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mysqldumpslow - Summarize slow query log files
mysqldumpslow [options] [log_file ...]
The MySQL slow query log contains information about queries that take a long time to execute (see Section 5.2.5, “The Slow Query Log”). mysqldumpslow parses MySQL slow query log files and prints a summary of their contents. Normally, mysqldumpslow groups queries that are similar except for the particular values of number and string data values. It “abstracts” these values to N and 'S' when displaying summary output. The -a and -n options can be used to modify value abstracting behavior. Invoke mysqldumpslow like this: shell> mysqldumpslow [options] [log_file ...] mysqldumpslow supports the following options. • --help Display a help message and exit. • -a Do not abstract all numbers to N and strings to 'S'. • --debug, -d Run in debug mode. • -g pattern Consider only queries that match the (grep-style) pattern. • -h host_name Host name of MySQL server for *-slow.log file name. The value can contain a wildcard. The default is * (match all). • -i name Name of server instance (if using mysql.server startup script). • -l Do not subtract lock time from total time. • -n N Abstract numbers with at least N digits within names. • -r Reverse the sort order. • -s sort_type How to sort the output. The value of sort_type should be chosen from the following list: • t, at: Sort by query time or average query time • l, al: Sort by lock time or average lock time • r, ar: Sort by rows sent or average rows sent • c: Sort by count By default, mysqldumpslow sorts by average query time (equivalent to -s at). • -t N Display only the first N queries in the output. • --verbose, -v Verbose mode. Print more information about what the program does. Example of usage: shell> mysqldumpslow Reading mysql slow query log from /usr/local/mysql/data/mysqld51-apple-slow.log Count: 1 Time=4.32s (4s) Lock=0.00s (0s) Rows=0.0 (0), root[root]@localhost insert into t2 select * from t1 Count: 3 Time=2.53s (7s) Lock=0.00s (0s) Rows=0.0 (0), root[root]@localhost insert into t2 select * from t1 limit N Count: 3 Time=2.13s (6s) Lock=0.00s (0s) Rows=0.0 (0), root[root]@localhost insert into t1 select * from t1
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For more information, please refer to the MySQL Reference Manual, which may already be installed locally and which is also available online at
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