Provided by: canto_0.7.10-4_amd64 

Canto-fetch - A quiet feed fetcher.
Canto-fetch is designed to be run through a cron job, every minute. Every time it's run, it checks the timestamp on each index file and updates the feed, if necessary. The format it produces is a simple UTF-8 encoded, NULL delimited text file on disk, readable by the canto client.
Canto-fetch is meant to be used through a cron, adding this line to your crontab will cause canto-fetch to poll every minute. * * * * * canto-fetch Alternatively, if you're unable/uncomfortable using cron, canto-fetch has a background daemon mode so you can invoke it in your X session scripts. Just use canto-fetch -b
These options correspond to options to the canto client. -h / --help Print usage and quit. -v / --version Print version and quit. -V / --verbose Output status while updating. -d / --daemon Continue to check for updates every minute. Mostly for debugging with -V, users probably want -b to background. -b / --background Detach from the terminal (implies -d) -f / --force Force updates on all feeds, ignoring timestamps. -s / --sysfp Use feedparser on system instead of builtin copy. -C / --conf [PATH] Set path to configuration file (default: ~/.canto/conf) -F / --fdir [PATH] Set path to feed directory (default: ~/.canto/feeds/) -L / --log [PATH] Set path to log (default: ~/.canto/fetchlog) -S / --sdir [PATH] Set the path to execurl scripts (default ~/.canto/scripts/)
~/.canto/fetchlog Canto-fetch log file. ~/.canto/feeds/ This is the directory where canto-fetch records stories.
None known, but it's not outside of the realm of possibility =P.
Jack Miller <>