Provided by: nordugrid-arc-client_4.0.0-1_amd64 bug


       arccp - copy files


       The arccp command copies files to, from and between grid storage elements.


       arccp [options] source destination


       -p, --passive
              use  passive  transfer  (off by default if secure is on, on by default if secure is
              not requested)

       -n, --nopassive
              do not try to force passive transfer

       -f, --force
              if the destination is an indexing service and not the same as the  source  and  the
              destination  is already registered, then the copy is normally not done. However, if
              this option is specified the source is assumed to be a replica of  the  destination
              created  in  an  uncontrolled way and the copy is done like in case of replication.
              Using this option also skips validation of completed transfers.

       -i, --indicate
              show progress indicator

       -T, --notransfer
              do not transfer, but register source into destination. destination must be a  meta-
              url. If destination already exists then meta-information of source must match meta-
              information of destination. This can be overridden using the --force option.

       -3, --thirdparty
              perform third party transfer, where the destination pulls  from  the  source  (only
              available with GFAL plugin)

       -u, --secure
              use secure transfer (insecure by default)

       -y, --cache=path
              path to local cache (use to put file into cache)

       -r, --recursive
              operate recursively

       -D, --depth=level
              operate recursively up to specified level

       -R, --retries=number
              number of retries before failing file transfer

       -L, --location=URL
              physical  file  to  write  to  when  destination  is  an  indexing service. Must be
              specified for indexing  services  which  do  not  automatically  generate  physical
              locations. Can be specified multiple times - locations will be tried in order until
              one succeeds.

       -P, --listplugins
              list the available plugins (protocols supported)

       -t, --timeout=seconds
              timeout in seconds (default 20). This timeout  applies  to  connections  to  remote
              services and indicates the maximum allowed idle time of the transfer.

       -z, --conffile=filename
              configuration file (default ~/.arc/client.conf)

       -d, --debug=debuglevel

       -v, --version
              print version information

       -?, --help
              print help


       source the source of the transfer

              the destination of the transfer


       The  arccp command copies files to, from and between grid storage elements. It can also be
       used to register files in file index catalogues, either automatically as the result  of  a
       file transfer, or by using the --notransfer option. For more information on ARC URL syntax
       please read "Protocols, Uniform Resource Locators (URL) and Extensions Supported  in  ARC"

       If  source  and/or  destination  start from '@', the remaining argument is assumed to be a
       path to a local file containing a list of URLs, one per line.  In this case arccp performs
       like it were called multiple times - once for every URL.

       When  copying  directories  both  the  source  and destination must end with the directory
       separator character and a recursion option -r or -D must be specified.

       All data transfer goes through the machine of the caller of arccp, even in the case of two
       remote endpoints, unless the --thirdparty option is used. With this option credentials are
       delegated to the destination and it pulls the data directly from the source.  The  timeout
       option  in  this  case applies to the entire transfer itself and default timeouts are used
       for connections to the remote endpoints. Note that third-party transfer is  only  possible
       if the GFAL2 plugin is installed.

       Depending  on  the  installed  libraries  (check with -P ), the following protocols may be
       used: file  (file://  prefix  may  be omitted), http, https, httpg, ftp, gsiftp, lfc, srm,
       root. To connect source or destination to standard input/output use '-' instead of URL.


              Some  options  can  be  given  default  values by specifying them in the ARC client
              configuration file. By using the --conffile option a different  configuration  file
              can be used than the default.


              The location of the user's Grid proxy file. Shouldn't be set unless the proxy is in
              a non-standard location.

              The location where ARC is installed can be  specified  by  this  variable.  If  not
              specified  the  install  location  will  be determined from the path to the command
              being executed, and if this fails a WARNING will  be  given  stating  the  location
              which will be used.

              The  location  of ARC plugins can be specified by this variable. Multiple locations
              can be specified by separating them by : (; in Windows). The  default  location  is
              $ARC_LOCATION/lib/arc (\ in Windows).


       arccp -i lfc:// /tmp/file1.dat


       APACHE LICENSE Version 2.0


       ARC  software  is  developed  by  the  NorduGrid Collaboration (,
       please consult the AUTHORS file distributed with  ARC.  Please  report  bugs  and  feature
       requests to


       arcls(1), arcmkdir(1), arcrename(1), arcrm(1),