Provided by: ara_1.0.31build1_amd64 bug


       ara - a utility for doing boolean regexp queries on the the Debian package database


   Batch mode:
       ara [options] query

       In  batch  mode,  ara  takes  one  or more queries as arguments, read the database files according to its
       configuration, and outputs the results to stdout.

   Interactive mode:
       ara [options] -i

       With the -i or -interactive options, ara reads the database files and then prompts the user  for  queries
       or commands.  The results are displayed (with the help of a pager such as more or less if necessary), and
       ara prompts the user again.   Interactive  mode  is  strongly  recommended,  since  loading  the  package
       databases  can  be  long, but once loaded, queries run quite fast.  This is a major advantage of ara over
       tools such as dpkg-iasearch or dpkg-dctrl.

       For key bindings see KEY BINDINGS.

   Graphical interface (GTK2):
       A graphical interface, xara(1), is provided by the Debian package xara-gtk.

   Query syntax
       See the EXAMPLES section for a quick introduction ; xara has some built-in help.  The syntax is described
       in detail below.


       ara  and xara allow the user to search the Debian software package database (which includes installed and
       uninstalled packages) using powerful queries made of boolean combinations of regular  expressions  acting
       on fields given by patterns.

       For  example,  the  query  section=utils & depends:(gtk or tk8 or xlibs or kde or gnome or qt) & debian &
       package will display packages in the section utils that have graphical interfaces (because they depend on
       graphical toolkits or X11 libraries), and whose description contains the words debian and package.


       Debian  users  can easily install software with the commands dselect or apt-get install.  They can choose
       (on Debian 3.1 unstable) from over 30,000 packages.  Finding the right package can  be  quite  difficult.
       Although  packages  are  categorized in crude sections, there are still too many packages and reading all
       descriptions is out of the question.

       The database files are huge and their mail-like syntax makes them hard to search with line-oriented tools
       like  grep.   There  exist  commands such as dpkg-iasearch(1) or dpkg-dctrl(1) but their capabilities are
       limited.  Graphical package management tools such as  aptitude  or  synaptic  have  search  capabilities.
       Although  ara  can  call  apt to install or remove packages, its orientation is that of a powerful search
       tool.  Indeed, the name ara comes from the imperative form of the Turkish verb  aramak  which  means  "to


       The  database  of Debian packages is a huge text file at /var/lib/dpkg/available (or a collection of text
       files under /var/lib/apt/lists/).  These files are in a mailbox-like format, and a  typical  entry  looks
       like this:

       Priority: required
       Section: base
       Installed-Size: 460
       Origin: debian
       Maintainer: Dpkg Development <>
       Bugs: debbugs://
       Architecture: i386
       Source: dpkg
       Version: 1.10.24
       Replaces: dpkg (<< 1.10.3)
       Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-4), ....
       Filename: pool/main/d/dpkg/dselect_1.10.24_i386.deb
       Size: 119586
       MD5sum: c740f7f68dab08badf4f60b51a33500a
       Description: a user tool to manage Debian packages
        dselect is the primary user interface for installing, removing and
        managing Debian packages. It is a front-end to dpkg.

       Each package is thus described by a set of fields (like Package, Description, Version...).


       Here  we  describe  the  query  syntax in some detail.  As of version 1.0, ara introduces new, simplified
       syntax which is quite traditional and should be familiar to anyone having used  search  engines.   Search
       terms  are simply combined with AND, OR and NOT boolean operators.  Having a look at the EXAMPLES section
       at the end of this manual should provide you a starting point.

       Consider the set D of Debian package descriptions contained in the file  /var/lib/dpkg/available  (or  in
       files  under  /var/lib/apt/lists/).  Each description is a set of couples of the form (f,v) where f and v
       are strings: f is the name of the field (namely, Package, Description, Filename, Depends, etc.); v is its
       value.   Thus D is a set of set of couples, forming the universe.  Queries select subsets of the universe
       D.  Output options select which fields of the selected part of  the  universe  to  display,  and  how  to
       display them.

       A query is a boolean combination of atomic expressions.  An atomic expression selects a subset of the set
       D of descriptions.  I call this set the meaning of the expression; if e denotes an atomic expression, its
       meaning  is  denoted  by  [e].   The  meaning  of a boolean combination of atomic expressions is just the
       boolean combination of the meaning of its constituents.   In  other  words,  if  e1  and  e2  are  atomic
       expressions, then e1 & e2 is a query, whose meaning is the intersection of the meanings of e1 and e2; and
       the meaning of e1 | e2 is the union of the meanings of e1 and e2.

   Atomic expressions
       Atomic expressions can be of the forms pattern, /regexp/, quoted_string, fieldspec operator1  string,  or
       fieldspec operator2 regexp.

   Boolean operators and constants
       e1 & e2 (also e1 AND e2, e1 and e2)
              This  is  logical conjunction (set intersection).  Returns the intersection of [e1] and [e2], i.e.
              packages satisfying both e1 and e2.

       e1 | e2 (also e1 OR e2, e1 or e2)
              This is logical disjunction (set union).  Union of [e1] and [e2], i.e. packages satisfying e1,  e2
              or both.

       !e1 (also NOT e1, not e1)
              This  is logical negation (set complementation).  Complement of [e1], i.e. packages not satisfying

              Please note that ~ stands for the current default field specifier and is  not  an  alias  for  the
              complementation operator.

       true (also all)
              The set of all descriptions, i.e. all packages.

       false (also none)
              The empty set, i.e. no packages.

   Field specifiers
       A field specifier fieldspec is a comma-separated list of field patterns.

       Field  patterns  are  like  simple  shell  patterns and they may contain star characters (which stand for
       anything) or question marks (which stand for any single character).   They  are  case-insensitive.   They
       specify a set of fields.

       For  example description and Description specify the set of fields { Description }, whereas de* specifies
       { Description, Depends }.

       The special specifier ~ denotes the current default specifier (see below).

   Current fields specifiers and simplified atomic expressions
       The need to repeat the field specifier can make the above syntax cumbersome.  That  is  why  there  is  a
       current  field  specifier.   The current field specified is, by default, Description,Package.  Simplified
       atomic expressions are simply words or simplified shell expressions (which do not need to be enclosed  in
       double  quotes)  and  they  are  searched  in fields in the current field specifier.  They can be made of
       letters, digits, underscores, dashes and periods.  They may contain stars of  question  marks  which  are
       interpreted  as  for  field patterns (i.e., as simplified shell expressions).  If double quotes are used,
       other characters and spaces can be used.

       The default field specifier in a query query can be changed to fieldspec by simply  prefixing  the  query
       with fieldspec:.  This gives fieldspec:query.  However if query is complex (i.e., contains binary boolean
       operators) you need to enclose query in parentheses, as in fieldspec:(query1 or query2).

   String literals
       String literals can be given with or without double quotes; without double quotes, the syntax is as for C
       identifiers,  except  that  you can use dashes, you must start with a latin letter ([a-zA-Z]) and you can
       continue with Latin letters, decimal digits or underscore  ([a-zA-Z0-9_]).   Inside  double  quotes,  all
       characters are allowed, except double quotes, which must be preceded by a backslash.

       Results  of  queries  can be stored in variables, which may be recalled later.  This isn't very useful in
       batch mode but is useful in interactive and graphical modes.

       Variable names start with a dollar and follow usual conventions for variables, i.e., they can be any  mix
       of alphanumeric characters and symbols such as underscore, dash, etc.

       Variable names are case-sensitive so that $Installed and $installed are different.

       To  assign the result of a query (which is a set of packages) a variable named $variable just execute the
       query $variable := query.  You may then recall this particular set by simply writing $variable.

       Example: $installed := status:(installed & !not-installed)

       Hierarchical comparison operators can be negated by changing the direction  of  the  angle  brackets  and
       adding  or  removing  an  equality sign at end (<= becomes >).  Other operators are negated as follows: =
       becomes != and =~ becomes !~.

              Atomic expression selecting packages having a field in fieldspec having a value  a  value  exactly
              equal to string.

       fieldspec<string (fieldspec<=string, fieldspec>string, fieldspec>=string)
              Atomic expression selecting packages having a field in fieldspec whose value is strictly less than
              string.  The order used is the Debian versioning order.  This order is compatible with the natural
              order  on integers and with Debian version numbers.  When comparing strings not containing special
              characters, letters sort before numbers, as opposed to lexicographic ASCII order we are  used  to.
              This means that hexadecimal numbers (such as MD5 sums) will not have their usual order.

              Note that string must be on the right side of the operator (i.e., you cannot write 1000 < Size).

       fieldspec=~/expression/ (also fieldspec:/expression/)
              Selects descriptions whose field named fieldspec exists and whose value matches, case-sensitively,
              the regular expression expression.

       fieldspec=~/expression/i (also fieldspec:/expression/i)
              Same as above, but the regular expression is case-insensitive.

       fieldspec=~/expression/w (also fieldspec:/expression/w)
              Same as above, but the regular expression is case-sensitive and matches only at  word  boundaries.
              Note that letters-to-digit or digit-to-letter transitions are considered to be word boundaries.

       fieldspec=~/expression/iw (also fieldspec:/expression/iw)
              The regular expression here is case-insensitive and matched at word boundaries.

   Regular expressions
       Regular  expressions are given between a pair of slashes; the last slash can be followed by a commutative
       sequence of letters denoting flags.  Regular expression syntax  is  sed-like:  grouping  parentheses  and
       alternation  must  be  backslashed.   For  more details, see the Objective Caml manual chapter on the Str
       module.  In short (x,x1,x2 are meta-symbols denoting regular expressions):

       /./    Any character.

       /toto/ Literal string toto.

       /x1x2/ Concatenation.


              Star closure.

       [c-d]  Character range.

       \b     Word boundaries.

       /x/i   Case insensitive.

       /x/w   At word boundaries.

       Most queries  will  contain  an  appreciable  amount  of  shell  metacharacters.   For  example,  logical
       disjunction  is  denoted  by  the  pipe  character,  which  is  used by all known shells.  The problem is
       aggravated by the fact that names of real  commands  are  likely  to  appear  in  the  used  expressions;
       successfully setting up a UNIX pipeline by error is therefore plausible.

       When  calling  ara from the command line in batch mode, You are strongly urged to protect your queries by
       surrounding them with simple quotes; never write something like ara Pack*=~/halt|reboot|shutdown/ as this
       will  very  likely  reboot  your system (and is incorrect regular expression syntax, if halt or reboot or
       shutdown   is   meant:   pipes   must   be    backslashed).     Instead,    one    should    write    ara
       'Pack*=~/halt\|reboot\|shutdown /'


       -interactive, -i
              Interactive mode ; prompt for a query, display it.

       -config <path> (also for xara)
              Set configuration file name (default $HOME/.ara/ara.config).

              Dont attempt to create a configuration file.

              Dont save command history

   Help options
       -help (also for xara)
              Display some help

              -about Display copyright, thanks and dedication.

       -version, -about (also for xara)
              Print author, license, version and dedication (and exit if called from CLI).

              Display some documentation including examples exit.

       -q <query>
              Query (e.g., depends:xlibs & !package:xcalc).

       -query <query>

   Options pertaining to the terminal
       -progress (-noprogress)
              Show or dont show progress indicator when loading database.

       -lines <height>
              Set  height  of  terminal  for interactive display.  By default this is taken from the environment
              variable LINES or as 25 if it is undefined.

       -columns <width>
              Set width of terminal for interactive display.  By default this  is  taken  from  the  environment
              variable COLUMNS or as 25 if it is undefined.

       -pager (-nopager)
              Use  (or  dont  use)  a  pager  displaying  long output in interactive mode.  The pager command is
              defined   in   the   configuration   file   $HOME/.ara/ara.config.     By    default    this    is
              /etc/alternatives/pager.  The pager is only used when the output size exceeds the terminal height.

       -debug (also for xara)
              Enable debugging information

       -debug-level (also for xara)
              Set debugging level (higher is more verbose, max is 100, default is 10)

   Display styles
       -new Show only newest version of each package.

       -old   List all versions of packages.

       -short <query>
              Display  names  of  packages  satisfying  query  (and their version if -old is set), with multiple
              packages per line.

       -list <query>
              Same, but display one package name per line, and no curly braces (default).

       -raw <query>
              For each package satisfying the query, display all selected fields.

       -table <query>
              Display results as a table.

              Dont draw ASCII borders for tabular output.

              Draw ASCII borders for tabular output.

       -count <query>
              Display number of matching packages.

       -fields <field_1[:width_1],...>
              Limit output to specified fields.  The optional width specifiers are used with the  -table  option
              and  ignored  otherwise.   Use  * to display all fields (but remember to escape the star character
              from your shell).

       -ast   Dump the abstract syntax tree of parsed queries to stderr.


       ara 'Section=utils'
              List the name of every package in section utils.

       ara 'Section=utils and !Depends:(gnome|kde|gtk)'
               ... except those whose dependency field matches the regexp gnome\|kde\|gtk

       ara -list 'Section=utils and Status:(installed & !not-installed)'
              List all installed packages in section utils.

       ara -short 'section=utils and !depends:(gtk|gnome|kde) and priority=optional'
               ... list multiple names per line, and show only optional packages.

       ara -short 'section=utils & (!depends:(gtk|gnome|kde) | size<100000) & priority=optional'
              Well, exclude gtk,gnome or kde stuff only if 100000 bytes or greater.

       ara -noborders -fields Package,Size,Maintainer:20 -table \
                  -short 'section=utils & (!depends:(gtk|gnome|kde) | size<100000) & priority=optional'

        ... show Package, Size and Maintainer fields from the above results as a nice ascii table, limiting  the
       maintainer field to 20 characters, but without crude ASCII borders.

       ara -old -fields Package:8,Size,Description:100 \
                  -table 'Section=games and not (Depends:(gtk|sdl|kde|opengl|gnome|qt)
                  or /shoot\|kill\|destroy\|blast\|race\|bomb/iw
                  or /multi\(-\|\)player\|strategy\|conquest\|3\(-\|\)d/iw)
                  and Depends:(xlibs or vga)
                  and Size <= 1000000'

       Assuming a 125-column display, display the first eight characters of the package name, the size in bytes,
       and the first hundred characters of the (first line) of the description of  all  packages  in  the  games
       section whose size does not exceeding one million bytes, and which do not depend on fancy stuff like GTK,
       SDL, KDE, OpenGL, Qt or Gnome, do not mention some form of violence (to shoot, to kill, etc.)   in  their
       description,  are  not described as multi-player, strategy, conquest or three-dimensional, and yet depend
       on either xlibs or svga to exclude console-based games.


       ara reads the whole database into memory and then processes queries. Since the database is  usually  big,
       this  takes  some  time.  However,  queries  then  run quite fast. So specify multiple queries or use the
       -interactive option to amortize the cost of reading the database.


       ara is released under the GNU General Public License, version 2, a copy  of  which  is  included  in  the
       source distribution.


       Many  thanks  to George Danchev, Thomas Schoepf and Sven Luther for doing the Debian packaging of ara and
       many helpful comments.


       The system-wide configuration file for ara is /etc/ara.config.  Its syntax is  self-evident  and  follows
       the Ocaml lexical conventions.

       Values in the user-specific configuration file $HOME/.ara/ara.config override those of /etc/ara.config.


       Command line history is saved in $HOME/.ara/ara.history.

       The following databases are loaded by default:



       In  ara  the variables LINES and COLUMNS are used to determine the dimensions of the terminal.  Note that
       these variables are not exported by default in your shell ; add export LINES COLUMNS in  your  .zshrc  or


       xara(1),   apt-cache(8),   aptitude(8),   dpkg(8),   dselect(8),   grep-aptavail(1),   grep-available(1),
       grep-dctrl(1), grep-status(1), grep-dctrl(1), packagesearch(1), synaptic(1).


       Oguz Berke Durak <>


       Due to lack of Unicode support, non-ASCII characters lead to problems under Unicode terminals.  Note that
       the database files are encoded in Latin1.

                                                November 1, 2004                                          ARA(1)