Provided by: grass-doc_6.4.3-3_all bug

NAME  - Creates control points on an image to be ortho-rectified.


       imagery, orthorectify

SYNOPSIS help group=string  [map=name]   [target=name]   [--verbose]  [--quiet]

           Name of imagery group

           Name of image to be rectified which will be initially drawn on screen

           Name of a map from target mapset which will be initially drawn on screen

DESCRIPTION is an imagery function that enables you to mark control points on an image
       to be ortho-rectified and then input the coordinates of  each  point  for  calculation  of
       rectification  parameters.   Rectification  is the mapping of an image from one coordinate
       system to another.  The geometry of an image extracted into a GRASS LOCATION having an x,y
       coordinate  system is not planimetric.  To create a planimetric image, that is, to convert
       the x,y coordinate system  into  a  standard  coordinate  system  (for  example,  the  UTM
       coordinate  system  or  the  State  Plane coordinate system), points from a map having the
       standard coordinates must be associated with the same points on the image to be rectified.
       The  ortho-rectification parameters are computed in two phases. The first phase computes a
       transformation matrix between image (row,col)  coordinates  and  photo  (x,y)  coordinates
       relative  to  the  perspective center. The transformation matrix is computed explicitly in
       the option .  The  second  phase,,  enables  you  to  mark
       control points on the image and then input the standard coordinates (Easting,Northing, and
       elevation) to determine the parameters for a three dimensional projective  transformation.
        may  be  run before running to modify the initial camera exposure station
       parameters, and/or modify the standard deviation of these parameters.
        is not required but generally is helpful.

       During the process of marking control points and entering standard  coordinates,  you  may
       compute  the RMS (root mean square) error for each control point entered.
       does this by calculating the transformation equation, and then plugging these results into
       an equation for RMS error.  offers  a  zoom  option  to locate precisely the point to be marked on an
       image. This program also offers you the option of acquiring  standard  coordinates  for  a
       marked point from a map layer in the target database, or from a digitizer.

       To run, a graphics monitor is required.

       The  procedure  for  marking  points,  entering  coordinates, and calculating RMS error is
       described below.

       The terminal screen displays the following message:

       use mouse now...

       The graphics monitor displays the following screen:

       |imagery  filename  (mag)     | target  filename  (mag)        |
       |                             |                                |
       |                             |                                |
       |                             |                                |
       |                             |                                |
       |                             |                                |
       |                             |                                |
       |                             |                                |
       |                             |                                |
       |                             |                                |
       |                             |                                |
       |                             |                                |
       |                             |                                |
       |                             |                                |
       |QUIT ZOOM PLOTCELL ANALYZE   |                                |

       A pop-down menu like that shown below will be superimposed on the left half of the screen:

                  | Double click on raster map to be plotted |
                  | Double click here to cancel              |
                              |  Mapset PERMANENT  |
                              |gs13.1   | gs14.1   |
                              |gs21.1   | gs22.2   |

       Any single file in the imagery group may be used to mark points, and you can  mark  points
       on  more than one file in the imagery group to accumulate the 12 points suggested minimum.
       Any file in the imagery group can be rectified  (using  )  based  on  the
       rectification parameters computed from these control points.

       The imagery file you select is displayed in the upper left quadrant of the screen.


       To  magnify the displayed file, you must place the mouse cross hairs on the word ZOOM. The
       following menu will then be displayed at the bottom of the screen:

                 |Cancel | Box | Point ||Select type of ZOOM |

       You may identifying the zoom window either by using the mouse to make a box, or  by  using
       the  mouse  to  mark  the  center  of the window and entering a magnification factor.  The
       terminal screen will display a mouse button menu to guide you in identifying the window.

       It is also possible to start zoom by box with middle mouse button and pan by  right  mouse


       To  mark  the  points  on the image that correspond to the points on a standard coordinate
       system map, you must place the mouse cross hairs on  the  corresponding  location  on  the
       image  to  be marked and press the left hand button on the mouse.  A diamond shaped symbol
       will be marked on the image.  The terminal will display the following menu:

          |Point 1 marked at IMAGE COORDINATES |                          |
          |IMAGE X:   1023.77                  |                          |
          |IMAGE Y:  -164.41                   |                          |
          |                                    |                          |
          |Enter CONTROL COORDINATES as east,north,elevation:             |

       You then enter the easting, northing, and elevation for the point marked on the image.  If
       you wish not to enter a coordinate, simply hit RETURN to return control to the mouse;  the
       marked point then disappears.

       Entered point can be canceled by right mouse button click.


       In addition to acquiring control points from a  standard  map,  you  have  the  option  of
       acquiring  the   points  from  a  cell-map  in  the  target database.  The database map is
       displayed by placing the mouse cross hairs on the words PLOT CELL.  The following line  is
       then displayed at the bottom of the monitor:

           |Cancel | Indicate which side should be plotted |

       Which  side  of the monitor is to be plotted is indicated by placing the mouse cross hairs
       on the half of the monitor screen that you would like to use, and pressing the left  mouse
       button.   The  following pop-down menu will be superimposed on the half of the screen that
       was chosen:

           | Double click on raster map to be plotted |
           | Double click here to cancel              |

           |   Mapset user1              |
           |tm.rectified  |              |
           |tm.classified |              |
           |   Mapset PERMANENT          |
           |elevation     | geology      |
           |slope         | soils        |
           |aspect        |              |
           |roads         |              |
           |streams       |              |
           |airfields     |              |

       After the map is displayed the following message appears at the bottom of the monitor:

            |input method ->  | keyboard | screen |

       If you wish to use the plotted map only as a comparative reference, the  keyboard  can  be
       chosen as the means to input coordinates corresponding to the marked control points.  This
       is done by placing the mouse cross hairs on the word KEYBOARD and pressing the left button
       on the mouse.

       If  you  select  the  SCREEN  option,  points  marked  on  the image will automatically be
       associated with the coordinates from the corresponding points on the target database  map,
       and  a  corresponding  elevation  from the cell-file selected for elevation data.  In this
       option, when you mark a point on the  image,  the  following  menu  is  displayed  on  the

          |Point 5 marked at IMAGE COORDINATES |                          |
          |IMAGE X: 1023.77                    |                          |
          |IMAGE Y: -164.41                    |                          |
          |                                    |                          |
          |                                    |                          |
          |Control Point location              |                          |
          |East:      679132.57                |                          |
          |North:    4351080.67                |                          |
          |Elevation:  1010.00                 |                          |
          |                                    |                          |
          |                                    |                          |
          |                                    |                          |
          |use mouse now...                                               |

       The  coordinates  for  the  target database map are automatically saved as the coordinates
       corresponding to the marked control point on the image.


       After a number of points have been marked (4 to 7), you can check the  RMS  error  of  the
       points  marked  on  the  image.  This is done by placing the mouse cross hairs on the word
       ANALYZE at the bottom of the monitor.  An error report  resembling  that  shown  below  is
       superimposed on the monitor:

       |                                 error                                    |
       |#  east    north    target    east    north    east    north     elev.    |
       |1  0.0     -0.9       1.0     48.5     4.8   79132.5 351080.6    10.0     |
       |2  0.4      1.0       1.3     53.1     7.2   84314.7 399001.4   239.3     |
       |3 -1.2     -0.5       0.6     52.8     6.5   67841.4 457682.8   209.5     |
       |4  1.1      0.5       1.3     34.0     9.2   77573.8 352626.4   432.5     |
       |5 -2.7     14.0      14.2     48.6  -144.9   79132.6 351080.7   985.0     |
       |                                                                          |
       |         overall   rms      error:   4.46                                 |

       The following menu then appears at the bottom of the monitor:

        |DONE | PRINT FILE |  Double click on point to be included/excluded |

       The  RMS error for the image is given under the column TITLEd "error" and subTITLEd "east"
       and "north".  In the above report, point number 1 is 0.0 and -0.9 meters (east and  north)
       from  the  predicted  location calculated from the transformation equation.  The RMS error
       for the target map is listed under the heading "target".  This is the RMS  error  for  the
       east  and  north  coordinates of the target map but it is presented in the table using one
       general value.  The overall RMS error is displayed at the bottom of the screen in  meters.
       Points that create high RMS error are displayed in red on the monitor (represented here in

       The image coordinates of the point marked on the imagery group file  is  given  under  the
       heading "image" and the subheadings "east" and "north".  The location of the control point
       in the  target  database  is  given  under  the  heading  "control"  and  the  subheadings
       "east","north", and "elev".  If you would like to exclude or include a control point, this
       can be accomplished by placing the mouse cross hairs on the control  point  number  to  be
       included (if the point is absent) or excluded (if the point is displayed) and pressing the
       left button on the mouse twice.  When a point is excluded, it is not  afterwards  included
       in  the  calculation  of the RMS error, or included in the final rectification parameters.
       However, it can be retrieved within at any time by  double  clicking  with
       the mouse as described above.


       To  end  the  program  place the mouse cross hairs on the word QUIT;  the
       marked control points (including coordinates) will be saved.


       During the  course  of  marking  control  points  and  computing  the  ortho-rectification
       parameters, a matrix inversion error may occur.  This is caused by trying to invert a non-
       singular normal equation matrix.  When this situation arises, the status of all previously
       selected   control  points  are  modified,  the  control  points  are  excluded.   Running
        for the selected imagery group with accurate camera exposure  station  parameters  should
       remedy  the  situation.  The excluded control points may again be included as described in
       the section ANALYZE.

       A good rule of thumb is to mark at least 12 to 15 points which are evenly distributed over
       the entire imagery group file in order to obtain an accurate transformation parameters for
       the rectification process.  The RMS error may increase with more  points  added,  but  the
       transformation parameters will be more accurate over the entire image.

       An  RMS  error  of less than or equal to approximately one resolution unit (pixel) for the
       image being rectified is generally considered acceptable.



       Mike Baba,  DBA Systems, Inc.

       Last changed: $Date: 2010-12-22 02:05:10 -0800 (Wed, 22 Dec 2010) $

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