Provided by: gnuspool_1.7ubuntu1_amd64 bug


       gspl-start - start GNUspool

       gspl-start - start a printer

       gspl-phalt - halt a printer at end of job

       gspl-pstop - halt a printer immediately

       gspl-pinter - interrupt printer

       gspl-padd - add a printer

       gspl-pdel - delete a printer

       gspl-pchange - change a printer

       gspl-ok - approve alignment

       gspl-nok - disapprove alignment

       gspl-pstat - test state of printer

       gspl-conn - connect GNUspool host

       gspl-disconn - disconnect GNUspool host


       gspl-start [ jobsize [ printersize ] ]

       gspl-start [ -options ] printer [ formtype ]

       gspl-phalt [ -options ] printer

       gspl-pstop [ -options ] printer

       gspl-pinter [ -options ] printer

       gspl-padd -options printer formtype

       gspl-pdel [ -options ] printer

       gspl-pchange -options printer [ formtype ]

       gspl-ok [ -options ] printer

       gspl-nok [ -options ] printer

       gspl-pstat [ -options ] printer state

       gspl-conn host

       gspl-disconn host


       Note that all these programs are in fact hard links to the same program.

Starting GNUspool

       gspl-start without arguments, or with one or two numeric arguments, may be used to start the GNUspool
       scheduler, spshed(8), together with associated programs, such as xtnetserv(8).

       The first optional argument specifies to spshed(8) that when allocating an initial block of shared memory
       for jobs it should allocate memory for at least the specified number of jobs.

       The second optional argument performs the same function with printers.

       These should not strictly be necessary, but on some platforms there are strange problems about allocating
       and deallocating blocks of shared memory whilst a program is running which these are intended to

       If spshed(8) is already running, gspl-start will have no effect.

       Printers with numeric names in the other form of gspl-start will not cause confusion if spshed(8) is

       All other forms of this command will initialise spshed(8), but this is very strongly not recommended. The
       scheduler should be started first, connections to other machines established, possibly using gspl-conn,
       and then printers should be started.

Starting printers

               gspl-start lj4

       will start printer "lj4" if it is halted. It will have no effect if it is already running. If it is
       printing, but it has been set to halt at the end of the current job, then this setting will be turned
       off, and the printer will continue at the end of the current job.

               gspl-start lj4 a4

       will likewise do nothing, other than canceling a "halt at end of current job" setting, if printer "lj4"
       is running with the paper type "a4" (i.e. form type up to the first ""."" or "-" is "a4", ignoring the
       "suffix"). Otherwise, printer "lj4" will be halted at the end of the current job if it is running, gspl-
       start will wait for it to halt, change the form type to "a4" and then restart it.

       Only "paper types", ignoring the suffix, are compared in deciding whether the form type is loaded.

       Shell-style wild cards (which should probably be protected from incorrect expansion by shell using
       quotes) may be used, in conjunction with the -f option, to start multiple printers, thus:

               gspl-start -f 'l*'
               gspl-start -f '*[!a-m]'
               gspl-start -f 'l*,*[!a-m]'

       will respectively start all printers whose names begin with "l", all printers whose names do not end with
       "a" through to "m" and both those classes of printers. Many installations include

               gspl-start -f '*'

       in the "startup script" to start up all local printers.

       Most of the options (e.g. -l and -C) serve only to clarify which printer or printers are being referred
       to where there is ambiguity or the user wishes to restrict the field.

       Names of printers starting with digits will not cause any confusion if spshed(8) is running.

       Printers on remote machines may be started by prefixing the machine name, thus

               gspl-start -f host1:l*

       Printers are not started on more than one machine at once. You should start the printers as separate

               gspl-start -f '*'
               gspl-start -f 'host1:*'
               gspl-start -f 'host2:*'

       To run gspl-start, the user must have halt and restart printers permission.

Halting printers

               gspl-phalt lj4

       will halt printer "lj4" at the end of the current job if it is running and will otherwise have no effect.

               gspl-phalt -f 'l*'

       will likewise halt all printers whose names start with "l" etc.

       Most of the options (e.g. -l and -C) serve only to clarify which printer or printers are being referred
       to where there is ambiguity or the user wishes to restrict the field.

       gspl-pstop is like gspl-phalt, but the printers are halted immediately, aborting any current job.

       Printers on remote machines may be halted by prefixing the machine name, thus

               gspl-pstop -f host1:l*

       To run these commands, the user must have halt and restart printers permission.

Interrupting printers

               gspl-pinter lj4

       interrupts the given printer (or printers), so as to enable a higher-priority job to be handled and the
       interrupted job resumed at the interrupted page. Note that this will only work as intended if page
       delimiters are correctly defined.

       Printers on remote machines may be interrupted by prefixing the machine name, thus

               gspl-pinter host1:lj4

       To run this, the user must have halt and restart printers permission.

Adding printers

               gspl-padd -l tty15 lj4b a4

       adds a new printer with the specified parameters. The -l option is mandatory to denote the device name
       (or network address) as is the initial form type, in the above example "a4".

               gspl-padd -l -N ptr9 a4

       adds a network (terminal server) printer with the IP address given.

       Please note that this does nothing to create an initial setup file, which should be created first.

       Printers on remote machines may not be added with this command.

       To run gspl-padd, the user must have add and delete printers permission.

Deleting printers

               gspl-pdel lj4b

       deletes the specified printer. It is a mistake to try to delete more than one printer at a time with this

       Printers on remote machines may not be deleted with this command.

       To run gspl-pdel, the user must have add and delete printers permission.

Changing printers

       gspl-pchange with appropriate options and a printer name (with optional form type) changes the specified
       parameters of a printer, which should be halted (and is left halted).

       To run gspl-pchange, the user must have add and delete printers permission.

Alignment pages

       If a printer is in "awaiting operator" state, then gspl-ok and gspl-nok may be used to communicate with

       If it is in single sheet mode, then the printer will be continued identically whichever command is used.

       If it is waiting for the approval of an alignment page, gspl-ok will grant approval and continue with
       printing, gspl-nok will disapprove the alignment page, causing the alignment routine to be rerun.

       To run gspl-ok and gspl-nok, the user must have select printer list permission.

State testing

               gspl-pstat lj4

       will return an exit code of 0 (TRUE to shells) if the printer is running, (i.e. printing or idle) and
       otherwise 1 (FALSE to shells). Some other exit code will be returned, together with a message, if there
       is an error, e.g. non-existent printer.

       To test for specific states, use the state names as listed by gspl-plist(1), (in fact it takes the state
       names from the same file by default) for example.

               if gspl-pstat lj4 error || gspl-pstat lj4 offline
               then    echo trouble with lj4

   Standard state names for gspl-pstat
       The following state names are used by gspl-pstat, which are usually shared with gspl-plist(1) in the
       message file by default. As with other GNUspool programs, the message file may be edited as

       offline printer has gone off-line or timed out

       error   an error has been raised by the printer, driver or GNUspool

       halted  printer is shut down and printing suspended by GNUspool

       startup being initialised to a ready/printing state from the halted state

       idle    ready to print next job but nothing to print

               in process of being taken down to the "halted" state

               a job is currently being printed

       a/w oper
               awaiting operator attention

Connect and disconnect

       gspl-conn instructs the GNUspool scheduler to attempt to raise a connection to the given host, which
       should be specified in the file gnuspool.hosts, and not currently active.

       gspl-disconn instructs the GNUspool scheduler to close a connection to the given host, which should be
       specified in the file gnuspool.hosts, and currently active.

       Both of these commands return immediately; however the connection may take some time and indeed may not
       succeed without the command returning an error message or code.

       The user must have stop scheduler permission to run these commands.


       Note that the order of treatment, letters and keywords described below may be modified by editing the
       file - see spsyntax(5).

       The environment variable on which options are supplied is the same as the name of the program invoked
       except in upper-case and with "-" changed to "_" (underscore), for example, "GSPL_START". The environment
       variable to specify the help file is "SPRESTCONF".

       -? or +explain
           causes a summary of the other options to be displayed without taking further action.

       -N or +network-device
           indicate to that the argument to -l refers to a network device.

       -L or +line-device
           indicate to that the argument to -l refers to a line (e.g. "tty" or "lp"-style) device.

       -s or +local-only
           (for gspl-padd) mark printer as being local only to the host.

       -w or +network-wide
           (for gspl-padd) mark printer as being available to other machines.

       -l device or +device-name device
           in the case of gspl-padd, defines the device name or network address of the printer.

           With other options, it may be used to specify which of several similarly-named printers is intended.

       -C nnnn or +classcode nnnn
           where nnnn consists of the letters A to P (upper or lower case), with - to denote ranges, specifies a
           class code.

           in the case of gspl-padd, it defines the class code (subject to modification by the user's class
           code) which will be given to the printer.

           With other options, it may be used to specify which of several similarly-named printers is intended.

       -D string or +description string
           set the description or comment field associated with the printer to string.

       -v device or +new-device device
           for gspl-pchange, reset the device name as specified. Note that the -l option may help to select the
           desired printer.

       -S or +set-classcode
           for gspl-pchange, reset the class code as specified. Note that the -C option may help to select the
           desired printer.

       -f or +force-all
           for gspl-start, gspl-phalt, gspl-pstop, gspl-pinter, gspl-pchange, gspl-ok, gspl-nok indicate that if
           the printer name argument selects more than one printer, then all such printers are intended.

       -n or +no-force
           cancels the -f option.

       -W or +wait-complete
           wait for operations to complete before exiting.

       -E or +no-wait
           do not wait for operations to complete before exiting.

           Save all the current options in a .gnuspool file in the current directory.

           Save all the current options in a .gnuspool file in the user's home directory.


       ~/.gnuspool configuration file (home directory)

        .gnuspool configuration file (current directory) message file


       N.B. Separate variables are provided for each program from Release 23 onwards. Previously "GSPL-START"
       applied to each program.

           space-separated options to override defaults for gspl-start.

           space-separated options to override defaults for gspl-phalt.

           space-separated options to override defaults for gspl-padd.

           space-separated options to override defaults for gspl-pdel.

           space-separated options to override defaults for gspl-pchange.

           space-separated options to override defaults for gspl-ok.

           space-separated options to override defaults for gspl-nok.

           space-separated options to override defaults for gspl-pstat.

           location of alternative help file.


       gspl-plist(1), gspl-pq(1), gspl-qlist(1), spsyntax(5), gnuspool.conf(5), gnuspool.hosts(5), spshed(8),


       Various diagnostics are read and printed as required from the message file, by default


       Copyright (c) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.  This is free software. You may redistribute copies of
       it under the terms of the GNU General Public License <>.  There is NO
       WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.


       John M Collins, Xi Software Ltd.