trusty (7) vcl.7.gz

Provided by: varnish_3.0.5-2ubuntu0.1_amd64 bug


       VCL - Varnish Configuration Language


       The  VCL  language is a small domain-specific language designed to be used to define request handling and
       document caching policies for Varnish Cache.

       When a new configuration is loaded, the varnishd management process translates the  VCL  code  to  C  and
       compiles it to a shared object which is then dynamically linked into the server process.


       The  VCL  syntax  is  very simple, and deliberately similar to C and Perl.  Blocks are delimited by curly
       braces, statements end with semicolons, and comments may be written as in C, C++  or  Perl  according  to
       your own preferences.

       In  addition  to the C-like assignment (=), comparison (==, !=) and boolean (!, && and ||) operators, VCL
       supports both regular expression and ACL matching using the ~ and the !~ operators.

       Basic strings are enclosed in " ... ", and may not contain newlines.

       Long strings are enclosed in {" ... "}. They may contain any character including  ",  newline  and  other
       control characters except for the NUL (0x00) character.

       Unlike  C  and  Perl,  the  backslash () character has no special meaning in strings in VCL, so it can be
       freely used in regular expressions without doubling.

       Strings are concatenated using the '+' operator.

       Assignments are introduced with the set keyword.  There are no user-defined variables; values can only be
       assigned to variables attached to backend, request or document objects.  Most of these are typed, and the
       values assigned to them must have a compatible unit suffix.

       You can use the set keyword to arbitrary HTTP headers. You can remove headers with the  remove  or  unset
       keywords, which are synonym.

       You can use the rollback keyword to revert any changes to req at any time.

       The synthetic keyword is used to produce a synthetic response body in vcl_error. It takes a single string
       as argument.

       You can force a crash of the client process with the panic keyword.  panic takes a string as argument.

       The return(action) keyword terminates the subroutine. action can be, depending on context one of

       • deliver

       • error

       • fetch

       • hash

       • hit_for_pass

       • lookup

       • ok

       • pass

       • pipe

       • restart

       Please see the list of subroutines to see what return actions are available where.

       VCL has if tests, but no loops.

       The contents of another VCL file may be inserted at any point in the code by using  the  include  keyword
       followed by the name of the other file as a quoted string.

   Backend declarations
       A backend declaration creates and initializes a named backend object:

          backend www {
            .host = "";
            .port = "http";

       The backend object can later be used to select a backend at request time:

          if ( ~ "(?i)^(www.)?$") {
            set req.backend = www;

       To  avoid  overloading  backend  servers,  .max_connections  can  be  set  to limit the maximum number of
       concurrent backend connections.

       The timeout parameters can be  overridden  in  the  backend  declaration.   The  timeout  parameters  are
       .connect_timeout  for the time to wait for a backend connection, .first_byte_timeout for the time to wait
       for the first byte from the backend and .between_bytes_timeout for time to  wait  between  each  received

       These can be set in the declaration like this:

          backend www {
            .host = "";
            .port = "http";
            .connect_timeout = 1s;
            .first_byte_timeout = 5s;
            .between_bytes_timeout = 2s;

       To  mark  a  backend  as  unhealthy  after  number  of  items  have  been  added  to  its  saintmode list
       .saintmode_threshold can be set to the maximum list size. Setting  a  value  of  0  disables  saint  mode
       checking entirely for that backend.  The value in the backend declaration overrides the parameter.

       A director is a logical group of backend servers clustered together for redundancy. The basic role of the
       director is to let Varnish choose a backend server amongst several so if one is down another can be used.

       There are several types of directors. The different director types use  different  algorithms  to  choose
       which backend to use.

       Configuring a director may look like this:

          director b2 random {
            .retries = 5;
              // We can refer to named backends
              .backend = b1;
              .weight  = 7;
              // Or define them inline
              .backend  = {
                .host = "fs2";
            .weight         = 3;

   The family of random directors
       There are three directors that share the same logic, called the random director, client director and hash
       director. They each distribute traffic among the backends assigned to  it  using  a  random  distribution
       seeded  with  either  the  client identity, a random number or the cache hash (typically url). Beyond the
       initial seed, they act the same.

       Each backend requires a .weight option which sets the amount of traffic each backend will get compared to
       the  others.  Equal  weight  means  equal  traffic.  A  backend  with lower weight than an other will get
       proportionally less traffic.

       The director has an optional .retries option which defaults to the number of backends the  director  has.
       The  director  will  attempt  .retries  times  to find a healthy backend if the first attempt fails. Each
       attempt re-uses the previous seed in an iterative manner. For the random director this detail  is  of  no
       importance  as it will give different results each time. For the hash and client director, this means the
       same URL or the same client will fail to the same server consistently.

   The random director
       This uses a random number to seed the backend selection.

   The client director
       The client director picks a backend based  on  the  clients  identity.  You  can  set  the  VCL  variable
       client.identity to identify the client by picking up the value of a session cookie or similar.

   The hash director
       The hash director will pick a backend based on the URL hash value.

       This  is  useful  is  you are using Varnish to load balance in front of other Varnish caches or other web
       accelerators as objects won't be duplicated across caches.

       It will use the value of req.hash, just as the normal cache lookup methods.

   The round-robin director
       The round-robin director does not take any options.

       It will use the first backend for the first request, the second backend for the second request and so on,
       and start from the top again when it gets to the end.

       If a backend is unhealthy or Varnish fails to connect, it will be skipped.  The round-robin director will
       try all the backends once before giving up.

   The DNS director
       The DNS director can use backends in two different ways. Either like the random or  round-robin  director
       or using .list:

          director directorname dns {
                  .list = {
                          .host_header = "";
                          .port = "80";
                          .connect_timeout = 0.4s;
                  .ttl = 5m;
                  .suffix = "";

       This  will  specify  384  backends, all using port 80 and a connection timeout of 0.4s. Options must come
       before the list of IPs in the .list statement.  The .list-method does not  support  IPv6.  It  is  not  a
       white-list,  it  is  an  actual  list of backends that will be created internally in Varnish - the larger
       subnet the more overhead.

       The .ttl defines the cache duration of the DNS lookups.

       The above example will append "" to the incoming Host header supplied by the  client,
       before looking it up. All settings are optional.

       Health checks are not thoroughly supported.

       DNS  round  robin  balancing is supported. If a hostname resolves to multiple backends, the director will
       divide the traffic between all of them in a round-robin manner.

   The fallback director
       The fallback director will pick the first backend that is healthy. It considers  them  in  the  order  in
       which they are listed in its definition.

       The fallback director does not take any options.

       An example of a fallback director:

          director b3 fallback {
            { .backend = www1; }
            { .backend = www2; } // will only be used if www1 is unhealthy.
            { .backend = www3; } // will only be used if both www1 and www2
                                 // are unhealthy.

   Backend probes
       Backends  can  be  probed to see whether they should be considered healthy or not.  The return status can
       also be checked by using req.backend.healthy.

       Probes take the following parameters:

       .url   Specify a URL to request from the backend.  Defaults to "/".

              Specify a full HTTP request using multiple strings. .request will have \r\n automatically inserted
              after every string.  If specified, .request will take precedence over .url.

              How many of the latest polls we examine to determine backend health.  Defaults to 8.

              How  many  of  the  polls  in  .window must have succeeded for us to consider the backend healthy.
              Defaults to 3.

              How many of the probes are considered good when Varnish starts.  Defaults to the  same  amount  as
              the threshold.

              The expected backend HTTP response code.  Defaults to 200.

              Defines how often the probe should check the backend.  Default is every 5 seconds.

              How fast each probe times out.  Default is 2 seconds.

       A backend with a probe can be defined like this, together with the backend or director:

          backend www {
            .host = "";
            .port = "http";
            .probe = {
              .url = "/test.jpg";
              .timeout = 0.3 s;
              .window = 8;
              .threshold = 3;
              .initial = 3;

       Or it can be defined separately and then referenced:

          probe healthcheck {
             .url = "/status.cgi";
             .interval = 60s;
             .timeout = 0.3 s;
             .window = 8;
             .threshold = 3;
             .initial = 3;
             .expected_response = 200;

          backend www {
            .host = "";
            .port = "http";
            .probe = healthcheck;

       If you have many backends this can simplify the config a lot.

       It is also possible to specify the raw HTTP request:

          probe rawprobe {
              # NB: \r\n automatically inserted after each string!
              .request =
                "GET / HTTP/1.1"
                "Connection: close";

       An  ACL  declaration creates and initializes a named access control list which can later be used to match
       client addresses:

          acl local {
            "localhost";         // myself
            ""/24;      // and everyone on the local network
            ! "";      // except for the dialin router

       If an ACL entry specifies a host name which Varnish is unable to resolve, it will match any address it is
       compared  to.   Consequently,  if  it  is  preceded  by a negation mark, it will reject any address it is
       compared to, which may not be what you intended.  If the entry is enclosed in  parentheses,  however,  it
       will simply be ignored.

       To match an IP address against an ACL, simply use the match operator:

          if (client.ip ~ local) {
            return (pipe);

   Regular Expressions
       Varnish  uses  PCRE  - Perl-compatible regular expressions. For a complete description of PCRE please see
       the pcre(3) man page.

       To send flags to the PCRE engine, such as to turn on  case  insensitivity  add  the  flag  within  parens
       following a question mark, like this:

          # If host is NOT example dot com..
          if ( !~ "(?i)$") {

       The following built-in functions are available:

              Adds  a  string to the hash input. In default.vcl hash_data() is called on the host and URL of the

       regsub(str, regex, sub)
              Returns a copy of str with the first occurrence of the regular expression regex replaced with sub.
              Within  sub,  \0 (which can also be spelled \&) is replaced with the entire matched string, and \n
              is replaced with the contents of subgroup n in the matched string.

       regsuball(str, regex, sub)
              As regsuball() but this replaces all occurrences.

       ban(ban expression)
              Bans all objects in cache that match the expression.

              Bans all objects in cache whose URLs match regex.

       A subroutine is used to group code for legibility or reusability:

          sub pipe_if_local {
            if (client.ip ~ local) {
              return (pipe);

       Subroutines in VCL do not take arguments, nor do they return values.

       To call a subroutine, use the call keyword followed by the subroutine's name:

       call pipe_if_local;

       There are a number of special subroutines which hook into the Varnish workflow.   These  subroutines  may
       inspect  and  manipulate  HTTP headers and various other aspects of each request, and to a certain extent
       decide how the request should be handled.  Each subroutine terminates by calling one of a small number of
       keywords which indicates the desired outcome.

              Called  when  VCL  is  loaded,  before any requests pass through it.  Typically used to initialize

              return() values:

              ok     Normal return, VCL continues loading.

              Called at the beginning of a request, after the complete request has  been  received  and  parsed.
              Its  purpose  is  to decide whether or not to serve the request, how to do it, and, if applicable,
              which backend to use.

              The vcl_recv subroutine may terminate with calling return() on one of the following keywords:

              error code [reason]
                     Return the specified error code to the client and abandon the request.

              pass   Switch to pass mode.  Control will eventually pass to vcl_pass.

              pipe   Switch to pipe mode.  Control will eventually pass to vcl_pipe.

              lookup Look up the requested object in the cache.  Control will  eventually  pass  to  vcl_hit  or
                     vcl_miss, depending on whether the object is in the cache.  The bereq.request value will be
                     set to GET regardless of the value of req.request.

              Called upon entering pipe mode.  In this mode, the request is passed on to the  backend,  and  any
              further  data  from  either  client  or backend is passed on unaltered until either end closes the

              The vcl_pipe subroutine may terminate with calling return() with one of the following keywords:

              error code [reason]
                     Return the specified error code to the client and abandon the request.

              pipe   Proceed with pipe mode.

              Called upon entering pass mode.  In this mode, the request is passed on to the  backend,  and  the
              backend's  response  is  passed  on  to the client, but is not entered into the cache.  Subsequent
              requests submitted over the same client connection are handled normally.

              The vcl_pass subroutine may terminate with calling return() with one of the following keywords:

              error code [reason]
                     Return the specified error code to the client and abandon the request.

              pass   Proceed with pass mode.

                     Restart the transaction. Increases the restart counter. If the number of restarts is higher
                     than max_restarts varnish emits a guru meditation error.

              You may call hash_data() on the data you would like to add to the hash.

              The vcl_hash subroutine may terminate with calling return() with one of the following keywords:

              hash   Proceed.

              Called after a cache lookup if the requested document was found in the cache.

              The vcl_hit subroutine may terminate with calling return() with one of the following keywords:

                     Deliver the cached object to the client.  Control will eventually pass to vcl_deliver.

              error code [reason]
                     Return the specified error code to the client and abandon the request.

              pass   Switch to pass mode.  Control will eventually pass to vcl_pass.

                     Restart the transaction. Increases the restart counter. If the number of restarts is higher
                     than max_restarts varnish emits a guru meditation error.

              Called after a cache lookup if the requested document was not found in the cache.  Its purpose  is
              to  decide  whether or not to attempt to retrieve the document from the backend, and which backend
              to use.

              The vcl_miss subroutine may terminate with calling return() with one of the following keywords:

              error code [reason]
                     Return the specified error code to the client and abandon the request.

              pass   Switch to pass mode.  Control will eventually pass to vcl_pass.

              fetch  Retrieve the requested object from the backend.  Control will eventually pass to vcl_fetch.

              Called after a document has been successfully retrieved from the backend.

              The vcl_fetch subroutine may terminate with calling return() with one of the following keywords:

                     Possibly insert the object into the cache, then deliver it to  the  client.   Control  will
                     eventually pass to vcl_deliver.

              error code [reason]
                     Return the specified error code to the client and abandon the request.

                     Pass  in  fetch.  This  will  create  a  hit_for_pass  object.  Note  that  the TTL for the
                     hit_for_pass object will be set to what the current value of beresp.ttl.  Control  will  be
                     handled  to vcl_deliver on the current request, but subsequent requests will go directly to
                     vcl_pass based on the hit_for_pass object.

                     Restart the transaction. Increases the restart counter. If the number of restarts is higher
                     than max_restarts varnish emits a guru meditation error.

              Called before a cached object is delivered to the client.

              The vcl_deliver subroutine may terminate with one of the following keywords:

                     Deliver the object to the client.

                     Restart the transaction. Increases the restart counter. If the number of restarts is higher
                     than max_restarts varnish emits a guru meditation error.

              Called when we hit an error, either explicitly or implicitly due to backend or internal errors.

              The vcl_error subroutine may terminate by calling return with one of the following keywords:

                     Deliver the error object to the client.

                     Restart the transaction. Increases the restart counter. If the number of restarts is higher
                     than max_restarts varnish emits a guru meditation error.

              Called when VCL is discarded only after all requests have exited the VCL.  Typically used to clean
              up VMODs.

              return() values:

              ok     Normal return, VCL will be discarded.

       If one of these subroutines is left undefined or terminates without reaching a handling decision, control
       will be handed over to the builtin default.  See the EXAMPLES section for a listing of the default code.

   Multiple subroutines
       If  multiple  subroutines with the the name of one of the builtin ones are defined, they are concatenated
       in the order in which they appear in the source.  The default versions distributed with Varnish  will  be
       implicitly concatenated as a last resort at the end.


          # in file "main.vcl"
          include "backends.vcl";
          include "ban.vcl";

          # in file "backends.vcl"
          sub vcl_recv {
            if ( ~ "(?i)") {
              set req.backend = foo;
            } elsif ( ~ "(?i)") {
              set req.backend = bar;

          # in file "ban.vcl"
          sub vcl_recv {
            if (client.ip ~ admin_network) {
              if (req.http.Cache-Control ~ "no-cache") {

       Although  subroutines  take  no  arguments,  the  necessary  information is made available to the handler
       subroutines through global variables.

       The following variables are always available:

       now    The current time, in seconds since the epoch. When used in string context it returns  a  formatted

       The following variables are available in backend declarations:

       .host  Host name or IP address of a backend.

       .port  Service name or port number of a backend.

       The following variables are available while processing a request:

              The client's IP address.

              Identification of the client, used to load balance in the client director.

              The host name of the server.

              The  identity  of  the  server,  as set by the -i parameter.  If the -i parameter is not passed to
              varnishd, server.identity will be set to the  name  of  the  instance,  as  specified  by  the  -n

              The IP address of the socket on which the client connection was received.

              The port number of the socket on which the client connection was received.

              The request type (e.g. "GET", "HEAD").

              The requested URL.

              The HTTP protocol version used by the client.

              The backend to use to service the request.

              Whether the backend is healthy or not. Requires an active probe to be set on the backend.

              The corresponding HTTP header.

              Force  a  cache  miss for this request. If set to true Varnish will disregard any existing objects
              and always (re)fetch from the backend.

              Ignore any busy object during cache lookup. You would want to do  this  if  you  have  two  server
              looking up content from each other to avoid potential deadlocks.

              Does the client accept the gzip transfer encoding.

              A count of how many times this request has been restarted.

              Boolean. Set to false to disable ESI processing regardless of any value in beresp.do_esi. Defaults
              to true. This variable is subject to change in future versions, you should avoid using it.

              A count of how many levels of ESI requests we're currently at.

              Set to a period to enable grace.

              Unique ID of this request.

       The following variables are available while preparing a backend request (either for a cache miss  or  for
       pass or pipe mode):

              The request type (e.g. "GET", "HEAD").

              The requested URL.

              The HTTP protocol version used to talk to the server.

              The corresponding HTTP header.

              The time in seconds to wait for a backend connection.

              The time in seconds to wait for the first byte from the backend.  Not available in pipe mode.

              The  time  in  seconds to wait between each received byte from the backend.  Not available in pipe

       The following variables are available after the requested object has been  retrieved  from  the  backend,
       before it is entered into the cache. In other words, they are available in vcl_fetch:

              Deliver  the object to the client directly without fetching the whole object into varnish. If this
              request is pass'ed it will not be stored in memory. As of Varnish Cache 3.0 the object will marked
              as busy as it is delivered so only client can access the object.

              Boolean.  ESI-process the object after fetching it. Defaults to false. Set it to true to parse the
              object for ESI directives. Will only be honored if req.esi is true.

              Boolean. Gzip the object before storing it. Defaults to false.

              Boolean. Unzip the object before storing it in the cache.  Defaults to false.

              The corresponding HTTP header.

              The HTTP protocol version used the backend replied with.

              The HTTP status code returned by the server.

              The HTTP status message returned by the server.

              The object's remaining time to live, in seconds. beresp.ttl is writable.

              Set to a period to enable grace.

              Set to a period to enable saint mode.
              Name of the backend this response was fetched from.

              IP of the backend this response was fetched from.

              Port of the backend this response was fetched from.
              Set to force Varnish to save this object to a particular storage backend.

       After the object is entered into the cache, the following (mostly read-only) variables are available when
       the  object  has  been  located in cache, typically in vcl_hit, or when constructing a synthetic reply in

              The HTTP protocol version used when the object was retrieved.

              The HTTP status code returned by the server.

              The HTTP status message returned by the server.

              The object's remaining time to live, in seconds. obj.ttl is writable.

              The approximate time elapsed since the object was last requests, in seconds. This variable is also
              available in vcl_deliver.

              The  approximate  number  of  times  the object has been delivered. A value of 0 indicates a cache
              miss. This variable is also available in vcl_deliver.

              The object's grace period in seconds. obj.grace is writable.

              The corresponding HTTP header.

       The following variables are available while determining the hash key of an object:

              The hash key used to refer to an object in the cache.  Used when both reading from and writing  to
              the cache.

       The following variables are available while preparing a response to the client:

              The HTTP protocol version to use for the response.

              The HTTP status code that will be returned.

              The HTTP status message that will be returned.

              The corresponding HTTP header.

       Values may be assigned to variables using the set keyword:

          sub vcl_recv {
            # Normalize the Host: header
            if ( ~ "(?i)^(www.)?$") {
              set = "";

       HTTP headers can be removed entirely using the remove keyword:

          sub vcl_fetch {
            # Don't cache cookies
            remove beresp.http.Set-Cookie;

   Grace and saint mode
       If  the backend takes a long time to generate an object there is a risk of a thread pile up.  In order to
       prevent this you can enable grace.  This allows varnish to serve an expired version of the object while a
       fresh object is being generated by the backend.

       The  following  vcl  code  will  make  Varnish  serve expired objects.  All object will be kept up to two
       minutes past their expiration time or a fresh object is generated.

          sub vcl_recv {
            set req.grace = 2m;
          sub vcl_fetch {
            set beresp.grace = 2m;

       Saint mode is similar to grace mode and relies on the same infrastructure but functions differently.  You
       can add VCL code to vcl_fetch to see whether or not you like the response coming from the backend. If you
       find that the response is not appropriate you can set beresp.saintmode to a time limit and call  restart.
       Varnish will then retry other backends to try to fetch the object again.

       If  there are no more backends or if you hit max_restarts and we have an object that is younger than what
       you set beresp.saintmode to be Varnish will serve the object, even if it is stale.


       The following code is the equivalent of the  default  configuration  with  the  backend  address  set  to
       "" and no backend port specified:

          backend default {
           .host = "";
           .port = "http";

           * Copyright (c) 2006 Verdens Gang AS
           * Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Varnish Software AS
           * All rights reserved.
           * Author: Poul-Henning Kamp <>
           * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
           * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
           * are met:
           * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
           *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
           * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
           *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
           *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
           * The default VCL code.
           * NB! You do NOT need to copy & paste all of these functions into your
           * own vcl code, if you do not provide a definition of one of these
           * functions, the compiler will automatically fall back to the default
           * code from this file.
           * This code will be prefixed with a backend declaration built from the
           * -b argument.

          sub vcl_recv {
              if (req.restarts == 0) {
                  if (req.http.x-forwarded-for) {
                      set req.http.X-Forwarded-For =
                          req.http.X-Forwarded-For + ", " + client.ip;
                  } else {
                      set req.http.X-Forwarded-For = client.ip;
              if (req.request != "GET" &&
                req.request != "HEAD" &&
                req.request != "PUT" &&
                req.request != "POST" &&
                req.request != "TRACE" &&
                req.request != "OPTIONS" &&
                req.request != "DELETE") {
                  /* Non-RFC2616 or CONNECT which is weird. */
                  return (pipe);
              if (req.request != "GET" && req.request != "HEAD") {
                  /* We only deal with GET and HEAD by default */
                  return (pass);
              if (req.http.Authorization || req.http.Cookie) {
                  /* Not cacheable by default */
                  return (pass);
              return (lookup);

          sub vcl_pipe {
              # Note that only the first request to the backend will have
              # X-Forwarded-For set.  If you use X-Forwarded-For and want to
              # have it set for all requests, make sure to have:
              # set bereq.http.connection = "close";
              # here.  It is not set by default as it might break some broken web
              # applications, like IIS with NTLM authentication.
              return (pipe);

          sub vcl_pass {
              return (pass);

          sub vcl_hash {
              if ( {
              } else {
              return (hash);

          sub vcl_hit {
              return (deliver);

          sub vcl_miss {
              return (fetch);

          sub vcl_fetch {
              if (beresp.ttl <= 0s ||
                  beresp.http.Set-Cookie ||
                  beresp.http.Vary == "*") {
                           * Mark as "Hit-For-Pass" for the next 2 minutes
                          set beresp.ttl = 120 s;
                          return (hit_for_pass);
              return (deliver);

          sub vcl_deliver {
              return (deliver);

          sub vcl_error {
              set obj.http.Content-Type = "text/html; charset=utf-8";
              set obj.http.Retry-After = "5";
              synthetic {"
          <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
          <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
              <title>"} + obj.status + " " + obj.response + {"</title>
              <h1>Error "} + obj.status + " " + obj.response + {"</h1>
              <p>"} + obj.response + {"</p>
              <h3>Guru Meditation:</h3>
              <p>XID: "} + req.xid + {"</p>
              <p>Varnish cache server</p>
              return (deliver);

          sub vcl_init {
                  return (ok);

          sub vcl_fini {
                  return (ok);

       The  following  example  shows  how  to  support  multiple sites running on separate backends in the same
       Varnish instance, by selecting backends based on the request URL:

          backend www {
            .host = "";
            .port = "80";

          backend images {
            .host = "";
            .port = "80";

          sub vcl_recv {
            if ( ~ "(?i)^(www.)?$") {
              set = "";
              set req.backend = www;
            } elsif ( ~ "(?i)^$") {
              set req.backend = images;
            } else {
              error 404 "Unknown virtual host";

       The following snippet demonstrates how to force a minimum TTL for all documents.  Note that this  is  not
       the  same  as  setting  the  default_ttl  run-time parameter, as that only affects document for which the
       backend did not specify a TTL:

          import std; # needed for std.log

          sub vcl_fetch {
            if (beresp.ttl < 120s) {
              std.log("Adjusting TTL");
              set beresp.ttl = 120s;

       The following snippet demonstrates how to force Varnish to cache documents even when cookies are present:

          sub vcl_recv {
            if (req.request == "GET" && req.http.cookie) {

          sub vcl_fetch {
            if (beresp.http.Set-Cookie) {

       The following code implements the HTTP PURGE method as used by Squid for object invalidation:

          acl purge {

          sub vcl_recv {
            if (req.request == "PURGE") {
              if (!client.ip ~ purge) {
                error 405 "Not allowed.";

          sub vcl_hit {
            if (req.request == "PURGE") {
              error 200 "Purged.";

          sub vcl_miss {
            if (req.request == "PURGE") {
              error 200 "Purged.";



       • vmod_std(7)


       VCL was developed by Poul-Henning Kamp in cooperation with Verdens Gang AS, Redpill  Linpro  and  Varnish
       Software.   This manual page was written by Dag-Erling Smørgrav and later edited by Poul-Henning Kamp and
       Per Buer.

       This document is licensed under the same license as Varnish itself. See LICENSE for details.

       • Copyright (c) 2006 Verdens Gang AS

       • Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Varnish Software AS


       Dag-Erling Smørgrav, Poul-Henning Kamp, Kristian Lyngstøl, Per Buer