translation matrix

              gl:translate   produces  a  translation  by  (x  y  z).  The  current  matrix  (see
              gl:matrixMode/1 ) is multiplied  by  this  translation  matrix,  with  the  product
              replacing the current matrix, as if gl:multMatrixd/1 were called with the following
              matrix for its argument:

              (1 0 0 x 0 1 0 y 0 0 1 z 0 0 0 1)

              If the matrix mode is either ?GL_MODELVIEW or  ?GL_PROJECTION,  all  objects  drawn
              after a call to gl:translate are translated.

              Use  gl:pushMatrix/0  and  gl:pushMatrix/0  to  save  and  restore the untranslated
              coordinate system.

              See external documentation.

       translatef(X, Y, Z) -> ok


                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 Z = float()

              See translated/3

       isList(List) -> 0 | 1


                 List = integer()

              Determine if a name corresponds to a display list

              gl:isList returns ?GL_TRUE if List is the  name  of  a  display  list  and  returns
              ?GL_FALSE if it is not, or if an error occurs.

              A  name  returned  by gl:genLists/1 , but not yet associated with a display list by
              calling gl:newList/2 , is not the name of a display list.

              See external documentation.

       deleteLists(List, Range) -> ok


                 List = integer()
                 Range = integer()

              Delete a contiguous group of display lists

              gl:deleteLists causes a contiguous group of display lists to be  deleted.  List  is
              the  name  of  the  first  display  list  to be deleted, and Range is the number of
              display lists to delete. All display lists  d  with  list<=  d<=  list+range-1  are

              All  storage  locations allocated to the specified display lists are freed, and the
              names are available for reuse at a later time. Names within the range that  do  not
              have an associated display list are ignored. If Range is 0, nothing happens.

              See external documentation.

       genLists(Range) -> integer()


                 Range = integer()

              Generate a contiguous set of empty display lists

              gl:genLists  has  one  argument,  Range  .  It returns an integer n such that Range
              contiguous empty display lists, named n, n+1, ..., n+range-1, are created. If Range
              is  0, if there is no group of Range contiguous names available, or if any error is
              generated, no display lists are generated, and 0 is returned.

              See external documentation.

       newList(List, Mode) -> ok


                 List = integer()
                 Mode = enum()

              Create or replace a display list

              Display lists are groups of GL  commands  that  have  been  stored  for  subsequent
              execution.  Display  lists are created with gl:newList. All subsequent commands are
              placed in the display list, in the order issued, until gl:endList/0 is called.

              gl:newList has two arguments. The first argument, List , is a positive integer that
              becomes  the  unique  name  for the display list. Names can be created and reserved
              with gl:genLists/1  and  tested  for  uniqueness  with  gl:isList/1  .  The  second
              argument, Mode , is a symbolic constant that can assume one of two values:

              ?GL_COMPILE: Commands are merely compiled.

              ?GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE:  Commands  are  executed  as  they  are  compiled into the
              display list.

              Certain  commands  are  not  compiled  into  the  display  list  but  are  executed
              immediately,   regardless   of   the   display-list   mode.   These   commands  are
              gl:areTexturesResident/1    ,    gl:colorPointer/4     ,     gl:deleteLists/2     ,
              gl:deleteTextures/1    ,    gl:enableClientState/1    ,    gl:edgeFlagPointer/2   ,
              gl:enableClientState/1  ,  gl:feedbackBuffer/3  ,  gl:finish/0   ,   gl:flush/0   ,
              gl:genLists/1  ,  gl:genTextures/1  ,  gl:indexPointer/3 , gl:interleavedArrays/3 ,
              gl:isEnabled/1   ,   gl:isList/1   ,   gl:isTexture/1   ,   gl:normalPointer/3    ,
              gl:pushClientAttrib/1  , gl:pixelStoref/2 , gl:pushClientAttrib/1 , gl:readPixels/7
              , gl:renderMode/1 , gl:selectBuffer/2 , gl:texCoordPointer/4 , gl:vertexPointer/4 ,
              and all of the gl:getBooleanv/1 commands.

              Similarly,  gl:texImage1D/8  ,  gl:texImage2D/9 , and gl:texImage3D/10 are executed
              immediately and not compiled into the display list when  their  first  argument  is
              ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D, ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D, or ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_3D , respectively.

              When  the  ARB_imaging  extension is supported, gl:histogram/4 executes immediately
              when its  argument  is  ?GL_PROXY_HISTOGRAM.  Similarly,  gl:colorTable/6  executes
              immediately     when     its     first     argument    is    ?GL_PROXY_COLOR_TABLE,
              ?GL_PROXY_POST_CONVOLUTION_COLOR_TABLE                     ,                     or

              For  OpenGL  versions  1.3  and  greater, or when the ARB_multitexture extension is
              supported,  gl:clientActiveTexture/1  is  not  compiled  into  display  lists,  but
              executed immediately.

              When  gl:endList/0  is  encountered,  the  display-list  definition is completed by
              associating the list with  the  unique  name  List  (specified  in  the  gl:newList
              command). If a display list with name List already exists, it is replaced only when
              gl:endList/0 is called.

              See external documentation.

       endList() -> ok


              See external documentation.

       callList(List) -> ok


                 List = integer()

              Execute a display list

              gl:callList causes the named display list to be executed. The commands saved in the
              display  list  are  executed  in order, just as if they were called without using a
              display list. If List has not been  defined  as  a  display  list,  gl:callList  is

              gl:callList  can appear inside a display list. To avoid the possibility of infinite
              recursion resulting from display lists calling one another, a limit  is  placed  on
              the  nesting level of display lists during display-list execution. This limit is at
              least 64, and it depends on the implementation.

              GL state is not saved and restored across a call to gl:callList. Thus, changes made
              to  GL  state  during the execution of a display list remain after execution of the
              display list is completed. Use gl:pushAttrib/1 , gl:pushAttrib/1 ,  gl:pushMatrix/0
              , and gl:pushMatrix/0 to preserve GL state across gl:callList calls.

              See external documentation.

       callLists(Lists) -> ok


                 Lists = [integer()]

              Execute a list of display lists

              gl:callLists  causes  each  display list in the list of names passed as Lists to be
              executed. As a result, the commands saved in each  display  list  are  executed  in
              order,  just  as if they were called without using a display list. Names of display
              lists that have not been defined are ignored.

              gl:callLists provides an efficient means for executing more than one display  list.
              Type  allows  lists  with  various  name formats to be accepted. The formats are as

              ?GL_BYTE: Lists is treated as an array of signed bytes,  each  in  the  range  -128
              through 127.

              ?GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE:  Lists  is  treated  as  an array of unsigned bytes, each in the
              range 0 through 255.

              ?GL_SHORT: Lists is treated as an array of signed two-byte integers,  each  in  the
              range -32768 through 32767.

              ?GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT:  Lists  is  treated  as an array of unsigned two-byte integers,
              each in the range 0 through 65535.

              ?GL_INT: Lists is treated as an array of signed four-byte integers.

              ?GL_UNSIGNED_INT: Lists is treated as an array of unsigned four-byte integers.

              ?GL_FLOAT: Lists is treated as an array of four-byte floating-point values.

              ?GL_2_BYTES: Lists is treated as an array of unsigned bytes.  Each  pair  of  bytes
              specifies  a  single  display-list  name.  The value of the pair is computed as 256
              times the unsigned value of the first byte plus the unsigned value  of  the  second

              ?GL_3_BYTES:  Lists is treated as an array of unsigned bytes. Each triplet of bytes
              specifies a single display-list name. The value of the triplet is computed as 65536
              times  the  unsigned  value of the first byte, plus 256 times the unsigned value of
              the second byte, plus the unsigned value of the third byte.

              ?GL_4_BYTES: Lists is treated as an array of unsigned  bytes.  Each  quadruplet  of
              bytes specifies a single display-list name. The value of the quadruplet is computed
              as 16777216 times the unsigned value of  the  first  byte,  plus  65536  times  the
              unsigned  value  of the second byte, plus 256 times the unsigned value of the third
              byte, plus the unsigned value of the fourth byte.

              The list of display-list names is not null-terminated. Rather, N specifies how many
              names are to be taken from Lists .

              An  additional  level  of  indirection  is  made  available  with the gl:listBase/1
              command, which specifies an unsigned offset that is added to each display-list name
              specified in Lists before that display list is executed.

              gl:callLists can appear inside a display list. To avoid the possibility of infinite
              recursion resulting from display lists calling one another, a limit  is  placed  on
              the  nesting  level of display lists during display-list execution. This limit must
              be at least 64, and it depends on the implementation.

              GL state is not saved and restored across a call  to  gl:callLists.  Thus,  changes
              made  to  GL state during the execution of the display lists remain after execution
              is completed.  Use  gl:pushAttrib/1  ,  gl:pushAttrib/1  ,  gl:pushMatrix/0  ,  and
              gl:pushMatrix/0 to preserve GL state across gl:callLists calls.

              See external documentation.

       listBase(Base) -> ok


                 Base = integer()

              set the display-list base for


              gl:callLists/1  specifies  an array of offsets. Display-list names are generated by
              adding Base to each offset. Names that reference valid display lists are  executed;
              the others are ignored.

              See external documentation.

       begin(Mode) -> ok


                 Mode = enum()

              Delimit the vertices of a primitive or a group of like primitives

              gl:'begin' and gl:'begin'/1 delimit the vertices that define a primitive or a group
              of like primitives. gl:'begin' accepts a single argument that specifies in which of
              ten  ways  the  vertices  are interpreted. Taking n as an integer count starting at
              one, and N as the total number of vertices specified, the  interpretations  are  as

              ?GL_POINTS:  Treats  each  vertex  as  a  single point. Vertex n defines point n. N
              points are drawn.

              ?GL_LINES: Treats each pair of vertices as an independent line segment. Vertices  2
              n-1 and 2 n define line n. N/2 lines are drawn.

              ?GL_LINE_STRIP:  Draws  a connected group of line segments from the first vertex to
              the last. Vertices n and n+1 define line n. N-1 lines are drawn.

              ?GL_LINE_LOOP: Draws a connected group of line segments from the  first  vertex  to
              the  last, then back to the first. Vertices n and n+1 define line n. The last line,
              however, is defined by vertices N and 1. N lines are drawn.

              ?GL_TRIANGLES: Treats each triplet of vertices as an independent triangle. Vertices
              3 n-2, 3 n-1, and 3 n define triangle n. N/3 triangles are drawn.

              ?GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP:  Draws  a connected group of triangles. One triangle is defined
              for each vertex presented after the first two vertices. For odd n, vertices n, n+1,
              and  n+2 define triangle n. For even n, vertices n+1, n, and n+2 define triangle n.
              N-2 triangles are drawn.

              ?GL_TRIANGLE_FAN: Draws a connected group of triangles. One triangle is defined for
              each vertex presented after the first two vertices. Vertices 1, n+1, and n+2 define
              triangle n. N-2 triangles are drawn.

              ?GL_QUADS: Treats each group of four  vertices  as  an  independent  quadrilateral.
              Vertices  4  n-3,  4 n-2, 4 n-1, and 4 n define quadrilateral n. N/4 quadrilaterals
              are drawn.

              ?GL_QUAD_STRIP: Draws a connected group of  quadrilaterals.  One  quadrilateral  is
              defined for each pair of vertices presented after the first pair. Vertices 2 n-1, 2
              n, 2 n+2, and 2 n+1 define quadrilateral n. N/2-1 quadrilaterals  are  drawn.  Note
              that  the  order in which vertices are used to construct a quadrilateral from strip
              data is different from that used with independent data.

              ?GL_POLYGON: Draws a single, convex polygon.  Vertices  1  through  N  define  this

              Only  a subset of GL commands can be used between gl:'begin' and gl:'begin'/1 . The
              commands are gl:vertex2d/2 , gl:color3b/3 , gl:secondaryColor3b/3 ,  gl:indexd/1  ,
              gl:normal3b/3   ,   gl:fogCoordf/1   ,  gl:texCoord1d/1  ,  gl:multiTexCoord1d/2  ,
              gl:vertexAttrib1d/2 , gl:evalCoord1d/1  ,  gl:evalPoint1/1  ,  gl:arrayElement/1  ,
              gl:materialf/3 , and gl:edgeFlag/1 . Also, it is acceptable to use gl:callList/1 or
              gl:callLists/1 to execute display lists that include only the  preceding  commands.
              If any other GL command is executed between gl:'begin' and gl:'begin'/1 , the error
              flag is set and the command is ignored.

              Regardless of the value chosen for Mode , there  is  no  limit  to  the  number  of
              vertices  that  can  be  defined  between  gl:'begin'  and  gl:'begin'/1  .  Lines,
              triangles, quadrilaterals, and polygons that are  incompletely  specified  are  not
              drawn.  Incomplete  specification results when either too few vertices are provided
              to specify even a single primitive or when an incorrect  multiple  of  vertices  is
              specified. The incomplete primitive is ignored; the rest are drawn.

              The  minimum  specification  of  vertices for each primitive is as follows: 1 for a
              point, 2 for a line, 3 for a triangle, 4 for a quadrilateral, and 3 for a  polygon.
              Modes  that require a certain multiple of vertices are ?GL_LINES (2), ?GL_TRIANGLES
              (3), ?GL_QUADS (4), and ?GL_QUAD_STRIP (2).

              See external documentation.

       end() -> ok

              See 'begin'/1

       vertex2d(X, Y) -> ok


                 X = float()
                 Y = float()

              Specify a vertex

              gl:vertex commands are used within gl:'begin'/1 /  gl:'begin'/1  pairs  to  specify
              point,  line, and polygon vertices. The current color, normal, texture coordinates,
              and fog coordinate are associated with the vertex when gl:vertex is called.

              When only x and y are specified, z defaults to 0 and w defaults to 1.  When  x,  y,
              and z are specified, w defaults to 1.

              See external documentation.

       vertex2f(X, Y) -> ok


                 X = float()
                 Y = float()

              See vertex2d/2

       vertex2i(X, Y) -> ok


                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()

              See vertex2d/2

       vertex2s(X, Y) -> ok


                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()

              See vertex2d/2

       vertex3d(X, Y, Z) -> ok


                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 Z = float()

              See vertex2d/2

       vertex3f(X, Y, Z) -> ok


                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 Z = float()

              See vertex2d/2

       vertex3i(X, Y, Z) -> ok


                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Z = integer()

              See vertex2d/2

       vertex3s(X, Y, Z) -> ok


                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Z = integer()

              See vertex2d/2

       vertex4d(X, Y, Z, W) -> ok


                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 Z = float()
                 W = float()

              See vertex2d/2

       vertex4f(X, Y, Z, W) -> ok


                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 Z = float()
                 W = float()

              See vertex2d/2

       vertex4i(X, Y, Z, W) -> ok


                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Z = integer()
                 W = integer()

              See vertex2d/2

       vertex4s(X, Y, Z, W) -> ok


                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Z = integer()
                 W = integer()

              See vertex2d/2

       vertex2dv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::float(), Y::float()}

              Equivalent to vertex2d(X, Y).

       vertex2fv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::float(), Y::float()}

              Equivalent to vertex2f(X, Y).

       vertex2iv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer(), Y::integer()}

              Equivalent to vertex2i(X, Y).

       vertex2sv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer(), Y::integer()}

              Equivalent to vertex2s(X, Y).

       vertex3dv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::float(), Y::float(), Z::float()}

              Equivalent to vertex3d(X, Y, Z).

       vertex3fv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::float(), Y::float(), Z::float()}

              Equivalent to vertex3f(X, Y, Z).

       vertex3iv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), Z::integer()}

              Equivalent to vertex3i(X, Y, Z).

       vertex3sv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), Z::integer()}

              Equivalent to vertex3s(X, Y, Z).

       vertex4dv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::float(), Y::float(), Z::float(), W::float()}

              Equivalent to vertex4d(X, Y, Z, W).

       vertex4fv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::float(), Y::float(), Z::float(), W::float()}

              Equivalent to vertex4f(X, Y, Z, W).

       vertex4iv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), Z::integer(), W::integer()}

              Equivalent to vertex4i(X, Y, Z, W).

       vertex4sv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), Z::integer(), W::integer()}

              Equivalent to vertex4s(X, Y, Z, W).

       normal3b(Nx, Ny, Nz) -> ok


                 Nx = integer()
                 Ny = integer()
                 Nz = integer()

              Set the current normal vector

              The  current  normal  is set to the given coordinates whenever gl:normal is issued.
              Byte, short, or integer arguments are converted to  floating-point  format  with  a
              linear  mapping  that maps the most positive representable integer value to 1.0 and
              the most negative representable integer value to -1.0.

              Normals specified with gl:normal need not have unit  length.  If  ?GL_NORMALIZE  is
              enabled,  then  normals of any length specified with gl:normal are normalized after
              transformation. If ?GL_RESCALE_NORMAL is enabled, normals are scaled by  a  scaling
              factor  derived  from  the  modelview  matrix. ?GL_RESCALE_NORMAL requires that the
              originally specified normals were of unit length, and  that  the  modelview  matrix
              contain   only   uniform   scales   for  proper  results.  To  enable  and  disable
              normalization, call  gl:enable/1  and  gl:enable/1  with  either  ?GL_NORMALIZE  or
              ?GL_RESCALE_NORMAL. Normalization is initially disabled.

              See external documentation.

       normal3d(Nx, Ny, Nz) -> ok


                 Nx = float()
                 Ny = float()
                 Nz = float()

              See normal3b/3

       normal3f(Nx, Ny, Nz) -> ok


                 Nx = float()
                 Ny = float()
                 Nz = float()

              See normal3b/3

       normal3i(Nx, Ny, Nz) -> ok


                 Nx = integer()
                 Ny = integer()
                 Nz = integer()

              See normal3b/3

       normal3s(Nx, Ny, Nz) -> ok


                 Nx = integer()
                 Ny = integer()
                 Nz = integer()

              See normal3b/3

       normal3bv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Nx::integer(), Ny::integer(), Nz::integer()}

              Equivalent to normal3b(Nx, Ny, Nz).

       normal3dv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Nx::float(), Ny::float(), Nz::float()}

              Equivalent to normal3d(Nx, Ny, Nz).

       normal3fv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Nx::float(), Ny::float(), Nz::float()}

              Equivalent to normal3f(Nx, Ny, Nz).

       normal3iv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Nx::integer(), Ny::integer(), Nz::integer()}

              Equivalent to normal3i(Nx, Ny, Nz).

       normal3sv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Nx::integer(), Ny::integer(), Nz::integer()}

              Equivalent to normal3s(Nx, Ny, Nz).

       indexd(C) -> ok


                 C = float()

              Set the current color index

              gl:index  updates  the  current (single-valued) color index. It takes one argument,
              the new value for the current color index.

              The current index is stored as a floating-point value. Integer values are converted
              directly to floating-point values, with no special mapping. The initial value is 1.

              Index  values  outside  the  representable  range of the color index buffer are not
              clamped. However, before an index is dithered (if enabled) and written to the frame
              buffer,  it  is converted to fixed-point format. Any bits in the integer portion of
              the resulting fixed-point value that do not correspond to bits in the frame  buffer
              are masked out.

              See external documentation.

       indexf(C) -> ok


                 C = float()

              See indexd/1

       indexi(C) -> ok


                 C = integer()

              See indexd/1

       indexs(C) -> ok


                 C = integer()

              See indexd/1

       indexub(C) -> ok


                 C = integer()

              See indexd/1

       indexdv(C) -> ok


                 C = {C::float()}

              Equivalent to indexd(C).

       indexfv(C) -> ok


                 C = {C::float()}

              Equivalent to indexf(C).

       indexiv(C) -> ok


                 C = {C::integer()}

              Equivalent to indexi(C).

       indexsv(C) -> ok


                 C = {C::integer()}

              Equivalent to indexs(C).

       indexubv(C) -> ok


                 C = {C::integer()}

              Equivalent to indexub(C).

       color3b(Red, Green, Blue) -> ok


                 Red = integer()
                 Green = integer()
                 Blue = integer()

              Set the current color

              The  GL  stores  both a current single-valued color index and a current four-valued
              RGBA color. gl:color sets a new four-valued RGBA  color.  gl:color  has  two  major
              variants:  gl:color3  and gl:color4. gl:color3 variants specify new red, green, and
              blue values explicitly and set the current alpha  value  to  1.0  (full  intensity)
              implicitly. gl:color4 variants specify all four color components explicitly.

              gl:color3b,  gl:color4b,  gl:color3s,  gl:color4s,  gl:color3i, and gl:color4i take
              three or four signed byte, short, or long integers as arguments. When v is appended
              to the name, the color commands can take a pointer to an array of such values.

              Current color values are stored in floating-point format, with unspecified mantissa
              and exponent sizes. Unsigned integer color components, when specified, are linearly
              mapped  to  floating-point values such that the largest representable value maps to
              1.0 (full intensity), and 0 maps to 0.0  (zero  intensity).  Signed  integer  color
              components,  when specified, are linearly mapped to floating-point values such that
              the  most  positive  representable  value  maps  to  1.0,  and  the  most  negative
              representable  value  maps  to  -1.0.  (Note  that  this mapping does not convert 0
              precisely to 0.0.) Floating-point values are mapped directly.

              Neither floating-point nor signed integer values are clamped to  the  range  [0  1]
              before  the current color is updated. However, color components are clamped to this
              range before they are interpolated or written into a color buffer.

              See external documentation.

       color3d(Red, Green, Blue) -> ok


                 Red = float()
                 Green = float()
                 Blue = float()

              See color3b/3

       color3f(Red, Green, Blue) -> ok


                 Red = float()
                 Green = float()
                 Blue = float()

              See color3b/3

       color3i(Red, Green, Blue) -> ok


                 Red = integer()
                 Green = integer()
                 Blue = integer()

              See color3b/3

       color3s(Red, Green, Blue) -> ok


                 Red = integer()
                 Green = integer()
                 Blue = integer()

              See color3b/3

       color3ub(Red, Green, Blue) -> ok


                 Red = integer()
                 Green = integer()
                 Blue = integer()

              See color3b/3

       color3ui(Red, Green, Blue) -> ok


                 Red = integer()
                 Green = integer()
                 Blue = integer()

              See color3b/3

       color3us(Red, Green, Blue) -> ok


                 Red = integer()
                 Green = integer()
                 Blue = integer()

              See color3b/3

       color4b(Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) -> ok


                 Red = integer()
                 Green = integer()
                 Blue = integer()
                 Alpha = integer()

              See color3b/3

       color4d(Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) -> ok


                 Red = float()
                 Green = float()
                 Blue = float()
                 Alpha = float()

              See color3b/3

       color4f(Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) -> ok


                 Red = float()
                 Green = float()
                 Blue = float()
                 Alpha = float()

              See color3b/3

       color4i(Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) -> ok


                 Red = integer()
                 Green = integer()
                 Blue = integer()
                 Alpha = integer()

              See color3b/3

       color4s(Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) -> ok


                 Red = integer()
                 Green = integer()
                 Blue = integer()
                 Alpha = integer()

              See color3b/3

       color4ub(Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) -> ok


                 Red = integer()
                 Green = integer()
                 Blue = integer()
                 Alpha = integer()

              See color3b/3

       color4ui(Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) -> ok


                 Red = integer()
                 Green = integer()
                 Blue = integer()
                 Alpha = integer()

              See color3b/3

       color4us(Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) -> ok


                 Red = integer()
                 Green = integer()
                 Blue = integer()
                 Alpha = integer()

              See color3b/3

       color3bv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Red::integer(), Green::integer(), Blue::integer()}

              Equivalent to color3b(Red, Green, Blue).

       color3dv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Red::float(), Green::float(), Blue::float()}

              Equivalent to color3d(Red, Green, Blue).

       color3fv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Red::float(), Green::float(), Blue::float()}

              Equivalent to color3f(Red, Green, Blue).

       color3iv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Red::integer(), Green::integer(), Blue::integer()}

              Equivalent to color3i(Red, Green, Blue).

       color3sv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Red::integer(), Green::integer(), Blue::integer()}

              Equivalent to color3s(Red, Green, Blue).

       color3ubv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Red::integer(), Green::integer(), Blue::integer()}

              Equivalent to color3ub(Red, Green, Blue).

       color3uiv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Red::integer(), Green::integer(), Blue::integer()}

              Equivalent to color3ui(Red, Green, Blue).

       color3usv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Red::integer(), Green::integer(), Blue::integer()}

              Equivalent to color3us(Red, Green, Blue).

       color4bv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Red::integer(), Green::integer(), Blue::integer(), Alpha::integer()}

              Equivalent to color4b(Red, Green, Blue, Alpha).

       color4dv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Red::float(), Green::float(), Blue::float(), Alpha::float()}

              Equivalent to color4d(Red, Green, Blue, Alpha).

       color4fv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Red::float(), Green::float(), Blue::float(), Alpha::float()}

              Equivalent to color4f(Red, Green, Blue, Alpha).

       color4iv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Red::integer(), Green::integer(), Blue::integer(), Alpha::integer()}

              Equivalent to color4i(Red, Green, Blue, Alpha).

       color4sv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Red::integer(), Green::integer(), Blue::integer(), Alpha::integer()}

              Equivalent to color4s(Red, Green, Blue, Alpha).

       color4ubv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Red::integer(), Green::integer(), Blue::integer(), Alpha::integer()}

              Equivalent to color4ub(Red, Green, Blue, Alpha).

       color4uiv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Red::integer(), Green::integer(), Blue::integer(), Alpha::integer()}

              Equivalent to color4ui(Red, Green, Blue, Alpha).

       color4usv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Red::integer(), Green::integer(), Blue::integer(), Alpha::integer()}

              Equivalent to color4us(Red, Green, Blue, Alpha).

       texCoord1d(S) -> ok


                 S = float()

              Set the current texture coordinates

              gl:texCoord specifies texture coordinates in one, two, three, or  four  dimensions.
              gl:texCoord1  sets  the  current  texture  coordinates  to  (s  0  0  1); a call to
              gl:texCoord2 sets them to (s t 0 1). Similarly, gl:texCoord3 specifies the  texture
              coordinates  as  (s t r 1), and gl:texCoord4 defines all four components explicitly
              as (s t r q).

              The current texture coordinates are part of the data that is associated  with  each
              vertex  and  with  the current raster position. Initially, the values for s, t, r ,
              and q are (0, 0, 0, 1).

              See external documentation.

       texCoord1f(S) -> ok


                 S = float()

              See texCoord1d/1

       texCoord1i(S) -> ok


                 S = integer()

              See texCoord1d/1

       texCoord1s(S) -> ok


                 S = integer()

              See texCoord1d/1

       texCoord2d(S, T) -> ok


                 S = float()
                 T = float()

              See texCoord1d/1

       texCoord2f(S, T) -> ok


                 S = float()
                 T = float()

              See texCoord1d/1

       texCoord2i(S, T) -> ok


                 S = integer()
                 T = integer()

              See texCoord1d/1

       texCoord2s(S, T) -> ok


                 S = integer()
                 T = integer()

              See texCoord1d/1

       texCoord3d(S, T, R) -> ok


                 S = float()
                 T = float()
                 R = float()

              See texCoord1d/1

       texCoord3f(S, T, R) -> ok


                 S = float()
                 T = float()
                 R = float()

              See texCoord1d/1

       texCoord3i(S, T, R) -> ok


                 S = integer()
                 T = integer()
                 R = integer()

              See texCoord1d/1

       texCoord3s(S, T, R) -> ok


                 S = integer()
                 T = integer()
                 R = integer()

              See texCoord1d/1

       texCoord4d(S, T, R, Q) -> ok


                 S = float()
                 T = float()
                 R = float()
                 Q = float()

              See texCoord1d/1

       texCoord4f(S, T, R, Q) -> ok


                 S = float()
                 T = float()
                 R = float()
                 Q = float()

              See texCoord1d/1

       texCoord4i(S, T, R, Q) -> ok


                 S = integer()
                 T = integer()
                 R = integer()
                 Q = integer()

              See texCoord1d/1

       texCoord4s(S, T, R, Q) -> ok


                 S = integer()
                 T = integer()
                 R = integer()
                 Q = integer()

              See texCoord1d/1

       texCoord1dv(V) -> ok


                 V = {S::float()}

              Equivalent to texCoord1d(S).

       texCoord1fv(V) -> ok


                 V = {S::float()}

              Equivalent to texCoord1f(S).

       texCoord1iv(V) -> ok


                 V = {S::integer()}

              Equivalent to texCoord1i(S).

       texCoord1sv(V) -> ok


                 V = {S::integer()}

              Equivalent to texCoord1s(S).

       texCoord2dv(V) -> ok


                 V = {S::float(), T::float()}

              Equivalent to texCoord2d(S, T).

       texCoord2fv(V) -> ok


                 V = {S::float(), T::float()}

              Equivalent to texCoord2f(S, T).

       texCoord2iv(V) -> ok


                 V = {S::integer(), T::integer()}

              Equivalent to texCoord2i(S, T).

       texCoord2sv(V) -> ok


                 V = {S::integer(), T::integer()}

              Equivalent to texCoord2s(S, T).

       texCoord3dv(V) -> ok


                 V = {S::float(), T::float(), R::float()}

              Equivalent to texCoord3d(S, T, R).

       texCoord3fv(V) -> ok


                 V = {S::float(), T::float(), R::float()}

              Equivalent to texCoord3f(S, T, R).

       texCoord3iv(V) -> ok


                 V = {S::integer(), T::integer(), R::integer()}

              Equivalent to texCoord3i(S, T, R).

       texCoord3sv(V) -> ok


                 V = {S::integer(), T::integer(), R::integer()}

              Equivalent to texCoord3s(S, T, R).

       texCoord4dv(V) -> ok


                 V = {S::float(), T::float(), R::float(), Q::float()}

              Equivalent to texCoord4d(S, T, R, Q).

       texCoord4fv(V) -> ok


                 V = {S::float(), T::float(), R::float(), Q::float()}

              Equivalent to texCoord4f(S, T, R, Q).

       texCoord4iv(V) -> ok


                 V = {S::integer(), T::integer(), R::integer(), Q::integer()}

              Equivalent to texCoord4i(S, T, R, Q).

       texCoord4sv(V) -> ok


                 V = {S::integer(), T::integer(), R::integer(), Q::integer()}

              Equivalent to texCoord4s(S, T, R, Q).

       rasterPos2d(X, Y) -> ok


                 X = float()
                 Y = float()

              Specify the raster position for pixel operations

              The GL maintains a 3D position in window coordinates.  This  position,  called  the
              raster  position,  is  used  to  position  pixel and bitmap write operations. It is
              maintained  with  subpixel  accuracy.  See  gl:bitmap/7  ,  gl:drawPixels/5  ,  and
              gl:copyPixels/5 .

              The current raster position consists of three window coordinates ( x, y, z), a clip
              coordinate value ( w), an eye coordinate distance,  a  valid  bit,  and  associated
              color  data and texture coordinates. The w coordinate is a clip coordinate, because
              w  is  not  projected  to  window  coordinates.  gl:rasterPos4   specifies   object
              coordinates x, y, z, and w explicitly. gl:rasterPos3 specifies object coordinate x,
              y, and z explicitly, while w  is  implicitly  set  to  1.  gl:rasterPos2  uses  the
              argument values for x and y while implicitly setting z and w to 0 and 1.

              The  object  coordinates presented by gl:rasterPos are treated just like those of a
              gl:vertex2d/2 command: They are transformed by the current modelview and projection
              matrices  and passed to the clipping stage. If the vertex is not culled, then it is
              projected and scaled to window coordinates, which become  the  new  current  raster
              position,  and  the ?GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION_VALID flag is set. If the vertex is
              culled, then the  valid  bit  is  cleared  and  the  current  raster  position  and
              associated color and texture coordinates are undefined.

              The  current  raster  position also includes some associated color data and texture
              coordinates. If lighting is enabled, then ?GL_CURRENT_RASTER_COLOR (in  RGBA  mode)
              or  ?GL_CURRENT_RASTER_INDEX  (in color index mode) is set to the color produced by
              the lighting calculation (see gl:lightf/3 , gl:lightModelf/2 , and  gl:shadeModel/1
              ).   If  lighting  is  disabled,  current  color  (in  RGBA  mode,  state  variable
              ?GL_CURRENT_COLOR)  or  color  index  (in  color   index   mode,   state   variable
              ?GL_CURRENT_INDEX)    is    used    to    update    the   current   raster   color.
              ?GL_CURRENT_RASTER_SECONDARY_COLOR (in RGBA mode) is likewise updated.

              Likewise,  ?GL_CURRENT_RASTER_TEXTURE_COORDS  is   updated   as   a   function   of
              ?GL_CURRENT_TEXTURE_COORDS , based on the texture matrix and the texture generation
              functions (see gl:texGend/3 ). Finally, the distance from the  origin  of  the  eye
              coordinate  system  to  the  vertex  as  transformed  by  only the modelview matrix
              replaces ?GL_CURRENT_RASTER_DISTANCE.

              Initially, the current raster position is (0, 0, 0, 1), the current raster distance
              is  0,  the  valid  bit  is  set,  the  associated  RGBA color is (1, 1, 1, 1), the
              associated color index is 1, and the associated texture coordinates are (0,  0,  0,
              1).  In  RGBA  mode, ?GL_CURRENT_RASTER_INDEX is always 1; in color index mode, the
              current raster RGBA color always maintains its initial value.

              See external documentation.

       rasterPos2f(X, Y) -> ok


                 X = float()
                 Y = float()

              See rasterPos2d/2

       rasterPos2i(X, Y) -> ok


                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()

              See rasterPos2d/2

       rasterPos2s(X, Y) -> ok


                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()

              See rasterPos2d/2

       rasterPos3d(X, Y, Z) -> ok


                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 Z = float()

              See rasterPos2d/2

       rasterPos3f(X, Y, Z) -> ok


                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 Z = float()

              See rasterPos2d/2

       rasterPos3i(X, Y, Z) -> ok


                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Z = integer()

              See rasterPos2d/2

       rasterPos3s(X, Y, Z) -> ok


                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Z = integer()

              See rasterPos2d/2

       rasterPos4d(X, Y, Z, W) -> ok


                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 Z = float()
                 W = float()

              See rasterPos2d/2

       rasterPos4f(X, Y, Z, W) -> ok


                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 Z = float()
                 W = float()

              See rasterPos2d/2

       rasterPos4i(X, Y, Z, W) -> ok


                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Z = integer()
                 W = integer()

              See rasterPos2d/2

       rasterPos4s(X, Y, Z, W) -> ok


                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Z = integer()
                 W = integer()

              See rasterPos2d/2

       rasterPos2dv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::float(), Y::float()}

              Equivalent to rasterPos2d(X, Y).

       rasterPos2fv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::float(), Y::float()}

              Equivalent to rasterPos2f(X, Y).

       rasterPos2iv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer(), Y::integer()}

              Equivalent to rasterPos2i(X, Y).

       rasterPos2sv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer(), Y::integer()}

              Equivalent to rasterPos2s(X, Y).

       rasterPos3dv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::float(), Y::float(), Z::float()}

              Equivalent to rasterPos3d(X, Y, Z).

       rasterPos3fv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::float(), Y::float(), Z::float()}

              Equivalent to rasterPos3f(X, Y, Z).

       rasterPos3iv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), Z::integer()}

              Equivalent to rasterPos3i(X, Y, Z).

       rasterPos3sv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), Z::integer()}

              Equivalent to rasterPos3s(X, Y, Z).

       rasterPos4dv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::float(), Y::float(), Z::float(), W::float()}

              Equivalent to rasterPos4d(X, Y, Z, W).

       rasterPos4fv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::float(), Y::float(), Z::float(), W::float()}

              Equivalent to rasterPos4f(X, Y, Z, W).

       rasterPos4iv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), Z::integer(), W::integer()}

              Equivalent to rasterPos4i(X, Y, Z, W).

       rasterPos4sv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), Z::integer(), W::integer()}

              Equivalent to rasterPos4s(X, Y, Z, W).

       rectd(X1, Y1, X2, Y2) -> ok


                 X1 = float()
                 Y1 = float()
                 X2 = float()
                 Y2 = float()

              Draw a rectangle

              gl:rect supports efficient specification of rectangles as two corner  points.  Each
              rectangle  command  takes four arguments, organized either as two consecutive pairs
              of (x y) coordinates or as two pointers to arrays, each containing an (x  y)  pair.
              The resulting rectangle is defined in the z=0 plane.

              gl:rect(  X1  ,  Y1  ,  X2  , Y2 ) is exactly equivalent to the following sequence:
              glBegin(?GL_POLYGON); glVertex2( X1 , Y1 ); glVertex2( X2 , Y1 ); glVertex2(  X2  ,
              Y2 ); glVertex2( X1 , Y2 ); glEnd(); Note that if the second vertex is above and to
              the right of the first vertex, the rectangle is constructed with a counterclockwise

              See external documentation.

       rectf(X1, Y1, X2, Y2) -> ok


                 X1 = float()
                 Y1 = float()
                 X2 = float()
                 Y2 = float()

              See rectd/4

       recti(X1, Y1, X2, Y2) -> ok


                 X1 = integer()
                 Y1 = integer()
                 X2 = integer()
                 Y2 = integer()

              See rectd/4

       rects(X1, Y1, X2, Y2) -> ok


                 X1 = integer()
                 Y1 = integer()
                 X2 = integer()
                 Y2 = integer()

              See rectd/4

       rectdv(V1, V2) -> ok


                 V1 = {float(), float()}
                 V2 = {float(), float()}

              See rectd/4

       rectfv(V1, V2) -> ok


                 V1 = {float(), float()}
                 V2 = {float(), float()}

              See rectd/4

       rectiv(V1, V2) -> ok


                 V1 = {integer(), integer()}
                 V2 = {integer(), integer()}

              See rectd/4

       rectsv(V1, V2) -> ok


                 V1 = {integer(), integer()}
                 V2 = {integer(), integer()}

              See rectd/4

       vertexPointer(Size, Type, Stride, Ptr) -> ok


                 Size = integer()
                 Type = enum()
                 Stride = integer()
                 Ptr = offset() | mem()

              Define an array of vertex data

              gl:vertexPointer  specifies  the  location  and  data  format of an array of vertex
              coordinates to use when rendering. Size specifies the  number  of  coordinates  per
              vertex,  and  must  be 2, 3, or 4. Type specifies the data type of each coordinate,
              and Stride specifies the byte stride from one vertex to the next, allowing vertices
              and  attributes  to  be  packed  into  a single array or stored in separate arrays.
              (Single-array  storage  may  be  more  efficient  on  some   implementations;   see
              gl:interleavedArrays/3 .)

              If  a  non-zero  named  buffer  object is bound to the ?GL_ARRAY_BUFFER target (see
              gl:bindBuffer/2 ) while a vertex array is specified, Pointer is treated as  a  byte
              offset  into  the  buffer  object's  data  store.  Also,  the buffer object binding
              (?GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING  )  is  saved   as   vertex   array   client-side   state

              When  a  vertex array is specified, Size , Type , Stride , and Pointer are saved as
              client-side state, in addition to the current vertex array buffer object binding.

              To  enable  and  disable  the  vertex  array,   call   gl:enableClientState/1   and
              gl:enableClientState/1  with  the argument ?GL_VERTEX_ARRAY. If enabled, the vertex
              array is used when gl:arrayElement/1 ,  gl:drawArrays/3  ,  gl:multiDrawArrays/3  ,
              gl:drawElements/4 , see glMultiDrawElements , or gl:drawRangeElements/6 is called.

              See external documentation.

       normalPointer(Type, Stride, Ptr) -> ok


                 Type = enum()
                 Stride = integer()
                 Ptr = offset() | mem()

              Define an array of normals

              gl:normalPointer  specifies  the location and data format of an array of normals to
              use when rendering. Type specifies the data type of  each  normal  coordinate,  and
              Stride specifies the byte stride from one normal to the next, allowing vertices and
              attributes to be packed into a single array or stored in separate arrays.  (Single-
              array    storage   may   be   more   efficient   on   some   implementations;   see
              gl:interleavedArrays/3 .)

              If a non-zero named buffer object is bound  to  the  ?GL_ARRAY_BUFFER  target  (see
              gl:bindBuffer/2  )  while a normal array is specified, Pointer is treated as a byte
              offset into the buffer  object's  data  store.  Also,  the  buffer  object  binding
              (?GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING  )  is  saved  as  normal  vertex array client-side state

              When a normal array is specified, Type , Stride , and Pointer are saved as  client-
              side state, in addition to the current vertex array buffer object binding.

              To   enable   and   disable  the  normal  array,  call  gl:enableClientState/1  and
              gl:enableClientState/1 with the argument ?GL_NORMAL_ARRAY. If enabled,  the  normal
              array is used when gl:drawArrays/3 , gl:multiDrawArrays/3 , gl:drawElements/4 , see
              glMultiDrawElements, gl:drawRangeElements/6 , or gl:arrayElement/1 is called.

              See external documentation.

       colorPointer(Size, Type, Stride, Ptr) -> ok


                 Size = integer()
                 Type = enum()
                 Stride = integer()
                 Ptr = offset() | mem()

              Define an array of colors

              gl:colorPointer specifies the location  and  data  format  of  an  array  of  color
              components  to  use  when  rendering.  Size  specifies the number of components per
              color, and must be 3 or 4. Type specifies the data type of  each  color  component,
              and  Stride specifies the byte stride from one color to the next, allowing vertices
              and attributes to be packed into a single  array  or  stored  in  separate  arrays.
              (Single-array   storage   may  be  more  efficient  on  some  implementations;  see
              gl:interleavedArrays/3 .)

              If a non-zero named buffer object is bound  to  the  ?GL_ARRAY_BUFFER  target  (see
              gl:bindBuffer/2  )  while  a color array is specified, Pointer is treated as a byte
              offset into the buffer  object's  data  store.  Also,  the  buffer  object  binding
              (?GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING  )  is  saved  as  color  vertex  array client-side state

              When a color array is specified, Size , Type , Stride , and Pointer  are  saved  as
              client-side state, in addition to the current vertex array buffer object binding.

              To   enable   and   disable   the  color  array,  call  gl:enableClientState/1  and
              gl:enableClientState/1 with the argument ?GL_COLOR_ARRAY.  If  enabled,  the  color
              array is used when gl:drawArrays/3 , gl:multiDrawArrays/3 , gl:drawElements/4 , see
              glMultiDrawElements, gl:drawRangeElements/6 , or gl:arrayElement/1 is called.

              See external documentation.

       indexPointer(Type, Stride, Ptr) -> ok


                 Type = enum()
                 Stride = integer()
                 Ptr = offset() | mem()

              Define an array of color indexes

              gl:indexPointer specifies the location and data format of an array of color indexes
              to  use when rendering. Type specifies the data type of each color index and Stride
              specifies the byte stride from one color index to the next, allowing  vertices  and
              attributes to be packed into a single array or stored in separate arrays.

              If  a  non-zero  named  buffer  object is bound to the ?GL_ARRAY_BUFFER target (see
              gl:bindBuffer/2 ) while a color index array is specified, Pointer is treated  as  a
              byte  offset  into  the buffer object's data store. Also, the buffer object binding
              (?GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING ) is saved as color index vertex array client-side  state

              When  a  color  index  array is specified, Type , Stride , and Pointer are saved as
              client-side state, in addition to the current vertex array buffer object binding.

              To enable and disable  the  color  index  array,  call  gl:enableClientState/1  and
              gl:enableClientState/1  with  the  argument  ?GL_INDEX_ARRAY. If enabled, the color
              index array is used when gl:drawArrays/3 , gl:multiDrawArrays/3 , gl:drawElements/4
              ,  see  glMultiDrawElements  ,  gl:drawRangeElements/6  ,  or  gl:arrayElement/1 is

              See external documentation.

       texCoordPointer(Size, Type, Stride, Ptr) -> ok


                 Size = integer()
                 Type = enum()
                 Stride = integer()
                 Ptr = offset() | mem()

              Define an array of texture coordinates

              gl:texCoordPointer specifies the location and data format of an  array  of  texture
              coordinates  to  use  when  rendering. Size specifies the number of coordinates per
              texture coordinate set, and must be 1, 2, 3, or 4. Type specifies the data type  of
              each  texture  coordinate,  and  Stride  specifies the byte stride from one texture
              coordinate set to the next, allowing vertices and attributes to be  packed  into  a
              single  array  or  stored  in  separate  arrays.  (Single-array storage may be more
              efficient on some implementations; see gl:interleavedArrays/3 .)

              If a non-zero named buffer object is bound  to  the  ?GL_ARRAY_BUFFER  target  (see
              gl:bindBuffer/2 ) while a texture coordinate array is specified, Pointer is treated
              as a byte offset into the buffer object's  data  store.  Also,  the  buffer  object
              binding  (?GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING  )  is  saved as texture coordinate vertex array
              client-side state (?GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING ).

              When a texture coordinate array is specified, Size , Type , Stride  ,  and  Pointer
              are  saved  as  client-side  state,  in addition to the current vertex array buffer
              object binding.

              To enable and disable a texture coordinate array, call  gl:enableClientState/1  and
              gl:enableClientState/1  with  the argument ?GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY. If enabled, the
              texture coordinate  array  is  used  when  gl:arrayElement/1  ,  gl:drawArrays/3  ,
              gl:multiDrawArrays/3    ,   gl:drawElements/4   ,   see   glMultiDrawElements,   or
              gl:drawRangeElements/6 is called.

              See external documentation.

       edgeFlagPointer(Stride, Ptr) -> ok


                 Stride = integer()
                 Ptr = offset() | mem()

              Define an array of edge flags

              gl:edgeFlagPointer specifies the location and data format of an  array  of  boolean
              edge  flags  to  use when rendering. Stride specifies the byte stride from one edge
              flag to the next, allowing vertices and attributes to be packed into a single array
              or stored in separate arrays.

              If  a  non-zero  named  buffer  object is bound to the ?GL_ARRAY_BUFFER target (see
              gl:bindBuffer/2 ) while an edge flag array is specified, Pointer is  treated  as  a
              byte  offset  into  the buffer object's data store. Also, the buffer object binding
              (?GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING ) is saved as edge flag vertex  array  client-side  state

              When  an  edge flag array is specified, Stride and Pointer are saved as client-side
              state, in addition to the current vertex array buffer object binding.

              To enable  and  disable  the  edge  flag  array,  call  gl:enableClientState/1  and
              gl:enableClientState/1  with the argument ?GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY. If enabled, the edge
              flag array is used when gl:drawArrays/3 , gl:multiDrawArrays/3 ,  gl:drawElements/4
              ,  see  glMultiDrawElements  ,  gl:drawRangeElements/6  ,  or  gl:arrayElement/1 is

              See external documentation.

       arrayElement(I) -> ok


                 I = integer()

              Render a vertex using the specified vertex array element

              gl:arrayElement commands are used  within  gl:'begin'/1  /  gl:'begin'/1  pairs  to
              specify  vertex  and  attribute  data  for  point, line, and polygon primitives. If
              ?GL_VERTEX_ARRAY is enabled when gl:arrayElement is  called,  a  single  vertex  is
              drawn, using vertex and attribute data taken from location I of the enabled arrays.
              If  ?GL_VERTEX_ARRAY  is  not  enabled,  no  drawing  occurs  but  the   attributes
              corresponding to the enabled arrays are modified.

              Use gl:arrayElement to construct primitives by indexing vertex data, rather than by
              streaming through  arrays  of  data  in  first-to-last  order.  Because  each  call
              specifies  only a single vertex, it is possible to explicitly specify per-primitive
              attributes such as a single normal for each triangle.

              Changes  made  to  array  data  between  the  execution  of  gl:'begin'/1  and  the
              corresponding  execution  of  gl:'begin'/1 may affect calls to gl:arrayElement that
              are made within the same gl:'begin'/1 / gl:'begin'/1 period in nonsequential  ways.
              That  is, a call to gl:arrayElement that precedes a change to array data may access
              the changed data, and a call that  follows  a  change  to  array  data  may  access
              original data.

              See external documentation.

       drawArrays(Mode, First, Count) -> ok


                 Mode = enum()
                 First = integer()
                 Count = integer()

              Render primitives from array data

              gl:drawArrays  specifies  multiple  geometric  primitives  with very few subroutine
              calls. Instead of calling a GL procedure to pass each  individual  vertex,  normal,
              texture  coordinate,  edge  flag,  or  color, you can prespecify separate arrays of
              vertices, normals, and colors and use them to construct a  sequence  of  primitives
              with a single call to gl:drawArrays .

              When  gl:drawArrays  is called, it uses Count sequential elements from each enabled
              array to construct a sequence of geometric primitives, beginning with element First
              . Mode specifies what kind of primitives are constructed and how the array elements
              construct those primitives.

              Vertex attributes that are modified by  gl:drawArrays  have  an  unspecified  value
              after gl:drawArrays returns. Attributes that aren't modified remain well defined.

              See external documentation.

       drawElements(Mode, Count, Type, Indices) -> ok


                 Mode = enum()
                 Count = integer()
                 Type = enum()
                 Indices = offset() | mem()

              Render primitives from array data

              gl:drawElements  specifies  multiple  geometric primitives with very few subroutine
              calls. Instead of calling a GL function to pass  each  individual  vertex,  normal,
              texture  coordinate,  edge  flag,  or  color, you can prespecify separate arrays of
              vertices, normals, and so on, and use them to construct a  sequence  of  primitives
              with a single call to gl:drawElements .

              When  gl:drawElements  is called, it uses Count sequential elements from an enabled
              array, starting at Indices to construct a sequence of  geometric  primitives.  Mode
              specifies  what  kind  of  primitives  are  constructed  and how the array elements
              construct these primitives. If more than one array is enabled, each is used.

              Vertex attributes that are modified by gl:drawElements have  an  unspecified  value
              after  gl:drawElements  returns.  Attributes  that  aren't  modified maintain their
              previous values.

              See external documentation.

       interleavedArrays(Format, Stride, Pointer) -> ok


                 Format = enum()
                 Stride = integer()
                 Pointer = offset() | mem()

              Simultaneously specify and enable several interleaved arrays

              gl:interleavedArrays lets you specify and enable individual color, normal,  texture
              and  vertex arrays whose elements are part of a larger aggregate array element. For
              some implementations, this is more efficient than specifying the arrays separately.

              If Stride is 0, the aggregate elements are stored consecutively. Otherwise,  Stride
              bytes  occur between the beginning of one aggregate array element and the beginning
              of the next aggregate array element.

              Format serves as a key describing the extraction  of  individual  arrays  from  the
              aggregate  array.  If  Format  contains a T, then texture coordinates are extracted
              from the interleaved array. If C is present, color values are extracted.  If  N  is
              present, normal coordinates are extracted. Vertex coordinates are always extracted.

              The  digits  2,  3,  and  4  denote how many values are extracted. F indicates that
              values are extracted as floating-point values. Colors may also be  extracted  as  4
              unsigned  bytes  if 4UB follows the C. If a color is extracted as 4 unsigned bytes,
              the vertex array element which follows is located at the first  possible  floating-
              point aligned address.

              See external documentation.

       shadeModel(Mode) -> ok


                 Mode = enum()

              Select flat or smooth shading

              GL  primitives can have either flat or smooth shading. Smooth shading, the default,
              causes the computed colors of vertices to  be  interpolated  as  the  primitive  is
              rasterized,  typically assigning different colors to each resulting pixel fragment.
              Flat shading selects the computed color of just one vertex and assigns  it  to  all
              the  pixel  fragments  generated by rasterizing a single primitive. In either case,
              the computed color of a vertex is the result of lighting if lighting is enabled, or
              it  is  the  current  color  at  the  time  the vertex was specified if lighting is

              Flat  and  smooth  shading  are  indistinguishable  for   points.   Starting   when
              gl:'begin'/1  is  issued  and counting vertices and primitives from 1, the GL gives
              each flat-shaded line segment i the  computed  color  of  vertex  i+1,  its  second
              vertex.  Counting  similarly  from  1,  the  GL  gives each flat-shaded polygon the
              computed color of the vertex listed in the following table. This is the last vertex
              to  specify the polygon in all cases except single polygons, where the first vertex
              specifies the flat-shaded color.Primitive Type of Polygon iVertex
               Single polygon ( i== 1) 1
               Triangle strip i+2
               Triangle fan i+2
               Independent triangle 3 i
               Quad strip 2 i+2
               Independent quad 4 i

              Flat and smooth shading are specified by gl:shadeModel with Mode  set  to  ?GL_FLAT
              and ?GL_SMOOTH, respectively.

              See external documentation.

       lightf(Light, Pname, Param) -> ok


                 Light = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Param = float()

              Set light source parameters

              gl:light  sets  the  values  of individual light source parameters. Light names the
              light and is a symbolic name of the form ?GL_LIGHT i, where i ranges from 0 to  the
              value  of  ?GL_MAX_LIGHTS  - 1. Pname specifies one of ten light source parameters,
              again by symbolic name. Params is either a single value or a pointer  to  an  array
              that contains the new values.

              To  enable  and disable lighting calculation, call gl:enable/1 and gl:enable/1 with
              argument ?GL_LIGHTING. Lighting is initially disabled. When it  is  enabled,  light
              sources  that are enabled contribute to the lighting calculation. Light source i is
              enabled and disabled using gl:enable/1 and gl:enable/1 with argument ?GL_LIGHT i.

              The ten light parameters are as follows:

              ?GL_AMBIENT: Params contains four integer or floating-point values that specify the
              ambient  RGBA  intensity of the light. Integer values are mapped linearly such that
              the  most  positive  representable  value  maps  to  1.0,  and  the  most  negative
              representable  value  maps  to  -1.0.  Floating-point  values  are mapped directly.
              Neither integer nor floating-point values are clamped. The  initial  ambient  light
              intensity is (0, 0, 0, 1).

              ?GL_DIFFUSE: Params contains four integer or floating-point values that specify the
              diffuse RGBA intensity of the light. Integer values are mapped linearly  such  that
              the  most  positive  representable  value  maps  to  1.0,  and  the  most  negative
              representable value maps  to  -1.0.  Floating-point  values  are  mapped  directly.
              Neither  integer  nor  floating-point  values  are  clamped.  The initial value for
              ?GL_LIGHT0 is (1, 1, 1, 1); for other lights, the initial value is (0, 0, 0, 1).

              ?GL_SPECULAR: Params contains four integer or floating-point  values  that  specify
              the  specular  RGBA intensity of the light. Integer values are mapped linearly such
              that the most positive representable value maps  to  1.0,  and  the  most  negative
              representable  value  maps  to  -1.0.  Floating-point  values  are mapped directly.
              Neither integer nor floating-point  values  are  clamped.  The  initial  value  for
              ?GL_LIGHT0 is (1, 1, 1, 1); for other lights, the initial value is (0, 0, 0, 1).

              ?GL_POSITION:  Params  contains  four integer or floating-point values that specify
              the position of the light in  homogeneous  object  coordinates.  Both  integer  and
              floating-point  values  are  mapped  directly.  Neither  integer nor floating-point
              values are clamped.

              The position is transformed by the modelview matrix when gl:light is  called  (just
              as  if it were a point), and it is stored in eye coordinates. If the w component of
              the position is 0, the light is  treated  as  a  directional  source.  Diffuse  and
              specular  lighting  calculations  take  the  light's  direction, but not its actual
              position, into  account,  and  attenuation  is  disabled.  Otherwise,  diffuse  and
              specular lighting calculations are based on the actual location of the light in eye
              coordinates, and attenuation is enabled. The initial position  is  (0,  0,  1,  0);
              thus, the initial light source is directional, parallel to, and in the direction of
              the -z axis.

              ?GL_SPOT_DIRECTION: Params contains three integer  or  floating-point  values  that
              specify  the direction of the light in homogeneous object coordinates. Both integer
              and floating-point values are mapped directly. Neither integer  nor  floating-point
              values are clamped.

              The  spot  direction  is  transformed by the upper 3x3 of the modelview matrix when
              gl:light is called, and it is stored in eye coordinates.  It  is  significant  only
              when ?GL_SPOT_CUTOFF is not 180, which it is initially. The initial direction is (0
              0 -1).

              ?GL_SPOT_EXPONENT:  Params  is  a  single  integer  or  floating-point  value  that
              specifies  the  intensity  distribution  of  the  light. Integer and floating-point
              values are mapped directly. Only values in the range [0 128] are accepted.

              Effective light intensity is attenuated by the cosine  of  the  angle  between  the
              direction  of  the  light  and  the  direction  from  the light to the vertex being
              lighted, raised to the power of the spot  exponent.  Thus,  higher  spot  exponents
              result  in  a  more  focused light source, regardless of the spot cutoff angle (see
              ?GL_SPOT_CUTOFF, next paragraph). The initial spot  exponent  is  0,  resulting  in
              uniform light distribution.

              ?GL_SPOT_CUTOFF:  Params is a single integer or floating-point value that specifies
              the maximum spread angle of a light source. Integer and floating-point  values  are
              mapped  directly.  Only  values  in  the range [0 90] and the special value 180 are
              accepted. If the angle between the direction of the light and  the  direction  from
              the  light  to  the vertex being lighted is greater than the spot cutoff angle, the
              light is completely masked. Otherwise, its intensity  is  controlled  by  the  spot
              exponent  and the attenuation factors. The initial spot cutoff is 180, resulting in
              uniform light distribution.



              ?GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION: Params is a single integer or floating-point value  that
              specifies  one  of  the three light attenuation factors. Integer and floating-point
              values are mapped directly. Only nonnegative values are accepted. If the  light  is
              positional,  rather than directional, its intensity is attenuated by the reciprocal
              of the sum of the constant factor, the linear factor times the distance between the
              light  and  the  vertex being lighted, and the quadratic factor times the square of
              the same distance. The initial attenuation factors are (1, 0, 0), resulting  in  no

              See external documentation.

       lighti(Light, Pname, Param) -> ok


                 Light = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Param = integer()

              See lightf/3

       lightfv(Light, Pname, Params) -> ok


                 Light = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Params = {float()}

              See lightf/3

       lightiv(Light, Pname, Params) -> ok


                 Light = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Params = {integer()}

              See lightf/3

       getLightfv(Light, Pname) -> {float(), float(), float(), float()}


                 Light = enum()
                 Pname = enum()

              Return light source parameter values

              gl:getLight  returns  in  Params  the  value or values of a light source parameter.
              Light names the light and is a symbolic name of the form ?GL_LIGHT i where i ranges
              from  0  to  the  value  of ?GL_MAX_LIGHTS - 1. ?GL_MAX_LIGHTS is an implementation
              dependent constant that is greater than or equal to eight. Pname specifies  one  of
              ten light source parameters, again by symbolic name.

              The following parameters are defined:

              ?GL_AMBIENT:  Params returns four integer or floating-point values representing the
              ambient intensity of the light source. Integer values, when requested, are linearly
              mapped  from  the  internal floating-point representation such that 1.0 maps to the
              most positive representable integer value, and  -1.0  maps  to  the  most  negative
              representable integer value. If the internal value is outside the range [-1 1], the
              corresponding integer return value is undefined. The initial value is (0, 0, 0, 1).

              ?GL_DIFFUSE: Params returns four integer or floating-point values representing  the
              diffuse intensity of the light source. Integer values, when requested, are linearly
              mapped from the internal floating-point representation such that 1.0  maps  to  the
              most  positive  representable  integer  value,  and  -1.0 maps to the most negative
              representable integer value. If the internal value is outside the range [-1 1], the
              corresponding  integer  return value is undefined. The initial value for ?GL_LIGHT0
              is (1, 1, 1, 1); for other lights, the initial value is (0, 0, 0, 0).

              ?GL_SPECULAR: Params returns four integer or floating-point values representing the
              specular  intensity  of  the  light  source.  Integer  values,  when requested, are
              linearly mapped from the internal floating-point representation such that 1.0  maps
              to  the  most  positive  representable  integer  value,  and  -1.0 maps to the most
              negative representable integer value. If the internal value is  outside  the  range
              [-1  1], the corresponding integer return value is undefined. The initial value for
              ?GL_LIGHT0 is (1, 1, 1, 1); for other lights, the initial value is (0, 0, 0, 0).

              ?GL_POSITION: Params returns four integer or floating-point values representing the
              position  of  the  light  source.  Integer  values, when requested, are computed by
              rounding the internal floating-point values  to  the  nearest  integer  value.  The
              returned  values are those maintained in eye coordinates. They will not be equal to
              the values specified using gl:lightf/3 , unless the modelview matrix  was  identity
              at the time gl:lightf/3 was called. The initial value is (0, 0, 1, 0).

              ?GL_SPOT_DIRECTION:   Params   returns   three  integer  or  floating-point  values
              representing the direction of the light source. Integer values, when requested, are
              computed  by  rounding  the  internal  floating-point values to the nearest integer
              value. The returned values are those maintained in eye coordinates. They  will  not
              be  equal  to  the values specified using gl:lightf/3 , unless the modelview matrix
              was identity at the  time  gl:lightf/3  was  called.  Although  spot  direction  is
              normalized  before being used in the lighting equation, the returned values are the
              transformed versions of the specified values prior to  normalization.  The  initial
              value is (0 0 -1).

              ?GL_SPOT_EXPONENT:   Params  returns  a  single  integer  or  floating-point  value
              representing the spot exponent of the light. An integer value, when  requested,  is
              computed  by  rounding  the  internal  floating-point representation to the nearest
              integer. The initial value is 0.

              ?GL_SPOT_CUTOFF:  Params  returns  a  single  integer   or   floating-point   value
              representing  the spot cutoff angle of the light. An integer value, when requested,
              is computed by rounding the internal floating-point representation to  the  nearest
              integer. The initial value is 180.

              ?GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION:  Params  returns a single integer or floating-point value
              representing the constant (not  distance-related)  attenuation  of  the  light.  An
              integer  value, when requested, is computed by rounding the internal floating-point
              representation to the nearest integer. The initial value is 1.

              ?GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION: Params returns a single  integer  or  floating-point  value
              representing the linear attenuation of the light. An integer value, when requested,
              is computed by rounding the internal floating-point representation to  the  nearest
              integer. The initial value is 0.

              ?GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION:  Params returns a single integer or floating-point value
              representing the quadratic  attenuation  of  the  light.  An  integer  value,  when
              requested,  is  computed  by rounding the internal floating-point representation to
              the nearest integer. The initial value is 0.

              See external documentation.

       getLightiv(Light, Pname) -> {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}


                 Light = enum()
                 Pname = enum()

              See getLightfv/2

       lightModelf(Pname, Param) -> ok


                 Pname = enum()
                 Param = float()

              Set the lighting model parameters

              gl:lightModel sets the lighting model parameter. Pname names a parameter and Params
              gives the new value. There are three lighting model parameters:

              ?GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT: Params contains four integer or floating-point values that
              specify the ambient RGBA intensity of the entire scene. Integer values  are  mapped
              linearly  such that the most positive representable value maps to 1.0, and the most
              negative representable  value  maps  to  -1.0.  Floating-point  values  are  mapped
              directly.  Neither  integer  nor  floating-point  values  are  clamped. The initial
              ambient scene intensity is (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0).

              ?GL_LIGHT_MODEL_COLOR_CONTROL: Params must be either ?GL_SEPARATE_SPECULAR_COLOR or
              ?GL_SINGLE_COLOR.  ?GL_SINGLE_COLOR specifies that a single color is generated from
              the lighting computation for a vertex. ?GL_SEPARATE_SPECULAR_COLOR  specifies  that
              the  specular color computation of lighting be stored separately from the remainder
              of the lighting computation. The  specular  color  is  summed  into  the  generated
              fragment's color after the application of texture mapping (if enabled). The initial
              value is ?GL_SINGLE_COLOR.

              ?GL_LIGHT_MODEL_LOCAL_VIEWER: Params is a single integer  or  floating-point  value
              that  specifies  how  specular  reflection  angles are computed. If Params is 0 (or
              0.0), specular reflection angles take the view direction to be parallel to  and  in
              the  direction  of  the  -z  axis,  regardless of the location of the vertex in eye
              coordinates. Otherwise, specular reflections are computed from the  origin  of  the
              eye coordinate system. The initial value is 0.

              ?GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE:  Params  is a single integer or floating-point value that
              specifies whether one- or two-sided lighting calculations are done for polygons. It
              has no effect on the lighting calculations for points, lines, or bitmaps. If Params
              is 0 (or 0.0), one-sided  lighting  is  specified,  and  only  the  front  material
              parameters  are  used  in  the  lighting equation. Otherwise, two-sided lighting is
              specified. In this case, vertices of back-facing polygons  are  lighted  using  the
              back  material  parameters  and  have  their  normals  reversed before the lighting
              equation is evaluated. Vertices of front-facing polygons are always  lighted  using
              the  front  material parameters, with no change to their normals. The initial value
              is 0.

              In RGBA mode, the lighted color of a vertex is the sum  of  the  material  emission
              intensity,  the  product of the material ambient reflectance and the lighting model
              full-scene ambient intensity, and the contribution of each  enabled  light  source.
              Each  light  source  contributes  the  sum  of  three  terms: ambient, diffuse, and
              specular. The ambient light source contribution is  the  product  of  the  material
              ambient  reflectance  and  the  light's ambient intensity. The diffuse light source
              contribution is the product  of  the  material  diffuse  reflectance,  the  light's
              diffuse  intensity,  and the dot product of the vertex's normal with the normalized
              vector from the vertex to the light source. The specular light source  contribution
              is  the  product  of  the  material  specular  reflectance,  the  light's  specular
              intensity, and the dot product of the normalized vertex-to-eye and  vertex-to-light
              vectors,  raised  to  the  power  of the shininess of the material. All three light
              source contributions are attenuated equally based on the distance from  the  vertex
              to  the  light  source  and  on light source direction, spread exponent, and spread
              cutoff angle. All dot products are replaced with 0 if they evaluate to  a  negative

              The alpha component of the resulting lighted color is set to the alpha value of the
              material diffuse reflectance.

              In color index mode, the value of the lighted index of a  vertex  ranges  from  the
              ambient  to  the  specular values passed to gl:materialf/3 using ?GL_COLOR_INDEXES.
              Diffuse and specular coefficients, computed with a (.30, .59, .11) weighting of the
              lights'  colors,  the  shininess  of  the  material,  and  the  same reflection and
              attenuation equations as in the RGBA case, determine how  much  above  ambient  the
              resulting index is.

              See external documentation.

       lightModeli(Pname, Param) -> ok


                 Pname = enum()
                 Param = integer()

              See lightModelf/2

       lightModelfv(Pname, Params) -> ok


                 Pname = enum()
                 Params = {float()}

              See lightModelf/2

       lightModeliv(Pname, Params) -> ok


                 Pname = enum()
                 Params = {integer()}

              See lightModelf/2

       materialf(Face, Pname, Param) -> ok


                 Face = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Param = float()

              Specify material parameters for the lighting model

              gl:material  assigns  values  to material parameters. There are two matched sets of
              material parameters. One, the front-facing set, is used  to  shade  points,  lines,
              bitmaps,  and  all  polygons  (when two-sided lighting is disabled), or just front-
              facing polygons (when two-sided lighting is enabled). The other  set,  back-facing,
              is  used  to  shade  back-facing  polygons only when two-sided lighting is enabled.
              Refer to the gl:lightModelf/2 reference page for details concerning one-  and  two-
              sided lighting calculations.

              gl:material  takes  three  arguments.  The  first,  Face  ,  specifies  whether the
              ?GL_FRONT materials, the ?GL_BACK materials, or both  ?GL_FRONT_AND_BACK  materials
              will  be modified. The second, Pname , specifies which of several parameters in one
              or both sets will be modified. The third, Params , specifies what value  or  values
              will be assigned to the specified parameter.

              Material parameters are used in the lighting equation that is optionally applied to
              each vertex. The equation is discussed in the gl:lightModelf/2 reference page.  The
              parameters  that  can  be specified using gl:material, and their interpretations by
              the lighting equation, are as follows:

              ?GL_AMBIENT: Params contains four integer or floating-point values that specify the
              ambient  RGBA  reflectance of the material. Integer values are mapped linearly such
              that the most positive representable value maps  to  1.0,  and  the  most  negative
              representable  value  maps  to  -1.0.  Floating-point  values  are mapped directly.
              Neither  integer  nor  floating-point  values  are  clamped.  The  initial  ambient
              reflectance for both front- and back-facing materials is (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0).

              ?GL_DIFFUSE: Params contains four integer or floating-point values that specify the
              diffuse RGBA reflectance of the material. Integer values are mapped  linearly  such
              that  the  most  positive  representable  value  maps to 1.0, and the most negative
              representable value maps  to  -1.0.  Floating-point  values  are  mapped  directly.
              Neither  integer  nor  floating-point  values  are  clamped.  The  initial  diffuse
              reflectance for both front- and back-facing materials is (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0).

              ?GL_SPECULAR: Params contains four integer or floating-point  values  that  specify
              the  specular  RGBA reflectance of the material. Integer values are mapped linearly
              such that the most positive representable value maps to 1.0, and the most  negative
              representable  value  maps  to  -1.0.  Floating-point  values  are mapped directly.
              Neither integer  nor  floating-point  values  are  clamped.  The  initial  specular
              reflectance for both front- and back-facing materials is (0, 0, 0, 1).

              ?GL_EMISSION:  Params  contains  four integer or floating-point values that specify
              the RGBA emitted light  intensity  of  the  material.  Integer  values  are  mapped
              linearly  such that the most positive representable value maps to 1.0, and the most
              negative representable  value  maps  to  -1.0.  Floating-point  values  are  mapped
              directly.  Neither  integer  nor  floating-point  values  are  clamped. The initial
              emission intensity for both front- and back-facing materials is (0, 0, 0, 1).

              ?GL_SHININESS: Params is a single integer or floating-point  value  that  specifies
              the  RGBA  specular exponent of the material. Integer and floating-point values are
              mapped directly. Only values in  the  range  [0  128]  are  accepted.  The  initial
              specular exponent for both front- and back-facing materials is 0.

              ?GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE:  Equivalent  to  calling  gl:material  twice with the same
              parameter values, once with ?GL_AMBIENT and once with ?GL_DIFFUSE.

              ?GL_COLOR_INDEXES:  Params  contains  three  integer   or   floating-point   values
              specifying  the  color  indices  for ambient, diffuse, and specular lighting. These
              three values, and ?GL_SHININESS, are the only material values  used  by  the  color
              index  mode  lighting  equation. Refer to the gl:lightModelf/2 reference page for a
              discussion of color index lighting.

              See external documentation.

       materiali(Face, Pname, Param) -> ok


                 Face = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Param = integer()

              See materialf/3

       materialfv(Face, Pname, Params) -> ok


                 Face = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Params = {float()}

              See materialf/3

       materialiv(Face, Pname, Params) -> ok


                 Face = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Params = {integer()}

              See materialf/3

       getMaterialfv(Face, Pname) -> {float(), float(), float(), float()}


                 Face = enum()
                 Pname = enum()

              Return material parameters

              gl:getMaterial returns in Params the value or values of parameter Pname of material
              Face . Six parameters are defined:

              ?GL_AMBIENT:  Params returns four integer or floating-point values representing the
              ambient reflectance of the material. Integer values, when requested,  are  linearly
              mapped  from  the  internal floating-point representation such that 1.0 maps to the
              most positive representable integer value, and  -1.0  maps  to  the  most  negative
              representable integer value. If the internal value is outside the range [-1 1], the
              corresponding integer return value is undefined. The initial value  is  (0.2,  0.2,
              0.2, 1.0)

              ?GL_DIFFUSE:  Params returns four integer or floating-point values representing the
              diffuse reflectance of the material. Integer values, when requested,  are  linearly
              mapped  from  the  internal floating-point representation such that 1.0 maps to the
              most positive representable integer value, and  -1.0  maps  to  the  most  negative
              representable integer value. If the internal value is outside the range [-1 1], the
              corresponding integer return value is undefined. The initial value  is  (0.8,  0.8,
              0.8, 1.0).

              ?GL_SPECULAR: Params returns four integer or floating-point values representing the
              specular reflectance of the material. Integer values, when requested, are  linearly
              mapped  from  the  internal floating-point representation such that 1.0 maps to the
              most positive representable integer value, and  -1.0  maps  to  the  most  negative
              representable integer value. If the internal value is outside the range [-1 1], the
              corresponding integer return value is undefined. The initial value is (0, 0, 0, 1).

              ?GL_EMISSION: Params returns four integer or floating-point values representing the
              emitted  light  intensity  of  the  material.  Integer  values, when requested, are
              linearly mapped from the internal floating-point representation such that 1.0  maps
              to  the  most  positive  representable  integer  value,  and  -1.0 maps to the most
              negative representable integer value. If the internal value is  outside  the  range
              [-1  1],  the corresponding integer return value is undefined. The initial value is
              (0, 0, 0, 1).

              ?GL_SHININESS: Params returns one integer or floating-point value representing  the
              specular  exponent of the material. Integer values, when requested, are computed by
              rounding the internal floating-point  value  to  the  nearest  integer  value.  The
              initial value is 0.

              ?GL_COLOR_INDEXES:   Params   returns   three   integer  or  floating-point  values
              representing the ambient, diffuse, and specular  indices  of  the  material.  These
              indices  are used only for color index lighting. (All the other parameters are used
              only for RGBA lighting.) Integer values, when requested, are computed  by  rounding
              the internal floating-point values to the nearest integer values.

              See external documentation.

       getMaterialiv(Face, Pname) -> {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}


                 Face = enum()
                 Pname = enum()

              See getMaterialfv/2

       colorMaterial(Face, Mode) -> ok


                 Face = enum()
                 Mode = enum()

              Cause a material color to track the current color

              gl:colorMaterial  specifies which material parameters track the current color. When
              ?GL_COLOR_MATERIAL is enabled, the material parameter or  parameters  specified  by
              Mode  , of the material or materials specified by Face , track the current color at
              all times.

              To enable and disable ?GL_COLOR_MATERIAL, call  gl:enable/1  and  gl:enable/1  with
              argument ?GL_COLOR_MATERIAL. ?GL_COLOR_MATERIAL is initially disabled.

              See external documentation.

       pixelZoom(Xfactor, Yfactor) -> ok


                 Xfactor = float()
                 Yfactor = float()

              Specify the pixel zoom factors

              gl:pixelZoom specifies values for the x and y zoom factors. During the execution of
              gl:drawPixels/5 or gl:copyPixels/5 , if ( xr, yr) is the current  raster  position,
              and  a  given element is in the mth row and nth column of the pixel rectangle, then
              pixels whose centers are in the rectangle with corners at

              ( xr+n. xfactor, yr+m. yfactor)

              ( xr+(n+1). xfactor, yr+(m+1). yfactor)

              are candidates for replacement. Any pixel whose center lies on the bottom  or  left
              edge of this rectangular region is also modified.

              Pixel  zoom  factors  are  not  limited  to  positive values. Negative zoom factors
              reflect the resulting image about the current raster position.

              See external documentation.

       pixelStoref(Pname, Param) -> ok


                 Pname = enum()
                 Param = float()

              Set pixel storage modes

              gl:pixelStore sets pixel storage modes that  affect  the  operation  of  subsequent
              gl:readPixels/7 as well as the unpacking of texture patterns (see gl:texImage1D/8 ,
              gl:texImage2D/9 , gl:texImage3D/10  ,  gl:texSubImage1D/7  ,  gl:texSubImage1D/7  ,
              gl:texSubImage1D/7   ),  gl:compressedTexImage1D/7  ,  gl:compressedTexImage2D/8  ,
              gl:compressedTexImage3D/9         ,         gl:compressedTexSubImage1D/7          ,
              gl:compressedTexSubImage2D/9 or gl:compressedTexSubImage1D/7 .

              Pname  is  a symbolic constant indicating the parameter to be set, and Param is the
              new value. Six of the twelve storage parameters affect how pixel data  is  returned
              to client memory. They are as follows:

              ?GL_PACK_SWAP_BYTES:  If  true, byte ordering for multibyte color components, depth
              components, or stencil indices is reversed.  That  is,  if  a  four-byte  component
              consists  of bytes b 0, b 1, b 2, b 3, it is stored in memory as b 3, b 2, b 1, b 0
              if ?GL_PACK_SWAP_BYTES is true. ?GL_PACK_SWAP_BYTES has no  effect  on  the  memory
              order of components within a pixel, only on the order of bytes within components or
              indices. For example, the three components of a ?GL_RGB  format  pixel  are  always
              stored  with  red  first,  green second, and blue third, regardless of the value of

              ?GL_PACK_LSB_FIRST: If true, bits are ordered within a byte from least  significant
              to  most significant; otherwise, the first bit in each byte is the most significant

              ?GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH: If greater than 0, ?GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH defines the  number  of
              pixels  in  a  row.  If the first pixel of a row is placed at location p in memory,
              then the location of the first pixel of the next row is obtained by skipping

              k={n l(a/s) |(s n l)/a| s>= a s< a)

              components or indices, where n is the number of components or indices in a pixel, l
              is  the number of pixels in a row (?GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH if it is greater than 0, the
              width  argument  to  the  pixel   routine   otherwise),   a   is   the   value   of
              ?GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT  ,  and s is the size, in bytes, of a single component (if a< s,
              then it is as if a= s). In the case of 1-bit values, the location of the  next  row
              is obtained by skipping

              k=8 a |(n l)/(8 a)|

              components or indices.

              The  word  component  in this description refers to the nonindex values red, green,
              blue, alpha, and depth. Storage format ?GL_RGB, for example, has  three  components
              per pixel: first red, then green, and finally blue.

              ?GL_PACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT:  If greater than 0, ?GL_PACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT defines the number
              of pixels in an image three-dimensional texture volume, where image is  defined  by
              all  pixels  sharing the same third dimension index. If the first pixel of a row is
              placed at location p in memory, then the location of the first pixel  of  the  next
              row is obtained by skipping

              k={n l h(a/s) |(s n l h)/a| s>= a s< a)

              components or indices, where n is the number of components or indices in a pixel, l
              is the number of pixels in a row (?GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH if it is greater than 0,  the
              width  argument  to gl:texImage3D/10 otherwise), h is the number of rows in a pixel
              image (?GL_PACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT if it is greater than 0, the height  argument  to  the
              gl:texImage3D/10  routine  otherwise), a is the value of ?GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT , and s
              is the size, in bytes, of a single component (if a< s, then it is as if a=s).

              The word component in this description refers to the nonindex  values  red,  green,
              blue,  alpha,  and depth. Storage format ?GL_RGB, for example, has three components
              per pixel: first red, then green, and finally blue.


              These values are provided as a convenience  to  the  programmer;  they  provide  no
              functionality  that  cannot be duplicated simply by incrementing the pointer passed
              to  gl:readPixels/7  .  Setting  ?GL_PACK_SKIP_PIXELS  to  i   is   equivalent   to
              incrementing  the  pointer  by  i n components or indices, where n is the number of
              components or indices in each pixel. Setting ?GL_PACK_SKIP_ROWS to j is  equivalent
              to  incrementing the pointer by j m components or indices, where m is the number of
              components or indices per row, as just computed in the ?GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH section.
              Setting ?GL_PACK_SKIP_IMAGES to k is equivalent to incrementing the pointer by k p,
              where p is the number of components or  indices  per  image,  as  computed  in  the
              ?GL_PACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT section.

              ?GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT:  Specifies  the  alignment  requirements  for the start of each
              pixel row in memory. The allowable values are 1 (byte-alignment), 2  (rows  aligned
              to  even-numbered  bytes),  4  (word-alignment),  and  8 (rows start on double-word

              The other six of the twelve storage parameters affect how pixel data is  read  from
              client memory. These values are significant for gl:texImage1D/8 , gl:texImage2D/9 ,
              gl:texImage3D/10 , gl:texSubImage1D/7 , gl:texSubImage1D/7 , and gl:texSubImage1D/7

              They are as follows:

              ?GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES: If true, byte ordering for multibyte color components, depth
              components,  or  stencil  indices  is  reversed.  That is, if a four-byte component
              consists of bytes b 0, b 1, b 2, b 3, it is taken from memory as b 3, b 2, b 1, b 0
              if ?GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES is true. ?GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES has no effect on the memory
              order of components within a pixel, only on the order of bytes within components or
              indices.  For  example,  the  three components of a ?GL_RGB format pixel are always
              stored with red first, green second, and blue third, regardless  of  the  value  of

              ?GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST:   If  true,  bits  are  ordered  within  a  byte  from  least
              significant to most significant; otherwise, the first bit in each byte is the  most
              significant one.

              ?GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH:  If greater than 0, ?GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH defines the number
              of pixels in a row. If the first pixel of a row is placed at location p in  memory,
              then the location of the first pixel of the next row is obtained by skipping

              k={n l(a/s) |(s n l)/a| s>= a s< a)

              components or indices, where n is the number of components or indices in a pixel, l
              is the number of pixels in a row (?GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH if it is  greater  than  0,
              the   width   argument  to  the  pixel  routine  otherwise),  a  is  the  value  of
              ?GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT , and s is the size, in bytes, of a single component (if a< s,
              then  it  is as if a= s). In the case of 1-bit values, the location of the next row
              is obtained by skipping

              k=8 a |(n l)/(8 a)|

              components or indices.

              The word component in this description refers to the nonindex  values  red,  green,
              blue,  alpha,  and depth. Storage format ?GL_RGB, for example, has three components
              per pixel: first red, then green, and finally blue.

              ?GL_UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT: If greater than  0,  ?GL_UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT  defines  the
              number  of pixels in an image of a three-dimensional texture volume. Where image is
              defined by all pixel sharing the same third dimension index. If the first pixel  of
              a  row  is  placed at location p in memory, then the location of the first pixel of
              the next row is obtained by skipping

              k={n l h(a/s) |(s n l h)/a| s>= a s< a)

              components or indices, where n is the number of components or indices in a pixel, l
              is  the  number  of pixels in a row (?GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH if it is greater than 0,
              the width argument to gl:texImage3D/10 otherwise), h is the number of  rows  in  an
              image  (?GL_UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT  if  it  is  greater than 0, the height argument to
              gl:texImage3D/10 otherwise), a is the value of ?GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, and s  is  the
              size, in bytes, of a single component (if a< s, then it is as if a=s).

              The  word  component  in this description refers to the nonindex values red, green,
              blue, alpha, and depth. Storage format ?GL_RGB, for example, has  three  components
              per pixel: first red, then green, and finally blue.


              These  values  are  provided  as  a  convenience to the programmer; they provide no
              functionality that cannot be duplicated  by  incrementing  the  pointer  passed  to
              gl:texImage1D/8  ,  gl:texImage2D/9  ,  gl:texSubImage1D/7  or gl:texSubImage1D/7 .
              Setting ?GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS to i is equivalent to incrementing the pointer by  i
              n  components  or  indices,  where n is the number of components or indices in each
              pixel. Setting ?GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS to j is equivalent to incrementing the  pointer
              by  j  k  components or indices, where k is the number of components or indices per
              row, as just computed in the ?GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH section.

              ?GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT: Specifies the alignment requirements for the  start  of  each
              pixel  row  in memory. The allowable values are 1 (byte-alignment), 2 (rows aligned
              to even-numbered bytes), 4 (word-alignment),  and  8  (rows  start  on  double-word

              The  following  table  gives the type, initial value, and range of valid values for
              each  storage  parameter  that  can  be  set  with   gl:pixelStore.PnameTypeInitial
              ValueValid Range
              ?GL_PACK_SWAP_BYTES boolean false true or false
              ?GL_PACK_LSB_FIRST boolean false true or false
              ?GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH integer 0 [0)
              ?GL_PACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT integer 0 [0)
              ?GL_PACK_SKIP_ROWS integer 0 [0)
              ?GL_PACK_SKIP_PIXELS integer 0 [0)
              ?GL_PACK_SKIP_IMAGES integer 0 [0)
              ?GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT integer 4 1, 2, 4, or 8
              ?GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES boolean false true or false
              ?GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST boolean false true or false
              ?GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH integer 0 [0)
              ?GL_UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT integer 0 [0)
              ?GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS integer 0 [0)
              ?GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS integer 0 [0)
              ?GL_UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES integer 0 [0)
              ?GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT integer 4 1, 2, 4, or 8

              gl:pixelStoref  can be used to set any pixel store parameter. If the parameter type
              is boolean, then if Param is 0, the parameter is false;  otherwise  it  is  set  to
              true.  If  Pname  is  a  integer  type  parameter,  Param is rounded to the nearest

              Likewise, gl:pixelStorei can also be used to set any of the pixel store parameters.
              Boolean parameters are set to false if Param is 0 and true otherwise.

              See external documentation.

       pixelStorei(Pname, Param) -> ok


                 Pname = enum()
                 Param = integer()

              See pixelStoref/2

       pixelTransferf(Pname, Param) -> ok


                 Pname = enum()
                 Param = float()

              Set pixel transfer modes

              gl:pixelTransfer  sets pixel transfer modes that affect the operation of subsequent
              gl:copyPixels/5     ,     gl:copyTexImage1D/7     ,      gl:copyTexImage2D/8      ,
              gl:copyTexSubImage1D/6   ,   gl:copyTexSubImage2D/8   ,   gl:copyTexSubImage3D/9  ,
              gl:drawPixels/5  ,  gl:readPixels/7   ,   gl:texImage1D/8   ,   gl:texImage2D/9   ,
              gl:texImage3D/10 , gl:texSubImage1D/7 , gl:texSubImage1D/7 , and gl:texSubImage1D/7
              commands. Additionally, if  the  ARB_imaging  subset  is  supported,  the  routines
              gl:colorTable/6     ,     gl:colorSubTable/6     ,    gl:convolutionFilter1D/6    ,
              gl:convolutionFilter2D/7    ,    gl:histogram/4     ,     gl:minmax/3     ,     and
              gl:separableFilter2D/8  are  also  affected.  The  algorithms that are specified by
              pixel transfer modes operate on pixels after they are read from the frame buffer  (
              gl:copyPixels/5  gl:copyTexImage1D/7 , gl:copyTexImage2D/8 , gl:copyTexSubImage1D/6
              , gl:copyTexSubImage2D/8 ,  gl:copyTexSubImage3D/9  ,  and  gl:readPixels/7  ),  or
              unpacked from client memory ( gl:drawPixels/5 , gl:texImage1D/8 , gl:texImage2D/9 ,
              gl:texImage3D/10 , gl:texSubImage1D/7 , gl:texSubImage1D/7 , and gl:texSubImage1D/7
              ).  Pixel  transfer  operations  happen  in the same order, and in the same manner,
              regardless of the command that resulted in the pixel operation. Pixel storage modes
              (see  gl:pixelStoref/2  )  control  the  unpacking of pixels being read from client
              memory and the packing of pixels being written back into client memory.

              Pixel transfer operations handle four fundamental pixel types: color, color index ,
              depth,  and  stencil.  Color  pixels  consist  of  four  floating-point values with
              unspecified mantissa and  exponent  sizes,  scaled  such  that  0  represents  zero
              intensity  and  1 represents full intensity. Color indices comprise a single fixed-
              point value, with unspecified precision to the right of  the  binary  point.  Depth
              pixels  comprise  a  single  floating-point  value,  with  unspecified mantissa and
              exponent sizes, scaled such that 0.0 represents the minimum depth buffer value, and
              1.0  represents  the maximum depth buffer value. Finally, stencil pixels comprise a
              single fixed-point value, with unspecified precision to the  right  of  the  binary

              The  pixel  transfer  operations  performed  on  the  four basic pixel types are as

              Color: Each of the four color components is multiplied  by  a  scale  factor,  then
              added  to a bias factor. That is, the red component is multiplied by ?GL_RED_SCALE,
              then added to ?GL_RED_BIAS; the green component is multiplied by ?GL_GREEN_SCALE  ,
              then  added to ?GL_GREEN_BIAS; the blue component is multiplied by ?GL_BLUE_SCALE ,
              then  added  to  ?GL_BLUE_BIAS;  and  the  alpha   component   is   multiplied   by
              ?GL_ALPHA_SCALE , then added to ?GL_ALPHA_BIAS. After all four color components are
              scaled and biased, each is clamped to the range [0 1]. All color, scale,  and  bias
              values are specified with gl:pixelTransfer.

              If  ?GL_MAP_COLOR  is  true,  each  color  component  is  scaled by the size of the
              corresponding color-to-color map, then replaced by the contents of that map indexed
              by   the   scaled   component.   That   is,   the   red   component  is  scaled  by
              ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_R_TO_R_SIZE, then replaced by the  contents  of  ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_R_TO_R
              indexed by itself. The green component is scaled by ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_G_TO_G_SIZE, then
              replaced by the contents  of  ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_G_TO_G  indexed  by  itself.  The  blue
              component  is scaled by ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_B_TO_B_SIZE, then replaced by the contents of
              ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_B_TO_B indexed by itself.  And  the  alpha  component  is  scaled  by
              ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_A_TO_A_SIZE,  then  replaced  by the contents of ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_A_TO_A
              indexed by itself. All components taken from the maps are then clamped to the range
              [0  1].  ?GL_MAP_COLOR  is  specified  with  gl:pixelTransfer.  The contents of the
              various maps are specified with gl:pixelMapfv/3 .

              If the ARB_imaging extension is supported, each of the four color components may be
              scaled  and  biased  after  transformation  by  the  color matrix. That is, the red
              component  is  multiplied  by  ?GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_RED_SCALE,   then   added   to
              ?GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_RED_BIAS   ;   the   green   component   is   multiplied   by
              the  blue  component is multiplied by ?GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_BLUE_SCALE , then added
              to ?GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_BLUE_BIAS;  and  the  alpha  component  is  multiplied  by
              After all four color components are scaled and biased, each is clamped to the range
              [0 1].

              Similarly,  if  the  ARB_imaging  extension  is  supported,  each of the four color
              components may be scaled and biased after processing  by  the  enabled  convolution
              filter. That is, the red component is multiplied by ?GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_RED_SCALE,
              then added to ?GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_RED_BIAS ; the green component is multiplied  by
              the blue component is multiplied by ?GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_BLUE_SCALE , then added to
              ?GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_BLUE_BIAS;   and   the   alpha   component  is  multiplied  by
              After all four color components are scaled and biased, each is clamped to the range
              [0 1].

              Color index: Each color index is shifted left by  ?GL_INDEX_SHIFT  bits;  any  bits
              beyond the number of fraction bits carried by the fixed-point index are filled with
              zeros. If ?GL_INDEX_SHIFT is negative, the  shift  is  to  the  right,  again  zero
              filled.   Then   ?GL_INDEX_OFFSET  is  added  to  the  index.  ?GL_INDEX_SHIFT  and
              ?GL_INDEX_OFFSET are specified with gl:pixelTransfer.

              From this point, operation  diverges  depending  on  the  required  format  of  the
              resulting  pixels.  If  the  resulting  pixels  are  to be written to a color index
              buffer, or if they are being read back to client memory in ?GL_COLOR_INDEX  format,
              the  pixels continue to be treated as indices. If ?GL_MAP_COLOR is true, each index
              is masked by 2 n-1 , where n is ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_I_SIZE,  then  replaced  by  the
              contents  of  ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_I  indexed  by  the masked value. ?GL_MAP_COLOR is
              specified with gl:pixelTransfer . The contents of the index map is  specified  with
              gl:pixelMapfv/3 .

              If  the  resulting pixels are to be written to an RGBA color buffer, or if they are
              read back to client memory in a format other than ?GL_COLOR_INDEX, the  pixels  are
              converted from indices to colors by referencing the four maps ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_R,
              ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_G , ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_B, and ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_A. Before being
              dereferenced,  the  index  is masked by 2 n-1, where n is ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_R_SIZE
              for   the   red    map,    ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_G_SIZE    for    the    green    map,
              ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_B_SIZE  for  the blue map, and ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_A_SIZE for the
              alpha map. All components taken from the maps are then clamped to the range [0  1].
              The contents of the four maps is specified with gl:pixelMapfv/3 .

              Depth: Each depth value is multiplied by ?GL_DEPTH_SCALE, added to ?GL_DEPTH_BIAS ,
              then clamped to the range [0 1].

              Stencil: Each index is shifted ?GL_INDEX_SHIFT bits just as a color index is,  then
              added  to  ?GL_INDEX_OFFSET.  If ?GL_MAP_STENCIL is true, each index is masked by 2
              n-1, where n  is  ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S_SIZE,  then  replaced  by  the  contents  of
              ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S indexed by the masked value.

              The  following  table  gives the type, initial value, and range of valid values for
              each    of    the    pixel    transfer    parameters    that    are    set     with
              gl:pixelTransfer.PnameTypeInitial ValueValid Range
              ?GL_MAP_COLOR boolean false true/false
              ?GL_MAP_STENCIL boolean false true/false
              ?GL_INDEX_SHIFT integer 0 (-)
              ?GL_INDEX_OFFSET integer 0 (-)
              ?GL_RED_SCALE float 1 (-)
              ?GL_GREEN_SCALE float 1 (-)
              ?GL_BLUE_SCALE float 1 (-)
              ?GL_ALPHA_SCALE float 1 (-)
              ?GL_DEPTH_SCALE float 1 (-)
              ?GL_RED_BIAS float 0 (-)
              ?GL_GREEN_BIAS float 0 (-)
              ?GL_BLUE_BIAS float 0 (-)
              ?GL_ALPHA_BIAS float 0 (-)
              ?GL_DEPTH_BIAS float 0 (-)
              ?GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_RED_SCALE float 1 (-)
              ?GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_GREEN_SCALE float 1 (-)
              ?GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_BLUE_SCALE float 1 (-)
              ?GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_ALPHA_SCALE float 1 (-)
              ?GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_RED_BIAS float 0 (-)
              ?GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_GREEN_BIAS float 0 (-)
              ?GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_BLUE_BIAS float 0 (-)
              ?GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_ALPHA_BIAS float 0 (-)
              ?GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_RED_SCALE float 1 (-)
              ?GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_GREEN_SCALE float 1 (-)
              ?GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_BLUE_SCALE float 1 (-)
              ?GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_ALPHA_SCALE float 1 (-)
              ?GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_RED_BIAS float 0 (-)
              ?GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_GREEN_BIAS float 0 (-)
              ?GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_BLUE_BIAS float 0 (-)
              ?GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_ALPHA_BIAS float 0 (-)

              gl:pixelTransferf can be used to set any pixel transfer parameter. If the parameter
              type is boolean, 0 implies false and any other value implies true. If Pname  is  an
              integer parameter, Param is rounded to the nearest integer.

              Likewise,  gl:pixelTransferi  can  be  used  to  set  any  of  the  pixel  transfer
              parameters. Boolean parameters are  set  to  false  if  Param  is  0  and  to  true
              otherwise.  Param  is  converted  to  floating point before being assigned to real-
              valued parameters.

              See external documentation.

       pixelTransferi(Pname, Param) -> ok


                 Pname = enum()
                 Param = integer()

              See pixelTransferf/2

       pixelMapfv(Map, Mapsize, Values) -> ok


                 Map = enum()
                 Mapsize = integer()
                 Values = binary()

              Set up pixel transfer maps

              gl:pixelMap sets  up  translation  tables,  or  maps,  used  by  gl:copyPixels/5  ,
              gl:copyTexImage1D/7    ,    gl:copyTexImage2D/8    ,    gl:copyTexSubImage1D/6    ,
              gl:copyTexSubImage2D/8 , gl:copyTexSubImage3D/9 , gl:drawPixels/5 , gl:readPixels/7
              ,  gl:texImage1D/8  ,  gl:texImage2D/9  ,  gl:texImage3D/10  , gl:texSubImage1D/7 ,
              gl:texSubImage1D/7 , and gl:texSubImage1D/7  .  Additionally,  if  the  ARB_imaging
              subset   is   supported,   the  routines  gl:colorTable/6  ,  gl:colorSubTable/6  ,
              gl:convolutionFilter1D/6 , gl:convolutionFilter2D/7 , gl:histogram/4 ,  gl:minmax/3
              ,  and  gl:separableFilter2D/8  .  Use of these maps is described completely in the
              gl:pixelTransferf/2 reference page, and partly in the reference pages for the pixel
              and texture image commands. Only the specification of the maps is described in this
              reference page.

              Map is a symbolic map name, indicating one of ten maps to  set.  Mapsize  specifies
              the  number  of  entries in the map, and Values is a pointer to an array of Mapsize
              map values.

              If a non-zero named buffer object is bound to  the  ?GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER  target
              (see  gl:bindBuffer/2  ) while a pixel transfer map is specified, Values is treated
              as a byte offset into the buffer object's data store.

              The ten maps are as follows:

              ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_I: Maps color indices to color indices.

              ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S: Maps stencil indices to stencil indices.

              ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_R: Maps color indices to red components.

              ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_G: Maps color indices to green components.

              ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_B: Maps color indices to blue components.

              ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_A: Maps color indices to alpha components.

              ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_R_TO_R: Maps red components to red components.

              ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_G_TO_G: Maps green components to green components.

              ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_B_TO_B: Maps blue components to blue components.

              ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_A_TO_A: Maps alpha components to alpha components.

              The entries in a map can be specified as single-precision  floating-point  numbers,
              unsigned  short integers, or unsigned int integers. Maps that store color component
              values (all but ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_I and ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S) retain their  values
              in  floating-point  format, with unspecified mantissa and exponent sizes. Floating-
              point values specified by gl:pixelMapfv are  converted  directly  to  the  internal
              floating-point  format  of  these  maps,  then clamped to the range [0,1]. Unsigned
              integer  values  specified  by  gl:pixelMapusv  and  gl:pixelMapuiv  are  converted
              linearly  such  that  the  largest representable integer maps to 1.0, and 0 maps to

              Maps that store  indices,  ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_I  and  ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S,  retain
              their values in fixed-point format, with an unspecified number of bits to the right
              of the binary point. Floating-point values specified by gl:pixelMapfv are converted
              directly  to the internal fixed-point format of these maps. Unsigned integer values
              specified by gl:pixelMapusv and gl:pixelMapuiv specify integer values, with all 0's
              to the right of the binary point.

              The  following  table shows the initial sizes and values for each of the maps. Maps
              that are indexed by either color or stencil indices must have Mapsize  =  2  n  for
              some  n  or  the  results  are  undefined.  The maximum allowable size for each map
              depends on the implementation and can be  determined  by  calling  gl:getBooleanv/1
              with  argument ?GL_MAX_PIXEL_MAP_TABLE . The single maximum applies to all maps; it
              is at least 32.MapLookup IndexLookup ValueInitial SizeInitial Value
              ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_I color index color index 1 0
              ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S stencil index stencil index 1 0
              ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_R color index R 1 0
              ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_G color index G 1 0
              ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_B color index B 1 0
              ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_A color index A 1 0
              ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_R_TO_R R R 1 0
              ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_G_TO_G G G 1 0
              ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_B_TO_B B B 1 0
              ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_A_TO_A A A 1 0

              See external documentation.

       pixelMapuiv(Map, Mapsize, Values) -> ok


                 Map = enum()
                 Mapsize = integer()
                 Values = binary()

              See pixelMapfv/3

       pixelMapusv(Map, Mapsize, Values) -> ok


                 Map = enum()
                 Mapsize = integer()
                 Values = binary()

              See pixelMapfv/3

       getPixelMapfv(Map, Values) -> ok


                 Map = enum()
                 Values = mem()

              Return the specified pixel map

              See the gl:pixelMapfv/3 reference page for a description of the  acceptable  values
              for the Map parameter. gl:getPixelMap returns in Data the contents of the pixel map
              specified in Map . Pixel maps are used during the execution  of  gl:readPixels/7  ,
              gl:drawPixels/5   ,   gl:copyPixels/5   ,   gl:texImage1D/8   ,  gl:texImage2D/9  ,
              gl:texImage3D/10 , gl:texSubImage1D/7 , gl:texSubImage1D/7 ,  gl:texSubImage1D/7  ,
              gl:copyTexImage1D/7    ,    gl:copyTexImage2D/8    ,    gl:copyTexSubImage1D/6    ,
              gl:copyTexSubImage2D/8 , and gl:copyTexSubImage3D/9 . to map color indices, stencil
              indices, color components, and depth components to other values.

              If a non-zero named buffer object is bound to the ?GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER target (see
              gl:bindBuffer/2 ) while a pixel map is requested, Data is treated as a byte  offset
              into the buffer object's data store.

              Unsigned  integer values, if requested, are linearly mapped from the internal fixed
              or floating-point representation such that 1.0 maps to  the  largest  representable
              integer  value,  and 0.0 maps to 0. Return unsigned integer values are undefined if
              the map value was not in the range [0,1].

              To determine the required size of Map , call gl:getBooleanv/1 with the  appropriate
              symbolic constant.

              See external documentation.

       getPixelMapuiv(Map, Values) -> ok


                 Map = enum()
                 Values = mem()

              See getPixelMapfv/2

       getPixelMapusv(Map, Values) -> ok


                 Map = enum()
                 Values = mem()

              See getPixelMapfv/2

       bitmap(Width, Height, Xorig, Yorig, Xmove, Ymove, Bitmap) -> ok


                 Width = integer()
                 Height = integer()
                 Xorig = float()
                 Yorig = float()
                 Xmove = float()
                 Ymove = float()
                 Bitmap = offset() | mem()

              Draw a bitmap

              A  bitmap  is  a binary image. When drawn, the bitmap is positioned relative to the
              current raster position, and frame buffer pixels corresponding to 1's in the bitmap
              are  written  using  the  current  raster  color  or  index.  Frame  buffer  pixels
              corresponding to 0's in the bitmap are not modified.

              gl:bitmap takes seven arguments. The first pair specifies the width and  height  of
              the  bitmap  image.  The  second  pair  specifies the location of the bitmap origin
              relative to the lower left corner of the bitmap image. The third pair of  arguments
              specifies  x  and  y  offsets  to be added to the current raster position after the
              bitmap has been drawn. The final argument is a pointer to the bitmap image itself.

              If a non-zero named buffer object is bound to  the  ?GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER  target
              (see  gl:bindBuffer/2  )  while a bitmap image is specified, Bitmap is treated as a
              byte offset into the buffer object's data store.

              The bitmap image is interpreted like image data for  the  gl:drawPixels/5  command,
              with  Width  and  Height  corresponding  to  the width and height arguments of that
              command, and with type set to ?GL_BITMAP and format set to ?GL_COLOR_INDEX .  Modes
              specified  using  gl:pixelStoref/2  affect the interpretation of bitmap image data;
              modes specified using gl:pixelTransferf/2 do not.

              If the current raster position is invalid, gl:bitmap  is  ignored.  Otherwise,  the
              lower left corner of the bitmap image is positioned at the window coordinates

              x w=|x r-x o|

              y w=|y r-y o|

              where  (x  r  y  r)  is  the  raster  position  and (x o y o) is the bitmap origin.
              Fragments are then generated for each pixel corresponding  to  a  1  (one)  in  the
              bitmap  image. These fragments are generated using the current raster z coordinate,
              color or color index, and current raster texture coordinates. They are then treated
              just  as if they had been generated by a point, line, or polygon, including texture
              mapping, fogging, and all per-fragment operations such as alpha and depth testing.

              After the bitmap has been drawn, the x and y  coordinates  of  the  current  raster
              position  are  offset by Xmove and Ymove . No change is made to the z coordinate of
              the current raster position, or to the current raster color,  texture  coordinates,
              or index.

              See external documentation.

       readPixels(X, Y, Width, Height, Format, Type, Pixels) -> ok


                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Width = integer()
                 Height = integer()
                 Format = enum()
                 Type = enum()
                 Pixels = mem()

              Read a block of pixels from the frame buffer

              gl:readPixels  returns  pixel  data  from the frame buffer, starting with the pixel
              whose lower left corner is at location ( X , Y ), into client  memory  starting  at
              location  Data . Several parameters control the processing of the pixel data before
              it is placed into client memory. These parameters are set with  gl:pixelStoref/2  .
              This  reference page describes the effects on gl:readPixels of most, but not all of
              the parameters specified by these three commands.

              If a non-zero named buffer object is bound to the ?GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER target (see
              gl:bindBuffer/2  )  while a block of pixels is requested, Data is treated as a byte
              offset into the buffer object's data store rather than a pointer to client memory.

              gl:readPixels returns values from each pixel with lower left corner  at  (x+i  y+j)
              for  0<=  i< width and 0<= j< height. This pixel is said to be the ith pixel in the
              jth row. Pixels are returned in row order from the lowest to the highest row,  left
              to right in each row.

              Format specifies the format for the returned pixel values; accepted values are:

              ?GL_STENCIL_INDEX:  Stencil  values are read from the stencil buffer. Each index is
              converted to fixed point, shifted left or right depending on the value and sign  of
              ?GL_INDEX_SHIFT  ,  and  added to ?GL_INDEX_OFFSET. If ?GL_MAP_STENCIL is ?GL_TRUE,
              indices are replaced by their mappings in the table ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S.

              ?GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT: Depth values are read from the depth buffer. Each component is
              converted  to  floating  point  such that the minimum depth value maps to 0 and the
              maximum value maps to 1. Each component  is  then  multiplied  by  ?GL_DEPTH_SCALE,
              added to ?GL_DEPTH_BIAS , and finally clamped to the range [0 1].

              ?GL_DEPTH_STENCIL:  Values  are  taken from both the depth and stencil buffers. The
              Type parameter must be ?GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8 or  ?GL_FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV







              ?GL_BGRA: Finally, the indices or components are converted to the proper format, as
              specified by Type . If Format is ?GL_STENCIL_INDEX and Type is not ?GL_FLOAT,  each
              index  is  masked  with  the  mask  value  given in the following table. If Type is
              ?GL_FLOAT, then each integer index is converted to single-precision  floating-point

              If Format is ?GL_RED, ?GL_GREEN, ?GL_BLUE, ?GL_RGB, ?GL_BGR , ?GL_RGBA, or ?GL_BGRA
              and Type is not ?GL_FLOAT, each component is multiplied by the multiplier shown  in
              the  following table. If type is ?GL_FLOAT, then each component is passed as is (or
              converted to the client's single-precision floating-point format if it is different
              from the one used by the GL).TypeIndex MaskComponent Conversion
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE 2 8-1(2 8-1) c
              ?GL_BYTE 2 7-1((2 8-1) c-1)/2
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT 2 16-1(2 16-1) c
              ?GL_SHORT 2 15-1((2 16-1) c-1)/2
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_INT 2 32-1(2 32-1) c
              ?GL_INT 2 31-1((2 32-1) c-1)/2
              ?GL_HALF_FLOAT none c
              ?GL_FLOAT none c
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_3_3_2 2 N-1(2 N-1) c
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_2_3_3_REV 2 N-1(2 N-1) c
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 2 N-1 (2 N-1) c
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5_REV 2 N-1(2 N-1) c
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 2 N-1(2 N-1) c
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV 2 N-1(2 N-1) c
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1 2 N-1(2 N-1) c
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV 2 N-1 (2 N-1) c
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8 2 N-1(2 N-1) c
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV 2 N-1(2 N-1) c
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2 2 N-1(2 N-1) c
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV 2 N-1(2 N-1) c
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8 2 N-1(2 N-1) c
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV -- Special
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV -- Special
              ?GL_FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV none c (Depth Only)

              Return  values  are  placed  in memory as follows. If Format is ?GL_STENCIL_INDEX ,
              ?GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, ?GL_RED, ?GL_GREEN, or ?GL_BLUE, a single  value  is  returned
              and  the  data  for the ith pixel in the jth row is placed in location (j) width+i.
              ?GL_RGB and ?GL_BGR return three values, ?GL_RGBA and ?GL_BGRA return  four  values
              for  each  pixel,  with  all  values  corresponding  to  a  single  pixel occupying
              contiguous space in Data . Storage parameters set by  gl:pixelStoref/2  ,  such  as
              ?GL_PACK_LSB_FIRST  and  ?GL_PACK_SWAP_BYTES,  affect  the way that data is written
              into memory. See gl:pixelStoref/2 for a description.

              See external documentation.

       drawPixels(Width, Height, Format, Type, Pixels) -> ok


                 Width = integer()
                 Height = integer()
                 Format = enum()
                 Type = enum()
                 Pixels = offset() | mem()

              Write a block of pixels to the frame buffer

              gl:drawPixels reads pixel data from memory and writes  it  into  the  frame  buffer
              relative  to  the  current  raster  position,  provided that the raster position is
              valid. Use gl:rasterPos2d/2 or gl:windowPos2d/2 to set the current raster position;
              use  gl:getBooleanv/1  with argument ?GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION_VALID to determine
              if the specified raster position  is  valid,  and  gl:getBooleanv/1  with  argument
              ?GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION to query the raster position.

              Several  parameters  define  the  encoding  of pixel data in memory and control the
              processing of the pixel data before  it  is  placed  in  the  frame  buffer.  These
              parameters  are  set  with  four commands: gl:pixelStoref/2 , gl:pixelTransferf/2 ,
              gl:pixelMapfv/3 , and gl:pixelZoom/2 . This reference page describes the effects on
              gl:drawPixels  of  many,  but  not  all,  of the parameters specified by these four

              Data is read from Data as a  sequence  of  signed  or  unsigned  bytes,  signed  or
              unsigned  shorts,  signed  or unsigned integers, or single-precision floating-point
              values, depending on Type .  When  Type  is  one  of  ?GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,  ?GL_BYTE,
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT  ,  ?GL_SHORT,  ?GL_UNSIGNED_INT,  ?GL_INT, or ?GL_FLOAT each of
              these bytes, shorts, integers, or floating-point values is interpreted as one color
              or  depth  component,  or  one  index,  depending  on  Format . When Type is one of
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_3_3_2  ,  ?GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5,   ?GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4,
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1          ,          ?GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8,         or
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2, each unsigned value is interpreted as  containing  all
              the  components for a single pixel, with the color components arranged according to
              Format    .    When    Type    is    one    of    ?GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_2_3_3_REV     ,
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5_REV,                       ?GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV,
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV       ,       ?GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV,       or
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV,  each  unsigned value is interpreted as containing
              all color components, specified by Format , for a single pixel in a reversed order.
              Indices  are always treated individually. Color components are treated as groups of
              one, two, three, or four values, again based on Format .  Both  individual  indices
              and groups of components are referred to as pixels. If Type is ?GL_BITMAP, the data
              must  be  unsigned  bytes,  and  Format   must   be   either   ?GL_COLOR_INDEX   or
              ?GL_STENCIL_INDEX.  Each  unsigned  byte is treated as eight 1-bit pixels, with bit
              ordering determined by ?GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST (see gl:pixelStoref/2 ).

              width×height pixels are read from memory, starting at location Data .  By  default,
              these  pixels are taken from adjacent memory locations, except that after all Width
              pixels are read, the read pointer is advanced to the next four-byte  boundary.  The
              four-byte   row   alignment   is   specified   by  gl:pixelStoref/2  with  argument
              ?GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT , and it can be set to one, two, four, or eight  bytes.  Other
              pixel store parameters specify different read pointer advancements, both before the
              first pixel is read and after all Width pixels are read. See  the  gl:pixelStoref/2
              reference page for details on these options.

              If  a  non-zero  named buffer object is bound to the ?GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER target
              (see gl:bindBuffer/2 ) while a block of pixels is specified, Data is treated  as  a
              byte offset into the buffer object's data store.

              The  width×height pixels that are read from memory are each operated on in the same
              way, based on the values of several parameters specified by gl:pixelTransferf/2 and
              gl:pixelMapfv/3  .  The  details  of these operations, as well as the target buffer
              into which the pixels are drawn, are specific to  the  format  of  the  pixels,  as
              specified by Format . Format can assume one of 13 symbolic values:

              ?GL_COLOR_INDEX:  Each  pixel  is a single value, a color index. It is converted to
              fixed-point format, with an unspecified number of bits to the right of  the  binary
              point,  regardless  of  the memory data type. Floating-point values convert to true
              fixed-point values. Signed and unsigned integer data is converted with all fraction
              bits set to 0. Bitmap data convert to either 0 or 1.

              Each  fixed-point  index  is then shifted left by ?GL_INDEX_SHIFT bits and added to
              ?GL_INDEX_OFFSET . If ?GL_INDEX_SHIFT is negative, the shift is to  the  right.  In
              either case, zero bits fill otherwise unspecified bit locations in the result.

              If  the  GL is in RGBA mode, the resulting index is converted to an RGBA pixel with
              the help of the ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_R, ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_G, ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_B  ,
              and  ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_A  tables.  If  the  GL  is  in  color  index  mode, and if
              ?GL_MAP_COLOR is true, the index is replaced with the value that it  references  in
              lookup  table ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_I . Whether the lookup replacement of the index is
              done or not, the integer part of the index is then ANDed with 2 b-1, where b is the
              number of bits in a color index buffer.

              The GL then converts the resulting indices or RGBA colors to fragments by attaching
              the current raster position z coordinate and texture  coordinates  to  each  pixel,
              then  assigning x and y window coordinates to the nth fragment such that x n=x r+n%

              y n=y r+|n/width|

              where (x r y r) is the current raster position.  These  pixel  fragments  are  then
              treated  just  like  the  fragments  generated  by  rasterizing  points,  lines, or
              polygons. Texture mapping, fog, and all the fragment operations are applied  before
              the fragments are written to the frame buffer.

              ?GL_STENCIL_INDEX:  Each  pixel is a single value, a stencil index. It is converted
              to fixed-point format, with an unspecified number of  bits  to  the  right  of  the
              binary  point, regardless of the memory data type. Floating-point values convert to
              true fixed-point values. Signed and unsigned integer data  is  converted  with  all
              fraction bits set to 0. Bitmap data convert to either 0 or 1.

              Each  fixed-point  index is then shifted left by ?GL_INDEX_SHIFT bits, and added to
              ?GL_INDEX_OFFSET. If ?GL_INDEX_SHIFT is negative, the shift is  to  the  right.  In
              either  case,  zero bits fill otherwise unspecified bit locations in the result. If
              ?GL_MAP_STENCIL is true, the index is replaced with the value that it references in
              lookup  table  ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S. Whether the lookup replacement of the index is
              done or not, the integer part of the index is then ANDed with 2 b-1, where b is the
              number  of  bits  in  the  stencil  buffer.  The resulting stencil indices are then
              written to the stencil buffer such that the nth index is written to location

              x n=x r+n% width

              y n=y r+|n/width|

              where (x r y r) is the current raster position. Only the pixel ownership test,  the
              scissor test, and the stencil writemask affect these write operations.

              ?GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT: Each pixel is a single-depth component. Floating-point data is
              converted directly to an internal floating-point format with unspecified precision.
              Signed  integer  data is mapped linearly to the internal floating-point format such
              that the most positive representable integer  value  maps  to  1.0,  and  the  most
              negative  representable  value  maps  to  -1.0.  Unsigned  integer  data  is mapped
              similarly: the largest integer value maps to 1.0, and 0 maps to 0.0. The  resulting
              floating-point  depth  value  is  then  multiplied  by ?GL_DEPTH_SCALE and added to
              ?GL_DEPTH_BIAS. The result is clamped to the range [0 1].

              The GL then converts the resulting depth components to fragments by  attaching  the
              current raster position color or color index and texture coordinates to each pixel,
              then assigning x and y window coordinates to the nth fragment such that

              x n=x r+n% width

              y n=y r+|n/width|

              where (x r y r) is the current raster position.  These  pixel  fragments  are  then
              treated  just  like  the  fragments  generated  by  rasterizing  points,  lines, or
              polygons. Texture mapping, fog, and all the fragment operations are applied  before
              the fragments are written to the frame buffer.


              ?GL_BGRA:  Each pixel is a four-component group: For ?GL_RGBA, the red component is
              first, followed by green, followed by blue, followed by  alpha;  for  ?GL_BGRA  the
              order  is  blue,  green,  red  and  then alpha. Floating-point values are converted
              directly to an internal floating-point format with  unspecified  precision.  Signed
              integer  values are mapped linearly to the internal floating-point format such that
              the most positive representable integer value maps to 1.0, and  the  most  negative
              representable  value  maps  to  -1.0.  (Note  that  this mapping does not convert 0
              precisely to 0.0.) Unsigned integer data is mapped similarly: The  largest  integer
              value maps to 1.0, and 0 maps to 0.0. The resulting floating-point color values are
              then multiplied by ?GL_c_SCALE and added to ?GL_c_BIAS,  where  c  is  RED,  GREEN,
              BLUE, and ALPHA for the respective color components. The results are clamped to the
              range [0 1].

              If ?GL_MAP_COLOR is true, each color component is scaled  by  the  size  of  lookup
              table  ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_c_TO_c,  then replaced by the value that it references in that
              table. c is R, G, B, or A respectively.

              The GL then converts the resulting  RGBA  colors  to  fragments  by  attaching  the
              current  raster  position  z coordinate and texture coordinates to each pixel, then
              assigning x and y window coordinates to the nth fragment such that

              x n=x r+n% width

              y n=y r+|n/width|

              where (x r y r) is the current raster position.  These  pixel  fragments  are  then
              treated  just  like  the  fragments  generated  by  rasterizing  points,  lines, or
              polygons. Texture mapping, fog, and all the fragment operations are applied  before
              the fragments are written to the frame buffer.

              ?GL_RED:  Each  pixel is a single red component. This component is converted to the
              internal floating-point format in the same way the red component of an  RGBA  pixel
              is.  It  is then converted to an RGBA pixel with green and blue set to 0, and alpha
              set to 1. After this conversion, the pixel is treated as if it had been read as  an
              RGBA pixel.

              ?GL_GREEN:  Each  pixel is a single green component. This component is converted to
              the internal floating-point format in the same way the green component of  an  RGBA
              pixel  is.  It  is  then converted to an RGBA pixel with red and blue set to 0, and
              alpha set to 1. After this conversion, the pixel is treated as if it had been  read
              as an RGBA pixel.

              ?GL_BLUE: Each pixel is a single blue component. This component is converted to the
              internal floating-point format in the same way the blue component of an RGBA  pixel
              is.  It  is  then converted to an RGBA pixel with red and green set to 0, and alpha
              set to 1. After this conversion, the pixel is treated as if it had been read as  an
              RGBA pixel.

              ?GL_ALPHA:  Each  pixel is a single alpha component. This component is converted to
              the internal floating-point format in the same way the alpha component of  an  RGBA
              pixel is. It is then converted to an RGBA pixel with red, green, and blue set to 0.
              After this conversion, the pixel is treated as if it  had  been  read  as  an  RGBA


              ?GL_BGR:  Each  pixel  is  a  three-component  group: red first, followed by green,
              followed by blue; for ?GL_BGR, the first component is blue, followed by  green  and
              then  red. Each component is converted to the internal floating-point format in the
              same way the red, green, and blue components of an RGBA pixel are. The color triple
              is converted to an RGBA pixel with alpha set to 1. After this conversion, the pixel
              is treated as if it had been read as an RGBA pixel.

              ?GL_LUMINANCE: Each pixel is  a  single  luminance  component.  This  component  is
              converted  to  the internal floating-point format in the same way the red component
              of an RGBA pixel is. It is then converted to an RGBA pixel  with  red,  green,  and
              blue  set  to  the  converted  luminance  value,  and  alpha  set  to 1. After this
              conversion, the pixel is treated as if it had been read as an RGBA pixel.

              ?GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: Each pixel is a two-component group: luminance first, followed
              by alpha. The two components are converted to the internal floating-point format in
              the same way the red component of an RGBA pixel is. They are then converted  to  an
              RGBA  pixel  with  red,  green,  and blue set to the converted luminance value, and
              alpha set to the converted alpha value. After this conversion, the pixel is treated
              as if it had been read as an RGBA pixel.

              The  following  table  summarizes  the  meaning of the valid constants for the type
              parameter:TypeCorresponding Type
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE unsigned 8-bit integer
              ?GL_BYTE signed 8-bit integer
              ?GL_BITMAP single bits in unsigned 8-bit integers
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT unsigned 16-bit integer
              ?GL_SHORT signed 16-bit integer
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_INT unsigned 32-bit integer
              ?GL_INT 32-bit integer
              ?GL_FLOAT single-precision floating-point
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_3_3_2 unsigned 8-bit integer
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE_2_3_3_REV unsigned 8-bit integer with reversed component ordering
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 unsigned 16-bit integer
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5_REV  unsigned  16-bit  integer  with  reversed   component
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 unsigned 16-bit integer
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4_REV  unsigned  16-bit  integer  with  reversed component
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1 unsigned 16-bit integer
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_1_5_5_5_REV unsigned  16-bit  integer  with  reversed  component
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8 unsigned 32-bit integer
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV   unsigned  32-bit  integer  with  reversed  component
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2 unsigned 32-bit integer
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV unsigned 32-bit  integer  with  reversed  component

              The   rasterization   described  so  far  assumes  pixel  zoom  factors  of  1.  If
              gl:pixelZoom/2 is used to change the  x  and  y  pixel  zoom  factors,  pixels  are
              converted to fragments as follows. If (x r y r) is the current raster position, and
              a given pixel is in the nth column  and  mth  row  of  the  pixel  rectangle,  then
              fragments  are generated for pixels whose centers are in the rectangle with corners

              (x r+(zoom x) n y r+(zoom y) m)

              (x r+(zoom x)(n+1) y r+(zoom y)(m+1))

              where zoom x is the value of ?GL_ZOOM_X and zoom y is the value of ?GL_ZOOM_Y .

              See external documentation.

       copyPixels(X, Y, Width, Height, Type) -> ok


                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Width = integer()
                 Height = integer()
                 Type = enum()

              Copy pixels in the frame buffer

              gl:copyPixels copies a screen-aligned rectangle of pixels from the specified  frame
              buffer  location to a region relative to the current raster position. Its operation
              is well defined only if the entire  pixel  source  region  is  within  the  exposed
              portion  of  the window. Results of copies from outside the window, or from regions
              of the window that are not exposed, are hardware dependent and undefined.

              X and Y specify the window coordinates of the lower left corner of the  rectangular
              region  to  be  copied.  Width and Height specify the dimensions of the rectangular
              region to be copied. Both Width and Height must not be negative.

              Several parameters control the processing of the  pixel  data  while  it  is  being
              copied.  These  parameters  are  set  with  three  commands:  gl:pixelTransferf/2 ,
              gl:pixelMapfv/3 , and gl:pixelZoom/2 . This reference page describes the effects on
              gl:copyPixels  of  most,  but  not  all, of the parameters specified by these three

              gl:copyPixels copies values from each pixel with the lower left-hand corner at (x+i
              y+j)  for 0<= i< width and 0<= j< height. This pixel is said to be the ith pixel in
              the jth row. Pixels are copied in row order from the lowest  to  the  highest  row,
              left to right in each row.

              Type  specifies  whether color, depth, or stencil data is to be copied. The details
              of the transfer for each data type are as follows:

              ?GL_COLOR: Indices or RGBA colors are read from the buffer currently  specified  as
              the  read  source  buffer (see gl:readBuffer/1 ). If the GL is in color index mode,
              each index that is read from this buffer is converted to a fixed-point format  with
              an  unspecified number of bits to the right of the binary point. Each index is then
              shifted  left  by  ?GL_INDEX_SHIFT  bits,  and  added   to   ?GL_INDEX_OFFSET.   If
              ?GL_INDEX_SHIFT  is  negative, the shift is to the right. In either case, zero bits
              fill otherwise unspecified bit locations in the result. If ?GL_MAP_COLOR  is  true,
              the  index  is  replaced  with  the  value  that  it  references  in  lookup  table
              ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_I. Whether the lookup replacement of the index is done  or  not,
              the  integer  part  of the index is then ANDed with 2 b-1, where b is the number of
              bits in a color index buffer.

              If the GL is in RGBA mode, the red, green, blue, and alpha components of each pixel
              that  is  read  are converted to an internal floating-point format with unspecified
              precision. The conversion maps the largest representable component  value  to  1.0,
              and  component  value  0 to 0.0. The resulting floating-point color values are then
              multiplied by ?GL_c_SCALE and added to ?GL_c_BIAS, where c is RED, GREEN, BLUE, and
              ALPHA  for  the  respective  color components. The results are clamped to the range
              [0,1]. If ?GL_MAP_COLOR is true, each color component is  scaled  by  the  size  of
              lookup  table  ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_c_TO_c , then replaced by the value that it references
              in that table. c is R, G, B, or A.

              If the ARB_imaging extension is supported, the color  values  may  be  additionally
              processed  by  color-table  lookups,  color-matrix transformations, and convolution

              The GL then converts the resulting indices or RGBA colors to fragments by attaching
              the  current  raster  position  z coordinate and texture coordinates to each pixel,
              then assigning window coordinates (x r+i y r+j), where (x r y  r)  is  the  current
              raster  position,  and  the  pixel  was  the  ith pixel in the jth row. These pixel
              fragments are then treated just like the fragments generated by rasterizing points,
              lines,  or  polygons.  Texture  mapping,  fog,  and all the fragment operations are
              applied before the fragments are written to the frame buffer.

              ?GL_DEPTH: Depth values are read from the depth buffer and converted directly to an
              internal  floating-point format with unspecified precision. The resulting floating-
              point depth value is then multiplied by ?GL_DEPTH_SCALE and added to ?GL_DEPTH_BIAS
              . The result is clamped to the range [0,1].

              The  GL  then converts the resulting depth components to fragments by attaching the
              current raster position color or color index and texture coordinates to each pixel,
              then  assigning  window  coordinates  (x r+i y r+j), where (x r y r) is the current
              raster position, and the pixel was the ith  pixel  in  the  jth  row.  These  pixel
              fragments are then treated just like the fragments generated by rasterizing points,
              lines, or polygons. Texture mapping, fog,  and  all  the  fragment  operations  are
              applied before the fragments are written to the frame buffer.

              ?GL_STENCIL:  Stencil  indices are read from the stencil buffer and converted to an
              internal fixed-point format with an unspecified number of bits to the right of  the
              binary  point. Each fixed-point index is then shifted left by ?GL_INDEX_SHIFT bits,
              and added to ?GL_INDEX_OFFSET. If ?GL_INDEX_SHIFT is negative, the shift is to  the
              right.  In  either  case, zero bits fill otherwise unspecified bit locations in the
              result. If ?GL_MAP_STENCIL is true, the index is replaced with the  value  that  it
              references  in lookup table ?GL_PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S. Whether the lookup replacement of
              the index is done or not, the integer part of the index is then ANDed with  2  b-1,
              where  b is the number of bits in the stencil buffer. The resulting stencil indices
              are then written to the stencil buffer such  that  the  index  read  from  the  ith
              location  of  the  jth row is written to location (x r+i y r+j), where (x r y r) is
              the current raster position. Only the pixel ownership test, the scissor  test,  and
              the stencil writemask affect these write operations.

              The  rasterization  described  thus  far  assumes  pixel  zoom  factors  of 1.0. If
              gl:pixelZoom/2 is used to change the  x  and  y  pixel  zoom  factors,  pixels  are
              converted to fragments as follows. If (x r y r) is the current raster position, and
              a given pixel is in the ith location in the jth row of the source pixel  rectangle,
              then  fragments  are  generated  for pixels whose centers are in the rectangle with
              corners at

              (x r+(zoom x) i y r+(zoom y) j)


              (x r+(zoom x)(i+1) y r+(zoom y)(j+1))

              where zoom x is the value of ?GL_ZOOM_X and zoom y is the value of ?GL_ZOOM_Y .

              See external documentation.

       stencilFunc(Func, Ref, Mask) -> ok


                 Func = enum()
                 Ref = integer()
                 Mask = integer()

              Set front and back function and reference value for stencil testing

              Stenciling, like depth-buffering, enables  and  disables  drawing  on  a  per-pixel
              basis.  Stencil  planes  are  first  drawn  into  using GL drawing primitives, then
              geometry and images are rendered using the stencil planes to mask out  portions  of
              the  screen.  Stenciling  is  typically  used  in multipass rendering algorithms to
              achieve special effects, such as decals, outlining, and constructive solid geometry

              The  stencil  test  conditionally  eliminates  a  pixel  based  on the outcome of a
              comparison between the reference value and the value  in  the  stencil  buffer.  To
              enable  and  disable  the  test,  call  gl:enable/1  and  gl:enable/1 with argument
              ?GL_STENCIL_TEST . To specify actions based on the outcome  of  the  stencil  test,
              call gl:stencilOp/3 or gl:stencilOpSeparate/4 .

              There  can  be  two  separate sets of Func , Ref , and Mask parameters; one affects
              back-facing polygons, and the other affects front-facing polygons as well as  other
              non-polygon  primitives. gl:stencilFunc/3 sets both front and back stencil state to
              the same values. Use gl:stencilFuncSeparate/4 to set front and back  stencil  state
              to different values.

              Func  is  a  symbolic  constant that determines the stencil comparison function. It
              accepts one of eight values, shown  in  the  following  list.  Ref  is  an  integer
              reference  value that is used in the stencil comparison. It is clamped to the range
              [0 2 n-1], where n is the number of  bitplanes  in  the  stencil  buffer.  Mask  is
              bitwise  ANDed with both the reference value and the stored stencil value, with the
              ANDed values participating in the comparison.

              If stencil  represents  the  value  stored  in  the  corresponding  stencil  buffer
              location,  the following list shows the effect of each comparison function that can
              be specified by Func . Only if the comparison succeeds is the pixel passed  through
              to  the  next  stage  in the rasterization process (see gl:stencilOp/3 ). All tests
              treat stencil values as unsigned integers in the range [0 2 n-1], where  n  is  the
              number of bitplanes in the stencil buffer.

              The following values are accepted by Func :

              ?GL_NEVER: Always fails.

              ?GL_LESS: Passes if ( Ref & Mask ) < ( stencil & Mask ).

              ?GL_LEQUAL: Passes if ( Ref & Mask ) <= ( stencil & Mask ).

              ?GL_GREATER: Passes if ( Ref & Mask ) > ( stencil & Mask ).

              ?GL_GEQUAL: Passes if ( Ref & Mask ) >= ( stencil & Mask ).

              ?GL_EQUAL: Passes if ( Ref & Mask ) = ( stencil & Mask ).

              ?GL_NOTEQUAL: Passes if ( Ref & Mask ) != ( stencil & Mask ).

              ?GL_ALWAYS: Always passes.

              See external documentation.

       stencilMask(Mask) -> ok


                 Mask = integer()

              Control the front and back writing of individual bits in the stencil planes

              gl:stencilMask  controls  the writing of individual bits in the stencil planes. The
              least significant n bits of Mask , where n is the number of  bits  in  the  stencil
              buffer,  specify  a  mask. Where a 1 appears in the mask, it's possible to write to
              the corresponding bit in the stencil buffer. Where a 0 appears,  the  corresponding
              bit is write-protected. Initially, all bits are enabled for writing.

              There  can  be  two separate Mask writemasks; one affects back-facing polygons, and
              the other affects front-facing polygons as well as  other  non-polygon  primitives.
              gl:stencilMask/1  sets  both  front and back stencil writemasks to the same values.
              Use gl:stencilMaskSeparate/2 to set front and back stencil writemasks to  different

              See external documentation.

       stencilOp(Fail, Zfail, Zpass) -> ok


                 Fail = enum()
                 Zfail = enum()
                 Zpass = enum()

              Set front and back stencil test actions

              Stenciling,  like  depth-buffering,  enables  and  disables  drawing on a per-pixel
              basis. You draw into the stencil planes using GL drawing  primitives,  then  render
              geometry  and  images, using the stencil planes to mask out portions of the screen.
              Stenciling is typically used in multipass rendering algorithms to  achieve  special
              effects, such as decals, outlining, and constructive solid geometry rendering.

              The  stencil  test  conditionally  eliminates  a  pixel  based  on the outcome of a
              comparison between the value in the stencil buffer and a reference value. To enable
              and   disable   the   test,   call   gl:enable/1   and  gl:enable/1  with  argument
              ?GL_STENCIL_TEST ; to control it, call gl:stencilFunc/3 or gl:stencilFuncSeparate/4

              There  can  be  two  separate  sets  of Sfail , Dpfail , and Dppass parameters; one
              affects back-facing polygons, and the other affects front-facing polygons  as  well
              as  other  non-polygon  primitives. gl:stencilOp/3 sets both front and back stencil
              state to the same values. Use gl:stencilOpSeparate/4 to set front and back  stencil
              state to different values.

              gl:stencilOp takes three arguments that indicate what happens to the stored stencil
              value while stenciling is enabled. If the stencil test fails, no change is made  to
              the pixel's color or depth buffers, and Sfail specifies what happens to the stencil
              buffer contents. The following eight actions are possible.

              ?GL_KEEP: Keeps the current value.

              ?GL_ZERO: Sets the stencil buffer value to 0.

              ?GL_REPLACE: Sets the stencil buffer value to ref, as specified by gl:stencilFunc/3

              ?GL_INCR:  Increments  the  current  stencil  buffer  value.  Clamps to the maximum
              representable unsigned value.

              ?GL_INCR_WRAP: Increments the current stencil buffer value.  Wraps  stencil  buffer
              value to zero when incrementing the maximum representable unsigned value.

              ?GL_DECR: Decrements the current stencil buffer value. Clamps to 0.

              ?GL_DECR_WRAP:  Decrements  the  current stencil buffer value. Wraps stencil buffer
              value to the maximum representable  unsigned  value  when  decrementing  a  stencil
              buffer value of zero.

              ?GL_INVERT: Bitwise inverts the current stencil buffer value.

              Stencil  buffer  values  are  treated  as  unsigned  integers. When incremented and
              decremented, values are clamped to 0 and 2 n-1, where n is the  value  returned  by
              querying ?GL_STENCIL_BITS .

              The  other two arguments to gl:stencilOp specify stencil buffer actions that depend
              on whether subsequent depth buffer tests succeed ( Dppass ) or fail ( Dpfail ) (see
              gl:depthFunc/1 ). The actions are specified using the same eight symbolic constants
              as Sfail . Note that Dpfail is ignored when there is no depth buffer, or  when  the
              depth  buffer  is  not  enabled.  In  these cases, Sfail and Dppass specify stencil
              action when the stencil test fails and passes, respectively.

              See external documentation.

       clearStencil(S) -> ok


                 S = integer()

              Specify the clear value for the stencil buffer

              gl:clearStencil specifies the index used by gl:clear/1 to clear the stencil buffer.
              S is masked with 2 m-1, where m is the number of bits in the stencil buffer.

              See external documentation.

       texGend(Coord, Pname, Param) -> ok


                 Coord = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Param = float()

              Control the generation of texture coordinates

              gl:texGen selects a texture-coordinate generation function or supplies coefficients
              for one of the functions. Coord names one of the (s, t, r, q ) texture coordinates;
              it  must be one of the symbols ?GL_S, ?GL_T, ?GL_R , or ?GL_Q. Pname must be one of
              three   symbolic   constants:   ?GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE   ,    ?GL_OBJECT_PLANE,    or
              ?GL_EYE_PLANE.  If  Pname is ?GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE , then Params chooses a mode, one
              of  ?GL_OBJECT_LINEAR,  ?GL_EYE_LINEAR   ,   ?GL_SPHERE_MAP,   ?GL_NORMAL_MAP,   or
              ?GL_REFLECTION_MAP.  If  Pname  is either ?GL_OBJECT_PLANE or ?GL_EYE_PLANE, Params
              contains coefficients for the corresponding texture generation function.

              If the texture generation function is ?GL_OBJECT_LINEAR, the function

              g=p 1×x o+p 2×y o+p 3×z o+p 4×w o

              is used, where g is the value computed for the coordinate named in Coord , p  1,  p
              2, p 3, and p 4 are the four values supplied in Params , and x o, y o, z o, and w o
              are the object coordinates of the vertex. This function can be used,  for  example,
              to texture-map terrain using sea level as a reference plane (defined by p 1, p 2, p
              3, and p 4). The altitude of a terrain vertex is computed by the  ?GL_OBJECT_LINEAR
              coordinate  generation  function  as its distance from sea level; that altitude can
              then be used to index the texture image to map white  snow  onto  peaks  and  green
              grass onto foothills.

              If the texture generation function is ?GL_EYE_LINEAR, the function

              g=(p 1)"×x e+(p 2)"×y e+(p 3)"×z e+(p 4)"×w e

              is used, where

              ((p 1)" (p 2)" (p 3)" (p 4)")=(p 1 p 2 p 3 p 4) M -1

              and  x  e,  y e, z e, and w e are the eye coordinates of the vertex, p 1, p 2, p 3,
              and p 4 are the values supplied in Params , and M  is  the  modelview  matrix  when
              gl:texGen  is  invoked. If M is poorly conditioned or singular, texture coordinates
              generated by the resulting function may be inaccurate or undefined.

              Note that the values in Params define a reference plane  in  eye  coordinates.  The
              modelview matrix that is applied to them may not be the same one in effect when the
              polygon vertices are transformed. This function  establishes  a  field  of  texture
              coordinates that can produce dynamic contour lines on moving objects.

              If  the  texture generation function is ?GL_SPHERE_MAP and Coord is either ?GL_S or
              ?GL_T, s and t texture coordinates are generated as follows.  Let  u  be  the  unit
              vector  pointing  from the origin to the polygon vertex (in eye coordinates). Let n
              sup prime be the current normal, after transformation to eye coordinates. Let

              f=(f x f y f z) T be the reflection vector such that

              f=u-2 n" (n") T u

              Finally, let m=2 ((f x) 2+(f y) 2+(f z+1) 2). Then the values assigned to the s and
              t texture coordinates are

              s=f x/m+1/2

              t=f y/m+1/2

              To  enable or disable a texture-coordinate generation function, call gl:enable/1 or
              gl:enable/1 with one of the symbolic texture-coordinate names (?GL_TEXTURE_GEN_S  ,
              ?GL_TEXTURE_GEN_T,  ?GL_TEXTURE_GEN_R,  or ?GL_TEXTURE_GEN_Q) as the argument. When
              enabled, the specified texture coordinate is computed according to  the  generating
              function  associated  with that coordinate. When disabled, subsequent vertices take
              the specified texture coordinate from  the  current  set  of  texture  coordinates.
              Initially,  all  texture  generation  functions  are  set to ?GL_EYE_LINEAR and are
              disabled. Both s plane equations are (1, 0, 0, 0), both t plane equations  are  (0,
              1, 0, 0), and all r and q plane equations are (0, 0, 0, 0).

              When  the  ARB_multitexture  extension  is  supported,  gl:texGen  sets the texture
              generation  parameters  for  the  currently  active  texture  unit,  selected  with
              gl:activeTexture/1 .

              See external documentation.

       texGenf(Coord, Pname, Param) -> ok


                 Coord = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Param = float()

              See texGend/3

       texGeni(Coord, Pname, Param) -> ok


                 Coord = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Param = integer()

              See texGend/3

       texGendv(Coord, Pname, Params) -> ok


                 Coord = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Params = {float()}

              See texGend/3

       texGenfv(Coord, Pname, Params) -> ok


                 Coord = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Params = {float()}

              See texGend/3

       texGeniv(Coord, Pname, Params) -> ok


                 Coord = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Params = {integer()}

              See texGend/3

       getTexGendv(Coord, Pname) -> {float(), float(), float(), float()}


                 Coord = enum()
                 Pname = enum()

              Return texture coordinate generation parameters

              gl:getTexGen  returns  in  Params  selected  parameters  of  a  texture  coordinate
              generation function that was specified using gl:texGend/3 . Coord names one of  the
              (s,  t, r, q) texture coordinates, using the symbolic constant ?GL_S, ?GL_T, ?GL_R,
              or ?GL_Q.

              Pname specifies one of three symbolic names:

              ?GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE: Params returns the single-valued texture generation function,
              a symbolic constant. The initial value is ?GL_EYE_LINEAR.

              ?GL_OBJECT_PLANE:  Params returns the four plane equation coefficients that specify
              object linear-coordinate generation. Integer values,  when  requested,  are  mapped
              directly from the internal floating-point representation.

              ?GL_EYE_PLANE: Params returns the four plane equation coefficients that specify eye
              linear-coordinate generation. Integer values, when requested, are  mapped  directly
              from  the  internal  floating-point  representation.  The returned values are those
              maintained in eye coordinates. They are not equal to  the  values  specified  using
              gl:texGend/3  ,  unless  the  modelview  matrix  was identity when gl:texGend/3 was

              See external documentation.

       getTexGenfv(Coord, Pname) -> {float(), float(), float(), float()}


                 Coord = enum()
                 Pname = enum()

              See getTexGendv/2

       getTexGeniv(Coord, Pname) -> {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}


                 Coord = enum()
                 Pname = enum()

              See getTexGendv/2

       texEnvf(Target, Pname, Param) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Param = float()


              See external documentation.

       texEnvi(Target, Pname, Param) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Param = integer()


              See external documentation.

       texEnvfv(Target, Pname, Params) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Params = {float()}

              Set texture environment parameters

              A texture environment specifies how texture values are interpreted when a  fragment
              is   textured.   When   Target   is   ?GL_TEXTURE_FILTER_CONTROL,   Pname  must  be
              ?GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS   .   When   Target   is   ?GL_TEXTURE_ENV,   Pname   can   be
              ?GL_RGB_SCALE  ,   ?GL_ALPHA_SCALE,   ?GL_SRC0_RGB,   ?GL_SRC1_RGB,   ?GL_SRC2_RGB,
              ?GL_SRC0_ALPHA , ?GL_SRC1_ALPHA, or ?GL_SRC2_ALPHA.

              If  Pname  is ?GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, then Params is (or points to) the symbolic name
              of  a  texture  function.  Six  texture  functions  may  be  specified:  ?GL_ADD  ,

              The following table shows the correspondence of filtered texture values R t, G t, B
              t, A t, L t, I t to texture source components. C s and A s are used by the  texture
              functions described below. Texture Base Internal Format C s A s
              ?GL_ALPHA (0, 0, 0) A t
              ?GL_LUMINANCE ( L t, L t, L t ) 1
              ?GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA ( L t, L t, L t ) A t
              ?GL_INTENSITY ( I t, I t, I t ) I t
              ?GL_RGB ( R t, G t, B t ) 1
              ?GL_RGBA ( R t, G t, B t ) A t

              A  texture  function  acts  on  the fragment to be textured using the texture image
              value that applies to the fragment (see gl:texParameterf/3 ) and produces  an  RGBA
              color  for  that fragment. The following table shows how the RGBA color is produced
              for each of the first five texture functions that can be chosen. C is a  triple  of
              color  values (RGB) and A is the associated alpha value. RGBA values extracted from
              a texture image are in the range  [0,1].  The  subscript  p  refers  to  the  color
              computed  from  the  previous texture stage (or the incoming fragment if processing
              texture stage 0), the subscript s to the texture source color, the subscript  c  to
              the  texture  environment  color, and the subscript v indicates a value produced by
              the texture function.  Texture  Base  Internal  Format  ?Value?GL_REPLACE  Function
              ?GL_MODULATE Function ?GL_DECAL Function ?GL_BLEND Function ?GL_ADD Function
              ?GL_ALPHA C v= C p C p undefined C p C p
               A v= A s A p A s A v=A p A s A p A s
              ?GL_LUMINANCE C v= C s C p C s undefined C p (1-C s)+C c C s C p+C s
               (or 1) A v= A p A p A p A p
              ?GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA C v= C s C p C s undefined C p (1-C s)+C c C s C p+C s
               (or 2) A v= A s A p A s A p A s A p A s
              ?GL_INTENSITY C v= C s C p C s undefined C p (1-C s)+C c C s C p+C s
               A v= A s A p A s A p (1-A s)+A c A s A p+A s
              ?GL_RGB C v= C s C p C s C s C p (1-C s)+C c C s C p+C s
               (or 3) A v= A p A p A p A p A p
              ?GL_RGBA C v= C s C p C s C p (1-A s)+C s A s C p (1-C s)+C c C s C p+C s
               (or 4) A v= A s A p A s A p A p A s A p A s

              If  Pname  is  ?GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE,  and  Params  is  ?GL_COMBINE, the form of the
              texture function depends on the values of ?GL_COMBINE_RGB and ?GL_COMBINE_ALPHA .

              The following describes how the texture  sources,  as  specified  by  ?GL_SRC0_RGB,
              ?GL_SRC1_RGB  ,  ?GL_SRC2_RGB, ?GL_SRC0_ALPHA, ?GL_SRC1_ALPHA, and ?GL_SRC2_ALPHA ,
              are combined to produce a final texture color. In the following tables,  ?GL_SRC0_c
              is  represented  by  Arg0,  ?GL_SRC1_c  is  represented  by Arg1, and ?GL_SRC2_c is
              represented by Arg2.

              ?GL_COMBINE_RGB accepts any of ?GL_REPLACE, ?GL_MODULATE, ?GL_ADD , ?GL_ADD_SIGNED,
              ?GL_INTERPOLATE,             ?GL_SUBTRACT,             ?GL_DOT3_RGB,             or
              ?GL_DOT3_RGBA.?GL_COMBINE_RGBTexture Function
              ?GL_REPLACE Arg0
              ?GL_MODULATE Arg0×Arg1
              ?GL_ADD Arg0+Arg1
              ?GL_ADD_SIGNED Arg0+Arg1-0.5
              ?GL_INTERPOLATE Arg0×Arg2+Arg1×(1- Arg2)
              ?GL_SUBTRACT Arg0-Arg1
              ?GL_DOT3_RGB   or   ?GL_DOT3_RGBA   4×((((Arg0   r)-0.5)×((Arg1    r)-0.5))+(((Arg0
              g)-0.5)×((Arg1 g)-0.5))+(((Arg0 b)-0.5)×((Arg1 b)-0.5)))

              The scalar results for ?GL_DOT3_RGB and ?GL_DOT3_RGBA are placed into each of the 3
              (RGB) or 4 (RGBA) components on output.

              Likewise, ?GL_COMBINE_ALPHA accepts  any  of  ?GL_REPLACE,  ?GL_MODULATE,  ?GL_ADD,
              ?GL_ADD_SIGNED, ?GL_INTERPOLATE, or ?GL_SUBTRACT. The following table describes how
              alpha values are combined:?GL_COMBINE_ALPHATexture Function
              ?GL_REPLACE Arg0
              ?GL_MODULATE Arg0×Arg1
              ?GL_ADD Arg0+Arg1
              ?GL_ADD_SIGNED Arg0+Arg1-0.5
              ?GL_INTERPOLATE Arg0×Arg2+Arg1×(1- Arg2)
              ?GL_SUBTRACT Arg0-Arg1

              In the following tables, the value C  s  represents  the  color  sampled  from  the
              currently bound texture, C c represents the constant texture-environment color, C f
              represents the primary color of the incoming fragment, and C p represents the color
              computed  from  the  previous  texture  stage or C f if processing texture stage 0.
              Likewise, A s, A c, A f, and A p represent the respective alpha values.

              The following table describes the values assigned to Arg0,  Arg1,  and  Arg2  based
              upon the RGB sources and operands:?GL_SRCn_RGB?GL_OPERANDn_RGBArgument Value
              ?GL_TEXTURE?GL_SRC_COLOR(C s)
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR 1-(C s)
              ?GL_SRC_ALPHA(A s)
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA 1-(A s)
              ?GL_TEXTUREn?GL_SRC_COLOR(C s)
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR 1-(C s)
              ?GL_SRC_ALPHA (A s)
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA 1-(A s)
              ?GL_CONSTANT?GL_SRC_COLOR(C c)
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR 1-(C c)
              ?GL_SRC_ALPHA(A c)
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA 1-(A c)
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR 1-(C f)
              ?GL_SRC_ALPHA(A f)
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA 1-(A f)
              ?GL_PREVIOUS?GL_SRC_COLOR (C p)
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR 1-(C p)
              ?GL_SRC_ALPHA(A p)
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA 1-(A p)

              For  ?GL_TEXTUREn sources, C s and A s represent the color and alpha, respectively,
              produced from texture stage n.

              The follow table describes the values assigned to Arg0, Arg1, and Arg2  based  upon
              the alpha sources and operands:?GL_SRCn_ALPHA?GL_OPERANDn_ALPHAArgument Value
              ?GL_TEXTURE?GL_SRC_ALPHA(A s)
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA 1-(A s)
              ?GL_TEXTUREn?GL_SRC_ALPHA(A s)
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA 1-(A s)
              ?GL_CONSTANT?GL_SRC_ALPHA(A c)
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA 1-(A c)
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA 1-(A f)
              ?GL_PREVIOUS?GL_SRC_ALPHA(A p)
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA 1-(A p)

              The  RGB  and  alpha results of the texture function are multipled by the values of
              ?GL_RGB_SCALE and ?GL_ALPHA_SCALE, respectively, and clamped to the range [0 1].

              If Pname is ?GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR, Params is a pointer to an array  that  holds  an
              RGBA  color  consisting  of  four  values. Integer color components are interpreted
              linearly such that the most positive integer maps to 1.0,  and  the  most  negative
              integer  maps  to  -1.0.  The  values  are clamped to the range [0,1] when they are
              specified. C c takes these four values.

              If Pname is ?GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS, the value  specified  is  added  to  the  texture
              level-of-detail parameter, that selects which mipmap, or mipmaps depending upon the
              selected ?GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, will be sampled.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE defaults to ?GL_MODULATE and ?GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR defaults to
              (0, 0, 0, 0).

              If  Target  is  ?GL_POINT_SPRITE  and Pname is ?GL_COORD_REPLACE, the boolean value
              specified is used to either enable  or  disable  point  sprite  texture  coordinate
              replacement. The default value is ?GL_FALSE.

              See external documentation.

       texEnviv(Target, Pname, Params) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Params = {integer()}

              See texEnvfv/3

       getTexEnvfv(Target, Pname) -> {float(), float(), float(), float()}


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()

              Return texture environment parameters

              gl:getTexEnv  returns  in  Params selected values of a texture environment that was
              specified with gl:texEnvfv/3 . Target specifies a texture environment.

              When Target is ?GL_TEXTURE_FILTER_CONTROL, Pname  must  be  ?GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS  .
              When  Target  is ?GL_POINT_SPRITE, Pname must be ?GL_COORD_REPLACE . When Target is
              ?GL_TEXTURE_ENV,  Pname  can  be  ?GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE   ,   ?GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR,
              ?GL_SRC1_RGB, ?GL_SRC2_RGB, ?GL_SRC0_ALPHA, ?GL_SRC1_ALPHA, or ?GL_SRC2_ALPHA.

              Pname names a specific texture environment parameter, as follows:

              ?GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE: Params returns the single-valued texture environment mode,  a
              symbolic constant. The initial value is ?GL_MODULATE.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR:  Params  returns  four integer or floating-point values that
              are the texture environment color. Integer values,  when  requested,  are  linearly
              mapped  from  the  internal floating-point representation such that 1.0 maps to the
              most  positive  representable  integer,  and  -1.0  maps  to  the   most   negative
              representable integer. The initial value is (0, 0, 0, 0).

              ?GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS:  Params  returns  a  single  floating-point value that is the
              texture level-of-detail bias. The initial value is 0.

              ?GL_COMBINE_RGB: Params returns a single symbolic constant value  representing  the
              current RGB combine mode. The initial value is ?GL_MODULATE.

              ?GL_COMBINE_ALPHA: Params returns a single symbolic constant value representing the
              current alpha combine mode. The initial value is ?GL_MODULATE.

              ?GL_SRC0_RGB: Params returns a single  symbolic  constant  value  representing  the
              texture combiner zero's RGB source. The initial value is ?GL_TEXTURE.

              ?GL_SRC1_RGB:  Params  returns  a  single  symbolic constant value representing the
              texture combiner one's RGB source. The initial value is ?GL_PREVIOUS.

              ?GL_SRC2_RGB: Params returns a single  symbolic  constant  value  representing  the
              texture combiner two's RGB source. The initial value is ?GL_CONSTANT.

              ?GL_SRC0_ALPHA:  Params  returns  a single symbolic constant value representing the
              texture combiner zero's alpha source. The initial value is ?GL_TEXTURE.

              ?GL_SRC1_ALPHA: Params returns a single symbolic constant  value  representing  the
              texture combiner one's alpha source. The initial value is ?GL_PREVIOUS.

              ?GL_SRC2_ALPHA:  Params  returns  a single symbolic constant value representing the
              texture combiner two's alpha source. The initial value is ?GL_CONSTANT.

              ?GL_OPERAND0_RGB: Params returns a single symbolic constant value representing  the
              texture combiner zero's RGB operand. The initial value is ?GL_SRC_COLOR.

              ?GL_OPERAND1_RGB:  Params returns a single symbolic constant value representing the
              texture combiner one's RGB operand. The initial value is ?GL_SRC_COLOR.

              ?GL_OPERAND2_RGB: Params returns a single symbolic constant value representing  the
              texture combiner two's RGB operand. The initial value is ?GL_SRC_ALPHA.

              ?GL_OPERAND0_ALPHA:  Params  returns  a single symbolic constant value representing
              the texture combiner zero's alpha operand. The initial value is ?GL_SRC_ALPHA.

              ?GL_OPERAND1_ALPHA: Params returns a single symbolic  constant  value  representing
              the texture combiner one's alpha operand. The initial value is ?GL_SRC_ALPHA.

              ?GL_OPERAND2_ALPHA:  Params  returns  a single symbolic constant value representing
              the texture combiner two's alpha operand. The initial value is ?GL_SRC_ALPHA.

              ?GL_RGB_SCALE: Params  returns  a  single  floating-point  value  representing  the
              current RGB texture combiner scaling factor. The initial value is 1.0.

              ?GL_ALPHA_SCALE:  Params  returns  a  single  floating-point value representing the
              current alpha texture combiner scaling factor. The initial value is 1.0.

              ?GL_COORD_REPLACE: Params returns a single boolean value representing  the  current
              point  sprite  texture  coordinate  replacement  enable state. The initial value is
              ?GL_FALSE .

              See external documentation.

       getTexEnviv(Target, Pname) -> {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()

              See getTexEnvfv/2

       texParameterf(Target, Pname, Param) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Param = float()

              Set texture parameters

              gl:texParameter assigns the value or values in  Params  to  the  texture  parameter
              specified  as  Pname  .  Target defines the target texture, either ?GL_TEXTURE_1D ,
              or ?GL_TEXTURE_3D. The following symbols are accepted in Pname :

              ?GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL:  Specifies  the  index  of the lowest defined mipmap level.
              This is an integer value. The initial value is 0.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR: The data in Params specifies four values that define  the
              border values that should be used for border texels. If a texel is sampled from the
              border of the texture, the values of ?GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR are interpreted as an
              RGBA  color  to  match  the  texture's internal format and substituted for the non-
              existent texel data. If the texture contains depth components, the first  component
              of ?GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR is interpreted as a depth value. The initial value is (
              0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ).

              If the values for ?GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR are specified with gl:texParameterIiv or
              gl:texParameterIuiv, the values are stored unmodified with an internal data type of
              integer. If specified with gl:texParameteriv, they are converted to floating  point
              with  the following equation: f=2 c+1 2 b-/1. If specified with gl:texParameterfv ,
              they are stored unmodified as floating-point values.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC:   Specifies   the   comparison   operator    used    when
              ?GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE  is  set to ?GL_COMPARE_REF_TO_TEXTURE. Permissible values
              are:Texture Comparison FunctionComputed result
              ?GL_LEQUAL result={1.0 0.0 r<=(D t) r>(D t))
              ?GL_GEQUAL result={1.0 0.0 r>=(D t) r<(D t))
              ?GL_LESS result={1.0 0.0 r<(D t) r>=(D t))
              ?GL_GREATER result={1.0 0.0 r>(D t) r<=(D t))
              ?GL_EQUAL result={1.0 0.0 r=(D t) r&ne; (D t))
              ?GL_NOTEQUAL result={1.0 0.0 r&ne;(D t) r=(D t))
              ?GL_ALWAYS result=1.0
              ?GL_NEVER result=0.0

              where r is the current interpolated texture  coordinate,  and  D  t  is  the  depth
              texture value sampled from the currently bound depth texture. result is assigned to
              the the red channel.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE: Specifies the texture comparison mode for currently bound
              depth textures. That is, a texture whose internal format is ?GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT_* ;
              see gl:texImage2D/9 ) Permissible values are:

              ?GL_COMPARE_REF_TO_TEXTURE: Specifies that the interpolated and clamped  r  texture
              coordinate  should  be  compared to the value in the currently bound depth texture.
              See the discussion of ?GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC for details of how the comparison is
              evaluated. The result of the comparison is assigned to the red channel.

              ?GL_NONE:  Specifies  that the red channel should be assigned the appropriate value
              from the currently bound depth texture.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS: Params specifies a fixed bias value that is to  be  added  to
              the  level-of-detail  parameter  for  the  texture  before  texture  sampling.  The
              specified  value  is  added  to  the  shader-supplied  bias  value  (if  any)   and
              subsequently  clamped  into  the  implementation-defined  range [( - bias max)(bias
              max)], where  bias  max  is  the  value  of  the  implementation  defined  constant
              ?GL_MAX_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS. The initial value is 0.0.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER:  The texture minifying function is used whenever the level-
              of-detail function used when sampling from the texture determines that the  texture
              should  be  minified.  There  are  six defined minifying functions. Two of them use
              either the nearest texture elements or  a  weighted  average  of  multiple  texture
              elements to compute the texture value. The other four use mipmaps.

              A  mipmap  is an ordered set of arrays representing the same image at progressively
              lower resolutions. If the texture has dimensions 2 n×2  m,  there  are  max(n  m)+1
              mipmaps.  The  first  mipmap is the original texture, with dimensions 2 n×2 m. Each
              subsequent mipmap has dimensions 2(k-1)×2(l-1), where 2 k×2 l are the dimensions of
              the  previous  mipmap,  until  either k=0 or l=0. At that point, subsequent mipmaps
              have dimension 1×2(l-1) or 2(k-1)×1 until the final  mipmap,  which  has  dimension
              1×1.   To   define   the   mipmaps,   call   gl:texImage1D/8  ,  gl:texImage2D/9  ,
              gl:texImage3D/10 , gl:copyTexImage1D/7 ,  or  gl:copyTexImage2D/8  with  the  level
              argument  indicating  the  order  of  the mipmaps. Level 0 is the original texture;
              level max(n m) is the final 1×1 mipmap.

              Params supplies a function for minifying the texture as one of the following:

              ?GL_NEAREST: Returns the value of the texture element that is nearest (in Manhattan
              distance) to the specified texture coordinates.

              ?GL_LINEAR:  Returns  the  weighted  average  of the four texture elements that are
              closest to the specified texture coordinates. These can include  items  wrapped  or
              repeated   from   other   parts   of   a   texture,  depending  on  the  values  of
              ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S and ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T , and on the exact mapping.

              ?GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST: Chooses the mipmap that most closely matches  the  size
              of the pixel being textured and uses the ?GL_NEAREST criterion (the texture element
              closest to the specified texture coordinates) to produce a texture value.

              ?GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST: Chooses the mipmap that most closely matches the size of
              the  pixel  being textured and uses the ?GL_LINEAR criterion (a weighted average of
              the four texture elements that are closest to the specified texture coordinates) to
              produce a texture value.

              ?GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR: Chooses the two mipmaps that most closely match the size
              of the pixel being textured and uses the ?GL_NEAREST criterion (the texture element
              closest to the specified texture coordinates ) to produce a texture value from each
              mipmap. The final texture value is a weighted average of those two values.

              ?GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR: Chooses the two mipmaps that most closely match the  size
              of  the  pixel being textured and uses the ?GL_LINEAR criterion (a weighted average
              of the texture elements that are closest to the specified texture  coordinates)  to
              produce  a  texture  value  from each mipmap. The final texture value is a weighted
              average of those two values.

              As more texture elements are sampled in the minification  process,  fewer  aliasing
              artifacts  will  be  apparent.  While  the  ?GL_NEAREST and ?GL_LINEAR minification
              functions can be faster than the other four,  they  sample  only  one  or  multiple
              texture elements to determine the texture value of the pixel being rendered and can
              produce  moire   patterns   or   ragged   transitions.   The   initial   value   of

              ?GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER:  The  texture  magnification  function is used whenever the
              level-of-detail function used when sampling from the texture  determines  that  the
              texture  should  be  magified. It sets the texture magnification function to either
              ?GL_NEAREST or  ?GL_LINEAR  (see  below).  ?GL_NEAREST  is  generally  faster  than
              ?GL_LINEAR  ,  but  it  can  produce textured images with sharper edges because the
              transition between texture  elements  is  not  as  smooth.  The  initial  value  of
              ?GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER is ?GL_LINEAR .

              ?GL_NEAREST: Returns the value of the texture element that is nearest (in Manhattan
              distance) to the specified texture coordinates.

              ?GL_LINEAR: Returns the weighted average of the texture elements that  are  closest
              to  the  specified texture coordinates. These can include items wrapped or repeated
              from other parts of a texture, depending on the values  of  ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S  and
              ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T , and on the exact mapping.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_MIN_LOD:  Sets  the  minimum  level-of-detail parameter. This floating-
              point value limits the  selection  of  highest  resolution  mipmap  (lowest  mipmap
              level). The initial value is -1000.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LOD:  Sets  the  maximum  level-of-detail parameter. This floating-
              point value limits the selection of the lowest resolution  mipmap  (highest  mipmap
              level). The initial value is 1000.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL:  Sets the index of the highest defined mipmap level. This is
              an integer value. The initial value is 1000.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R: Sets the swizzle that will be applied to the r component  of
              a  texel  before it is returned to the shader. Valid values for Param are ?GL_RED ,
              ?GL_RED, the value for r will be taken from the first channel of the fetched texel.
              If ?GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R is ?GL_GREEN , the value for r  will  be  taken  from  the
              second  channel  of  the  fetched  texel. If ?GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R is ?GL_BLUE, the
              value for r will be  taken  from  the  third  channel  of  the  fetched  texel.  If
              ?GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R  is  ?GL_ALPHA, the value for r will be taken from the fourth
              channel of the fetched texel. If ?GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R is ?GL_ZERO , the value  for
              r  will be subtituted with 0.0. If ?GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R is ?GL_ONE , the value for
              r will be subtituted with 1.0. The initial value is ?GL_RED.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_G: Sets the swizzle that will be applied to the g component  of
              a  texel  before  it  is  returned  to the shader. Valid values for Param and their
              effects are similar  to  those  of  ?GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R.  The  initial  value  is
              ?GL_GREEN .

              ?GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_B:  Sets the swizzle that will be applied to the b component of
              a texel before it is returned to the shader.  Valid  values  for  Param  and  their
              effects  are  similar  to  those  of  ?GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R.  The  initial value is
              ?GL_BLUE .

              ?GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_A: Sets the swizzle that will be applied to the a component  of
              a  texel  before  it  is  returned  to the shader. Valid values for Param and their
              effects are similar  to  those  of  ?GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R.  The  initial  value  is
              ?GL_ALPHA .

              ?GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_RGBA:  Sets  the  swizzles that will be applied to the r, g, b,
              and a components of a texel before they are returned to the  shader.  Valid  values
              for  Params and their effects are similar to those of ?GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R, except
              that  all  channels  are   specified   simultaneously.   Setting   the   value   of
              ?GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_RGBA  is  equivalent  (assuming  no  errors  are  generated) to
              setting the parameters of each of  ?GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R  ,  ?GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_G,
              ?GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_B, and ?GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_A successively.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S:  Sets  the  wrap  parameter  for texture coordinate s to either
              ?GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE  causes  s  coordinates  to be clamped to the range [(1 2/N) 1-(1
              2/N)], where  N  is  the  size  of  the  texture  in  the  direction  of  clamping.
              ?GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER    evaluates   s   coordinates   in   a   similar   manner   to
              ?GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE.  However,  in  cases  where  clamping  would  have  occurred  in
              ?GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE  mode,  the  fetched  texel  data  is substituted with the values
              specified by ?GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR. ?GL_REPEAT causes the integer part of the  s
              coordinate  to be ignored; the GL uses only the fractional part, thereby creating a
              repeating pattern. ?GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT causes the s coordinate to  be  set  to  the
              fractional  part of the texture coordinate if the integer part of s is even; if the
              integer part of s is odd, then the s texture coordinate is set to 1- frac(s), where
              frac(s)  represents  the fractional part of s. Initially, ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S is set
              to ?GL_REPEAT.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T: Sets the wrap parameter for  texture  coordinate  t  to  either
              the discussion under ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S. Initially, ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T  is  set  to

              ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R:  Sets  the  wrap  parameter  for texture coordinate r to either
              the  discussion  under  ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S. Initially, ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R is set to

              See external documentation.

       texParameteri(Target, Pname, Param) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Param = integer()

              See texParameterf/3

       texParameterfv(Target, Pname, Params) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Params = {float()}

              See texParameterf/3

       texParameteriv(Target, Pname, Params) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Params = {integer()}

              See texParameterf/3

       getTexParameterfv(Target, Pname) -> {float(), float(), float(), float()}


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()

              Return texture parameter values

              gl:getTexParameter returns in Params the value or values of the  texture  parameter
              specified   as   Pname   .  Target  defines  the  target  texture.  ?GL_TEXTURE_1D,
              one-, two-, or three-dimensional,  one-dimensional  array,  two-dimensional  array,
              rectangle,  cube-mapped or cube-mapped array texturing, respectively. Pname accepts
              the same symbols as gl:texParameterf/3 , with the same interpretations:

              ?GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER: Returns the single-valued texture magnification  filter,  a
              symbolic constant. The initial value is ?GL_LINEAR.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER:  Returns  the  single-valued texture minification filter, a
              symbolic constant. The initial value is ?GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_MIN_LOD: Returns  the  single-valued  texture  minimum  level-of-detail
              value. The initial value is -1000.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LOD:  Returns  the  single-valued  texture  maximum level-of-detail
              value. The initial value is 1000.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL: Returns the single-valued base texture  mipmap  level.  The
              initial value is 0.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL:  Returns  the  single-valued  maximum  texture  mipmap array
              level. The initial value is 1000.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R: Returns the red component  swizzle.  The  initial  value  is
              ?GL_RED .

              ?GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_G:  Returns  the  green component swizzle. The initial value is
              ?GL_GREEN .

              ?GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_B: Returns the blue component swizzle.  The  initial  value  is
              ?GL_BLUE .

              ?GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_A:  Returns  the  alpha component swizzle. The initial value is
              ?GL_ALPHA .

              ?GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_RGBA: Returns the component  swizzle  for  all  channels  in  a
              single query.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S:   Returns  the  single-valued  wrapping  function  for  texture
              coordinate s, a symbolic constant. The initial value is ?GL_REPEAT.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T:  Returns  the  single-valued  wrapping  function  for   texture
              coordinate t, a symbolic constant. The initial value is ?GL_REPEAT.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R:   Returns  the  single-valued  wrapping  function  for  texture
              coordinate r, a symbolic constant. The initial value is ?GL_REPEAT.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR: Returns  four  integer  or  floating-point  numbers  that
              comprise  the  RGBA color of the texture border. Floating-point values are returned
              in the range [0 1]. Integer values are returned as a linear mapping of the internal
              floating-point representation such that 1.0 maps to the most positive representable
              integer and -1.0 maps to the most negative representable integer. The initial value
              is (0, 0, 0, 0).

              ?GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE:  Returns  a  single-valued  texture  comparison  mode,  a
              symbolic constant. The initial value is ?GL_NONE. See gl:texParameterf/3 .

              ?GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC: Returns a single-valued texture  comparison  function,  a
              symbolic constant. The initial value is ?GL_LEQUAL. See gl:texParameterf/3 .

              In   addition  to  the  parameters  that  may  be  set  with  gl:texParameterf/3  ,
              gl:getTexParameter accepts the following read-only parameters:

              ?GL_TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_FORMAT: Returns non-zero if  the  texture  has  an  immutable
              format.   Textures   become   immutable   if   their   storage  is  specified  with
              gl:texStorage1D/4 , gl:texStorage2D/5 or gl:texStorage3D/6 . The initial  value  is
              ?GL_FALSE .

              See external documentation.

       getTexParameteriv(Target, Pname) -> {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()

              See getTexParameterfv/2

       getTexLevelParameterfv(Target, Level, Pname) -> {float()}


                 Target = enum()
                 Level = integer()
                 Pname = enum()

              Return texture parameter values for a specific level of detail

              gl:getTexLevelParameter  returns  in Params texture parameter values for a specific
              level-of-detail value, specified as Level .  Target  defines  the  target  texture,
              either   ?GL_TEXTURE_1D,  ?GL_TEXTURE_2D,  ?GL_TEXTURE_3D,  ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D  ,

              ?GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE,   and  ?GL_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE  are  not  really  descriptive
              enough. It has to report the largest square texture image that can be  accommodated
              with  mipmaps  and borders, but a long skinny texture, or a texture without mipmaps
              and borders, may easily fit in texture memory. The proxy targets allow the user  to
              more  accurately  query  whether  the  GL  can  accommodate  a  texture  of a given
              configuration. If the texture cannot be accommodated, the texture state  variables,
              which  may  be  queried with gl:getTexLevelParameter , are set to 0. If the texture
              can be accommodated, the texture state values will be set as they would be set  for
              a non-proxy target.

              Pname specifies the texture parameter whose value or values will be returned.

              The accepted parameter names are as follows:

              ?GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH:  Params  returns a single value, the width of the texture image.
              This value includes the border of the texture image. The initial value is 0.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT: Params returns a single value, the height of the texture image.
              This value includes the border of the texture image. The initial value is 0.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH:  Params  returns a single value, the depth of the texture image.
              This value includes the border of the texture image. The initial value is 0.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_INTERNAL_FORMAT: Params returns a single value, the internal format  of
              the texture image.





              ?GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH_TYPE:  The  data  type  used  to  store  the component. The types
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_INT  may  be  returned  to  indicate  signed  normalized  fixed-point,
              unsigned normalized fixed-point, floating-point, integer unnormalized, and unsigned
              integer unnormalized components, respectively.





              ?GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH_SIZE: The internal storage resolution of an individual component.
              The resolution chosen by the GL will be a close match for the resolution  requested
              by  the  user  with  the  component argument of gl:texImage1D/8 , gl:texImage2D/9 ,
              gl:texImage3D/10 , gl:copyTexImage1D/7 ,  and  gl:copyTexImage2D/8  .  The  initial
              value is 0.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED:  Params  returns  a  single boolean value indicating if the
              texture image is stored in a compressed internal  format.  The  initiali  value  is
              ?GL_FALSE .

              ?GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_IMAGE_SIZE:  Params  returns  a  single  integer  value, the
              number of unsigned bytes of the compressed texture image  that  would  be  returned
              from gl:getCompressedTexImage/3 .

              See external documentation.

       getTexLevelParameteriv(Target, Level, Pname) -> {integer()}


                 Target = enum()
                 Level = integer()
                 Pname = enum()

              See getTexLevelParameterfv/3

       texImage1D(Target, Level, InternalFormat, Width, Border, Format, Type, Pixels) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Level = integer()
                 InternalFormat = integer()
                 Width = integer()
                 Border = integer()
                 Format = enum()
                 Type = enum()
                 Pixels = offset() | mem()

              Specify a one-dimensional texture image

              Texturing maps a portion of a specified texture image onto each graphical primitive
              for which texturing is enabled. To enable and  disable  one-dimensional  texturing,
              call gl:enable/1 and gl:enable/1 with argument ?GL_TEXTURE_1D.

              Texture   images  are  defined  with  gl:texImage1D.  The  arguments  describe  the
              parameters of the texture image, such as width,  width  of  the  border,  level-of-
              detail  number  (see  gl:texParameterf/3  ), and the internal resolution and format
              used to store the image. The  last  three  arguments  describe  how  the  image  is
              represented in memory.

              If  Target  is  ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D,  no  data  is read from Data , but all of the
              texture image state is recalculated, checked for consistency, and  checked  against
              the implementation's capabilities. If the implementation cannot handle a texture of
              the requested texture size, it sets all of the image  state  to  0,  but  does  not
              generate an error (see gl:getError/0 ). To query for an entire mipmap array, use an
              image array level greater than or equal to 1.

              If Target is ?GL_TEXTURE_1D, data is read from Data as  a  sequence  of  signed  or
              unsigned  bytes,  shorts,  or  longs,  or  single-precision  floating-point values,
              depending on Type . These values are grouped into sets of one, two, three, or  four
              values,  depending on Format , to form elements. Each data byte is treated as eight
              1-bit  elements,  with  bit  ordering  determined  by   ?GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST   (see
              gl:pixelStoref/2 ).

              If  a  non-zero  named buffer object is bound to the ?GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER target
              (see gl:bindBuffer/2 ) while a texture image is specified, Data  is  treated  as  a
              byte offset into the buffer object's data store.

              The  first  element  corresponds  to  the left end of the texture array. Subsequent
              elements progress left-to-right through the remaining texels in the texture  array.
              The final element corresponds to the right end of the texture array.

              Format  determines  the  composition of each element in Data . It can assume one of
              these symbolic values:

              ?GL_RED: Each element is a single red component. The GL  converts  it  to  floating
              point  and assembles it into an RGBA element by attaching 0 for green and blue, and
              1 for alpha.  Each  component  is  then  multiplied  by  the  signed  scale  factor
              ?GL_c_SCALE, added to the signed bias ?GL_c_BIAS, and clamped to the range [0,1].

              ?GL_RG:  Each  element  is a single red/green double The GL converts it to floating
              point and assembles it into an RGBA element by attaching 0  for  blue,  and  1  for
              alpha.  Each  component  is then multiplied by the signed scale factor ?GL_c_SCALE,
              added to the signed bias ?GL_c_BIAS, and clamped to the range [0,1].


              ?GL_BGR: Each element is an RGB triple. The GL converts it to  floating  point  and
              assembles  it into an RGBA element by attaching 1 for alpha. Each component is then
              multiplied by the signed  scale  factor  ?GL_c_SCALE,  added  to  the  signed  bias
              ?GL_c_BIAS, and clamped to the range [0,1].


              ?GL_BGRA:  Each  element contains all four components. Each component is multiplied
              by the signed scale factor ?GL_c_SCALE, added to the signed  bias  ?GL_c_BIAS,  and
              clamped to the range [0,1].

              ?GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT:  Each  element  is a single depth value. The GL converts it to
              floating point, multiplies by the signed scale  factor  ?GL_DEPTH_SCALE,  adds  the
              signed bias ?GL_DEPTH_BIAS, and clamps to the range [0,1].

              If  an  application  wants  to  store  the  texture at a certain resolution or in a
              certain format, it can request the resolution and format with InternalFormat .  The
              GL  will choose an internal representation that closely approximates that requested
              by InternalFormat , but it may not match exactly. (The representations specified by
              ?GL_RED, ?GL_RG , ?GL_RGB and ?GL_RGBA must match exactly.)

              InternalFormat may be one of the base internal formats shown in Table 1, below

              InternalFormat  may  also  be  one  of the sized internal formats shown in Table 2,

              Finally, InternalFormat may also be one of the  generic  or  compressed  compressed
              texture formats shown in Table 3 below

              If  the  InternalFormat  parameter  is  one  of  the  generic  compressed  formats,
              the  GL  will replace the internal format with the symbolic constant for a specific
              internal format and compress  the  texture  before  storage.  If  no  corresponding
              internal format is available, or the GL can not compress that image for any reason,
              the internal format is instead replaced with a corresponding base internal format.

              If  the  InternalFormat  parameter  is  ?GL_SRGB,  ?GL_SRGB8,   ?GL_SRGB_ALPHA   or
              ?GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8,  the  texture is treated as if the red, green, or blue components
              are encoded in the sRGB color space. Any alpha component  is  left  unchanged.  The
              conversion from the sRGB encoded component c s to a linear component c l is:

              c l={ c s/12.92if c s&le; 0.04045( c s+0.055/1.055) 2.4if c s> 0.04045

              Assume c s is the sRGB component in the range [0,1].

              Use  the  ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D  target  to  try  out  a  resolution and format. The
              implementation will update and recompute its best match for the  requested  storage
              resolution and format. To then query this state, call gl:getTexLevelParameterfv/3 .
              If the texture cannot be accommodated, texture state is set to 0.

              A one-component texture image uses only the red component of the  RGBA  color  from
              Data  . A two-component image uses the R and A values. A three-component image uses
              the R, G, and B values. A four-component image uses all of the RGBA components.

              Image-based shadowing can be enabled by comparing texture r  coordinates  to  depth
              texture  values to generate a boolean result. See gl:texParameterf/3 for details on
              texture comparison.

              See external documentation.

       texImage2D(Target, Level, InternalFormat, Width, Height, Border, Format, Type, Pixels)  ->


                 Target = enum()
                 Level = integer()
                 InternalFormat = integer()
                 Width = integer()
                 Height = integer()
                 Border = integer()
                 Format = enum()
                 Type = enum()
                 Pixels = offset() | mem()

              Specify a two-dimensional texture image

              Texturing allows elements of an image array to be read by shaders.

              To define texture images, call gl:texImage2D. The arguments describe the parameters
              of the texture image, such as height, width, width of the  border,  level-of-detail
              number (see gl:texParameterf/3 ), and number of color components provided. The last
              three arguments describe how the image is represented in memory.

              If      Target      is      ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D,       ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY,
              ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP  ,  or ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, no data is read from
              Data , but all of the texture image state is recalculated, checked for consistency,
              and checked against the implementation's capabilities. If the implementation cannot
              handle a texture of the requested texture size, it sets all of the image  state  to
              0,  but  does  not  generate  an error (see gl:getError/0 ). To query for an entire
              mipmap array, use an image array level greater than or equal to 1.

              If   Target   is   ?GL_TEXTURE_2D,   ?GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE   or    one    of    the
              ?GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP  targets,  data  is  read from Data as a sequence of signed or
              unsigned bytes,  shorts,  or  longs,  or  single-precision  floating-point  values,
              depending  on Type . These values are grouped into sets of one, two, three, or four
              values, depending on Format , to form elements. Each data byte is treated as  eight
              1-bit   elements,   with  bit  ordering  determined  by  ?GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST  (see
              gl:pixelStoref/2 ).

              If Target is  ?GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY,  data  is  interpreted  as  an  array  of  one-
              dimensional images.

              If  a  non-zero  named buffer object is bound to the ?GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER target
              (see gl:bindBuffer/2 ) while a texture image is specified, Data  is  treated  as  a
              byte offset into the buffer object's data store.

              The  first  element  corresponds  to  the  lower  left corner of the texture image.
              Subsequent elements progress left-to-right through  the  remaining  texels  in  the
              lowest  row  of  the  texture  image,  and  then in successively higher rows of the
              texture image. The final element corresponds to  the  upper  right  corner  of  the
              texture image.

              Format  determines  the  composition of each element in Data . It can assume one of
              these symbolic values:

              ?GL_RED: Each element is a single red component. The GL  converts  it  to  floating
              point  and assembles it into an RGBA element by attaching 0 for green and blue, and
              1 for alpha.  Each  component  is  then  multiplied  by  the  signed  scale  factor
              ?GL_c_SCALE, added to the signed bias ?GL_c_BIAS, and clamped to the range [0,1].

              ?GL_RG:  Each  element  is a red/green double. The GL converts it to floating point
              and assembles it into an RGBA element by attaching 0 for blue,  and  1  for  alpha.
              Each  component is then multiplied by the signed scale factor ?GL_c_SCALE, added to
              the signed bias ?GL_c_BIAS, and clamped to the range [0,1].


              ?GL_BGR: Each element is an RGB triple. The GL converts it to  floating  point  and
              assembles  it into an RGBA element by attaching 1 for alpha. Each component is then
              multiplied by the signed  scale  factor  ?GL_c_SCALE,  added  to  the  signed  bias
              ?GL_c_BIAS, and clamped to the range [0,1].


              ?GL_BGRA:  Each  element contains all four components. Each component is multiplied
              by the signed scale factor ?GL_c_SCALE, added to the signed  bias  ?GL_c_BIAS,  and
              clamped to the range [0,1].

              ?GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT:  Each  element  is a single depth value. The GL converts it to
              floating point, multiplies by the signed scale  factor  ?GL_DEPTH_SCALE,  adds  the
              signed bias ?GL_DEPTH_BIAS, and clamps to the range [0,1].

              ?GL_DEPTH_STENCIL:  Each  element  is a pair of depth and stencil values. The depth
              component of the  pair  is  interpreted  as  in  ?GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT.  The  stencil
              component is interpreted based on specified the depth + stencil internal format.

              If  an  application  wants  to  store  the  texture at a certain resolution or in a
              certain format, it can request the resolution and format with InternalFormat .  The
              GL  will choose an internal representation that closely approximates that requested
              by InternalFormat , but it may not match exactly. (The representations specified by
              ?GL_RED, ?GL_RG , ?GL_RGB, and ?GL_RGBA must match exactly.)

              InternalFormat may be one of the base internal formats shown in Table 1, below

              InternalFormat  may  also  be  one  of the sized internal formats shown in Table 2,

              Finally, InternalFormat may also be one of the  generic  or  compressed  compressed
              texture formats shown in Table 3 below

              If  the  InternalFormat  parameter  is  one  of  the  generic  compressed  formats,
              the  GL  will replace the internal format with the symbolic constant for a specific
              internal format and compress  the  texture  before  storage.  If  no  corresponding
              internal format is available, or the GL can not compress that image for any reason,
              the internal format is instead replaced with a corresponding base internal format.

              If the  InternalFormat  parameter  is  ?GL_SRGB,  ?GL_SRGB8,  ?GL_SRGB_ALPHA  ,  or
              ?GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8,  the  texture is treated as if the red, green, or blue components
              are encoded in the sRGB color space. Any alpha component  is  left  unchanged.  The
              conversion from the sRGB encoded component c s to a linear component c l is:

              c l={ c s/12.92if c s&le; 0.04045( c s+0.055/1.055) 2.4if c s> 0.04045

              Assume c s is the sRGB component in the range [0,1].

              Use          the          ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D,         ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY,
              ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE , or ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP target  to  try  out  a
              resolution  and format. The implementation will update and recompute its best match
              for the requested storage resolution and format. To then  query  this  state,  call
              gl:getTexLevelParameterfv/3  . If the texture cannot be accommodated, texture state
              is set to 0.

              A one-component texture image uses  only  the  red  component  of  the  RGBA  color
              extracted  from  Data  .  A  two-component  image uses the R and G values. A three-
              component image uses the R, G, and B values. A four-component image uses all of the
              RGBA components.

              Image-based  shadowing  can  be enabled by comparing texture r coordinates to depth
              texture values to generate a boolean result. See gl:texParameterf/3 for details  on
              texture comparison.

              See external documentation.

       getTexImage(Target, Level, Format, Type, Pixels) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Level = integer()
                 Format = enum()
                 Type = enum()
                 Pixels = mem()

              Return a texture image

              gl:getTexImage  returns  a  texture  image  into Img . Target specifies whether the
              desired texture image  is  one  specified  by  gl:texImage1D/8  (?GL_TEXTURE_1D  ),
              gl:texImage2D/9 (?GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY, ?GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, ?GL_TEXTURE_2D or any
              of   ?GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_*),   or   gl:texImage3D/10    (?GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY    ,
              ?GL_TEXTURE_3D).  Level  specifies the level-of-detail number of the desired image.
              Format and Type specify the format and type of the desired  image  array.  See  the
              reference  page  for gl:texImage1D/8 for a description of the acceptable values for
              the Format and Type parameters, respectively.

              If a non-zero named buffer object is bound to the ?GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER target (see
              gl:bindBuffer/2  )  while  a  texture  image is requested, Img is treated as a byte
              offset into the buffer object's data store.

              To understand the operation of gl:getTexImage, consider the selected internal four-
              component  texture  image  to  be  an  RGBA color buffer the size of the image. The
              semantics of gl:getTexImage are then identical to those of gl:readPixels/7  ,  with
              the exception that no pixel transfer operations are performed, when called with the
              same Format and Type , with x and y set to 0, width set to the width of the texture
              image  and height set to 1 for 1D images, or to the height of the texture image for
              2D images.

              If the selected texture image does  not  contain  four  components,  the  following
              mappings  are  applied.  Single-component textures are treated as RGBA buffers with
              red set to the single-component value, green set to 0, blue set to 0, and alpha set
              to  1. Two-component textures are treated as RGBA buffers with red set to the value
              of component zero, alpha set to the value of component one, and green and blue  set
              to 0. Finally, three-component textures are treated as RGBA buffers with red set to
              component zero, green set to component one, blue set to component  two,  and  alpha
              set to 1.

              To  determine  the  required  size  of  Img  ,  use  gl:getTexLevelParameterfv/3 to
              determine the dimensions of the internal texture image,  then  scale  the  required
              number of pixels by the storage required for each pixel, based on Format and Type .
              Be  sure  to  take  the  pixel  storage   parameters   into   account,   especially
              ?GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT .

              See external documentation.

       genTextures(N) -> [integer()]


                 N = integer()

              Generate texture names

              gl:genTextures returns N texture names in Textures . There is no guarantee that the
              names form a contiguous set of integers; however, it is guaranteed that none of the
              returned names was in use immediately before the call to gl:genTextures.

              The  generated  textures  have no dimensionality; they assume the dimensionality of
              the texture target to which they are first bound (see gl:bindTexture/2 ).

              Texture names returned by a call to gl:genTextures are not returned  by  subsequent
              calls, unless they are first deleted with gl:deleteTextures/1 .

              See external documentation.

       deleteTextures(Textures) -> ok


                 Textures = [integer()]

              Delete named textures

              gl:deleteTextures  deletes N textures named by the elements of the array Textures .
              After a texture is deleted, it has no contents or dimensionality, and its  name  is
              free  for  reuse (for example by gl:genTextures/1 ). If a texture that is currently
              bound is deleted, the binding reverts to 0 (the default texture).

              gl:deleteTextures silently ignores 0's and names that do not correspond to existing

              See external documentation.

       bindTexture(Target, Texture) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Texture = integer()

              Bind a named texture to a texturing target

              gl:bindTexture  lets you create or use a named texture. Calling gl:bindTexture with
              Target   set   to   ?GL_TEXTURE_1D,    ?GL_TEXTURE_2D,    ?GL_TEXTURE_3D    ,    or
              ?GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY,       ?GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY,      ?GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE      ,
              ?GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP,                 ?GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE                 or
              ?GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY  and  Texture  set  to the name of the new texture
              binds the texture name to the target. When a texture is  bound  to  a  target,  the
              previous binding for that target is automatically broken.

              Texture  names  are  unsigned integers. The value zero is reserved to represent the
              default texture for each  texture  target.  Texture  names  and  the  corresponding
              texture  contents  are local to the shared object space of the current GL rendering
              context; two rendering contexts share texture names only if they explicitly  enable
              sharing between contexts through the appropriate GL windows interfaces functions.

              You must use gl:genTextures/1 to generate a set of new texture names.

              When  a  texture  is  first bound, it assumes the specified target: A texture first
              bound to ?GL_TEXTURE_1D becomes one-dimensional texture, a texture first  bound  to
              ?GL_TEXTURE_2D   becomes   two-dimensional   texture,  a  texture  first  bound  to
              ?GL_TEXTURE_3D  becomes  three-dimensional  texture,  a  texture  first  bound   to
              ?GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY  becomes  one-dimensional array texture, a texture first bound
              to ?GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY becomes two-dimensional  arary  texture,  a  texture  first
              bound to ?GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE becomes rectangle texture, a, texture first bound to
              ?GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP becomes a  cube-mapped  texture,  a  texture  first  bound  to
              ?GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE  becomes  a  two-dimensional multisampled texture, and a
              texture first bound to ?GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY becomes  a  two-dimensional
              multisampled  array  texture.  The  state  of a one-dimensional texture immediately
              after it is first bound is equivalent to the state of the default ?GL_TEXTURE_1D at
              GL initialization, and similarly for the other texture types.

              While  a  texture is bound, GL operations on the target to which it is bound affect
              the bound texture, and queries of the target to which it is bound return state from
              the  bound  texture. In effect, the texture targets become aliases for the textures
              currently bound to them, and the texture name zero refers to the  default  textures
              that were bound to them at initialization.

              A  texture  binding  created  with  gl:bindTexture remains active until a different
              texture is bound to the same target, or until the bound  texture  is  deleted  with
              gl:deleteTextures/1 .

              Once  created, a named texture may be re-bound to its same original target as often
              as needed. It is usually much faster to use  gl:bindTexture  to  bind  an  existing
              named  texture to one of the texture targets than it is to reload the texture image
              using gl:texImage1D/8 ,  gl:texImage2D/9  ,  gl:texImage3D/10  or  another  similar

              See external documentation.

       prioritizeTextures(Textures, Priorities) -> ok


                 Textures = [integer()]
                 Priorities = [clamp()]

              Set texture residence priority

              gl:prioritizeTextures assigns the N texture priorities given in Priorities to the N
              textures named in Textures .

              The GL establishes a working set of textures that are resident in  texture  memory.
              These textures may be bound to a texture target much more efficiently than textures
              that  are  not   resident.   By   specifying   a   priority   for   each   texture,
              gl:prioritizeTextures  allows  applications  to  guide  the  GL  implementation  in
              determining which textures should be resident.

              The priorities given in Priorities are clamped to the range [0 1] before  they  are
              assigned.  0  indicates  the  lowest  priority;  textures with priority 0 are least
              likely to be resident. 1 indicates the highest priority; textures with  priority  1
              are most likely to be resident. However, textures are not guaranteed to be resident
              until they are used.

              gl:prioritizeTextures silently ignores attempts to  prioritize  texture  0  or  any
              texture name that does not correspond to an existing texture.

              gl:prioritizeTextures  does  not require that any of the textures named by Textures
              be bound to a texture  target.  gl:texParameterf/3  may  also  be  used  to  set  a
              texture's  priority,  but  only if the texture is currently bound. This is the only
              way to set the priority of a default texture.

              See external documentation.

       areTexturesResident(Textures) -> {0 | 1, Residences::[0 | 1]}


                 Textures = [integer()]

              Determine if textures are loaded in texture memory

              GL establishes a working set of textures that are resident in texture memory. These
              textures  can be bound to a texture target much more efficiently than textures that
              are not resident.

              gl:areTexturesResident queries the texture residence status of the N textures named
              by   the   elements  of  Textures  .  If  all  the  named  textures  are  resident,
              gl:areTexturesResident  returns  ?GL_TRUE,  and  the  contents  of  Residences  are
              undisturbed.  If  not  all  the named textures are resident, gl:areTexturesResident
              returns ?GL_FALSE, and detailed status is returned in the N elements of  Residences
              .  If  an  element  of  Residences  is  ?GL_TRUE,  then  the  texture  named by the
              corresponding element of Textures is resident.

              The residence status of a single bound texture  may  also  be  queried  by  calling
              gl:getTexParameterfv/2  with  the  target  argument  set to the target to which the
              texture is bound, and the pname argument set to ?GL_TEXTURE_RESIDENT. This  is  the
              only way that the residence status of a default texture can be queried.

              See external documentation.

       isTexture(Texture) -> 0 | 1


                 Texture = integer()

              Determine if a name corresponds to a texture

              gl:isTexture  returns  ?GL_TRUE  if  Texture is currently the name of a texture. If
              Texture is zero, or is a non-zero value  that  is  not  currently  the  name  of  a
              texture, or if an error occurs, gl:isTexture returns ?GL_FALSE.

              A  name  returned  by  gl:genTextures/1  , but not yet associated with a texture by
              calling gl:bindTexture/2 , is not the name of a texture.

              See external documentation.

       texSubImage1D(Target, Level, Xoffset, Width, Format, Type, Pixels) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Level = integer()
                 Xoffset = integer()
                 Width = integer()
                 Format = enum()
                 Type = enum()
                 Pixels = offset() | mem()


              See external documentation.

       texSubImage2D(Target, Level, Xoffset, Yoffset, Width, Height, Format, Type, Pixels) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Level = integer()
                 Xoffset = integer()
                 Yoffset = integer()
                 Width = integer()
                 Height = integer()
                 Format = enum()
                 Type = enum()
                 Pixels = offset() | mem()


              See external documentation.

       copyTexImage1D(Target, Level, Internalformat, X, Y, Width, Border) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Level = integer()
                 Internalformat = enum()
                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Width = integer()
                 Border = integer()

              Copy pixels into a 1D texture image

              gl:copyTexImage1D defines a one-dimensional texture  image  with  pixels  from  the
              current ?GL_READ_BUFFER.

              The  screen-aligned  pixel  row  with  left  corner  at  (x y) and with a length of
              width+2(border) defines the texture array at the mipmap level specified by Level  .
              Internalformat specifies the internal format of the texture array.

              The  pixels in the row are processed exactly as if gl:readPixels/7 had been called,
              but the process stops just  before  final  conversion.  At  this  point  all  pixel
              component values are clamped to the range [0 1] and then converted to the texture's
              internal format for storage in the texel array.

              Pixel ordering is such that lower x screen coordinates correspond to lower  texture

              If  any  of  the pixels within the specified row of the current ?GL_READ_BUFFER are
              outside the window associated with the current rendering context, then  the  values
              obtained for those pixels are undefined.

              gl:copyTexImage1D  defines  a  one-dimensional  texture  image with pixels from the
              current ?GL_READ_BUFFER.

              When Internalformat is one of the sRGB types, the GL does not automatically convert
              the  source  pixels to the sRGB color space. In this case, the gl:pixelMap function
              can be used to accomplish the conversion.

              See external documentation.

       copyTexImage2D(Target, Level, Internalformat, X, Y, Width, Height, Border) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Level = integer()
                 Internalformat = enum()
                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Width = integer()
                 Height = integer()
                 Border = integer()

              Copy pixels into a 2D texture image

              gl:copyTexImage2D defines a two-dimensional  texture  image,  or  cube-map  texture
              image with pixels from the current ?GL_READ_BUFFER.

              The  screen-aligned  pixel rectangle with lower left corner at ( X , Y ) and with a
              width of width+2(border) and a height of height+2(border) defines the texture array
              at  the  mipmap  level  specified  by Level . Internalformat specifies the internal
              format of the texture array.

              The pixels in the rectangle are processed exactly as if  gl:readPixels/7  had  been
              called, but the process stops just before final conversion. At this point all pixel
              component values are clamped to the range [0 1] and then converted to the texture's
              internal format for storage in the texel array.

              Pixel  ordering is such that lower x and y screen coordinates correspond to lower s
              and t texture coordinates.

              If any of the pixels within the specified rectangle of the current  ?GL_READ_BUFFER
              are  outside  the  window  associated  with the current rendering context, then the
              values obtained for those pixels are undefined.

              When Internalformat is one of the sRGB types, the GL does not automatically convert
              the  source  pixels to the sRGB color space. In this case, the gl:pixelMap function
              can be used to accomplish the conversion.

              See external documentation.

       copyTexSubImage1D(Target, Level, Xoffset, X, Y, Width) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Level = integer()
                 Xoffset = integer()
                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Width = integer()

              Copy a one-dimensional texture subimage

              gl:copyTexSubImage1D replaces a portion of a  one-dimensional  texture  image  with
              pixels  from  the  current ?GL_READ_BUFFER (rather than from main memory, as is the
              case for gl:texSubImage1D/7 ).

              The screen-aligned pixel row with left corner at ( X , Y ), and with  length  Width
              replaces  the  portion  of the texture array with x indices Xoffset through xoffset
              +width-1, inclusive. The destination in the  texture  array  may  not  include  any
              texels outside the texture array as it was originally specified.

              The  pixels in the row are processed exactly as if gl:readPixels/7 had been called,
              but the process stops just before  final  conversion.  At  this  point,  all  pixel
              component values are clamped to the range [0 1] and then converted to the texture's
              internal format for storage in the texel array.

              It is  not  an  error  to  specify  a  subtexture  with  zero  width,  but  such  a
              specification  has  no effect. If any of the pixels within the specified row of the
              current ?GL_READ_BUFFER are outside the read window  associated  with  the  current
              rendering context, then the values obtained for those pixels are undefined.

              No  change  is  made  to  the  internalformat,  width,  or border parameters of the
              specified texture array or to texel values outside the specified subregion.

              See external documentation.

       copyTexSubImage2D(Target, Level, Xoffset, Yoffset, X, Y, Width, Height) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Level = integer()
                 Xoffset = integer()
                 Yoffset = integer()
                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Width = integer()
                 Height = integer()

              Copy a two-dimensional texture subimage

              gl:copyTexSubImage2D replaces a rectangular portion of  a  two-dimensional  texture
              image  or  cube-map  texture  image  with  pixels  from the current ?GL_READ_BUFFER
              (rather than from main memory, as is the case for gl:texSubImage1D/7 ).

              The screen-aligned pixel rectangle with lower left corner at (x y) and  with  width
              Width  and  height  Height replaces the portion of the texture array with x indices
              Xoffset  through  xoffset+width-1,  inclusive,  and  y  indices   Yoffset   through
              yoffset+height -1, inclusive, at the mipmap level specified by Level .

              The  pixels  in  the rectangle are processed exactly as if gl:readPixels/7 had been
              called, but the process stops just before final  conversion.  At  this  point,  all
              pixel  component  values  are  clamped to the range [0 1] and then converted to the
              texture's internal format for storage in the texel array.

              The destination rectangle in the texture array may not include any  texels  outside
              the  texture  array as it was originally specified. It is not an error to specify a
              subtexture with zero width or height, but such a specification has no effect.

              If any of the pixels within the specified rectangle of the current  ?GL_READ_BUFFER
              are outside the read window associated with the current rendering context, then the
              values obtained for those pixels are undefined.

              No change is made to the internalformat, width, height, or border parameters of the
              specified texture array or to texel values outside the specified subregion.

              See external documentation.

       map1d(Target, U1, U2, Stride, Order, Points) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 U1 = float()
                 U2 = float()
                 Stride = integer()
                 Order = integer()
                 Points = binary()


              See external documentation.

       map1f(Target, U1, U2, Stride, Order, Points) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 U1 = float()
                 U2 = float()
                 Stride = integer()
                 Order = integer()
                 Points = binary()


              See external documentation.

       map2d(Target, U1, U2, Ustride, Uorder, V1, V2, Vstride, Vorder, Points) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 U1 = float()
                 U2 = float()
                 Ustride = integer()
                 Uorder = integer()
                 V1 = float()
                 V2 = float()
                 Vstride = integer()
                 Vorder = integer()
                 Points = binary()


              See external documentation.

       map2f(Target, U1, U2, Ustride, Uorder, V1, V2, Vstride, Vorder, Points) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 U1 = float()
                 U2 = float()
                 Ustride = integer()
                 Uorder = integer()
                 V1 = float()
                 V2 = float()
                 Vstride = integer()
                 Vorder = integer()
                 Points = binary()


              See external documentation.

       getMapdv(Target, Query, V) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Query = enum()
                 V = mem()

              Return evaluator parameters

              gl:map1d/6   and   gl:map1d/6   define   evaluators.  gl:getMap  returns  evaluator
              parameters. Target chooses a map, Query selects a specific parameter, and V  points
              to storage where the values will be returned.

              The  acceptable values for the Target parameter are described in the gl:map1d/6 and
              gl:map1d/6 reference pages.

              Query can assume the following values:

              ?GL_COEFF: V returns the control points for the evaluator function. One-dimensional
              evaluators  return  order  control  points,  and  two-dimensional evaluators return
              uorder×vorder control points. Each control point consists of one,  two,  three,  or
              four  integer,  single-precision floating-point, or double-precision floating-point
              values, depending on the type of the  evaluator.  The  GL  returns  two-dimensional
              control  points  in  row-major order, incrementing the uorder index quickly and the
              vorder index after each row.  Integer  values,  when  requested,  are  computed  by
              rounding the internal floating-point values to the nearest integer values.

              ?GL_ORDER:   V  returns  the  order  of  the  evaluator  function.  One-dimensional
              evaluators return a single value, order. The initial value  is  1.  Two-dimensional
              evaluators return two values, uorder and vorder. The initial value is 1,1.

              ?GL_DOMAIN:  V  returns  the  linear  u  and  v mapping parameters. One-dimensional
              evaluators return two values,  u1  and  u2,  as  specified  by  gl:map1d/6  .  Two-
              dimensional  evaluators  return  four  values ( u1, u2, v1, and v2) as specified by
              gl:map1d/6 . Integer values, when requested, are computed by rounding the  internal
              floating-point values to the nearest integer values.

              See external documentation.

       getMapfv(Target, Query, V) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Query = enum()
                 V = mem()

              See getMapdv/3

       getMapiv(Target, Query, V) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Query = enum()
                 V = mem()

              See getMapdv/3

       evalCoord1d(U) -> ok


                 U = float()

              Evaluate enabled one- and two-dimensional maps

              gl:evalCoord1  evaluates enabled one-dimensional maps at argument U . gl:evalCoord2
              does the same for two-dimensional maps using two domain values, U and V . To define
              a  map, call gl:map1d/6 and gl:map1d/6 ; to enable and disable it, call gl:enable/1
              and gl:enable/1 .

              When one of the gl:evalCoord commands is issued, all currently enabled maps of  the
              indicated  dimension  are  evaluated.  Then,  for each enabled map, it is as if the
              corresponding GL command had been issued with  the  computed  value.  That  is,  if
              ?GL_MAP1_INDEX or ?GL_MAP2_INDEX is enabled, a gl:indexd/1 command is simulated. If
              ?GL_MAP1_COLOR_4  or  ?GL_MAP2_COLOR_4  is  enabled,  a  gl:color3b/3  command   is
              simulated.  If  ?GL_MAP1_NORMAL  or  ?GL_MAP2_NORMAL is enabled, a normal vector is
              produced,  and  if  any  of  ?GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_1,  ?GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_2  ,
              enabled, then an appropriate gl:texCoord1d/1 command is simulated.

              For  color,  color  index,  normal,  and  texture coordinates the GL uses evaluated
              values instead of current values  for  those  evaluations  that  are  enabled,  and
              current  values  otherwise, However, the evaluated values do not update the current
              values.  Thus,  if  gl:vertex2d/2  commands  are  interspersed  with   gl:evalCoord
              commands,   the   color,  normal,  and  texture  coordinates  associated  with  the
              gl:vertex2d/2 commands are not affected by the values generated by the gl:evalCoord
              commands,  but only by the most recent gl:color3b/3 , gl:indexd/1 , gl:normal3b/3 ,
              and gl:texCoord1d/1 commands.

              No commands are issued for maps that are not enabled.  If  more  than  one  texture
              evaluation    is    enabled    for    a    particular   dimension   (for   example,
              ?GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_1 and ?GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_2 ), then only  the  evaluation
              of  the  map  that  produces  the  larger  number  of  coordinates  (in  this case,
              ?GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_2)   is    carried    out.    ?GL_MAP1_VERTEX_4    overrides
              ?GL_MAP1_VERTEX_3,  and ?GL_MAP2_VERTEX_4 overrides ?GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3 , in the same
              manner. If neither a three- nor a four-component vertex  map  is  enabled  for  the
              specified dimension, the gl:evalCoord command is ignored.

              If  you  have  enabled  automatic  normal  generation,  by calling gl:enable/1 with
              argument ?GL_AUTO_NORMAL, gl:evalCoord2  generates  surface  normals  analytically,
              regardless of the contents or enabling of the ?GL_MAP2_NORMAL map. Let

              m=((&PartialD; p)/(&PartialD; u))×((&PartialD; p)/(&PartialD; v))

              Then the generated normal n is n=m/(||m||)

              If   automatic   normal  generation  is  disabled,  the  corresponding  normal  map
              ?GL_MAP2_NORMAL , if enabled, is used to produce a  normal.  If  neither  automatic
              normal  generation  nor  a  normal  map  is  enabled,  no  normal  is generated for
              gl:evalCoord2 commands.

              See external documentation.

       evalCoord1f(U) -> ok


                 U = float()

              See evalCoord1d/1

       evalCoord1dv(U) -> ok


                 U = {U::float()}

              Equivalent to evalCoord1d(U).

       evalCoord1fv(U) -> ok


                 U = {U::float()}

              Equivalent to evalCoord1f(U).

       evalCoord2d(U, V) -> ok


                 U = float()
                 V = float()

              See evalCoord1d/1

       evalCoord2f(U, V) -> ok


                 U = float()
                 V = float()

              See evalCoord1d/1

       evalCoord2dv(U) -> ok


                 U = {U::float(), V::float()}

              Equivalent to evalCoord2d(U, V).

       evalCoord2fv(U) -> ok


                 U = {U::float(), V::float()}

              Equivalent to evalCoord2f(U, V).

       mapGrid1d(Un, U1, U2) -> ok


                 Un = integer()
                 U1 = float()
                 U2 = float()

              Define a one- or two-dimensional mesh

              gl:mapGrid and  gl:evalMesh1/3  are  used  together  to  efficiently  generate  and
              evaluate  a series of evenly-spaced map domain values. gl:evalMesh1/3 steps through
              the integer domain of a one- or two-dimensional grid, whose range is the domain  of
              the evaluation maps specified by gl:map1d/6 and gl:map1d/6 .

              gl:mapGrid1  and  gl:mapGrid2  specify the linear grid mappings between the i (or i
              and j) integer grid coordinates, to the u (or u and  v)  floating-point  evaluation
              map  coordinates.  See  gl:map1d/6  and  gl:map1d/6  for  details  of  how  u and v
              coordinates are evaluated.

              gl:mapGrid1 specifies a single linear mapping such that integer grid  coordinate  0
              maps  exactly to U1 , and integer grid coordinate Un maps exactly to U2 . All other
              integer grid coordinates i are mapped so that


              gl:mapGrid2 specifies two such linear mappings. One maps  integer  grid  coordinate
              i=0 exactly to U1 , and integer grid coordinate i=un exactly to U2 . The other maps
              integer grid coordinate j=0 exactly to  V1  ,  and  integer  grid  coordinate  j=vn
              exactly to V2 . Other integer grid coordinates i and j are mapped such that



              The  mappings  specified  by  gl:mapGrid are used identically by gl:evalMesh1/3 and
              gl:evalPoint1/1 .

              See external documentation.

       mapGrid1f(Un, U1, U2) -> ok


                 Un = integer()
                 U1 = float()
                 U2 = float()

              See mapGrid1d/3

       mapGrid2d(Un, U1, U2, Vn, V1, V2) -> ok


                 Un = integer()
                 U1 = float()
                 U2 = float()
                 Vn = integer()
                 V1 = float()
                 V2 = float()

              See mapGrid1d/3

       mapGrid2f(Un, U1, U2, Vn, V1, V2) -> ok


                 Un = integer()
                 U1 = float()
                 U2 = float()
                 Vn = integer()
                 V1 = float()
                 V2 = float()

              See mapGrid1d/3

       evalPoint1(I) -> ok


                 I = integer()

              Generate and evaluate a single point in a mesh

              gl:mapGrid1d/3 and gl:evalMesh1/3 are used in tandem to  efficiently  generate  and
              evaluate  a  series of evenly spaced map domain values. gl:evalPoint can be used to
              evaluate  a  single  grid  point  in  the  same  gridspace  that  is  traversed  by
              gl:evalMesh1/3  .  Calling  gl:evalPoint1  is  equivalent  to calling glEvalCoord1(
              i.&Delta; u+u 1 ); where &Delta; u=(u 2-u 1)/n

              and n, u 1, and u 2 are the arguments to the most  recent  gl:mapGrid1d/3  command.
              The  one  absolute numeric requirement is that if i=n, then the value computed from
              i.&Delta; u+u 1 is exactly u 2.

              In the two-dimensional case, gl:evalPoint2, let

              &Delta; u=(u 2-u 1)/n

              &Delta; v=(v 2-v 1)/m

              where n, u 1, u 2, m,  v  1,  and  v  2  are  the  arguments  to  the  most  recent
              gl:mapGrid1d/3  command.  Then  the  gl:evalPoint2 command is equivalent to calling
              glEvalCoord2( i. &Delta; u+u 1, j.&Delta;  v+v  1  );  The  only  absolute  numeric
              requirements  are  that  if  i=n,  then  the value computed from i.&Delta; u+u 1 is
              exactly u 2, and if j=m, then the value computed from j.&Delta; v+v 1 is exactly  v

              See external documentation.

       evalPoint2(I, J) -> ok


                 I = integer()
                 J = integer()

              See evalPoint1/1

       evalMesh1(Mode, I1, I2) -> ok


                 Mode = enum()
                 I1 = integer()
                 I2 = integer()

              Compute a one- or two-dimensional grid of points or lines

              gl:mapGrid1d/3  and  gl:evalMesh  are  used  in  tandem to efficiently generate and
              evaluate a series of evenly-spaced map domain values. gl:evalMesh steps through the
              integer  domain of a one- or two-dimensional grid, whose range is the domain of the
              evaluation maps specified by gl:map1d/6 and gl:map1d/6 .  Mode  determines  whether
              the resulting vertices are connected as points, lines, or filled polygons.

              In  the  one-dimensional  case,  gl:evalMesh1,  the  mesh  is  generated  as if the
              following code fragment were executed:

              glBegin( Type ); for ( i = I1 ; i <= I2 ; i += 1 ) glEvalCoord1( i.&Delta; u+u 1 );
              glEnd(); where

              &Delta; u=(u 2-u 1)/n

              and  n,  u  1, and u 2 are the arguments to the most recent gl:mapGrid1d/3 command.
              type is ?GL_POINTS if Mode is ?GL_POINT, or ?GL_LINES if Mode is ?GL_LINE.

              The one absolute numeric requirement is that if i=n, then the value  computed  from
              i.&Delta; u+u 1 is exactly u 2.

              In the two-dimensional case, gl:evalMesh2, let .cp &Delta; u=(u 2-u 1)/n

              &Delta; v=(v 2-v 1)/m

              where  n,  u  1,  u  2,  m,  v  1,  and  v  2  are the arguments to the most recent
              gl:mapGrid1d/3 command. Then, if Mode is  ?GL_FILL,  the  gl:evalMesh2  command  is
              equivalent to:

              for ( j = J1 ; j < J2 ; j += 1 ) { glBegin( GL_QUAD_STRIP ); for ( i = I1 ; i <= I2
              ; i += 1 ) { glEvalCoord2( i.&Delta;  u+u  1,  j.&Delta;  v+v  1  );  glEvalCoord2(
              i.&Delta; u+u 1,(j+1).&Delta; v+v 1 ); } glEnd(); }

              If Mode is ?GL_LINE, then a call to gl:evalMesh2 is equivalent to:

              for  (  j = J1 ; j <= J2 ; j += 1 ) { glBegin( GL_LINE_STRIP ); for ( i = I1 ; i <=
              I2 ; i += 1 ) glEvalCoord2( i.&Delta; u+u 1, j.&Delta; v+v 1 ); glEnd(); } for (  i
              = I1 ; i <= I2 ; i += 1 ) { glBegin( GL_LINE_STRIP ); for ( j = J1 ; j <= J1 ; j +=
              1 ) glEvalCoord2( i.&Delta; u+u 1, j. &Delta; v+v 1 ); glEnd(); }

              And finally, if Mode is ?GL_POINT, then a call to gl:evalMesh2 is equivalent to:

              glBegin( GL_POINTS ); for ( j = J1 ; j <= J2 ; j += 1 ) for ( i = I1 ; i <= I2 ;  i
              += 1 ) glEvalCoord2( i.&Delta; u+u 1, j.&Delta; v+v 1 ); glEnd();

              In  all  three  cases, the only absolute numeric requirements are that if i=n, then
              the value computed from i.&Delta; u+u 1 is exactly u 2, and if j=m, then the  value
              computed from j.&Delta; v+v 1 is exactly v 2.

              See external documentation.

       evalMesh2(Mode, I1, I2, J1, J2) -> ok


                 Mode = enum()
                 I1 = integer()
                 I2 = integer()
                 J1 = integer()
                 J2 = integer()

              See evalMesh1/3

       fogf(Pname, Param) -> ok


                 Pname = enum()
                 Param = float()

              Specify fog parameters

              Fog is initially disabled. While enabled, fog affects rasterized geometry, bitmaps,
              and pixel blocks, but not buffer clear operations. To enable and disable fog,  call
              gl:enable/1 and gl:enable/1 with argument ?GL_FOG.

              gl:fog  assigns  the  value  or  values in Params to the fog parameter specified by
              Pname . The following values are accepted for Pname :

              ?GL_FOG_MODE: Params is a single integer or floating-point value that specifies the
              equation  to  be  used to compute the fog blend factor, f. Three symbolic constants
              are accepted: ?GL_LINEAR, ?GL_EXP, and ?GL_EXP2.  The  equations  corresponding  to
              these symbolic constants are defined below. The initial fog mode is ?GL_EXP.

              ?GL_FOG_DENSITY:  Params is a single integer or floating-point value that specifies
              density, the fog density used in both exponential fog equations.  Only  nonnegative
              densities are accepted. The initial fog density is 1.

              ?GL_FOG_START:  Params  is  a single integer or floating-point value that specifies
              start, the near distance used in the linear fog equation. The initial near distance
              is 0.

              ?GL_FOG_END: Params is a single integer or floating-point value that specifies end,
              the far distance used in the linear fog equation. The initial far distance is 1.

              ?GL_FOG_INDEX: Params is a single integer or floating-point value that specifies  i
              f, the fog color index. The initial fog index is 0.

              ?GL_FOG_COLOR: Params contains four integer or floating-point values that specify C
              f, the fog color. Integer values are mapped linearly such that  the  most  positive
              representable  value maps to 1.0, and the most negative representable value maps to
              -1.0. Floating-point values  are  mapped  directly.  After  conversion,  all  color
              components are clamped to the range [0 1]. The initial fog color is (0, 0, 0, 0).

              ?GL_FOG_COORD_SRC:  Params  contains  either  of  the following symbolic constants:
              ?GL_FOG_COORD or ?GL_FRAGMENT_DEPTH. ?GL_FOG_COORD specifies that the  current  fog
              coordinate  should  be  used  as  distance  value  in  the  fog  color computation.
              ?GL_FRAGMENT_DEPTH specifies that the current fragment  depth  should  be  used  as
              distance value in the fog computation.

              Fog  blends  a fog color with each rasterized pixel fragment's post-texturing color
              using a blending factor f. Factor f is computed in one of three ways, depending  on
              the  fog  mode.  Let c be either the distance in eye coordinate from the origin (in
              the case that the ?GL_FOG_COORD_SRC  is  ?GL_FRAGMENT_DEPTH)  or  the  current  fog
              coordinate  (in the case that ?GL_FOG_COORD_SRC is ?GL_FOG_COORD). The equation for
              ?GL_LINEAR fog is f=(end-c)/(end-start)

              The equation for ?GL_EXP fog is f=e(-(density. c))

              The equation for ?GL_EXP2 fog is f=e(-(density. c)) 2

              Regardless of the fog mode, f is clamped to the range [0 1] after it  is  computed.
              Then,  if the GL is in RGBA color mode, the fragment's red, green, and blue colors,
              represented by C r, are replaced by

              (C r)"=f×C r+(1-f)×C f

              Fog does not affect a fragment's alpha component.

              In color index mode, the fragment's color index i r is replaced by

              (i r)"=i r+(1-f)×i f

              See external documentation.

       fogi(Pname, Param) -> ok


                 Pname = enum()
                 Param = integer()

              See fogf/2

       fogfv(Pname, Params) -> ok


                 Pname = enum()
                 Params = {float()}

              See fogf/2

       fogiv(Pname, Params) -> ok


                 Pname = enum()
                 Params = {integer()}

              See fogf/2

       feedbackBuffer(Size, Type, Buffer) -> ok


                 Size = integer()
                 Type = enum()
                 Buffer = mem()

              Controls feedback mode

              The gl:feedbackBuffer function controls feedback. Feedback, like selection, is a GL
              mode.  The  mode is selected by calling gl:renderMode/1 with ?GL_FEEDBACK. When the
              GL is  in  feedback  mode,  no  pixels  are  produced  by  rasterization.  Instead,
              information  about  primitives  that  would have been rasterized is fed back to the
              application using the GL.

              gl:feedbackBuffer has three arguments: Buffer is a pointer to an array of floating-
              point  values into which feedback information is placed. Size indicates the size of
              the array. Type is a symbolic constant describing the information that is fed  back
              for  each  vertex. gl:feedbackBuffer must be issued before feedback mode is enabled
              (by calling  gl:renderMode/1  with  argument  ?GL_FEEDBACK).  Setting  ?GL_FEEDBACK
              without establishing the feedback buffer, or calling gl:feedbackBuffer while the GL
              is in feedback mode, is an error.

              When gl:renderMode/1 is called while in feedback mode, it  returns  the  number  of
              entries  placed  in the feedback array and resets the feedback array pointer to the
              base of the feedback buffer. The  returned  value  never  exceeds  Size  .  If  the
              feedback  data  required  more  room than was available in Buffer , gl:renderMode/1
              returns a negative value. To take the GL out of feedback mode, call gl:renderMode/1
              with a parameter value other than ?GL_FEEDBACK.

              While  in  feedback  mode, each primitive, bitmap, or pixel rectangle that would be
              rasterized generates a block of values that are copied into the feedback array.  If
              doing  so  would  cause  the  number of entries to exceed the maximum, the block is
              partially written so as to fill the array (if there is any room left at  all),  and
              an  overflow  flag  is  set. Each block begins with a code indicating the primitive
              type, followed by values that describe  the  primitive's  vertices  and  associated
              data.  Entries  are  also written for bitmaps and pixel rectangles. Feedback occurs
              after polygon culling and gl:polygonMode/2 interpretation  of  polygons  has  taken
              place,  so polygons that are culled are not returned in the feedback buffer. It can
              also occur after polygons with more than three edges are broken up into  triangles,
              if the GL implementation renders polygons by performing this decomposition.

              The  gl:passThrough/1  command  can  be  used  to insert a marker into the feedback
              buffer. See gl:passThrough/1 .

              Following is the grammar for the blocks of values written into the feedback buffer.
              Each primitive is indicated with a unique identifying value followed by some number
              of vertices. Polygon entries include an integer value indicating how many  vertices
              follow. A vertex is fed back as some number of floating-point values, as determined
              by Type . Colors are fed back as four values in RGBA mode and one  value  in  color
              index mode.

              feedbackList ← feedbackItem feedbackList | feedbackItem

              feedbackItem ← point | lineSegment | polygon | bitmap | pixelRectangle | passThru

              point ←?GL_POINT_TOKEN vertex

              lineSegment ←?GL_LINE_TOKEN vertex vertex | ?GL_LINE_RESET_TOKEN vertex vertex

              polygon ←?GL_POLYGON_TOKEN n polySpec

              polySpec ← polySpec vertex | vertex vertex vertex

              bitmap ←?GL_BITMAP_TOKEN vertex

              pixelRectangle ←?GL_DRAW_PIXEL_TOKEN vertex | ?GL_COPY_PIXEL_TOKEN vertex

              passThru ←?GL_PASS_THROUGH_TOKEN value

              vertex ← 2d | 3d | 3dColor | 3dColorTexture | 4dColorTexture

              2d ← value value

              3d ← value value value

              3dColor ← value value value color

              3dColorTexture ← value value value color tex

              4dColorTexture ← value value value value color tex

              color ← rgba | index

              rgba ← value value value value

              index ← value

              tex ← value value value value

              value  is  a  floating-point  number,  and n is a floating-point integer giving the
              number   of   vertices   in   the   polygon.    ?GL_POINT_TOKEN,    ?GL_LINE_TOKEN,
              ?GL_COPY_PIXEL_TOKEN  and  ?GL_PASS_THROUGH_TOKEN   are   symbolic   floating-point
              constants.  ?GL_LINE_RESET_TOKEN  is  returned whenever the line stipple pattern is
              reset. The data returned as a vertex depends on the feedback Type .

              The following table gives the correspondence between Type and the number of  values
              per    vertex.    k    is    1    in    color    index   mode   and   4   in   RGBA
              mode.TypeCoordinatesColorTextureTotal Number of Values
              ?GL_2Dx, y 2
              ?GL_3Dx, y, z 3
              ?GL_3D_COLORx, y, z k 3+k
              ?GL_3D_COLOR_TEXTUREx, y, z k 4 7+k
              ?GL_4D_COLOR_TEXTUREx, y, z, w k 4 8+k

              Feedback vertex coordinates are in window coordinates, except w, which is  in  clip
              coordinates.  Feedback colors are lighted, if lighting is enabled. Feedback texture
              coordinates are generated, if texture coordinate generation is  enabled.  They  are
              always transformed by the texture matrix.

              See external documentation.

       passThrough(Token) -> ok


                 Token = float()

              Place a marker in the feedback buffer

              Feedback  is a GL render mode. The mode is selected by calling gl:renderMode/1 with
              ?GL_FEEDBACK. When  the  GL  is  in  feedback  mode,  no  pixels  are  produced  by
              rasterization.   Instead,   information  about  primitives  that  would  have  been
              rasterized is fed back to the application using the GL. See the gl:feedbackBuffer/3
              reference page for a description of the feedback buffer and the values in it.

              gl:passThrough  inserts  a  user-defined  marker  in the feedback buffer when it is
              executed in feedback mode. Token is returned as if  it  were  a  primitive;  it  is
              indicated  with its own unique identifying value: ?GL_PASS_THROUGH_TOKEN. The order
              of gl:passThrough commands with respect to the specification of graphics primitives
              is maintained.

              See external documentation.

       selectBuffer(Size, Buffer) -> ok


                 Size = integer()
                 Buffer = mem()

              Establish a buffer for selection mode values

              gl:selectBuffer  has  two  arguments:  Buffer  is a pointer to an array of unsigned
              integers, and Size indicates the size of the array. Buffer returns values from  the
              name stack (see gl:initNames/0 , gl:loadName/1 , gl:pushName/1 ) when the rendering
              mode is ?GL_SELECT (see gl:renderMode/1 ). gl:selectBuffer must  be  issued  before
              selection  mode  is  enabled, and it must not be issued while the rendering mode is

              A programmer can use selection to determine which primitives are  drawn  into  some
              region  of a window. The region is defined by the current modelview and perspective

              In selection mode, no pixel fragments are produced from rasterization. Instead,  if
              a  primitive  or  a  raster  position intersects the clipping volume defined by the
              viewing frustum and the user-defined  clipping  planes,  this  primitive  causes  a
              selection  hit.  (With  polygons,  no  hit occurs if the polygon is culled.) When a
              change is made to the name stack, or when gl:renderMode/1 is called, a  hit  record
              is copied to Buffer if any hits have occurred since the last such event (name stack
              change or gl:renderMode/1 call). The hit record consists of the number of names  in
              the  name stack at the time of the event, followed by the minimum and maximum depth
              values of all vertices that hit since the previous  event,  followed  by  the  name
              stack contents, bottom name first.

              Depth  values (which are in the range [0,1]) are multiplied by 2 32-1, before being
              placed in the hit record.

              An internal index into Buffer is reset to 0 whenever  selection  mode  is  entered.
              Each time a hit record is copied into Buffer , the index is incremented to point to
              the cell just past the end of the block of names(emthat is, to the  next  available
              cell If the hit record is larger than the number of remaining locations in Buffer ,
              as much data as can fit is copied, and the overflow flag is set. If the name  stack
              is  empty  when  a  hit record is copied, that record consists of 0 followed by the
              minimum and maximum depth values.

              To exit selection mode, call gl:renderMode/1 with an argument other than ?GL_SELECT
              .  Whenever  gl:renderMode/1  is  called  while  the  render mode is ?GL_SELECT, it
              returns the number of hit records copied to Buffer , resets the overflow  flag  and
              the  selection  buffer  pointer, and initializes the name stack to be empty. If the
              overflow bit was set when gl:renderMode/1 was called, a negative hit  record  count
              is returned.

              See external documentation.

       initNames() -> ok

              Initialize the name stack

              The name stack is used during selection mode to allow sets of rendering commands to
              be uniquely identified. It  consists  of  an  ordered  set  of  unsigned  integers.
              gl:initNames causes the name stack to be initialized to its default empty state.

              The  name  stack  is always empty while the render mode is not ?GL_SELECT. Calls to
              gl:initNames while the render mode is not ?GL_SELECT are ignored.

              See external documentation.

       loadName(Name) -> ok


                 Name = integer()

              Load a name onto the name stack

              The name stack is used during selection mode to allow sets of rendering commands to
              be  uniquely  identified. It consists of an ordered set of unsigned integers and is
              initially empty.

              gl:loadName causes Name to replace the value on the top of the name stack.

              The name stack is always empty while the render mode is not  ?GL_SELECT.  Calls  to
              gl:loadName while the render mode is not ?GL_SELECT are ignored.

              See external documentation.

       pushName(Name) -> ok


                 Name = integer()

              Push and pop the name stack

              The name stack is used during selection mode to allow sets of rendering commands to
              be uniquely identified. It consists of an ordered set of unsigned integers  and  is
              initially empty.

              gl:pushName  causes  Name  to be pushed onto the name stack. gl:pushName/1 pops one
              name off the top of the stack.

              The    maximum    name    stack    depth    is    implementation-dependent;    call
              ?GL_MAX_NAME_STACK_DEPTH  to find out the value for a particular implementation. It
              is an error to push a name onto a full stack or to pop a name off an  empty  stack.
              It  is  also  an  error  to  manipulate  the  name  stack  between the execution of
              gl:'begin'/1 and the corresponding execution of gl:'begin'/1  .  In  any  of  these
              cases, the error flag is set and no other change is made to GL state.

              The  name  stack  is always empty while the render mode is not ?GL_SELECT. Calls to
              gl:pushName or gl:pushName/1 while the render mode is not ?GL_SELECT are ignored.

              See external documentation.

       popName() -> ok

              See pushName/1

       blendColor(Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) -> ok


                 Red = clamp()
                 Green = clamp()
                 Blue = clamp()
                 Alpha = clamp()

              Set the blend color

              The ?GL_BLEND_COLOR may be used to calculate the source  and  destination  blending
              factors.  The  color components are clamped to the range [0 1] before being stored.
              See gl:blendFunc/2 for a complete description of the blending operations. Initially
              the ?GL_BLEND_COLOR is set to (0, 0, 0, 0).

              See external documentation.

       blendEquation(Mode) -> ok


                 Mode = enum()

              Specify  the  equation  used  for  both  the RGB blend equation and the Alpha blend

              The blend equations determine how a new pixel (the ''source''  color)  is  combined
              with  a pixel already in the framebuffer (the ''destination'' color). This function
              sets both the RGB blend equation and the alpha blend equation to a single equation.
              gl:blendEquationi  specifies  the  blend  equation for a single draw buffer whereas
              gl:blendEquation sets the blend equation for all draw buffers.

              These equations use the source and destination blend factors  specified  by  either
              gl:blendFunc/2     or    gl:blendFuncSeparate/4    .    See    gl:blendFunc/2    or
              gl:blendFuncSeparate/4 for a description of the various blend factors.

              In the equations that follow, source and destination color components are  referred
              to  as  (R  s G s B s A s) and (R d G d B d A d), respectively. The result color is
              referred to as (R r G r B r A r). The source  and  destination  blend  factors  are
              denoted  (s R s G s B s A) and (d R d G d B d A), respectively. For these equations
              all color components are understood to have  values  in  the  range  [0  1].ModeRGB
              ComponentsAlpha Component
              ?GL_FUNC_ADD  Rr=R s s R+R d d R Gr=G s s G+G d d G Br=B s s B+B d d B Ar=A s s A+A
              d d A
              ?GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT Rr=R s s R-R d d R Gr=G s s G-G d d G Br=B s s B-B d d B Ar=A s s
              A-A d d A
              ?GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT  Rr=R d d R-R s s R Gr=G d d G-G s s G Br=B d d B-B s s B
              Ar=A d d A-A s s A
              ?GL_MIN Rr=min(R s R d) Gr=min(G s G d) Br=min(B s B d) Ar=min (A s A d)
              ?GL_MAX Rr=max(R s R d) Gr=max(G s G d) Br=max(B s B d) Ar=max(A s A d)

              The results of these equations are clamped to the range [0 1].

              The ?GL_MIN and ?GL_MAX equations are useful for applications  that  analyze  image
              data  (image  thresholding against a constant color, for example). The ?GL_FUNC_ADD
              equation is useful for antialiasing and transparency, among other things.

              Initially, both the RGB blend equation and the alpha  blend  equation  are  set  to
              ?GL_FUNC_ADD .

              See external documentation.

       drawRangeElements(Mode, Start, End, Count, Type, Indices) -> ok


                 Mode = enum()
                 Start = integer()
                 End = integer()
                 Count = integer()
                 Type = enum()
                 Indices = offset() | mem()

              Render primitives from array data

              gl:drawRangeElements is a restricted form of gl:drawElements/4 . Mode , Start , End
              , and Count match the corresponding  arguments  to  gl:drawElements/4  ,  with  the
              additional  constraint  that  all values in the arrays Count must lie between Start
              and End , inclusive.

              Implementations denote recommended maximum amounts of vertex and index data,  which
              may  be queried by calling gl:getBooleanv/1 with argument ?GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_VERTICES
              and ?GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES  .  If  end-start+1  is  greater  than  the  value  of
              ?GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_VERTICES,   or   if   Count   is   greater   than   the  value  of
              ?GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES, then the call may operate at reduced  performance.  There
              is  no  requirement  that  all  vertices  in  the  range [start end] be referenced.
              However,  the  implementation  may  partially  process  unused  vertices,  reducing
              performance from what could be achieved with an optimal index set.

              When  gl:drawRangeElements  is  called,  it  uses Count sequential elements from an
              enabled array, starting at Start to construct a sequence of  geometric  primitives.
              Mode  specifies what kind of primitives are constructed, and how the array elements
              construct these primitives. If more than one array is enabled, each is used.

              Vertex attributes that are modified by  gl:drawRangeElements  have  an  unspecified
              value  after gl:drawRangeElements returns. Attributes that aren't modified maintain
              their previous values.

              See external documentation.

       texImage3D(Target, Level, InternalFormat, Width,  Height,  Depth,  Border,  Format,  Type,
       Pixels) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Level = integer()
                 InternalFormat = integer()
                 Width = integer()
                 Height = integer()
                 Depth = integer()
                 Border = integer()
                 Format = enum()
                 Type = enum()
                 Pixels = offset() | mem()

              Specify a three-dimensional texture image

              Texturing maps a portion of a specified texture image onto each graphical primitive
              for which texturing is enabled. To enable and disable three-dimensional  texturing,
              call gl:enable/1 and gl:enable/1 with argument ?GL_TEXTURE_3D.

              To define texture images, call gl:texImage3D. The arguments describe the parameters
              of the texture image, such as height, width, depth, width of the border,  level-of-
              detail  number  (see gl:texParameterf/3 ), and number of color components provided.
              The last three arguments describe how the image is represented in memory.

              If Target is ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_3D, no data is read from  Data  ,  but  all  of  the
              texture  image  state is recalculated, checked for consistency, and checked against
              the implementation's capabilities. If the implementation cannot handle a texture of
              the  requested  texture  size,  it  sets  all of the image state to 0, but does not
              generate an error (see gl:getError/0 ). To query for an entire mipmap array, use an
              image array level greater than or equal to 1.

              If  Target  is  ?GL_TEXTURE_3D,  data  is read from Data as a sequence of signed or
              unsigned bytes,  shorts,  or  longs,  or  single-precision  floating-point  values,
              depending  on Type . These values are grouped into sets of one, two, three, or four
              values, depending on Format , to form elements. Each data byte is treated as  eight
              1-bit   elements,   with  bit  ordering  determined  by  ?GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST  (see
              gl:pixelStoref/2 ).

              If a non-zero named buffer object is bound to  the  ?GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER  target
              (see  gl:bindBuffer/2  )  while  a texture image is specified, Data is treated as a
              byte offset into the buffer object's data store.

              The first element corresponds to the  lower  left  corner  of  the  texture  image.
              Subsequent  elements  progress  left-to-right  through  the remaining texels in the
              lowest row of the texture image, and  then  in  successively  higher  rows  of  the
              texture  image.  The  final  element  corresponds  to the upper right corner of the
              texture image.

              Format determines the composition of each element in Data . It can  assume  one  of
              these symbolic values:

              ?GL_RED:  Each  element  is  a single red component. The GL converts it to floating
              point and assembles it into an RGBA element by attaching 0 for green and blue,  and
              1  for  alpha.  Each  component  is  then  multiplied  by  the  signed scale factor
              ?GL_c_SCALE, added to the signed bias ?GL_c_BIAS, and clamped to the range [0,1].

              ?GL_RG: Each element is a red and green pair. The  GL  converts  each  to  floating
              point  and  assembles  it  into  an RGBA element by attaching 0 for blue, and 1 for
              alpha. Each component is then multiplied by the signed  scale  factor  ?GL_c_SCALE,
              added to the signed bias ?GL_c_BIAS, and clamped to the range [0,1].


              ?GL_BGR:  Each  element  is an RGB triple. The GL converts it to floating point and
              assembles it into an RGBA element by attaching 1 for alpha. Each component is  then
              multiplied  by  the  signed  scale  factor  ?GL_c_SCALE,  added  to the signed bias
              ?GL_c_BIAS, and clamped to the range [0,1].


              ?GL_BGRA: Each element contains all four components. Each component  is  multiplied
              by  the  signed  scale factor ?GL_c_SCALE, added to the signed bias ?GL_c_BIAS, and
              clamped to the range [0,1].

              If an application wants to store the texture  at  a  certain  resolution  or  in  a
              certain  format, it can request the resolution and format with InternalFormat . The
              GL will choose an internal representation that closely approximates that  requested
              by InternalFormat , but it may not match exactly. (The representations specified by
              ?GL_RED, ?GL_RG , ?GL_RGB, and ?GL_RGBA must match exactly.)

              InternalFormat may be one of the base internal formats shown in Table 1, below

              InternalFormat may also be one of the sized internal  formats  shown  in  Table  2,

              Finally,  InternalFormat  may  also  be one of the generic or compressed compressed
              texture formats shown in Table 3 below

              If  the  InternalFormat  parameter  is  one  of  the  generic  compressed  formats,
              the GL will replace the internal format with the symbolic constant for  a  specific
              internal  format  and  compress  the  texture  before  storage. If no corresponding
              internal format is available, or the GL can not compress that image for any reason,
              the internal format is instead replaced with a corresponding base internal format.

              If  the  InternalFormat  parameter  is  ?GL_SRGB,  ?GL_SRGB8,  ?GL_SRGB_ALPHA  , or
              ?GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8, the texture is treated as if the red, green, blue,  or  luminance
              components  are  encoded  in  the  sRGB  color  space.  Any alpha component is left
              unchanged. The conversion from the sRGB encoded component c s to a linear component
              c l is:

              c l={ c s/12.92if c s&le; 0.04045( c s+0.055/1.055) 2.4if c s> 0.04045

              Assume c s is the sRGB component in the range [0,1].

              Use  the  ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_3D  target  to  try  out  a  resolution and format. The
              implementation will update and recompute its best match for the  requested  storage
              resolution and format. To then query this state, call gl:getTexLevelParameterfv/3 .
              If the texture cannot be accommodated, texture state is set to 0.

              A one-component texture image uses  only  the  red  component  of  the  RGBA  color
              extracted  from  Data  .  A  two-component  image uses the R and A values. A three-
              component image uses the R, G, and B values. A four-component image uses all of the
              RGBA components.

              See external documentation.

       texSubImage3D(Target,  Level,  Xoffset,  Yoffset,  Zoffset,  Width, Height, Depth, Format,
       Type, Pixels) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Level = integer()
                 Xoffset = integer()
                 Yoffset = integer()
                 Zoffset = integer()
                 Width = integer()
                 Height = integer()
                 Depth = integer()
                 Format = enum()
                 Type = enum()
                 Pixels = offset() | mem()


              See external documentation.

       copyTexSubImage3D(Target, Level, Xoffset, Yoffset, Zoffset, X, Y, Width, Height) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Level = integer()
                 Xoffset = integer()
                 Yoffset = integer()
                 Zoffset = integer()
                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Width = integer()
                 Height = integer()

              Copy a three-dimensional texture subimage

              gl:copyTexSubImage3D replaces a rectangular portion of a three-dimensional  texture
              image  with  pixels from the current ?GL_READ_BUFFER (rather than from main memory,
              as is the case for gl:texSubImage1D/7 ).

              The screen-aligned pixel rectangle with lower left corner at ( X ,  Y  )  and  with
              width  Width  and  height  Height  replaces the portion of the texture array with x
              indices Xoffset through xoffset+width-1, inclusive, and y indices  Yoffset  through
              yoffset+height-1,  inclusive,  at z index Zoffset and at the mipmap level specified
              by Level .

              The pixels in the rectangle are processed exactly as if  gl:readPixels/7  had  been
              called,  but  the  process  stops  just before final conversion. At this point, all
              pixel component values are clamped to the range [0 1] and  then  converted  to  the
              texture's internal format for storage in the texel array.

              The  destination  rectangle in the texture array may not include any texels outside
              the texture array as it was originally specified. It is not an error to  specify  a
              subtexture with zero width or height, but such a specification has no effect.

              If  any of the pixels within the specified rectangle of the current ?GL_READ_BUFFER
              are outside the read window associated with the current rendering context, then the
              values obtained for those pixels are undefined.

              No change is made to the internalformat, width, height, depth, or border parameters
              of the specified texture array or to texel values outside the specified subregion.

              See external documentation.

       colorTable(Target, Internalformat, Width, Format, Type, Table) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Internalformat = enum()
                 Width = integer()
                 Format = enum()
                 Type = enum()
                 Table = offset() | mem()

              Define a color lookup table

              gl:colorTable may be used in two ways: to test the actual size and color resolution
              of  a lookup table given a particular set of parameters, or to load the contents of
              a color lookup table. Use the targets ?GL_PROXY_* for the first case and the  other
              targets for the second case.

              If  a  non-zero  named buffer object is bound to the ?GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER target
              (see gl:bindBuffer/2 ) while a color table is specified, Data is treated as a  byte
              offset into the buffer object's data store.

              If     Target     is    ?GL_COLOR_TABLE,    ?GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_COLOR_TABLE,    or
              ?GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_COLOR_TABLE , gl:colorTable builds a color lookup table  from
              an  array  of pixels. The pixel array specified by Width , Format , Type , and Data
              is extracted from memory and processed just as if gl:drawPixels/5 were called,  but
              processing stops after the final expansion to RGBA is completed.

              The  four  scale  parameters  and the four bias parameters that are defined for the
              table are then used to scale and bias the R, G, B, and A components of each  pixel.
              (Use gl:colorTableParameter to set these scale and bias parameters.)

              Next,  the R, G, B, and A values are clamped to the range [0 1]. Each pixel is then
              converted to the internal format specified  by  Internalformat  .  This  conversion
              simply  maps  the  component  values  of  the  pixel (R, G, B, and A) to the values
              included  in  the  internal  format  (red,  green,  blue,  alpha,  luminance,   and
              intensity).         The         mapping        is        as        follows:Internal
              ?GL_ALPHA A
              ?GL_LUMINANCE R
              ?GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA A R
              ?GL_INTENSITY R
              ?GL_RGB R G B
              ?GL_RGBA R G B A

              Finally, the red, green, blue, alpha, luminance, and/or intensity components of the
              resulting  pixels  are stored in the color table. They form a one-dimensional table
              with indices in the range [0 width-1].

              If Target is ?GL_PROXY_*, gl:colorTable recomputes and stores  the  values  of  the
              proxy color table's state variables ?GL_COLOR_TABLE_FORMAT, ?GL_COLOR_TABLE_WIDTH ,
              ?GL_COLOR_TABLE_ALPHA_SIZE,           ?GL_COLOR_TABLE_LUMINANCE_SIZE,           and
              ?GL_COLOR_TABLE_INTENSITY_SIZE . There is no effect on the image or  state  of  any
              actual color table. If the specified color table is too large to be supported, then
              all the proxy state variables listed above are set to zero.  Otherwise,  the  color
              table could be supported by gl:colorTable using the corresponding non-proxy target,
              and the proxy state variables are set as if that target were being defined.

              The proxy state variables can be retrieved by calling gl:getColorTableParameterfv/2
              with a target of ?GL_PROXY_*. This allows the application to decide if a particular
              gl:colorTable command would succeed, and to  determine  what  the  resulting  color
              table attributes would be.

              If  a color table is enabled, and its width is non-zero, then its contents are used
              to replace a subset of the components of  each  RGBA  pixel  group,  based  on  the
              internal format of the table.

              Each pixel group has color components (R, G, B, A) that are in the range [0.0 1.0].
              The color components are rescaled to the size of the color lookup table to form  an
              index.  Then  a  subset of the components based on the internal format of the table
              are replaced by the table entry selected by that index. If the color components and
              contents of the table are represented as follows:RepresentationMeaning
               r Table index computed from R
              g Table index computed from G
              b Table index computed from B
              a Table index computed from A
              L[i] Luminance value at table index i
              I[i] Intensity value at table index i
               R[i] Red value at table index i
              G[i] Green value at table index i
              B[i] Blue value at table index i
               A[i] Alpha value at table index i

              then the result of color table lookup is as follows:Resulting Texture Components
              Table Internal FormatRGBA
              ?GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA L[r]L[g]L[b]A[a]
              ?GL_INTENSITY I[r]I[g]I[b]I[a]
              ?GL_RGBR[r] G[g]B[b]A
              ?GL_RGBAR[r] G[g]B[b]A[a]

              When  ?GL_COLOR_TABLE is enabled, the colors resulting from the pixel map operation
              (if it is enabled) are mapped by the color lookup table before being passed to  the
              convolution  operation.  The  colors  resulting  from the convolution operation are
              modified    by    the    post    convolution    color     lookup     table     when
              ?GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_COLOR_TABLE is enabled. These modified colors are then sent to
              the  color  matrix  operation.  Finally,  if  ?GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_COLOR_TABLE  is
              enabled,  the  colors  resulting  from the color matrix operation are mapped by the
              post color matrix color lookup table before being used by the histogram operation.

              See external documentation.

       colorTableParameterfv(Target, Pname, Params) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Params = {float(), float(), float(), float()}

              Set color lookup table parameters

              gl:colorTableParameter is used to specify the scale factors and bias terms  applied
              to color components when they are loaded into a color table. Target indicates which
              color table the scale and bias terms apply to; it must be set  to  ?GL_COLOR_TABLE,

              Pname  must be ?GL_COLOR_TABLE_SCALE to set the scale factors. In this case, Params
              points to an array of four values, which are the  scale  factors  for  red,  green,
              blue, and alpha, in that order.

              Pname  must  be  ?GL_COLOR_TABLE_BIAS  to  set the bias terms. In this case, Params
              points to an array of four values, which are the bias terms for red,  green,  blue,
              and alpha, in that order.

              The color tables themselves are specified by calling gl:colorTable/6 .

              See external documentation.

       colorTableParameteriv(Target, Pname, Params) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Params = {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}

              See colorTableParameterfv/3

       copyColorTable(Target, Internalformat, X, Y, Width) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Internalformat = enum()
                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Width = integer()

              Copy pixels into a color table

              gl:copyColorTable  loads a color table with pixels from the current ?GL_READ_BUFFER
              (rather than from main memory, as is the case for gl:colorTable/6 ).

              The screen-aligned pixel rectangle with lower-left corner at ( X , Y ) having width
              Width and height 1 is loaded into the color table. If any pixels within this region
              are outside the window that is associated with the GL context, the values  obtained
              for those pixels are undefined.

              The  pixels  in the rectangle are processed just as if gl:readPixels/7 were called,
              with Internalformat set to RGBA, but processing stops after the final conversion to

              The  four  scale  parameters  and the four bias parameters that are defined for the
              table are then used to scale and bias the R, G, B, and A components of each  pixel.
              The scale and bias parameters are set by calling gl:colorTableParameterfv/3 .

              Next,  the R, G, B, and A values are clamped to the range [0 1]. Each pixel is then
              converted to the internal format specified  by  Internalformat  .  This  conversion
              simply  maps  the  component  values  of  the  pixel (R, G, B, and A) to the values
              included  in  the  internal  format  (red,  green,  blue,  alpha,  luminance,   and
              intensity).         The         mapping        is        as        follows:Internal
              ?GL_ALPHA A
              ?GL_LUMINANCE R
              ?GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA A R
              ?GL_INTENSITY R
              ?GL_RGB R G B
              ?GL_RGBA R G B A

              Finally, the red, green, blue, alpha, luminance, and/or intensity components of the
              resulting  pixels  are stored in the color table. They form a one-dimensional table
              with indices in the range [0 width-1].

              See external documentation.

       getColorTable(Target, Format, Type, Table) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Format = enum()
                 Type = enum()
                 Table = mem()

              Retrieve contents of a color lookup table

              gl:getColorTable returns in Table the contents of  the  color  table  specified  by
              Target  .  No pixel transfer operations are performed, but pixel storage modes that
              are applicable to gl:readPixels/7 are performed.

              If a non-zero named buffer object is bound to the ?GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER target (see
              gl:bindBuffer/2  ) while a histogram table is requested, Table is treated as a byte
              offset into the buffer object's data store.

              Color components that are requested in the specified Format ,  but  which  are  not
              included  in  the  internal format of the color lookup table, are returned as zero.
              The assignments of internal color components to the components requested by  Format
              areInternal ComponentResulting Component
               Red Red
               Green Green
               Blue Blue
               Alpha Alpha
               Luminance Red
               Intensity Red

              See external documentation.

       getColorTableParameterfv(Target, Pname) -> {float(), float(), float(), float()}


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()

              Get color lookup table parameters

              Returns parameters specific to color table Target .

              When    Pname    is   set   to   ?GL_COLOR_TABLE_SCALE   or   ?GL_COLOR_TABLE_BIAS,
              gl:getColorTableParameter returns the color table scale or bias parameters for  the
              table   specified   by   Target  .  For  these  queries,  Target  must  be  set  to
              ?GL_COLOR_TABLE          ,           ?GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_COLOR_TABLE,           or
              ?GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_COLOR_TABLE  and  Params points to an array of four elements,
              which receive the scale or bias factors for red, green, blue, and  alpha,  in  that

              gl:getColorTableParameter  can  also  be  used  to  retrieve  the  format  and size
              parameters for a color table. For these queries, set Target  to  either  the  color
              table  target  or  the proxy color table target. The format and size parameters are
              set by gl:colorTable/6 .

              The following table lists the format and size parameters that may be  queried.  For
              each  symbolic  constant  listed below for Pname , Params must point to an array of
              the given length and receive the values indicated.ParameterNMeaning
              ?GL_COLOR_TABLE_FORMAT 1 Internal format (e.g., ?GL_RGBA)
              ?GL_COLOR_TABLE_WIDTH 1 Number of elements in table
              ?GL_COLOR_TABLE_RED_SIZE 1 Size of red component, in bits
              ?GL_COLOR_TABLE_GREEN_SIZE 1 Size of green component
              ?GL_COLOR_TABLE_BLUE_SIZE 1 Size of blue component
              ?GL_COLOR_TABLE_ALPHA_SIZE 1 Size of alpha component
              ?GL_COLOR_TABLE_LUMINANCE_SIZE 1 Size of luminance component
              ?GL_COLOR_TABLE_INTENSITY_SIZE 1 Size of intensity component

              See external documentation.

       getColorTableParameteriv(Target, Pname) -> {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()

              See getColorTableParameterfv/2

       colorSubTable(Target, Start, Count, Format, Type, Data) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Start = integer()
                 Count = integer()
                 Format = enum()
                 Type = enum()
                 Data = offset() | mem()

              Respecify a portion of a color table

              gl:colorSubTable is used to  respecify  a  contiguous  portion  of  a  color  table
              previously  defined  using  gl:colorTable/6 . The pixels referenced by Data replace
              the portion of the existing table from indices Start to  start+count-1,  inclusive.
              This  region may not include any entries outside the range of the color table as it
              was originally specified. It is not an error to specify a subtexture with width  of
              0, but such a specification has no effect.

              If  a  non-zero  named buffer object is bound to the ?GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER target
              (see gl:bindBuffer/2 ) while a portion of a color table  is  respecified,  Data  is
              treated as a byte offset into the buffer object's data store.

              See external documentation.

       copyColorSubTable(Target, Start, X, Y, Width) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Start = integer()
                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Width = integer()

              Respecify a portion of a color table

              gl:copyColorSubTable  is  used  to  respecify a contiguous portion of a color table
              previously defined using gl:colorTable/6 . The pixels copied from  the  framebuffer
              replace  the  portion  of  the  existing  table  from  indices  Start to start+x-1,
              inclusive. This region may not include any entries outside the range of  the  color
              table, as was originally specified. It is not an error to specify a subtexture with
              width of 0, but such a specification has no effect.

              See external documentation.

       convolutionFilter1D(Target, Internalformat, Width, Format, Type, Image) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Internalformat = enum()
                 Width = integer()
                 Format = enum()
                 Type = enum()
                 Image = offset() | mem()

              Define a one-dimensional convolution filter

              gl:convolutionFilter1D builds a one-dimensional convolution filter kernel  from  an
              array of pixels.

              The  pixel  array  specified  by Width , Format , Type , and Data is extracted from
              memory and processed just as if gl:drawPixels/5 were called, but  processing  stops
              after the final expansion to RGBA is completed.

              If  a  non-zero  named buffer object is bound to the ?GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER target
              (see gl:bindBuffer/2 ) while a convolution filter is specified, Data is treated  as
              a byte offset into the buffer object's data store.

              The  R,  G,  B,  and  A  components  of  each  pixel are next scaled by the four 1D
              ?GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_SCALE   parameters   and   biased    by    the    four    1D
              ?GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_BIAS  parameters.  (The scale and bias parameters are set by
              gl:convolutionParameterf/3  using  the  ?GL_CONVOLUTION_1D  target  and  the  names
              ?GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_SCALE   and  ?GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_BIAS  .  The  parameters
              themselves are vectors of four values that are applied to  red,  green,  blue,  and
              alpha,  in  that  order.) The R, G, B, and A values are not clamped to [0,1] at any
              time during this process.

              Each pixel is then converted to the internal format specified by  Internalformat  .
              This  conversion  simply maps the component values of the pixel (R, G, B, and A) to
              the values included in the internal format (red, green, blue, alpha, luminance, and
              intensity).         The         mapping        is        as        follows:Internal
              ?GL_ALPHA A
              ?GL_LUMINANCE R
              ?GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA A R
              ?GL_INTENSITY R
              ?GL_RGB R G B
              ?GL_RGBA R G B A

              The red,  green,  blue,  alpha,  luminance,  and/or  intensity  components  of  the
              resulting pixels are stored in floating-point rather than integer format. They form
              a one-dimensional filter kernel image indexed with coordinate i such that i  starts
              at  0  and  increases from left to right. Kernel location i is derived from the ith
              pixel, counting from 0.

              Note that after a convolution is performed, the resulting color components are also
              scaled by their corresponding ?GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_c_SCALE parameters and biased by
              their corresponding ?GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_c_BIAS parameters (where c  takes  on  the
              values   RED,   GREEN,   BLUE,   and   ALPHA).   These   parameters   are   set  by
              gl:pixelTransferf/2 .

              See external documentation.

       convolutionFilter2D(Target, Internalformat, Width, Height, Format, Type, Image) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Internalformat = enum()
                 Width = integer()
                 Height = integer()
                 Format = enum()
                 Type = enum()
                 Image = offset() | mem()

              Define a two-dimensional convolution filter

              gl:convolutionFilter2D builds a two-dimensional convolution filter kernel  from  an
              array of pixels.

              The pixel array specified by Width , Height , Format , Type , and Data is extracted
              from memory and processed just as if gl:drawPixels/5 were  called,  but  processing
              stops after the final expansion to RGBA is completed.

              If  a  non-zero  named buffer object is bound to the ?GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER target
              (see gl:bindBuffer/2 ) while a convolution filter is specified, Data is treated  as
              a byte offset into the buffer object's data store.

              The  R,  G,  B,  and  A  components  of  each  pixel are next scaled by the four 2D
              ?GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_SCALE   parameters   and   biased    by    the    four    2D
              ?GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_BIAS  parameters.  (The scale and bias parameters are set by
              gl:convolutionParameterf/3  using  the  ?GL_CONVOLUTION_2D  target  and  the  names
              ?GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_SCALE   and  ?GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_BIAS  .  The  parameters
              themselves are vectors of four values that are applied to  red,  green,  blue,  and
              alpha,  in  that  order.) The R, G, B, and A values are not clamped to [0,1] at any
              time during this process.

              Each pixel is then converted to the internal format specified by  Internalformat  .
              This  conversion  simply maps the component values of the pixel (R, G, B, and A) to
              the values included in the internal format (red, green, blue, alpha, luminance, and
              intensity).         The         mapping        is        as        follows:Internal
              ?GL_ALPHA A
              ?GL_LUMINANCE R
              ?GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA A R
              ?GL_INTENSITY R
              ?GL_RGB R G B
              ?GL_RGBA R G B A

              The red,  green,  blue,  alpha,  luminance,  and/or  intensity  components  of  the
              resulting pixels are stored in floating-point rather than integer format. They form
              a two-dimensional filter kernel image indexed with coordinates i and j such that  i
              starts at zero and increases from left to right, and j starts at zero and increases
              from bottom to top. Kernel location i,j is derived from the Nth pixel, where  N  is
              i+j* Width .

              Note that after a convolution is performed, the resulting color components are also
              scaled by their corresponding ?GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_c_SCALE parameters and biased by
              their  corresponding  ?GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_c_BIAS  parameters (where c takes on the
              values  RED,   GREEN,   BLUE,   and   ALPHA).   These   parameters   are   set   by
              gl:pixelTransferf/2 .

              See external documentation.

       convolutionParameterf(Target, Pname, Params) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Params = {float()}

              Set convolution parameters

              gl:convolutionParameter sets the value of a convolution parameter.

              Target   selects   the  convolution  filter  to  be  affected:  ?GL_CONVOLUTION_1D,
              ?GL_CONVOLUTION_2D , or ?GL_SEPARABLE_2D for the 1D, 2D, or  separable  2D  filter,

              Pname  selects  the  parameter  to  be  changed.  ?GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_SCALE  and
              ?GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_BIAS affect the definition of the convolution filter kernel;
              see      gl:convolutionFilter1D/6      ,     gl:convolutionFilter2D/7     ,     and
              gl:separableFilter2D/8 for details. In these cases, Params v is an  array  of  four
              values  to  be  applied  to  red,  green, blue, and alpha values, respectively. The
              initial value for ?GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_SCALE is (1, 1, 1,  1),  and  the  initial
              value for ?GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_BIAS is (0, 0, 0, 0).

              A  Pname value of ?GL_CONVOLUTION_BORDER_MODE controls the convolution border mode.
              The accepted modes are:

              ?GL_REDUCE: The image resulting from convolution is smaller than the source  image.
              If  the  filter  width is Wf and height is Hf, and the source image width is Ws and
              height is Hs, then the convolved image width will be Ws-Wf+1 and height will be Hs-
              Hf  +1.  (If  this  reduction  would  generate an image with zero or negative width
              and/or height, the output is simply null, with no error generated.) The coordinates
              of  the  image  resulting from convolution are zero through Ws-Wf in width and zero
              through Hs-Hf in height.

              ?GL_CONSTANT_BORDER: The image resulting from convolution is the same size  as  the
              source  image,  and processed as if the source image were surrounded by pixels with
              their color specified by the ?GL_CONVOLUTION_BORDER_COLOR.

              ?GL_REPLICATE_BORDER: The image resulting from convolution is the same size as  the
              source  image,  and processed as if the outermost pixel on the border of the source
              image were replicated.

              See external documentation.

       convolutionParameterfv(Target::enum(), Pname::enum(), Params) -> ok


                 Params = {Params::{float()}}

              Equivalent to convolutionParameterf(Target, Pname, Params).

       convolutionParameteri(Target, Pname, Params) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Params = {integer()}

              See convolutionParameterf/3

       convolutionParameteriv(Target::enum(), Pname::enum(), Params) -> ok


                 Params = {Params::{integer()}}

              Equivalent to convolutionParameteri(Target, Pname, Params).

       copyConvolutionFilter1D(Target, Internalformat, X, Y, Width) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Internalformat = enum()
                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Width = integer()

              Copy pixels into a one-dimensional convolution filter

              gl:copyConvolutionFilter1D defines a one-dimensional convolution filter kernel with
              pixels  from  the  current ?GL_READ_BUFFER (rather than from main memory, as is the
              case for gl:convolutionFilter1D/6 ).

              The screen-aligned pixel rectangle with lower-left corner at ( X , Y ), width Width
              and  height  1  is used to define the convolution filter. If any pixels within this
              region are outside the window that is associated with the GL  context,  the  values
              obtained for those pixels are undefined.

              The  pixels  in  the rectangle are processed exactly as if gl:readPixels/7 had been
              called with format set to RGBA, but the process stops just before final conversion.
              The  R,  G,  B,  and  A  components  of  each  pixel are next scaled by the four 1D
              ?GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_SCALE   parameters   and   biased    by    the    four    1D
              ?GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_BIAS  parameters.  (The scale and bias parameters are set by
              gl:convolutionParameterf/3  using  the  ?GL_CONVOLUTION_1D  target  and  the  names
              ?GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_SCALE   and  ?GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_BIAS  .  The  parameters
              themselves are vectors of four values that are applied to  red,  green,  blue,  and
              alpha,  in  that  order.) The R, G, B, and A values are not clamped to [0,1] at any
              time during this process.

              Each pixel is then converted to the internal format specified by  Internalformat  .
              This  conversion  simply maps the component values of the pixel (R, G, B, and A) to
              the values included in the internal format (red, green, blue, alpha, luminance, and
              intensity).         The         mapping        is        as        follows:Internal
              ?GL_ALPHA A
              ?GL_LUMINANCE R
              ?GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA A R
              ?GL_INTENSITY R
              ?GL_RGB R G B
              ?GL_RGBA R G B A

              The red,  green,  blue,  alpha,  luminance,  and/or  intensity  components  of  the
              resulting pixels are stored in floating-point rather than integer format.

              Pixel ordering is such that lower x screen coordinates correspond to lower i filter
              image coordinates.

              Note that after a convolution is performed, the resulting color components are also
              scaled by their corresponding ?GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_c_SCALE parameters and biased by
              their corresponding ?GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_c_BIAS parameters (where c  takes  on  the
              values   RED,   GREEN,   BLUE,   and   ALPHA).   These   parameters   are   set  by
              gl:pixelTransferf/2 .

              See external documentation.

       copyConvolutionFilter2D(Target, Internalformat, X, Y, Width, Height) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Internalformat = enum()
                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Width = integer()
                 Height = integer()

              Copy pixels into a two-dimensional convolution filter

              gl:copyConvolutionFilter2D defines a two-dimensional convolution filter kernel with
              pixels  from  the  current ?GL_READ_BUFFER (rather than from main memory, as is the
              case for gl:convolutionFilter2D/7 ).

              The screen-aligned pixel rectangle with lower-left corner at ( X , Y ), width Width
              and  height  Height  is used to define the convolution filter. If any pixels within
              this region are outside the window that is associated  with  the  GL  context,  the
              values obtained for those pixels are undefined.

              The  pixels  in  the rectangle are processed exactly as if gl:readPixels/7 had been
              called with format set to RGBA, but the process stops just before final conversion.
              The  R,  G,  B,  and  A  components  of  each  pixel are next scaled by the four 2D
              ?GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_SCALE   parameters   and   biased    by    the    four    2D
              ?GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_BIAS  parameters.  (The scale and bias parameters are set by
              gl:convolutionParameterf/3  using  the  ?GL_CONVOLUTION_2D  target  and  the  names
              ?GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_SCALE   and  ?GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_BIAS  .  The  parameters
              themselves are vectors of four values that are applied to  red,  green,  blue,  and
              alpha,  in  that  order.) The R, G, B, and A values are not clamped to [0,1] at any
              time during this process.

              Each pixel is then converted to the internal format specified by  Internalformat  .
              This  conversion  simply maps the component values of the pixel (R, G, B, and A) to
              the values included in the internal format (red, green, blue, alpha, luminance, and
              intensity).         The         mapping        is        as        follows:Internal
              ?GL_ALPHA A
              ?GL_LUMINANCE R
              ?GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA A R
              ?GL_INTENSITY R
              ?GL_RGB R G B
              ?GL_RGBA R G B A

              The red,  green,  blue,  alpha,  luminance,  and/or  intensity  components  of  the
              resulting pixels are stored in floating-point rather than integer format.

              Pixel ordering is such that lower x screen coordinates correspond to lower i filter
              image coordinates, and lower y screen coordinates  correspond  to  lower  j  filter
              image coordinates.

              Note that after a convolution is performed, the resulting color components are also
              scaled by their corresponding ?GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_c_SCALE parameters and biased by
              their  corresponding  ?GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_c_BIAS  parameters (where c takes on the
              values  RED,   GREEN,   BLUE,   and   ALPHA).   These   parameters   are   set   by
              gl:pixelTransferf/2 .

              See external documentation.

       getConvolutionFilter(Target, Format, Type, Image) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Format = enum()
                 Type = enum()
                 Image = mem()

              Get current 1D or 2D convolution filter kernel

              gl:getConvolutionFilter  returns  the current 1D or 2D convolution filter kernel as
              an image. The one- or two-dimensional image is placed in  Image  according  to  the
              specifications  in  Format and Type . No pixel transfer operations are performed on
              this image, but the relevant pixel storage modes are applied.

              If a non-zero named buffer object is bound to the ?GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER target (see
              gl:bindBuffer/2  )  while  a convolution filter is requested, Image is treated as a
              byte offset into the buffer object's data store.

              Color components that are present in Format but not included in the internal format
              of the filter are returned as zero. The assignments of internal color components to
              the components of Format are as follows.Internal ComponentResulting Component
               Red Red
               Green Green
               Blue Blue
               Alpha Alpha
               Luminance Red
               Intensity Red

              See external documentation.

       getConvolutionParameterfv(Target, Pname) -> {float(), float(), float(), float()}


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()

              Get convolution parameters

              gl:getConvolutionParameter  retrieves  convolution  parameters.  Target  determines
              which convolution filter is queried. Pname determines which parameter is returned:

              ?GL_CONVOLUTION_BORDER_MODE:      The      convolution     border     mode.     See
              gl:convolutionParameterf/3 for a list of border modes.

              ?GL_CONVOLUTION_BORDER_COLOR: The current convolution border color. Params must  be
              a  pointer  to  an array of four elements, which will receive the red, green, blue,
              and alpha border colors.

              ?GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_SCALE: The current filter scale factors. Params  must  be  a
              pointer  to an array of four elements, which will receive the red, green, blue, and
              alpha filter scale factors in that order.

              ?GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_BIAS: The current filter bias  factors.  Params  must  be  a
              pointer  to an array of four elements, which will receive the red, green, blue, and
              alpha filter bias terms in that order.

              ?GL_CONVOLUTION_FORMAT: The current internal format. See gl:convolutionFilter1D/6 ,
              gl:convolutionFilter2D/7  ,  and  gl:separableFilter2D/8  for  lists  of  allowable

              ?GL_CONVOLUTION_WIDTH: The current filter image width.

              ?GL_CONVOLUTION_HEIGHT: The current filter image height.

              ?GL_MAX_CONVOLUTION_WIDTH: The maximum acceptable filter image width.

              ?GL_MAX_CONVOLUTION_HEIGHT: The maximum acceptable filter image height.

              See external documentation.

       getConvolutionParameteriv(Target, Pname) -> {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()

              See getConvolutionParameterfv/2

       separableFilter2D(Target, Internalformat, Width, Height, Format, Type, Row, Column) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Internalformat = enum()
                 Width = integer()
                 Height = integer()
                 Format = enum()
                 Type = enum()
                 Row = offset() | mem()
                 Column = offset() | mem()

              Define a separable two-dimensional convolution filter

              gl:separableFilter2D builds a two-dimensional separable convolution  filter  kernel
              from two arrays of pixels.

              The pixel arrays specified by ( Width , Format , Type , Row ) and ( Height , Format
              , Type , Column ) are processed just as if they had been passed to  gl:drawPixels/5
              , but processing stops after the final expansion to RGBA is completed.

              If  a  non-zero  named buffer object is bound to the ?GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER target
              (see gl:bindBuffer/2 ) while a convolution filter is specified, Row and Column  are
              treated as byte offsets into the buffer object's data store.

              Next,  the R, G, B, and A components of all pixels in both arrays are scaled by the
              four separable 2D ?GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_SCALE parameters and biased  by  the  four
              separable 2D ?GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_BIAS parameters. (The scale and bias parameters
              are set by gl:convolutionParameterf/3 using the  ?GL_SEPARABLE_2D  target  and  the
              names  ?GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_SCALE and ?GL_CONVOLUTION_FILTER_BIAS. The parameters
              themselves are vectors of four values that are applied to  red,  green,  blue,  and
              alpha,  in  that  order.) The R, G, B, and A values are not clamped to [0,1] at any
              time during this process.

              Each pixel is then converted to the internal format specified by  Internalformat  .
              This  conversion  simply maps the component values of the pixel (R, G, B, and A) to
              the values included in the internal format (red, green, blue, alpha, luminance, and
              intensity).         The         mapping        is        as        follows:Internal
              ?GL_LUMINANCE R
              ?GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA A R
              ?GL_INTENSITY R
              ?GL_RGB R G B
              ?GL_RGBA R G B A

              The red,  green,  blue,  alpha,  luminance,  and/or  intensity  components  of  the
              resulting pixels are stored in floating-point rather than integer format. They form
              two one-dimensional filter kernel images. The row image is indexed by coordinate  i
              starting  at zero and increasing from left to right. Each location in the row image
              is derived from element i of Row . The column image  is  indexed  by  coordinate  j
              starting  at  zero  and  increasing from bottom to top. Each location in the column
              image is derived from element j of Column .

              Note that after a convolution is performed, the resulting color components are also
              scaled by their corresponding ?GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_c_SCALE parameters and biased by
              their corresponding ?GL_POST_CONVOLUTION_c_BIAS parameters (where c  takes  on  the
              values   RED,   GREEN,   BLUE,   and   ALPHA).   These   parameters   are   set  by
              gl:pixelTransferf/2 .

              See external documentation.

       getHistogram(Target, Reset, Format, Type, Values) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Reset = 0 | 1
                 Format = enum()
                 Type = enum()
                 Values = mem()

              Get histogram table

              gl:getHistogram returns the current histogram table as a one-dimensional image with
              the same width as the histogram. No pixel transfer operations are performed on this
              image, but pixel storage modes that are applicable to 1D images are honored.

              If a non-zero named buffer object is bound to the ?GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER target (see
              gl:bindBuffer/2 ) while a histogram table is requested, Values is treated as a byte
              offset into the buffer object's data store.

              Color components that are requested in the specified Format ,  but  which  are  not
              included  in  the  internal  format  of  the  histogram,  are returned as zero. The
              assignments of internal color components to  the  components  requested  by  Format
              are:Internal ComponentResulting Component
               Red Red
               Green Green
               Blue Blue
               Alpha Alpha
               Luminance Red

              See external documentation.

       getHistogramParameterfv(Target, Pname) -> {float()}


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()

              Get histogram parameters

              gl:getHistogramParameter  is  used  to  query  parameter  values  for  the  current
              histogram or for a proxy. The histogram state information may be queried by calling
              gl:getHistogramParameter  with a Target of ?GL_HISTOGRAM (to obtain information for
              the current histogram table) or ?GL_PROXY_HISTOGRAM (to obtain information from the
              most  recent  proxy  request)  and  one  of  the  following  values  for  the Pname
              ?GL_HISTOGRAM_WIDTH Histogram table width
              ?GL_HISTOGRAM_FORMAT Internal format
              ?GL_HISTOGRAM_RED_SIZE Red component counter size, in bits
              ?GL_HISTOGRAM_GREEN_SIZE Green component counter size, in bits
              ?GL_HISTOGRAM_BLUE_SIZE Blue component counter size, in bits
              ?GL_HISTOGRAM_ALPHA_SIZE Alpha component counter size, in bits
              ?GL_HISTOGRAM_LUMINANCE_SIZE Luminance component counter size, in bits
              ?GL_HISTOGRAM_SINK Value of the sink parameter

              See external documentation.

       getHistogramParameteriv(Target, Pname) -> {integer()}


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()

              See getHistogramParameterfv/2

       getMinmax(Target, Reset, Format, Types, Values) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Reset = 0 | 1
                 Format = enum()
                 Types = enum()
                 Values = mem()

              Get minimum and maximum pixel values

              gl:getMinmax returns the accumulated minimum and maximum pixel values (computed  on
              a  per-component  basis)  in  a  one-dimensional image of width 2. The first set of
              return values are the minima, and the second set of return values are  the  maxima.
              The  format  of  the  return  values  is  determined  by Format , and their type is
              determined by Types .

              If a non-zero named buffer object is bound to the ?GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER target (see
              gl:bindBuffer/2  )  while minimum and maximum pixel values are requested, Values is
              treated as a byte offset into the buffer object's data store.

              No pixel transfer operations are performed on the return values, but pixel  storage
              modes that are applicable to one-dimensional images are performed. Color components
              that are requested in the specified Format , but  that  are  not  included  in  the
              internal  format  of  the  minmax  table,  are  returned as zero. The assignment of
              internal  color  components  to  the  components  requested  by   Format   are   as
              follows:Internal ComponentResulting Component
               Red Red
               Green Green
               Blue Blue
               Alpha Alpha
               Luminance Red

              If  Reset  is ?GL_TRUE, the minmax table entries corresponding to the return values
              are reset to their initial values. Minimum and maximum values that are not returned
              are not modified, even if Reset is ?GL_TRUE.

              See external documentation.

       getMinmaxParameterfv(Target, Pname) -> {float()}


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()

              Get minmax parameters

              gl:getMinmaxParameter  retrieves parameters for the current minmax table by setting
              Pname to one of the following values:ParameterDescription
              ?GL_MINMAX_FORMAT Internal format of minmax table
              ?GL_MINMAX_SINK Value of the sink parameter

              See external documentation.

       getMinmaxParameteriv(Target, Pname) -> {integer()}


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()

              See getMinmaxParameterfv/2

       histogram(Target, Width, Internalformat, Sink) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Width = integer()
                 Internalformat = enum()
                 Sink = 0 | 1

              Define histogram table

              When ?GL_HISTOGRAM is enabled, RGBA color components  are  converted  to  histogram
              table  indices  by  clamping  to  the  range [0,1], multiplying by the width of the
              histogram table, and rounding to the nearest integer. The table entries selected by
              the  RGBA  indices  are  then incremented. (If the internal format of the histogram
              table includes luminance, then  the  index  derived  from  the  R  color  component
              determines the luminance table entry to be incremented.) If a histogram table entry
              is incremented beyond its maximum value, then its value becomes undefined. (This is
              not an error.)

              Histogramming  is  performed  only  for  RGBA pixels (though these may be specified
              originally as  color  indices  and  converted  to  RGBA  by  index  table  lookup).
              Histogramming is enabled with gl:enable/1 and disabled with gl:enable/1 .

              When Target is ?GL_HISTOGRAM, gl:histogram redefines the current histogram table to
              have Width entries of the format specified by  Internalformat  .  The  entries  are
              indexed  0  through width-1, and all entries are initialized to zero. The values in
              the previous histogram table, if any, are lost. If Sink is ?GL_TRUE ,  then  pixels
              are discarded after histogramming; no further processing of the pixels takes place,
              and no drawing, texture loading, or pixel readback will result.

              When Target is ?GL_PROXY_HISTOGRAM, gl:histogram computes all state information  as
              if  the  histogram table were to be redefined, but does not actually define the new
              table. If the requested histogram table is too large  to  be  supported,  then  the
              state  information  will  be  set  to  zero.  This provides a way to determine if a
              histogram table with the given parameters can be supported.

              See external documentation.

       minmax(Target, Internalformat, Sink) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Internalformat = enum()
                 Sink = 0 | 1

              Define minmax table

              When ?GL_MINMAX is enabled, the RGBA components of incoming pixels are compared  to
              the  minimum  and  maximum  values for each component, which are stored in the two-
              element minmax table. (The first element stores the minima, and the second  element
              stores  the  maxima.)  If  a  pixel  component  is  greater  than the corresponding
              component in the maximum element, then the maximum  element  is  updated  with  the
              pixel  component  value.  If  a  pixel  component  is  less  than the corresponding
              component in the minimum element, then the minimum  element  is  updated  with  the
              pixel  component  value. (In both cases, if the internal format of the minmax table
              includes luminance, then the R color component  of  incoming  pixels  is  used  for
              comparison.)  The  contents of the minmax table may be retrieved at a later time by
              calling gl:getMinmax/5 . The minmax operation is enabled  or  disabled  by  calling
              gl:enable/1 or gl:enable/1 , respectively, with an argument of ?GL_MINMAX .

              gl:minmax  redefines  the  current  minmax  table  to  have  entries  of the format
              specified by Internalformat . The maximum element is initialized with the  smallest
              possible  component values, and the minimum element is initialized with the largest
              possible component values. The values in the previous minmax  table,  if  any,  are
              lost.  If  Sink  is  ?GL_TRUE  , then pixels are discarded after minmax; no further
              processing of the pixels takes place, and no drawing,  texture  loading,  or  pixel
              readback will result.

              See external documentation.

       resetHistogram(Target) -> ok


                 Target = enum()

              Reset histogram table entries to zero

              gl:resetHistogram resets all the elements of the current histogram table to zero.

              See external documentation.

       resetMinmax(Target) -> ok


                 Target = enum()

              Reset minmax table entries to initial values

              gl:resetMinmax  resets  the  elements  of the current minmax table to their initial
              values: the maximum element receives the minimum possible component values, and the
              minimum element receives the maximum possible component values.

              See external documentation.

       activeTexture(Texture) -> ok


                 Texture = enum()

              Select active texture unit

              gl:activeTexture  selects  which  texture  unit subsequent texture state calls will
              affect. The number of texture units an implementation  supports  is  implementation
              dependent, but must be at least 80.

              See external documentation.

       sampleCoverage(Value, Invert) -> ok


                 Value = clamp()
                 Invert = 0 | 1

              Specify multisample coverage parameters

              Multisampling  samples  a  pixel multiple times at various implementation-dependent
              subpixel locations to generate antialiasing  effects.  Multisampling  transparently
              antialiases points, lines, polygons, and images if it is enabled.

              Value  is  used  in constructing a temporary mask used in determining which samples
              will be used in resolving the final fragment color. This mask is bitwise-anded with
              the  coverage mask generated from the multisampling computation. If the Invert flag
              is set, the temporary mask is inverted (all bits flipped) and then the  bitwise-and
              is computed.

              If   an  implementation  does  not  have  any  multisample  buffers  available,  or
              multisampling is disabled, rasterization occurs with only a single sample computing
              a pixel's final RGB color.

              Provided  an  implementation  supports  multisample  buffers,  and multisampling is
              enabled, then a pixel's final color is generated by combining several  samples  per
              pixel.  Each  sample contains color, depth, and stencil information, allowing those
              operations to be performed on each sample.

              See external documentation.

       compressedTexImage3D(Target,  Level,  Internalformat,  Width,   Height,   Depth,   Border,
       ImageSize, Data) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Level = integer()
                 Internalformat = enum()
                 Width = integer()
                 Height = integer()
                 Depth = integer()
                 Border = integer()
                 ImageSize = integer()
                 Data = offset() | mem()

              Specify a three-dimensional texture image in a compressed format

              Texturing allows elements of an image array to be read by shaders.

              gl:compressedTexImage3D  loads  a  previously  defined,  and  retrieved, compressed
              three-dimensional texture image if Target is ?GL_TEXTURE_3D  (see  gl:texImage3D/10

              If  Target  is  ?GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY,  Data is treated as an array of compressed 2D

              If Target is ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_3D or ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, no  data  is  read
              from  Data  ,  but  all  of  the  texture  image state is recalculated, checked for
              consistency,  and  checked  against  the  implementation's  capabilities.  If   the
              implementation  cannot  handle a texture of the requested texture size, it sets all
              of the image state to 0, but does not generate an error (see  gl:getError/0  ).  To
              query for an entire mipmap array, use an image array level greater than or equal to

              Internalformat must be a known compressed image format (such  as  ?GL_RGTC)  or  an
              extension-specified  compressed-texture  format.  When  a  texture  is  loaded with
              gl:texImage2D/9   using   a    generic    compressed    texture    format    (e.g.,
              ?GL_COMPRESSED_RGB),   the  GL  selects  from  one  of  its  extensions  supporting
              compressed  textures.  In  order  to  load  the  compressed  texture  image   using
              gl:compressedTexImage3D, query the compressed texture image's size and format using
              gl:getTexLevelParameterfv/3 .

              If a non-zero named buffer object is bound to  the  ?GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER  target
              (see  gl:bindBuffer/2  )  while  a texture image is specified, Data is treated as a
              byte offset into the buffer object's data store.

              If the compressed data are arranged into fixed-size blocks  of  texels,  the  pixel
              storage  modes  can  be  used  to  select  a sub-rectangle from a larger containing
              rectangle. These pixel storage modes operate  in  the  same  way  as  they  do  for
              gl:texImage1D/8  .  In the following description, denote by b s, b w, b h, and b d,
              the   values   of    pixel    storage    modes    ?GL_UNPACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_SIZE,
              ?GL_UNPACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_DEPTH, respectively. b s is the compressed  block  size
              in  bytes;  b  w, b h, and b d are the compressed block width, height, and depth in

              By default the pixel storage modes  ?GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH,  ?GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS  ,
              ignored   for   compressed   images.   To   enable    ?GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS    and
              ?GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH  ,  b  s  and  b  w  must  both  be  non-zero. To also enable
              ?GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS and ?GL_UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT , b h must be  non-zero.  To  also
              enable  ?GL_UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES,  b  d  must  be  non-zero.  All  parameters must be
              consistent with the compressed format to produce the desired results.

              When  selecting  a  sub-rectangle  from  a   compressed   image:   the   value   of
              ?GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS  must be a multiple of b w;the value of ?GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS
              must be a multiple of b w;the value of ?GL_UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES must be a multiple of
              b w.

              ImageSize must be equal to:

              b s×|width b/w|×|height b/h|×|depth b/d|

              See external documentation.

       compressedTexImage2D(Target,  Level,  Internalformat,  Width,  Height,  Border, ImageSize,
       Data) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Level = integer()
                 Internalformat = enum()
                 Width = integer()
                 Height = integer()
                 Border = integer()
                 ImageSize = integer()
                 Data = offset() | mem()

              Specify a two-dimensional texture image in a compressed format

              Texturing allows elements of an image array to be read by shaders.

              gl:compressedTexImage2D loads a previously defined, and retrieved, compressed  two-
              dimensional texture image if Target is ?GL_TEXTURE_2D, or one of the cube map faces
              such as ?GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X. (see gl:texImage2D/9 ).

              If Target is ?GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY, Data is treated as an  array  of  compressed  1D

              , no data is read from Data , but all of the texture image state  is  recalculated,
              checked  for consistency, and checked against the implementation's capabilities. If
              the implementation cannot handle a texture of the requested texture size,  it  sets
              all  of  the image state to 0, but does not generate an error (see gl:getError/0 ).
              To query for an entire mipmap array, use an image array level greater than or equal
              to 1.

              Internalformat  must  be  a  known compressed image format (such as ?GL_RGTC) or an
              extension-specified compressed-texture  format.  When  a  texture  is  loaded  with
              gl:texImage2D/9    using    a    generic    compressed    texture   format   (e.g.,
              ?GL_COMPRESSED_RGB),  the  GL  selects  from  one  of  its  extensions   supporting
              compressed   textures.  In  order  to  load  the  compressed  texture  image  using
              gl:compressedTexImage2D, query the compressed texture image's size and format using
              gl:getTexLevelParameterfv/3 .

              If  a  non-zero  named buffer object is bound to the ?GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER target
              (see gl:bindBuffer/2 ) while a texture image is specified, Data  is  treated  as  a
              byte offset into the buffer object's data store.

              If  the  compressed  data  are arranged into fixed-size blocks of texels, the pixel
              storage modes can be used to  select  a  sub-rectangle  from  a  larger  containing
              rectangle.  These  pixel  storage  modes  operate  in  the  same way as they do for
              gl:texImage2D/9 . In the following description, denote by b s, b w, b h, and  b  d,
              the    values    of    pixel    storage   modes   ?GL_UNPACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_SIZE,
              ?GL_UNPACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_DEPTH,  respectively.  b s is the compressed block size
              in bytes; b w, b h, and b d are the compressed block width, height,  and  depth  in

              By  default  the  pixel storage modes ?GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, ?GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS ,
              ignored    for    compressed   images.   To   enable   ?GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS   and
              ?GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH , b s  and  b  w  must  both  be  non-zero.  To  also  enable
              ?GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS  and  ?GL_UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT  , b h must be non-zero. To also
              enable ?GL_UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES, b  d  must  be  non-zero.  All  parameters  must  be
              consistent with the compressed format to produce the desired results.

              When   selecting   a   sub-rectangle   from   a  compressed  image:  the  value  of
              ?GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS must be a multiple of b w;the value of  ?GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS
              must be a multiple of b w.

              ImageSize must be equal to:

              b s×|width b/w|×|height b/h|

              See external documentation.

       compressedTexImage1D(Target, Level, Internalformat, Width, Border, ImageSize, Data) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Level = integer()
                 Internalformat = enum()
                 Width = integer()
                 Border = integer()
                 ImageSize = integer()
                 Data = offset() | mem()

              Specify a one-dimensional texture image in a compressed format

              Texturing allows elements of an image array to be read by shaders.

              gl:compressedTexImage1D  loads a previously defined, and retrieved, compressed one-
              dimensional texture image if Target is ?GL_TEXTURE_1D (see gl:texImage1D/8 ).

              If Target is ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D, no data is read from  Data  ,  but  all  of  the
              texture  image  state is recalculated, checked for consistency, and checked against
              the implementation's capabilities. If the implementation cannot handle a texture of
              the  requested  texture  size,  it  sets  all of the image state to 0, but does not
              generate an error (see gl:getError/0 ). To query for an entire mipmap array, use an
              image array level greater than or equal to 1.

              Internalformat  must  be  an  extension-specified compressed-texture format. When a
              texture is loaded with gl:texImage1D/8 using a generic  compressed  texture  format
              (e.g.,  ?GL_COMPRESSED_RGB)  the  GL  selects from one of its extensions supporting
              compressed  textures.  In  order  to  load  the  compressed  texture  image   using
              gl:compressedTexImage1D  ,  query  the  compressed  texture image's size and format
              using gl:getTexLevelParameterfv/3 .

              If a non-zero named buffer object is bound to  the  ?GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER  target
              (see  gl:bindBuffer/2  )  while  a texture image is specified, Data is treated as a
              byte offset into the buffer object's data store.

              If the compressed data are arranged into fixed-size blocks  of  texels,  the  pixel
              storage  modes  can  be  used  to  select  a sub-rectangle from a larger containing
              rectangle. These pixel storage modes operate  in  the  same  way  as  they  do  for
              gl:texImage1D/8  .  In the following description, denote by b s, b w, b h, and b d,
              the   values   of    pixel    storage    modes    ?GL_UNPACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_SIZE,
              ?GL_UNPACK_COMPRESSED_BLOCK_DEPTH, respectively. b s is the compressed  block  size
              in  bytes;  b  w, b h, and b d are the compressed block width, height, and depth in

              By default the pixel storage modes  ?GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH,  ?GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS  ,
              ignored   for   compressed   images.   To   enable    ?GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS    and
              ?GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH  ,  b  s  and  b  w  must  both  be  non-zero. To also enable
              ?GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS and ?GL_UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT , b h must be  non-zero.  To  also
              enable  ?GL_UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES,  b  d  must  be  non-zero.  All  parameters must be
              consistent with the compressed format to produce the desired results.

              When  selecting  a  sub-rectangle  from  a   compressed   image:   the   value   of
              ?GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS must be a multiple of b w;

              ImageSize must be equal to:

              b s×|width b/w|

              See external documentation.

       compressedTexSubImage3D(Target,  Level,  Xoffset,  Yoffset, Zoffset, Width, Height, Depth,
       Format, ImageSize, Data) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Level = integer()
                 Xoffset = integer()
                 Yoffset = integer()
                 Zoffset = integer()
                 Width = integer()
                 Height = integer()
                 Depth = integer()
                 Format = enum()
                 ImageSize = integer()
                 Data = offset() | mem()

              Specify a three-dimensional texture subimage in a compressed format

              Texturing allows elements of an image array to be read by shaders.

              gl:compressedTexSubImage3D redefines a contiguous subregion of an  existing  three-
              dimensional texture image. The texels referenced by Data replace the portion of the
              existing texture array with x  indices  Xoffset  and  xoffset+width-1,  and  the  y
              indices   Yoffset   and   yoffset+height-1,   and   the   z   indices  Zoffset  and
              zoffset+depth-1, inclusive. This region may not  include  any  texels  outside  the
              range  of  the  texture array as it was originally specified. It is not an error to
              specify a subtexture with width of 0, but such a specification has no effect.

              Internalformat must be a known compressed image format (such  as  ?GL_RGTC)  or  an
              extension-specified compressed-texture format. The Format of the compressed texture
              image is selected by the GL implementation that compressed it (see gl:texImage3D/10
              )   and   should   be   queried  at  the  time  the  texture  was  compressed  with
              gl:getTexLevelParameterfv/3 .

              If a non-zero named buffer object is bound to  the  ?GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER  target
              (see  gl:bindBuffer/2  )  while  a texture image is specified, Data is treated as a
              byte offset into the buffer object's data store.

              See external documentation.

       compressedTexSubImage2D(Target, Level, Xoffset, Yoffset, Width, Height, Format, ImageSize,
       Data) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Level = integer()
                 Xoffset = integer()
                 Yoffset = integer()
                 Width = integer()
                 Height = integer()
                 Format = enum()
                 ImageSize = integer()
                 Data = offset() | mem()

              Specify a two-dimensional texture subimage in a compressed format

              Texturing allows elements of an image array to be read by shaders.

              gl:compressedTexSubImage2D  redefines  a  contiguous  subregion of an existing two-
              dimensional texture image. The texels referenced by Data replace the portion of the
              existing  texture  array  with  x  indices  Xoffset  and xoffset+width-1, and the y
              indices Yoffset and yoffset+height-1, inclusive. This region may  not  include  any
              texels outside the range of the texture array as it was originally specified. It is
              not an error to specify a subtexture with width of 0, but such a specification  has
              no effect.

              Internalformat  must  be  a  known compressed image format (such as ?GL_RGTC) or an
              extension-specified compressed-texture format. The Format of the compressed texture
              image  is selected by the GL implementation that compressed it (see gl:texImage2D/9
              )  and  should  be  queried  at  the  time  the   texture   was   compressed   with
              gl:getTexLevelParameterfv/3 .

              If  a  non-zero  named buffer object is bound to the ?GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER target
              (see gl:bindBuffer/2 ) while a texture image is specified, Data  is  treated  as  a
              byte offset into the buffer object's data store.

              See external documentation.

       compressedTexSubImage1D(Target, Level, Xoffset, Width, Format, ImageSize, Data) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Level = integer()
                 Xoffset = integer()
                 Width = integer()
                 Format = enum()
                 ImageSize = integer()
                 Data = offset() | mem()

              Specify a one-dimensional texture subimage in a compressed format

              Texturing allows elements of an image array to be read by shaders.

              gl:compressedTexSubImage1D  redefines  a  contiguous  subregion of an existing one-
              dimensional texture image. The texels referenced by Data replace the portion of the
              existing  texture array with x indices Xoffset and xoffset+width-1, inclusive. This
              region may not include any texels outside the range of the texture array as it  was
              originally  specified.  It is not an error to specify a subtexture with width of 0,
              but such a specification has no effect.

              Internalformat must be a known compressed image format (such  as  ?GL_RGTC)  or  an
              extension-specified compressed-texture format. The Format of the compressed texture
              image is selected by the GL implementation that compressed it (see  gl:texImage1D/8
              ),   and   should   be  queried  at  the  time  the  texture  was  compressed  with
              gl:getTexLevelParameterfv/3 .

              If a non-zero named buffer object is bound to  the  ?GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER  target
              (see  gl:bindBuffer/2  )  while  a texture image is specified, Data is treated as a
              byte offset into the buffer object's data store.

              See external documentation.

       getCompressedTexImage(Target, Lod, Img) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Lod = integer()
                 Img = mem()

              Return a compressed texture image

              gl:getCompressedTexImage returns  the  compressed  texture  image  associated  with
              Target    and    Lod    into    Img    .    Img    should    be    an    array   of
              ?GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_IMAGE_SIZE  bytes.  Target  specifies  whether  the  desired
              texture    image   was   one   specified   by   gl:texImage1D/8   (?GL_TEXTURE_1D),
              gl:texImage2D/9  (?GL_TEXTURE_2D   or   any   of   ?GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_*   ),   or
              gl:texImage3D/10  (?GL_TEXTURE_3D). Lod specifies the level-of-detail number of the
              desired image.

              If a non-zero named buffer object is bound to the ?GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER target (see
              gl:bindBuffer/2  )  while  a  texture  image is requested, Img is treated as a byte
              offset into the buffer object's data store.

              To minimize errors,  first  verify  that  the  texture  is  compressed  by  calling
              gl:getTexLevelParameterfv/3 with argument ?GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED. If the texture is
              compressed, then determine the amount of memory required to  store  the  compressed
              texture      by      calling      gl:getTexLevelParameterfv/3     with     argument
              ?GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_IMAGE_SIZE. Finally, retrieve the  internal  format  of  the
              texture      by      calling      gl:getTexLevelParameterfv/3     with     argument
              ?GL_TEXTURE_INTERNAL_FORMAT . To store the texture for  later  use,  associate  the
              internal  format  and size with the retrieved texture image. These data can be used
              by the respective texture or subtexture loading routine  used  for  loading  Target

              See external documentation.

       clientActiveTexture(Texture) -> ok


                 Texture = enum()

              Select active texture unit

              gl:clientActiveTexture  selects  the  vertex  array  client  state parameters to be
              modified   by   gl:texCoordPointer/4   ,   and    enabled    or    disabled    with
              gl:enableClientState/1 or gl:enableClientState/1 , respectively, when called with a
              parameter of ?GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY .

              See external documentation.

       multiTexCoord1d(Target, S) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 S = float()

              Set the current texture coordinates

              gl:multiTexCoord  specifies  texture  coordinates  in  one,  two,  three,  or  four
              dimensions.  gl:multiTexCoord1 sets the current texture coordinates to (s 0 0 1); a
              call to gl:multiTexCoord2 sets them to (s  t  0  1).  Similarly,  gl:multiTexCoord3
              specifies  the  texture coordinates as (s t r 1), and gl:multiTexCoord4 defines all
              four components explicitly as (s t r q).

              The current texture coordinates are part of the data that is associated  with  each
              vertex  and  with  the current raster position. Initially, the values for (s t r q)
              are (0 0 0 1).

              See external documentation.

       multiTexCoord1dv(Target::enum(), V) -> ok


                 V = {S::float()}

              Equivalent to multiTexCoord1d(Target, S).

       multiTexCoord1f(Target, S) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 S = float()

              See multiTexCoord1d/2

       multiTexCoord1fv(Target::enum(), V) -> ok


                 V = {S::float()}

              Equivalent to multiTexCoord1f(Target, S).

       multiTexCoord1i(Target, S) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 S = integer()

              See multiTexCoord1d/2

       multiTexCoord1iv(Target::enum(), V) -> ok


                 V = {S::integer()}

              Equivalent to multiTexCoord1i(Target, S).

       multiTexCoord1s(Target, S) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 S = integer()

              See multiTexCoord1d/2

       multiTexCoord1sv(Target::enum(), V) -> ok


                 V = {S::integer()}

              Equivalent to multiTexCoord1s(Target, S).

       multiTexCoord2d(Target, S, T) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 S = float()
                 T = float()

              See multiTexCoord1d/2

       multiTexCoord2dv(Target::enum(), V) -> ok


                 V = {S::float(), T::float()}

              Equivalent to multiTexCoord2d(Target, S, T).

       multiTexCoord2f(Target, S, T) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 S = float()
                 T = float()

              See multiTexCoord1d/2

       multiTexCoord2fv(Target::enum(), V) -> ok


                 V = {S::float(), T::float()}

              Equivalent to multiTexCoord2f(Target, S, T).

       multiTexCoord2i(Target, S, T) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 S = integer()
                 T = integer()

              See multiTexCoord1d/2

       multiTexCoord2iv(Target::enum(), V) -> ok


                 V = {S::integer(), T::integer()}

              Equivalent to multiTexCoord2i(Target, S, T).

       multiTexCoord2s(Target, S, T) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 S = integer()
                 T = integer()

              See multiTexCoord1d/2

       multiTexCoord2sv(Target::enum(), V) -> ok


                 V = {S::integer(), T::integer()}

              Equivalent to multiTexCoord2s(Target, S, T).

       multiTexCoord3d(Target, S, T, R) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 S = float()
                 T = float()
                 R = float()

              See multiTexCoord1d/2

       multiTexCoord3dv(Target::enum(), V) -> ok


                 V = {S::float(), T::float(), R::float()}

              Equivalent to multiTexCoord3d(Target, S, T, R).

       multiTexCoord3f(Target, S, T, R) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 S = float()
                 T = float()
                 R = float()

              See multiTexCoord1d/2

       multiTexCoord3fv(Target::enum(), V) -> ok


                 V = {S::float(), T::float(), R::float()}

              Equivalent to multiTexCoord3f(Target, S, T, R).

       multiTexCoord3i(Target, S, T, R) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 S = integer()
                 T = integer()
                 R = integer()

              See multiTexCoord1d/2

       multiTexCoord3iv(Target::enum(), V) -> ok


                 V = {S::integer(), T::integer(), R::integer()}

              Equivalent to multiTexCoord3i(Target, S, T, R).

       multiTexCoord3s(Target, S, T, R) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 S = integer()
                 T = integer()
                 R = integer()

              See multiTexCoord1d/2

       multiTexCoord3sv(Target::enum(), V) -> ok


                 V = {S::integer(), T::integer(), R::integer()}

              Equivalent to multiTexCoord3s(Target, S, T, R).

       multiTexCoord4d(Target, S, T, R, Q) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 S = float()
                 T = float()
                 R = float()
                 Q = float()

              See multiTexCoord1d/2

       multiTexCoord4dv(Target::enum(), V) -> ok


                 V = {S::float(), T::float(), R::float(), Q::float()}

              Equivalent to multiTexCoord4d(Target, S, T, R, Q).

       multiTexCoord4f(Target, S, T, R, Q) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 S = float()
                 T = float()
                 R = float()
                 Q = float()

              See multiTexCoord1d/2

       multiTexCoord4fv(Target::enum(), V) -> ok


                 V = {S::float(), T::float(), R::float(), Q::float()}

              Equivalent to multiTexCoord4f(Target, S, T, R, Q).

       multiTexCoord4i(Target, S, T, R, Q) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 S = integer()
                 T = integer()
                 R = integer()
                 Q = integer()

              See multiTexCoord1d/2

       multiTexCoord4iv(Target::enum(), V) -> ok


                 V = {S::integer(), T::integer(), R::integer(), Q::integer()}

              Equivalent to multiTexCoord4i(Target, S, T, R, Q).

       multiTexCoord4s(Target, S, T, R, Q) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 S = integer()
                 T = integer()
                 R = integer()
                 Q = integer()

              See multiTexCoord1d/2

       multiTexCoord4sv(Target::enum(), V) -> ok


                 V = {S::integer(), T::integer(), R::integer(), Q::integer()}

              Equivalent to multiTexCoord4s(Target, S, T, R, Q).

       loadTransposeMatrixf(M) -> ok


                 M = matrix()

              Replace the current matrix with the specified row-major ordered matrix

              gl:loadTransposeMatrix replaces the current matrix with the one whose elements  are
              specified  by M . The current matrix is the projection matrix, modelview matrix, or
              texture matrix, depending on the current matrix mode (see gl:matrixMode/1 ).

              The current matrix, M, defines  a  transformation  of  coordinates.  For  instance,
              assume  M  refers to the modelview matrix. If v=(v[0] v[1] v[2] v[3]) is the set of
              object coordinates of a vertex, and M points to an array of 16 single-  or  double-
              precision  floating-point  values  m={m[0]  m[1]  ...  m[15]},  then  the modelview
              transformation M(v) does the following:

              M(v)=(m[0] m[1] m[2] m[3] m[4] m[5] m[6] m[7] m[8] m[9]  m[10]  m[11]  m[12]  m[13]
              m[14] m[15])×(v[0] v[1] v[2] v[3])

              Projection and texture transformations are similarly defined.

              Calling   gl:loadTransposeMatrix  with  matrix  M  is  identical  in  operation  to
              gl:loadMatrixd/1 with M T, where T represents the transpose.

              See external documentation.

       loadTransposeMatrixd(M) -> ok


                 M = matrix()

              See loadTransposeMatrixf/1

       multTransposeMatrixf(M) -> ok


                 M = matrix()

              Multiply the current matrix with the specified row-major ordered matrix

              gl:multTransposeMatrix multiplies the current matrix with the one specified using M
              , and replaces the current matrix with the product.

              The current matrix is determined by the current matrix mode (see gl:matrixMode/1 ).
              It is either the projection matrix, modelview matrix, or the texture matrix.

              See external documentation.

       multTransposeMatrixd(M) -> ok


                 M = matrix()

              See multTransposeMatrixf/1

       blendFuncSeparate(SfactorRGB, DfactorRGB, SfactorAlpha, DfactorAlpha) -> ok


                 SfactorRGB = enum()
                 DfactorRGB = enum()
                 SfactorAlpha = enum()
                 DfactorAlpha = enum()

              Specify pixel arithmetic for RGB and alpha components separately

              Pixels can be drawn using a function that blends the incoming (source) RGBA  values
              with the RGBA values that are already in the frame buffer (the destination values).
              Blending is initially disabled.  Use  gl:enable/1  and  gl:enable/1  with  argument
              ?GL_BLEND to enable and disable blending.

              gl:blendFuncSeparate defines the operation of blending for all draw buffers when it
              is enabled. gl:blendFuncSeparatei defines the operation of blending  for  a  single
              draw  buffer  specified  by Buf when enabled for that draw buffer. SrcRGB specifies
              which method is used to scale the source  RGB-color  components.  DstRGB  specifies
              which  method  is  used  to  scale  the destination RGB-color components. Likewise,
              SrcAlpha specifies which method is used to scale the source alpha color  component,
              and  DstAlpha  specifies  which  method  is  used  to  scale  the destination alpha
              component. The possible methods are described in the following table.  Each  method
              defines four scale factors, one each for red, green, blue, and alpha.

              In  the  table  and  in  subsequent  equations,  first  source,  second  source and
              destination color components are referred to as (R s0 G s0 B s0 A s0), (R s1 G s1 B
              s1  A  s1),  and  (R  d  G  d  B  d  A  d),  respectively.  The  color specified by
              gl:blendColor/4 is referred to as (R c G c B c A c). They are  understood  to  have
              integer values between 0 and (k R k G k B k A), where

              k c=2(m c)-1

              and (m R m G m B m A) is the number of red, green, blue, and alpha bitplanes.

              Source  and destination scale factors are referred to as (s R s G s B s A) and (d R
              d G d B d A). All scale factors have range [0 1].ParameterRGB FactorAlpha Factor
              ?GL_ZERO(0 0 0) 0
              ?GL_ONE (1 1 1) 1
              ?GL_SRC_COLOR(R s0 k/R G s0 k/G B s0 k/B) A s0 k/A
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR(1 1 1 1)-(R s0 k/R G s0 k/G B s0 k/B) 1-A s0 k/A
              ?GL_DST_COLOR(R d k/R G d k/G B d k/B) A d k/A
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR (1 1 1)-(R d k/R G d k/G B d k/B) 1-A d k/A
              ?GL_SRC_ALPHA(A s0 k/A A s0 k/A A s0 k/A) A s0 k/A
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA(1 1 1)-(A s0 k/A A s0 k/A A s0 k/A ) 1-A s0 k/A
              ?GL_DST_ALPHA(A d k/A A d k/A A d k/A) A d k/A
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA (1 1 1)-(A d k/A A d k/A A d k/A) 1-A d k/A
              ?GL_CONSTANT_COLOR(R c G c B c) A c
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR(1 1 1)-(R c G c B c) 1-A c
              ?GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA(A c A c A c) A c
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA (1 1 1)-(A c A c A c) 1-A c
              ?GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE(i i i) 1
              ?GL_SRC1_COLOR(R s1 k/R G s1 k/G B s1 k/B) A s1 k/A
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR (1 1 1 1)-(R s1 k/R G s1 k/G B s1 k/B) 1-A s1 k/A
              ?GL_SRC1_ALPHA(A s1 k/A A s1 k/A A s1 k/A) A s1 k/A
              ?GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA(1 1 1)-(A s1 k/A A s1 k/A A s1 k/A ) 1-A s1 k/A

              In the table,

              i=min(A s 1-(A d))

              To determine the blended RGBA values of a pixel,  the  system  uses  the  following

              R d=min(k R R s s R+R d d R) G d=min(k G G s s G+G d d G) B d=min(k B B s s B+B d d
              B) A d=min(k A A s s A+A d d A)

              Despite the apparent precision of the above equations, blending arithmetic  is  not
              exactly  specified,  because blending operates with imprecise integer color values.
              However, a blend factor that should be equal to 1 is guaranteed not to  modify  its
              multiplicand,  and  a  blend  factor  equal to 0 reduces its multiplicand to 0. For
              example, when SrcRGB is ?GL_SRC_ALPHA , DstRGB is ?GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, and A  s
              is equal to k A, the equations reduce to simple replacement:

              R d=R s G d=G s B d=B s A d=A s

              See external documentation.

       multiDrawArrays(Mode, First, Count) -> ok


                 Mode = enum()
                 First = [integer()]
                 Count = [integer()]

              Render multiple sets of primitives from array data

              gl:multiDrawArrays  specifies  multiple  sets of geometric primitives with very few
              subroutine calls. Instead of calling a GL procedure to pass each individual vertex,
              normal, texture coordinate, edge flag, or color, you can prespecify separate arrays
              of vertices, normals, and colors and use them to construct a sequence of primitives
              with a single call to gl:multiDrawArrays.

              gl:multiDrawArrays  behaves  identically  to  gl:drawArrays/3 except that Primcount
              separate ranges of elements are specified instead.

              When gl:multiDrawArrays is called, it uses  Count  sequential  elements  from  each
              enabled  array  to  construct  a  sequence  of geometric primitives, beginning with
              element First . Mode specifies what kind of primitives are constructed, and how the
              array elements construct those primitives.

              Vertex attributes that are modified by gl:multiDrawArrays have an unspecified value
              after gl:multiDrawArrays returns.  Attributes  that  aren't  modified  remain  well

              See external documentation.

       pointParameterf(Pname, Param) -> ok


                 Pname = enum()
                 Param = float()

              Specify point parameters

              The following values are accepted for Pname :

              ?GL_POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE:   Params  is  a  single  floating-point  value  that
              specifies the threshold value to which point sizes are clamped if they  exceed  the
              specified value. The default value is 1.0.

              ?GL_POINT_SPRITE_COORD_ORIGIN:  Params is a single enum specifying the point sprite
              texture coordinate origin, either ?GL_LOWER_LEFT  or  ?GL_UPPER_LEFT.  The  default
              value is ?GL_UPPER_LEFT.

              See external documentation.

       pointParameterfv(Pname, Params) -> ok


                 Pname = enum()
                 Params = {float()}

              See pointParameterf/2

       pointParameteri(Pname, Param) -> ok


                 Pname = enum()
                 Param = integer()

              See pointParameterf/2

       pointParameteriv(Pname, Params) -> ok


                 Pname = enum()
                 Params = {integer()}

              See pointParameterf/2

       fogCoordf(Coord) -> ok


                 Coord = float()

              Set the current fog coordinates

              gl:fogCoord  specifies  the  fog coordinate that is associated with each vertex and
              the current raster position. The  value  specified  is  interpolated  and  used  in
              computing the fog color (see gl:fogf/2 ).

              See external documentation.

       fogCoordfv(Coord) -> ok


                 Coord = {Coord::float()}

              Equivalent to fogCoordf(Coord).

       fogCoordd(Coord) -> ok


                 Coord = float()

              See fogCoordf/1

       fogCoorddv(Coord) -> ok


                 Coord = {Coord::float()}

              Equivalent to fogCoordd(Coord).

       fogCoordPointer(Type, Stride, Pointer) -> ok


                 Type = enum()
                 Stride = integer()
                 Pointer = offset() | mem()

              Define an array of fog coordinates

              gl:fogCoordPointer  specifies  the  location  and  data  format  of an array of fog
              coordinates to use when rendering.  Type  specifies  the  data  type  of  each  fog
              coordinate,  and  Stride  specifies  the byte stride from one fog coordinate to the
              next, allowing vertices and attributes to be packed into a single array  or  stored
              in separate arrays.

              If  a  non-zero  named  buffer  object is bound to the ?GL_ARRAY_BUFFER target (see
              gl:bindBuffer/2 ) while a fog coordinate array is specified, Pointer is treated  as
              a  byte offset into the buffer object's data store. Also, the buffer object binding
              (?GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING ) is saved as fog  coordinate  vertex  array  client-side
              state (?GL_FOG_COORD_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING ).

              When  a fog coordinate array is specified, Type , Stride , and Pointer are saved as
              client-side state, in addition to the current vertex array buffer object binding.

              To enable and disable the fog coordinate  array,  call  gl:enableClientState/1  and
              gl:enableClientState/1  with  the argument ?GL_FOG_COORD_ARRAY. If enabled, the fog
              coordinate  array  is  used   when   gl:drawArrays/3   ,   gl:multiDrawArrays/3   ,
              gl:drawElements/4   ,   see   glMultiDrawElements  ,  gl:drawRangeElements/6  ,  or
              gl:arrayElement/1 is called.

              See external documentation.

       secondaryColor3b(Red, Green, Blue) -> ok


                 Red = integer()
                 Green = integer()
                 Blue = integer()

              Set the current secondary color

              The GL stores both a primary four-valued RGBA color  and  a  secondary  four-valued
              RGBA color (where alpha is always set to 0.0) that is associated with every vertex.

              The   secondary   color  is  interpolated  and  applied  to  each  fragment  during
              rasterization  when  ?GL_COLOR_SUM  is  enabled.  When  lighting  is  enabled,  and
              ?GL_SEPARATE_SPECULAR_COLOR  is  specified,  the  value  of  the secondary color is
              assigned the value computed from the specular term  of  the  lighting  computation.
              Both  the  primary  and  secondary  current  colors  are  applied to each fragment,
              regardless  of  the  state  of   ?GL_COLOR_SUM,   under   such   conditions.   When
              ?GL_SEPARATE_SPECULAR_COLOR  is  specified,  the  value  returned from querying the
              current secondary color is undefined.

              gl:secondaryColor3b, gl:secondaryColor3s, and gl:secondaryColor3i take three signed
              byte,  short,  or  long  integers as arguments. When v is appended to the name, the
              color commands can take a pointer to an array of such values.

              Color values are stored in floating-point format,  with  unspecified  mantissa  and
              exponent  sizes.  Unsigned  integer  color components, when specified, are linearly
              mapped to floating-point values such that the largest representable value  maps  to
              1.0  (full  intensity),  and  0  maps to 0.0 (zero intensity). Signed integer color
              components, when specified, are linearly mapped to floating-point values such  that
              the  most  positive  representable  value  maps  to  1.0,  and  the  most  negative
              representable value maps to -1.0. (Note  that  this  mapping  does  not  convert  0
              precisely to 0.0). Floating-point values are mapped directly.

              Neither  floating-point  nor  signed  integer values are clamped to the range [0 1]
              before the current color is updated. However, color components are clamped to  this
              range before they are interpolated or written into a color buffer.

              See external documentation.

       secondaryColor3bv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Red::integer(), Green::integer(), Blue::integer()}

              Equivalent to secondaryColor3b(Red, Green, Blue).

       secondaryColor3d(Red, Green, Blue) -> ok


                 Red = float()
                 Green = float()
                 Blue = float()

              See secondaryColor3b/3

       secondaryColor3dv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Red::float(), Green::float(), Blue::float()}

              Equivalent to secondaryColor3d(Red, Green, Blue).

       secondaryColor3f(Red, Green, Blue) -> ok


                 Red = float()
                 Green = float()
                 Blue = float()

              See secondaryColor3b/3

       secondaryColor3fv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Red::float(), Green::float(), Blue::float()}

              Equivalent to secondaryColor3f(Red, Green, Blue).

       secondaryColor3i(Red, Green, Blue) -> ok


                 Red = integer()
                 Green = integer()
                 Blue = integer()

              See secondaryColor3b/3

       secondaryColor3iv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Red::integer(), Green::integer(), Blue::integer()}

              Equivalent to secondaryColor3i(Red, Green, Blue).

       secondaryColor3s(Red, Green, Blue) -> ok


                 Red = integer()
                 Green = integer()
                 Blue = integer()

              See secondaryColor3b/3

       secondaryColor3sv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Red::integer(), Green::integer(), Blue::integer()}

              Equivalent to secondaryColor3s(Red, Green, Blue).

       secondaryColor3ub(Red, Green, Blue) -> ok


                 Red = integer()
                 Green = integer()
                 Blue = integer()

              See secondaryColor3b/3

       secondaryColor3ubv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Red::integer(), Green::integer(), Blue::integer()}

              Equivalent to secondaryColor3ub(Red, Green, Blue).

       secondaryColor3ui(Red, Green, Blue) -> ok


                 Red = integer()
                 Green = integer()
                 Blue = integer()

              See secondaryColor3b/3

       secondaryColor3uiv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Red::integer(), Green::integer(), Blue::integer()}

              Equivalent to secondaryColor3ui(Red, Green, Blue).

       secondaryColor3us(Red, Green, Blue) -> ok


                 Red = integer()
                 Green = integer()
                 Blue = integer()

              See secondaryColor3b/3

       secondaryColor3usv(V) -> ok


                 V = {Red::integer(), Green::integer(), Blue::integer()}

              Equivalent to secondaryColor3us(Red, Green, Blue).

       secondaryColorPointer(Size, Type, Stride, Pointer) -> ok


                 Size = integer()
                 Type = enum()
                 Stride = integer()
                 Pointer = offset() | mem()

              Define an array of secondary colors

              gl:secondaryColorPointer  specifies  the  location  and  data format of an array of
              color components to use when rendering. Size specifies the number of components per
              color,  and  must  be  3. Type specifies the data type of each color component, and
              Stride specifies the byte stride from one color to the next, allowing vertices  and
              attributes to be packed into a single array or stored in separate arrays.

              If  a  non-zero  named  buffer  object is bound to the ?GL_ARRAY_BUFFER target (see
              gl:bindBuffer/2 ) while a secondary color array is specified, Pointer is treated as
              a  byte offset into the buffer object's data store. Also, the buffer object binding
              (?GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING ) is saved as secondary color  vertex  array  client-side

              When  a  secondary color array is specified, Size , Type , Stride , and Pointer are
              saved as client-side state, in addition to the current vertex array  buffer  object

              To  enable  and  disable the secondary color array, call gl:enableClientState/1 and
              gl:enableClientState/1 with the argument ?GL_SECONDARY_COLOR_ARRAY. If enabled, the
              secondary   color   array  is  used  when  gl:arrayElement/1  ,  gl:drawArrays/3  ,
              gl:multiDrawArrays/3   ,   gl:drawElements/4   ,   see   glMultiDrawElements,    or
              gl:drawRangeElements/6 is called.

              See external documentation.

       windowPos2d(X, Y) -> ok


                 X = float()
                 Y = float()

              Specify the raster position in window coordinates for pixel operations

              The  GL  maintains  a  3D position in window coordinates. This position, called the
              raster position, is used to position pixel  and  bitmap  write  operations.  It  is
              maintained  with  subpixel  accuracy.  See  gl:bitmap/7  ,  gl:drawPixels/5  ,  and
              gl:copyPixels/5 .

              gl:windowPos2 specifies the x and y coordinates, while z is implicitly  set  to  0.
              gl:windowPos3  specifies  all  three  coordinates.  The w coordinate of the current
              raster position is always set to 1.0.

              gl:windowPos directly updates the  x  and  y  coordinates  of  the  current  raster
              position  with the values specified. That is, the values are neither transformed by
              the current modelview  and  projection  matrices,  nor  by  the  viewport-to-window
              transform.  The  z  coordinate  of  the  current  raster position is updated in the
              following manner:

              z={n f(n+z×(f-n)) if z<= 0 if z>= 1(otherwise))

              where n is ?GL_DEPTH_RANGE's near value, and f is ?GL_DEPTH_RANGE's far value.  See
              gl:depthRange/2 .

              The  specified  coordinates  are  not  clip-tested,  causing the raster position to
              always be valid.

              The current raster position also includes some associated color  data  and  texture
              coordinates.  If  lighting is enabled, then ?GL_CURRENT_RASTER_COLOR (in RGBA mode)
              or ?GL_CURRENT_RASTER_INDEX (in color index mode) is set to the color  produced  by
              the  lighting calculation (see gl:lightf/3 , gl:lightModelf/2 , and gl:shadeModel/1
              ).  If  lighting  is  disabled,  current  color  (in  RGBA  mode,  state   variable
              ?GL_CURRENT_COLOR)   or   color   index   (in  color  index  mode,  state  variable
              ?GL_CURRENT_INDEX)   is   used   to    update    the    current    raster    color.
              ?GL_CURRENT_RASTER_SECONDARY_COLOR (in RGBA mode) is likewise updated.

              Likewise,   ?GL_CURRENT_RASTER_TEXTURE_COORDS   is   updated   as   a  function  of
              ?GL_CURRENT_TEXTURE_COORDS , based on the texture matrix and the texture generation
              functions  (see  gl:texGend/3  ).  The  ?GL_CURRENT_RASTER_DISTANCE  is  set to the

              See external documentation.

       windowPos2dv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::float(), Y::float()}

              Equivalent to windowPos2d(X, Y).

       windowPos2f(X, Y) -> ok


                 X = float()
                 Y = float()

              See windowPos2d/2

       windowPos2fv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::float(), Y::float()}

              Equivalent to windowPos2f(X, Y).

       windowPos2i(X, Y) -> ok


                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()

              See windowPos2d/2

       windowPos2iv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer(), Y::integer()}

              Equivalent to windowPos2i(X, Y).

       windowPos2s(X, Y) -> ok


                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()

              See windowPos2d/2

       windowPos2sv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer(), Y::integer()}

              Equivalent to windowPos2s(X, Y).

       windowPos3d(X, Y, Z) -> ok


                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 Z = float()

              See windowPos2d/2

       windowPos3dv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::float(), Y::float(), Z::float()}

              Equivalent to windowPos3d(X, Y, Z).

       windowPos3f(X, Y, Z) -> ok


                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 Z = float()

              See windowPos2d/2

       windowPos3fv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::float(), Y::float(), Z::float()}

              Equivalent to windowPos3f(X, Y, Z).

       windowPos3i(X, Y, Z) -> ok


                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Z = integer()

              See windowPos2d/2

       windowPos3iv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), Z::integer()}

              Equivalent to windowPos3i(X, Y, Z).

       windowPos3s(X, Y, Z) -> ok


                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Z = integer()

              See windowPos2d/2

       windowPos3sv(V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), Z::integer()}

              Equivalent to windowPos3s(X, Y, Z).

       genQueries(N) -> [integer()]


                 N = integer()

              Generate query object names

              gl:genQueries returns N query object names in Ids . There is no guarantee that  the
              names form a contiguous set of integers; however, it is guaranteed that none of the
              returned names was in use immediately before the call to gl:genQueries.

              Query object names returned  by  a  call  to  gl:genQueries  are  not  returned  by
              subsequent calls, unless they are first deleted with gl:deleteQueries/1 .

              No query objects are associated with the returned query object names until they are
              first used by calling gl:beginQuery/2 .

              See external documentation.

       deleteQueries(Ids) -> ok


                 Ids = [integer()]

              Delete named query objects

              gl:deleteQueries deletes N query objects named by the elements of the array  Ids  .
              After a query object is deleted, it has no contents, and its name is free for reuse
              (for example by gl:genQueries/1 ).

              gl:deleteQueries silently ignores 0's and names that do not correspond to  existing
              query objects.

              See external documentation.

       isQuery(Id) -> 0 | 1


                 Id = integer()

              Determine if a name corresponds to a query object

              gl:isQuery returns ?GL_TRUE if Id is currently the name of a query object. If Id is
              zero, or is a non-zero value that is not currently the name of a query  object,  or
              if an error occurs, gl:isQuery returns ?GL_FALSE.

              A  name returned by gl:genQueries/1 , but not yet associated with a query object by
              calling gl:beginQuery/2 , is not the name of a query object.

              See external documentation.

       beginQuery(Target, Id) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Id = integer()

              Delimit the boundaries of a query object

              gl:beginQuery and gl:beginQuery/2 delimit the boundaries of a query  object.  Query
              must  be  a  name  previously  returned from a call to gl:genQueries/1 . If a query
              object with name Id does not yet exist it is created with the  type  determined  by
              Target   .  Target  must  be  one  of  ?GL_SAMPLES_PASSED,  ?GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED,
              ?GL_TIME_ELAPSED.  The  behavior  of the query object depends on its type and is as

              If Target is ?GL_SAMPLES_PASSED, Id must be an unused  name,  or  the  name  of  an
              existing occlusion query object. When gl:beginQuery is executed, the query object's
              samples-passed counter is reset to  0.  Subsequent  rendering  will  increment  the
              counter   for   every   sample  that  passes  the  depth  test.  If  the  value  of
              ?GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS is 0, then the samples-passed count is incremented by 1 for each
              fragment. If the value of ?GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS is 1, then the samples-passed count is
              incremented  by  the  number  of  samples  whose  coverage  bit  is  set.  However,
              implementations, at their discression may instead increase the samples-passed count
              by the value of ?GL_SAMPLES  if  any  sample  in  the  fragment  is  covered.  When
              gl:endQuery  is  executed,  the  samples-passed  counter  is  assigned to the query
              object's result value. This value can be queried by  calling  gl:getQueryObjectiv/2
              with Pname ?GL_QUERY_RESULT.

              If  Target  is ?GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED, Id must be an unused name, or the name of an
              existing boolean occlusion query object. When gl:beginQuery is executed, the  query
              object's samples-passed flag is reset to ?GL_FALSE. Subsequent rendering causes the
              flag to be set to ?GL_TRUE if any sample passes the depth test. When gl:endQuery is
              executed,  the  samples-passed flag is assigned to the query object's result value.
              This  value  can  be  queried   by   calling   gl:getQueryObjectiv/2   with   Pname

              If Target is ?GL_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED, Id must be an unused name, or the name of an
              existing primitive query object previously bound  to  the  ?GL_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED
              query  binding.  When  gl:beginQuery  is  executed,  the query object's primitives-
              generated counter is reset to 0. Subsequent rendering will  increment  the  counter
              once  for every vertex that is emitted from the geometry shader, or from the vertex
              shader if no  geometry  shader  is  present.  When  gl:endQuery  is  executed,  the
              primitives-generated  counter  is assigned to the query object's result value. This
              value can be queried by calling gl:getQueryObjectiv/2 with Pname ?GL_QUERY_RESULT.

              If Target is ?GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PRIMITIVES_WRITTEN, Id must be an unused  name,
              or  the  name  of  an  existing  primitive  query  object  previously  bound to the
              ?GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PRIMITIVES_WRITTEN  query  binding.  When  gl:beginQuery  is
              executed,  the  query object's primitives-written counter is reset to 0. Subsequent
              rendering will increment the counter once for every vertex that is written into the
              bound  transform  feedback  buffer(s).  If transform feedback mode is not activated
              between the call  to  gl:beginQuery  and  gl:endQuery,  the  counter  will  not  be
              incremented.  When  gl:endQuery  is  executed,  the  primitives-written  counter is
              assigned to the query object's result value. This value can be queried  by  calling
              gl:getQueryObjectiv/2 with Pname ?GL_QUERY_RESULT.

              If  Target  is  ?GL_TIME_ELAPSED,  Id  must  be  an  unused name, or the name of an
              existing timer query object previously bound to the ?GL_TIME_ELAPSED query binding.
              When gl:beginQuery is executed, the query object's time counter is reset to 0. When
              gl:endQuery is executed, the elapsed server time that has passed since the call  to
              gl:beginQuery  is  written  into the query object's time counter. This value can be
              queried by calling gl:getQueryObjectiv/2 with Pname ?GL_QUERY_RESULT .

              Querying  the  ?GL_QUERY_RESULT  implicitly  flushes  the  GL  pipeline  until  the
              rendering  delimited by the query object has completed and the result is available.
              ?GL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE can be queried to determine if the result is immediately
              available or if the rendering is not yet complete.

              See external documentation.

       endQuery(Target) -> ok


                 Target = enum()

              See beginQuery/2

       getQueryiv(Target, Pname) -> integer()


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()


              See external documentation.

       getQueryObjectiv(Id, Pname) -> integer()


                 Id = integer()
                 Pname = enum()

              Return parameters of a query object

              gl:getQueryObject  returns  in  Params  a  selected  parameter  of the query object
              specified by Id .

              Pname names a specific query object parameter. Pname can be as follows:

              ?GL_QUERY_RESULT: Params returns the value of the  query  object's  passed  samples
              counter. The initial value is 0.

              ?GL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE:  Params  returns  whether the passed samples counter is
              immediately available. If a  delay  would  occur  waiting  for  the  query  result,
              ?GL_FALSE  is  returned. Otherwise, ?GL_TRUE is returned, which also indicates that
              the results of all previous queries are available as well.

              See external documentation.

       getQueryObjectuiv(Id, Pname) -> integer()


                 Id = integer()
                 Pname = enum()

              See getQueryObjectiv/2

       bindBuffer(Target, Buffer) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Buffer = integer()

              Bind a named buffer object

              gl:bindBuffer binds a buffer object to the specified buffer binding point.  Calling
              gl:bindBuffer  with Target set to one of the accepted symbolic constants and Buffer
              set to the name of a buffer object binds that buffer object name to the target.  If
              no  buffer  object  with  name Buffer exists, one is created with that name. When a
              buffer object is bound to a  target,  the  previous  binding  for  that  target  is
              automatically broken.

              Buffer object names are unsigned integers. The value zero is reserved, but there is
              no default buffer object for each buffer object target. Instead, Buffer set to zero
              effectively  unbinds any buffer object previously bound, and restores client memory
              usage for that buffer object target (if supported for that target).  Buffer  object
              names  and  the corresponding buffer object contents are local to the shared object
              space of the current GL rendering context;  two  rendering  contexts  share  buffer
              object  names  only  if they explicitly enable sharing between contexts through the
              appropriate GL windows interfaces functions.

              gl:genBuffers/1 must be used to generate a set of unused buffer object names.

              The state of a buffer object immediately after it is first  bound  is  an  unmapped
              zero-sized memory buffer with ?GL_READ_WRITE access and ?GL_STATIC_DRAW usage.

              While  a non-zero buffer object name is bound, GL operations on the target to which
              it is bound affect the bound buffer object, and queries of the target to  which  it
              is  bound  return state from the bound buffer object. While buffer object name zero
              is bound, as in the initial state, attempts to modify or query state on the  target
              to which it is bound generates an ?GL_INVALID_OPERATION error.

              When  a  non-zero buffer object is bound to the ?GL_ARRAY_BUFFER target, the vertex
              array pointer parameter is interpreted  as  an  offset  within  the  buffer  object
              measured in basic machine units.

              When  a  non-zero  buffer  object  is bound to the ?GL_DRAW_INDIRECT_BUFFER target,
              parameters    for    draws    issued    through     gl:drawArraysIndirect/2     and
              gl:drawElementsIndirect/3 are sourced from that buffer object.

              While a non-zero buffer object is bound to the ?GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER target, the
              indices   parameter   of   gl:drawElements/4   ,    gl:drawElementsInstanced/5    ,
              gl:drawElementsBaseVertex/5           ,           gl:drawRangeElements/6          ,
              gl:drawRangeElementsBaseVertex/7   ,   see    glMultiDrawElements    ,    or    see
              glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex  is interpreted as an offset within the buffer object
              measured in basic machine units.

              While a non-zero buffer object is bound to the  ?GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER  target,  the
              following  commands  are  affected: gl:getCompressedTexImage/3 , gl:getTexImage/5 ,
              and gl:readPixels/7 . The pointer parameter is interpreted as an offset within  the
              buffer object measured in basic machine units.

              While  a non-zero buffer object is bound to the ?GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER target, the
              following     commands     are      affected:      gl:compressedTexImage1D/7      ,
              gl:compressedTexImage2D/8           ,          gl:compressedTexImage3D/9          ,
              gl:compressedTexSubImage1D/7        ,        gl:compressedTexSubImage2D/9         ,
              gl:compressedTexSubImage3D/11     ,    gl:texImage1D/8    ,    gl:texImage2D/9    ,
              gl:texImage3D/10 , gl:texSubImage1D/7 , gl:texSubImage1D/7 , and gl:texSubImage1D/7
              .  The  pointer  parameter  is  interpreted  as  an offset within the buffer object
              measured in basic machine units.

              The buffer targets ?GL_COPY_READ_BUFFER and ?GL_COPY_WRITE_BUFFER are  provided  to
              allow  gl:copyBufferSubData/5  to  be  used  without  disturbing the state of other
              bindings. However, gl:copyBufferSubData/5 may be  used  with  any  pair  of  buffer
              binding points.

              The   ?GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER   buffer   binding   point  may  be  passed  to
              gl:bindBuffer , but will not directly affect transform feedback state. Instead, the
              indexed  ?GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER  bindings  must  be  used  through a call to
              gl:bindBufferBase/3  or  gl:bindBufferRange/5  .  This  will  affect  the   generic
              ?GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDABCK_BUFFER binding.

              Likewise,  the  ?GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER  and  ?GL_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER  buffer  binding
              points may be used, but do not directly affect uniform  buffer  or  atomic  counter
              buffer  state,  respectively.  gl:bindBufferBase/3  or gl:bindBufferRange/5 must be
              used to bind a buffer to an indexed uniform buffer or atomic counter buffer binding

              A buffer object binding created with gl:bindBuffer remains active until a different
              buffer object name is bound to the same target, or until the bound buffer object is
              deleted with gl:deleteBuffers/1 .

              Once  created,  a  named  buffer  object  may be re-bound to any target as often as
              needed. However, the GL implementation may make choices about how to  optimize  the
              storage of a buffer object based on its initial binding target.

              See external documentation.

       deleteBuffers(Buffers) -> ok


                 Buffers = [integer()]

              Delete named buffer objects

              gl:deleteBuffers  deletes  N  buffer  objects  named  by  the elements of the array
              Buffers . After a buffer object is deleted, it has no contents,  and  its  name  is
              free  for  reuse  (for  example  by  gl:genBuffers/1  ). If a buffer object that is
              currently bound is deleted, the binding reverts to 0 (the  absence  of  any  buffer

              gl:deleteBuffers  silently ignores 0's and names that do not correspond to existing
              buffer objects.

              See external documentation.

       genBuffers(N) -> [integer()]


                 N = integer()

              Generate buffer object names

              gl:genBuffers returns N buffer object names in Buffers . There is no guarantee that
              the names form a contiguous set of integers; however, it is guaranteed that none of
              the returned names was in use immediately before the call to gl:genBuffers .

              Buffer object names returned by  a  call  to  gl:genBuffers  are  not  returned  by
              subsequent calls, unless they are first deleted with gl:deleteBuffers/1 .

              No  buffer  objects are associated with the returned buffer object names until they
              are first bound by calling gl:bindBuffer/2 .

              See external documentation.

       isBuffer(Buffer) -> 0 | 1


                 Buffer = integer()

              Determine if a name corresponds to a buffer object

              gl:isBuffer returns ?GL_TRUE if Buffer is currently the name of a buffer object. If
              Buffer  is  zero, or is a non-zero value that is not currently the name of a buffer
              object, or if an error occurs, gl:isBuffer returns ?GL_FALSE .

              A name returned by gl:genBuffers/1 , but not yet associated with a buffer object by
              calling gl:bindBuffer/2 , is not the name of a buffer object.

              See external documentation.

       bufferData(Target, Size, Data, Usage) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Size = integer()
                 Data = offset() | mem()
                 Usage = enum()

              Creates and initializes a buffer object's data store

              gl:bufferData  creates  a  new  data store for the buffer object currently bound to
              Target . Any pre-existing data store is deleted. The new data store is created with
              the  specified  Size  in  bytes and Usage . If Data is not ?NULL, the data store is
              initialized with data from this pointer. In its initial state, the new  data  store
              is  not  mapped,  it  has  a  ?NULL  mapped  pointer,  and  its  mapped  access  is
              ?GL_READ_WRITE .

              Usage is a hint to the GL implementation as to how a  buffer  object's  data  store
              will  be  accessed.  This  enables  the  GL implementation to make more intelligent
              decisions that may significantly impact buffer object  performance.  It  does  not,
              however,  constrain  the  actual  usage of the data store. Usage can be broken down
              into two parts: first, the  frequency  of  access  (modification  and  usage),  and
              second, the nature of that access. The frequency of access may be one of these:

              STREAM: The data store contents will be modified once and used at most a few times.

              STATIC: The data store contents will be modified once and used many times.

              DYNAMIC: The data store contents will be modified repeatedly and used many times.

              The nature of access may be one of these:

              DRAW:  The  data  store  contents  are modified by the application, and used as the
              source for GL drawing and image specification commands.

              READ: The data store contents are modified by reading data from the GL, and used to
              return that data when queried by the application.

              COPY: The data store contents are modified by reading data from the GL, and used as
              the source for GL drawing and image specification commands.

              See external documentation.

       bufferSubData(Target, Offset, Size, Data) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Offset = integer()
                 Size = integer()
                 Data = offset() | mem()

              Updates a subset of a buffer object's data store

              gl:bufferSubData redefines some or all of the data  store  for  the  buffer  object
              currently  bound  to Target . Data starting at byte offset Offset and extending for
              Size bytes is copied to the data store from the memory pointed  to  by  Data  .  An
              error is thrown if Offset and Size together define a range beyond the bounds of the
              buffer object's data store.

              See external documentation.

       getBufferSubData(Target, Offset, Size, Data) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Offset = integer()
                 Size = integer()
                 Data = mem()

              Returns a subset of a buffer object's data store

              gl:getBufferSubData returns some  or  all  of  the  data  from  the  buffer  object
              currently  bound  to Target . Data starting at byte offset Offset and extending for
              Size bytes is copied from the data store to the memory pointed  to  by  Data  .  An
              error  is  thrown  if  the buffer object is currently mapped, or if Offset and Size
              together define a range beyond the bounds of the buffer object's data store.

              See external documentation.

       getBufferParameteriv(Target, Pname) -> integer()


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()

              Return parameters of a buffer object

              gl:getBufferParameteriv returns in Data a selected parameter of the  buffer  object
              specified by Target .

              Value names a specific buffer object parameter, as follows:

              ?GL_BUFFER_ACCESS:  Params  returns  the access policy set while mapping the buffer
              object. The initial value is ?GL_READ_WRITE.

              ?GL_BUFFER_MAPPED: Params returns a flag indicating whether the  buffer  object  is
              currently mapped. The initial value is ?GL_FALSE.

              ?GL_BUFFER_SIZE:  Params  returns the size of the buffer object, measured in bytes.
              The initial value is 0.

              ?GL_BUFFER_USAGE: Params returns the buffer object's  usage  pattern.  The  initial
              value is ?GL_STATIC_DRAW.

              See external documentation.

       blendEquationSeparate(ModeRGB, ModeAlpha) -> ok


                 ModeRGB = enum()
                 ModeAlpha = enum()

              Set the RGB blend equation and the alpha blend equation separately

              The  blend  equations determines how a new pixel (the ''source'' color) is combined
              with a  pixel  already  in  the  framebuffer  (the  ''destination''  color).  These
              functions  specifie  one  blend equation for the RGB-color components and one blend
              equation for the alpha component.  gl:blendEquationSeparatei  specifies  the  blend
              equations  for a single draw buffer whereas gl:blendEquationSeparate sets the blend
              equations for all draw buffers.

              The blend equations use the source  and  destination  blend  factors  specified  by
              either   gl:blendFunc/2   or   gl:blendFuncSeparate/4   .   See  gl:blendFunc/2  or
              gl:blendFuncSeparate/4 for a description of the various blend factors.

              In the equations that follow, source and destination color components are  referred
              to  as  (R  s G s B s A s) and (R d G d B d A d), respectively. The result color is
              referred to as (R r G r B r A r). The source  and  destination  blend  factors  are
              denoted  (s R s G s B s A) and (d R d G d B d A), respectively. For these equations
              all color components are understood to have  values  in  the  range  [0  1].ModeRGB
              ComponentsAlpha Component
              ?GL_FUNC_ADD  Rr=R s s R+R d d R Gr=G s s G+G d d G Br=B s s B+B d d B Ar=A s s A+A
              d d A
              ?GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT Rr=R s s R-R d d R Gr=G s s G-G d d G Br=B s s B-B d d B Ar=A s s
              A-A d d A
              ?GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT  Rr=R d d R-R s s R Gr=G d d G-G s s G Br=B d d B-B s s B
              Ar=A d d A-A s s A
              ?GL_MIN Rr=min(R s R d) Gr=min(G s G d) Br=min(B s B d) Ar=min (A s A d)
              ?GL_MAX Rr=max(R s R d) Gr=max(G s G d) Br=max(B s B d) Ar=max(A s A d)

              The results of these equations are clamped to the range [0 1].

              The ?GL_MIN and ?GL_MAX equations are useful for applications  that  analyze  image
              data  (image  thresholding against a constant color, for example). The ?GL_FUNC_ADD
              equation is useful for antialiasing and transparency, among other things.

              Initially, both the RGB blend equation and the alpha  blend  equation  are  set  to
              ?GL_FUNC_ADD .

              See external documentation.

       drawBuffers(Bufs) -> ok


                 Bufs = [enum()]

              Specifies a list of color buffers to be drawn into

              gl:drawBuffers  defines  an  array  of buffers into which outputs from the fragment
              shader data will be written. If a fragment shader writes a value  to  one  or  more
              user defined output variables, then the value of each variable will be written into
              the buffer specified at a  location  within  Bufs  corresponding  to  the  location
              assigned to that user defined output. The draw buffer used for user defined outputs
              assigned to locations greater than or equal to N is implicitly set to ?GL_NONE  and
              any data written to such an output is discarded.

              The symbolic constants contained in Bufs may be any of the following:

              ?GL_NONE: The fragment shader output value is not written into any color buffer.

              ?GL_FRONT_LEFT:  The  fragment  shader  output value is written into the front left
              color buffer.

              ?GL_FRONT_RIGHT: The fragment shader output value is written into the  front  right
              color buffer.

              ?GL_BACK_LEFT: The fragment shader output value is written into the back left color

              ?GL_BACK_RIGHT: The fragment shader output value is written  into  the  back  right
              color buffer.

              ?GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENTn:  The  fragment  shader  output value is written into the nth
              color attachment of the current framebuffer. n may range from 0  to  the  value  of

              Except for ?GL_NONE, the preceding symbolic constants may not appear more than once
              in Bufs . The maximum number of draw buffers supported is implementation  dependent
              and    can   be   queried   by   calling   gl:getBooleanv/1   with   the   argument
              ?GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS .

              See external documentation.

       stencilOpSeparate(Face, Sfail, Dpfail, Dppass) -> ok


                 Face = enum()
                 Sfail = enum()
                 Dpfail = enum()
                 Dppass = enum()

              Set front and/or back stencil test actions

              Stenciling, like depth-buffering, enables  and  disables  drawing  on  a  per-pixel
              basis.  You  draw  into the stencil planes using GL drawing primitives, then render
              geometry and images, using the stencil planes to mask out portions of  the  screen.
              Stenciling  is  typically used in multipass rendering algorithms to achieve special
              effects, such as decals, outlining, and constructive solid geometry rendering.

              The stencil test conditionally eliminates  a  pixel  based  on  the  outcome  of  a
              comparison between the value in the stencil buffer and a reference value. To enable
              and  disable  the  test,   call   gl:enable/1   and   gl:enable/1   with   argument
              ?GL_STENCIL_TEST ; to control it, call gl:stencilFunc/3 or gl:stencilFuncSeparate/4

              There can be two separate sets of Sfail ,  Dpfail  ,  and  Dppass  parameters;  one
              affects  back-facing  polygons, and the other affects front-facing polygons as well
              as other non-polygon primitives. gl:stencilOp/3 sets both front  and  back  stencil
              state to the same values, as if gl:stencilOpSeparate/4 were called with Face set to

              gl:stencilOpSeparate takes three arguments that indicate what happens to the stored
              stencil  value while stenciling is enabled. If the stencil test fails, no change is
              made to the pixel's color or depth buffers, and Sfail specifies what happens to the
              stencil buffer contents. The following eight actions are possible.

              ?GL_KEEP: Keeps the current value.

              ?GL_ZERO: Sets the stencil buffer value to 0.

              ?GL_REPLACE: Sets the stencil buffer value to ref, as specified by gl:stencilFunc/3

              ?GL_INCR: Increments the current  stencil  buffer  value.  Clamps  to  the  maximum
              representable unsigned value.

              ?GL_INCR_WRAP:  Increments  the  current stencil buffer value. Wraps stencil buffer
              value to zero when incrementing the maximum representable unsigned value.

              ?GL_DECR: Decrements the current stencil buffer value. Clamps to 0.

              ?GL_DECR_WRAP: Decrements the current stencil buffer value.  Wraps  stencil  buffer
              value  to  the  maximum  representable  unsigned  value when decrementing a stencil
              buffer value of zero.

              ?GL_INVERT: Bitwise inverts the current stencil buffer value.

              Stencil buffer values are  treated  as  unsigned  integers.  When  incremented  and
              decremented,  values  are  clamped to 0 and 2 n-1, where n is the value returned by
              querying ?GL_STENCIL_BITS .

              The other two arguments to gl:stencilOpSeparate specify stencil buffer actions that
              depend on whether subsequent depth buffer tests succeed ( Dppass ) or fail ( Dpfail
              ) (see gl:depthFunc/1 ). The actions are specified using the  same  eight  symbolic
              constants  as Sfail . Note that Dpfail is ignored when there is no depth buffer, or
              when the depth buffer is not enabled. In these  cases,  Sfail  and  Dppass  specify
              stencil action when the stencil test fails and passes, respectively.

              See external documentation.

       stencilFuncSeparate(Face, Func, Ref, Mask) -> ok


                 Face = enum()
                 Func = enum()
                 Ref = integer()
                 Mask = integer()

              Set front and/or back function and reference value for stencil testing

              Stenciling,  like  depth-buffering,  enables  and  disables  drawing on a per-pixel
              basis. You draw into the stencil planes using GL drawing  primitives,  then  render
              geometry  and  images, using the stencil planes to mask out portions of the screen.
              Stenciling is typically used in multipass rendering algorithms to  achieve  special
              effects, such as decals, outlining, and constructive solid geometry rendering.

              The  stencil  test  conditionally  eliminates  a  pixel  based  on the outcome of a
              comparison between the reference value and the value  in  the  stencil  buffer.  To
              enable  and  disable  the  test,  call  gl:enable/1  and  gl:enable/1 with argument
              ?GL_STENCIL_TEST . To specify actions based on the outcome  of  the  stencil  test,
              call gl:stencilOp/3 or gl:stencilOpSeparate/4 .

              There  can  be  two  separate sets of Func , Ref , and Mask parameters; one affects
              back-facing polygons, and the other affects front-facing polygons as well as  other
              non-polygon  primitives. gl:stencilFunc/3 sets both front and back stencil state to
              the same values, as if  gl:stencilFuncSeparate/4  were  called  with  Face  set  to

              Func  is  a  symbolic  constant that determines the stencil comparison function. It
              accepts one of eight values, shown  in  the  following  list.  Ref  is  an  integer
              reference  value that is used in the stencil comparison. It is clamped to the range
              [0 2 n-1], where n is the number of  bitplanes  in  the  stencil  buffer.  Mask  is
              bitwise  ANDed with both the reference value and the stored stencil value, with the
              ANDed values participating in the comparison.

              If stencil  represents  the  value  stored  in  the  corresponding  stencil  buffer
              location,  the following list shows the effect of each comparison function that can
              be specified by Func . Only if the comparison succeeds is the pixel passed  through
              to  the  next  stage  in the rasterization process (see gl:stencilOp/3 ). All tests
              treat stencil values as unsigned integers in the range [0 2 n-1], where  n  is  the
              number of bitplanes in the stencil buffer.

              The following values are accepted by Func :

              ?GL_NEVER: Always fails.

              ?GL_LESS: Passes if ( Ref & Mask ) < ( stencil & Mask ).

              ?GL_LEQUAL: Passes if ( Ref & Mask ) <= ( stencil & Mask ).

              ?GL_GREATER: Passes if ( Ref & Mask ) > ( stencil & Mask ).

              ?GL_GEQUAL: Passes if ( Ref & Mask ) >= ( stencil & Mask ).

              ?GL_EQUAL: Passes if ( Ref & Mask ) = ( stencil & Mask ).

              ?GL_NOTEQUAL: Passes if ( Ref & Mask ) != ( stencil & Mask ).

              ?GL_ALWAYS: Always passes.

              See external documentation.

       stencilMaskSeparate(Face, Mask) -> ok


                 Face = enum()
                 Mask = integer()

              Control the front and/or back writing of individual bits in the stencil planes

              gl:stencilMaskSeparate  controls  the  writing  of  individual  bits in the stencil
              planes. The least significant n bits of Mask , where n is the number of bits in the
              stencil  buffer,  specify  a  mask. Where a 1 appears in the mask, it's possible to
              write to the corresponding bit in the  stencil  buffer.  Where  a  0  appears,  the
              corresponding bit is write-protected. Initially, all bits are enabled for writing.

              There  can  be  two separate Mask writemasks; one affects back-facing polygons, and
              the other affects front-facing polygons as well as  other  non-polygon  primitives.
              gl:stencilMask/1 sets both front and back stencil writemasks to the same values, as
              if gl:stencilMaskSeparate/2 were called with Face set to ?GL_FRONT_AND_BACK.

              See external documentation.

       attachShader(Program, Shader) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Shader = integer()

              Attaches a shader object to a program object

              In order to create a complete shader program, there must be a way  to  specify  the
              list  of  things  that  will  be  linked  together.  Program  objects  provide this
              mechanism. Shaders that are to be linked together in a program object must first be
              attached  to  that  program  object.  gl:attachShader  attaches  the  shader object
              specified by Shader to the program object specified by  Program  .  This  indicates
              that Shader will be included in link operations that will be performed on Program .

              All  operations  that  can be performed on a shader object are valid whether or not
              the shader object is attached to a program object. It is permissible  to  attach  a
              shader  object  to  a  program  object  before source code has been loaded into the
              shader object or before the shader object has been compiled. It is  permissible  to
              attach  multiple shader objects of the same type because each may contain a portion
              of the complete shader. It is also permissible to attach a shader  object  to  more
              than  one  program  object. If a shader object is deleted while it is attached to a
              program object, it will be flagged for deletion, and deletion will not occur  until
              gl:detachShader/2  is  called  to detach it from all program objects to which it is

              See external documentation.

       bindAttribLocation(Program, Index, Name) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Index = integer()
                 Name = string()

              Associates a generic vertex attribute index with a named attribute variable

              gl:bindAttribLocation is used to associate a user-defined attribute variable in the
              program object specified by Program with a generic vertex attribute index. The name
              of the user-defined attribute variable is passed as a  null  terminated  string  in
              Name . The generic vertex attribute index to be bound to this variable is specified
              by Index . When Program is made part of current  state,  values  provided  via  the
              generic  vertex attribute Index will modify the value of the user-defined attribute
              variable specified by Name .

              If Name refers to a matrix attribute variable, Index refers to the first column  of
              the  matrix. Other matrix columns are then automatically bound to locations Index+1
              for a matrix of type mat2; Index+1 and Index+2 for  a  matrix  of  type  mat3;  and
              Index+1 , Index+2 , and Index+3 for a matrix of type mat4 .

              This  command  makes  it  possible  for vertex shaders to use descriptive names for
              attribute variables rather than generic variables  that  are  numbered  from  0  to
              ?GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS -1. The values sent to each generic attribute index are part
              of current state. If  a  different  program  object  is  made  current  by  calling
              gl:useProgram/1  , the generic vertex attributes are tracked in such a way that the
              same values will be observed by attributes in the new program object that are  also
              bound to Index .

              Attribute  variable  name-to-generic  attribute index bindings for a program object
              can be explicitly assigned at any time by calling gl:bindAttribLocation.  Attribute
              bindings  do  not  go into effect until gl:linkProgram/1 is called. After a program
              object has been linked successfully, the index values for generic attributes remain
              fixed (and their values can be queried) until the next link command occurs.

              Any attribute binding that occurs after the program object has been linked will not
              take effect until the next time the program object is linked.

              See external documentation.

       compileShader(Shader) -> ok


                 Shader = integer()

              Compiles a shader object

              gl:compileShader compiles the source code strings that  have  been  stored  in  the
              shader object specified by Shader .

              The  compilation  status  will be stored as part of the shader object's state. This
              value will be set to ?GL_TRUE if the shader was  compiled  without  errors  and  is
              ready   for   use,   and   ?GL_FALSE  otherwise.  It  can  be  queried  by  calling
              gl:getShaderiv/2 with arguments Shader and ?GL_COMPILE_STATUS.

              Compilation of a shader can fail for a number of reasons as specified by the OpenGL
              Shading  Language  Specification.  Whether  or  not the compilation was successful,
              information about  the  compilation  can  be  obtained  from  the  shader  object's
              information log by calling gl:getShaderInfoLog/2 .

              See external documentation.

       createProgram() -> integer()

              Creates a program object

              gl:createProgram  creates  an  empty program object and returns a non-zero value by
              which it can be referenced. A program object is an object to which  shader  objects
              can  be attached. This provides a mechanism to specify the shader objects that will
              be linked to  create  a  program.  It  also  provides  a  means  for  checking  the
              compatibility  of  the shaders that will be used to create a program (for instance,
              checking the compatibility between a vertex shader and a fragment shader). When  no
              longer needed as part of a program object, shader objects can be detached.

              One  or  more executables are created in a program object by successfully attaching
              shader objects to it with gl:attachShader/2 ,  successfully  compiling  the  shader
              objects  with gl:compileShader/1 , and successfully linking the program object with
              gl:linkProgram/1  .  These  executables  are  made  part  of  current  state   when
              gl:useProgram/1   is   called.   Program   objects   can   be  deleted  by  calling
              gl:deleteProgram/1 . The memory associated with the program object will be  deleted
              when it is no longer part of current rendering state for any context.

              See external documentation.

       createShader(Type) -> integer()


                 Type = enum()

              Creates a shader object

              gl:createShader  creates  an  empty  shader  object and returns a non-zero value by
              which it can be referenced. A shader object is used to  maintain  the  source  code
              strings  that  define  a  shader.  ShaderType  indicates  the  type of shader to be
              created. Five types of shader are supported. A shader of type ?GL_VERTEX_SHADER  is
              a  shader that is intended to run on the programmable vertex processor. A shader of
              type  ?GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER  is  a  shader  that  is  intended  to  run  on   the
              programmable  tessellation  processor  in  the  control  stage.  A  shader  of type
              ?GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER is a shader that is intended to run on the  programmable
              tessellation    processor   in   the   evaluation   stage.   A   shader   of   type
              ?GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER is a shader  that  is  intended  to  run  on  the  programmable
              geometry  processor.  A  shader  of  type  ?GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER  is a shader that is
              intended to run on the programmable fragment processor.

              When created,  a  shader  object's  ?GL_SHADER_TYPE  parameter  is  set  to  either
              ?GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER or ?GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, depending on the value of ShaderType .

              See external documentation.

       deleteProgram(Program) -> ok


                 Program = integer()

              Deletes a program object

              gl:deleteProgram frees the memory and invalidates  the  name  associated  with  the
              program object specified by Program. This command effectively undoes the effects of
              a call to gl:createProgram/0 .

              If a program object is in use as part  of  current  rendering  state,  it  will  be
              flagged  for  deletion,  but  it  will not be deleted until it is no longer part of
              current state for any rendering context. If a program  object  to  be  deleted  has
              shader  objects attached to it, those shader objects will be automatically detached
              but not deleted unless they have already been flagged for deletion  by  a  previous
              call to gl:deleteShader/1 . A value of 0 for Program will be silently ignored.

              To  determine  whether  a  program  object  has  been  flagged  for  deletion, call
              gl:getProgramiv/2 with arguments Program and ?GL_DELETE_STATUS.

              See external documentation.

       deleteShader(Shader) -> ok


                 Shader = integer()

              Deletes a shader object

              gl:deleteShader frees the memory and  invalidates  the  name  associated  with  the
              shader  object specified by Shader . This command effectively undoes the effects of
              a call to gl:createShader/1 .

              If a shader object to be deleted is attached  to  a  program  object,  it  will  be
              flagged  for deletion, but it will not be deleted until it is no longer attached to
              any program object, for any rendering context  (i.e.,  it  must  be  detached  from
              wherever  it  was attached before it will be deleted). A value of 0 for Shader will
              be silently ignored.

              To determine whether an object has been flagged for deletion, call gl:getShaderiv/2
              with arguments Shader and ?GL_DELETE_STATUS.

              See external documentation.

       detachShader(Program, Shader) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Shader = integer()

              Detaches a shader object from a program object to which it is attached

              gl:detachShader  detaches  the  shader  object specified by Shader from the program
              object specified by Program . This command can be used to undo the  effect  of  the
              command gl:attachShader/2 .

              If  Shader has already been flagged for deletion by a call to gl:deleteShader/1 and
              it is not attached to any other program object, it will be  deleted  after  it  has
              been detached.

              See external documentation.

       disableVertexAttribArray(Index) -> ok


                 Index = integer()

              Enable or disable a generic vertex attribute array

              gl:enableVertexAttribArray  enables the generic vertex attribute array specified by
              Index . gl:disableVertexAttribArray disables the  generic  vertex  attribute  array
              specified  by  Index  .  By  default,  all  client-side  capabilities are disabled,
              including all generic vertex attribute  arrays.  If  enabled,  the  values  in  the
              generic  vertex  attribute array will be accessed and used for rendering when calls
              are made to vertex array commands such as  gl:drawArrays/3  ,  gl:drawElements/4  ,
              gl:drawRangeElements/6 , see glMultiDrawElements , or gl:multiDrawArrays/3 .

              See external documentation.

       enableVertexAttribArray(Index) -> ok


                 Index = integer()

              See disableVertexAttribArray/1

       getActiveAttrib(Program,    Index,    BufSize)    ->    {Size::integer(),    Type::enum(),


                 Program = integer()
                 Index = integer()
                 BufSize = integer()

              Returns information about an active attribute variable for  the  specified  program

              gl:getActiveAttrib  returns  information  about an active attribute variable in the
              program object specified by Program .  The  number  of  active  attributes  can  be
              obtained by calling gl:getProgramiv/2 with the value ?GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES. A value
              of 0 for Index selects the first active attribute variable. Permissible values  for
              Index range from 0 to the number of active attribute variables minus 1.

              A vertex shader may use either built-in attribute variables, user-defined attribute
              variables, or both. Built-in  attribute  variables  have  a  prefix  of  "gl_"  and
              reference conventional OpenGL vertex attribtes (e.g., Gl_Vertex , Gl_Normal , etc.,
              see the OpenGL Shading Language specification for a  complete  list.)  User-defined
              attribute  variables  have arbitrary names and obtain their values through numbered
              generic vertex attributes. An attribute variable (either built-in or  user-defined)
              is  considered  active if it is determined during the link operation that it may be
              accessed during program execution. Therefore, Program should have  previously  been
              the  target  of a call to gl:linkProgram/1 , but it is not necessary for it to have
              been linked successfully.

              The size of the character buffer required to store the longest  attribute  variable
              name  in  Program  can  be  obtained  by  calling  gl:getProgramiv/2 with the value
              ?GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH . This value should be used to allocate a buffer of
              sufficient  size  to  store the returned attribute name. The size of this character
              buffer is passed in BufSize , and a pointer to this character buffer is  passed  in
              Name .

              gl:getActiveAttrib  returns the name of the attribute variable indicated by Index ,
              storing it in the character buffer specified by Name . The string returned will  be
              null  terminated.  The  actual  number  of  characters  written into this buffer is
              returned in Length  ,  and  this  count  does  not  include  the  null  termination
              character.  If  the length of the returned string is not required, a value of ?NULL
              can be passed in the Length argument.

              The Type argument specifies a pointer  to  a  variable  into  which  the  attribute
              variable's   data   type   will  be  written.  The  symbolic  constants  ?GL_FLOAT,
              ?GL_FLOAT_MAT4,     ?GL_FLOAT_MAT2x3,    ?GL_FLOAT_MAT2x4,    ?GL_FLOAT_MAT3x2    ,
              ?GL_FLOAT_MAT3x4,  ?GL_FLOAT_MAT4x2,  ?GL_FLOAT_MAT4x3,  ?GL_INT  ,   ?GL_INT_VEC2,
              ?GL_INT_VEC3,    ?GL_INT_VEC4,    ?GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC   ,   ?GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2,
              ?DOUBLE_VEC4,    ?DOUBLE_MAT2   ,   ?DOUBLE_MAT3,   ?DOUBLE_MAT4,   ?DOUBLE_MAT2x3,
              ?DOUBLE_MAT2x4, ?DOUBLE_MAT3x2, ?DOUBLE_MAT3x4, ?DOUBLE_MAT4x2,  or  ?DOUBLE_MAT4x3
              may  be returned. The Size argument will return the size of the attribute, in units
              of the type returned in Type .

              The list  of  active  attribute  variables  may  include  both  built-in  attribute
              variables  (which  begin  with  the prefix "gl_") as well as user-defined attribute
              variable names.

              This function will return as much information as it can about the specified  active
              attribute variable. If no information is available, Length will be 0, and Name will
              be an empty string. This situation could occur if this function is called  after  a
              link  operation  that failed. If an error occurs, the return values Length , Size ,
              Type , and Name will be unmodified.

              See external documentation.

       getActiveUniform(Program,   Index,    BufSize)    ->    {Size::integer(),    Type::enum(),


                 Program = integer()
                 Index = integer()
                 BufSize = integer()

              Returns  information  about  an  active  uniform variable for the specified program

              gl:getActiveUniform returns information about an active  uniform  variable  in  the
              program object specified by Program . The number of active uniform variables can be
              obtained by calling gl:getProgramiv/2 with the value ?GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS.  A  value
              of  0  for  Index selects the first active uniform variable. Permissible values for
              Index range from 0 to the number of active uniform variables minus 1.

              Shaders may use either built-in uniform variables, user-defined uniform  variables,
              or  both.  Built-in uniform variables have a prefix of "gl_" and reference existing
              OpenGL state or values derived from such state (e.g., Gl_DepthRangeParameters , see
              the  OpenGL  Shading  Language  specification  for  a  complete list.) User-defined
              uniform variables have arbitrary names and obtain their values from the application
              through  calls  to  gl:uniform1f/2  .  A uniform variable (either built-in or user-
              defined) is considered active if it is determined during the link operation that it
              may be accessed during program execution. Therefore, Program should have previously
              been the target of a call to gl:linkProgram/1 , but it is not necessary for  it  to
              have been linked successfully.

              The  size  of  the  character buffer required to store the longest uniform variable
              name in Program can  be  obtained  by  calling  gl:getProgramiv/2  with  the  value
              ?GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH  .  This value should be used to allocate a buffer of
              sufficient size to store the returned uniform  variable  name.  The  size  of  this
              character  buffer  is passed in BufSize , and a pointer to this character buffer is
              passed in Name.

              gl:getActiveUniform returns the name of the uniform variable indicated by  Index  ,
              storing  it in the character buffer specified by Name . The string returned will be
              null terminated. The actual number  of  characters  written  into  this  buffer  is
              returned  in  Length  ,  and  this  count  does  not  include  the null termination
              character. If the length of the returned string is not required, a value  of  ?NULL
              can be passed in the Length argument.

              The  Type  argument  will return a pointer to the uniform variable's data type. The
              symbolic constants returned for uniform types are shown in the table below.Returned
              Symbolic ContantShader Uniform Type
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_INT?unsigned int

              If  one  or more elements of an array are active, the name of the array is returned
              in Name , the type is returned in Type , and the Size parameter returns the highest
              array  element  index  used, plus one, as determined by the compiler and/or linker.
              Only one active uniform variable will be reported for a uniform array.

              Uniform variables that are declared as structures or arrays of structures will  not
              be  returned  directly  by  this function. Instead, each of these uniform variables
              will be reduced to its fundamental components containing the "." and "[]" operators
              such  that  each  of the names is valid as an argument to gl:getUniformLocation/2 .
              Each of these reduced uniform variables is counted as one active  uniform  variable
              and  is  assigned  an  index.  A  valid  name  cannot  be  a structure, an array of
              structures, or a subcomponent of a vector or matrix.

              The size of the uniform variable will be returned in Size . Uniform variables other
              than  arrays  will  have  a  size of 1. Structures and arrays of structures will be
              reduced as described earlier, such that each of the names returned will be  a  data
              type  in the earlier list. If this reduction results in an array, the size returned
              will be as described for uniform arrays; otherwise, the size returned will be 1.

              The list of active uniform variables may include both  built-in  uniform  variables
              (which begin with the prefix "gl_") as well as user-defined uniform variable names.

              This  function will return as much information as it can about the specified active
              uniform variable. If no information is available, Length will be 0, and  Name  will
              be  an  empty string. This situation could occur if this function is called after a
              link operation that failed. If an error occurs, the return values Length ,  Size  ,
              Type , and Name will be unmodified.

              See external documentation.

       getAttachedShaders(Program, MaxCount) -> [integer()]


                 Program = integer()
                 MaxCount = integer()

              Returns the handles of the shader objects attached to a program object

              gl:getAttachedShaders returns the names of the shader objects attached to Program .
              The names of shader objects that are  attached  to  Program  will  be  returned  in
              Shaders.  The  actual  number  of  shader names written into Shaders is returned in
              Count. If no shader objects are attached to Program  ,  Count  is  set  to  0.  The
              maximum  number  of  shader  names  that may be returned in Shaders is specified by
              MaxCount .

              If the number of names actually returned is not required (for instance, if  it  has
              just  been  obtained by calling gl:getProgramiv/2 ), a value of ?NULL may be passed
              for count. If no shader objects are attached to Program , a  value  of  0  will  be
              returned  in  Count  .  The  actual  number  of attached shaders can be obtained by
              calling gl:getProgramiv/2 with the value ?GL_ATTACHED_SHADERS.

              See external documentation.

       getAttribLocation(Program, Name) -> integer()


                 Program = integer()
                 Name = string()

              Returns the location of an attribute variable

              gl:getAttribLocation queries the previously  linked  program  object  specified  by
              Program  for  the attribute variable specified by Name and returns the index of the
              generic vertex attribute that is bound to that attribute variable.  If  Name  is  a
              matrix attribute variable, the index of the first column of the matrix is returned.
              If the named attribute variable is not an active attribute in the specified program
              object or if Name starts with the reserved prefix "gl_", a value of -1 is returned.

              The  association  between  an attribute variable name and a generic attribute index
              can be specified  at  any  time  by  calling  gl:bindAttribLocation/3  .  Attribute
              bindings  do  not  go into effect until gl:linkProgram/1 is called. After a program
              object has been linked successfully,  the  index  values  for  attribute  variables
              remain  fixed  until the next link command occurs. The attribute values can only be
              queried after a link if the link was successful. gl:getAttribLocation  returns  the
              binding  that  actually  went into effect the last time gl:linkProgram/1 was called
              for the specified program object. Attribute bindings that have been specified since
              the last link operation are not returned by gl:getAttribLocation.

              See external documentation.

       getProgramiv(Program, Pname) -> integer()


                 Program = integer()
                 Pname = enum()

              Returns a parameter from a program object

              gl:getProgram  returns  in  Params  the value of a parameter for a specific program
              object. The following parameters are defined:

              ?GL_DELETE_STATUS: Params returns ?GL_TRUE if  Program  is  currently  flagged  for
              deletion, and ?GL_FALSE otherwise.

              ?GL_LINK_STATUS:  Params returns ?GL_TRUE if the last link operation on Program was
              successful, and ?GL_FALSE otherwise.

              ?GL_VALIDATE_STATUS: Params returns ?GL_TRUE or if the last validation operation on
              Program was successful, and ?GL_FALSE otherwise.

              ?GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH: Params returns the number of characters in the information log
              for Program including the  null  termination  character  (i.e.,  the  size  of  the
              character  buffer  required  to  store  the  information  log).  If  Program has no
              information log, a value of 0 is returned.

              ?GL_ATTACHED_SHADERS: Params returns the  number  of  shader  objects  attached  to
              Program .

              ?GL_ACTIVE_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS:  Params  returns  the number of active attribute
              atomic counter buffers used by Program .

              ?GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES: Params returns the number of active attribute variables  for
              Program .

              ?GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH:  Params  returns  the length of the longest active
              attribute name for Program , including the null termination  character  (i.e.,  the
              size  of  the character buffer required to store the longest attribute name). If no
              active attributes exist, 0 is returned.

              ?GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS: Params returns the number  of  active  uniform  variables  for
              Program .

              ?GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH:  Params  returns  the  length  of the longest active
              uniform variable name for Program , including the null termination character (i.e.,
              the  size  of  the  character buffer required to store the longest uniform variable
              name). If no active uniform variables exist, 0 is returned.

              ?GL_PROGRAM_BINARY_LENGTH: Params returns the length  of  the  program  binary,  in
              bytes  that  will  be returned by a call to gl:getProgramBinary/2 . When a progam's
              ?GL_LINK_STATUS is ?GL_FALSE, its program binary length is zero.

              ?GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_MODE: Params returns a symbolic  constant  indicating
              the   buffer   mode   used   when   transform  feedback  is  active.  This  may  be

              ?GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYINGS: Params returns the number of varying variables  to
              capture in transform feedback mode for the program.

              ?GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYING_MAX_LENGTH: Params returns the length of the longest
              variable name to be used for transform feedback, including the null-terminator.

              ?GL_GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT: Params returns the maximum number of vertices  that  the
              geometry shader in Program will output.

              ?GL_GEOMETRY_INPUT_TYPE:   Params   returns  a  symbolic  constant  indicating  the
              primitive type accepted as input to the geometry shader contained in Program .

              ?GL_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_TYPE:  Params  returns  a  symbolic  constant  indicating   the
              primitive type that will be output by the geometry shader contained in Program .

              See external documentation.

       getProgramInfoLog(Program, BufSize) -> string()


                 Program = integer()
                 BufSize = integer()

              Returns the information log for a program object

              gl:getProgramInfoLog  returns the information log for the specified program object.
              The information log for a program object is modified when  the  program  object  is
              linked or validated. The string that is returned will be null terminated.

              gl:getProgramInfoLog  returns  in InfoLog as much of the information log as it can,
              up to a  maximum  of  MaxLength  characters.  The  number  of  characters  actually
              returned, excluding the null termination character, is specified by Length . If the
              length of the returned string is not required, a value of ?NULL can  be  passed  in
              the  Length  argument.  The  size  of  the  buffer  required  to store the returned
              information log can  be  obtained  by  calling  gl:getProgramiv/2  with  the  value
              ?GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH .

              The  information  log  for  a program object is either an empty string, or a string
              containing information about the  last  link  operation,  or  a  string  containing
              information  about  the  last  validation  operation.  It  may  contain  diagnostic
              messages, warning messages,  and  other  information.  When  a  program  object  is
              created, its information log will be a string of length 0.

              See external documentation.

       getShaderiv(Shader, Pname) -> integer()


                 Shader = integer()
                 Pname = enum()

              Returns a parameter from a shader object

              gl:getShader  returns  in  Params  the  value  of a parameter for a specific shader
              object. The following parameters are defined:

              ?GL_SHADER_TYPE: Params returns ?GL_VERTEX_SHADER if  Shader  is  a  vertex  shader
              object,   ?GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER   if   Shader   is  a  geometry  shader  object,  and
              ?GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER if Shader is a fragment shader object.

              ?GL_DELETE_STATUS: Params returns ?GL_TRUE  if  Shader  is  currently  flagged  for
              deletion, and ?GL_FALSE otherwise.

              ?GL_COMPILE_STATUS: Params returns ?GL_TRUE if the last compile operation on Shader
              was successful, and ?GL_FALSE otherwise.

              ?GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH: Params returns the number of characters in the information log
              for  Shader  including  the  null  termination  character  (i.e.,  the  size of the
              character buffer  required  to  store  the  information  log).  If  Shader  has  no
              information log, a value of 0 is returned.

              ?GL_SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH:  Params  returns  the  length of the concatenation of the
              source strings that make up the shader source for the Shader , including  the  null
              termination  character.  (i.e.,  the size of the character buffer required to store
              the shader source). If no source code exists, 0 is returned.

              See external documentation.

       getShaderInfoLog(Shader, BufSize) -> string()


                 Shader = integer()
                 BufSize = integer()

              Returns the information log for a shader object

              gl:getShaderInfoLog returns the information log for the  specified  shader  object.
              The  information  log  for a shader object is modified when the shader is compiled.
              The string that is returned will be null terminated.

              gl:getShaderInfoLog returns in InfoLog as much of the information log as it can, up
              to  a  maximum of MaxLength characters. The number of characters actually returned,
              excluding the null termination character, is specified by Length . If the length of
              the  returned  string is not required, a value of ?NULL can be passed in the Length
              argument. The size of the buffer required to store the returned information log can
              be obtained by calling gl:getShaderiv/2 with the value ?GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH .

              The  information  log  for  a shader object is a string that may contain diagnostic
              messages, warning messages, and other information about the last compile operation.
              When a shader object is created, its information log will be a string of length 0.

              See external documentation.

       getShaderSource(Shader, BufSize) -> string()


                 Shader = integer()
                 BufSize = integer()

              Returns the source code string from a shader object

              gl:getShaderSource  returns  the  concatenation of the source code strings from the
              shader object specified by Shader . The source code strings for a shader object are
              the  result  of  a  previous call to gl:shaderSource/2 . The string returned by the
              function will be null terminated.

              gl:getShaderSource returns in Source as much of the source code string as  it  can,
              up  to a maximum of BufSize characters. The number of characters actually returned,
              excluding the null termination character, is specified by Length . If the length of
              the  returned  string is not required, a value of ?NULL can be passed in the Length
              argument. The size of the buffer required to store the returned source code  string
              can be obtained by calling gl:getShaderiv/2 with the value ?GL_SHADER_SOURCE_LENGTH

              See external documentation.

       getUniformLocation(Program, Name) -> integer()


                 Program = integer()
                 Name = string()

              Returns the location of a uniform variable

              gl:getUniformLocation returns an integer that represents the location of a specific
              uniform  variable  within  a  program object. Name must be a null terminated string
              that contains no white space. Name must be  an  active  uniform  variable  name  in
              Program  that  is  not  a structure, an array of structures, or a subcomponent of a
              vector or a matrix. This function returns -1 if Name  does  not  correspond  to  an
              active uniform variable in Program , if Name starts with the reserved prefix "gl_",
              or if Name is associated with an atomic counter or a named uniform block.

              Uniform variables that are structures or arrays of structures  may  be  queried  by
              calling  gl:getUniformLocation  for  each  field  within  the  structure. The array
              element operator "[]" and the structure field operator "." may be used in  Name  in
              order  to  select elements within an array or fields within a structure. The result
              of using these operators is not allowed  to  be  another  structure,  an  array  of
              structures,  or  a subcomponent of a vector or a matrix. Except if the last part of
              Name indicates a uniform variable array, the location of the first  element  of  an
              array  can  be  retrieved  by  using  the  name  of the array, or by using the name
              appended by "[0]".

              The actual locations assigned to uniform variables are not known until the  program
              object   is   linked   successfully.   After  linking  has  occurred,  the  command
              gl:getUniformLocation can be used to obtain the location  of  a  uniform  variable.
              This  location  value  can then be passed to gl:uniform1f/2 to set the value of the
              uniform variable or to gl:getUniformfv/2 in order to query the current value of the
              uniform  variable.  After  a program object has been linked successfully, the index
              values for uniform variables remain fixed  until  the  next  link  command  occurs.
              Uniform  variable locations and values can only be queried after a link if the link
              was successful.

              See external documentation.

       getUniformfv(Program, Location) -> matrix()


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()

              Returns the value of a uniform variable

              gl:getUniform returns in Params the value(s) of the specified uniform variable. The
              type  of the uniform variable specified by Location determines the number of values
              returned. If the uniform variable is defined in the shader as a  boolean,  int,  or
              float,  a  single  value  will  be  returned. If it is defined as a vec2, ivec2, or
              bvec2, two values will be returned. If it is defined as a vec3,  ivec3,  or  bvec3,
              three  values  will  be  returned,  and  so  on.  To query values stored in uniform
              variables declared as arrays, call gl:getUniform for each element of the array.  To
              query values stored in uniform variables declared as structures, call gl:getUniform
              for each field in the structure. The values for uniform  variables  declared  as  a
              matrix will be returned in column major order.

              The  locations assigned to uniform variables are not known until the program object
              is linked. After linking has occurred, the command gl:getUniformLocation/2  can  be
              used  to obtain the location of a uniform variable. This location value can then be
              passed to gl:getUniform in  order  to  query  the  current  value  of  the  uniform
              variable. After a program object has been linked successfully, the index values for
              uniform variables remain fixed until the next  link  command  occurs.  The  uniform
              variable values can only be queried after a link if the link was successful.

              See external documentation.

       getUniformiv(Program, Location) -> {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer(), integer(),
       integer(), integer(), integer(), integer(), integer(),  integer(),  integer(),  integer(),
       integer(), integer(), integer()}


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()

              See getUniformfv/2

       getVertexAttribdv(Index, Pname) -> {float(), float(), float(), float()}


                 Index = integer()
                 Pname = enum()

              Return a generic vertex attribute parameter

              gl:getVertexAttrib  returns  in  Params  the  value  of  a generic vertex attribute
              parameter. The generic vertex attribute to be queried is specified by Index  ,  and
              the parameter to be queried is specified by Pname .

              The accepted parameter names are as follows:

              ?GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING:  Params returns a single value, the name of
              the buffer object currently bound to the binding  point  corresponding  to  generic
              vertex  attribute  array  Index  . If no buffer object is bound, 0 is returned. The
              initial value is 0.

              ?GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED: Params returns a single  value  that  is  non-zero
              (true)  if  the  vertex attribute array for Index is enabled and 0 (false) if it is
              disabled. The initial value is ?GL_FALSE.

              ?GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE: Params returns a single value, the size of the vertex
              attribute  array  for  Index . The size is the number of values for each element of
              the vertex attribute array, and it will be 1, 2, 3, or 4. The initial value is 4.

              ?GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE: Params returns a single value, the array stride for
              (number  of  bytes  between  successive elements in) the vertex attribute array for
              Index . A value of 0 indicates that the array elements are stored  sequentially  in
              memory. The initial value is 0.

              ?GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE:  Params  returns  a single value, a symbolic constant
              indicating the array type for the vertex  attribute  array  for  Index  .  Possible
              values  are  ?GL_BYTE,  ?GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, ?GL_SHORT, ?GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT , ?GL_INT,
              ?GL_UNSIGNED_INT, ?GL_FLOAT, and ?GL_DOUBLE. The initial value is ?GL_FLOAT.

              ?GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED: Params returns a single value that is  non-zero
              (true)  if fixed-point data types for the vertex attribute array indicated by Index
              are normalized when they are converted to floating point, and 0 (false)  otherwise.
              The initial value is ?GL_FALSE.

              ?GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_INTEGER:  Params  returns  a  single value that is non-zero
              (true) if fixed-point data types for the vertex attribute array indicated by  Index
              have  integer  data  types,  and  0  (false)  otherwise.  The  initial  value  is 0

              ?GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_DIVISOR:  Params  returns  a  single  value  that  is   the
              frequency  divisor used for instanced rendering. See gl:vertexAttribDivisor/2 . The
              initial value is 0.

              ?GL_CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB: Params returns four values that  represent  the  current
              value for the generic vertex attribute specified by index. Generic vertex attribute
              0 is unique in that it has no current state, so an error will be generated if Index
              is 0. The initial value for all other generic vertex attributes is (0,0,0,1).

              gl:getVertexAttribdv  and  gl:getVertexAttribfv return the current attribute values
              as four single-precision floating-point values; gl:getVertexAttribiv reads them  as
              floating-point    values    and    converts    them   to   four   integer   values;
              gl:getVertexAttribIiv and gl:getVertexAttribIuiv read and return them as signed  or
              unsigned integer values, respectively; gl:getVertexAttribLdv reads and returns them
              as four double-precision floating-point values.

              All of the parameters except ?GL_CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB represent  state  stored  in
              the currently bound vertex array object.

              See external documentation.

       getVertexAttribfv(Index, Pname) -> {float(), float(), float(), float()}


                 Index = integer()
                 Pname = enum()

              See getVertexAttribdv/2

       getVertexAttribiv(Index, Pname) -> {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}


                 Index = integer()
                 Pname = enum()

              See getVertexAttribdv/2

       isProgram(Program) -> 0 | 1


                 Program = integer()

              Determines if a name corresponds to a program object

              gl:isProgram returns ?GL_TRUE if Program is the name of a program object previously
              created with gl:createProgram/0 and not yet deleted with  gl:deleteProgram/1  .  If
              Program is zero or a non-zero value that is not the name of a program object, or if
              an error occurs, gl:isProgram returns ?GL_FALSE.

              See external documentation.

       isShader(Shader) -> 0 | 1


                 Shader = integer()

              Determines if a name corresponds to a shader object

              gl:isShader returns ?GL_TRUE if Shader is the name of a  shader  object  previously
              created  with  gl:createShader/1  and  not  yet deleted with gl:deleteShader/1 . If
              Shader is zero or a non-zero value that is not the name of a shader object,  or  if
              an error occurs, gl:isShader returns ?GL_FALSE.

              See external documentation.

       linkProgram(Program) -> ok


                 Program = integer()

              Links a program object

              gl:linkProgram  links  the  program  object  specified  by  Program . If any shader
              objects of type ?GL_VERTEX_SHADER are attached to Program , they will  be  used  to
              create  an  executable  that  will run on the programmable vertex processor. If any
              shader objects of type ?GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER are attached to Program , they  will  be
              used  to create an executable that will run on the programmable geometry processor.
              If any shader objects of type ?GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER are attached to  Program  ,  they
              will  be  used  to  create an executable that will run on the programmable fragment

              The status of the link operation will be stored as part  of  the  program  object's
              state.  This value will be set to ?GL_TRUE if the program object was linked without
              errors and is ready for use, and ?GL_FALSE otherwise. It can be queried by  calling
              gl:getProgramiv/2 with arguments Program and ?GL_LINK_STATUS.

              As  a  result  of  a  successful  link  operation,  all active user-defined uniform
              variables belonging to Program will be initialized to 0, and each  of  the  program
              object's  active  uniform variables will be assigned a location that can be queried
              by calling  gl:getUniformLocation/2  .  Also,  any  active  user-defined  attribute
              variables  that  have  not  been  bound to a generic vertex attribute index will be
              bound to one at this time.

              Linking of a program object can fail for a number of reasons as  specified  in  the
              OpenGL  Shading Language Specification . The following lists some of the conditions
              that will cause a link error.

              The number of active attribute variables supported by the implementation  has  been

              The storage limit for uniform variables has been exceeded.

              The  number  of  active  uniform variables supported by the implementation has been

              The main function is missing for the vertex, geometry or fragment shader.

              A varying variable actually used in the fragment shader is not declared in the same
              way  (or is not declared at all) in the vertex shader, or geometry shader shader if

              A reference to a function or variable name is unresolved.

              A shared global is declared with two  different  types  or  two  different  initial

              One or more of the attached shader objects has not been successfully compiled.

              Binding  a  generic attribute matrix caused some rows of the matrix to fall outside
              the allowed maximum of ?GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS.

              Not enough contiguous vertex attribute slots  could  be  found  to  bind  attribute

              The  program object contains objects to form a fragment shader but does not contain
              objects to form a vertex shader.

              The program object contains objects to form a geometry shader but does not  contain
              objects to form a vertex shader.

              The  program  object  contains  objects  to  form  a  geometry shader and the input
              primitive type, output primitive type,  or  maximum  output  vertex  count  is  not
              specified in any compiled geometry shader object.

              The  program  object  contains  objects  to  form  a  geometry shader and the input
              primitive type, output primitive type, or maximum output vertex count is  specified
              differently in multiple geometry shader objects.

              The  number  of  active outputs in the fragment shader is greater than the value of
              ?GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS .

              The program has an active output assigned to a location greater than  or  equal  to
              the  value of ?GL_MAX_DUAL_SOURCE_DRAW_BUFFERS and has an active output assigned an
              index greater than or equal to one.

              More than one varying out variable is bound to the same number and index.

              The explicit binding assigments do  not  leave  enough  space  for  the  linker  to
              automatically  assign  a  location for a varying out array, which requires multiple
              contiguous locations.

              The Count specified by gl:transformFeedbackVaryings/3 is non-zero, but the  program
              object has no vertex or geometry shader.

              Any variable name specified to gl:transformFeedbackVaryings/3 in the Varyings array
              is not declared as an output in the vertex  shader  (or  the  geometry  shader,  if

              Any  two entries in the Varyings array given gl:transformFeedbackVaryings/3 specify
              the same varying variable.

              The total number of  components  to  capture  in  any  transform  feedback  varying
              variable           is          greater          than          the          constant
              ?GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_COMPONENTS   and    the    buffer    mode    is

              When  a program object has been successfully linked, the program object can be made
              part of current state  by  calling  gl:useProgram/1  .  Whether  or  not  the  link
              operation was successful, the program object's information log will be overwritten.
              The information log can be retrieved by calling gl:getProgramInfoLog/2 .

              gl:linkProgram will also install the generated executables as part of  the  current
              rendering  state  if  the  link  operation was successful and the specified program
              object  is  already  currently  in  use  as  a  result  of  a  previous   call   to
              gl:useProgram/1   .   If   the   program   object  currently  in  use  is  relinked
              unsuccessfully, its link status will be set to ?GL_FALSE , but the executables  and
              associated  state  will remain part of the current state until a subsequent call to
              gl:useProgram removes it from use. After it is removed from use, it cannot be  made
              part of current state until it has been successfully relinked.

              If  Program  contains  shader  objects of type ?GL_VERTEX_SHADER, and optionally of
              type  ?GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER,  but  does  not   contain   shader   objects   of   type
              ?GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER  ,  the  vertex  shader  executable  will  be  installed on the
              programmable vertex processor, the geometry shader executable, if present, will  be
              installed  on  the  programmable  geometry  processor,  but  no  executable will be
              installed on the fragment processor. The results  of  rasterizing  primitives  with
              such a program will be undefined.

              The program object's information log is updated and the program is generated at the
              time of the link operation. After the link  operation,  applications  are  free  to
              modify  attached  shader  objects,  compile  attached shader objects, detach shader
              objects, delete shader objects, and attach additional shader objects. None of these
              operations  affects  the information log or the program that is part of the program

              See external documentation.

       shaderSource(Shader, String) -> ok


                 Shader = integer()
                 String = [string()]

              Replaces the source code in a shader object

              gl:shaderSource sets the source code in Shader to the source code in the  array  of
              strings  specified  by  String  .  Any  source code previously stored in the shader
              object is completely replaced. The number of strings in the array is  specified  by
              Count . If Length is ?NULL, each string is assumed to be null terminated. If Length
              is a value other than ?NULL, it points to an array containing a string  length  for
              each of the corresponding elements of String . Each element in the Length array may
              contain the length of the corresponding string (the null character is  not  counted
              as part of the string length) or a value less than 0 to indicate that the string is
              null terminated. The source code strings are not scanned or parsed  at  this  time;
              they are simply copied into the specified shader object.

              See external documentation.

       useProgram(Program) -> ok


                 Program = integer()

              Installs a program object as part of current rendering state

              gl:useProgram  installs  the program object specified by Program as part of current
              rendering state. One or more  executables  are  created  in  a  program  object  by
              successfully  attaching  shader objects to it with gl:attachShader/2 , successfully
              compiling the shader objects with gl:compileShader/1 , and successfully linking the
              program object with gl:linkProgram/1 .

              A  program  object will contain an executable that will run on the vertex processor
              if it contains one or more shader objects of type ?GL_VERTEX_SHADER that have  been
              successfully  compiled and linked. A program object will contain an executable that
              will run on the geometry processor if it contains one or  more  shader  objects  of
              type   ?GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER   that  have  been  successfully  compiled  and  linked.
              Similarly, a program object will  contain  an  executable  that  will  run  on  the
              fragment   processor   if   it   contains  one  or  more  shader  objects  of  type
              ?GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER that have been successfully compiled and linked.

              While a program object is in use, applications are free to modify  attached  shader
              objects,  compile  attached  shader  objects, attach additional shader objects, and
              detach or  delete  shader  objects.  None  of  these  operations  will  affect  the
              executables  that  are  part  of  the current state. However, relinking the program
              object that is currently in use will install the program  object  as  part  of  the
              current  rendering state if the link operation was successful (see gl:linkProgram/1
              ). If the program object currently in use  is  relinked  unsuccessfully,  its  link
              status  will  be  set  to  ?GL_FALSE, but the executables and associated state will
              remain part of the current state until a subsequent call to  gl:useProgram  removes
              it  from use. After it is removed from use, it cannot be made part of current state
              until it has been successfully relinked.

              If Program is zero, then the current rendering state refers to an  invalid  program
              object  and  the results of shader execution are undefined. However, this is not an

              If Program  does  not  contain  shader  objects  of  type  ?GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER,  an
              executable  will  be installed on the vertex, and possibly geometry processors, but
              the results of fragment shader execution will be undefined.

              See external documentation.

       uniform1f(Location, V0) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 V0 = float()

              Specify the value of a uniform variable for the current program object

              gl:uniform modifies the value of a uniform variable or a  uniform  variable  array.
              The  location  of  the  uniform  variable to be modified is specified by Location ,
              which should be a value returned by gl:getUniformLocation/2 .  gl:uniform  operates
              on   the   program   object  that  was  made  part  of  current  state  by  calling
              gl:useProgram/1 .

              The commands gl:uniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui} are  used  to  change  the  value  of  the
              uniform  variable  specified  by Location using the values passed as arguments. The
              number specified in the command should match the number of components in  the  data
              type of the specified uniform variable (e.g., 1 for float, int, unsigned int, bool;
              2 for vec2, ivec2, uvec2, bvec2, etc.). The suffix f indicates that  floating-point
              values  are  being  passed;  the  suffix  i indicates that integer values are being
              passed; the suffix ui indicates that unsigned integer values are being passed,  and
              this  type should also match the data type of the specified uniform variable. The i
              variants of this function should be used to provide values  for  uniform  variables
              defined  as  int, ivec2 , ivec3, ivec4, or arrays of these. The ui variants of this
              function should be used to provide values for uniform variables defined as unsigned
              int,  uvec2,  uvec3,  uvec4,  or  arrays of these. The f variants should be used to
              provide values for uniform variables of type float, vec2, vec3, vec4, or arrays  of
              these.  Either  the  i,  ui or f variants may be used to provide values for uniform
              variables of type bool, bvec2 , bvec3, bvec4,  or  arrays  of  these.  The  uniform
              variable  will  be set to false if the input value is 0 or 0.0f, and it will be set
              to true otherwise.

              All active uniform variables defined in a program object are initialized to 0  when
              the  program object is linked successfully. They retain the values assigned to them
              by a call to gl:uniform until the next successful  link  operation  occurs  on  the
              program object, when they are once again initialized to 0.

              The  commands  gl:uniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui}v  can be used to modify a single uniform
              variable or a uniform variable array. These commands pass a count and a pointer  to
              the  values  to  be  loaded  into a uniform variable or a uniform variable array. A
              count of 1 should be used if modifying the value of a single uniform variable,  and
              a  count of 1 or greater can be used to modify an entire array or part of an array.
              When loading n elements starting at an arbitrary position m in a  uniform  variable
              array, elements m + n - 1 in the array will be replaced with the new values. If M +
              N - 1 is larger than the size of the uniform variable array, values for  all  array
              elements  beyond  the end of the array will be ignored. The number specified in the
              name of the command indicates the number of components for each element in Value  ,
              and  it  should  match  the  number of components in the data type of the specified
              uniform variable (e.g., 1 for float, int, bool; 2 for vec2,  ivec2,  bvec2,  etc.).
              The data type specified in the name of the command must match the data type for the
              specified uniform variable as described previously for gl:uniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui}.

              For uniform variable arrays, each element of the array is considered to be  of  the
              type  indicated in the name of the command (e.g., gl:uniform3f or gl:uniform3fv can
              be used to load a uniform variable array of type vec3). The number of  elements  of
              the uniform variable array to be modified is specified by Count

              The commands gl:uniformMatrix{2|3|4|2x3|3x2|2x4|4x2|3x4|4x3}fv are used to modify a
              matrix or an array of matrices. The numbers in the command name are interpreted  as
              the  dimensionality  of  the matrix. The number 2 indicates a 2 × 2 matrix (i.e., 4
              values), the number 3 indicates a 3 × 3 matrix (i.e., 9 values), and the  number  4
              indicates  a  4  ×  4 matrix (i.e., 16 values). Non-square matrix dimensionality is
              explicit, with the first number representing the number of columns and  the  second
              number  representing  the number of rows. For example, 2x4 indicates a 2 × 4 matrix
              with 2 columns and 4 rows (i.e., 8 values). If Transpose is ?GL_FALSE, each  matrix
              is  assumed  to  be  supplied in column major order. If Transpose is ?GL_TRUE, each
              matrix is assumed to be supplied in row major order. The Count  argument  indicates
              the  number  of matrices to be passed. A count of 1 should be used if modifying the
              value of a single matrix, and a count greater than 1 can be used to modify an array
              of matrices.

              See external documentation.

       uniform2f(Location, V0, V1) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 V0 = float()
                 V1 = float()

              See uniform1f/2

       uniform3f(Location, V0, V1, V2) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 V0 = float()
                 V1 = float()
                 V2 = float()

              See uniform1f/2

       uniform4f(Location, V0, V1, V2, V3) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 V0 = float()
                 V1 = float()
                 V2 = float()
                 V3 = float()

              See uniform1f/2

       uniform1i(Location, V0) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 V0 = integer()

              See uniform1f/2

       uniform2i(Location, V0, V1) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 V0 = integer()
                 V1 = integer()

              See uniform1f/2

       uniform3i(Location, V0, V1, V2) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 V0 = integer()
                 V1 = integer()
                 V2 = integer()

              See uniform1f/2

       uniform4i(Location, V0, V1, V2, V3) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 V0 = integer()
                 V1 = integer()
                 V2 = integer()
                 V3 = integer()

              See uniform1f/2

       uniform1fv(Location, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [float()]

              See uniform1f/2

       uniform2fv(Location, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [{float(), float()}]

              See uniform1f/2

       uniform3fv(Location, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [{float(), float(), float()}]

              See uniform1f/2

       uniform4fv(Location, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [{float(), float(), float(), float()}]

              See uniform1f/2

       uniform1iv(Location, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [integer()]

              See uniform1f/2

       uniform2iv(Location, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [{integer(), integer()}]

              See uniform1f/2

       uniform3iv(Location, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [{integer(), integer(), integer()}]

              See uniform1f/2

       uniform4iv(Location, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [{integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}]

              See uniform1f/2

       uniformMatrix2fv(Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value = [{float(), float(), float(), float()}]

              See uniform1f/2

       uniformMatrix3fv(Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value  =  [{float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),
                 float(), float()}]

              See uniform1f/2

       uniformMatrix4fv(Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value  =  [{float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),
                 float(),   float(),   float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),

              See uniform1f/2

       validateProgram(Program) -> ok


                 Program = integer()

              Validates a program object

              gl:validateProgram checks to see whether the executables contained in  Program  can
              execute given the current OpenGL state. The information generated by the validation
              process will be stored in Program 's information log.  The  validation  information
              may  consist of an empty string, or it may be a string containing information about
              how the current program object interacts with the rest  of  current  OpenGL  state.
              This  provides  a  way for OpenGL implementers to convey more information about why
              the current program is inefficient, suboptimal, failing to execute, and so on.

              The status of the validation operation will  be  stored  as  part  of  the  program
              object's state. This value will be set to ?GL_TRUE if the validation succeeded, and
              ?GL_FALSE otherwise. It can be queried by calling gl:getProgramiv/2 with  arguments
              Program and ?GL_VALIDATE_STATUS. If validation is successful, Program is guaranteed
              to execute given the  current  state.  Otherwise,  Program  is  guaranteed  to  not

              This  function  is  typically  useful  only  during  application  development.  The
              informational string stored in the information  log  is  completely  implementation
              dependent;   therefore,   an   application   should  not  expect  different  OpenGL
              implementations to produce identical information strings.

              See external documentation.

       vertexAttrib1d(Index, X) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 X = float()

              Specifies the value of a generic vertex attribute

              The gl:vertexAttrib family of entry points allows an application  to  pass  generic
              vertex attributes in numbered locations.

              Generic  attributes are defined as four-component values that are organized into an
              array. The first entry of this array is numbered 0, and the size of  the  array  is
              specified   by   the   implementation-dependent   constant  ?GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS.
              Individual elements of this array can be modified with a gl:vertexAttrib call  that
              specifies the index of the element to be modified and a value for that element.

              These  commands  can  be used to specify one, two, three, or all four components of
              the generic vertex attribute specified by Index . A 1 in the name  of  the  command
              indicates  that  only  one value is passed, and it will be used to modify the first
              component of the generic vertex attribute. The second and third components will  be
              set  to 0, and the fourth component will be set to 1. Similarly, a 2 in the name of
              the command indicates that values are provided for the first  two  components,  the
              third component will be set to 0, and the fourth component will be set to 1. A 3 in
              the name of the command indicates that values are  provided  for  the  first  three
              components  and  the  fourth  component  will  be set to 1, whereas a 4 in the name
              indicates that values are provided for all four components.

              The letters s, f, i, d, ub, us, and ui indicate whether the arguments are  of  type
              short,  float,  int, double, unsigned byte, unsigned short, or unsigned int. When v
              is appended to the name, the commands can take  a  pointer  to  an  array  of  such

              Additional  capitalized  letters  can  indicate  further alterations to the default
              behavior of the glVertexAttrib function:

              The commands containing N indicate that the arguments will be passed as fixed-point
              values  that are scaled to a normalized range according to the component conversion
              rules defined  by  the  OpenGL  specification.  Signed  values  are  understood  to
              represent  fixed-point  values  in  the  range  [-1,1],  and  unsigned  values  are
              understood to represent fixed-point values in the range [0,1].

              The commands containing I indicate that the arguments are extended to  full  signed
              or unsigned integers.

              The  commands  containing  P  indicate  that  the  arguments  are  stored as packed
              components within a larger natural type.

              The commands containing L indicate that the arguments are  full  64-bit  quantities
              and  should be passed directly to shader inputs declared as 64-bit double precision

              OpenGL Shading Language attribute variables are allowed to be of type  mat2,  mat3,
              or  mat4.  Attributes  of these types may be loaded using the gl:vertexAttrib entry
              points. Matrices must be loaded into successive generic attribute slots  in  column
              major order, with one column of the matrix in each generic attribute slot.

              A  user-defined  attribute  variable  declared in a vertex shader can be bound to a
              generic attribute  index  by  calling  gl:bindAttribLocation/3  .  This  allows  an
              application to use more descriptive variable names in a vertex shader. A subsequent
              change to the specified generic vertex attribute will be immediately reflected as a
              change to the corresponding attribute variable in the vertex shader.

              The  binding  between a generic vertex attribute index and a user-defined attribute
              variable in a vertex shader is part of the state  of  a  program  object,  but  the
              current  value  of  the  generic vertex attribute is not. The value of each generic
              vertex attribute is part of current state, just like  standard  vertex  attributes,
              and it is maintained even if a different program object is used.

              An  application may freely modify generic vertex attributes that are not bound to a
              named vertex shader attribute variable. These values are simply maintained as  part
              of current state and will not be accessed by the vertex shader. If a generic vertex
              attribute bound to an attribute variable in a vertex shader is  not  updated  while
              the  vertex  shader is executing, the vertex shader will repeatedly use the current
              value for the generic vertex attribute.

              See external documentation.

       vertexAttrib1dv(Index::integer(), V) -> ok


                 V = {X::float()}

              Equivalent to vertexAttrib1d(Index, X).

       vertexAttrib1f(Index, X) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 X = float()

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttrib1fv(Index::integer(), V) -> ok


                 V = {X::float()}

              Equivalent to vertexAttrib1f(Index, X).

       vertexAttrib1s(Index, X) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 X = integer()

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttrib1sv(Index::integer(), V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer()}

              Equivalent to vertexAttrib1s(Index, X).

       vertexAttrib2d(Index, X, Y) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 X = float()
                 Y = float()

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttrib2dv(Index::integer(), V) -> ok


                 V = {X::float(), Y::float()}

              Equivalent to vertexAttrib2d(Index, X, Y).

       vertexAttrib2f(Index, X, Y) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 X = float()
                 Y = float()

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttrib2fv(Index::integer(), V) -> ok


                 V = {X::float(), Y::float()}

              Equivalent to vertexAttrib2f(Index, X, Y).

       vertexAttrib2s(Index, X, Y) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttrib2sv(Index::integer(), V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer(), Y::integer()}

              Equivalent to vertexAttrib2s(Index, X, Y).

       vertexAttrib3d(Index, X, Y, Z) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 Z = float()

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttrib3dv(Index::integer(), V) -> ok


                 V = {X::float(), Y::float(), Z::float()}

              Equivalent to vertexAttrib3d(Index, X, Y, Z).

       vertexAttrib3f(Index, X, Y, Z) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 Z = float()

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttrib3fv(Index::integer(), V) -> ok


                 V = {X::float(), Y::float(), Z::float()}

              Equivalent to vertexAttrib3f(Index, X, Y, Z).

       vertexAttrib3s(Index, X, Y, Z) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Z = integer()

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttrib3sv(Index::integer(), V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), Z::integer()}

              Equivalent to vertexAttrib3s(Index, X, Y, Z).

       vertexAttrib4Nbv(Index, V) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 V = {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttrib4Niv(Index, V) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 V = {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttrib4Nsv(Index, V) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 V = {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttrib4Nub(Index, X, Y, Z, W) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Z = integer()
                 W = integer()

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttrib4Nubv(Index::integer(), V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), Z::integer(), W::integer()}

              Equivalent to vertexAttrib4Nub(Index, X, Y, Z, W).

       vertexAttrib4Nuiv(Index, V) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 V = {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttrib4Nusv(Index, V) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 V = {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttrib4bv(Index, V) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 V = {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttrib4d(Index, X, Y, Z, W) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 Z = float()
                 W = float()

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttrib4dv(Index::integer(), V) -> ok


                 V = {X::float(), Y::float(), Z::float(), W::float()}

              Equivalent to vertexAttrib4d(Index, X, Y, Z, W).

       vertexAttrib4f(Index, X, Y, Z, W) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 Z = float()
                 W = float()

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttrib4fv(Index::integer(), V) -> ok


                 V = {X::float(), Y::float(), Z::float(), W::float()}

              Equivalent to vertexAttrib4f(Index, X, Y, Z, W).

       vertexAttrib4iv(Index, V) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 V = {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttrib4s(Index, X, Y, Z, W) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Z = integer()
                 W = integer()

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttrib4sv(Index::integer(), V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), Z::integer(), W::integer()}

              Equivalent to vertexAttrib4s(Index, X, Y, Z, W).

       vertexAttrib4ubv(Index, V) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 V = {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttrib4uiv(Index, V) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 V = {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttrib4usv(Index, V) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 V = {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttribPointer(Index, Size, Type, Normalized, Stride, Pointer) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 Size = integer()
                 Type = enum()
                 Normalized = 0 | 1
                 Stride = integer()
                 Pointer = offset() | mem()

              Define an array of generic vertex attribute data

              gl:vertexAttribPointer, gl:vertexAttribIPointer and gl:vertexAttribLPointer specify
              the  location  and  data  format of the array of generic vertex attributes at index
              Index to use when rendering. Size specifies the number of components per  attribute
              and  must  be  1,  2,  3,  4,  or  ?GL_BGRA.  Type  specifies the data type of each
              component, and Stride specifies the byte stride from one  attribute  to  the  next,
              allowing  vertices  and  attributes  to  be packed into a single array or stored in
              separate arrays.

              For gl:vertexAttribPointer, if Normalized is set to  ?GL_TRUE,  it  indicates  that
              values stored in an integer format are to be mapped to the range [-1,1] (for signed
              values) or [0,1] (for unsigned values) when they  are  accessed  and  converted  to
              floating  point.  Otherwise,  values  will  be converted to floats directly without

              For gl:vertexAttribIPointer, only the integer types ?GL_BYTE,  ?GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE  ,
              ?GL_SHORT,  ?GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT,  ?GL_INT, ?GL_UNSIGNED_INT are accepted. Values are
              always left as integer values.

              gl:vertexAttribLPointer specifies  state  for  a  generic  vertex  attribute  array
              associated  with  a shader attribute variable declared with 64-bit double precision
              components. Type must be ?GL_DOUBLE. Index , Size , and Stride behave as  described
              for gl:vertexAttribPointer and gl:vertexAttribIPointer.

              If  Pointer  is  not  NULL,  a  non-zero  named  buffer object must be bound to the
              ?GL_ARRAY_BUFFER target (see gl:bindBuffer/2 ), otherwise an  error  is  generated.
              Pointer is treated as a byte offset into the buffer object's data store. The buffer
              object binding (?GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING) is  saved  as  generic  vertex  attribute
              array state (?GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING ) for index Index .

              When  a  generic  vertex  attribute  array is specified, Size , Type , Normalized ,
              Stride , and Pointer are saved as vertex array state, in addition  to  the  current
              vertex array buffer object binding.

              To    enable    and    disable    a    generic   vertex   attribute   array,   call
              gl:disableVertexAttribArray/1 and gl:disableVertexAttribArray/1  with  Index  .  If
              enabled,  the  generic  vertex  attribute  array  is  used  when  gl:drawArrays/3 ,
              gl:multiDrawArrays/3   ,   gl:drawElements/4   ,   see   glMultiDrawElements,    or
              gl:drawRangeElements/6 is called.

              See external documentation.

       uniformMatrix2x3fv(Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value = [{float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float()}]

              See uniform1f/2

       uniformMatrix3x2fv(Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value = [{float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float()}]

              See uniform1f/2

       uniformMatrix2x4fv(Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value  =  [{float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),

              See uniform1f/2

       uniformMatrix4x2fv(Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value  =  [{float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),

              See uniform1f/2

       uniformMatrix3x4fv(Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value  =  [{float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),
                 float(), float(), float(), float(), float()}]

              See uniform1f/2

       uniformMatrix4x3fv(Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value  =  [{float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),
                 float(), float(), float(), float(), float()}]

              See uniform1f/2

       colorMaski(Index, R, G, B, A) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 R = 0 | 1
                 G = 0 | 1
                 B = 0 | 1
                 A = 0 | 1


              See external documentation.

       getBooleani_v(Target, Index) -> [0 | 1]


                 Target = enum()
                 Index = integer()

              See getBooleanv/1

       getIntegeri_v(Target, Index) -> [integer()]


                 Target = enum()
                 Index = integer()

              See getBooleanv/1

       enablei(Target, Index) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Index = integer()

              See enable/1

       disablei(Target, Index) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Index = integer()


              See external documentation.

       isEnabledi(Target, Index) -> 0 | 1


                 Target = enum()
                 Index = integer()


              See external documentation.

       beginTransformFeedback(PrimitiveMode) -> ok


                 PrimitiveMode = enum()

              Start transform feedback operation

              Transform  feedback  mode  captures  the values of varying variables written by the
              vertex shader (or, if active, the geometry shader). Transform feedback is  said  to
              be  active  after  a  call  to gl:beginTransformFeedback until a subsequent call to
              gl:beginTransformFeedback/1 . Transform feedback commands must be paired.

              If no geometry shader is present, while  transform  feedback  is  active  the  Mode
              parameter   to   gl:drawArrays/3  must  match  those  specified  in  the  following
              table:Transform FeedbackPrimitiveModeAllowed Render PrimitiveModes

              If a geometry shader is present, the output primitive type from the geometry shader
              must     match     those     provided     in    the    following    table:Transform
              FeedbackPrimitiveModeAllowed Geometry Shader Output Primitive Type

              See external documentation.

       endTransformFeedback() -> ok

              See beginTransformFeedback/1

       bindBufferRange(Target, Index, Buffer, Offset, Size) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Index = integer()
                 Buffer = integer()
                 Offset = integer()
                 Size = integer()

              Bind a range within a buffer object to an indexed buffer target

              gl:bindBufferRange binds a range the buffer object Buffer represented by Offset and
              Size  to  the  binding  point  at  index Index of the array of targets specified by
              Target . Each Target represents an indexed array of buffer binding points, as  well
              as  a  single  general  binding point that can be used by other buffer manipulation
              functions such as gl:bindBuffer/2 or see glMapBuffer.  In  addition  to  binding  a
              range  of Buffer to the indexed buffer binding target, gl:bindBufferBase also binds
              the range to the generic buffer binding point specified by Target .

              Offset specifies the offset in basic machine units into the  buffer  object  Buffer
              and Size specifies the amount of data that can be read from the buffer object while
              used as an indexed target.

              See external documentation.

       bindBufferBase(Target, Index, Buffer) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Index = integer()
                 Buffer = integer()

              Bind a buffer object to an indexed buffer target

              gl:bindBufferBase binds the buffer object Buffer to  the  binding  point  at  index
              Index  of  the  array  of  targets  specified by Target . Each Target represents an
              indexed array of buffer binding points, as well as a single general  binding  point
              that  can be used by other buffer manipulation functions such as gl:bindBuffer/2 or
              see glMapBuffer. In addition to  binding  Buffer  to  the  indexed  buffer  binding
              target,  gl:bindBufferBase  also  binds  Buffer to the generic buffer binding point
              specified by Target .

              See external documentation.

       transformFeedbackVaryings(Program, Varyings, BufferMode) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Varyings = [string()]
                 BufferMode = enum()

              Specify values to record in transform feedback buffers

              The names of the vertex or geometry shader outputs  to  be  recorded  in  transform
              feedback  mode  are  specified  using gl:transformFeedbackVaryings. When a geometry
              shader is active, transform feedback records the values of selected geometry shader
              output  variables  from the emitted vertices. Otherwise, the values of the selected
              vertex shader outputs are recorded.

              The state set by gl:tranformFeedbackVaryings is stored and takes effect  next  time
              gl:linkProgram/1 is called on Program . When gl:linkProgram/1 is called, Program is
              linked so that the values of the specified varying variables for  the  vertices  of
              each  primitive  generated  by  the  GL  are  written  to a single buffer object if
              BufferMode is ?GL_INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBS or multiple buffer objects if  BufferMode  is
              ?GL_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS .

              In  addition  to  the errors generated by gl:transformFeedbackVaryings, the program
              Program will fail to link if:

              The count specified by gl:transformFeedbackVaryings is non-zero,  but  the  program
              object has no vertex or geometry shader.

              Any  variable  name specified in the Varyings array is not declared as an output in
              the vertex shader (or the geometry shader, if active).

              Any two entries in the Varyings array specify the same varying variable.

              The total number of components to capture in any varying variable  in  Varyings  is
              greater  than  the  constant ?GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_SEPARATE_COMPONENTS and the
              buffer mode is ?GL_SEPARATE_ATTRIBS.

              The  total  number  of  components  to  capture  is  greater  than   the   constant
              ?GL_MAX_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_INTERLEAVED_COMPONENTS    and   the   buffer   mode   is

              See external documentation.

       getTransformFeedbackVarying(Program, Index, BufSize)  ->  {Size::integer(),  Type::enum(),


                 Program = integer()
                 Index = integer()
                 BufSize = integer()

              Retrieve information about varying variables selected for transform feedback

              Information  about  the  set  of varying variables in a linked program that will be
              captured   during   transform   feedback    may    be    retrieved    by    calling
              gl:getTransformFeedbackVarying. gl:getTransformFeedbackVarying provides information
              about the varying variable selected by Index . An Index  of  0  selects  the  first
              varying     variable    specified    in    the    Varyings    array    passed    to
              gl:transformFeedbackVaryings/3 , and an Index of  ?GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYINGS-1
              selects the last such variable.

              The  name of the selected varying is returned as a null-terminated string in Name .
              The actual number of characters written into Name , excluding the null  terminator,
              is  returned  in  Length  .  If  Length is NULL, no length is returned. The maximum
              number of characters that may be written into Name , including the null terminator,
              is specified by BufSize .

              The   length   of   the   longest   varying   name   in   program   is   given   by
              ?GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_VARYING_MAX_LENGTH   ,   which   can   be    queried    with
              gl:getProgramiv/2 .

              For the selected varying variable, its type is returned into Type . The size of the
              varying is returned into Size . The value in Size is in units of the type  returned
              in  Type  . The type returned can be any of the scalar, vector, or matrix attribute
              types  returned  by  gl:getActiveAttrib/3  .  If  an  error  occurred,  the  return
              parameters  Length  ,  Size  ,  Type and Name will be unmodified. This command will
              return as  much  information  about  the  varying  variables  as  possible.  If  no
              information  is  available,  Length  will  be set to zero and Name will be an empty
              string. This situation could  arise  if  gl:getTransformFeedbackVarying  is  called
              after a failed link.

              See external documentation.

       clampColor(Target, Clamp) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Clamp = enum()

              specify whether data read via

              gl:readPixels/7 should be clamped

              gl:clampColor  controls  color  clamping that is performed during gl:readPixels/7 .
              Target must be ?GL_CLAMP_READ_COLOR. If Clamp is ?GL_TRUE, read color  clamping  is
              enabled;  if  Clamp  is  ?GL_FALSE,  read  color  clamping is disabled. If Clamp is
              ?GL_FIXED_ONLY, read color clamping is enabled only if the selected read buffer has
              fixed point components and disabled otherwise.

              See external documentation.

       beginConditionalRender(Id, Mode) -> ok


                 Id = integer()
                 Mode = enum()

              Start conditional rendering

              Conditional  rendering  is  started using gl:beginConditionalRender and ended using
              gl:endConditionalRender . During conditional rendering, all vertex array  commands,
              as   well   as   gl:clear/1   and   gl:clearBufferiv/3   have   no  effect  if  the
              (?GL_SAMPLES_PASSED)  result  of  the  query  object  Id  is  zero,   or   if   the
              (?GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED)  result is ?GL_FALSE . The results of commands setting the
              current  vertex  state,  such  as  gl:vertexAttrib1d/2  are   undefined.   If   the
              (?GL_SAMPLES_PASSED)  result is non-zero or if the (?GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED ) result
              is  ?GL_TRUE,  such   commands   are   not   discarded.   The   Id   parameter   to
              gl:beginConditionalRender  must  be  the name of a query object previously returned
              from a call to gl:genQueries/1 . Mode specifies how the results of the query object
              are  to  be interpreted. If Mode is ?GL_QUERY_WAIT, the GL waits for the results of
              the query to be available and then uses the  results  to  determine  if  subsequent
              rendering  commands  are discarded. If Mode is ?GL_QUERY_NO_WAIT, the GL may choose
              to unconditionally execute the subsequent rendering commands  without  waiting  for
              the query to complete.

              If  Mode  is  ?GL_QUERY_BY_REGION_WAIT,  the  GL will also wait for occlusion query
              results and discard rendering commands if the result  of  the  occlusion  query  is
              zero.  If the query result is non-zero, subsequent rendering commands are executed,
              but the GL may  discard  the  results  of  the  commands  for  any  region  of  the
              framebuffer  that did not contribute to the sample count in the specified occlusion
              query. Any such discarding is done in an implementation-dependent manner,  but  the
              rendering  command results may not be discarded for any samples that contributed to
              the occlusion query sample count. If Mode is  ?GL_QUERY_BY_REGION_NO_WAIT,  the  GL
              operates as in ?GL_QUERY_BY_REGION_WAIT , but may choose to unconditionally execute
              the subsequent rendering commands without waiting for the query to complete.

              See external documentation.

       endConditionalRender() -> ok

              See beginConditionalRender/2

       vertexAttribIPointer(Index, Size, Type, Stride, Pointer) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 Size = integer()
                 Type = enum()
                 Stride = integer()
                 Pointer = offset() | mem()


              See external documentation.

       getVertexAttribIiv(Index, Pname) -> {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}


                 Index = integer()
                 Pname = enum()

              See getVertexAttribdv/2

       getVertexAttribIuiv(Index, Pname) -> {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}


                 Index = integer()
                 Pname = enum()


              See external documentation.

       vertexAttribI1i(Index, X) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 X = integer()

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttribI2i(Index, X, Y) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttribI3i(Index, X, Y, Z) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Z = integer()

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttribI4i(Index, X, Y, Z, W) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Z = integer()
                 W = integer()

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttribI1ui(Index, X) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 X = integer()

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttribI2ui(Index, X, Y) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttribI3ui(Index, X, Y, Z) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Z = integer()

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttribI4ui(Index, X, Y, Z, W) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 X = integer()
                 Y = integer()
                 Z = integer()
                 W = integer()

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttribI1iv(Index::integer(), V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer()}

              Equivalent to vertexAttribI1i(Index, X).

       vertexAttribI2iv(Index::integer(), V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer(), Y::integer()}

              Equivalent to vertexAttribI2i(Index, X, Y).

       vertexAttribI3iv(Index::integer(), V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), Z::integer()}

              Equivalent to vertexAttribI3i(Index, X, Y, Z).

       vertexAttribI4iv(Index::integer(), V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), Z::integer(), W::integer()}

              Equivalent to vertexAttribI4i(Index, X, Y, Z, W).

       vertexAttribI1uiv(Index::integer(), V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer()}

              Equivalent to vertexAttribI1ui(Index, X).

       vertexAttribI2uiv(Index::integer(), V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer(), Y::integer()}

              Equivalent to vertexAttribI2ui(Index, X, Y).

       vertexAttribI3uiv(Index::integer(), V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), Z::integer()}

              Equivalent to vertexAttribI3ui(Index, X, Y, Z).

       vertexAttribI4uiv(Index::integer(), V) -> ok


                 V = {X::integer(), Y::integer(), Z::integer(), W::integer()}

              Equivalent to vertexAttribI4ui(Index, X, Y, Z, W).

       vertexAttribI4bv(Index, V) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 V = {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttribI4sv(Index, V) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 V = {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttribI4ubv(Index, V) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 V = {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       vertexAttribI4usv(Index, V) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 V = {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}

              See vertexAttrib1d/2

       getUniformuiv(Program,  Location)  ->   {integer(),   integer(),   integer(),   integer(),
       integer(),  integer(),  integer(),  integer(), integer(), integer(), integer(), integer(),
       integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()

              See getUniformfv/2

       bindFragDataLocation(Program, Color, Name) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Color = integer()
                 Name = string()

              Bind a user-defined varying out variable to a fragment shader color number

              gl:bindFragDataLocation  explicitly  specifies  the  binding  of  the  user-defined
              varying  out  variable Name to fragment shader color number ColorNumber for program
              Program . If Name was bound previously,  its  assigned  binding  is  replaced  with
              ColorNumber  . Name must be a null-terminated string. ColorNumber must be less than
              ?GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS .

              The bindings specified by gl:bindFragDataLocation have no effect until  Program  is
              next  linked. Bindings may be specified at any time after Program has been created.
              Specifically, they may be specified before  shader  objects  are  attached  to  the
              program.  Therefore,  any  name may be specified in Name , including a name that is
              never used as a varying out variable in any fragment shader object. Names beginning
              with ?gl_ are reserved by the GL.

              In addition to the errors generated by gl:bindFragDataLocation, the program Program
              will fail to link if:

              The number of active outputs is greater than the value ?GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS.

              More than one varying out variable is bound to the same color number.

              See external documentation.

       getFragDataLocation(Program, Name) -> integer()


                 Program = integer()
                 Name = string()

              Query the bindings of color numbers to user-defined varying out variables

              gl:getFragDataLocation retrieves the assigned color number binding  for  the  user-
              defined  varying  out  variable  Name  for  program  Program  .  Program  must have
              previously been linked. Name must be a null-terminated string. If Name is  not  the
              name  of an active user-defined varying out fragment shader variable within Program
              , -1 will be returned.

              See external documentation.

       uniform1ui(Location, V0) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 V0 = integer()

              See uniform1f/2

       uniform2ui(Location, V0, V1) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 V0 = integer()
                 V1 = integer()

              See uniform1f/2

       uniform3ui(Location, V0, V1, V2) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 V0 = integer()
                 V1 = integer()
                 V2 = integer()

              See uniform1f/2

       uniform4ui(Location, V0, V1, V2, V3) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 V0 = integer()
                 V1 = integer()
                 V2 = integer()
                 V3 = integer()

              See uniform1f/2

       uniform1uiv(Location, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [integer()]

              See uniform1f/2

       uniform2uiv(Location, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [{integer(), integer()}]

              See uniform1f/2

       uniform3uiv(Location, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [{integer(), integer(), integer()}]

              See uniform1f/2

       uniform4uiv(Location, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [{integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}]

              See uniform1f/2

       texParameterIiv(Target, Pname, Params) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Params = {integer()}

              See texParameterf/3

       texParameterIuiv(Target, Pname, Params) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Params = {integer()}


              See external documentation.

       getTexParameterIiv(Target, Pname) -> {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()

              See getTexParameterfv/2

       getTexParameterIuiv(Target, Pname) -> {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()


              See external documentation.

       clearBufferiv(Buffer, Drawbuffer, Value) -> ok


                 Buffer = enum()
                 Drawbuffer = integer()
                 Value = {integer()}

              Clear individual buffers of the currently bound draw framebuffer

              gl:clearBuffer* clears the specified buffer to the specified value(s). If Buffer is
              ?GL_COLOR,  a  particular draw buffer ?GL_DRAWBUFFER I is specified by passing I as
              DrawBuffer . In this case, Value points to a four-element vector specifying the  R,
              G,  B  and  A  color  to  clear that draw buffer to. If Buffer is one of ?GL_FRONT,
              ?GL_BACK,  ?GL_LEFT,  ?GL_RIGHT,  or  ?GL_FRONT_AND_BACK  ,  identifying   multiple
              buffers, each selected buffer is cleared to the same value. Clamping and conversion
              for fixed-point color buffers are performed in the same fashion as  gl:clearColor/4

              If Buffer is ?GL_DEPTH, DrawBuffer must be zero, and Value points to a single value
              to clear the depth buffer to. Only gl:clearBufferfv should be used to  clear  depth
              buffers. Clamping and conversion for fixed-point depth buffers are performed in the
              same fashion as gl:clearDepth/1 .

              If Buffer is ?GL_STENCIL, DrawBuffer must be zero, and Value  points  to  a  single
              value to clear the stencil buffer to. Only gl:clearBufferiv should be used to clear
              stencil buffers. Masing and type conversion are performed in the  same  fashion  as
              gl:clearStencil/1 .

              gl:clearBufferfi may be used to clear the depth and stencil buffers. Buffer must be
              ?GL_DEPTH_STENCIL and DrawBuffer must be zero. Depth and Stencil are the depth  and
              stencil values, respectively.

              The  result  of  gl:clearBuffer  is  undefined if no conversion between the type of
              Value and the buffer being cleared is defined. However, this is not an error.

              See external documentation.

       clearBufferuiv(Buffer, Drawbuffer, Value) -> ok


                 Buffer = enum()
                 Drawbuffer = integer()
                 Value = {integer()}

              See clearBufferiv/3

       clearBufferfv(Buffer, Drawbuffer, Value) -> ok


                 Buffer = enum()
                 Drawbuffer = integer()
                 Value = {float()}

              See clearBufferiv/3

       clearBufferfi(Buffer, Drawbuffer, Depth, Stencil) -> ok


                 Buffer = enum()
                 Drawbuffer = integer()
                 Depth = float()
                 Stencil = integer()


              See external documentation.

       getStringi(Name, Index) -> string()


                 Name = enum()
                 Index = integer()

              See getString/1

       drawArraysInstanced(Mode, First, Count, Primcount) -> ok


                 Mode = enum()
                 First = integer()
                 Count = integer()
                 Primcount = integer()


              See external documentation.

       drawElementsInstanced(Mode, Count, Type, Indices, Primcount) -> ok


                 Mode = enum()
                 Count = integer()
                 Type = enum()
                 Indices = offset() | mem()
                 Primcount = integer()


              See external documentation.

       texBuffer(Target, Internalformat, Buffer) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Internalformat = enum()
                 Buffer = integer()

              Attach the storage for a buffer object to the active buffer texture

              gl:texBuffer attaches the storage for the buffer object named Buffer to the  active
              buffer  texture, and specifies the internal format for the texel array found in the
              attached buffer object. If Buffer is zero, any buffer object attached to the buffer
              texture is detached and no new buffer object is attached. If Buffer is non-zero, it
              must be the name of an existing buffer object. Target must be ?GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER  .
              Internalformat specifies the storage format, and must be one of the following sized
              internal formats:Component
              Sized Internal FormatBase TypeComponentsNorm0123
              ?GL_R8ubyte1YESR00 1
              ?GL_R16ushort1YESR 001
              ?GL_R16Fhalf1NO R001
              ?GL_R32Ffloat 1NOR001
              ?GL_R8I byte1NOR001
              ?GL_R16I short1NOR001
              ?GL_R8UIubyte1NOR0 01
              ?GL_R16UIushort1NO R001
              ?GL_R32UIuint1 NOR001
              ?GL_RG8ubyte 2YESRG01
              ?GL_RG16 ushort2YESRG01
              ?GL_RG16Fhalf2NORG0 1
              ?GL_RG32Ffloat2NORG 01
              ?GL_RG8Ibyte2NO RG01
              ?GL_RG16Ishort 2NORG01
              ?GL_RG32I int2NORG01
              ?GL_RG8UI ubyte2NORG01
              ?GL_RG16UIushort2NORG0 1
              ?GL_RG32UIuint2NORG 01
              ?GL_RGB32Ffloat3NO RGB1
              ?GL_RGB32Iint 3NORGB1
              ?GL_RGB32UI uint3NORGB1
              ?GL_RGBA8uint4YESRGB A
              ?GL_RGBA16short4YESR GBA
              ?GL_RGBA16Fhalf4NO RGBA
              ?GL_RGBA32Ffloat 4NORGBA
              ?GL_RGBA8I byte4NORGBA
              ?GL_RGBA16Ishort4NORGB A
              ?GL_RGBA32Iint4NORG BA
              ?GL_RGBA8UIubyte4NO RGBA
              ?GL_RGBA16UIushort 4NORGBA
              ?GL_RGBA32UI uint4NORGBA

              When a buffer object is attached to a buffer  texture,  the  buffer  object's  data
              store  is  taken  as  the texture's texel array. The number of texels in the buffer
              texture's texel array is given by buffer_size components×sizeof( base_type/)

              where buffer_size is the size of the buffer object,  in  basic  machine  units  and
              components  and base type are the element count and base data type for elements, as
              specified in the table above. The number of texels  in  the  texel  array  is  then
              clamped  to  the implementation-dependent limit ?GL_MAX_TEXTURE_BUFFER_SIZE. When a
              buffer texture is accessed in a shader, the results of a texel fetch are  undefined
              if  the  specified  texel  coordinate  is negative, or greater than or equal to the
              clamped number of texels in the texel array.

              See external documentation.

       primitiveRestartIndex(Index) -> ok


                 Index = integer()

              Specify the primitive restart index

              gl:primitiveRestartIndex specifies a vertex array element that is treated specially
              when primitive restarting is enabled. This is known as the primitive restart index.

              When  one of the Draw* commands transfers a set of generic attribute array elements
              to the GL, if the index within the vertex arrays corresponding to that set is equal
              to  the  primitive  restart index, then the GL does not process those elements as a
              vertex. Instead, it is as  if  the  drawing  command  ended  with  the  immediately
              preceding  transfer,  and  another  drawing command is immediately started with the
              same parameters, but only transferring the immediately  following  element  through
              the end of the originally specified elements.

              When  either  gl:drawElementsBaseVertex/5 , gl:drawElementsInstancedBaseVertex/6 or
              see glMultiDrawElementsBaseVertex is used, the primitive restart comparison  occurs
              before the basevertex offset is added to the array index.

              See external documentation.

       getInteger64i_v(Target, Index) -> [integer()]


                 Target = enum()
                 Index = integer()

              See getBooleanv/1

       getBufferParameteri64v(Target, Pname) -> [integer()]


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()


              See external documentation.

       framebufferTexture(Target, Attachment, Texture, Level) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Attachment = enum()
                 Texture = integer()
                 Level = integer()

              Attach  a  level  of  a  texture  object as a logical buffer to the currently bound
              framebuffer object

              gl:framebufferTexture,   gl:framebufferTexture1D,   gl:framebufferTexture2D,    and
              gl:framebufferTexture  attach  a selected mipmap level or image of a texture object
              as one of the logical buffers of the framebuffer object currently bound to Target .
              Target  must  be  ?GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER,  ?GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, or ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER .
              ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER is equivalent to ?GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER.

              Attachment specifies  the  logical  attachment  of  the  framebuffer  and  must  be
              ?GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMMENT . i in ?GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENTi may range from  zero  to
              the  value  of  ?GL_MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS  -  1.  Attaching a level of a texture to
              ?GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT is equivalent to attaching  that  level  to  both  the
              ?GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENTand     the     ?GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT     attachment    points

              Textarget specifies what type of texture is named by Texture ,  and  for  cube  map
              textures,  specifies  the  face  that is to be attached. If Texture is not zero, it
              must be the name of an existing texture with type Textarget , unless it is  a  cube
              map  texture,  in  which  case  Textarget  must  be ?GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X

              If Texture is non-zero, the specified Level of the texture object named Texture  is
              attached   to   the   framebfufer  attachment  point  named  by  Attachment  .  For
              gl:framebufferTexture1D  ,  gl:framebufferTexture2D,  and  gl:framebufferTexture3D,
              Texture  must be zero or the name of an existing texture with a target of Textarget
              , or Texture must be the name of an existing cube-map texture and Textarget must be

              If    Textarget    is    ?GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE,    ?GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE,   or
              ?GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY,  then  Level  must  be  zero.  If  Textarget   is
              ?GL_TEXTURE_3D,  then  level must be greater than or equal to zero and less than or
              equal to log2 of the value of  ?GL_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE.  If  Textarget  is  one  of
              must be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to log2 of  the  value
              of ?GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE. For all other values of Textarget , Level must be
              greater  than  or  equal  to  zero  and  no  larger  than  log2  of  the  value  of

              Layer specifies the layer of a 2-dimensional image within a 3-dimensional texture.

              For  gl:framebufferTexture1D,  if  Texture  is  not  zero,  then  Textarget must be
              ?GL_TEXTURE_1D. For gl:framebufferTexture2D, if Texture is not zero, Textarget must
              ?GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z    ,     or     ?GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE.     For
              gl:framebufferTexture3D,   if   Texture   is  not  zero,  then  Textarget  must  be

              See external documentation.

       vertexAttribDivisor(Index, Divisor) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 Divisor = integer()

              Modify the rate  at  which  generic  vertex  attributes  advance  during  instanced

              gl:vertexAttribDivisor modifies the rate at which generic vertex attributes advance
              when rendering multiple instances of primitives in a single draw call.  If  Divisor
              is  zero,  the attribute at slot Index advances once per vertex. If Divisor is non-
              zero, the attribute advances once per Divisor instances of the set(s)  of  vertices
              being   rendered.   An   attribute   is   referred   to   as   instanced   if   its
              ?GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_DIVISOR value is non-zero.

              Index must be less than the value of ?GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBUTES.

              See external documentation.

       minSampleShading(Value) -> ok


                 Value = clamp()

              Specifies minimum rate at which sample shaing takes place

              gl:minSampleShading specifies the rate at which samples are shaded within a covered
              pixel.  Sample-rate  shading  is  enabled by calling gl:enable/1 with the parameter
              ?GL_SAMPLE_SHADING . If ?GL_MULTISAMPLE or ?GL_SAMPLE_SHADING is  disabled,  sample
              shading  has  no effect. Otherwise, an implementation must provide at least as many
              unique color values for each covered fragment as specified by Value  times  Samples
              where  Samples  is the value of ?GL_SAMPLES for the current framebuffer. At least 1
              sample for each covered fragment is generated.

              A Value of 1.0 indicates that each sample in the framebuffer should be indpendently
              shaded. A Value of 0.0 effectively allows the GL to ignore sample rate shading. Any
              value between 0.0 and 1.0 allows the GL to shade only a subset of the total samples
              within  each  covered  fragment. Which samples are shaded and the algorithm used to
              select that subset of the fragment's samples is implementation dependent.

              See external documentation.

       blendEquationi(Buf, Mode) -> ok


                 Buf = integer()
                 Mode = enum()

              See blendEquation/1

       blendEquationSeparatei(Buf, ModeRGB, ModeAlpha) -> ok


                 Buf = integer()
                 ModeRGB = enum()
                 ModeAlpha = enum()

              See blendEquationSeparate/2

       blendFunci(Buf, Src, Dst) -> ok


                 Buf = integer()
                 Src = enum()
                 Dst = enum()


              See external documentation.

       blendFuncSeparatei(Buf, SrcRGB, DstRGB, SrcAlpha, DstAlpha) -> ok


                 Buf = integer()
                 SrcRGB = enum()
                 DstRGB = enum()
                 SrcAlpha = enum()
                 DstAlpha = enum()

              See blendFuncSeparate/4

       loadTransposeMatrixfARB(M) -> ok


                 M = matrix()


              See external documentation.

       loadTransposeMatrixdARB(M) -> ok


                 M = matrix()


              See external documentation.

       multTransposeMatrixfARB(M) -> ok


                 M = matrix()


              See external documentation.

       multTransposeMatrixdARB(M) -> ok


                 M = matrix()


              See external documentation.

       weightbvARB(Weights) -> ok


                 Weights = [integer()]


              See external documentation.

       weightsvARB(Weights) -> ok


                 Weights = [integer()]


              See external documentation.

       weightivARB(Weights) -> ok


                 Weights = [integer()]


              See external documentation.

       weightfvARB(Weights) -> ok


                 Weights = [float()]


              See external documentation.

       weightdvARB(Weights) -> ok


                 Weights = [float()]


              See external documentation.

       weightubvARB(Weights) -> ok


                 Weights = [integer()]


              See external documentation.

       weightusvARB(Weights) -> ok


                 Weights = [integer()]


              See external documentation.

       weightuivARB(Weights) -> ok


                 Weights = [integer()]


              See external documentation.

       vertexBlendARB(Count) -> ok


                 Count = integer()


              See external documentation.

       currentPaletteMatrixARB(Index) -> ok


                 Index = integer()


              See external documentation.

       matrixIndexubvARB(Indices) -> ok


                 Indices = [integer()]


              See external documentation.

       matrixIndexusvARB(Indices) -> ok


                 Indices = [integer()]


              See external documentation.

       matrixIndexuivARB(Indices) -> ok


                 Indices = [integer()]


              See external documentation.

       programStringARB(Target, Format, String) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Format = enum()
                 String = string()


              See external documentation.

       bindProgramARB(Target, Program) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Program = integer()


              See external documentation.

       deleteProgramsARB(Programs) -> ok


                 Programs = [integer()]


              See external documentation.

       genProgramsARB(N) -> [integer()]


                 N = integer()


              See external documentation.

       programEnvParameter4dARB(Target, Index, X, Y, Z, W) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Index = integer()
                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 Z = float()
                 W = float()


              See external documentation.

       programEnvParameter4dvARB(Target, Index, Params) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Index = integer()
                 Params = {float(), float(), float(), float()}


              See external documentation.

       programEnvParameter4fARB(Target, Index, X, Y, Z, W) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Index = integer()
                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 Z = float()
                 W = float()


              See external documentation.

       programEnvParameter4fvARB(Target, Index, Params) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Index = integer()
                 Params = {float(), float(), float(), float()}


              See external documentation.

       programLocalParameter4dARB(Target, Index, X, Y, Z, W) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Index = integer()
                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 Z = float()
                 W = float()


              See external documentation.

       programLocalParameter4dvARB(Target, Index, Params) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Index = integer()
                 Params = {float(), float(), float(), float()}


              See external documentation.

       programLocalParameter4fARB(Target, Index, X, Y, Z, W) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Index = integer()
                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 Z = float()
                 W = float()


              See external documentation.

       programLocalParameter4fvARB(Target, Index, Params) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Index = integer()
                 Params = {float(), float(), float(), float()}


              See external documentation.

       getProgramEnvParameterdvARB(Target, Index) -> {float(), float(), float(), float()}


                 Target = enum()
                 Index = integer()


              See external documentation.

       getProgramEnvParameterfvARB(Target, Index) -> {float(), float(), float(), float()}


                 Target = enum()
                 Index = integer()


              See external documentation.

       getProgramLocalParameterdvARB(Target, Index) -> {float(), float(), float(), float()}


                 Target = enum()
                 Index = integer()


              See external documentation.

       getProgramLocalParameterfvARB(Target, Index) -> {float(), float(), float(), float()}


                 Target = enum()
                 Index = integer()


              See external documentation.

       getProgramStringARB(Target, Pname, String) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 String = mem()


              See external documentation.

       getBufferParameterivARB(Target, Pname) -> [integer()]


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()


              See external documentation.

       deleteObjectARB(Obj) -> ok


                 Obj = integer()


              See external documentation.

       getHandleARB(Pname) -> integer()


                 Pname = enum()


              See external documentation.

       detachObjectARB(ContainerObj, AttachedObj) -> ok


                 ContainerObj = integer()
                 AttachedObj = integer()


              See external documentation.

       createShaderObjectARB(ShaderType) -> integer()


                 ShaderType = enum()


              See external documentation.

       shaderSourceARB(ShaderObj, String) -> ok


                 ShaderObj = integer()
                 String = [string()]


              See external documentation.

       compileShaderARB(ShaderObj) -> ok


                 ShaderObj = integer()


              See external documentation.

       createProgramObjectARB() -> integer()


              See external documentation.

       attachObjectARB(ContainerObj, Obj) -> ok


                 ContainerObj = integer()
                 Obj = integer()


              See external documentation.

       linkProgramARB(ProgramObj) -> ok


                 ProgramObj = integer()


              See external documentation.

       useProgramObjectARB(ProgramObj) -> ok


                 ProgramObj = integer()


              See external documentation.

       validateProgramARB(ProgramObj) -> ok


                 ProgramObj = integer()


              See external documentation.

       getObjectParameterfvARB(Obj, Pname) -> float()


                 Obj = integer()
                 Pname = enum()


              See external documentation.

       getObjectParameterivARB(Obj, Pname) -> integer()


                 Obj = integer()
                 Pname = enum()


              See external documentation.

       getInfoLogARB(Obj, MaxLength) -> string()


                 Obj = integer()
                 MaxLength = integer()


              See external documentation.

       getAttachedObjectsARB(ContainerObj, MaxCount) -> [integer()]


                 ContainerObj = integer()
                 MaxCount = integer()


              See external documentation.

       getUniformLocationARB(ProgramObj, Name) -> integer()


                 ProgramObj = integer()
                 Name = string()


              See external documentation.

       getActiveUniformARB(ProgramObj,  Index,  MaxLength)  ->  {Size::integer(),   Type::enum(),


                 ProgramObj = integer()
                 Index = integer()
                 MaxLength = integer()


              See external documentation.

       getUniformfvARB(ProgramObj, Location) -> matrix()


                 ProgramObj = integer()
                 Location = integer()


              See external documentation.

       getUniformivARB(ProgramObj,  Location)  ->  {integer(),  integer(),  integer(), integer(),
       integer(), integer(), integer(), integer(), integer(),  integer(),  integer(),  integer(),
       integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}


                 ProgramObj = integer()
                 Location = integer()


              See external documentation.

       getShaderSourceARB(Obj, MaxLength) -> string()


                 Obj = integer()
                 MaxLength = integer()


              See external documentation.

       bindAttribLocationARB(ProgramObj, Index, Name) -> ok


                 ProgramObj = integer()
                 Index = integer()
                 Name = string()


              See external documentation.

       getActiveAttribARB(ProgramObj,   Index,   MaxLength)  ->  {Size::integer(),  Type::enum(),


                 ProgramObj = integer()
                 Index = integer()
                 MaxLength = integer()


              See external documentation.

       getAttribLocationARB(ProgramObj, Name) -> integer()


                 ProgramObj = integer()
                 Name = string()


              See external documentation.

       isRenderbuffer(Renderbuffer) -> 0 | 1


                 Renderbuffer = integer()

              Determine if a name corresponds to a renderbuffer object

              gl:isRenderbuffer returns ?GL_TRUE if Renderbuffer  is  currently  the  name  of  a
              renderbuffer object. If Renderbuffer is zero, or if Renderbuffer is not the name of
              a renderbuffer object, or if an error occurs, gl:isRenderbuffer returns  ?GL_FALSE.
              If  Renderbuffer  is a name returned by gl:genRenderbuffers/1 , by that has not yet
              been bound through a call to gl:bindRenderbuffer/2 or  gl:framebufferRenderbuffer/4
              ,  then  the  name  is  not  a  renderbuffer  object  and gl:isRenderbuffer returns
              ?GL_FALSE .

              See external documentation.

       bindRenderbuffer(Target, Renderbuffer) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Renderbuffer = integer()

              Bind a renderbuffer to a renderbuffer target

              gl:bindRenderbuffer binds the renderbuffer object with  name  Renderbuffer  to  the
              renderbuffer  target  specified  by  Target  .  Target  must  be ?GL_RENDERBUFFER .
              Renderbuffer is the name of a renderbuffer object previously returned from  a  call
              to  gl:genRenderbuffers/1 , or zero to break the existing binding of a renderbuffer
              object to Target .

              See external documentation.

       deleteRenderbuffers(Renderbuffers) -> ok


                 Renderbuffers = [integer()]

              Delete renderbuffer objects

              gl:deleteRenderbuffers deletes the N renderbuffer objects whose names are stored in
              the  array  addressed by Renderbuffers . The name zero is reserved by the GL and is
              silently ignored, should it occur in Renderbuffers , as  are  other  unused  names.
              Once  a  renderbuffer  object  is  deleted,  its name is again unused and it has no
              contents. If a renderbuffer that is currently bound to the target  ?GL_RENDERBUFFER
              is  deleted,  it is as though gl:bindRenderbuffer/2 had been executed with a Target
              of ?GL_RENDERBUFFER and a Name of zero.

              If a renderbuffer object is attached to  one  or  more  attachment  points  in  the
              currently  bound  framebuffer,  then it as if gl:framebufferRenderbuffer/4 had been
              called, with a Renderbuffer of zero for each attachment point to which  this  image
              was  attached in the currently bound framebuffer. In other words, this renderbuffer
              object is first  detached  from  all  attachment  ponits  in  the  currently  bound
              framebuffer. Note that the renderbuffer image is specifically not detached from any
              non-bound framebuffers.

              See external documentation.

       genRenderbuffers(N) -> [integer()]


                 N = integer()

              Generate renderbuffer object names

              gl:genRenderbuffers returns N renderbuffer object names in Renderbuffers . There is
              no  guarantee  that  the  names  form  a contiguous set of integers; however, it is
              guaranteed that none of the returned names was in use immediately before  the  call
              to gl:genRenderbuffers .

              Renderbuffer  object  names  returned  by  a  call  to  gl:genRenderbuffers are not
              returned   by   subsequent   calls,   unless   they   are   first   deleted    with
              gl:deleteRenderbuffers/1 .

              The  names  returned  in  Renderbuffers  are  marked  as  used, for the purposes of
              gl:genRenderbuffers only, but they acquire state and type only when they are  first

              See external documentation.

       renderbufferStorage(Target, Internalformat, Width, Height) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Internalformat = enum()
                 Width = integer()
                 Height = integer()

              Establish data storage, format and dimensions of a renderbuffer object's image

              gl:renderbufferStorage is equivalent to calling gl:renderbufferStorageMultisample/5
              with the Samples set to zero.

              The target  of  the  operation,  specified  by  Target  must  be  ?GL_RENDERBUFFER.
              Internalformat  specifies  the  internal  format  to  be  used for the renderbuffer
              object's storage and must be  a  color-renderable,  depth-renderable,  or  stencil-
              renderable  format.  Width  and  Height  are  the  dimensions,  in  pixels,  of the
              renderbuffer. Both Width and Height must be less than or  equal  to  the  value  of

              Upon  success,  gl:renderbufferStorage  deletes  any  existing  data  store for the
              renderbuffer  image  and  the  contents   of   the   data   store   after   calling
              gl:renderbufferStorage are undefined.

              See external documentation.

       getRenderbufferParameteriv(Target, Pname) -> integer()


                 Target = enum()
                 Pname = enum()

              Retrieve information about a bound renderbuffer object

              gl:getRenderbufferParameteriv  retrieves  information  about  a  bound renderbuffer
              object.  Target  specifies  the  target  of  the  query  operation  and   must   be
              ?GL_RENDERBUFFER  .  Pname specifies the parameter whose value to query and must be
              one       of        ?GL_RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH        ,        ?GL_RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT,
              ?GL_RENDERBUFFER_GREEN_SIZE,                            ?GL_RENDERBUFFER_BLUE_SIZE,
              ?GL_RENDERBUFFER_ALPHA_SIZE              ,             ?GL_RENDERBUFFER_DEPTH_SIZE,
              ?GL_RENDERBUFFER_DEPTH_SIZE,       ?GL_RENDERBUFFER_STENCIL_SIZE        ,        or

              Upon   a   successful   return  from  gl:getRenderbufferParameteriv,  if  Pname  is
              or  ?GL_RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES  ,  then  Params will contain the width in pixels, the
              height in pixels, the internal format, or the number of samples,  respectively,  of
              the image of the renderbuffer currently bound to Target .

              If     Pname     is     ?GL_RENDERBUFFER_RED_SIZE,     ?GL_RENDERBUFFER_GREEN_SIZE,
              ?GL_RENDERBUFFER_BLUE_SIZE,                            ?GL_RENDERBUFFER_ALPHA_SIZE,
              contain the actual resolutions (not the resolutions specified when the image  array
              was  defined)  for  the  red,  green,  blue,  alpha  depth,  or stencil components,
              respectively, of the image of the renderbuffer currently bound to Target .

              See external documentation.

       isFramebuffer(Framebuffer) -> 0 | 1


                 Framebuffer = integer()

              Determine if a name corresponds to a framebuffer object

              gl:isFramebuffer returns ?GL_TRUE  if  Framebuffer  is  currently  the  name  of  a
              framebuffer object. If Framebuffer is zero, or if ?framebuffer is not the name of a
              framebuffer object, or if an error occurs, gl:isFramebuffer returns  ?GL_FALSE.  If
              Framebuffer  is  a name returned by gl:genFramebuffers/1 , by that has not yet been
              bound through a call to gl:bindFramebuffer/2 , then the name is not  a  framebuffer
              object and gl:isFramebuffer returns ?GL_FALSE.

              See external documentation.

       bindFramebuffer(Target, Framebuffer) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Framebuffer = integer()

              Bind a framebuffer to a framebuffer target

              gl:bindFramebuffer  binds  the  framebuffer  object  with  name  Framebuffer to the
              framebuffer target specified by Target . Target must be either ?GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER
              ,  ?GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER  or  ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER.  If  a framebuffer object is bound to
              ?GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER or ?GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, it becomes the target  for  rendering
              or readback operations, respectively, until it is deleted or another framebuffer is
              bound to the corresponding bind point. Calling gl:bindFramebuffer with  Target  set
              to ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER binds Framebuffer to both the read and draw framebuffer targets.
              Framebuffer is the name of a framebuffer object previously returned from a call  to
              gl:genFramebuffers/1  ,  or  zero  to  break  the existing binding of a framebuffer
              object to Target .

              See external documentation.

       deleteFramebuffers(Framebuffers) -> ok


                 Framebuffers = [integer()]

              Delete framebuffer objects

              gl:deleteFramebuffers deletes the N framebuffer objects whose names are  stored  in
              the  array  addressed  by Framebuffers . The name zero is reserved by the GL and is
              silently ignored, should it occur in Framebuffers , as are other unused names. Once
              a  framebuffer  object  is  deleted,  its  name  is  again  unused  and  it  has no
              attachments. If a framebuffer that is currently bound to one or more of the targets
              ?GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER   or   ?GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER   is  deleted,  it  is  as  though
              gl:bindFramebuffer/2  had  been  executed  with  the   corresponding   Target   and
              Framebuffer zero.

              See external documentation.

       genFramebuffers(N) -> [integer()]


                 N = integer()

              Generate framebuffer object names

              gl:genFramebuffers  returns  N  framebuffer  object  names  in  Ids  .  There is no
              guarantee that the names  form  a  contiguous  set  of  integers;  however,  it  is
              guaranteed  that  none of the returned names was in use immediately before the call
              to gl:genFramebuffers .

              Framebuffer object names returned by a call to gl:genFramebuffers are not  returned
              by subsequent calls, unless they are first deleted with gl:deleteFramebuffers/1 .

              The   names   returned   in   Ids   are   marked  as  used,  for  the  purposes  of
              gl:genFramebuffers only, but they acquire state and type only when they  are  first

              See external documentation.

       checkFramebufferStatus(Target) -> enum()


                 Target = enum()

              Check the completeness status of a framebuffer

              gl:checkFramebufferStatus queries the completeness status of the framebuffer object
              currently   bound   to   Target   .   Target    must    be    ?GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER,
              ?GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER   or   ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER.   ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER   is  equivalent  to
              ?GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER .

              The return value is ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE if the framebuffer bound to Target  is
              complete. Otherwise, the return value is determined as follows:

              ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNDEFINED is returned if Target is the default framebuffer, but the
              default framebuffer does not exist.

              ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT  is  returned  if  any  of  the   framebuffer
              attachment points are framebuffer incomplete.

              ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT  is  returned if the framebuffer does
              not have at least one image attached to it.

              ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DRAW_BUFFER   is    returned    if    the    value    of
              ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE   is   ?GL_NONE  for  any  color  attachment
              point(s) named by ?GL_DRAWBUFFERi.

              ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_READ_BUFFER  is  returned  if  ?GL_READ_BUFFER  is   not
              ?GL_NONE  and  the  value of ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE is ?GL_NONE for
              the color attachment point named by ?GL_READ_BUFFER.

              ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED is returned if the combination of internal  formats  of
              the attached images violates an implementation-dependent set of restrictions.

              ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MULTISAMPLE    is    returned    if    the    value   of
              ?GL_RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES is not the same for all  attached  renderbuffers;  if  the
              value  of ?GL_TEXTURE_SAMPLES is the not same for all attached textures; or, if the
              attached  images  are  a  mix  of  renderbuffers  and  textures,   the   value   of
              ?GL_RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES does not match the value of ?GL_TEXTURE_SAMPLES .

              ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MULTISAMPLE   is   also   returned   if   the  value  of
              ?GL_TEXTURE_FIXED_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS is not the same for all attached  textures;  or,
              if  the  attached  images  are  a  mix  of renderbuffers and textures, the value of
              ?GL_TEXTURE_FIXED_SAMPLE_LOCATIONS is not ?GL_TRUE for all attached textures.

              ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_LAYER_TARGETS is returned if any framebuffer  attachment
              is  layered, and any populated attachment is not layered, or if all populated color
              attachments are not from textures of the same target.

              Additionally, if an error occurs, zero is returned.

              See external documentation.

       framebufferTexture1D(Target, Attachment, Textarget, Texture, Level) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Attachment = enum()
                 Textarget = enum()
                 Texture = integer()
                 Level = integer()

              See framebufferTexture/4

       framebufferTexture2D(Target, Attachment, Textarget, Texture, Level) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Attachment = enum()
                 Textarget = enum()
                 Texture = integer()
                 Level = integer()

              See framebufferTexture/4

       framebufferTexture3D(Target, Attachment, Textarget, Texture, Level, Zoffset) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Attachment = enum()
                 Textarget = enum()
                 Texture = integer()
                 Level = integer()
                 Zoffset = integer()

              See framebufferTexture/4

       framebufferRenderbuffer(Target, Attachment, Renderbuffertarget, Renderbuffer) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Attachment = enum()
                 Renderbuffertarget = enum()
                 Renderbuffer = integer()

              Attach a renderbuffer as a logical buffer to the currently bound framebuffer object

              gl:framebufferRenderbuffer attaches a renderbuffer as one of the logical buffers of
              the   currently   bound  framebuffer  object.  Renderbuffer  is  the  name  of  the
              renderbuffer object to attach and must be either zero, or the name of  an  existing
              renderbuffer object of type Renderbuffertarget . If Renderbuffer is not zero and if
              gl:framebufferRenderbuffer is successful, then the renderbuffer  name  Renderbuffer
              will  be  used  as  the  logical buffer identified by Attachment of the framebuffer
              currently bound to Target .

              The value of ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE for  the  specified  attachment
              point      is      set     to     ?GL_RENDERBUFFER     and     the     value     of
              ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME is set to Renderbuffer  .  All  other  state
              values  of  the  attachment  point specified by Attachment are set to their default
              values. No change is made to the state of the renderbuuffer object and any previous
              attachment to the Attachment logical buffer of the framebuffer Target is broken.

              Calling  gl:framebufferRenderbuffer with the renderbuffer name zero will detach the
              image, if any, identified by Attachment , in the  framebuffer  currently  bound  to
              Target  .  All  state values of the attachment point specified by attachment in the
              object bound to target are set to their default values.

              Setting Attachment to the value  ?GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT  is  a  special  case
              causing  both the depth and stencil attachments of the framebuffer object to be set
              to Renderbuffer , which should have the base internal format ?GL_DEPTH_STENCIL .

              See external documentation.

       getFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(Target, Attachment, Pname) -> integer()


                 Target = enum()
                 Attachment = enum()
                 Pname = enum()

              Retrieve information about attachments of a bound framebuffer object

              gl:getFramebufferAttachmentParameter returns information  about  attachments  of  a
              bound  framebuffer  object. Target specifies the framebuffer binding point and must
              is equivalent to ?GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER.

              If  the  default  framebuffer  is  bound  to  Target then Attachment must be one of
              ?GL_FRONT_LEFT, ?GL_FRONT_RIGHT, ?GL_BACK_LEFT, or ?GL_BACK_RIGHT ,  identifying  a
              color buffer, ?GL_DEPTH, identifying the depth buffer, or ?GL_STENCIL , identifying
              the stencil buffer.

              If  a  framebuffer  object   is   bound,   then   Attachment   must   be   one   of
              ?GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT . i in ?GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENTi must be in the range zero
              to the value of ?GL_MAX_COLOR_ATTACHMENTS - 1.

              If  Attachment  is  ?GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT and different objects are bound to
              the depth and stencil attachment points of Target the query will fail. If the  same
              object  is  bound  to both attachment points, information about that object will be

              Upon successful return from  gl:getFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv,  if  Pname  is
              ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE,  then Params will contain one of ?GL_NONE ,
              ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT, ?GL_TEXTURE, or ?GL_RENDERBUFFER, identifying the type  of
              object which contains the attached image. Other values accepted for Pname depend on
              the type of object, as described below.

              If the value of ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE is ?GL_NONE, no  framebuffer
              is     bound     to     Target     .     In     this     case     querying    Pname
              ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME will return zero, and all other queries will
              generate an error.

              If  the  value  of  ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE  is  not ?GL_NONE, these
              queries apply to all other framebuffer types:

              If            Pname             is             ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_RED_SIZE,
              ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_STENCIL_SIZE  ,  then  Params will contain the number of
              bits in the corresponding red, green, blue, alpha, depth, or stencil  component  of
              the  specified  attachment.  Zero  is  returned  if  the requested component is not
              present in Attachment .

              If Pname is  ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_COMPONENT_TYPE,  Params  will  contain  the
              format  of  components  of  the  specified  attachment,  one of ?GL_FLOAT, GL_INT ,
              point, signed integer, unsigned integer, signed normalized fixed-point, or unsigned
              normalized fixed-point components respectively. Only color buffers may have integer

              If  Pname  is  ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_COLOR_ENCODING,  Param  will  contain the
              encoding of components of the specified attachment, one of ?GL_LINEAR  or  ?GL_SRGB
              for  linear  or sRGB-encoded components, respectively. Only color buffer components
              may be sRGB-encoded; such components are treated as described in sections 4.1.7 and
              4.1.8.   For   the  default  framebuffer,  color  encoding  is  determined  by  the
              implementation.  For  framebuffer  objects,  components  are  sRGB-encoded  if  the
              internal format of a color attachment is one of the color-renderable SRGB formats.


              If Pname is ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME, Params will contain the name of
              the renderbuffer object which contains the attached image.

              If the value of ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE is ?GL_TEXTURE, then:

              If Pname is ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME, then Params  will  contain  the
              name of the texture object which contains the attached image.

              If  Pname is ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LEVEL, then Params will contain the
              mipmap level of the texture object which contains the attached image.

              If Pname is ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_FACE and the texture object
              named  ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME  is  a  cube map texture, then Params
              will contain the cube map face of the cubemap texture  object  which  contains  the
              attached image. Otherwise Params will contain the value zero.

              If  Pname  is ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LAYER and the texture object named
              ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME is a layer of a three-dimensional texture or
              a  one-or two-dimensional array texture, then Params will contain the number of the
              texture layer which contains the attached image. Otherwise Params will contain  the
              value zero.

              If  Pname  is ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_LAYERED, then Params will contain ?GL_TRUE
              if an entire level of a three-dimesional texture, cube map texture, or one-or  two-
              dimensional array texture is attached. Otherwise, Params will contain ?GL_FALSE.

              Any combinations of framebuffer type and Pname not described above will generate an

              See external documentation.

       generateMipmap(Target) -> ok


                 Target = enum()

              Generate mipmaps for a specified texture target

              gl:generateMipmap generates mipmaps for the  texture  attached  to  Target  of  the
              active  texture  unit.  For  cube  map  textures,  a ?GL_INVALID_OPERATION error is
              generated if the texture attached to Target is not cube complete.

              Mipmap generation replaces texel array levels level base+1 through  q  with  arrays
              derived from the level base array, regardless of their previous contents. All other
              mimap  arrays,  including  the  level  base  array,  are  left  unchanged  by  this

              The internal formats of the derived mipmap arrays all match those of the level base
              array. The contents of the  derived  arrays  are  computed  by  repeated,  filtered
              reduction  of  the  level  base array. For one- and two-dimensional texture arrays,
              each layer is filtered independently.

              See external documentation.

       blitFramebuffer(SrcX0, SrcY0, SrcX1, SrcY1, DstX0, DstY0, DstX1, DstY1, Mask,  Filter)  ->


                 SrcX0 = integer()
                 SrcY0 = integer()
                 SrcX1 = integer()
                 SrcY1 = integer()
                 DstX0 = integer()
                 DstY0 = integer()
                 DstX1 = integer()
                 DstY1 = integer()
                 Mask = integer()
                 Filter = enum()

              Copy a block of pixels from the read framebuffer to the draw framebuffer

              gl:blitFramebuffer  transfers  a  rectangle  of pixel values from one region of the
              read framebuffer to another region in the draw framebuffer. Mask is the bitwise  OR
              of  a  number  of  values indicating which buffers are to be copied. The values are
              corresponding  to these buffers are copied from the source rectangle bounded by the
              locations ( SrcX0 ; SrcY0 ) and ( SrcX1 ; SrcY1  )  to  the  destination  rectangle
              bounded  by the locations ( DstX0 ; DstY0 ) and ( DstX1 ; DstY1 ). The lower bounds
              of the rectangle are inclusive, while the upper bounds are exclusive.

              The actual region taken from the read framebuffer is limited to the intersection of
              the  source  buffers being transferred, which may include the color buffer selected
              by the read buffer, the depth buffer, and/or the stencil buffer depending on  mask.
              The actual region written to the draw framebuffer is limited to the intersection of
              the destination buffers being written, which may include multiple draw buffers, the
              depth  buffer,  and/or  the  stencil  buffer  depending on mask. Whether or not the
              source or destination regions are altered due to  these  limits,  the  scaling  and
              offset  applied  to  pixels being transferred is performed as though no such limits
              were present.

              If the sizes of the  source  and  destination  rectangles  are  not  equal,  Filter
              specifies  the interpolation method that will be applied to resize the source image
              , and must be ?GL_NEAREST or ?GL_LINEAR. ?GL_LINEAR is only a  valid  interpolation
              method  for  the  color  buffer.  If  Filter  is  not ?GL_NEAREST and Mask includes
              ?GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT or  ?GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT,  no  data  is  transferred  and  a
              ?GL_INVALID_OPERATION error is generated.

              If Filter is ?GL_LINEAR and the source rectangle would require sampling outside the
              bounds of the source framebuffer, values  are  read  as  if  the  ?GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE
              texture wrapping mode were applied.

              When  the color buffer is transferred, values are taken from the read buffer of the
              read framebuffer and written to each of the draw buffers of the draw framebuffer.

              If the source and destination rectangles overlap or are the same, and the read  and
              draw buffers are the same, the result of the operation is undefined.

              See external documentation.

       renderbufferStorageMultisample(Target, Samples, Internalformat, Width, Height) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Samples = integer()
                 Internalformat = enum()
                 Width = integer()
                 Height = integer()

              Establish  data  storage,  format,  dimensions  and  sample count of a renderbuffer
              object's image

              gl:renderbufferStorageMultisample establishes the data storage, format,  dimensions
              and number of samples of a renderbuffer object's image.

              The  target  of  the  operation,  specified  by  Target  must  be ?GL_RENDERBUFFER.
              Internalformat specifies the internal  format  to  be  used  for  the  renderbuffer
              object's  storage  and  must  be  a color-renderable, depth-renderable, or stencil-
              renderable format.  Width  and  Height  are  the  dimensions,  in  pixels,  of  the
              renderbuffer.  Both  Width  and  Height  must be less than or equal to the value of
              ?GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE . Samples specifies the number of samples to be used  for
              the  renderbuffer  object's  image,  and must be less than or equal to the value of
              ?GL_MAX_SAMPLES. If Internalformat is a signed  or  unsigned  integer  format  then
              Samples must be less than or equal to the value of ?GL_MAX_INTEGER_SAMPLES.

              Upon success, gl:renderbufferStorageMultisample deletes any existing data store for
              the  renderbuffer  image  and  the  contents  of  the  data  store  after   calling
              gl:renderbufferStorageMultisample are undefined.

              See external documentation.

       framebufferTextureLayer(Target, Attachment, Texture, Level, Layer) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Attachment = enum()
                 Texture = integer()
                 Level = integer()
                 Layer = integer()

              See framebufferTexture/4

       framebufferTextureFaceARB(Target, Attachment, Texture, Level, Face) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Attachment = enum()
                 Texture = integer()
                 Level = integer()
                 Face = enum()

              See framebufferTexture/4

       flushMappedBufferRange(Target, Offset, Length) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Offset = integer()
                 Length = integer()

              Indicate modifications to a range of a mapped buffer

              gl:flushMappedBufferRange indicates that modifications have been made to a range of
              a  mapped  buffer.  The  buffer  must  previously  have  been   mapped   with   the
              ?GL_MAP_FLUSH_EXPLICIT  flag.  Offset  and Length indicate the modified subrange of
              the mapping, in basic units. The specified subrange to flush  is  relative  to  the
              start of the currently mapped range of the buffer. gl:flushMappedBufferRange may be
              called multiple times to indicate distinct subranges of the mapping  which  require

              See external documentation.

       bindVertexArray(Array) -> ok


                 Array = integer()

              Bind a vertex array object

              gl:bindVertexArray  binds  the  vertex  array object with name Array . Array is the
              name  of  a  vertex   array   object   previously   returned   from   a   call   to
              gl:genVertexArrays/1 , or zero to break the existing vertex array object binding.

              If  no  vertex  array  object  with name Array exists, one is created when Array is
              first bound. If the bind is successful no change is made to the state of the vertex
              array object, and any previous vertex array object binding is broken.

              See external documentation.

       deleteVertexArrays(Arrays) -> ok


                 Arrays = [integer()]

              Delete vertex array objects

              gl:deleteVertexArrays  deletes N vertex array objects whose names are stored in the
              array addressed by Arrays . Once a  vertex  array  object  is  deleted  it  has  no
              contents  and  its name is again unused. If a vertex array object that is currently
              bound is deleted, the binding for that object  reverts  to  zero  and  the  default
              vertex  array  becomes  current. Unused names in Arrays are silently ignored, as is
              the value zero.

              See external documentation.

       genVertexArrays(N) -> [integer()]


                 N = integer()

              Generate vertex array object names

              gl:genVertexArrays returns N vertex array object names in  Arrays  .  There  is  no
              guarantee  that  the  names  form  a  contiguous  set  of  integers; however, it is
              guaranteed that none of the returned names was in use immediately before  the  call
              to gl:genVertexArrays .

              Vertex array object names returned by a call to gl:genVertexArrays are not returned
              by subsequent calls, unless they are first deleted with gl:deleteVertexArrays/1 .

              The  names  returned  in  Arrays  are  marked  as  used,  for   the   purposes   of
              gl:genVertexArrays  only,  but they acquire state and type only when they are first

              See external documentation.

       isVertexArray(Array) -> 0 | 1


                 Array = integer()

              Determine if a name corresponds to a vertex array object

              gl:isVertexArray returns ?GL_TRUE if Array is currently the name of a  renderbuffer
              object.  If  Renderbuffer  is  zero,  or if Array is not the name of a renderbuffer
              object, or if an error occurs, gl:isVertexArray returns ?GL_FALSE . If Array  is  a
              name  returned  by  gl:genVertexArrays/1 , by that has not yet been bound through a
              call to gl:bindVertexArray/1 , then the name is  not  a  vertex  array  object  and
              gl:isVertexArray returns ?GL_FALSE.

              See external documentation.

       getUniformIndices(Program, UniformNames) -> [integer()]


                 Program = integer()
                 UniformNames = [string()]

              Retrieve the index of a named uniform block

              gl:getUniformIndices retrieves the indices of a number of uniforms within Program .

              Program must be the name of a program object for which the command gl:linkProgram/1
              must  have  been  called  in  the  past,  although  it   is   not   required   that
              gl:linkProgram/1 must have succeeded. The link could have failed because the number
              of active uniforms exceeded the limit.

              UniformCount  indicates  both  the  number  of  elements  in  the  array  of  names
              UniformNames and the number of indices that may be written to UniformIndices .

              UniformNames  contains  a list of UniformCount name strings identifying the uniform
              names to be queried for indices. For each name string in UniformNames ,  the  index
              assigned  to  the  active uniform of that name will be written to the corresponding
              element of UniformIndices . If a string in UniformNames  is  not  the  name  of  an
              active  uniform,  the  special  value  ?GL_INVALID_INDEX  will  be  written  to the
              corresponding element of UniformIndices .

              If an error occurs, nothing is written to UniformIndices .

              See external documentation.

       getActiveUniformsiv(Program, UniformIndices, Pname) -> [integer()]


                 Program = integer()
                 UniformIndices = [integer()]
                 Pname = enum()


              See external documentation.

       getActiveUniformName(Program, UniformIndex, BufSize) -> string()


                 Program = integer()
                 UniformIndex = integer()
                 BufSize = integer()

              Query the name of an active uniform

              gl:getActiveUniformName returns the name of  the  active  uniform  at  UniformIndex
              within  Program . If UniformName is not NULL, up to BufSize characters (including a
              nul-terminator) will be written into  the  array  whose  address  is  specified  by
              UniformName  .  If Length is not NULL, the number of characters that were (or would
              have been) written into UniformName (not  including  the  nul-terminator)  will  be
              placed in the variable whose address is specified in Length . If Length is NULL, no
              length is returned. The length of the longest uniform name in Program is  given  by
              the   value   of   ?GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH,   which   can   be  queried  with
              gl:getProgramiv/2 .

              If gl:getActiveUniformName is not successful,  nothing  is  written  to  Length  or
              UniformName .

              Program  must  be  the name of a program for which the command gl:linkProgram/1 has
              been issued in the past. It is not  necessary  for  Program  to  have  been  linked
              successfully.  The  link  could  have  failed because the number of active uniforms
              exceeded the limit.

              UniformIndex must be an active uniform index of the program Program , in the  range
              zero  to  ?GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS  - 1. The value of ?GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS can be queried
              with gl:getProgramiv/2 .

              See external documentation.

       getUniformBlockIndex(Program, UniformBlockName) -> integer()


                 Program = integer()
                 UniformBlockName = string()

              Retrieve the index of a named uniform block

              gl:getUniformBlockIndex retrieves the index of a uniform block within Program .

              Program must be the name of a program object for which the command gl:linkProgram/1
              must   have   been   called   in  the  past,  although  it  is  not  required  that
              gl:linkProgram/1 must have succeeded. The link could have failed because the number
              of active uniforms exceeded the limit.

              UniformBlockName  must  contain  a nul-terminated string specifying the name of the
              uniform block.

              gl:getUniformBlockIndex returns the uniform block index for the uniform block named
              UniformBlockName  of  Program  .  If  UniformBlockName  does not identify an active
              uniform block of Program , gl:getUniformBlockIndex returns the special  identifier,
              ?GL_INVALID_INDEX.  Indices  of the active uniform blocks of a program are assigned
              in consecutive order, beginning with zero.

              See external documentation.

       getActiveUniformBlockiv(Program, UniformBlockIndex, Pname, Params) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 UniformBlockIndex = integer()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Params = mem()

              Query information about an active uniform block

              gl:getActiveUniformBlockiv retrieves information  about  an  active  uniform  block
              within Program .

              Program must be the name of a program object for which the command gl:linkProgram/1
              must  have  been  called  in  the  past,  although  it   is   not   required   that
              gl:linkProgram/1 must have succeeded. The link could have failed because the number
              of active uniforms exceeded the limit.

              UniformBlockIndex is an active uniform block index of Program , and  must  be  less
              than the value of ?GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS.

              Upon  success,  the  uniform  block parameter(s) specified by Pname are returned in
              Params . If an error occurs, nothing will be written to Params .

              If Pname is ?GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_BINDING, then the index of the uniform buffer binding
              point last selected by the uniform block specified by UniformBlockIndex for Program
              is returned. If no uniform block has been previously specified, zero is returned.

              If Pname is ?GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE, then the implementation-dependent  minimum
              total  buffer  object  size,  in  basic  machine units, required to hold all active
              uniforms in the uniform block identified by UniformBlockIndex is  returned.  It  is
              neither  guaranteed  nor  expected that a given implementation will arrange uniform
              values as tightly packed in a buffer object. The exception to this  is  the  std140
              uniform  block  layout  ,  which  guarantees specific packing behavior and does not
              require the application to query for offsets and strides. In this case the  minimum
              size  may  still  be queried, even though it is determined in advance based only on
              the uniform block declaration.

              If Pname is ?GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_NAME_LENGTH, then the total length (including the nul
              terminator)  of  the  name  of the uniform block identified by UniformBlockIndex is

              If Pname is ?GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, then the number of  active  uniforms
              in the uniform block identified by UniformBlockIndex is returned.

              If  Pname  is  ?GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_INDICES,  then a list of the active
              uniform indices for the uniform block identified by UniformBlockIndex is  returned.
              The   number  of  elements  that  will  be  written  to  Params  is  the  value  of
              ?GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS for UniformBlockIndex .

              If         Pname         is          ?GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_VERTEX_SHADER,
              ?GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_GEOMETRY_SHADER                 ,                or
              ?GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_FRAGMENT_SHADER, then a  boolean  value  indicating
              whether  the  uniform  block  identified  by UniformBlockIndex is referenced by the
              vertex, geometry, or fragment  programming  stages  of  program,  respectively,  is

              See external documentation.

       getActiveUniformBlockName(Program, UniformBlockIndex, BufSize) -> string()


                 Program = integer()
                 UniformBlockIndex = integer()
                 BufSize = integer()

              Retrieve the name of an active uniform block

              gl:getActiveUniformBlockName  retrieves  the  name  of  the active uniform block at
              UniformBlockIndex within Program .

              Program must be the name of a program object for which the command gl:linkProgram/1
              must   have   been   called   in  the  past,  although  it  is  not  required  that
              gl:linkProgram/1 must have succeeded. The link could have failed because the number
              of active uniforms exceeded the limit.

              UniformBlockIndex  is  an  active uniform block index of Program , and must be less
              than the value of ?GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS.

              Upon success, the name of the  uniform  block  identified  by  UnifomBlockIndex  is
              returned  into  UniformBlockName . The name is nul-terminated. The actual number of
              characters written  into  UniformBlockName  ,  excluding  the  nul  terminator,  is
              returned in Length . If Length is NULL, no length is returned.

              BufSize  contains  the  maximum number of characters (including the nul terminator)
              that will be written into UniformBlockName .

              If an error occurs, nothing will be written to UniformBlockName or Length .

              See external documentation.

       uniformBlockBinding(Program, UniformBlockIndex, UniformBlockBinding) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 UniformBlockIndex = integer()
                 UniformBlockBinding = integer()

              Assign a binding point to an active uniform block

              Binding points for active uniform blocks are assigned using gl:uniformBlockBinding.
              Each  of  a  program's  active  uniform  blocks  has a corresponding uniform buffer
              binding point. Program is the name of  a  program  object  for  which  the  command
              gl:linkProgram/1 has been issued in the past.

              If  successful,  gl:uniformBlockBinding  specifies  that  Program will use the data
              store of the buffer object  bound  to  the  binding  point  UniformBlockBinding  to
              extract   the   values   of  the  uniforms  in  the  uniform  block  identified  by
              UniformBlockIndex .

              When a program object is linked or re-linked, the  uniform  buffer  object  binding
              point assigned to each of its active uniform blocks is reset to zero.

              See external documentation.

       copyBufferSubData(ReadTarget, WriteTarget, ReadOffset, WriteOffset, Size) -> ok


                 ReadTarget = enum()
                 WriteTarget = enum()
                 ReadOffset = integer()
                 WriteOffset = integer()
                 Size = integer()

              Copy  part of the data store of a buffer object to the data store of another buffer

              gl:copyBufferSubData copies part of the data store attached to  Readtarget  to  the
              data store attached to Writetarget . The number of basic machine units indicated by
              Size is copied from  the  source,  at  offset  Readoffset  to  the  destination  at
              Writeoffset , also in basic machine units.

              Readtarget   and  Writetarget  must  be  ?GL_ARRAY_BUFFER,  ?GL_COPY_READ_BUFFER  ,
              ?GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER. Any  of  these  targets  may  be  used,  although  the  targets
              ?GL_COPY_READ_BUFFER  and  ?GL_COPY_WRITE_BUFFER are provided specifically to allow
              copies between buffers without disturbing other GL state.

              Readoffset , Writeoffset and Size must all  be  greater  than  or  equal  to  zero.
              Furthermore, Readoffset + Size must not exceeed the size of the buffer object bound
              to Readtarget , and Readoffset + Size must not exceeed the size of the buffer bound
              to  Writetarget  .  If  the  same  buffer  object  is  bound to both Readtarget and
              Writetarget , then the ranges specified by Readoffset , Writeoffset and  Size  must
              not overlap.

              See external documentation.

       drawElementsBaseVertex(Mode, Count, Type, Indices, Basevertex) -> ok


                 Mode = enum()
                 Count = integer()
                 Type = enum()
                 Indices = offset() | mem()
                 Basevertex = integer()

              Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset

              gl:drawElementsBaseVertex  behaves identically to gl:drawElements/4 except that the
              ith element transferred by the corresponding draw call will be taken  from  element
              Indices  [i]  +  Basevertex of each enabled array. If the resulting value is larger
              than the maximum value representable by Type , it is as  if  the  calculation  were
              upconverted to 32-bit unsigned integers (with wrapping on overflow conditions). The
              operation is undefined if the sum would be negative.

              See external documentation.

       drawRangeElementsBaseVertex(Mode, Start, End, Count, Type, Indices, Basevertex) -> ok


                 Mode = enum()
                 Start = integer()
                 End = integer()
                 Count = integer()
                 Type = enum()
                 Indices = offset() | mem()
                 Basevertex = integer()

              Render primitives from array data with a per-element offset

              gl:drawRangeElementsBaseVertex is a restricted form of  gl:drawElementsBaseVertex/5
              .  Mode  ,  Start , End , Count and Basevertex match the corresponding arguments to
              gl:drawElementsBaseVertex/5 , with the additional constraint that all values in the
              array  Indices  must  lie  between  Start  and  End  ,  inclusive,  prior to adding
              Basevertex . Index values lying outside the range [ Start , End ]  are  treated  in
              the  same  way as gl:drawElementsBaseVertex/5 . The i th element transferred by the
              corresponding draw call will be taken from element Indices [i] + Basevertex of each
              enabled   array.   If  the  resulting  value  is  larger  than  the  maximum  value
              representable by Type , it is as if the  calculation  were  upconverted  to  32-bit
              unsigned  integers  (with  wrapping  on  overflow  conditions).  The  operation  is
              undefined if the sum would be negative.

              See external documentation.

       drawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(Mode, Count, Type, Indices, Primcount, Basevertex) -> ok


                 Mode = enum()
                 Count = integer()
                 Type = enum()
                 Indices = offset() | mem()
                 Primcount = integer()
                 Basevertex = integer()

              Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element

              gl:drawElementsInstancedBaseVertex          behaves          identically         to
              gl:drawElementsInstanced/5  except  that  the  ith  element  transferred   by   the
              corresponding draw call will be taken from element Indices [i] + Basevertex of each
              enabled  array.  If  the  resulting  value  is  larger  than  the   maximum   value
              representable  by  Type  ,  it  is as if the calculation were upconverted to 32-bit
              unsigned  integers  (with  wrapping  on  overflow  conditions).  The  operation  is
              undefined if the sum would be negative.

              See external documentation.

       provokingVertex(Mode) -> ok


                 Mode = enum()

              Specifiy the vertex to be used as the source of data for flat shaded varyings

              Flatshading  a  vertex  shader  varying  output  means to assign all vetices of the
              primitive the same value for that output. The vertex from  which  these  values  is
              derived  is  known  as  the provoking vertex and gl:provokingVertex specifies which
              vertex is to be used as the source of data for flat shaded varyings.

              ProvokeMode      must      be      either      ?GL_FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION       or
              ?GL_LAST_VERTEX_CONVENTION  , and controls the selection of the vertex whose values
              are assigned to flatshaded varying outputs. The interpretation of these values  for
              the   supported   primitive   types   is:Primitive  Type  of  PolygoniFirst  Vertex
              ConventionLast Vertex Convention
               point ii
               independent line 2i - 1 2i
               line loop i

              i + 1, if i < n 1, if i = n
               line strip ii + 1
               independent triangle 3i - 2 3i
               triangle strip ii + 2
               triangle fan i + 1 i + 2
               line adjacency 4i - 2 4i - 1
               line strip adjacency i + 1 i + 2
               triangle adjacency 6i - 5 6i - 1
               triangle strip adjacency 2i - 1 2i + 3

              If a vertex or geometry shader is  active,  user-defined  varying  outputs  may  be
              flatshaded by using the flat qualifier when declaring the output.

              See external documentation.

       fenceSync(Condition, Flags) -> integer()


                 Condition = enum()
                 Flags = integer()

              Create a new sync object and insert it into the GL command stream

              gl:fenceSync  creates  a new fence sync object, inserts a fence command into the GL
              command stream and associates it with that sync object, and returns a non-zero name
              corresponding to the sync object.

              When  the specified Condition of the sync object is satisfied by the fence command,
              the  sync  object  is  signaled  by   the   GL,   causing   any   gl:waitSync/3   ,
              gl:clientWaitSync/3  commands  blocking  in  Sync  to  unblock.  No  other state is
              affected by gl:fenceSync or by the execution of the associated fence command.

              Condition must be ?GL_SYNC_GPU_COMMANDS_COMPLETE. This condition  is  satisfied  by
              completion  of the fence command corresponding to the sync object and all preceding
              commands in the same command stream. The sync object will not be signaled until all
              effects  from  these commands on GL client and server state and the framebuffer are
              fully realized. Note that completion of the fence command occurs once the state  of
              the  corresponding  sync object has been changed, but commands waiting on that sync
              object may not be unblocked until after the fence command completes.

              See external documentation.

       isSync(Sync) -> 0 | 1


                 Sync = integer()

              Determine if a name corresponds to a sync object

              gl:isSync returns ?GL_TRUE if Sync is currently the name of a sync object. If  Sync
              is  not  the  name  of  a  sync  object,  or  if an error occurs, gl:isSync returns
              ?GL_FALSE. Note that zero is not the name of a sync object.

              See external documentation.

       deleteSync(Sync) -> ok


                 Sync = integer()

              Delete a sync object

              gl:deleteSync deletes the sync object specified by Sync  .  If  the  fence  command
              corresponding to the specified sync object has completed, or if no gl:waitSync/3 or
              gl:clientWaitSync/3  commands  are  blocking  on  Sync  ,  the  object  is  deleted
              immediately. Otherwise, Sync is flagged for deletion and will be deleted when it is
              no longer associated  with  any  fence  command  and  is  no  longer  blocking  any
              gl:waitSync/3  or  gl:clientWaitSync/3 command. In either case, after gl:deleteSync
              returns, the name Sync is invalid and can no longer be used to refer  to  the  sync

              gl:deleteSync will silently ignore a Sync value of zero.

              See external documentation.

       clientWaitSync(Sync, Flags, Timeout) -> enum()


                 Sync = integer()
                 Flags = integer()
                 Timeout = integer()

              Block and wait for a sync object to become signaled

              gl:clientWaitSync causes the client to block and wait for the sync object specified
              by Sync to become signaled. If Sync is signaled when gl:clientWaitSync  is  called,
              gl:clientWaitSync  returns  immediately, otherwise it will block and wait for up to
              Timeout nanoseconds for Sync to become signaled.

              The return value is one of four status values:

              ?GL_ALREADY_SIGNALED  indicates  that  Sync  was  signaled   at   the   time   that
              gl:clientWaitSync was called.

              ?GL_TIMEOUT_EXPIRED indicates that at least Timeout nanoseconds passed and Sync did
              not become signaled.

              ?GL_CONDITION_SATISFIED  indicates  that  Sync  was  signaled  before  the  timeout

              ?GL_WAIT_FAILED  indicates  that  an  error occurred. Additionally, an OpenGL error
              will be generated.

              See external documentation.

       waitSync(Sync, Flags, Timeout) -> ok


                 Sync = integer()
                 Flags = integer()
                 Timeout = integer()

              Instruct the GL server to block until the specified sync object becomes signaled

              gl:waitSync causes the GL server to block and wait  until  Sync  becomes  signaled.
              Sync  is  the name of an existing sync object upon which to wait. Flags and Timeout
              are  currently  not  used  and  must  be  set  to  zero  and  the   special   value
              ?GL_TIMEOUT_IGNORED , respectively

              Flags and Timeout are placeholders for anticipated future extensions of sync object
              capabilities. They must have these reserved values  in  order  that  existing  code
              calling   gl:waitSync  operate  properly  in  the  presence  of  such  extensions..
              gl:waitSync will always wait no longer than  an  implementation-dependent  timeout.
              The   duration   of   this  timeout  in  nanoseconds  may  be  queried  by  calling
              gl:getBooleanv/1  with  the  parameter  ?GL_MAX_SERVER_WAIT_TIMEOUT  .   There   is
              currently  no  way  to  determine whether gl:waitSync unblocked because the timeout
              expired or because the sync object being waited on was signaled.

              If an error occurs, gl:waitSync does not cause the GL server to block.

              See external documentation.

       getInteger64v(Pname) -> [integer()]


                 Pname = enum()

              See getBooleanv/1

       getSynciv(Sync, Pname, BufSize) -> [integer()]


                 Sync = integer()
                 Pname = enum()
                 BufSize = integer()

              Query the properties of a sync object

              gl:getSynciv retrieves properties of a sync object. Sync specifies the name of  the
              sync object whose properties to retrieve.

              On  success,  gl:getSynciv  replaces  up  to  BufSize  integers  in Values with the
              corresponding property values of the object being queried.  The  actual  number  of
              integers  replaced is returned in the variable whose address is specified in Length
              . If Length is NULL, no length is returned.

              If Pname is ?GL_OBJECT_TYPE, a single value representing the specific type  of  the
              sync object is placed in Values . The only type supported is ?GL_SYNC_FENCE .

              If  Pname  is  ?GL_SYNC_STATUS,  a single value representing the status of the sync
              object (?GL_SIGNALED or ?GL_UNSIGNALED) is placed in Values .

              If Pname is ?GL_SYNC_CONDITION, a single value representing the  condition  of  the
              sync   object   is   placed   in   Values   .   The  only  condition  supported  is

              If Pname is ?GL_SYNC_FLAGS, a single value representing the flags  with  which  the
              sync object was created is placed in Values . No flags are currently supported

              Flags is expected to be used in future extensions to the sync objects..

              If an error occurs, nothing will be written to Values or Length .

              See external documentation.

       texImage2DMultisample(Target,       Samples,      Internalformat,      Width,      Height,
       Fixedsamplelocations) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Samples = integer()
                 Internalformat = integer()
                 Width = integer()
                 Height = integer()
                 Fixedsamplelocations = 0 | 1

              Establish the data  storage,  format,  dimensions,  and  number  of  samples  of  a
              multisample texture's image

              gl:texImage2DMultisample  establishes  the  data  storage,  format,  dimensions and
              number of samples of a multisample texture's image.

              Target must be  ?GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE  or  ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE  .
              Width  and  Height  are the dimensions in texels of the texture, and must be in the
              range zero to ?GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE - 1. Samples specifies the number of samples  in
              the image and must be in the range zero to ?GL_MAX_SAMPLES - 1.

              Internalformat  must be a color-renderable, depth-renderable, or stencil-renderable

              If Fixedsamplelocations is ?GL_TRUE, the image will use identical sample  locations
              and  the  same  number  of  samples  for  all  texels  in the image, and the sample
              locations will not depend on the internal format or size of the image.

              When a multisample texture is accessed in a shader, the access takes one vector  of
              integers describing which texel to fetch and an integer corresponding to the sample
              numbers describing which sample within the texel to  fetch.  No  standard  sampling
              instructions are allowed on the multisample texture targets.

              See external documentation.

       texImage3DMultisample(Target,    Samples,    Internalformat,    Width,    Height,   Depth,
       Fixedsamplelocations) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Samples = integer()
                 Internalformat = integer()
                 Width = integer()
                 Height = integer()
                 Depth = integer()
                 Fixedsamplelocations = 0 | 1

              Establish the data  storage,  format,  dimensions,  and  number  of  samples  of  a
              multisample texture's image

              gl:texImage3DMultisample  establishes  the  data  storage,  format,  dimensions and
              number of samples of a multisample texture's image.

              Target         must         be         ?GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY          or
              ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY  .  Width  and  Height are the dimensions in
              texels of the texture, and must be in the range zero to ?GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE  -  1.
              Depth is the number of array slices in the array texture's image. Samples specifies
              the number of samples in the image and must be in the range zero to ?GL_MAX_SAMPLES
              - 1.

              Internalformat  must be a color-renderable, depth-renderable, or stencil-renderable

              If Fixedsamplelocations is ?GL_TRUE, the image will use identical sample  locations
              and  the  same  number  of  samples  for  all  texels  in the image, and the sample
              locations will not depend on the internal format or size of the image.

              When a multisample texture is accessed in a shader, the access takes one vector  of
              integers describing which texel to fetch and an integer corresponding to the sample
              numbers describing which sample within the texel to  fetch.  No  standard  sampling
              instructions are allowed on the multisample texture targets.

              See external documentation.

       getMultisamplefv(Pname, Index) -> {float(), float()}


                 Pname = enum()
                 Index = integer()

              Retrieve the location of a sample

              gl:getMultisamplefv  queries  the  location  of a given sample. Pname specifies the
              sample parameter to retrieve and must be ?GL_SAMPLE_POSITION. Index corresponds  to
              the  sample  for  which  the  location  should  be returned. The sample location is
              returned as two floating-point values in Val[0] and Val[1] , each between 0 and  1,
              corresponding  to  the X and Y locations respectively in the GL pixel space of that
              sample. (0.5, 0.5) this corresponds to the pixel center. Index must be between zero
              and the value of ?GL_SAMPLES - 1.

              If  the  multisample mode does not have fixed sample locations, the returned values
              may only reflect the locations of samples within some pixels.

              See external documentation.

       sampleMaski(Index, Mask) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 Mask = integer()

              Set the value of a sub-word of the sample mask

              gl:sampleMaski  sets  one  32-bit  sub-word  of   the   multi-word   sample   mask,
              ?GL_SAMPLE_MASK_VALUE .

              MaskIndex  specifies  which  32-bit sub-word of the sample mask to update, and Mask
              specifies the new value to use for that sub-word. MaskIndex must be less  than  the
              value of ?GL_MAX_SAMPLE_MASK_WORDS. Bit B of mask word M corresponds to sample 32 x
              M + B.

              See external documentation.

       namedStringARB(Type, Name, String) -> ok


                 Type = enum()
                 Name = string()
                 String = string()


              See external documentation.

       deleteNamedStringARB(Name) -> ok


                 Name = string()


              See external documentation.

       compileShaderIncludeARB(Shader, Path) -> ok


                 Shader = integer()
                 Path = [string()]


              See external documentation.

       isNamedStringARB(Name) -> 0 | 1


                 Name = string()


              See external documentation.

       getNamedStringARB(Name, BufSize) -> string()


                 Name = string()
                 BufSize = integer()


              See external documentation.

       getNamedStringivARB(Name, Pname) -> integer()


                 Name = string()
                 Pname = enum()


              See external documentation.

       bindFragDataLocationIndexed(Program, ColorNumber, Index, Name) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 ColorNumber = integer()
                 Index = integer()
                 Name = string()


              See external documentation.

       getFragDataIndex(Program, Name) -> integer()


                 Program = integer()
                 Name = string()

              Query the bindings of color indices to user-defined varying out variables

              gl:getFragDataIndex returns the index of the fragment color to which  the  variable
              Name  was  bound  when the program object Program was last linked. If Name is not a
              varying out variable of Program , or if an error occurs, -1 will be returned.

              See external documentation.

       genSamplers(Count) -> [integer()]


                 Count = integer()

              Generate sampler object names

              gl:genSamplers returns N sampler object names in Samplers . There is  no  guarantee
              that  the  names  form a contiguous set of integers; however, it is guaranteed that
              none of the returned names was in use immediately before the call to gl:genSamplers

              Sampler  object  names  returned  by  a  call to gl:genSamplers are not returned by
              subsequent calls, unless they are first deleted with gl:deleteSamplers/1 .

              The  names  returned  in  Samplers  are  marked  as  used,  for  the  purposes   of
              gl:genSamplers  only,  but  they  acquire  state  and type only when they are first

              See external documentation.

       deleteSamplers(Samplers) -> ok


                 Samplers = [integer()]

              Delete named sampler objects

              gl:deleteSamplers deletes N sampler objects named by the elements of the array  Ids
              .  After a sampler object is deleted, its name is again unused. If a sampler object
              that  is  currently  bound  to  a  sampler  unit  is  deleted,  it  is  as   though
              gl:bindSampler/2  is  called  with unit set to the unit the sampler is bound to and
              sampler zero. Unused names in samplers are silently ignored,  as  is  the  reserved
              name zero.

              See external documentation.

       isSampler(Sampler) -> 0 | 1


                 Sampler = integer()

              Determine if a name corresponds to a sampler object

              gl:isSampler  returns  ?GL_TRUE if Id is currently the name of a sampler object. If
              Id is zero, or is a non-zero value that is not currently  the  name  of  a  sampler
              object, or if an error occurs, gl:isSampler returns ?GL_FALSE.

              A name returned by gl:genSamplers/1 , is the name of a sampler object.

              See external documentation.

       bindSampler(Unit, Sampler) -> ok


                 Unit = integer()
                 Sampler = integer()

              Bind a named sampler to a texturing target

              gl:bindSampler  binds  Sampler  to the texture unit at index Unit . Sampler must be
              zero or  the  name  of  a  sampler  object  previously  returned  from  a  call  to
              gl:genSamplers/1     .     Unit    must    be    less    than    the    value    of

              When a sampler object is bound to a texture unit, its state supersedes that of  the
              texture  object  bound to that texture unit. If the sampler name zero is bound to a
              texture unit, the currently bound texture's sampler state becomes active. A  single
              sampler object may be bound to multiple texture units simultaneously.

              See external documentation.

       samplerParameteri(Sampler, Pname, Param) -> ok


                 Sampler = integer()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Param = integer()

              Set sampler parameters

              gl:samplerParameter  assigns the value or values in Params to the sampler parameter
              specified as Pname . Sampler specifies the sampler object to be modified, and  must
              be the name of a sampler object previously returned from a call to gl:genSamplers/1
              . The following symbols are accepted in Pname :

              ?GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER: The texture minifying function is used whenever  the  pixel
              being  textured  maps  to  an  area greater than one texture element. There are six
              defined minifying functions. Two of them  use  the  nearest  one  or  nearest  four
              texture elements to compute the texture value. The other four use mipmaps.

              A  mipmap  is an ordered set of arrays representing the same image at progressively
              lower resolutions. If the texture has dimensions 2 n×2  m,  there  are  max(n  m)+1
              mipmaps.  The  first  mipmap is the original texture, with dimensions 2 n×2 m. Each
              subsequent mipmap has dimensions 2(k-1)×2(l-1), where 2 k×2 l are the dimensions of
              the  previous  mipmap,  until  either k=0 or l=0. At that point, subsequent mipmaps
              have dimension 1×2(l-1) or 2(k-1)×1 until the final  mipmap,  which  has  dimension
              1×1.   To   define   the   mipmaps,   call   gl:texImage1D/8  ,  gl:texImage2D/9  ,
              gl:texImage3D/10 , gl:copyTexImage1D/7 ,  or  gl:copyTexImage2D/8  with  the  level
              argument  indicating  the  order  of  the mipmaps. Level 0 is the original texture;
              level max(n m) is the final 1×1 mipmap.

              Params supplies a function for minifying the texture as one of the following:

              ?GL_NEAREST: Returns the value of the texture element that is nearest (in Manhattan
              distance) to the center of the pixel being textured.

              ?GL_LINEAR:  Returns  the  weighted  average  of the four texture elements that are
              closest to the center of the pixel being textured. These can include border texture
              elements, depending on the values of ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S and ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, and
              on the exact mapping.

              ?GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST: Chooses the mipmap that most closely matches  the  size
              of the pixel being textured and uses the ?GL_NEAREST criterion (the texture element
              nearest to the center of the pixel) to produce a texture value.

              ?GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST: Chooses the mipmap that most closely matches the size of
              the  pixel  being textured and uses the ?GL_LINEAR criterion (a weighted average of
              the four texture elements that are closest to the center of the pixel) to produce a
              texture value.

              ?GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR: Chooses the two mipmaps that most closely match the size
              of the pixel being textured and uses the ?GL_NEAREST criterion (the texture element
              nearest  to  the  center of the pixel) to produce a texture value from each mipmap.
              The final texture value is a weighted average of those two values.

              ?GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR: Chooses the two mipmaps that most closely match the  size
              of  the  pixel being textured and uses the ?GL_LINEAR criterion (a weighted average
              of the four texture elements that are closest  to  the  center  of  the  pixel)  to
              produce  a  texture  value  from each mipmap. The final texture value is a weighted
              average of those two values.

              As more texture elements are sampled in the minification  process,  fewer  aliasing
              artifacts  will  be  apparent.  While  the  ?GL_NEAREST and ?GL_LINEAR minification
              functions can be faster than the other four, they sample only one or  four  texture
              elements to determine the texture value of the pixel being rendered and can produce
              moire patterns or ragged transitions. The initial value  of  ?GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER
              is ?GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR .

              ?GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER:  The  texture magnification function is used when the pixel
              being textured maps to an area less than or equal to one texture element.  It  sets
              the texture magnification function to either ?GL_NEAREST or ?GL_LINEAR (see below).
              ?GL_NEAREST is generally faster than ?GL_LINEAR, but it can produce textured images
              with  sharper  edges  because  the  transition  between  texture elements is not as
              smooth. The initial value of ?GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER is ?GL_LINEAR.

              ?GL_NEAREST: Returns the value of the texture element that is nearest (in Manhattan
              distance) to the center of the pixel being textured.

              ?GL_LINEAR:  Returns  the  weighted  average  of the four texture elements that are
              closest to the center of the pixel being textured. These can include border texture
              elements, depending on the values of ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S and ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, and
              on the exact mapping.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_MIN_LOD: Sets the minimum  level-of-detail  parameter.  This  floating-
              point  value  limits  the  selection  of  highest  resolution mipmap (lowest mipmap
              level). The initial value is -1000.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LOD: Sets the maximum  level-of-detail  parameter.  This  floating-
              point  value  limits  the selection of the lowest resolution mipmap (highest mipmap
              level). The initial value is 1000.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S: Sets the wrap parameter for  texture  coordinate  s  to  either
              the s coordinate to be clamped to the range [(-1 2/N) 1+(1 2/N)], where  N  is  the
              size  of  the  texture  in  the  direction  of  clamping.?GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE causes s
              coordinates to be clamped to the range [(1 2/N) 1-(1 2/N)], where N is the size  of
              the texture in the direction of clamping. ?GL_REPEAT causes the integer part of the
              s coordinate to be ignored; the GL uses only the fractional part, thereby  creating
              a  repeating  pattern. ?GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT causes the s coordinate to be set to the
              fractional part of the texture coordinate if the integer part of s is even; if  the
              integer  part of s is odd, then the s texture coordinate is set to 1-frac(s), where
              frac(s) represents the fractional part of s. Initially, ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S  is  set
              to ?GL_REPEAT.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T:  Sets  the  wrap  parameter  for texture coordinate t to either
              ?GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE , ?GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT, or ?GL_REPEAT. See  the  discussion  under
              ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S . Initially, ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T is set to ?GL_REPEAT.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R:  Sets  the  wrap  parameter  for texture coordinate r to either
              ?GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE , ?GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT, or ?GL_REPEAT. See  the  discussion  under
              ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S . Initially, ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R is set to ?GL_REPEAT.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR:  The data in Params specifies four values that define the
              border values that should be used for border texels. If a texel is sampled from the
              border of the texture, the values of ?GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR are interpreted as an
              RGBA color to match the texture's internal format  and  substituted  for  the  non-
              existent  texel data. If the texture contains depth components, the first component
              of ?GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR is interpreted as a depth value. The initial  value  is
              (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0).

              ?GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE: Specifies the texture comparison mode for currently bound
              textures. That is, a texture whose internal format  is  ?GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT_*;  see
              gl:texImage2D/9 ) Permissible values are:

              ?GL_COMPARE_REF_TO_TEXTURE:  Specifies  that the interpolated and clamped r texture
              coordinate should be compared to the value in the currently bound texture. See  the
              discussion  of  ?GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC  for  details  of  how  the  comparison is
              evaluated. The result of the comparison is assigned to the red channel.

              ?GL_NONE: Specifies that the red channel should be assigned the  appropriate  value
              from the currently bound texture.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC:    Specifies    the   comparison   operator   used   when
              ?GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE is set to ?GL_COMPARE_REF_TO_TEXTURE.  Permissible  values
              are:Texture Comparison FunctionComputed result
              ?GL_LEQUAL result={1.0 0.0 r<=(D t) r>(D t))
              ?GL_GEQUAL result={1.0 0.0 r>=(D t) r<(D t))
              ?GL_LESS result={1.0 0.0 r<(D t) r>=(D t))
              ?GL_GREATER result={1.0 0.0 r>(D t) r<=(D t))
              ?GL_EQUAL result={1.0 0.0 r=(D t) r&ne; (D t))
              ?GL_NOTEQUAL result={1.0 0.0 r&ne;(D t) r=(D t))
              ?GL_ALWAYS result=1.0
              ?GL_NEVER result=0.0

              where  r  is  the  current  interpolated texture coordinate, and D t is the texture
              value sampled from the currently bound texture. result is assigned to R t.

              See external documentation.

       samplerParameteriv(Sampler, Pname, Param) -> ok


                 Sampler = integer()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Param = [integer()]

              See samplerParameteri/3

       samplerParameterf(Sampler, Pname, Param) -> ok


                 Sampler = integer()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Param = float()

              See samplerParameteri/3

       samplerParameterfv(Sampler, Pname, Param) -> ok


                 Sampler = integer()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Param = [float()]

              See samplerParameteri/3

       samplerParameterIiv(Sampler, Pname, Param) -> ok


                 Sampler = integer()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Param = [integer()]

              See samplerParameteri/3

       samplerParameterIuiv(Sampler, Pname, Param) -> ok


                 Sampler = integer()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Param = [integer()]


              See external documentation.

       getSamplerParameteriv(Sampler, Pname) -> [integer()]


                 Sampler = integer()
                 Pname = enum()

              Return sampler parameter values

              gl:getSamplerParameter returns in  Params  the  value  or  values  of  the  sampler
              parameter  specified as Pname . Sampler defines the target sampler, and must be the
              name  of  an  existing  sampler  object,  returned  from   a   previous   call   to
              gl:genSamplers/1  . Pname accepts the same symbols as gl:samplerParameteri/3 , with
              the same interpretations:

              ?GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER: Returns the single-valued texture magnification  filter,  a
              symbolic constant. The initial value is ?GL_LINEAR.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER:  Returns  the  single-valued texture minification filter, a
              symbolic constant. The initial value is ?GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_MIN_LOD: Returns  the  single-valued  texture  minimum  level-of-detail
              value. The initial value is -1000.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LOD:  Returns  the  single-valued  texture  maximum level-of-detail
              value. The initial value is 1000.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S:  Returns  the  single-valued  wrapping  function  for   texture
              coordinate s, a symbolic constant. The initial value is ?GL_REPEAT.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T:   Returns  the  single-valued  wrapping  function  for  texture
              coordinate t, a symbolic constant. The initial value is ?GL_REPEAT.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R:  Returns  the  single-valued  wrapping  function  for   texture
              coordinate r, a symbolic constant. The initial value is ?GL_REPEAT.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR:  Returns  four  integer  or  floating-point  numbers that
              comprise the RGBA color of the texture border. Floating-point values  are  returned
              in the range [0 1]. Integer values are returned as a linear mapping of the internal
              floating-point representation such that 1.0 maps to the most positive representable
              integer and -1.0 maps to the most negative representable integer. The initial value
              is (0, 0, 0, 0).

              ?GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE:  Returns  a  single-valued  texture  comparison  mode,  a
              symbolic constant. The initial value is ?GL_NONE. See gl:samplerParameteri/3 .

              ?GL_TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC:  Returns  a  single-valued texture comparison function, a
              symbolic constant. The initial value is ?GL_LEQUAL. See gl:samplerParameteri/3 .

              See external documentation.

       getSamplerParameterIiv(Sampler, Pname) -> [integer()]


                 Sampler = integer()
                 Pname = enum()

              See getSamplerParameteriv/2

       getSamplerParameterfv(Sampler, Pname) -> [float()]


                 Sampler = integer()
                 Pname = enum()

              See getSamplerParameteriv/2

       getSamplerParameterIuiv(Sampler, Pname) -> [integer()]


                 Sampler = integer()
                 Pname = enum()


              See external documentation.

       queryCounter(Id, Target) -> ok


                 Id = integer()
                 Target = enum()

              Record the GL time into a query object after all previous commands have reached the
              GL server but have not yet necessarily executed.

              gl:queryCounter  causes  the  GL  to  record the current time into the query object
              named Id . Target must be ?GL_TIMESTAMP. The time is recorded  after  all  previous
              commands  on  the  GL  client  and server state and the framebuffer have been fully
              realized. When the time is recorded, the query result for  that  object  is  marked
              available.  gl:queryCounter  timer  queries  can be used within a gl:beginQuery/2 /
              gl:beginQuery/2 block where the target is ?GL_TIME_ELAPSED and it does  not  affect
              the result of that query object.

              See external documentation.

       getQueryObjecti64v(Id, Pname) -> integer()


                 Id = integer()
                 Pname = enum()


              See external documentation.

       getQueryObjectui64v(Id, Pname) -> integer()


                 Id = integer()
                 Pname = enum()


              See external documentation.

       drawArraysIndirect(Mode, Indirect) -> ok


                 Mode = enum()
                 Indirect = offset() | mem()

              Render primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory

              gl:drawArraysIndirect   specifies  multiple  geometric  primitives  with  very  few
              subroutine     calls.     gl:drawArraysIndirect      behaves      similarly      to
              gl:drawArraysInstancedBaseInstance/5    ,    execept   that   the   parameters   to
              gl:drawArraysInstancedBaseInstance/5 are stored in memory at the address  given  by
              Indirect .

              The  parameters  addressed  by  Indirect are packed into a structure that takes the
              form (in C): typedef  struct  {  uint  count;  uint  primCount;  uint  first;  uint
              baseInstance;  }  DrawArraysIndirectCommand; const DrawArraysIndirectCommand *cmd =
              (const                    DrawArraysIndirectCommand                     *)indirect;
              glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance(mode,   cmd->first,  cmd->count,  cmd->primCount,

              If a buffer is bound to the ?GL_DRAW_INDIRECT_BUFFER binding at the time of a  call
              to  gl:drawArraysIndirect,  Indirect  is interpreted as an offset, in basic machine
              units, into that buffer and the parameter data is read from the buffer rather  than
              from client memory.

              In  contrast  to  gl:drawArraysInstancedBaseInstance/5  ,  the  first member of the
              parameter structure is unsigned, and out-of-range indices do not generate an error.

              Vertex attributes that are modified by gl:drawArraysIndirect  have  an  unspecified
              value  after  gl:drawArraysIndirect returns. Attributes that aren't modified remain
              well defined.

              See external documentation.

       drawElementsIndirect(Mode, Type, Indirect) -> ok


                 Mode = enum()
                 Type = enum()
                 Indirect = offset() | mem()

              Render indexed primitives from array data, taking parameters from memory

              gl:drawElementsIndirect specifies multiple indexed geometric primitives  with  very
              few    subroutine    calls.    gl:drawElementsIndirect    behaves    similarly   to
              gl:drawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance/7 , execpt that  the  parameters  to
              gl:drawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance/7   are  stored  in  memory  at  the
              address given by Indirect .

              The parameters addressed by Indirect are packed into a  structure  that  takes  the
              form  (in  C):  typedef  struct { uint count; uint primCount; uint firstIndex; uint
              baseVertex; uint baseInstance; } DrawElementsIndirectCommand;

              gl:drawElementsIndirect is equivalent to: void glDrawElementsIndirect(GLenum  mode,
              GLenum  type,  const  void  *  indirect) { const DrawElementsIndirectCommand *cmd =
              (const                   DrawElementsIndirectCommand                    *)indirect;
              glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance(mode,        cmd->count,        type,
              cmd->firstIndex     +      size-of-type,      cmd->primCount,      cmd->baseVertex,
              cmd->baseInstance); }

              If  a buffer is bound to the ?GL_DRAW_INDIRECT_BUFFER binding at the time of a call
              to gl:drawElementsIndirect, Indirect is interpreted as an offset, in basic  machine
              units,  into that buffer and the parameter data is read from the buffer rather than
              from client memory.

              Note that indices stored in client memory are not supported. If no buffer is  bound
              to the ?GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER binding, an error will be generated.

              The  results of the operation are undefined if the reservedMustBeZero member of the
              parameter structure is non-zero. However, no error is generated in this case.

              Vertex attributes that are modified by gl:drawElementsIndirect have an  unspecified
              value after gl:drawElementsIndirect returns. Attributes that aren't modified remain
              well defined.

              See external documentation.

       uniform1d(Location, X) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 X = float()

              See uniform1f/2

       uniform2d(Location, X, Y) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 X = float()
                 Y = float()

              See uniform1f/2

       uniform3d(Location, X, Y, Z) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 Z = float()

              See uniform1f/2

       uniform4d(Location, X, Y, Z, W) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 Z = float()
                 W = float()

              See uniform1f/2

       uniform1dv(Location, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [float()]

              See uniform1f/2

       uniform2dv(Location, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [{float(), float()}]

              See uniform1f/2

       uniform3dv(Location, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [{float(), float(), float()}]

              See uniform1f/2

       uniform4dv(Location, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [{float(), float(), float(), float()}]

              See uniform1f/2

       uniformMatrix2dv(Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value = [{float(), float(), float(), float()}]

              See uniform1f/2

       uniformMatrix3dv(Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value  =  [{float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),
                 float(), float()}]

              See uniform1f/2

       uniformMatrix4dv(Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value  =  [{float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),
                 float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),   float(),   float(),

              See uniform1f/2

       uniformMatrix2x3dv(Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value = [{float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float()}]

              See uniform1f/2

       uniformMatrix2x4dv(Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value  =  [{float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),

              See uniform1f/2

       uniformMatrix3x2dv(Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value = [{float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float()}]

              See uniform1f/2

       uniformMatrix3x4dv(Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value  =  [{float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),
                 float(), float(), float(), float(), float()}]

              See uniform1f/2

       uniformMatrix4x2dv(Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value  =  [{float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),

              See uniform1f/2

       uniformMatrix4x3dv(Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value  =  [{float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),
                 float(), float(), float(), float(), float()}]

              See uniform1f/2

       getUniformdv(Program, Location) -> matrix()


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()

              See getUniformfv/2

       getSubroutineUniformLocation(Program, Shadertype, Name) -> integer()


                 Program = integer()
                 Shadertype = enum()
                 Name = string()

              Retrieve  the  location  of  a  subroutine uniform of a given shader stage within a

              gl:getSubroutineUniformLocation returns the  location  of  the  subroutine  uniform
              variable  Name  in  the  shader stage of type Shadertype attached to Program , with
              behavior otherwise identical to gl:getUniformLocation/2 .

              If Name is not the name of  a  subroutine  uniform  in  the  shader  stage,  -1  is
              returned, but no error is generated. If Name is the name of a subroutine uniform in
              the   shader   stage,    a    value    between    zero    and    the    value    of
              ?GL_ACTIVE_SUBROUTINE_LOCATIONS  minus  one  will be returned. Subroutine locations
              are assigned using consecutive integers in the range from  zero  to  the  value  of
              ?GL_ACTIVE_SUBROUTINE_LOCATIONS   minus  one  for  the  shader  stage.  For  active
              subroutine uniforms declared as arrays, the declared array  elements  are  assigned
              consecutive locations.

              See external documentation.

       getSubroutineIndex(Program, Shadertype, Name) -> integer()


                 Program = integer()
                 Shadertype = enum()
                 Name = string()

              Retrieve the index of a subroutine uniform of a given shader stage within a program

              gl:getSubroutineIndex  returns  the  index  of a subroutine uniform within a shader
              stage attached to a program object. Program contains the name  of  the  program  to
              which  the  shader  is attached. Shadertype specifies the stage from which to query
              shader subroutine index. Name contains the null-terminated name of  the  subroutine
              uniform whose name to query.

              If   Name   is  not  the  name  of  a  subroutine  uniform  in  the  shader  stage,
              ?GL_INVALID_INDEX is returned, but no error is generated. If Name is the name of  a
              subroutine  uniform  in  the  shader  stage,  a value between zero and the value of
              ?GL_ACTIVE_SUBROUTINES minus one will be returned. Subroutine indices are  assigned
              using   consecutive   integers   in   the   range   from   zero  to  the  value  of
              ?GL_ACTIVE_SUBROUTINES minus one for the shader stage.

              See external documentation.

       getActiveSubroutineUniformName(Program, Shadertype, Index, Bufsize) -> string()


                 Program = integer()
                 Shadertype = enum()
                 Index = integer()
                 Bufsize = integer()

              Query the name of an active shader subroutine uniform

              gl:getActiveSubroutineUniformName retrieves the name of an active shader subroutine
              uniform.  Program  contains  the  name  of  the  program  containing  the  uniform.
              Shadertype specifies the stage for which which the uniform location, given by Index
              ,    is    valid.    Index    must    be    between   zero   and   the   value   of
              ?GL_ACTIVE_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORMS minus one for the shader stage.

              The uniform name is returned as a null-terminated  string  in  Name  .  The  actual
              number  of characters written into Name , excluding the null terminator is returned
              in Length . If Length is ?NULL, no  length  is  returned.  The  maximum  number  of
              characters  that  may  be  written  into  Name  , including the null terminator, is
              specified by Bufsize . The length of the longest subroutine uniform name in Program
              and  Shadertype  is given by the value of ?GL_ACTIVE_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH,
              which can be queried with gl:getProgramStageiv/3 .

              See external documentation.

       getActiveSubroutineName(Program, Shadertype, Index, Bufsize) -> string()


                 Program = integer()
                 Shadertype = enum()
                 Index = integer()
                 Bufsize = integer()

              Query the name of an active shader subroutine

              gl:getActiveSubroutineName queries the name of an active shader subroutine  uniform
              from  the program object given in Program . Index specifies the index of the shader
              subroutine uniform within the shader stage given by Stage , and must  between  zero
              and the value of ?GL_ACTIVE_SUBROUTINES minus one for the shader stage.

              The name of the selected subroutine is returned as a null-terminated string in Name
              . The actual number of characters written into  Name  ,  not  including  the  null-
              terminator,  is  is returned in Length . If Length is ?NULL, no length is returned.
              The maximum number of characters that may be written  into  Name  ,  including  the
              null-terminator, is given in Bufsize .

              See external documentation.

       uniformSubroutinesuiv(Shadertype, Indices) -> ok


                 Shadertype = enum()
                 Indices = [integer()]

              Load active subroutine uniforms

              gl:uniformSubroutines  loads  all  active  subroutine  uniforms  for  shader  stage
              Shadertype of the current program with subroutine indices from  Indices  ,  storing
              Indices[i]  into  the  uniform  at location I . Count must be equal to the value of
              ?GL_ACTIVE_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM_LOCATIONS for the program currently in use at  shader
              stage  Shadertype  . Furthermore, all values in Indices must be less than the value
              of ?GL_ACTIVE_SUBROUTINES for the shader stage.

              See external documentation.

       getUniformSubroutineuiv(Shadertype,  Location)  ->   {integer(),   integer(),   integer(),
       integer(),  integer(),  integer(),  integer(), integer(), integer(), integer(), integer(),
       integer(), integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}


                 Shadertype = enum()
                 Location = integer()

              Retrieve the value of a subroutine uniform of a given shader stage of  the  current

              gl:getUniformSubroutine  retrieves  the value of the subroutine uniform at location
              Location for shader stage Shadertype of the current program. Location must be  less
              than  the value of ?GL_ACTIVE_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM_LOCATIONS for the shader currently
              in use at shader stage Shadertype . The value of the subroutine uniform is returned
              in Values .

              See external documentation.

       getProgramStageiv(Program, Shadertype, Pname) -> integer()


                 Program = integer()
                 Shadertype = enum()
                 Pname = enum()

              Retrieve properties of a program object corresponding to a specified shader stage

              gl:getProgramStage  queries  a  parameter  of  a shader stage attached to a program
              object. Program contains the name of the program to which the shader  is  attached.
              Shadertype  specifies  the stage from which to query the parameter. Pname specifies
              which parameter should be queried. The value or  values  of  the  parameter  to  be
              queried is returned in the variable whose address is given in Values .

              If  Pname  is  ?GL_ACTIVE_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORMS,  the  number  of  active  subroutine
              variables in the stage is returned in Values .

              If  Pname  is  ?GL_ACTIVE_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM_LOCATIONS,  the   number   of   active
              subroutine variable locations in the stage is returned in Values .

              If  Pname  is ?GL_ACTIVE_SUBROUTINES, the number of active subroutines in the stage
              is returned in Values .

              If Pname is ?GL_ACTIVE_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH, the  length  of  the  longest
              subroutine uniform for the stage is returned in Values .

              If  Pname is ?GL_ACTIVE_SUBROUTINE_MAX_LENGTH, the length of the longest subroutine
              name for the stage is returned in Values . The returned name length includes  space
              for the null-terminator.

              If  there  is  no  shader  present  of type Shadertype , the returned value will be
              consistent with a shader containing no subroutines or subroutine uniforms.

              See external documentation.

       patchParameteri(Pname, Value) -> ok


                 Pname = enum()
                 Value = integer()

              Specifies the parameters for patch primitives

              gl:patchParameter specifies the parameters that will be used for patch  primitives.
              Pname  specifies  the  parameter  to  modify and must be either ?GL_PATCH_VERTICES,
              gl:patchParameteri,  Value  specifies  the new value for the parameter specified by
              Pname  .  For  gl:patchParameterfv,  Values  specifies  the  address  of  an  array
              containing the new values for the parameter specified by Pname .

              When  Pname is ?GL_PATCH_VERTICES, Value specifies the number of vertices that will
              be used to make up a single patch primitive. Patch primitives are consumed  by  the
              tessellation  control  shader  (if present) and subsequently used for tessellation.
              When primitives are specified using gl:drawArrays/3 or  a  similar  function,  each
              patch  will  be  made  from  Parameter control points, each represented by a vertex
              taken from the enabeld vertex arrays. Parameter must be greater than zero, and less
              than or equal to the value of ?GL_MAX_PATCH_VERTICES.

              Values contains the address of an array contiaining  the  default  outer  or  inner
              tessellation  levels,  respectively, to be used when no tessellation control shader
              is present.

              See external documentation.

       patchParameterfv(Pname, Values) -> ok


                 Pname = enum()
                 Values = [float()]

              See patchParameteri/2

       bindTransformFeedback(Target, Id) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Id = integer()

              Bind a transform feedback object

              gl:bindTransformFeedback binds the transform feedback object with name  Id  to  the
              current  GL  state.  Id  must  be  a  name  previously  returned  from  a  call  to
              gl:genTransformFeedbacks/1 . If Id has not previously been bound, a  new  transform
              feedback  object with name Id and initialized with with the default transform state
              vector is created.

              In the initial state, a default transform feedback object is bound and treated as a
              transform  feedback  object  with  a name of zero. If the name zero is subsequently
              bound, the default transform feedback object is again bound to the GL state.

              While a transform feedback buffer object is bound, GL operations on the  target  to
              which  it  is  bound affect the bound transform feedback object, and queries of the
              target to which a transform feedback object is bound return state  from  the  bound
              object.  When buffer objects are bound for transform feedback, they are attached to
              the currently bound transform feedback object. Buffer objects are used  for  trans-
              form  feedback  only if they are attached to the currently bound transform feedback

              See external documentation.

       deleteTransformFeedbacks(Ids) -> ok


                 Ids = [integer()]

              Delete transform feedback objects

              gl:deleteTransformFeedbacks deletes the N transform feedback  objects  whose  names
              are stored in the array Ids . Unused names in Ids are ignored, as is the name zero.
              After a transform feedback object is deleted, its name is again unused and  it  has
              no  contents.  If  an  active  transform  feedback  object  is  deleted,  its  name
              immediately becomes unused, but the underlying object is not deleted until it is no
              longer active.

              See external documentation.

       genTransformFeedbacks(N) -> [integer()]


                 N = integer()

              Reserve transform feedback object names

              gl:genTransformFeedbacks  returns  N  previously  unused  transform feedback object
              names  in  Ids  .  These  names  are  marked  as  used,   for   the   purposes   of
              gl:genTransformFeedbacks  only, but they acquire transform feedback state only when
              they are first bound.

              See external documentation.

       isTransformFeedback(Id) -> 0 | 1


                 Id = integer()

              Determine if a name corresponds to a transform feedback object

              gl:isTransformFeedback returns ?GL_TRUE if Id is currently the name of a  transform
              feedback  object.  If Id is zero, or if ?id is not the name of a transform feedback
              object, or if an error occurs, gl:isTransformFeedback returns ?GL_FALSE. If Id is a
              name  returned  by  gl:genTransformFeedbacks/1  ,  but  that has not yet been bound
              through a call to gl:bindTransformFeedback/2 , then the name  is  not  a  transform
              feedback object and gl:isTransformFeedback returns ?GL_FALSE .

              See external documentation.

       pauseTransformFeedback() -> ok

              Pause transform feedback operations

              gl:pauseTransformFeedback  pauses  transform  feedback  operations on the currently
              active transform feedback object. When transform feedback  operations  are  paused,
              transform  feedback is still considered active and changing most transform feedback
              state related to the object results in an error. However, a new transform  feedback
              object may be bound while transform feedback is paused.

              See external documentation.

       resumeTransformFeedback() -> ok

              Resume transform feedback operations

              gl:resumeTransformFeedback  resumes  transform feedback operations on the currently
              active transform feedback object. When transform feedback  operations  are  paused,
              transform  feedback is still considered active and changing most transform feedback
              state related to the object results in an error. However, a new transform  feedback
              object may be bound while transform feedback is paused.

              See external documentation.

       drawTransformFeedback(Mode, Id) -> ok


                 Mode = enum()
                 Id = integer()

              Render primitives using a count derived from a transform feedback object

              gl:drawTransformFeedback draws primitives of a type specified by Mode using a count
              retrieved   from   the   transform   feedback   specified   by   Id    .    Calling
              gl:drawTransformFeedback  is  equivalent  to  calling  gl:drawArrays/3 with Mode as
              specified, First set to zero, and Count set to the number of vertices  captured  on
              vertex  stream  zero  the  last time transform feedback was active on the transform
              feedback object named by Id .

              See external documentation.

       drawTransformFeedbackStream(Mode, Id, Stream) -> ok


                 Mode = enum()
                 Id = integer()
                 Stream = integer()

              Render primitives using a count derived from  a  specifed  stream  of  a  transform
              feedback object

              gl:drawTransformFeedbackStream draws primitives of a type specified by Mode using a
              count retrieved from the transform feedback  stream  specified  by  Stream  of  the
              transform  feedback object specified by Id . Calling gl:drawTransformFeedbackStream
              is equivalent to calling gl:drawArrays/3 with Mode as specified, First set to zero,
              and  Count  set to the number of vertices captured on vertex stream Stream the last
              time transform feedback was active on the transform feedback object named by Id .

              Calling     gl:drawTransformFeedback/2      is      equivalent      to      calling
              gl:drawTransformFeedbackStream with Stream set to zero.

              See external documentation.

       beginQueryIndexed(Target, Index, Id) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Index = integer()
                 Id = integer()


              See external documentation.

       endQueryIndexed(Target, Index) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Index = integer()

              Delimit the boundaries of a query object on an indexed target

              gl:beginQueryIndexed  and  gl:endQueryIndexed/2  delimit  the boundaries of a query
              object. Query must be a name previously returned from a call to  gl:genQueries/1  .
              If  a  query  object  with  name  Id does not yet exist it is created with the type
              determined   by   Target   .   Target   must   be   one   of    ?GL_SAMPLES_PASSED,
              ?GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED                  ,                 ?GL_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED,
              the query object depends on its type and is as follows.

              Index  specifies  the  index  of  the  query  target  and  must be between a Target
              -specific maximum.

              If Target is ?GL_SAMPLES_PASSED, Id must be an unused  name,  or  the  name  of  an
              existing  occlusion  query object. When gl:beginQueryIndexed is executed, the query
              object's samples-passed counter is reset to 0. Subsequent rendering will  increment
              the  counter  for  every  sample  that  passes  the  depth  test.  If  the value of
              ?GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS is 0, then the samples-passed count is incremented by 1 for each
              fragment. If the value of ?GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS is 1, then the samples-passed count is
              incremented  by  the  number  of  samples  whose  coverage  bit  is  set.  However,
              implementations, at their discression may instead increase the samples-passed count
              by the value of ?GL_SAMPLES  if  any  sample  in  the  fragment  is  covered.  When
              gl:endQueryIndexed is executed, the samples-passed counter is assigned to the query
              object's result value. This value can be queried by  calling  gl:getQueryObjectiv/2
              with Pname ?GL_QUERY_RESULT. When Target is ?GL_SAMPLES_PASSED, Index must be zero.

              If  Target  is ?GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED, Id must be an unused name, or the name of an
              existing boolean occlusion query object. When gl:beginQueryIndexed is executed, the
              query  object's  samples-passed  flag  is  reset to ?GL_FALSE. Subsequent rendering
              causes the flag to be set to ?GL_TRUE if any sample passes  the  depth  test.  When
              gl:endQueryIndexed  is  executed,  the samples-passed flag is assigned to the query
              object's result value. This value can be queried by  calling  gl:getQueryObjectiv/2
              with  Pname ?GL_QUERY_RESULT. When Target is ?GL_ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED , Index must be

              If Target is ?GL_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED, Id must be an unused name, or the name of an
              existing  primitive  query  object previously bound to the ?GL_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED
              query  binding.  When  gl:beginQueryIndexed  is  executed,   the   query   object's
              primitives-generated counter is reset to 0. Subsequent rendering will increment the
              counter once for every vertex that is emitted  from  the  geometry  shader  to  the
              stream  given by Index , or from the vertex shader if Index is zero and no geometry
              shader is present. When gl:endQueryIndexed is  executed,  the  primitives-generated
              counter for stream Index is assigned to the query object's result value. This value
              can be queried by calling gl:getQueryObjectiv/2 with Pname  ?GL_QUERY_RESULT.  When
              Target  is  ?GL_PRIMITIVES_GENERATED  ,  Index  must  be  less  than  the  value of

              If Target is ?GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PRIMITIVES_WRITTEN, Id must be an unused  name,
              or  the  name  of  an  existing  primitive  query  object  previously  bound to the
              ?GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PRIMITIVES_WRITTEN query binding. When  gl:beginQueryIndexed
              is executed, the query object's primitives-written counter for the stream specified
              by Index is reset to 0. Subsequent rendering will increment the  counter  once  for
              every vertex that is written into the bound transform feedback buffer(s) for stream
              Index  .  If  transform  feedback  mode  is  not  activated  between  the  call  to
              gl:beginQueryIndexed  and  gl:endQueryIndexed, the counter will not be incremented.
              When gl:endQueryIndexed is executed,  the  primitives-written  counter  for  stream
              Index  is assigned to the query object's result value. This value can be queried by
              calling  gl:getQueryObjectiv/2  with  Pname  ?GL_QUERY_RESULT.   When   Target   is
              ?GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_PRIMITIVES_WRITTEN  ,  Index  must be less than the value of

              If Target is ?GL_TIME_ELAPSED, Id must be  an  unused  name,  or  the  name  of  an
              existing timer query object previously bound to the ?GL_TIME_ELAPSED query binding.
              When gl:beginQueryIndexed is executed, the query object's time counter is reset  to
              0.  When  gl:endQueryIndexed  is  executed, the elapsed server time that has passed
              since the call to gl:beginQueryIndexed is written  into  the  query  object's  time
              counter.  This  value  can  be  queried by calling gl:getQueryObjectiv/2 with Pname
              ?GL_QUERY_RESULT. When Target is ?GL_TIME_ELAPSED, Index must be zero.

              Querying  the  ?GL_QUERY_RESULT  implicitly  flushes  the  GL  pipeline  until  the
              rendering  delimited by the query object has completed and the result is available.
              ?GL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE can be queried to determine if the result is immediately
              available or if the rendering is not yet complete.

              See external documentation.

       getQueryIndexediv(Target, Index, Pname) -> integer()


                 Target = enum()
                 Index = integer()
                 Pname = enum()

              Return parameters of an indexed query object target

              gl:getQueryIndexediv  returns  in  Params a selected parameter of the indexed query
              object target specified by Target and Index . Index  specifies  the  index  of  the
              query object target and must be between zero and a target-specific maxiumum.

              Pname   names   a   specific   query   object   target  parameter.  When  Pname  is
              ?GL_CURRENT_QUERY , the name of the currently active query for the specified  Index
              of  Target  , or zero if no query is active, will be placed in Params . If Pname is
              ?GL_QUERY_COUNTER_BITS , the implementation-dependent number of bits used  to  hold
              the result of queries for Target is returned in Params .

              See external documentation.

       releaseShaderCompiler() -> ok

              Release resources consumed by the implementation's shader compiler

              gl:releaseShaderCompiler  provides  a  hint  to the implementation that it may free
              internal resources associated with  its  shader  compiler.  gl:compileShader/1  may
              subsequently be called and the implementation may at that time reallocate resources
              previously freed by the call to gl:releaseShaderCompiler.

              See external documentation.

       shaderBinary(Shaders, Binaryformat, Binary) -> ok


                 Shaders = [integer()]
                 Binaryformat = enum()
                 Binary = binary()

              Load pre-compiled shader binaries

              gl:shaderBinary loads pre-compiled shader binary code into the Count shader objects
              whose handles are given in Shaders . Binary points to Length bytes of binary shader
              code stored in client memory. BinaryFormat specifies the format of the pre-compiled

              The  binary  image  contained  in Binary will be decoded according to the extension
              specification defining the specified BinaryFormat token. OpenGL does not define any
              specific  binary formats, but it does provide a mechanism to obtain token vaues for
              such formats provided by such extensions.

              Depending on the types of the shader objects  in  Shaders  ,  gl:shaderBinary  will
              individually  load  binary vertex or fragment shaders, or load an executable binary
              that contains an optimized pair of vertex and fragment shaders stored in  the  same

              See external documentation.

       getShaderPrecisionFormat(Shadertype,  Precisiontype)  ->  {Range::{integer(),  integer()},


                 Shadertype = enum()
                 Precisiontype = enum()

              Retrieve the range and precision  for  numeric  formats  supported  by  the  shader

              gl:getShaderPrecisionFormat  retrieves  the  numeric  range  and  precision for the
              implementation's representation of  quantities  in  different  numeric  formats  in
              specified  shader  type.  ShaderType  specifies  the  type  of shader for which the
              numeric precision and range is to be retrieved and must be one of ?GL_VERTEX_SHADER
              or  ?GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER.  PrecisionType  specifies  the numeric format to query and
              must  be  one  of  ?GL_LOW_FLOAT,  ?GL_MEDIUM_FLOAT  ?GL_HIGH_FLOAT,   ?GL_LOW_INT,
              ?GL_MEDIUM_INT, or ?GL_HIGH_INT.

              Range points to an array of two integers into which the format's numeric range will
              be returned. If min and max are the smallest values representable  in  the  format,
              then  the  values  returned  are  defined to be: Range [0] = floor(log2(|min|)) and
              Range [1] = floor(log2(|max|)).

              Precision specifies the address of an integer into which will be written  the  log2
              value  of  the  number  of  bits  of  precision  of  the  format.  If  the smallest
              representable value greater than 1 is 1  +  eps,  then  the  integer  addressed  by
              Precision will contain floor(-log2(eps)).

              See external documentation.

       depthRangef(N, F) -> ok


                 N = clamp()
                 F = clamp()

              See depthRange/2

       clearDepthf(D) -> ok


                 D = clamp()


              See external documentation.

       getProgramBinary(Program, BufSize) -> {BinaryFormat::enum(), Binary::binary()}


                 Program = integer()
                 BufSize = integer()

              Return a binary representation of a program object's compiled and linked executable

              gl:getProgramBinary returns a binary representation  of  the  compiled  and  linked
              executable for Program into the array of bytes whose address is specified in Binary
              . The maximum number of bytes that may be  written  into  Binary  is  specified  by
              BufSize  .  If  the  program  binary is greater in size than BufSize bytes, then an
              error is generated, otherwise the actual number of bytes  written  into  Binary  is
              returned  in  the  variable  whose address is given by Length . If Length is ?NULL,
              then no length is returned.

              The format of the program binary written into Binary is returned  in  the  variable
              whose  address  is given by BinaryFormat , and may be implementation dependent. The
              binary produced by the GL may  subsequently  be  returned  to  the  GL  by  calling
              gl:programBinary/3  ,  with  BinaryFormat  and Length set to the values returned by
              gl:getProgramBinary , and passing the returned binary data in the Binary parameter.

              See external documentation.

       programBinary(Program, BinaryFormat, Binary) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 BinaryFormat = enum()
                 Binary = binary()

              Load a program object with a program binary

              gl:programBinary loads a program object with a program binary  previously  returned
              from  gl:getProgramBinary/2  .  BinaryFormat and Binary must be those returned by a
              previous call to gl:getProgramBinary/2 , and Length must be the length returned  by
              gl:getProgramBinary/2  ,  or  by  gl:getProgramiv/2  when  called with Pname set to
              ?GL_PROGRAM_BINARY_LENGTH. If these conditions are not  met,  loading  the  program
              binary will fail and Program 's ?GL_LINK_STATUS will be set to ?GL_FALSE.

              A  program  object's  program  binary  is  replaced by calls to gl:linkProgram/1 or
              gl:programBinary . When linking success or failure is  concerned,  gl:programBinary
              can  be  considered  to perform an implicit linking operation. gl:linkProgram/1 and
              gl:programBinary both set the  program  object's  ?GL_LINK_STATUS  to  ?GL_TRUE  or
              ?GL_FALSE .

              A  successful  call  to  gl:programBinary will reset all uniform variables to their
              initial values. The initial value is either the value of the variable's initializer
              as  specified in the original shader source, or zero if no initializer was present.
              Additionally, all vertex shader input and fragment shader output  assignments  that
              were  in  effect  when  the  program  was  linked  before  saving are restored with
              gl:programBinary is called.

              See external documentation.

       programParameteri(Program, Pname, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Pname = enum()
                 Value = integer()

              Specify a parameter for a program object

              gl:programParameter specifies a new value for the parameter nameed by Pname for the
              program object Program .

              If  Pname  is  ?GL_PROGRAM_BINARY_RETRIEVABLE_HINT,  Value  should  be ?GL_FALSE or
              ?GL_TRUE to indicate to the implementation the  intention  of  the  application  to
              retrieve  the  program's  binary  representation  with  gl:getProgramBinary/2 . The
              implementation may use this information to store information that may be useful for
              a   future   query   of   the   program's   binary.   It   is  recommended  to  set
              ?GL_PROGRAM_BINARY_RETRIEVABLE_HINT for the  program  to  ?GL_TRUE  before  calling
              gl:linkProgram/1  ,  and  using  the  program  at  run-time  if the binary is to be
              retrieved later.

              If Pname  is  ?GL_PROGRAM_SEPARABLE,  Value  must  be  ?GL_TRUE  or  ?GL_FALSE  and
              indicates   whether  Program  can  be  bound  to  individual  pipeline  stages  via
              gl:useProgramStages/3 . A program's ?GL_PROGRAM_SEPARABLE parameter must be set  to
              ?GL_TRUEbefore  gl:linkProgram/1  is  called  in  order  for it to be usable with a
              program pipeline object. The initial state of ?GL_PROGRAM_SEPARABLE is ?GL_FALSE.

              See external documentation.

       useProgramStages(Pipeline, Stages, Program) -> ok


                 Pipeline = integer()
                 Stages = integer()
                 Program = integer()

              Bind stages of a program object to a program pipeline

              gl:useProgramStages binds executables from  a  program  object  associated  with  a
              specified  set  of shader stages to the program pipeline object given by Pipeline .
              Pipeline specifies the program pipeline object to which to  bind  the  executables.
              Stages  contains  a logical combination of bits indicating the shader stages to use
              within Program with the program pipeline object Pipeline . Stages must be a logical
              combination       of       ?GL_VERTEX_SHADER_BIT,      ?GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER_BIT,
              ?GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER_BIT        ,        ?GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER_BIT,         and
              ?GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT. Additionally, the special value ?GL_ALL_SHADER_BITS may be
              specified to indicate that all executables contained in Program should be installed
              in Pipeline .

              If Program refers to a program object with a valid shader attached for an indicated
              shader stage, gl:useProgramStages installs the executable code for  that  stage  in
              the indicated program pipeline object Pipeline . If Program is zero, or refers to a
              program object with no valid shader executable for a given stage, it is as  if  the
              pipeline  object  has  no  programmable  stage  configured for the indicated shader
              stages. If Stages contains bits other than those listed above, and is not equal  to
              ?GL_ALL_SHADER_BITS , an error is generated.

              See external documentation.

       activeShaderProgram(Pipeline, Program) -> ok


                 Pipeline = integer()
                 Program = integer()

              Set the active program object for a program pipeline object

              gl:activeShaderProgram  sets  the  linked program named by Program to be the active
              program for the program pipeline object Pipeline . The active program in the active
              program  pipeline  object  is the target of calls to gl:uniform1f/2 when no program
              has been made current through a call to gl:useProgram/1 .

              See external documentation.

       createShaderProgramv(Type, Strings) -> integer()


                 Type = enum()
                 Strings = [string()]


              See external documentation.

       bindProgramPipeline(Pipeline) -> ok


                 Pipeline = integer()

              Bind a program pipeline to the current context

              gl:bindProgramPipeline binds a program pipeline  object  to  the  current  context.
              Pipeline must be a name previously returned from a call to gl:genProgramPipelines/1
              . If no program pipeline exists with name Pipeline then a new  pipeline  object  is
              created with that name and initialized to the default state vector.

              When  a program pipeline object is bound using gl:bindProgramPipeline, any previous
              binding is broken and is replaced with a binding to the specified pipeline  object.
              If Pipeline is zero, the previous binding is broken and is not replaced, leaving no
              pipeline object bound. If  no  current  program  object  has  been  established  by
              gl:useProgram/1  ,  the program objects used for each stage and for uniform updates
              are taken from the bound program pipeline object, if any. If  there  is  a  current
              program  object  established by gl:useProgram/1 , the bound program pipeline object
              has no effect on rendering or uniform updates. When a bound program pipeline object
              is  used  for  rendering,  individual shader executables are taken from its program

              See external documentation.

       deleteProgramPipelines(Pipelines) -> ok


                 Pipelines = [integer()]

              Delete program pipeline objects

              gl:deleteProgramPipelines deletes the N program pipeline objects  whose  names  are
              stored  in  the  array Pipelines . Unused names in Pipelines are ignored, as is the
              name zero. After a program pipeline object is deleted, its name is again unused and
              it  has no contents. If program pipeline object that is currently bound is deleted,
              the binding for that object reverts to zero and no program pipeline object  becomes

              See external documentation.

       genProgramPipelines(N) -> [integer()]


                 N = integer()

              Reserve program pipeline object names

              gl:genProgramPipelines returns N previously unused program pipeline object names in
              Pipelines  .  These   names   are   marked   as   used,   for   the   purposes   of
              gl:genProgramPipelines only, but they acquire program pipeline state only when they
              are first bound.

              See external documentation.

       isProgramPipeline(Pipeline) -> 0 | 1


                 Pipeline = integer()

              Determine if a name corresponds to a program pipeline object

              gl:isProgramPipeline returns ?GL_TRUE if  Pipeline  is  currently  the  name  of  a
              program  pipeline object. If Pipeline is zero, or if ?pipeline is not the name of a
              program pipeline object,  or  if  an  error  occurs,  gl:isProgramPipeline  returns
              ?GL_FALSE.  If  Pipeline  is a name returned by gl:genProgramPipelines/1 , but that
              has not yet been bound through a call to gl:bindProgramPipeline/1 , then  the  name
              is not a program pipeline object and gl:isProgramPipeline returns ?GL_FALSE .

              See external documentation.

       getProgramPipelineiv(Pipeline, Pname) -> integer()


                 Pipeline = integer()
                 Pname = enum()

              Retrieve properties of a program pipeline object

              gl:getProgramPipelineiv  retrieves  the value of a property of the program pipeline
              object Pipeline . Pname  specifies  the  name  of  the  parameter  whose  value  to
              retrieve.  The  value  of the parameter is written to the variable whose address is
              given by Params .

              If Pname is ?GL_ACTIVE_PROGRAM, the name  of  the  active  program  object  of  the
              program pipeline object is returned in Params .

              If  Pname  is  ?GL_VERTEX_SHADER,  the  name  of the current program object for the
              vertex shader type of the program pipeline object is returned in Params .

              If Pname is ?GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER, the name of the current program object for the
              tessellation  control  shader  type  of  the program pipeline object is returned in
              Params .

              If Pname is ?GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER, the name of the current program object  for
              the  tessellation evaluation shader type of the program pipeline object is returned
              in Params .

              If Pname is ?GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER, the name of the current  program  object  for  the
              geometry shader type of the program pipeline object is returned in Params .

              If  Pname  is  ?GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER,  the name of the current program object for the
              fragment shader type of the program pipeline object is returned in Params .

              If Pname is ?GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, the length of the info  log,  including  the  null
              terminator, is returned in Params . If there is no info log, zero is returned.

              See external documentation.

       programUniform1i(Program, Location, V0) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 V0 = integer()

              Specify the value of a uniform variable for a specified program object

              gl:programUniform  modifies  the  value of a uniform variable or a uniform variable
              array. The location of the uniform variable to be modified is specified by Location
              ,  which  should be a value returned by gl:getUniformLocation/2 . gl:programUniform
              operates on the program object specified by Program .

              The commands gl:programUniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui} are used to change the value of the
              uniform  variable  specified  by Location using the values passed as arguments. The
              number specified in the command should match the number of components in  the  data
              type of the specified uniform variable (e.g., 1 for float, int, unsigned int, bool;
              2 for vec2, ivec2, uvec2, bvec2, etc.). The suffix f indicates that  floating-point
              values  are  being  passed;  the  suffix  i indicates that integer values are being
              passed; the suffix ui indicates that unsigned integer values are being passed,  and
              this  type should also match the data type of the specified uniform variable. The i
              variants of this function should be used to provide values  for  uniform  variables
              defined  as  int, ivec2 , ivec3, ivec4, or arrays of these. The ui variants of this
              function should be used to provide values for uniform variables defined as unsigned
              int,  uvec2,  uvec3,  uvec4,  or  arrays of these. The f variants should be used to
              provide values for uniform variables of type float, vec2, vec3, vec4, or arrays  of
              these.  Either  the  i,  ui or f variants may be used to provide values for uniform
              variables of type bool, bvec2 , bvec3, bvec4,  or  arrays  of  these.  The  uniform
              variable  will  be set to false if the input value is 0 or 0.0f, and it will be set
              to true otherwise.

              All active uniform variables defined in a program object are initialized to 0  when
              the  program object is linked successfully. They retain the values assigned to them
              by a call to gl:programUniform until the next successful link operation  occurs  on
              the program object, when they are once again initialized to 0.

              The  commands  gl:programUniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui}v  can  be used to modify a single
              uniform variable or a uniform variable array. These commands pass  a  count  and  a
              pointer  to  the  values to be loaded into a uniform variable or a uniform variable
              array. A count of 1 should be used if modifying  the  value  of  a  single  uniform
              variable, and a count of 1 or greater can be used to modify an entire array or part
              of an array. When loading n elements starting at  an  arbitrary  position  m  in  a
              uniform  variable  array, elements m + n - 1 in the array will be replaced with the
              new values. If M + N - 1 is larger than the size of  the  uniform  variable  array,
              values  for  all  array  elements  beyond the end of the array will be ignored. The
              number specified in the name of the command indicates the number of components  for
              each  element  in  Value , and it should match the number of components in the data
              type of the specified uniform variable (e.g., 1 for float, int, bool; 2  for  vec2,
              ivec2,  bvec2, etc.). The data type specified in the name of the command must match
              the data type for the  specified  uniform  variable  as  described  previously  for

              For  uniform  variable arrays, each element of the array is considered to be of the
              type  indicated  in  the  name  of  the  command  (e.g.,   gl:programUniform3f   or
              gl:programUniform3fv  can  be  used to load a uniform variable array of type vec3).
              The number of elements of the uniform variable array to be modified is specified by

              The  commands  gl:programUniformMatrix{2|3|4|2x3|3x2|2x4|4x2|3x4|4x3}fv are used to
              modify a matrix or an array of matrices.  The  numbers  in  the  command  name  are
              interpreted  as  the  dimensionality  of the matrix. The number 2 indicates a 2 × 2
              matrix (i.e., 4 values), the number 3 indicates a 3 × 3 matrix  (i.e.,  9  values),
              and  the  number  4  indicates  a 4 × 4 matrix (i.e., 16 values). Non-square matrix
              dimensionality is explicit, with  the  first  number  representing  the  number  of
              columns  and  the  second  number representing the number of rows. For example, 2x4
              indicates a 2 × 4 matrix with 2 columns and 4 rows (i.e., 8 values).  If  Transpose
              is  ?GL_FALSE,  each  matrix  is  assumed  to be supplied in column major order. If
              Transpose is ?GL_TRUE, each matrix is assumed to be supplied in  row  major  order.
              The  Count  argument  indicates  the  number of matrices to be passed. A count of 1
              should be used if modifying the value of a single matrix, and a count greater  than
              1 can be used to modify an array of matrices.

              See external documentation.

       programUniform1iv(Program, Location, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [integer()]

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform1f(Program, Location, V0) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 V0 = float()

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform1fv(Program, Location, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [float()]

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform1d(Program, Location, V0) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 V0 = float()

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform1dv(Program, Location, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [float()]

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform1ui(Program, Location, V0) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 V0 = integer()

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform1uiv(Program, Location, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [integer()]

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform2i(Program, Location, V0, V1) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 V0 = integer()
                 V1 = integer()

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform2iv(Program, Location, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [{integer(), integer()}]

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform2f(Program, Location, V0, V1) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 V0 = float()
                 V1 = float()

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform2fv(Program, Location, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [{float(), float()}]

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform2d(Program, Location, V0, V1) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 V0 = float()
                 V1 = float()

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform2dv(Program, Location, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [{float(), float()}]

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform2ui(Program, Location, V0, V1) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 V0 = integer()
                 V1 = integer()

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform2uiv(Program, Location, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [{integer(), integer()}]

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform3i(Program, Location, V0, V1, V2) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 V0 = integer()
                 V1 = integer()
                 V2 = integer()

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform3iv(Program, Location, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [{integer(), integer(), integer()}]

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform3f(Program, Location, V0, V1, V2) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 V0 = float()
                 V1 = float()
                 V2 = float()

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform3fv(Program, Location, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [{float(), float(), float()}]

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform3d(Program, Location, V0, V1, V2) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 V0 = float()
                 V1 = float()
                 V2 = float()

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform3dv(Program, Location, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [{float(), float(), float()}]

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform3ui(Program, Location, V0, V1, V2) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 V0 = integer()
                 V1 = integer()
                 V2 = integer()

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform3uiv(Program, Location, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [{integer(), integer(), integer()}]

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform4i(Program, Location, V0, V1, V2, V3) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 V0 = integer()
                 V1 = integer()
                 V2 = integer()
                 V3 = integer()

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform4iv(Program, Location, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [{integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}]

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform4f(Program, Location, V0, V1, V2, V3) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 V0 = float()
                 V1 = float()
                 V2 = float()
                 V3 = float()

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform4fv(Program, Location, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [{float(), float(), float(), float()}]

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform4d(Program, Location, V0, V1, V2, V3) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 V0 = float()
                 V1 = float()
                 V2 = float()
                 V3 = float()

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform4dv(Program, Location, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [{float(), float(), float(), float()}]

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform4ui(Program, Location, V0, V1, V2, V3) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 V0 = integer()
                 V1 = integer()
                 V2 = integer()
                 V3 = integer()

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniform4uiv(Program, Location, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Value = [{integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}]

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniformMatrix2fv(Program, Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value = [{float(), float(), float(), float()}]

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniformMatrix3fv(Program, Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value  =  [{float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),
                 float(), float()}]

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniformMatrix4fv(Program, Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value  =  [{float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),
                 float(),   float(),   float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniformMatrix2dv(Program, Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value = [{float(), float(), float(), float()}]

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniformMatrix3dv(Program, Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value  =  [{float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),
                 float(), float()}]

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniformMatrix4dv(Program, Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value  =  [{float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),
                 float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),   float(),   float(),

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniformMatrix2x3fv(Program, Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value = [{float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float()}]

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniformMatrix3x2fv(Program, Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value = [{float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float()}]

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniformMatrix2x4fv(Program, Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value  =  [{float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniformMatrix4x2fv(Program, Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value  =  [{float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniformMatrix3x4fv(Program, Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value  =  [{float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),
                 float(), float(), float(), float(), float()}]

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniformMatrix4x3fv(Program, Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value  =  [{float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),
                 float(), float(), float(), float(), float()}]

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniformMatrix2x3dv(Program, Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value = [{float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float()}]

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniformMatrix3x2dv(Program, Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value = [{float(), float(), float(), float(), float(), float()}]

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniformMatrix2x4dv(Program, Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value  =  [{float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniformMatrix4x2dv(Program, Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value  =  [{float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniformMatrix3x4dv(Program, Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value  =  [{float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),
                 float(), float(), float(), float(), float()}]

              See programUniform1i/3

       programUniformMatrix4x3dv(Program, Location, Transpose, Value) -> ok


                 Program = integer()
                 Location = integer()
                 Transpose = 0 | 1
                 Value  =  [{float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),  float(),
                 float(), float(), float(), float(), float()}]

              See programUniform1i/3

       validateProgramPipeline(Pipeline) -> ok


                 Pipeline = integer()

              Validate a program pipeline object against current GL state

              gl:validateProgramPipeline  instructs  the  implementation  to  validate the shader
              executables contained in Pipeline against the current GL state. The  implementation
              may  use  this  as an opportunity to perform any internal shader modifications that
              may be required to ensure correct operation of  the  installed  shaders  given  the
              current GL state.

              After  a  program  pipeline  has  been  validated,  its validation status is set to
              ?GL_TRUE . The validation status of a program pipeline object  may  be  queried  by
              calling gl:getProgramPipelineiv/2 with parameter ?GL_VALIDATE_STATUS.

              If  Pipeline  is a name previously returned from a call to gl:genProgramPipelines/1
              but that has not yet been bound by a  call  to  gl:bindProgramPipeline/1  ,  a  new
              program pipeline object is created with name Pipeline and the default state vector.

              See external documentation.

       getProgramPipelineInfoLog(Pipeline, BufSize) -> string()


                 Pipeline = integer()
                 BufSize = integer()

              Retrieve the info log string from a program pipeline object

              gl:getProgramPipelineInfoLog retrieves the info log for the program pipeline object
              Pipeline . The info log, including its null terminator, is written into  the  array
              of  characters whose address is given by InfoLog . The maximum number of characters
              that may be written into InfoLog is given by BufSize , and  the  actual  number  of
              characters  written  into InfoLog is returned in the integer whose address is given
              by Length . If Length is ?NULL, no length is returned.

              The actual length of the info log for the program pipeline  may  be  determined  by
              calling gl:getProgramPipelineiv/2 with Pname set to ?GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH.

              See external documentation.

       vertexAttribL1d(Index, X) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 X = float()


              See external documentation.

       vertexAttribL2d(Index, X, Y) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 X = float()
                 Y = float()


              See external documentation.

       vertexAttribL3d(Index, X, Y, Z) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 Z = float()


              See external documentation.

       vertexAttribL4d(Index, X, Y, Z, W) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 Z = float()
                 W = float()


              See external documentation.

       vertexAttribL1dv(Index::integer(), V) -> ok


                 V = {X::float()}

              Equivalent to vertexAttribL1d(Index, X).

       vertexAttribL2dv(Index::integer(), V) -> ok


                 V = {X::float(), Y::float()}

              Equivalent to vertexAttribL2d(Index, X, Y).

       vertexAttribL3dv(Index::integer(), V) -> ok


                 V = {X::float(), Y::float(), Z::float()}

              Equivalent to vertexAttribL3d(Index, X, Y, Z).

       vertexAttribL4dv(Index::integer(), V) -> ok


                 V = {X::float(), Y::float(), Z::float(), W::float()}

              Equivalent to vertexAttribL4d(Index, X, Y, Z, W).

       vertexAttribLPointer(Index, Size, Type, Stride, Pointer) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 Size = integer()
                 Type = enum()
                 Stride = integer()
                 Pointer = offset() | mem()


              See external documentation.

       getVertexAttribLdv(Index, Pname) -> {float(), float(), float(), float()}


                 Index = integer()
                 Pname = enum()


              See external documentation.

       viewportArrayv(First, V) -> ok


                 First = integer()
                 V = [{float(), float(), float(), float()}]


              See external documentation.

       viewportIndexedf(Index, X, Y, W, H) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 X = float()
                 Y = float()
                 W = float()
                 H = float()

              Set a specified viewport

              gl:viewportIndexedf  and  gl:viewportIndexedfv  specify the parameters for a single
              viewport. Index specifies the index of the viewport to modify. Index must  be  less
              than  the  value  of  ?GL_MAX_VIEWPORTS. For gl:viewportIndexedf, X , Y , W , and H
              specify the left, bottom, width and height of the viewport in pixels, respectively.
              For  gl:viewportIndexedfv,  V  contains  the  address of an array of floating point
              values specifying the left ( x), bottom ( y), width ( w), and height ( h)  of  each
              viewport,  in  that  order.  x and y give the location of the viewport's lower left
              corner, and w and h give the width and height of the  viewport,  respectively.  The
              viewport  specifies  the  affine  transformation  of x and y from normalized device
              coordinates  to  window  coordinates.  Let  (x  nd  y  nd)  be  normalized   device
              coordinates. Then the window coordinates (x w y w) are computed as follows:

              x w=(x nd+1) (width/2)+x

              y w=(y nd+1) (height/2)+y

              The  location  of the viewport's bottom left corner, given by ( x, y) is clamped to
              be within the implementaiton-dependent viewport bounds range. The  viewport  bounds
              range  [  min,  max]  can  be  determined by calling gl:getBooleanv/1 with argument
              ?GL_VIEWPORT_BOUNDS_RANGE . Viewport width and height are  silently  clamped  to  a
              range   that   depends   on   the   implementation.   To  query  this  range,  call
              gl:getBooleanv/1 with argument ?GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS.

              The precision with which the GL interprets the floating point  viewport  bounds  is
              implementation-dependent  and  may  be  determined  by  querying the impementation-
              defined constant ?GL_VIEWPORT_SUBPIXEL_BITS .

              Calling gl:viewportIndexedfv is equivalent  to  calling  see  glViewportArray  with
              First  set to Index , Count set to 1 and V passsed directly. gl:viewportIndexedf is
              equivalent to: void glViewportIndexedf(GLuint index, GLfloat x, GLfloat y,  GLfloat
              w, GLfloat h) { const float v[4] = { x, y, w, h }; glViewportArrayv(index, 1, v); }

              See external documentation.

       viewportIndexedfv(Index, V) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 V = {float(), float(), float(), float()}

              See viewportIndexedf/5

       scissorArrayv(First, V) -> ok


                 First = integer()
                 V = [{integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}]


              See external documentation.

       scissorIndexed(Index, Left, Bottom, Width, Height) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 Left = integer()
                 Bottom = integer()
                 Width = integer()
                 Height = integer()


              See external documentation.

       scissorIndexedv(Index, V) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 V = {integer(), integer(), integer(), integer()}


              See external documentation.

       depthRangeArrayv(First, V) -> ok


                 First = integer()
                 V = [{clamp(), clamp()}]


              See external documentation.

       depthRangeIndexed(Index, N, F) -> ok


                 Index = integer()
                 N = clamp()
                 F = clamp()


              See external documentation.

       getFloati_v(Target, Index) -> [float()]


                 Target = enum()
                 Index = integer()

              See getBooleanv/1

       getDoublei_v(Target, Index) -> [float()]


                 Target = enum()
                 Index = integer()

              See getBooleanv/1

       debugMessageControlARB(Source, Type, Severity, Ids, Enabled) -> ok


                 Source = enum()
                 Type = enum()
                 Severity = enum()
                 Ids = [integer()]
                 Enabled = 0 | 1


              See external documentation.

       debugMessageInsertARB(Source, Type, Id, Severity, Buf) -> ok


                 Source = enum()
                 Type = enum()
                 Id = integer()
                 Severity = enum()
                 Buf = string()


              See external documentation.

       getDebugMessageLogARB(Count,  Bufsize)  -> {integer(), Sources::[enum()], Types::[enum()],
       Ids::[integer()], Severities::[enum()], MessageLog::[string()]}


                 Count = integer()
                 Bufsize = integer()


              See external documentation.

       getGraphicsResetStatusARB() -> enum()


              See external documentation.

       drawArraysInstancedBaseInstance(Mode, First, Count, Primcount, Baseinstance) -> ok


                 Mode = enum()
                 First = integer()
                 Count = integer()
                 Primcount = integer()
                 Baseinstance = integer()

              Draw multiple instances of a range of elements with  offset  applied  to  instanced

              gl:drawArraysInstancedBaseInstance  behaves  identically  to gl:drawArrays/3 except
              that Primcount instances of the range of elements are executed and the value of the
              internal  counter InstanceID advances for each iteration. InstanceID is an internal
              32-bit integer counter that may be read by a vertex shader as ?gl_InstanceID .

              gl:drawArraysInstancedBaseInstance has the same effect as: if ( mode  or  count  is
              invalid  ) generate appropriate error else { for (int i = 0; i < primcount ; i++) {
              instanceID = i; glDrawArrays(mode, first, count); } instanceID = 0; }

              Specific vertex attributes may be  classified  as  instanced  through  the  use  of
              gl:vertexAttribDivisor/2  .  Instanced vertex attributes supply per-instance vertex
              data to the vertex shader. The  index  of  the  vertex  fetched  from  the  enabled
              instanced  vertex attribute arrays is calculated as: |gl_ InstanceID/divisor|&plus;
              baseInstance. Note that Baseinstance does not affect the  shader-visible  value  of

              See external documentation.

       drawElementsInstancedBaseInstance(Mode,  Count, Type, Indices, Primcount, Baseinstance) ->


                 Mode = enum()
                 Count = integer()
                 Type = enum()
                 Indices = offset() | mem()
                 Primcount = integer()
                 Baseinstance = integer()

              Draw multiple instances of a set of  elements  with  offset  applied  to  instanced

              gl:drawElementsInstancedBaseInstance   behaves   identically  to  gl:drawElements/4
              except that Primcount instances of the set of elements are executed and  the  value
              of  the  internal  counter InstanceID advances for each iteration. InstanceID is an
              internal  32-bit  integer  counter  that  may  be  read  by  a  vertex  shader   as
              ?gl_InstanceID .

              gl:drawElementsInstancedBaseInstance  has  the  same effect as: if (mode, count, or
              type is invalid ) generate appropriate error else { for (int i = 0; i < primcount ;
              i++)  {  instanceID = i; glDrawElements(mode, count, type, indices); } instanceID =
              0; }

              Specific vertex attributes may be  classified  as  instanced  through  the  use  of
              gl:vertexAttribDivisor/2  .  Instanced vertex attributes supply per-instance vertex
              data to the vertex shader. The  index  of  the  vertex  fetched  from  the  enabled
              instanced  vertex  attribute arrays is calculated as |gl_ InstanceID/divisor|&plus;
              baseInstance. Note that Baseinstance does not affect the  shader-visible  value  of

              See external documentation.

       drawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance(Mode,   Count,   Type,   Indices,   Primcount,
       Basevertex, Baseinstance) -> ok


                 Mode = enum()
                 Count = integer()
                 Type = enum()
                 Indices = offset() | mem()
                 Primcount = integer()
                 Basevertex = integer()
                 Baseinstance = integer()

              Render multiple instances of a set of primitives from array data with a per-element

              gl:drawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance      behaves      identically     to
              gl:drawElementsInstanced/5  except  that  the  ith  element  transferred   by   the
              corresponding draw call will be taken from element Indices [i] + Basevertex of each
              enabled  array.  If  the  resulting  value  is  larger  than  the   maximum   value
              representable  by  Type  ,  it  is as if the calculation were upconverted to 32-bit
              unsigned  integers  (with  wrapping  on  overflow  conditions).  The  operation  is
              undefined if the sum would be negative. The Basevertex has no effect on the shader-
              visible value of ?gl_VertexID.

              Specific vertex attributes may be  classified  as  instanced  through  the  use  of
              gl:vertexAttribDivisor/2  .  Instanced vertex attributes supply per-instance vertex
              data to the vertex shader. The  index  of  the  vertex  fetched  from  the  enabled
              instanced  vertex  attribute arrays is calculated as |gl_ InstanceID/divisor|&plus;
              baseInstance. Note that Baseinstance does not affect the  shader-visible  value  of

              See external documentation.

       drawTransformFeedbackInstanced(Mode, Id, Primcount) -> ok


                 Mode = enum()
                 Id = integer()
                 Primcount = integer()


              See external documentation.

       drawTransformFeedbackStreamInstanced(Mode, Id, Stream, Primcount) -> ok


                 Mode = enum()
                 Id = integer()
                 Stream = integer()
                 Primcount = integer()


              See external documentation.

       getInternalformativ(Target, Internalformat, Pname, BufSize) -> [integer()]


                 Target = enum()
                 Internalformat = enum()
                 Pname = enum()
                 BufSize = integer()


              See external documentation.

       bindImageTexture(Unit, Texture, Level, Layered, Layer, Access, Format) -> ok


                 Unit = integer()
                 Texture = integer()
                 Level = integer()
                 Layered = 0 | 1
                 Layer = integer()
                 Access = enum()
                 Format = enum()

              Bind a level of a texture to an image unit

              gl:bindImageTexture  binds  a  single  level  of a texture to an image unit for the
              purpose of reading and writing it from shaders. Unit specifies the zero-based index
              of the image unit to which to bind the texture level. Texture specifies the name of
              an existing texture object to bind to the image unit. If Texture is zero, then  any
              existing  binding  to  the  image  unit is broken. Level specifies the level of the
              texture to bind to the image unit.

              If Texture is the name of a one-, two-, or three-dimensional array texture, a  cube
              map or cube map array texture, or a two-dimensional multisample array texture, then
              it is possible to bind either the entire array, or only a single layer of the array
              to  the  image  unit.  In  such  cases, if Layered is ?GL_TRUE, the entire array is
              attached to the image unit and Layer is ignored. However, if Layered  is  ?GL_FALSE
              then Layer specifies the layer of the array to attach to the image unit.

              Access  specifies  the  access  types  to be performed by shaders and may be set to
              ?GL_READ_ONLY , ?GL_WRITE_ONLY, or ?GL_READ_WRITE to indicate read-only, write-only
              or  read-write  access,  respectively.  Violation  of  the access type specified in
              Access (for example, if a shader writes to  an  image  bound  with  Access  set  to
              ?GL_READ_ONLY  )  will  lead  to  undefined  results,  possibly  including  program

              Format specifies the format that is to be used  when  performing  formatted  stores
              into  the image from shaders. Format must be compatible with the texture's internal
              format and must be one of the formats listed  in  the  following  table.Image  Unit
              FormatFormat Qualifier
              ?GL_RGBA16F rgba16f
              ?GL_RG16F rg16f
              ?GL_RGBA16UI rgba16ui
              ?GL_RGBA8UI rgba8ui
              ?GL_RG16UI rg16ui
              ?GL_R32UI r32ui
              ?GL_R8UI r8ui
              ?GL_RGBA16I rgba16i
              ?GL_RG32I rg32i
              ?GL_RG8I rg8i
              ?GL_R16I r16i
              ?GL_RGBA16 rgba16
              ?GL_RGBA8 rgba8
              ?GL_RG8 rg8
              ?GL_R8 r8
              ?GL_RGBA8_SNORM rgba8_snorm

              When  a  texture is bound to an image unit, the Format parameter for the image unit
              need not exactly match the texture internal format  as  long  as  the  formats  are
              considered  compatible  as  defined  in  the  OpenGL  Specification.  The  matching
              criterion   used   for   a   given   texture   may   be   determined   by   calling
              gl:getTexParameterfv/2  with Value set to ?GL_IMAGE_FORMAT_COMPATIBILITY_TYPE, with
              return       values       of       ?GL_IMAGE_FORMAT_COMPATIBILITY_BY_SIZE       and
              ?GL_IMAGE_FORMAT_COMPATIBILITY_BY_CLASS,  specifying  matches  by  size  and class,

              See external documentation.

       memoryBarrier(Barriers) -> ok


                 Barriers = integer()

              Defines a barrier ordering memory transactions

              gl:memoryBarrier defines a barrier ordering the memory transactions issued prior to
              the  command  relative  to those issued after the barrier. For the purposes of this
              ordering, memory transactions performed by shaders are considered to be  issued  by
              the  rendering  command  that  triggered the execution of the shader. Barriers is a
              bitfield indicating the set of operations that are synchronized with shader stores;
              the bits used in Barriers are as follows:

              ?GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BARRIER_BIT:  If  set,  vertex  data  sourced  from  buffer
              objects after the barrier will  reflect  data  written  by  shaders  prior  to  the
              barrier.  The set of buffer objects affected by this bit is derived from the buffer
              object  bindings  used   for   generic   vertex   attributes   derived   from   the
              ?GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER bindings.

              ?GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BARRIER_BIT:  If  set,  vertex  array indices sourced from buffer
              objects after the barrier will  reflect  data  written  by  shaders  prior  to  the
              barrier.   The   buffer   objects  affected  by  this  bit  are  derived  from  the
              ?GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER binding.

              ?GL_UNIFORM_BARRIER_BIT: Shader uniforms sourced  from  buffer  objects  after  the
              barrier will reflect data written by shaders prior to the barrier.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_FETCH_BARRIER_BIT: Texture fetches from shaders, including fetches from
              buffer object memory via buffer textures,  after  the  barrier  will  reflect  data
              written by shaders prior to the barrier.

              ?GL_SHADER_IMAGE_ACCESS_BARRIER_BIT:  Memory  accesses  using  shader  image  load,
              store, and atomic built-in functions issued after the  barrier  will  reflect  data
              written  by  shaders  prior  to the barrier. Additionally, image stores and atomics
              issued after the barrier will not execute until all memory accesses  (e.g.,  loads,
              stores, texture fetches, vertex fetches) initiated prior to the barrier complete.

              ?GL_COMMAND_BARRIER_BIT:  Command data sourced from buffer objects by Draw*Indirect
              commands after the barrier will reflect  data  written  by  shaders  prior  to  the
              barrier.   The   buffer   objects  affected  by  this  bit  are  derived  from  the
              ?GL_DRAW_INDIRECT_BUFFER binding.

              ?GL_PIXEL_BUFFER_BARRIER_BIT:  Reads  and  writes  of  buffer   objects   via   the
              ?GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER  and  ?GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER bindings (via gl:readPixels/7 ,
              gl:texSubImage1D/7 , etc.) after the barrier will reflect data written  by  shaders
              prior  to  the barrier. Additionally, buffer object writes issued after the barrier
              will wait on the completion of all shader writes initiated prior to the barrier.

              ?GL_TEXTURE_UPDATE_BARRIER_BIT:  Writes  to  a   texture   via   gl:tex(Sub)Image*,
              gl:copyTex(Sub)Image* , gl:compressedTex(Sub)Image*, and reads via gl:getTexImage/5
              after the barrier will reflect data  written  by  shaders  prior  to  the  barrier.
              Additionally,  texture writes from these commands issued after the barrier will not
              execute until all shader writes initiated prior to the barrier complete.

              ?GL_BUFFER_UPDATE_BARRIER_BIT:   Reads   or   writes   via   gl:bufferSubData/4   ,
              gl:copyBufferSubData/5  ,  or  gl:getBufferSubData/4  ,  or to buffer object memory
              mapped by see glMapBuffer or see glMapBufferRange after the  barrier  will  reflect
              data  written  by  shaders  prior  to  the  barrier. Additionally, writes via these
              commands issued after the barrier will wait on the completion of any shader  writes
              to the same memory initiated prior to the barrier.

              ?GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BARRIER_BIT:  Reads  and  writes via framebuffer object attachments
              after the barrier will reflect data  written  by  shaders  prior  to  the  barrier.
              Additionally,  framebuffer  writes  issued  after  the  barrier  will  wait  on the
              completion of all shader writes issued prior to the barrier.

              ?GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BARRIER_BIT: Writes via transform  feedback  bindings  after
              the   barrier   will  reflect  data  written  by  shaders  prior  to  the  barrier.
              Additionally, transform feedback writes issued after the barrier will wait  on  the
              completion of all shader writes issued prior to the barrier.

              ?GL_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BARRIER_BIT:  Accesses to atomic counters after the barrier will
              reflect writes prior to the barrier.

              If Barriers is ?GL_ALL_BARRIER_BITS, shader memory accesses  will  be  synchronized
              relative to all the operations described above.

              Implementations  may  cache  buffer  object  and texture image memory that could be
              written by shaders in multiple caches; for example, there may  be  separate  caches
              for  texture,  vertex  fetching, and one or more caches for shader memory accesses.
              Implementations are not required to keep these caches coherent with  shader  memory
              writes.  Stores issued by one invocation may not be immediately observable by other
              pipeline stages or other shader invocations because the value stored may remain  in
              a  cache local to the processor executing the store, or because data overwritten by
              the store is still in a cache elsewhere in the  system.  When  gl:memoryBarrier  is
              called,  the  GL  flushes  and/or invalidates any caches relevant to the operations
              specified by the Barriers parameter to ensure  consistent  ordering  of  operations
              across the barrier.

              To allow for independent shader invocations to communicate by reads and writes to a
              common memory address, image variables  in  the  OpenGL  Shading  Language  may  be
              declared as "coherent". Buffer object or texture image memory accessed through such
              variables may be cached only if caches are  automatically  updated  due  to  stores
              issued  by  any other shader invocation. If the same address is accessed using both
              coherent and non-coherent variables,  the  accesses  using  variables  declared  as
              coherent  will  observe  the  results  stored  using  coherent  variables  in other
              invocations. Using variables  declared  as  "coherent"  guarantees  only  that  the
              results  of  stores  will  be  immediately  visible  to  shader  invocations  using
              similarly-declared variables; calling gl:memoryBarrier is required to  ensure  that
              the stores are visible to other operations.

              The  following  guidelines  may  be helpful in choosing when to use coherent memory
              accesses and when to use barriers.

              Data that are  read-only  or  constant  may  be  accessed  without  using  coherent
              variables  or  calling MemoryBarrier(). Updates to the read-only data via API calls
              such as BufferSubData will invalidate shader caches implicitly as required.

              Data that are shared between  shader  invocations  at  a  fine  granularity  (e.g.,
              written  by  one  invocation,  consumed  by another invocation) should use coherent
              variables to read and write the shared data.

              Data written by one shader invocation and  consumed  by  other  shader  invocations
              launched as a result of its execution ("dependent invocations") should use coherent
              variables in the producing shader invocation and  call  memoryBarrier()  after  the
              last write. The consuming shader invocation should also use coherent variables.

              Data  written  to image variables in one rendering pass and read by the shader in a
              later  pass  need  not  use  coherent   variables   or   memoryBarrier().   Calling
              MemoryBarrier()  with  the  SHADER_IMAGE_ACCESS_BARRIER_BIT set in Barriers between
              passes is necessary.

              Data written by the shader in one rendering pass  and  read  by  another  mechanism
              (e.g.,  vertex  or  index  buffer  pulling)  in  a later pass need not use coherent
              variables or memoryBarrier(). Calling gl:memoryBarrier with  the  appropriate  bits
              set in Barriers between passes is necessary.

              See external documentation.

       texStorage1D(Target, Levels, Internalformat, Width) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Levels = integer()
                 Internalformat = enum()
                 Width = integer()

              Simultaneously specify storage for all levels of a one-dimensional texture

              gl:texStorage1D  specifies  the  storage  requirements  for  all  levels  of a one-
              dimensional texture simultaneously. Once a texture is specified with this  command,
              the  format  and  dimensions  of  all  levels become immutable unless it is a proxy
              texture. The contents of the image may still  be  modified,  however,  its  storage
              requirements  may  not change. Such a texture is referred to as an immutable-format

              Calling gl:texStorage1D  is  equivalent,  assuming  no  errors  are  generated,  to
              executing   the   following   pseudo-code:   for  (i  =  0;  i  <  levels;  i++)  {
              glTexImage1D(target, i, internalformat, width, 0,  format,  type,  NULL);  width  =
              max(1, (width / 2)); }

              Since  no texture data is actually provided, the values used in the pseudo-code for
              Format and Type are irrelevant and may be considered to  be  any  values  that  are
              legal  for  the  chosen Internalformat enumerant. Internalformat must be one of the
              sized internal formats given in Table 1 below, one  of  the  sized  depth-component
              or  one  of  the  combined   depth-stencil   formats,   ?GL_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8,   or
              ?GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8.  Upon  success,  the  value  of  ?GL_TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_FORMAT
              becomes ?GL_TRUE. The value of ?GL_TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_FORMAT may  be  discovered  by
              calling  gl:getTexParameterfv/2  with Pname set to ?GL_TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_FORMAT. No
              further changes to the dimensions or format of the  texture  object  may  be  made.
              Using  any  command that might alter the dimensions or format of the texture object
              (such as gl:texImage1D/8 or another call to gl:texStorage1D)  will  result  in  the
              generation  of  a ?GL_INVALID_OPERATION error, even if it would not, in fact, alter
              the dimensions or format of the object.

              See external documentation.

       texStorage2D(Target, Levels, Internalformat, Width, Height) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Levels = integer()
                 Internalformat = enum()
                 Width = integer()
                 Height = integer()

              Simultaneously specify  storage  for  all  levels  of  a  two-dimensional  or  one-
              dimensional array texture

              gl:texStorage2D  specifies  the  storage  requirements  for  all  levels  of a two-
              dimensional texture or one-dimensional texture array simultaneously. Once a texture
              is  specified  with  this  command,  the format and dimensions of all levels become
              immutable unless it is a proxy texture. The contents of  the  image  may  still  be
              modified,  however,  its  storage  requirements  may  not change. Such a texture is
              referred to as an immutable-format texture.

              The behavior of gl:texStorage2D depends on the Target  parameter.  When  Target  is
              ?GL_TEXTURE_2D,             ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D,            ?GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE,
              ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE or ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, calling  gl:texStorage2D
              is equivalent, assuming no errors are generated, to executing the following pseudo-
              code: for (i = 0; i < levels; i++) { glTexImage2D(target, i, internalformat, width,
              height,  0,  format,  type,  NULL);  width  =  max(1, (width / 2)); height = max(1,
              (height / 2)); }

              When Target is ?GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, gl:texStorage2D is equivalent to: for (i =  0;
              i  <  levels; i++) { for (face in (+X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z)) { glTexImage2D(face, i,
              internalformat, width, height, 0, format, type, NULL); } width =  max(1,  (width  /
              2)); height = max(1, (height / 2)); }

              When   Target   is   ?GL_TEXTURE_1D  or  ?GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY,  gl:texStorage2D  is
              equivalent  to:  for  (i  =  0;  i  <  levels;  i++)  {   glTexImage2D(target,   i,
              internalformat, width, height, 0, format, type, NULL); width = max(1, (width / 2));

              Since no texture data is actually provided, the values used in the pseudo-code  for
              Format  and  Type  are  irrelevant  and may be considered to be any values that are
              legal for the chosen Internalformat enumerant. Internalformat must be  one  of  the
              sized  internal  formats  given  in Table 1 below, one of the sized depth-component
              or   one   of   the   combined  depth-stencil  formats,  ?GL_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8,  or
              ?GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8.  Upon  success,  the  value  of  ?GL_TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_FORMAT
              becomes  ?GL_TRUE.  The  value of ?GL_TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_FORMAT may be discovered by
              calling gl:getTexParameterfv/2 with Pname set to  ?GL_TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_FORMAT.  No
              further  changes  to  the  dimensions  or format of the texture object may be made.
              Using any command that might alter the dimensions or format of the  texture  object
              (such  as  gl:texImage2D/9  or  another call to gl:texStorage2D) will result in the
              generation of a ?GL_INVALID_OPERATION error, even if it would not, in  fact,  alter
              the dimensions or format of the object.

              See external documentation.

       texStorage3D(Target, Levels, Internalformat, Width, Height, Depth) -> ok


                 Target = enum()
                 Levels = integer()
                 Internalformat = enum()
                 Width = integer()
                 Height = integer()
                 Depth = integer()

              Simultaneously  specify  storage  for  all  levels  of  a  three-dimensional,  two-
              dimensional array or cube-map array texture

              gl:texStorage3D specifies the storage requirements  for  all  levels  of  a  three-
              dimensional, two-dimensional array or cube-map array texture simultaneously. Once a
              texture is specified with this command, the format and  dimensions  of  all  levels
              become  immutable unless it is a proxy texture. The contents of the image may still
              be modified, however, its storage requirements may not change. Such  a  texture  is
              referred to as an immutable-format texture.

              The  behavior  of  gl:texStorage3D  depends on the Target parameter. When Target is
              ?GL_TEXTURE_3D, or ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_3D,  calling  gl:texStorage3D  is  equivalent,
              assuming  no errors are generated, to executing the following pseudo-code: for (i =
              0; i < levels; i++) { glTexImage3D(target, i, internalformat, width, height, depth,
              0, format, type, NULL); width = max(1, (width / 2)); height = max(1, (height / 2));
              depth = max(1, (depth / 2)); }

              When     Target      is      ?GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY,      ?GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY,
              is equivalent to:  for  (i  =  0;  i  <  levels;  i++)  {  glTexImage3D(target,  i,
              internalformat, width, height, depth, 0, format, type, NULL); width = max(1, (width
              / 2)); height = max(1, (height / 2)); }

              Since no texture data is actually provided, the values used in the pseudo-code  for
              Format  and  Type  are  irrelevant  and may be considered to be any values that are
              legal for the chosen Internalformat enumerant. Internalformat must be  one  of  the
              sized  internal  formats  given  in Table 1 below, one of the sized depth-component
              or   one   of   the   combined  depth-stencil  formats,  ?GL_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8,  or
              ?GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8.  Upon  success,  the  value  of  ?GL_TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_FORMAT
              becomes  ?GL_TRUE.  The  value of ?GL_TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_FORMAT may be discovered by
              calling gl:getTexParameterfv/2 with Pname set to  ?GL_TEXTURE_IMMUTABLE_FORMAT.  No
              further  changes  to  the  dimensions  or format of the texture object may be made.
              Using any command that might alter the dimensions or format of the  texture  object
              (such  as  gl:texImage3D/10  or another call to gl:texStorage3D) will result in the
              generation of a ?GL_INVALID_OPERATION error, even if it would not, in  fact,  alter
              the dimensions or format of the object.

              See external documentation.

       depthBoundsEXT(Zmin, Zmax) -> ok


                 Zmin = clamp()
                 Zmax = clamp()


              See external documentation.

       stencilClearTagEXT(StencilTagBits, StencilClearTag) -> ok


                 StencilTagBits = integer()
                 StencilClearTag = integer()


              See external documentation.



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