Provided by: klatexformula_3.2.8-0ubuntu1_amd64 

klatexformula — Gui to generate pictures from latex formulas.
klatexformula [-i,--input file] [-l,--latexinput expression ] [-o,--output file ] [-F,--format format] [-f,--fgcolor '#xxxxxx'] [-b,--bgcolor '#xxxxxx'] [-X,--dpi N] [-m,--mathmode expression containing '...'] [-p,--preamble LaTeX code] [-q,--quiet] [--lborderoffset N] [--tborderoffset N] [--rborderoffset N] [--bborderoffset N] [--tempdir /path/to/temp/dir] [--latex latex executable] [--dvips dvips executable] [--gs gs executable] [--epstopdf epstopdf executable] [-h,--help] [-V,--version] [-Q,--qtoption qt-option]
This manual page documents briefly the klatexformula program. klatexformula provides a GUI to easily get an image from a LaTeX formula or equation. It can alos be used via commandline using the options below.
-i,--input file Specifies a file to read latex input from. -l,--latexinput expression Specifies the LaTeX code of an equation to render. -o,--output file Specifies to write the output image (obtained from equation given by --input or --latexinput) to file or standard output. -F,--format format Specifies the format the output should be written in. By default, the format is guessed from file name extension and defaults to PNG. -f,--fgcolor '#xxxxxx' Specifies a color (in web #RRGGBB hex format) to use for foreground color. Don't forget to escape the '#' to prevent the shell from interpreting it as a comment. -b,--bgcolor '#xxxxxx' Specifies a color (in web #RRGGBB hex format, or '-' for transparent) to use as background color (defaults to transparent). -X,--dpi N Use N dots per inch (DPI) when converting latex output to image. Defaults to 1200 (high- resolution image). -m,--mathmode expression containing '...' Specifies which LaTeX math mode to use, if any. The termument to this option is any string containing "...", which will be replaced by the equation itself. Defaults to "\[ ... \]" -p,--preamble LaTeX code Any LaTeX code that will be inserted before \begin{document}. Useful for including custom packages with \usepackage{...}. -q,--quiet Disable console output of warnings and errors. --lborderoffset N,--tborderoffset N,--rborderoffset N,--bborderoffset N Include a mtermin of N postscript points on left, top, right, or bottom mtermin respectively. --tempdir /path/to/temp/dir Specify the directory in which KLatexFormula will write temporary files. Defaults to a system- specific temporary directory like "/tmp/". --latex latex executable --dvips dvips executable --gs gs executable --epstopdf epstopdf executable Specifiy the executable for latex, dvips, gs or epstopdf. By default, they are searched for in $PATH and/or in common system directories. -h,--help Display this help text and exit. -V,--version Display KLatexFormula version information and exit. -Q,--qtoption qt-option Specify a Qt-Specific option. For example, to launch KLatexFormula in Plastique GUI style, use: klatexformula --qtoption='-style=Plastique' Note that if qt-option begins with a '-', then it must be appended to the long '--qtoption=' syntax with the equal sign.
latex (1), ghostview (1),
This manual page was written by Tobias Winchen for the Debian system (and may be used by others) based on the upstream documentation by Phillipe Faist. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common- licenses/GPL. KLATEXFORMULA(1)