Provided by: libncarg-dev_6.1.2-7_amd64 bug


       Surface_params - This document briefly describes the Surface internal parameters.


       There are no parameter access routines available for the Surface utility.  Therefore, parameters must be
       set through the common blocks SRFBLK and SRFIP1.

       In order to access the internal parameters, you must declare the following common blocks for the Surface
       parameters in your code.

        COMMON /SRFBLK/ LIMU(1024) ,LIML(1024) ,CL(41)     ,NCL        ,
       1                LL         ,FACT       ,IROT       ,NDRZ       ,
       2                NUPPER     ,NRSWT      ,BIGD       ,UMIN       ,
       3                UMAX       ,VMIN       ,VMAX       ,RZERO      ,
       4                IOFFP      ,NSPVAL     ,SPVAL      ,BIGEST
        COMMON /SRFIP1/ IFR        ,ISTP       ,IROTS      ,IDRX       ,
       1                IDRY       ,IDRZ       ,IUPPER     ,ISKIRT     ,
       2                NCLA       ,THETA      ,HSKIRT     ,CHI        ,
       3                CLO        ,CINC       ,ISPVAL

       Note that not all of the variables declared above are considered user-modifiable parameters.  Definitions
       of only user-modifiable parameters follow:

       IFR         -1   Call FRAME first.
                    0   Do not call FRAME.
                   +1   Call FRAME when done (default).

       ISTP        -1   Draws alternating frames, slightly offset
                        (For movies, IROTS = 0).
                    0   Blank frame between for stereo slide (IROTS = 1)
                   +1   Both on same frame. (left picture to left
                        side. IROTS = 0).

                    0   +Z in vertical plotting direction (CINE mode)
                   +1   +Z in horizontal plotting direction (COMIC mode).

       IDRX        +1   Draw lines of constant X (default).
                    0   Do not.

       IDRY        +1   Draw lines of constant Y (default).
                    0   Do not.

       IDRZ        +1   Draw lines of constant Z (contour lines).
                    0   Do not (default).

       IUPPER      +1   Draw upper side of surface.
                    0   Draw both sides (default).
                   -1   Draw lower side.

       ISKIRT      +1   Draw a skirt around the surface.
                        BOTTOM = HSKIRT.
                    0   Do not (default).

                        Approximate number of levels of constant Z
                        that are drawn if levels are not specified.
                        40 is the maximum and 6 is the default.

                        The angle in radians between eyes for stereo pairs.
                        The default is .02.

                        Height of skirt (if ISKIRT = 1). The default is 0.

                        Highest level of constant Z. The default is 0.

                        Lowest level of constant Z. The default is 0.

                        Increment between levels. The default is 0.

                        Flag to control the use of the special value feature. Do
                        not have both IOFFP=1 and ISKIRT=1.
                    0   Feature not in use (default).
                   +1   Feature in use.  No lines are drawn to data points
                        that are equal to SPVAL.

                        Special value used to mark unknown data when
                        IOFFP=1.  The default is 0.


       Online: surface, ezsrfc, pwrzs, setr, srface.  ncarg_cbind.

       Hardcopy: NCAR Graphics Fundamentals, UNIX Version


       Copyright (C) 1987-2009
       University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
       The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.