Provided by: flumotion_0.10.0-3ubuntu1_amd64 bug


       flumotion-worker - streaming media server worker


       flumotion-worker  [ - ] [ --debug debug configuration ] [ -L logdir ] [ -R rundir ] [ -H host ] [ -P port
       ] [ -T protocol ] [ -n name ] [ -D ] [ --daemonize-to= directory ] [ -F ports | --random-feederports ] -u
       username -p password


       flumotion-worker  is  the  part  of  flumotion  that  actually  performs  all  the real work of encoding,
       streaming, etc. In a flumotion system, there will be a single  manager,  and  could  be  several  workers
       running  on  different  systems (this is useful to distribute the load of, for instance, video encoding).
       You need to have a minimum of one worker for flumotion to function correctly.

       You should start flumotion-manager first, then connect flumotion-worker to the running manager.


       -h, --help
              Show a brief help message, then exit.

              Show the version number.

       -v, --verbose
              Be verbose in console output. This is equivalent to  setting  the  debug  level  to  3,  and  will
              override any debug specifiers.

       -dDEBUG, --debug=DEBUG
              Set  the  debug configuration to the specified debug string. See the Debugging section for details
              of this.

       -L LOGDIR, --logdir=LOGDIR
              Specify the directory for logging output from the worker.

       -R RUNDIR, --rundir=RUNDIR
              Specify the directory for runtime files created by the worker.

       -HHOST, --host=HOST
              Specify the hostname on which the manager is running.

       -PPORT, --port=PORT
              Specify the port on which the manager in running (usually 7531 for SSL, or 8642 otherwise)

       -TTRANSPORT, --transport=TRANSPORT
              Set the transport protocol to use, either 'tcp' or 'ssl'. Default is 'ssl'.

       -nNAME, --name=NAME
              Set the name for this worker to use in the manager.

       -D, --daemonize
              Run in the background as a daemon.

       -u, --username
              Specify the username to use to connect to the manager.

       -p, --password
              Specify the password to use to connect to the manager.

       -FPORTS, --feederports=PORT_FROM-PORT_TO
              Specify the range of feeder ports to use in the format 'lower-upper'. These are the ports used for
              inter-worker  communication.  If  you have multiple workers on separate systems (perhaps one doing
              encoding, behind a firewall, and a second doing the streaming outside the firewall), they must  be
              able to communicate using this port range, so you'll have to open these ports in your firewall. It
              is recommended that you have a range of 20 ports.

              Use random available feeder ports.


       In the unlikely event of something in flumotion not working, you might want to debug  it.  The  flumotion
       tools  (  flumotion-worker , flumotion-admin , and flumotion-manager ) all allow you to turn on debugging
       output in two different ways.

       Firstly, you can use an environment variable, FLU_DEBUG. Secondly, you can launch the program with  a  -d
       or  --debug switch. Either approach allows you to specify a debug configuration string with the following


       In this syntax, the 'name' variables can be  replaced  with  the  name  of  a  particular  module  within
       flumotion  (such  as  'admin',  'twisted',  etc.).  You  can also use '*' to specify all modules. The 'n'
       variables are numbers from 1 to 5, larger numbers corresponding to  more  verbose  output  (ERROR,  WARN,
       INFO, DEBUG, and LOG). At level 4, full debugging information is emitted.

       You can also use an abbreviated form where you just supply a single number, thisuses that debug level for
       all modules. Thus the simplest way to enable full debug output for all modules is to use '-d  4'  on  the
       command line.

       A  more complex example would be '-d *:3,admin:4' to set the logging level for the admin module to DEBUG,
       and for all other modules to INFO.


       Simple example, starting flumotion-worker connecting to a manager using TCP, default host and  port,  and
       with the username 'user' and the password 'test'

              flumotion-worker -v -T tcp -u user -p test --feederports=8060-8080


       Hopefully  none.  If  you  find  any  bugs,  please  report  them  at

