Provided by: alliance_5.0-20120515-6_amd64 bug


       al - Alliance logical format


       The  .al  format is the ALLIANCE format for the logical view of a cell. We give below the BNF description
       of the format :

       file ::=

       version ::= 'V ALLIANCE : ' version_number

       header ::= 'H ' name ',' file_type ',' date
          /// name : name of the figure
          /// date : saving file date

       connectors ::= { connector }

       connector ::= 'C ' name ',' connector_direction ','
                     connector_type ',' net_num [list_of_physical_node]

       list_of_physical_node ::= { ',' node_num }

       instances ::= { instance connectors }
          /// An instance is followed by his connectors

       instance ::= 'I ' model_name ',' instance_name

       transistors ::= { transistor }

       transistor ::= 'T' type ',' lenght ',' width ',' drain ','
                      grid ',' source ',' bulk ',' xs ',' xd ',' ps ',' pd
                      ',' x ',' y [ ',' node_drain ',' node_grid ','
                      node_source ',' node_bulk ] ',' trname

          /// drain : number of the net connected to the drain
          /// grid : number of the net connected to the grid
          /// source : number of the net connected to the source
          /// bulk : number of the net connected to the bulk
          /// xs, xd : To compute respectivly the source and
          ///          drain area
          /// ps, pd : perimeter of the source and drain
          /// x, y : coordinate of the transistor in a layout
          /// node_drain : number of the node connected to the drain
          /// node_grid : number of the node connected to the grid
          /// node_source : number of the node connected to the source
          /// node_bulk : number of the node connected to the bulk

       signals ::= { signal }

       signal := sig_index [ { resistance } ] [ { capacitance } ]

       sig_index ::= 'S ' net_num ',' signal_type [ list_of_signal_name ]

       list_of_signal_name ::= { ',' signal_name }

       resistance := 'R ' layer ',' node1 ',' node2 ',' resi ',' capa ','
                     x ',' y ',' dx ',' dy

       capacitance := 'Q ' capa

          /// Each resistance is describe as a resistor beetwen two nodes
          /// connected to the ground with capacitor with a value of capa/2.
          /// Capacitance is the entire capacitance of the net to ground.

       crosstalk_capacitances ::= { crosstalk_capacitance }

       crosstalk_capacitance ::= K capa ',' sig1 ',' node1 ',' sig2 ',' node2

       end_of_file ::= 'EOF'

       version_number ::= number

       file_type ::= 'L'

       date ::= day '/' month '/' year

       connector_direction ::= 'IN' | 'OUT' | 'INOUT' | 'UNKNOWN' |
                               'TRISTATE' | 'TRANSCV'
          /// in : input
          /// out : output
          /// inout : input and output
          /// unknown : no information is available
          /// tristate : tristate output
          /// transcv : tristate output and input

       connector_type ::= 'EXTERNAL' | 'INTERNAL'

       net_num ::= number

       node_num ::= number

       model_name ::= name

       instance_name ::= name

       type ::= 'N' | 'P'

       lenght ::= float

       width ::= float

       drain ::= net_num

       grid ::= net_num

       source ::= net_num

       bulk ::= net_num

       node1 ::= node_num

       node2 ::= node_num

       sig1 ::= net_num

       sig2 ::= net_num

       xs ::= float

       xd ::= float

       ps ::= float

       pd ::= float

       x ::= float

       y ::= float

       dx ::= float

       dy ::= float

       trname :: name

       layer ::= 'X' | 'PY' | 'A1' | 'A2' | 'CY' | 'CN' | 'CP' | 'CV'
                 | 'CW' | 'CA' | 'RE'

       signal_type ::= 'EXTERNAL' | 'INTERNAL'

       capa ::= float

       resi ::= float

       signal_name ::= name

       number ::= { '0' | '1'| '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' |
                    '6' | '7'| '8' | '9' }

       float ::= number [ '.' number ]

       name ::= word


   Example 1
       This example is the representation of a nand whith two input, extracted with Lynx at transistor level.

       V ALLIANCE : 6
       H na2_y,L,29/ 3/99
       C vss,UNKNOWN,EXTERNAL,2,1,9
       C vdd,UNKNOWN,EXTERNAL,1,9,13
       C i1,UNKNOWN,EXTERNAL,6,1,8
       C i0,UNKNOWN,EXTERNAL,5,2,8
       C f,UNKNOWN,EXTERNAL,3,1,11
       T P,1,12,1,5,3,1,2,2,28,28,17,32.5,4,3,7,3,tr_00004
       T P,1,12,3,6,1,1,2,2,28,28,11,32.5,7,7,1,2,tr_00003
       T N,1,12,3,5,4,2,2,2,28,28,17,12.5,3,1,1,8,tr_00002
       T N,1,12,4,6,2,2,2,2,28,28,11,12.5,1,2,2,5,tr_00001
       S 6,EXTERNAL,i1
       Q 0.020455
       W 4,3,CV,0,0,7.2,17.6,0,0
       W 6,5,CV,0,0,6.4,22.4,0,0
       W 5,8,A2,0.4,0.00408,6.4,22.4,1.6,13.6
       W 1,5,A2,0.6,0.006,6.4,2.4,1.6,20
       W 3,6,A1,0.3,0.00168,6.4,17.6,1.6,4.8
       W 4,7,PY,500,0.00315,8.8,17.6,0.8,8.4
       W 2,4,PY,450,0.00285,8.8,10,0.8,7.6
       S 5,EXTERNAL,i0
       Q 0.020455
       W 5,4,CV,0,0,15.2,17.6,0,0
       W 7,6,CV,0,0,16,22.4,0,0
       W 6,8,A2,0.4,0.00408,16,22.4,1.6,13.6
       W 2,6,A2,0.6,0.006,16,2.4,1.6,20
       W 4,7,A1,0.3,0.00168,16,17.6,1.6,4.8
       W 5,3,PY,500,0.00315,13.6,17.6,0.8,8.4
       W 1,5,PY,450,0.00285,13.6,10,0.8,7.6
       S 4,INTERNAL
       Q 0
       S 3,EXTERNAL,f
       Q 0.021985
       W 3,4,CV,0,0,16,10.4,0,0
       W 6,5,CV,0,0,11.2,17.6,0,0
       W 8,7,CV,0,0,11.2,23.2,0,0
       W 9,7,CV,0,0,11.2,28,0,0
       W 5,11,A2,0.55,0.00552,11.2,17.6,1.6,18.4
       W 1,5,A2,0.45,0.00456,11.2,2.4,1.6,15.2
       W 10,9,A1,0.2,0.00126,11.2,24.4,1.6,3.6
       W 8,10,A1,0,0.00042,11.2,23.2,1.6,1.2
       W 6,8,A1,0.7,0.00161,11.2,17.6,0.8,5.6
       W 2,6,A1,0.9,0.00207,11.2,10.4,0.8,7.2
       W 2,4,A1,0.6,0.00138,11.2,10.4,4.8,0.8
       S 2,EXTERNAL,vss
       Q 0.0245
       W 4,3,CV,0,0,6.4,1.6,0,0
       W 7,6,CV,0,0,11.2,1.6,0,0
       W 11,10,CV,0,0,16,1.6,0,0
       W 3,2,CV,0,0,6.4,6.4,0,0
       W 12,2,CV,0,0,6.4,10.4,0,0
       W 3,12,A1,0.4,0.00224,6.4,4,1.6,6.4
       W 10,9,A1,0,0.00174,16,4,2.4,6.4
       W 6,10,A1,0,0.00348,11.2,4,4.8,6.4
       W 3,6,A1,0,0.00348,6.4,4,4.8,6.4
       W 1,3,A1,0,0.00174,4,4,2.4,6.4
       S 1,EXTERNAL,vdd
       Q 0.02846
       W 5,1,CV,0,0,6.4,26.4,0,0
       W 6,4,CV,0,0,16,26.4,0,0
       W 7,1,CV,0,0,6.4,29.6,0,0
       W 8,4,CV,0,0,16,29.6,0,0
       W 14,10,CV,0,0,6.4,36,0,0
       W 15,11,CV,0,0,11.2,36,0,0
       W 16,12,CV,0,0,16,36,0,0
       W 7,10,A1,0.3,0.00168,6.4,29.6,1.6,4.8
       W 5,7,A1,0.2,0.00112,6.4,26.4,1.6,3.2
       W 8,12,A1,0.3,0.00168,16,29.6,1.6,4.8
       W 6,8,A1,0.2,0.00112,16,26.4,1.6,3.2
       W 12,13,A1,0,0.00174,16,34.4,2.4,6.4
       W 9,10,A1,0,0.00174,4,34.4,2.4,6.4
       W 11,12,A1,0,0.00348,11.2,36,4.8,6.4
       W 10,11,A1,0,0.00348,6.4,36,4.8,6.4
       K 0.00213,1,1,2,1
       K 0.00454,5,6,2,1
       K 0.00199,6,8,2,1

   Example 2
       This example is a xor designed with three cells.

       V ALLIANCE : 6
       H gxor,L,29/ 3/99
       C vss,UNKNOWN,EXTERNAL,4,1,2,9,10
       C vdd,UNKNOWN,EXTERNAL,6,1,2,10,3
       I ndrvp_y,auxsc3
       C vss,UNKNOWN,INTERNAL,4,8,9
       C vdd,UNKNOWN,INTERNAL,6,9,10
       C i,UNKNOWN,INTERNAL,5,4,9
       C f,UNKNOWN,INTERNAL,7,8,12
       I mx2_y,s
       C vss,UNKNOWN,INTERNAL,4,4,8
       C vdd,UNKNOWN,INTERNAL,6,5,9
       C t,UNKNOWN,INTERNAL,8,1,3
       C l1,UNKNOWN,INTERNAL,7,1,11
       C l0,UNKNOWN,INTERNAL,2,4,8
       C i1,UNKNOWN,INTERNAL,3,11,13
       C i0,UNKNOWN,INTERNAL,5,1,8
       I ndrvp_y,auxsc1
       C vss,UNKNOWN,INTERNAL,4,2,3
       C vdd,UNKNOWN,INTERNAL,6,2,4
       C i,UNKNOWN,INTERNAL,3,10,12
       C f,UNKNOWN,INTERNAL,2,1,7
       S 8,EXTERNAL,s
       Q 0.0072
       W 2,1,A2,0.55,0.00528,79.2,0,1.6,17.6
       S 7,INTERNAL,auxsc3
       Q 0.02142
       W 3,2,CV,0,0,64.8,8.8,0,0
       W 5,4,CV,0,0,74.4,8.8,0,0
       W 7,6,CV,0,0,74.4,12.8,0,0
       W 10,9,CV,0,0,88.8,12.8,0,0
       W 9,8,A2,0.15,0.00144,88.8,12.8,1.6,4.8
       W 6,10,A1,1.8,0.00414,74.4,12.8,14.4,0.8
       W 4,7,A2,0.1,0.0012,74.4,8.8,1.6,4
       W 2,1,A2,0.25,0.00264,64.8,8.8,1.6,8.8
       W 3,5,A1,1.2,0.00276,64.8,8.8,9.6,0.8
       S 6,EXTERNAL,vdd
       Q 0.05453
       W 7,6,CV,0,0,37.6,48,0,0
       W 8,6,CV,0,0,37.6,51.2,0,0
       W 6,5,A1,0.1,0.00754,37.6,49.6,10.4,6.4
       W 4,6,A1,0,0.0029,33.6,49.6,4,6.4
       W 8,3,A2,0.05,0.00203,37.6,51.2,3.2,5.6
       W 7,8,A2,0.05,0.00116,37.6,48,3.2,3.2
       W 1,7,A2,0.75,0.0174,37.6,0,3.2,48
       S 5,EXTERNAL,b
       Q 0.02922
       W 3,2,CV,0,0,50.4,4.8,0,0
       W 7,6,CV,0,0,98.4,4.8,0,0
       W 6,4,A2,0.4,0.00384,98.4,4.8,1.6,12.8
       W 5,6,A2,0.15,0.00144,98.4,0,1.6,4.8
       W 2,1,A2,0.4,0.00384,50.4,4.8,1.6,12.8
       W 3,7,A1,6,0.0138,50.4,4.8,48,0.8
       S 4,EXTERNAL,vss
       Q 0.05453
       W 6,5,CV,0,0,44,17.6,0,0
       W 6,7,CV,0,0,44,20.8,0,0
       W 7,10,A2,0.55,0.01305,44,20.8,3.2,36
       W 1,5,A2,0.25,0.00638,44,0,3.2,17.6
       W 5,7,A2,0.05,0.00116,44,17.6,3.2,3.2
       W 6,4,A1,0,0.0029,44,19.2,4,6.4
       W 3,6,A1,0.1,0.00754,33.6,19.2,10.4,6.4
       S 3,EXTERNAL,a
       Q 0.03282
       W 3,2,CV,0,0,16.8,8.8,0,0
       W 5,4,CV,0,0,60,8.8,0,0
       W 7,6,CV,0,0,60,12.8,0,0
       W 9,8,CV,0,0,69.6,12.8,0,0
       W 8,11,A2,0.15,0.00144,69.6,12.8,1.6,4.8
       W 6,9,A1,1.2,0.00276,60,12.8,9.6,0.8
       W 4,7,A2,0.1,0.0012,60,8.8,1.6,4
       W 2,10,A2,0.25,0.00264,16.8,8.8,1.6,8.8
       W 1,2,A2,0.25,0.00264,16.8,0,1.6,8.8
       W 3,5,A1,5.4,0.01242,16.8,8.8,43.2,0.8
       S 2,INTERNAL,auxsc1
       Q 0.0225
       W 3,2,CV,0,0,7.2,12.8,0,0
       W 6,5,CV,0,0,55.2,12.8,0,0
       W 5,4,A2,0.15,0.00144,55.2,12.8,1.6,4.8
       W 2,1,A2,0.15,0.00144,7.2,12.8,1.6,4.8
       W 3,6,A1,6,0.0138,7.2,12.8,48,0.8
       S 1,INTERNAL,implicit
       Q 0

