Provided by: mpc-ace_6.0.3+dfsg-0.2_all bug


       mpc-ace, mwc-ace — generate project and workspace files


       mpc-ace [OPTION ...]  [FILE ...]

       mwc-ace [OPTION ...]  [FILE ...]


       mpc-ace  and mwc-ace, the Makefile, Project and Workspace Creator generate platform and compiler specific
       files to automate the compilation process (e.g. GNUmakefile     and

       The most common way to use the Make Project Creator is to run the workspace  generator  (mwc-ace).   This
       script  will  generate projects and a single workspace that contains the generated projects.  If no input
       FILE (.mwc file) is specified, it will recurse into the directory in which the script  was  started.   It
       looks for .mpc files and generates a project or projects for each one found.

       Most  of  what  is stated about mwc-ace applies to mpc-ace except that it only generates projects.  If an
       input FILE (.mpc file) is not provided, the project creator will attempt to create a default  project  in
       the directory from which the script was started.

       -global file
                 specifies  the  global input file.  Values stored within this file are applied to all projects.
                 If not specified, defaults to config/global.mpb

       -include directory
                 specifies a directory to search when looking  for  base  projects,  template  input  files  and
                 templates.  This option can be used multiple times to add directories.  Two include directories
                 are used by default (config      and templates)

       -recurse  recurse from the current directory and generate from all found input files.

       -ti dll | lib | dll_exe | lib_exe:file
                 specifies the template input  file  (with  no  extension)  for  the  specific  type,  e.g.  -ti
                 dll_exe:vc8exe.   Each  project  creator  has  a  default  template input file for each type of
                 project (dll_exe, lib_exe, dll, lib).  You can override the default template  input  file  name
                 with  the  -ti  option.   The file must have a mpt extension and must reside within the include
                 search directories.  NOTE: the lib       and the lib_exe template input  files  are  only  used
                 when MPC is generating static projects

                 generate  a  workspace  in  a  hierarchical  fashion.   Forces the generation of a hierarchical
                 workspace at each directory level in between the toplevel directory and  the  location  of  the
                 .mpc  file  that  is  being  processed.  This is the default for make based workspace creators.
                 NOTE: This option has no effect when when used with mpc-ace

       -template file
                 specifies the template name (with no extension).  file should have a .mpd extension and sit  in
                 one of the include search directories.  NOTE: The -template       option overrides the template
                 file for all types specified

       -relative name=var
                 any $() variable in an mpc file that is matched to name is replaced by var only if var  can  be
                 made into a relative path based on the current working directory

       -base project
                 add project as a base project to each generated project file.  Do not provide a file extension,
                 the .mpb extension will be tried first; if that fails the .mpc extension will be tried

                 do not place comments in the generated files

                 do not try to generate default relative definitions for *_ROOT,  which  come  from  environment

                 do not generate the top level target file.  Files are still processed, but no top level file is
                 created.  For mwc-ace, it says process all projects for a workspace, but do  not  generate  the
                 top level workspace file.  For mpc-ace, it says process the .mpc files, but do not generate the
                 project files

       -static   specifies that only static projects are generated.  By default, only dynamic projects  will  be
                 generated.   This  parameter  was  previously  -static_only.   Currently, mpc-ace only supports
                 generating dynamic projects or static projects, but not both during the same run.  To  generate
                 them  both  you  must  run  mpc-ace  twice,  once  with  the  -static  option and once without.
                 Additionally, the vc6, em3, vc7, vc71 and vc8 project names will no longer  automatically  have
                 _Static  appended  to  the  project  name  when  generating static projects.  This can still be
                 achieved by using the -name_modifier option.

                 When generating static projects, inter-project dependencies will not be generated for libraries
                 within  vc6,  em3,  vc7,  and vc71  workspaces.  The reason is due to the fact that each static
                 library that depended upon another would be combined at the library creation  stage,  resulting
                 in  extremely  large  libraries.   Dependencies  are  handled correctly by vc8 and later.  This
                 behavior can be modified  by  setting  the  MPC_DEPENDENCY_COMBINED_STATIC_LIBRARY  environment
                 variable.   It will force mpc-ace to generate inter-project dependencies for libraries within a
                 single workspace

       -genins   generate .ins files after processing each project that can be  used  in  conjunction  with  the
         script to install different parts of the project (such as header files) into an
                 alternate location

       -use_env  use environment variables for all uses of $() instead of the relative replacement values

       -value_template name+=val | name=val | name-=val
                 this option allows modification of a template input name pair.  Use += to add val to the name's
                 value.   Use  -=  to  subtract  and = to override the value.  If a template variable value will
                 contain spaces, it is best to enclose the whole setting in double quotes and use single  quotes
                 within the value to retain spaces (if it is necessary)

       -value_project name+=val | name=val | name-=val
                 this  option  allows  modification  of a project variable assignment.  Use += to add val to the
                 name's value.  Use -= to subtract and = to override the value.  This can be used  to  introduce
                 new name value pairs to a project.  However, it must be a valid project assignment

                 if  multiple  make  based  project  types  are generated, they will be named such that they can

       -feature_file file
                 specifies the features file to read before processing.  These feature names  can  be  anything,
                 but  they  should correspond to values used for the requires and avoids keywords.  If a feature
                 is required and is not enabled then the project will not be created.  If a  feature  is  to  be
                 avoided  and  it  is enabled then the project will not be created.  The default feature file is
                 default.features under the config directory

                 perform direct expansion, instead of performing relative replacement with  either  -use_env  or
                 -relative options

       -features features
                 specifies the feature list to set before processing.  Values specified by this option overwrite
                 values from features files, e.g. -features "qos=1,ssl=0"

       -gendot   generate .dot files for use with Graphvis.  This option, which is  only  useful  with  mwc-ace,
                 will  result in the generation of .dot files for each workspace processed.  Each .dot file will
                 contain information that can be fed to Graphvis to display the dependency information  for  the
                 various projects found within the workspace.

       -exclude directories
                 use  this  option  to  exclude directories or files when searching for input files.  NOTE: This
                 option has no effect when used with mpc-ace

       -name_modifier pattern
                 modify generated workspace or project names.  The pattern passed to this  parameter  will  have
                 the * portion replaced with the actual output name.  For example -name_modifier '*_Static' will
                 result in  all  workspace  and  project  names  ending  in  _Static,  e.g.  FOO_Static.dsw  and

                 when  used in conjunction with -name_modifier, it applies the name modifier to the project name
                 also.  NOTE: this option has no effect without the -name_modifier option

       -version  print the MPC version and exit

       -into directory
                 place all output files in a mirrored directory structure starting at directory

       -gfeature_file file
                 specifies the global feature file.  The default  value  is  global.features  under  the  config

       -language cplusplus | csharp | java | vb
                 specify the language preference.  The default is cplusplus

       -type  automake  |  bcb2007 | bcb2009 | bds4 | bmake | cc | em3 | ghs | html | make | nmake | sle | vc6 |
       vc7 | vc71 | vc8 | vc9 | vc10 | wb26
                 specifies the type of project file to generate.  This option can  be  used  multiple  times  to
                 generate multiple types.  There is no longer a default.  NOTE: The -ti     option overrides the
                 template input file for all types specified

   MPC Codebase Configuration File
       This configuration file can be used to specify alternate locations for the MPC Configuration File.  If  a
       base.cfg  is  found underneath the 'config' directory where MPC is executed, it will be read to determine
       the location of MPC.cfg based on the directory in which MPC was started.

       For example, if $MPC_ROOT/mwc-ace is run under /foo/bar_root/src and $MPC_ROOT/config/base.cfg contained:

       /foo/bar_root = /foo/bar_root/MPC/config

       MPC would attempt to open and read /foo/bar_root/MPC/config/MPC.cfg as the MPC  Configuration  File.   If
       the  base  configuration  file  is  not  present, MPC will try to use $MPC_ROOT/config/MPC.cfg as the MPC
       Configuration File.

       You may reference environment variables, accessed by $NAME, on either side of the equals sign.

   MPC Configuration File
       In an effort to move away  from  the  use  of  environment  variables,  a  configuration  file  has  been
       introduced.   The  configuration  file  (MPC.cfg)  can  contain settings to provide command line options,
       control logging and direct MPC to dynamic project types.

       The following keywords are allowed in the configuration file,  which  will  be  read  from  the  'config'
       directory of MPC.

                 provide additional command line options to MPC.  The value of this setting will be prepended to
                 the options passed to mwc-ace or mpc-ace

                 provide a single project type (as specified by the -type option) as the default project type

                 this comma separated list points to directories in which MPC will search for  Perl  modules  to
                 implement  additional  MPC project types, base projects or template files.  This setting can be
                 used to augment or replace functionality in MPC.  For each suitable directory  found,  it  will
                 add  a  modules include path for Perl to find modules, add a config include path to locate base
                 projects and a template               include path to find MPC templates.

       includes  similar to the -include command line option, it adds the list of comma separated paths  to  the
                 MPC include search paths.

       logging   if  this  setting  contains  info=1,  informational  messages  will be printed.  If it contains
                 warn=1, warning messages will be printed.  If it contains diag=1, diagnostic messages  will  be
                 printed.   If  it contains debug=1, debug messages will be printed.  And lastly, if it contains
                 detail=1, detail messages will be printed.  If it contains none  of  these,  mpc-ace  will  not
                 print  out  any  information  or  warnings  when processing projects or workspaces.  Errors are
                 always printed if any are encountered.

                 if this is set, mwc-ace will warn the user about references to projects in  the  after  keyword
                 that have not been processed

       The following environment variable could affect mwc-ace and mpc-ace:

                 see the help on -static parameter above

                 this  environment  variable  is  only  meaningful  when  generating  the ghs project files.  By
                 default, the ghs type assumes that it is for Windows.  If  this  is  not  the  case,  set  this
                 environment variable prior to running MPC
