Provided by: bashburn_3.0.1-1_all bug


       BashBurn - A bash script CD Burner Writer


       Once  upon  a time, or more exactly sometime around December year 2001 if I'm not misaken, a young little
       nerd named Anders Lindén was trying to burn some CDs with his recently bought CD-burner. He tried  a  lot
       of  different  programs, but for some reason it would just not work properly. So, the little nerd thought
       to himself: "I guess I just have to do something about this myself". And so he did...


       So, you downloaded BashBurn and now you want to burn a lot of CDs?
       Well, if you've used BashBurn before, you can stop reading now and get
       going. If not, take your time to read this manpage.

            See  for updates.

       1. Unpack the file (And if you are reading this I guess you already did)
       2. Cd into the directory and run the installation script (
          For options, run --help
          (To do a global install that will affect all users on a system
           you will have to be root or have global write permissions)
       3. Start the program by running 'bashburn' and configure it.
       4. Enjoy!

       For those that have systems where the bash executable isn't located
       in /bin/bash, you might need to edit the scripts so they contain the
       correct path, or create a symlink from the executable to /bin/bash.
       (Like cd /bin && ln -s /path/to/bash ./bash)
       Newer BashBurn versions should be able to handle systems where bash is
       located somewhere else, if not then let me know.

       Gentoo Linux users can install BashBurn by running 'emerge bashburn'.
       Mandrake Linux users can find BashBurn in the contrib repository.
       Damn Small Linux has BashBurn included on the cd.
       The latest version can always be downloaded from
       (If BashBurn is packaged for more distros, let me know and I'll add it here)

       Any problems mail me on or post
       on the BashBurn mailinglist.

       After installing BashBurn, start it up by typing 'bashburn'.
       The first time BashBurn will create a directory from where it will
       read which files to be burnt.  Default is /tmp/burn.
       Now choose configure. You will be presented with a menu of options.
       Don't understand what they all mean? Don't worry, there is an
       explanation for every one of them. If unsure, pick the default value,
       it's often fine.
       After you've gone through each option, choose Apply Settings.
       (Remember to do this or nothing will be saved.)
       Now choose Return to go back to the main menu.


       BashBurn is designed to be as easy to understand as possible.
       Let's say you want to burn an audio CD. Where do you go?
       To Audio of course, and under Audio there are more options to choose from.
       Just remember that before attempting a burn you must copy or link the
       data or audio files to be burnt to the temporary burn directory,
       which again by default is /tmp/burn.

       For example, let's say you want to burn an ISO file.
       1: Start BashBurn, pick option 10, define data.
       2: Pick option 1, and follow instructions. Link the data
          with 'ln -s /path/to/myfile.iso .'
          (Without the ''. The dot is important)
          (You can also copy the data if you prefer that,
          cp -Rf <data> <destination>)
       3: Return to the main menu, choose ISO and pick the Burn ISO option.
       4: Done!

       Any problems with BashBurn, suggestions or complaints mail me at or post on the BashBurn mailinglist.

       Have fun using BashBurn


       BashBurn translation rules for translators

       There are 2 steps in translation process we must distinguish:

       - ADD     (new) translation
       - UPDATE  (existing) translation

       Both steps are described below and each translator should know this.

       1. ADD translation process

       CONTACT a bashburn developer and tell what you want translate. He will do the
       necessary things to provide you a language directory with different skeleton
       files. (Hint: You can also do this by yourself - but you need a little
       knowledge of the bashburn translation structure and you should only do this if
       you KNOW what you do! Otherwise you may "damage" all other translations!)

       Edit with a text editor the file "TRANSLATOR" in the language directory of the
       language you want to translate and encode it in unicode UTF8. It contains 4
       lines which you should correctly edit:

         First Name: Name
         Surname   : Another_name
         E-Mail    : mymail@xy.loc
         Exit-Date : ?

       The first lines should be clear.
       The "EXIT-DATE" is the date which you know that you can't do the translation
       anymore. There are 2 types of this:

         12. August 2009

       -> In the first case you will leave the translation project at 12. August 2009
       (please use the shown date-format!).
       -> If you don't know a date - just enter '?'. This means you don't plan to exit bashburn
       translation now - but you may do it and contact us if you wish so.

       This is not to nerve you. This information is help us to ensure good
       translations: We can contact you in case of questions and we can welcome
       another translator for your language in case you want not do it anymore.

       In any case:
       - We contact you in case you should update a translation.
       - If we don't hear anything from you over a longer period of time AND we have a
       new interested translator - this person can starting updating translation. You
       will be deleted from TRANSLATOR file (but maybe mentioned in "CREDITS" file).

       Now goto description of UPDATE translation (step 2).

       2. UPDATE translation process

       You need a (text) editor which supports Unicode UTF8 encoding of the
       translation text files. Bashburn translation files must be ENCODED in UTF8 (see

       Bashburn uses the GNU "gettext" translation system for translation (see
       ""). If you don't know this, you should
       read more about it.

       Now you can begin to translate the ".po" files in your language directory.
       There also graphical programs like "KBabel" which can support you by this step.

       After finishing translation and you think all it's done, edit the file
       "STATE" in your language directory. Delete the message in it (e.g.):

         "Your language directory need updating translation!"

       and write in:


       After this, we know that we can use "savely" your translation.

       Contact a bashburn developer to complete your translation technically (this
       involves creating of ".mo" files and some file coying). (You can do this also
       manually with "make MO <language>" and "make install <language>".

            Markus Kollmar


       Q1:  Why?
       A1:  I felt like it. Well, I got sick of a program I used always failing to burn audio cds, and  since  I
       don't know how to program C or something I decided to write a simple little shell script to do the job.

       Q2:  What can BashBurn do?
       A2:  BashBurn  can  burn data, music and multisession CDs/DVDs.  It can burn and create ISO files. It can
       burn bin/cue files, create MP3s, OGGs and FLAC files. Maybe even more :-) In short, it can do most things
       you need, and if it can't you're probably doing it wrong. ;-)

       Q3:  You/BashBurn/Ya mama/Vacuum machines suck!
       A3:  That's not a question.

       Q4:  Why the name change?
       A4:  Apparently  there  already  was a program named Magma, so a namechange was a must.  I agree BashBurn
       isnt really a kickass name, but hey! At least it  can still get the work done...

       Q5:  Can I steal the code and base my own programs on it?
       A5:  Yes. Can't imagine why anyone would want to, but sure. Just remember to release your  program  under
       the GPL, and leaving the credits would be nice.

       Q6:  Can I help?
       A6:  Sure!  Code  away  and  send  me  the patch. If I find it worthy (Which I do most of the times) I'll
       include it in the next release and add you to the credits file.

       Q7:  How do I install BashBurn?
       A7:  Read the INSTALL file dummy!

       Q8:  BashBurn often failes to write CDs.
       A8:  Well I bet it isn't really BashBurns fault. Could be that your system  isn't  fast  enough.  Try  to
       reduce  the  speed  of  your  burner,  or  buy  higher quality CDs. If your burner supports it, try using
       burnfree/burnsafe. Of course it COULD be BashBurn failing, in which case it's a bug. Send me a mail  with
       a description of the problem and I'll try to fix it as soon as possible.

       Q9:  I try to create an ISO-file from files in my harddrive, but all files from different directories end
       up in the root, not in their respective directories!
       A9:  Yes, this is a known bug in Magma versions before 1.0. If you are  using  a  version  that  old  you
       should be taken out back and put down.  You could also try to download a newer version.

       Q10: Who are you?
       A10: A little geek from Sweden, and thats all you need to know. :-)

       Q11: How do I use driver options?
       A11: You  don't  really  have  to,  but  if you want to try it out, here is how.  Under configure, choose
       driver options and BashBurn will show what your burner supports. My burner supports burnfree, so I  enter
       burnfree  and  press  enter.  The  next time I burn a cd, BashBurn will enable burnfree to prevent buffer
       underruns. You can enter several options by separating them with a comma.

       Q12: BashBurn cannot find my cd-burner. What do I do?
       A12: Make sure that you have support for your burner in the kernel. For IDE burners you  can  either  use
       SCSI  emulation  or  ATAPI  mode.  (Check Q18) If you don't know how to configure your kernel, use google
       (There is lots of good information on the web), or #linuxhelp on

       Q13: Where do I report bugs? Where do I find any help?
       A13: Join the mailinglist and report it there, or send me a mail.

       Q14: When will Magma 2 be released?
       A14: It wont. Magma doesnt exist anymore, remember? We'll  see  what  happens  in  the  future,  for  now
       BashBurn is what you have to settle with.

       Q15: Does BashBurn support for instance overburn?
       A15: Yes, though it's not really tested that much. Try it out, and if it works, great, let me know. If it
       doesn't work, crap, let me know.

       Q16: I can't mount my ISO and view it. What's wrong?
       A16: Make sure you have support for loopback devices in your kernel or compiled as a module  and  loaded.
       If  you're  not root, make sure you are part of the sudoers group, since BashBurn uses sudo when mounting
       the image in that case.

       Q17: I ran as root, but I still cant start BashBurn as a regular user
       A17: Download and install BashBurn 1.0 or later. In those versions the installation script  is  rewritten
       and works a lot better.

       Q18: Does BashBurn support IDE burners natively, or do I need to use SCSI emulation?
       A18: As  from BashBurn 1.3, IDE burners should work just fine. I use this myself and have not experienced
       any problems so far. To be able to use this you  will need a 2.6 Linux kernel, cdrtools  version  2.0  or
       higher and  BashBurn 1.3 or higher.

       Q19: Running BashBurn in sudo gives me an error.
       A19: The latest version of BashBurn should work fine in sudo. If it doesn't tell me about it and I'll try
       to find a workaround.

       Q20: Where is this mailinglist I've been hearing so mych about?
       A20: Go  to,  click  on  the  link  that  says  "mailinglist"  and  follow  the
       instructions there on how to sign up.

       Q21: Can BashBurn burn DVDs?
       A21: See A2

       Q22: How do I install BashBurn?
       A22: Read the INSTALL file.

       Q23: What are the requirements for BashBurn?
       A23: Check  the webpage at for information.  Once BashBurn is installed, you can
       also run option 8 in the main menu, Check program paths to see if you need to install  any  programs  for
       full functionality. (Note: In Ubuntu normalize is called normalize-audio)

                 faqs last updated: October 2008


            files located under docs/ directory in the bashburn package.




            BashBurn is released under the GNU GPL -


            For any man page errors please report to the developers (see CONTACTS)


            Anders Linden et alia

                                                6th October 2008                                     BASHBURN(1)