trusty (5) collectd-java.5.gz

Provided by: collectd-core_5.4.0-3ubuntu2.2_amd64 bug


       collectd-java - Documentation of collectd's "java plugin"


        LoadPlugin "java"
        <Plugin "java">
          JVMArg "-verbose:jni"
          JVMArg "-Djava.class.path=/opt/collectd/lib/collectd/bindings/java"

          LoadPlugin ""
          <Plugin "">
            # To be parsed by the plugin


       The Java plugin embeds a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) into collectd and provides a Java interface to part
       of collectd's API. This makes it possible to write additions to the daemon in Java.

       This plugin is similar in nature to, but shares no code with, the Perl plugin by Sebastian Harl, see
       collectd-perl(5) for details.


       A short outline of this plugin's configuration can be seen in "SYNOPSIS" above. For a complete list of
       all configuration options and their semantics please read "Plugin "java"" in collectd.conf(5).


       When writing additions for collectd in Java, the underlying C base is mostly hidden from you. All complex
       data types are converted to their Java counterparts before they're passed to your functions. These Java
       classes reside in the org.collectd.api namespace.

       The Java plugin will create one object of each class configured with the LoadPlugin option. The
       constructor of this class can then register "callback methods", i. e. methods that will be called by the
       daemon when appropriate.

       The available classes are:

           All API functions exported to Java are implemented as static functions of this class. See "EXPORTED
           API FUNCTIONS" below.

           Corresponds to "oconfig_value_t", defined in src/liboconfig/oconfig.h.

           Corresponds to "oconfig_item_t", defined in src/liboconfig/oconfig.h.

           Corresponds to "data_source_t", defined in src/plugin.h.

           Corresponds to "data_set_t", defined in src/plugin.h.

           Corresponds to "value_list_t", defined in src/plugin.h.

           Corresponds to "notification_t", defined in src/plugin.h.

       In the remainder of this document, we'll use the short form of these names, for example ValueList. In
       order to be able to use these abbreviated names, you need to import the classes.


       All collectd API functions that are available to Java plugins are implemented as public static functions
       of the Collectd class. This makes calling these functions pretty straight forward. For example, to send
       an error message to the daemon, you'd do something like this:

         Collectd.logError ("That wasn't chicken!");

       The following are the currently exported functions.

       Signature: int registerConfig (String name, CollectdConfigInterface object);

       Registers the config function of object with the daemon.

       Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.

       See "config callback" below.

       Signature: int registerInit (String name, CollectdInitInterface object);

       Registers the init function of object with the daemon.

       Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.

       See "init callback" below.

       Signature: int registerRead (String name, CollectdReadInterface object)

       Registers the read function of object with the daemon.

       Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.

       See "read callback" below.

       Signature: int registerWrite (String name, CollectdWriteInterface object)

       Registers the write function of object with the daemon.

       Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.

       See "write callback" below.

       Signature: int registerFlush (String name, CollectdFlushInterface object)

       Registers the flush function of object with the daemon.

       Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.

       See "flush callback" below.

       Signature: int registerShutdown (String name, CollectdShutdownInterface object);

       Registers the shutdown function of object with the daemon.

       Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.

       See "shutdown callback" below.

       Signature: int registerLog (String name, CollectdLogInterface object);

       Registers the log function of object with the daemon.

       Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.

       See "log callback" below.

       Signature: int registerNotification (String name, CollectdNotificationInterface object);

       Registers the notification function of object with the daemon.

       Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.

       See "notification callback" below.

       Signature: int registerMatch (String name, CollectdMatchFactoryInterface object);

       Registers the createMatch function of object with the daemon.

       Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.

       See "match callback" below.

       Signature: int registerTarget (String name, CollectdTargetFactoryInterface object);

       Registers the createTarget function of object with the daemon.

       Returns zero upon success and non-zero when an error occurred.

       See "target callback" below.

       Signature: int dispatchValues (ValueList)

       Passes the values represented by the ValueList object to the "plugin_dispatch_values" function of the
       daemon. The "data set" (or list of "data sources") associated with the object are ignored, because
       "plugin_dispatch_values" will automatically lookup the required data set. It is therefore absolutely okay
       to leave this blank.

       Returns zero upon success or non-zero upon failure.

       Signature: DataSet getDS (String)

       Returns the appropriate type or null if the type is not defined.

       Signature: void logError (String)

       Sends a log message with severity ERROR to the daemon.

       Signature: void logWarning (String)

       Sends a log message with severity WARNING to the daemon.

       Signature: void logNotice (String)

       Sends a log message with severity NOTICE to the daemon.

       Signature: void logInfo (String)

       Sends a log message with severity INFO to the daemon.

       Signature: void logDebug (String)

       Sends a log message with severity DEBUG to the daemon.


       When starting up, collectd creates an object of each configured class. The constructor of this class
       should then register "callbacks" with the daemon, using the appropriate static functions in Collectd, see
       "EXPORTED API FUNCTIONS" above. To register a callback, the object being passed to one of the register
       functions must implement an appropriate interface, which are all in the org.collectd.api namespace.

       A constructor may register any number of these callbacks, even none. An object without callback methods
       is never actively called by collectd, but may still call the exported API functions. One could, for
       example, start a new thread in the constructor and dispatch (submit to the daemon) values asynchronously,
       whenever one is available.

       Each callback method is now explained in more detail:

   config callback
       Interface: org.collectd.api.CollectdConfigInterface

       Signature: int config (OConfigItem ci)

       This method is passed a OConfigItem object, if both, method and configuration, are available. OConfigItem
       is the root of a tree representing the configuration for this plugin. The root itself is the
       representation of the <Plugin /> block, so in next to all cases the children of the root are the first
       interesting objects.

       To signal success, this method has to return zero. Anything else will be considered an error condition
       and the plugin will be disabled entirely.

       See "registerConfig" above.

   init callback
       Interface: org.collectd.api.CollectdInitInterface

       Signature: int init ()

       This method is called after the configuration has been handled. It is supposed to set up the plugin.
       e. g. start threads, open connections, or check if can do anything useful at all.

       To signal success, this method has to return zero. Anything else will be considered an error condition
       and the plugin will be disabled entirely.

       See "registerInit" above.

   read callback
       Interface: org.collectd.api.CollectdReadInterface

       Signature: int read ()

       This method is called periodically and is supposed to gather statistics in whatever fashion. These
       statistics are represented as a ValueList object and sent to the daemon using dispatchValues.

       To signal success, this method has to return zero. Anything else will be considered an error condition
       and cause an appropriate message to be logged.  Currently, returning non-zero does not have any other
       effects. In particular, Java "read"-methods are not suspended for increasing intervals like C

       See "registerRead" above.

   write callback
       Interface: org.collectd.api.CollectdWriteInterface

       Signature: int write (ValueList vl)

       This method is called whenever a value is dispatched to the daemon. The corresponding C "write"-functions
       are passed a "data_set_t", so they can decide which values are absolute values (gauge) and which are
       counter values.  To get the corresponding "List<DataSource>", call the getDataSource method of the
       ValueList object.

       To signal success, this method has to return zero. Anything else will be considered an error condition
       and cause an appropriate message to be logged.

       See "registerWrite" above.

   flush callback
       Interface: org.collectd.api.CollectdFlushInterface

       Signature: int flush (int timeout, String identifier)

       This method is called when the daemon received a flush command. This can either be done using the "USR1"
       signal (see collectd(1)) or using the unixsock plugin (see collectd-unixsock(5)).

       If timeout is greater than zero, only values older than this number of seconds should be flushed. To
       signal that all values should be flushed regardless of age, this argument is set to a negative number.

       The identifier specifies which value should be flushed. If it is not possible to flush one specific
       value, flush all values. To signal that all values should be flushed, this argument is set to null.

       To signal success, this method has to return zero. Anything else will be considered an error condition
       and cause an appropriate message to be logged.

       See "registerFlush" above.

   shutdown callback
       Interface: org.collectd.api.CollectdShutdownInterface

       Signature: int shutdown ()

       This method is called when the daemon is shutting down. You should not rely on the destructor to clean up
       behind the object but use this function instead.

       To signal success, this method has to return zero. Anything else will be considered an error condition
       and cause an appropriate message to be logged.

       See "registerShutdown" above.

   log callback
       Interface: org.collectd.api.CollectdLogInterface

       Signature: void log (int severity, String message)

       This callback can be used to receive log messages from the daemon.

       The argument severity is one of:

       •   org.collectd.api.Collectd.LOG_ERR

       •   org.collectd.api.Collectd.LOG_WARNING

       •   org.collectd.api.Collectd.LOG_NOTICE

       •   org.collectd.api.Collectd.LOG_INFO

       •   org.collectd.api.Collectd.LOG_DEBUG

       The function does not return any value.

       See "registerLog" above.

   notification callback
       Interface: org.collectd.api.CollectdNotificationInterface

       Signature: int notification (Notification n)

       This callback can be used to receive notifications from the daemon.

       To signal success, this method has to return zero. Anything else will be considered an error condition
       and cause an appropriate message to be logged.

       See "registerNotification" above.

   match callback
       The match (and target, see "target callback" below) callbacks work a bit different from the other
       callbacks above: You don't register a match callback with the daemon directly, but you register a
       function which, when called, creates an appropriate object. The object creating the "match" objects is
       called "match factory".

       See "registerMatch" above.

       Factory object

       Interface: org.collectd.api.CollectdMatchFactoryInterface

       Signature: CollectdMatchInterface createMatch (OConfigItem ci);

       Called by the daemon to create "match" objects.

       Returns: A new object which implements the CollectdMatchInterface interface.

       Match object

       Interface: org.collectd.api.CollectdMatchInterface

       Signature: int match (DataSet ds, ValueList vl);

       Called when processing a chain to determine whether or not a ValueList matches. How values are matches is
       up to the implementing class.

       Has to return one of:

       •   Collectd.FC_MATCH_NO_MATCHCollectd.FC_MATCH_MATCHES

   target callback
       The target (and match, see "match callback" above) callbacks work a bit different from the other
       callbacks above: You don't register a target callback with the daemon directly, but you register a
       function which, when called, creates an appropriate object. The object creating the "target" objects is
       called "target factory".

       See "registerTarget" above.

       Factory object

       Interface: org.collectd.api.CollectdTargetFactoryInterface

       Signature: CollectdTargetInterface createTarget (OConfigItem ci);

       Called by the daemon to create "target" objects.

       Returns: A new object which implements the CollectdTargetInterface interface.

       Target object

       Interface: org.collectd.api.CollectdTargetInterface

       Signature: int invoke (DataSet ds, ValueList vl);

       Called when processing a chain to perform some action. The action performed is up to the implementing

       Has to return one of:



       This short example demonstrates how to register a read callback with the daemon:

         import org.collectd.api.Collectd;
         import org.collectd.api.ValueList;

         import org.collectd.api.CollectdReadInterface;

         public class Foobar implements CollectdReadInterface
           public Foobar ()
             Collectd.registerRead ("Foobar", this);

           public int read ()
             ValueList vl;

             /* Do something... */

             Collectd.dispatchValues (vl);


       The following plugins are implemented in Java. Both, the LoadPlugin option and the Plugin block must be
       inside the <Plugin java> block (see above).

   GenericJMX plugin
       The GenericJMX plugin reads Managed Beans (MBeans) from an MBeanServer using JMX. JMX is a generic
       framework to provide and query various management information. The interface is used by Java processes to
       provide internal statistics as well as by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to provide information about the
       memory used, threads and so on.

       The configuration of the GenericJMX plugin consists of two blocks: MBean blocks that define a mapping of
       MBean attributes to the XtypesX used by collectd, and Connection blocks which define the parameters
       needed to connect to an MBeanServer and what data to collect. The configuration of the SNMP plugin is
       similar in nature, in case you know it.

       MBean blocks

       MBean blocks specify what data is retrieved from MBeans and how that data is mapped on the collectd data
       types. The block requires one string argument, a name. This name is used in the Connection blocks (see
       below) to refer to a specific MBean block. Therefore, the names must be unique.

       The following options are recognized within MBean blocks:

       ObjectName pattern
           Sets the pattern which is used to retrieve MBeans from the MBeanServer.  If more than one MBean is
           returned you should use the InstanceFrom option (see below) to make the identifiers unique.

           See also: <>

       InstancePrefix prefix
           Prefixes the generated plugin instance with prefix. (optional)

       InstanceFrom property
           The object names used by JMX to identify MBeans include so called XpropertiesX which are basically
           key-value-pairs. If the given object name is not unique and multiple MBeans are returned, the values
           of those properties usually differ. You can use this option to build the plugin instance from the
           appropriate property values. This option is optional and may be repeated to generate the plugin
           instance from multiple property values.

       <value /> blocks
           The value blocks map one or more attributes of an MBean to a value list in collectd. There must be at
           least one Value block within each MBean block.

           Type type
               Sets the data set used within collectd to handle the values of the MBean attribute.

           InstancePrefix prefix
               Works like the option of the same name directly beneath the MBean block, but sets the type
               instance instead. (optional)

           InstanceFrom prefix
               Works like the option of the same name directly beneath the MBean block, but sets the type
               instance instead. (optional)

           Table true|false
               Set this to true if the returned attribute is a composite type. If set to true, the keys within
               the composite type is appended to the type instance.

           Attribute path
               Sets the name of the attribute from which to read the value. You can access the keys of composite
               types by using a dot to concatenate the key name to the attribute name. For example:
               Xattrib0.key42X. If Table is set to true path must point to a composite type, otherwise it must
               point to a numeric type.

       Connection blocks

       Connection blocks specify how to connect to an MBeanServer and what data to retrieve. The following
       configuration options are available:

       Host name
           Host name used when dispatching the values to collectd. The option sets this field only, it is not
           used to connect to anything and doesn't need to be a real, resolvable name.

       ServiceURL URL
           Specifies how the MBeanServer can be reached. Any string accepted by the JMXServiceURL is valid.

           See also: <>

       User name
           Use name to authenticate to the server. If not configured, XmonitorRoleX will be used.

       Password password
           Use password to authenticate to the server. If not given, unauthenticated access is used.

       InstancePrefix prefix
           Prefixes the generated plugin instance with prefix. If a second InstancePrefix is specified in a
           referenced MBean block, the prefix specified in the Connection block will appear at the beginning of
           the plugin instance, the prefix specified in the MBean block will be appended to it.

       Collect mbean_block_name
           Configures which of the MBean blocks to use with this connection. May be repeated to collect multiple
           MBeans from this server.


       collectd(1), collectd.conf(5), collectd-perl(5), types.db(5)


       Florian Forster <octo at>