trusty (5) task-sync.5.gz

Provided by: task_2.2.0-3_amd64 bug


       task-sync - A tutorial for the task(1) data synchronization capabilities.


       Taskwarrior  has built-in support for synchronization, which can be used to keep two task databases up to
       date, regardless of which one is used.  This capability can also be used to keep a backup  copy  of  your
       task database on another machine.

       Taskwarrior can use various protocols for transferring the data.


       If you were to manually attempt to keep two separate task databases up to date, you would need to inspect
       both databases, and detect changes that occurred in each one.  Those changes would need to be migrated to
       the  other  database, while being careful not to miss a change, and not to confuse an 'add' in one with a
       'delete' in the other.

       The synchronization feature does just this.  It can transfer task databases,  compare  tasks,  and  apply
       changes where necessary.


       Taskwarrior  has  'pull',  'push'  and  'merge'  commands which perform the steps necessary to move files
       around and combine them.  In the common use case, you would only need to use the 'merge' command.   These
       commands take an argument that is a URI, which indicates where the remote database resides.

       To  be  clear,  the  local  database always refers to your ~/.task directory (unless overridden), and the
       remote database is always specified by URI.


       The merge command will fetch task data via URI and combine it with the local task database.   The  syntax

              task merge [<URI>]

       The  URI  is  optional  if  the  merge.default.uri configuration variable is set.  The URI may point to a
       different directory, or it may be a different computer.  Here is an example of the merge command:

              $ task merge ~/work/

       This URI (~/work/) is a path name, which means the remote database is on the same computer.   Taskwarrior
       will fetch the data from the URI, and merge it with your local data in ~/.task.

       When  complete,  you  will  be  asked whether you would like to push the combined data back to the remote
       location specified by the URI.  This is useful if you are keeping two task databases synchronized, but it
       can be turned off.  See CONFIGURATION.

       Note  that a merge operation is not atomically reversible.  You could however run the 'task undo' command
       repeatedly to undo the effects.


       The push command will copy the local task database to the specified URI.  The syntax is:

              task push [<URI>]

       The URI is optional if the push.default.uri configuration variable is set.  This command  is  useful  for
       making backup copies of your task database.

       Note that the task files at the location specified by the URI are simply overwritten, so don't expect any
       merging to occur.  Misused, push can be dangerous.


       The pull command will copy a task database from a URI to the local task database  (~/.task  by  default).
       The syntax is:

              task pull [<URI>]

       The  URI  is  optional if the pull.default.uri configuration variable is set.  This command is useful for
       restoring a backup copy of your task database.

       Note that your local task database files will be simply  overwritten  by  the  files  obtained  from  the
       location specified by the URI, so don't expect any merging to occur.  Misused, pull can be dangerous.


       The most basic URI is a path name on the local machine.  An example would be:


       All  the  other  URIs  allow  access  to remote machines.  The first uses SSH and scp (either form can be


       In both cases paths are considered to be absolute. You can specify  paths  relative  to  the  users  home
       directory as follows:


       or even shorter


       Remark:  Since  taskwarrior simply calls the scp binary you can specify very much anything that scp would
       accept, e.g. host configurations from ~/.ssh/config or ~username expansion:


       Rsync is another supported protocol that minimizes network traffic, by a clever  algorithm  that  doesn't
       copy files that have not changed:


       Curl supports several protocols that can transfer data using HTTP, HTTPS and FTP:


       You  can  use single quotes to encapsulate user names that contain delimiting characters like '@', '/' or
       ':', e.g.:


       Remember to escape the quotes on your shell:

              $ task push ftp://´user@name´:host/


       When modifications on the local and remote machine conflict, for example  if  both  machines  change  the
       project name of the same task to different values, then Taskwarrior automatically selects the most recent
       change.  Thus, there are no conflicts.

EXAMPLE - Backup on another machine

       One very good use of 'push' is to make backup copies of your task database in another location.   Suppose
       your  task database is kept in the usual place, in the ~/.task directory, and you wanted to make a backup
       copy in ~/backup.  You would use this command:

              $ task push ~/backup/

       This would copy the files in ~/.task to ~/backup, overwriting the files that were  already  in  ~/backup.
       To backup your files to another machine, you could use:

              $ task push user@host:backup

       This  could  be  improved  by setting the push.default.uri configuration variable and then relying on the
       default, like this:

              $ task config push.default.uri user@host:backup

       and then you need only run the push command:

              $ task push

       and the default push URI will be used.  If you wanted to restore  a  backup,  you  simply  use  the  pull
       command instead:

              $ task pull user@host:backup

       This  can  be  simplified  by setting the pull.default.uri configuration variable and then relying on the
       default, like this:

              $ task config pull.default.uri user@host:backup

       Note that pull and push will blindly overwrite the task files without any merging.  Be careful.

EXAMPLE - Keeping two task databases synchronized

       The most common synchronization will be to keep two task databases synchronized  on  different  machines.
       Here is a full example, including setup that illustrates this.

       Suppose  there are two machines, named 'local' and 'remote', for simplicity.  Taskwarrior is installed on
       both machines.  The different machines are indicated here by the prompt.  Suppose Alice enters two  tasks
       on her local machine:

              local> task add Deliver the new budget proposal due:tuesday
              local> task add Set up a meeting with Bob

       Then later adds a task on the remote machine:

              remote> task add Present the budget proposal at the big meeting due:thursday

       Now on the local machine, Alice merges the two task databases:

              local> task merge alice@remote:.task
              Would you like to push the changes to 'alice@remote:.task'?  Y

       Taskwarrior  has  combined  the two task databases on local, then pushed the changes back to remote.  Now
       suppose Alice changes the due date for task 1 on remote:

              remote> task 1 due:wednesday

       Now on the local machine, Alice sets up a default URI and autopush:

              local> task config merge.default.uri alice@remote:.task
              local> task config merge.autopush yes

       Now Alice can simply run merge to make sure that the new due date is copied to the local machine:

              local> task merge

       This time the URI is determined automatically, and after the merge the  files  are  pushed  back  to  the
       remote  machine.   In  a  similar  way, the remote machine can also be configured to merge from the local
       machine and push back to it.  Then it is just a matter of Alice remembering to merge now and  then,  from
       either machine, to have her data in two (or even more) places.


       By  setting  these  configuration  variables, it is possible to simplify the synchronization commands, by
       relying on the defaults or alias names.

              This controls whether the automatic push after a merge is performed, not performed, or whether the
              user is asked every time.  The default value is 'ask'.

              Sets a default URI so that just the 'task merge' command be run without the need to retype the URI
              every  time.  You  can  also  use  this  configuration  scheme  to  set  alias  names,  e.g.   set
              merge.desktop.uri and run 'task merge desktop'.

              Sets  a default URI so that just the 'task push' command be run without the need to retype the URI
              every  time.  You  can  also  use  this  configuration  scheme  to  set  alias  names,  e.g.   set
              push.desktop.uri and run 'task push desktop'.

              Sets  a default URI so that just the 'task pull' command be run without the need to retype the URI
              every  time.  You  can  also  use  this  configuration  scheme  to  set  alias  names,  e.g.   set
              pull.desktop.uri and run 'task pull desktop'.

       Note  that,  when  using  SSH/scp,  hostnames  will  be  expanded  due  to  the  ssh  configuration  file


       Depending on the URI protocols used, the utilities 'scp',  'rsync'  and  'curl'  must  be  installed  and
       accessible via the $PATH environment variable.

       If  you  have deleted your ~/.task/ file to save space, you will be unable to merge.  The change
       transactions stored in the file are used for synchronization.


       Copyright (C) 2006 - 2013 P. Beckingham, F. Hernandez.

       The sync capabilities were written by J. Schlatow.  Parts copyright (C) 2010 - 2013 J. Schlatow.

       Taskwarrior is distributed under the MIT license. See
       for more information.


       task(1), taskrc(5), task-faq(5), task-color(5), task-tutorial(5), ssh_config(5)

       For more information regarding task, the following may be referenced:

       The official site at

       The official code repository at

       You can contact the project by writing an email to


       Bugs in task may be reported to the issue-tracker at