Provided by: torque-client_2.4.16+dfsg-1.3ubuntu1.1_amd64 bug


       qstat - show status of pbs batch jobs


       qstat [-f [-1]] [-l] [-W site_specific] [-x] [job_identifier... | destination...]

       qstat [-a|-i|-r|-e] [-l] [-n [-1]] [-s] [-G|-M] [-R] [-u user_list] [job_identifier... |  destination...]

       qstat -Q [-f [-1]][-W site_specific] [-l] [destination...]

       qstat -q [-G|-M] [-l] [destination...]

       qstat -B [-f [-1]][-W site_specific] [-l] [server_name...]


       The qstat command is used to request the status of jobs, queues, or a batch server.  The requested status
       is written to standard out.

       When requesting  job  status,  synopsis  format  1  or  2,  qstat  will  output  information  about  each
       job_identifier  or  all jobs at each destination.  Jobs for which the user does not have status privilege
       are not displayed.

       When requesting queue or server status, synopsis format 3 through 5, qstat will output information  about
       each destination.


       -f        Specifies that a full status display be written to standard out.

       -a        "All"  jobs  are  displayed in the alternative format, see the Standard Output section.  If the
                 operand is a destination id, all jobs at that destination are displayed.  If the operand  is  a
                 job id, information about that job is displayed.

       -e        If  the  operand  is  a  job id or not specified, only jobs in executable queues are displayed.
                 Setting the PBS_QSTAT_EXECONLY environment variable will also enable this option.

       -i        Job status is displayed in the alternative format.  For a destination id  operand,  status  for
                 jobs  at  that  destination  which are not running are displayed.  This includes jobs which are
                 queued, held or waiting.  If an operand  is  a  job  id,  status  for  that  job  is  displayed
                 regardless of its state.

       -r        If  an  operand  is  a job id, status for that job is displayed.  For a destination id operand,
                 status for jobs at that destination which are running are displayed,  this includes jobs  which
                 are suspended.

       -n        In addition to the basic information, nodes allocated to a job are listed.

       -1        In combination with -n, the -1 option puts all of the nodes on the same line as the job ID.  In
                 combination with -f, attributes are not folded to fit in a terminal window.  This  is  intended
                 to ease the parsing of the qstat output.

       -s        In  addition  to  the  basic  information,  any  comment provided by the batch administrator or
                 scheduler is shown.

       -G        Show size information in giga-bytes.

       -M        Show size information, disk or memory in mega-words.   A word is considered to be 8 bytes.

       -R        In addition to other information, disk reservation information is shown.  Not applicable to all

       -u        Job  status is displayed in the alternative format.  If an operand is a job id, status for that
                 job is displayed.  For a destination id operand, status for jobs at that destination which  are
                 owned by the user(s) listed in user_list are displayed.  The syntax of the user_list is:
                 Host  names may be wild carded on the left end, e.g. "*".  User_name without a "@host"
                 is equivalent to "user_name@*", that is at any host.

       -Q        Specifies that the  request  is  for  queue  status  and  that  the  operands  are  destination

       -q        Specifies that the request is for queue status which should be shown in the alternative format.

       -B        Specifies  that  the  request is for batch server status and that the operands are the names of

       -x        Specifies that the output is to be displayed in XML form.  This option is only valid  with  the
                 -f option or by itself, which will also specify the -f full status display.

       -l        Specifies that the long name of the job (or the job name appended with the suffix alias) should
                 be displayed.


       If neither the -Q nor the -B option is given, the operands on  the  qstat  command  must  be  either  job
       identifiers or destinations identifiers.

       If the operand is a job identifier, it must be in the following form:
       where  sequence_number.server_name  is  the  job identifier assigned at submittal time, see qsub.  If the
       .server_name is omitted, the name of the default server will  be  used.   If  @server  is  supplied,  the
       request will be for the job identifier currently at that Server.

       If the operand is a destination identifier, it is one of the following three forms:
       If queue is specified, the request is for status of all jobs in that queue at the default server.  If the
       @server form is given, the request is for status of all jobs at  that  server.   If  a  full  destination
       identifier, queue@server, is given, the request is for status of all jobs in the named queue at the named

       If the -Q option is given, the operands are destination identifiers as  specified  above.   If  queue  is
       specified,  the  status of that queue at the default server will be given.  If queue@server is specified,
       the status of the named queue at the named server will be given.  If @server is specified, the status  of
       all  queues  at the named server will be given.  If no destination is specified, the status of all queues
       at the default server will be given.

       If the -B option is given, the operand is the name of a server.


       Displaying Job Status

       If job status is being displayed in the default format and the -f option is not specified, the  following
       items are displayed on a single line, in the specified order, separated by white space:

              -  the job identifier assigned by PBS.

              -  the job name given by the submitter.

              -  the job owner

              -  the CPU time used

              -  the job state:
                   C -     Job is completed after having run/
                   E -  Job is exiting after having run.
                   H -  Job is held.
                   Q -  job is queued, eligible to run or routed.
                   R -  job is running.
                   T -  job is being moved to new location.
                   W -  job is waiting for its execution time
                        (-a option) to be reached.
                   S -  (Unicos only) job is suspend.

              -  the queue in which the job resides

       If  job status is being displayed and the -f option is specified, the output will depend on whether qstat
       was compiled to use a Tcl interpreter.  See the configuration section for details.  If Tcl is  not  being
       used, full display for each job consists of the header line:
           Job Id:  job identifier
       Followed by one line per job attribute of the form:
           attribute_name = value

       If  any  of the options -a, -i, -r, -u, -n, -s, -G or -M are provided, the alternative display format for
       jobs is used.  The following items are displayed on a single line, in the specified order,  separated  by
       white space:

              -  the job identifier assigned by PBS.

              -  the job owner.

              -  The queue in which the job currently resides.

              -  The job name given by the submitter.

              -  The session id (if the job is running).

              -  The number of nodes requested by the job.

              -  The number of cpus or tasks requested by the job.

              -  The amount of memory requested by the job.

              -  Either the cpu time, if specified, or wall time requested by the job, (hh:mm).

              -  The job's current state.

              -  The amount of cpu time or wall time used by the job (hh:mm).
       If the -R option is provided, the line contains:

              -  the job identifier assigned by PBS.

              -  the job owner.

              -  The queue in which the job currently resides.

              -  The number of nodes requested by the job.

              -  The number of cpus or tasks requested by the job.

              -  The amount of memory requested by the job.

              -  Either the cpu time or wall time requested by the job.

              -  The job's current state.

              -  The amount of cpu time or wall time used by the job.

              -  The amount of SRFS space requested on the big file system.

              -  The amount of SRFS space requested on the fast file system.

              -  The amount of space requested on the parallel I/O file system.
       The last three fields may not contain useful information at all sites or on all systems.
       Note: Remaining walltime does not account for walltime multiplication factors.

       Displaying Queue Status

       If queue status is being displayed and the -f option was not specified, the following items are displayed
       on a single line, in the specified order, separated by white space:

            -      the queue name

            -      the maximum number of jobs that may be run in the queue concurrently

            -      the total number of jobs in the queue

            -      the enable or disabled status of the queue

            -      the started or stopped status of the queue

            -      for each job state, the name of the state and the number of jobs in the queue in that state.

            -      the type of queue, execution or routing.

       If queue status is being displayed and the -f option is specified, the  output  will  depend  on  whether
       qstat  was  compiled to use a Tcl interpreter.  See the configuration section for details.  If Tcl is not
       being used, the full display for each queue consists of the header line:
           Queue:  queue_name
       Followed by one line per queue attribute of the form:
           attribute_name = value

       If the -q option is specified, queue information is displayed in the alternative format:   The  following
       information is displayed on a single line:

              -  the queue name

              -  the maximum amount of memory a job in the queue may request

              -  the maximum amount of cpu time a job in the queue may request

              -  the maximum amount of wall time a job in the queue may request

              -  the maximum amount of nodes a job in the queue may request

              -  the number of jobs in the queue in the running state

              -  the number of jobs in the queue in the queued state

              -  the maximum number (limit) of jobs that may be run in the queue concurrently

              -  the state of the queue given by a pair of letters:
                 - either the letter E if the queue is Enabled or D if Disabled, and
                 - either the letter R if the queue is Running (started) or S if Stopped.

       Displaying Server Status

       If  batch  server  status  is being displayed and the -f option is not specified, the following items are
       displayed on a single line, in the specified order, separated by white space:

            -      the server name

            -      the maximum number of jobs that the server may run concurrently

            -      the total number of jobs currently managed by the server

            -      the status of the server

            -      for each job state, the name of the state and the number of jobs in the server in that state

       If server status is being displayed and the -f option is specified, the output  will  depend  on  whether
       qstat  was  compiled to use a Tcl interpreter.  See the configuration section for details.  If Tcl is not
       being used, the full display for the server consist of the header line:
           Server:  server name
       Followed by one line per server attribute of the form:
           attribute_name = value


       The qstat command will write a diagnostic message to standard error for each error occurrence.


       If qstat is compiled with an option to include a Tcl interpreter, using the -f flag to get a full display
       causes  a  check  to  be  made  for  a script file to use to output the requested information.  The first
       location checked is $HOME/.qstatrc.  If this does not exist, the next location checked  is  administrator
       configured.   If  one of these is found, a Tcl interpreter is started and the script file is passed to it
       along with three global variables.  The command line arguments are split into two  variable  named  flags
       and  operands  .   The status information is passed in a variable named objects .  All of these variables
       are Tcl lists.  The flags list contains the name of the command (usually "qstat") as its  first  element.
       Any  other elements are command line option flags with any options they use, presented in the order given
       on the command line.  They are broken up individually so that if two flags  are  given  together  on  the
       command line, they are separated in the list.  For example, if the user typed

       qstat -QfWbigdisplay

       the flags list would contain

       qstat -Q -f -W bigdisplay

       The operands list contains all other command line arguments following the flags.  There will always be at
       least one element in operands because if no operands are typed by the user, the  default  destination  or
       server  name  is used.  The objects list contains all the information retrieved from the server(s) so the
       Tcl interpreter can run once to format the entire output.  This list has the same number of  elements  as
       the operands list.  Each element is another list with two elements.  The first element is a string giving
       the type of objects to be found in the second.  The string can take the values "server",  "queue",  "job"
       or  "error".   The second element will be a list in which each element is a single batch status object of
       the type given by the string discussed above.  In the case of "error", the  list  will  be  empty.   Each
       object  is  again  a  list.   The  first  element  is  the  name  of the object.  The second is a list of
       attributes.  The third element will be the object text.  All three of these  object  elements  correspond
       with fields in the structure batch_status which is described in detail for each type of object by the man
       pages for pbs_statjob(3), pbs_statque(3), and pbs_statserver(3).  Each attribute in  the  second  element
       list  whose  elements  correspond  with the attrl structure.  Each will be a list with two elements.  The
       first will be the attribute name and the second will be the attribute value.


       Upon successful processing of all the operands presented to the qstat command, the exit status will be  a
       value of zero.

       If the qstat command fails to process any operand, the command exits with a value greater than zero.


       qalter(1B),    qsub(1B),    pbs_alterjob(3B),   pbs_statjob(3B),   pbs_statque(3B),   pbs_statserver(3B),
       pbs_submit(3B),     pbs_job_attributes(7B),     pbs_queue_attributes(7B),      pbs_server_attributes(7B),
       pbs_resources_*(7B) where * is system type, and the PBS ERS.